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March 20, 1936 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-20

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It was not se very long ago that people began to take a renewed interest
in knitting. Some thought that it was only a fad that would soon pass out
of existence .. . but it seems that they were wrong .. . and there are those
on campus that Vould not know what to do with themselves if they didn't
have something to knit. Knitted suits for spring seem to be the thing at
present and they are tops for camipus wear as well as for evening. You can
cram them into odd corners of your suitcase without having to worry about
crushing or wrinkling them.
It seems that there are some professors on campus that do not object
to girls knitting in lectures. Of-course there are probably few notes taken by
those who indulge in this class room activity . . . but then at least some
constructive work is being accomplished even though it isn't along academic
lines. Marie Abbott . . . who is now an assistant in the Fine Arts department
. . used to mix business and pleasure in this manner . . . we hear.
And then there are those who knit at shows and at the theatre . . we
can see how one can get several rows done between acts of a play . . but
when it com s to knitting during a show . well . . . you just have to be
good. Perhaps one of the pet places and times to knit is around the
bridge table when you happen to be dummy. All of which goes to prove that
there are no wasted moments for those who really like to knit.
Who's Who In Knitting Circles. . .
Now to look around and see who is knitting what . . . Jane Servis has
recently completed a very good looking three-piece suit of tweed yarn . .
and Sue Thomas has been busy lately trying to knit a suit for herself. The
last time that we saw her working on it . . . she had the skirt about half
done . . . bt at the rate that she was going it ought to be nearly completed
by now. Margaret Gelenius has undertaken quite a job . . . but the finished
product should be stunning. The skirt is of plain blue . . . it has a bolero
style jacket with raglan sleeves . . . and the sweater is to be blue with
wIite polka dots.
At the Delta Gam house Maryanna Chockley is knitting a dusty rose
suit .. . and Mary Lou Willoughby . . . Dutch Van Dyke . . . Jane Peter
Nan Olds . . . and Harriet Hathaway . . . are also ardent fans and spend
much time . . . along with Sue Thomas . . . mixing their bridge and knit-
ting. And speaking of mixing things . . . Frances Carney . . . managing
editor of "Contemporary" . . . spends much time sitting at her desk in the
Publications Building knitting away on a bright red sweater . . . and when
we say bright . . . we mean it in this case.
With Those Who Knit.. .
And over at the Pi Phi house people are knitting constantly. Mary
"Margaret Barnes and Beth Ranney just seem to knit one thing after another
. .. and they always seem to be working on about three things at the same
time. Beth has just finished a blue inverness sweater . . . and she is now
working on a teracotta cashmere sweater as well as a pair of brightly striped
mittens. Mary Margaret . . . who has just completed a green dress . . . is
working on a grayish tan suit fashioned on shirt waist style. Sue Johnson
is also hurrying to finish a dress for spring . . . hers is to be of green
twinkle crepe and will button down the side.
At the Alpha Chi house we saw Mary Morrison knitting a brown tweed
suit . . . and Mary Morgan has started a sweater out of some beige angora
yarn which will set off that dark hair of hers. Jean Steare is working on a
green dress for spring, and we saw her wearing her new grey sweater that she
has just finished. Blue is favored by Gretchen Lehmann and Doris Wisner
who both enjoy matching their clothes to their eyes. Jane Freese .. .
although unoccupied at the present time . . . says she has been knitting
for herself for four years . . . and feels that after she has made two more
sweaters she will be entitled to a rest.
'Woolology' Is The Thing. . .
Over at Helen Newberry everybody has taken up "Woolology" in a big
way . . . Gloriana. Selje takes her as yet embryonic green sweater to lunch
with her . . . then proceeds to practically starve herself in a frantic attempt
to finish before the rest of her table and be able to talk and knit before the
general exodus. Ruth Clark . . . who is definitely in the clutches of "knit
one purl one" was started a lovely white coat. In Dorothy White's room
there is a yellow sweater in the last stages . . . but Dotty just can't seem
to get that last done. Ruth White has just finished a sweater that incorpor-
ates the tricky "cable stitch" in fire-engine red . . . and just can't wait to
get started on something else. Charlotte Meredith's blue suit . .. worked
on huge needles should be done soon . . . because she is one of the fortunate
few that takes less than a year to finish a knitting project .. .
Myrtle Liffland has been having her troubles lately with her knitting
. .. she's doing an afghan that is growing bigger and bigger by the row.
It covers her lsp as she sits knitting away. . . and keeps her so warm that
she may have to give up knitting during the summer months. At the A.E.Phi
house Florence Freeman has done big things for her wardrobe . . . She's
now on her fifth sweater.

A Den Of Knitting ...
We traversed the wide open spaces to Mosher-Jordan and found it to be
practically the den of the knitting fad. Betty Wilson is knitting an adorable
blue wool sweater . . . that sort of baby blue and the softest wool . . . she
is rushing madly to finish it before Cornell's spring vacation. Ginny Krieg-
hoff chose a yellow angora wool . . . she always chooses about midnight to
forget how to bind off stitches to the chagrin of the whole corridor. A light
blue boucle cress trimmed with rabbit's hair is Barbara Worth's newest
creation. Helen DeWitt is working on a very complicated dress . . . turquoise
velna yarn, to be very technical . . it has a lacy top . . . and promises to
be very beautiful.
And so it goes on and on . . . and we rather suspect that girls will
continue to knit . . . and carry their knitting bags to bridge parties . . .
fashion shows . . . and lectures. But we are also expecting to see a lot of
stunning new cutfits on campus in the next few weeks . . . So keep it up and
best luck to evesyone.
E ~,

the Time for New Ideas,
New Romances, New Clothes!
a glimpse of what is important . . . in the coming
mode - brought into focus, highlights thrown where
Paris trends are most emphatic and styles are newly
Tailored Kiplenoth Suits of men's wear
fabrics- Jackets and Skirts (Make
your own shit )
Boleros, Tunics, Peplums, Plaits . . . Navys
Greys, and All the New Dusty Tones.
We just can't begin to describe all the
new things that are here. We have the
grandest assortment ever at modest prices
as usual
(3he Elizabeth "Dillon

]acObson s

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Is What You Need

. . .

See these Styles at Collins



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p Cl

~I \

DRYAD- (at Left)
Light weight and comfort-
able, this two-piece Brad-
ley, knit of fine, zephyr
worsted is the perfect tai-
lored dress for Spring. In-
teresting double roll col-
tar, pockets set piquantly
asiant, under a soft suede
belt. For the rustic touch
so popular this Spring-a
fascinating miniature
latch-pin and lock of wood
at the collar and belt. In
a parade of the newest
English Spring colors.
o 42

* Patent Leather
* Swagger Buck
* Kidskin


in S
12 t

it's only-
from $3.95 to $10.00

(at Right)
The new Bradley Chenille
frock will give your Spring
wardrobe a flying start! A
two-piece knit, lacy stitch
top, accented by plain knit
skirt. New Notes: The
Spring leaf buckle-cross-
over neckline - the skirt
cut full in the new man-
ner fashion decrees. In
brisk, Spring shades.

New . . . Spring . . . Genuine Goodyear Welt
Oxfords that have a
perfect affinity for
campus life! Of Swag-
,er Buck in Grey,
Blue, Fawn, Brown,
White ! Get your
'"sports" at ...

(,dooey Jrll,






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