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March 20, 1936 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-20

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FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1936

- FRIDAY, MARCH 20. 1936

Curls, Curls, Shape, Color, Size
Curls, And To Vary In New Bags
SsBags in all colors, shapes, and sizes
Repeat, Curls are coming in almost every moment
of the day, and their individual charm
Hair Goes Up And Around must not be neglected in the selection
of a spring wardrobe.
In The Interesting, New The favorite fabrics for this spring's
Spring Coiffures pocketbooks are patent leather, ante-
lope, calfskin, glazed kid, alligator
Diagonal parts, swirls, curls and skin, leather, suede, satin and an infi-
short hair are important parts of the nite number of others.
newest spring coiffures. All sorts of Bags are large, smart and tailored
interesting arrangements can be ap- in the underarm or tophandle styles.

For The Mannish, For The Feminine,
l4nr Th lA n nlTit Slatr=--. 4,iI

Gay Handkerchiefs
Shown For Spring

I- 4 .-U~~ . .1.E.Nq/~/ ..NW

If one were to ask the average col-
lege woman what single costume she
considers indispensable she would al-
most certainly place emphasis upona
the suit. This spring, suits are even
more necessary to campus life than
in former seasons, and local shops are
showing a variety of styles in two'
and three-piece models,
The important mannish influence


u~v ...iN 'W.~F NWI J ~As gay as spring flowers are the
multi-colored print handkerchiefs
that are featured this spring. Bright
in lighter (0101'is very smart. The prints tend to lend thatachic touch
colors are tan with brown, lighter gray For use with the very tailored suits
with dark gray, and rose with navy, that are so popular this spring iere
With stout leather gloves, a good felt is the tailored handkerchief, an exact
hat and the popular oxford flats it replica of the man's handkerchief in
makes a perfect ensemble. a smaller size. Equally correct are
Startlingly different this season is the hankies in solid colors, ranging
the three-piece plaid and plain com- from off-shades of grey, butter-colors
bination. For instance, a blue tweed and soft yellows to bright greens and
skirt is topped with a bright plaid reds.

Bright Colors Important
Features In Stockings
Stockings must be bright, according
to the decree of fashion experts this
spring. There is a hint of red in
even the most dove-like grey. The
most popular shade -is a bright -sun-
tan; which goes equally well with
navy, green, grey or brown.
For those of you who can't be
weaned from your admiration of dark
shades, there is plenty of choice.
Sheer blue hose goes well with blue
dresses and is smart with your grey
suit. One dress designer is recom-
mending colored stockings to her cus-
tomers .As essential accessories to her
designs. She features green and
purple, stockings with grey costumes.




sacketis belted with sa rihl t nlaid eds.

plied to your hair with these effects.
as a foundation.
A diagonal part, beginning in the
middle and swirling around the side
to the back, gives a well balanced but
not too symetrical appearance to your
hair arrangement. It fits in perfectly
with waves slanting across the back
of the head which are so smart for

Flat curls appear un-
f expectedly almost any-
where on the head.
However built up curls
are definitely out. With
a middle part, curls
framing the face and
revealing only a bit of the ears are
sleek, demure, but surprisnigly chic.t
For a golden blond, a wide halo of
flattering vertical curls high on the
forehead is lovely. The
top of the head can be
entirely without waves.
The back curls are ar-
ranged across the nape;
of the neck. The so-
phisticate should comb
her waves loosely back sending in
streamline curls. Another smooth
coiffeur has the back hair brushed to
the right into a swirl above the right
ear. A roll of flat curls across the
top of the head or over the ear or
slanting with the wave, in fact, ver-
tical curls anywhere, are simple and
A three-quarter length bob is the
smartest length for hair this spring.
It gives the finishing touch to any of


