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March 20, 1936 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-20

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F't:ll rlY, lY[Ap..1.R :6, 61.1c,

White Dinner Coat Displaces Mess Jacket For Formal


tolling Shawl Wherein The
Collar DesignW
Now Featured
ati ailI LiAte Will [Iake A large number of the capi us
Sr 1 f "ntiy who are sporting those wick-
Strong Bid ' or a' --(1 d cv aid shirts, violently coloredl

Michigan Co-ed Declares
3elieves Men Should Wear

The New Sntap Briti

Fabric Shoes Will Be Correct
F(r Many Occasions This Year
r n A d III hite lltelS in plain white canvas with crepe sole,
G ? D l f -nd For caip)ls or town wealer mIodls

('umnerbunids Bak i sla1ks and checked sport coats areI
going to get a "bust in the snoot"' from
By F. CLAYTON HEPLER .old an romance if they try to crash
any of the sorority leagues when the
Spring formals are drawing near, open season gets under way with the
and the old problem of how to com- first bit of real balmy weather say
bine the blacks and whites which pre- the gals in five prominent eating
dominate is solved by the definite'clubs.
trends that have firmly established iTheta's, Pi Phi's, Alpha Phi's, Delta
themselves. (auna'a, and Sorosis members were.
'tnarmmaig heI nd sorority i girlsm i hes questio nied ini
The white washable dinner jacket n 'I n, thy srvey torleternsiifle ius
has definitely and emphatically dis- Tvw }a itwiniliked in men'smasionejs,
placed the mess jacket that has out- wat, wlemesults wer ii l1n1: as
lived its usefulness. They are both i e revs clin.
single and double breasted and are Tie raling.
cut in the same manner as the semi- Theyway not to make a hit with
formal or formal day-coats. Their your girl is to wear white detachable
distinctive feature is the rolling shawl collars with colored shirts all the
collar that is devoid of any notches houses consulted agreed, and in order
or peaks. to be really appealing that studied
The correct coat will be in the Eng-messiness is essential, according to
the Alpha Phi's.
lish drape model with the fullness in
the chest transferred to that vicinity Sorosis Ljke Pipes
beneath the shoulders. This feature The mystic charm that rough
is designed to give most of the free- tweeds, the smell of tobacco, and an
don of arm movement that the sports old pipe have cast over feminine
models aimed to achieve with their bi- hearts from time immemorial, is still
swings, pleats, et al. Other specifica- as potent as ever according to the
tions include the practical side vents Sorosis sisterhood as they backed up
and straight skirt. the general approval of 'those nice
Color Creeps In rough suits for campus wear.
Socks almost split the Panhellenic
A wild array of blue, red and green body wide open with the Pi Phi tribe
dinner jackets have made their ap- holding out for 'the wilder the bet-


iII, amid the Seorosis goimi: olf ol
a wild, aigeit in favor of canary
yellow, provided there was a sweater
to match.
The brother who really wants to
be a super gallant this spring and
summer, will rock his father for
enough sheckels to purchase a white
gabardine, was the unanimous opin-
ion of every co-ed consulted, but any
kind of white suit will do. Palm
Beaches were generally favored over
linens, ad natural colors over plain
whites, but when the (luestion arose
of how the poor escort was to keep
thlose iliI'llaculate suits clean whei the

I alf the i irls interviewed, but at thej
S;Ine t iume only a tenth of them ap-
proved of wearing sweaters to class.
The Clark Gable rough and ready
man who looks as if he spent half
he morning getting messy, is the
most appealing the girls admitted
pretty generally, but as for a white'
gabardine, if you have one of those,
yoa have oc<I y a club to beat
tLheiia off.
o Exp erience

gals ilsist, oH besmi ching ther wbith
Sipstick, the Greek lIadies rose) up iil
a huff'.
Opinions OIL hats
"Lipstick remover or iearn how to
hold the girl" chorused the Delta
"Kiss-proof lipstick" chimed the 1
Pi Phi's.
"Leave room for the chaperones in'
between," chortled the Alpha Phi's,
and don't date shouted the Theta's.
So as far as the women are con-
cerned, if you date different girls on
successive nights you masters of 1

r v

Rlad ical Changre Ide nplr
'i Pins, Watches, Rings, ) Iive Predominan
Cuff-Links Give Outlet!
For .n. Note In Ilead Wear
For Individ uality


trimmed with leather are good-look-
. s i png ing amid practical. The fabrics are
('ant.i a".,l.1a .'t c < irah!and limui~n mostly in white or natural shads,
Cr I hr tiahTsty ne mnew shoes and, trimmed with brown leather, will
O :are thez.hm s 1 e ewBrht- go well with any combination of
< r lirmnluummer we armBriht- clozhes and with any color hat from
nd (lihternew oes, whcllah come white to black.
as well as isa number of 'Ihe design expected to enjoy the
1 ,x' 0 la vi:lxvwill hb'iencra II tisad d most popularity is the familiar sad-
io.th ir ! ildne this season. die shoe, in brown and white. Black
I l( 1.c is;twsand white models are defintely ta-
n boo this year in all designs. Exper-
tso hmiar.' and to ience has proven that the saddle
010, ( 0 s emit shoe is the comfort leader for campus
wear, and the new fabric models
ier a tots t hie ae should prove especially attractive in
this regard.
ns m ere a In hard-toe models, brown and
plain design is white will be more popular this year
(ermred, the perfora- than solid white, which reached its
I ions are, in many climax last summer and seems now
cases, cleverly can- to be on the downgrade. A new en-
aled aln the . try in the field of slightly more ex-
sealed along the
seams. Plain toes pensive shoes is the Norwegian model,
will be the most brown and white, with the brown
popular in all mod- carried along the bottom of the shoe
els, but the wing-tip just above the sole. In both the two-
,td center medal- color and solid white, toes are mostly
lion perforation de- plain, and where a tip design is used,
signs will still be used, especially in the center medallion has taken pre-
the more formal designs, and the cedence over the standard wing-tip.
Algonquin tip pattern, with stitch- Mocassins are being introduced
ing down the center of the toe, seems this season in a number of styles
destined for a good deal of use in which will be excellent for campus
sport shoes, which are becoming wear. They come in browns, greys or
less and less "sporty." solid white, with leather, crepe or
Fabric shoes, first introduced for gristle sole. The newest design is
tennis, and then for evening wear, modelled after a ski boot, with a very
will be correct this season for almost square toe, and they look like the
all occassions. For sports they come am fcmot
Monk-type buckle shoes are com-
upon the snap brim of today, and ing in stronger this year, and now
some models have a crown that is are utilizing greys and whites as well
ever so slightly tapered. as the conventional brown. In the

u uvv-l. I -

- ',. , 7


pearance in. some of tnesouthern
resorts this winter, but the good word.
is to steer clear of any such fantastic
creations. They are, of course, the
logical outgrowth of the red cumer-
bunds that made their debut last
year. Natural, biege, standstone, or
whatever the name you choose to
designate the new undyed linen jack-
ets, is due for a strong bid for su-
premacy. They are a change from
the dead white and have the added
advantage of staying neat and clean
looking for a longer period.
Cumerbunds are superfluous with
the double breasted coats, which is
another argument in favor of this
style. However, they are indispens-
ible for the single breasted jacket,
and give a natty appearance that
isn't obtainable with the regulation
vest. Red will still be with us this
season, but black is the acceptable
style at anytime anywhere.
Jackets Are Warn
The summer jackets are worn with
f egulation formal trousers of the
same light weight material. The va-]
riety of tropical spuns, linens, gabar-
dines and/flannels gives a real variety
from which to choose. A white gabar-
dine suit is offered as a practical
suggestion to those who must stretch
their spring and summer wardrobe to
the utmost. The white double
breasted coat can be worn with
tuxedo trousers for the formal oc-
casions, and with its matching trous-
ers for semi or formal affairs. Worn
either way, the gabardine retains its
shape well and can be worn until
.soiled without that dishevelled look