Among the shapes of the pocketbooks is somewhat modified in a tweedai
featured are the envelpe pouc, top jcket and skirt combination. Good and a short swagger plaid topcoat
snap, circular and the new box shape material lends itself to nicely tailored with the popular wide lapels. For
- one of its many assets is its capa- lines. The waistline of the jacket is two-piece gray wool suit isclassically
city for holding things without losing well-defined and perks out into a smart. Three buttons march down
its shape. The glowing aray of colors little peplum in back. The color, a the front, the shoulders are slightly
range from blazing hot rust to pale nubby brown and white mixture, is padded and double pockets lend in-
butterscotch including all the various particularly good this spring. terest.
high colors of current fashions. Braid Bindings
---Link-button styles are being shownws New color combinations are al-
these waves and sets off the new hat rather widely. Brown worsted forms It n ong this liei brown
to the best advantage. a well-draped model of the two-piece an gayuAbwnandioae
variety. An attached linen gilet but-h d and gray. A brown and oatmeal
For those of you who have hair ton up the front, lending crisp cheerchecked tweed jacket with a velvet
long enough to braid, the new rol- tons gp th'lkron ingBridpbcnd- collar worn over a gray flannel skirt
ling braid is unusual and softer than tong appers on many sits Brad bn- stamps you as definitely fashion-
the chain braid. Inaperonm ysut, usually en- mid.
compassing wide lapels and jacket
In the evening natural edges. Assemble Your Own Suit
flowers worn behind the For the short woman who finds If you care to exercise your orig-
ears or fitted into the back trouble in fitting herself in the usual inality to the most effective degree,
wave add a natural jackets, a cutaway, shorter in front, the stores will allow you to scramble
charm. Little celophane is advisable. One is fastened with a your own ensembles. You may select
caps to match your form- single link button and boasts veryI a two-piece model of sharkskin orI
als make you feel as gay as they look. wide revers which extend to the thin wool and then brighten it up
A clip can be practical as well as or- shoulder. The skirt is straight and j with a contrasting swagger topcoat.
namental, being used to hold back highwaisted. A matching topcoat is rILight coats over dark jackets and
an unruly wave instead of a bobby collared in velvet, an important new skirts are the smartest color contrasts
pin. note on the scene, obtainable and one of the best of
But whether your coiffeur is long Puffed, padded shoulders are an these is gray over navy. The new
or short, demure, sophisticated or interesting feature adorning a box campus, as its lines are young and plasticine blue over darker blue is also
boyish, it should be simply tailored, coat suit in tweed. The coat, a three- swagger. An interesting combina- chic, as are green and navy. Rose is
following the contour of the head. button model, is bound in velvet. A tion is composed of a clay-colored a new shade to watch; it combines
Your ears should be at least a quar- softer suit features a short, belted coat with a black skirt, but it may to great advantage with tan, beige,
ter covered. In other words, now jacket, intricately stitched, and a also be had in beige and brown or
that summer is coming and we will be gored skirt with becoming lines. solid gray. The boxy cut of the coat bueoray.
busy at our various favorite sports, Reefer Suit Adds Heis enhanced by the English draped Not all suits are swagger models.
A Height I shoulder-fly front and back vent For more formal occasions the dress-
we want a smooth, practical, as well Tweed also appears in the popular in the approved mannish tradition. maker suit is very good. One version
as ornamental way to arrange our reefer suit. A long coat, buttoned of this becoming fashion combines a
hair. The new spring styles are as straight down the front in single Casual Campus Wear one-piece dress with a matching short
satisfactory on the golf course as on breasted fashion to give height, is The casual suit lends itself per- jacket. A swirl of soft fox envelopes
a dance floor. They are as beautiful made interesting by a childish round fectly to general campus wear. A the shoulders, and a swath of the
when rumpled as when newly set. collar and th'e new wide shoulder three-piece costume in angora camel material ties with becoming smooth-
line. Another version of this same hair, a beautifully soft material, is ness at the neck. It is a sophisti-
model comes with a short jacket in- particularly good-looking. The skirt cated model, appropriate for anything
stead of the reefer, the same lines is straight and tailored, the jacket from week-ends in town to dinners
being naintained. hip-length and belted in self-mater- out. This style comes in misted navy
The box coat is definitely a 1936 ial. Revers are wide, but every line. or gray sheer woolen with gray fox
style and is particularly suitable for is fundamentally classic. A topcoat in beige with matching fur.







For The

'or more dressy purposes plain
ite, fine linen handkerchiefs are as
ventional as they are smart



those who complete
their costumes with
sm artly individual 4..o
Hat Shop
Opposite the Pr etzrel Bell
If Can You Name AnH

F ---


that will add more class
to your Spring ensemble
... and at the same time
be so practical?


Presents,. .
r o
Triumph for YOU
Fashion dictates the Wasp Waists of the
historical play "Margot" and ribs outlined
like a tight-sashed youthful toreador's.
Many foundations can give you the new
lines-ONE can do it with uncorseted come
fort. Gossard's "Paris Soir" of satin and
ysatin Power elastic fabric is separated be-
tween the uplift sections with narrow elas'
tic straps for b rcathing case. $ 50"
Model 4894.....-.-...... ., I



Banal Clothes Modernized By
Addition Of New Accessories

From Tops To Flats
Hats - they cone in all styles and
shapes - flat hats, high hats, bowlers,
cart-wheels. Here we have the new
saucer model turned up at the sides
and down in the middle. It is of
brown felt with gay pompons. An-
other saucer made up in black strawC
is set off by a little band of gardenias
around the crown.
As to trimmings, velvet flowers
banked high on visors, or ostrich
feathers placed up at one side or
even bows are being featured. Veils
have returned to favor and are being
worn longer and sheerer than ever.
In colors, as in shapes, audacity
and variety are the key words to
success. New violet shades are just
coming in and can do much to
brighten up somber suits.

If you're interested in the intri-
cate, you can expect to have a grandt
time this spring shopping around for
those important new accessories. that
change the entire outlook of last
year's wardrobe. Accents again are
decidedly on youth. With a little
ingenuity and the addition of some
finishing touches, you can work won-
ders on banal clothes.
Start with your collars and cuffs.
If you're buying for a sport dress,
a, collar-cuff set of handkerchiefs isj
new and smart. There are two small
multi-colored striped handkerchiefs
to be knotted around each wrist and
a larger matching kerchief for the
neck. Another interesting combi-
nation is the "neckerchief" and
"pocketchief." The latter is slipped
in a suit or dress breast pocket to
brighten an otherwise plain top.

Belts assume a definite stand this
year. They are either very narrow
or extremely wide. There are suedes
with hand-carved wooden buckles.
There are braided calf ones. There
are brilliant gold and silver mesh
ones, with matching collars or ker-
chiefs, that will set off any dress.
There are leather buttons to match
many belts. Then there are the
clever pastel wood-galalith buttons.
They are round and bumpy, look like
wound rope and have buckles to
Finally, the main accent this spring
is white pique. It is used in scallops
very smartly to border a jacket or
vest. It is used on collars, on cuffs,
on ruching and ruffs. You find it
in flowers, in ascots, in the very ne-
cessary and popular gilets and "wes-

We have a most comprehensive
showing of Zwerdling quality
furs at most attractive prices.


&?8U.iEO1904 2179. BFO ,,:
32 Years of Unexcefied Values and Service

_ __ _ _ __
. _. .. i







. I

---------- - -


w. _

Mai at Libcriy


the Iire wh'n wlneverything
changes . . . the dreary and
serious nature of winter chang-
es to gayety and light-hearted-
ness... moods change. . . styles
change. . . the time, too, when

AVOICI ,S 1,4ifi11
A. K si




, '

4 issoltuei is I 1Iialnie IWithti te Oiension


White mass stitching
on toe and heel,
in black and blue.




Valera San
Blue, and
An authe

idal in.Grey,
ntic style.

t 'L cr8
Rose Iance . . . Peche . . . Sienna .. .
Suintan . . . Rose Indian . . . Tawney
Rochel . . . Beige . . . and dozens of
other lovely shades for Spring.
--m4 13

A fternoon

Chanel's "Russian
Lenthric's "Tweed"
Chanel's "No. 5"
Chanel's "Glamour"
Dunhill's "Gardenia"
Lenthric's Gardenia"
Corday's "Toujours
Caron's "Bellodgia"

I erfurries





11 1


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