ter,' the Alpha Phi's definitely op-
posed to gaudy hose, the Delta Gam-,
ma's and Theta's neutral on the ques-
that is characteristic of so many sum-
mer outfits.
While the white jacket and black
trouser combination is perhaps the
favorite of all, there is the midnight
blue, summer weight tuxedo for him
who wishes to assert his individuality.
They also have the shawl collar, and
are worn with the comfortable acces-
sories designed for the regulation
summer formal.-
Shirts to be worn with the evening
formal show that comfort is now the
criterion which guides the styles. The
typical shirt will be made of white
silk with a soft silk collar and regu-
lation buttons. Another style that,
fits in well is a two stud affair that
features a soft pleated bosom. A semi-
starched, turned down collar is the
requisite with this.
The old fashioned becomes the new
fashion in formal ties for the sea-
son. The club style with its blunt,
wide wings is again with us and is
ideal for wear with the turndown col-
lar. The long narrow black tie that
was accepted last winter will continue
its reign far into the summer months.
The final touches to the summer
formal are the inclusion of a red silk
foulard in the coat pocket and wine-
colored silk socks. This breaking
away from the dead fomality has
found favor in Cannes and on the
Riviera during the present season,
and are expected to establish them-
selves here.

love, you'd better pray that your
cleaning and pressing establishment
will give you a rush job.
Sorority opinion on hats was rath-
er astonishing on the whole with ap-
parently little difference being made
whether the male goes bare naked I
above the neck, although the majority
opinion was to the point that bald
heads received mighty few caresses.
Snap brims, which incidentally are
tops this season, were approved, but
a taboo was imposed on pork pies
and those 'buster brown' tweed cha-
Like Spread Collars
High water pants were given a ter-
rible shellacking by everybody, and
termed everything from childish to
Spread collars won approval, and
outton downs were stamped with the
sorority seal, but violent colors in
both shirts and sports coats, particu-
larly checks, were squelched. The
term 'nauseating' was generally ap-
plied to all green suits.
Thick shoes are aces with the fair
youngsters and they particularly yen
for those soft, squishy ones-all white
preferably, and furthermore they
want them kept clean.
English shoes and buckle overs are
passable but whites with laces are
much cuter.'j
That the Michigan campus was
over dressed was thought by about
With more and more leisure time
ahead, men will find social activities
claiming more of their time. For
this reason the old division between

Radical in the way of jewelry this
spring and summer will be watches.
Wrist and ordinary pocket watches
will pass out in favor of the new
breast pocket watches, small and at-
tached by chain to the lapel. Most of
them will be in transparent cases of
zircon colors, mostly light, although
some are in imitation ivory and cata-
"Swank" cuff-links, designed for
easy adjustment, will be popular. In
one piece, they consist of larger ends
capable of snapping perpendicular or
parallel to the connecting pieces
which have jeweled tips.
Rings will continue their trend of
light, transparent stones - with no
fraternity crest. New designs, but of
no definite character, will be intro-
duced in cigarette lighters and cases.
Collars and tie clasps will remain,
generally the same, but for the in-
troduction of a sliding tie clasp, al-
lowing the tie to swing back and
forth moderately.
Dogs and horses, in fact any ani-
mal that isn't too blood-curdling, will
be the thing in pin designs, to be
worn especially on ascot scarfs, which
themselves will be highly popular
during the summer.
Polo shirts, of course, will be worn
widely again, but they will have wider
horizontal stripes in gaudy colors.
Slip-overs will be better liked prob-
ably, but it is possible those which
are buttoned, popular on the Rivera
last summer, will invade us this year.
Pajamas of great popularity will
consist of an upper similar to a polo
shirt, and pleated pants.
Swimming trunks will pick up
pleats but will be substantially the
same as last year.
Bright colors, in horizontal stripes
or plaids, will be the thing in socks
this year, and ties will be designed
uniquely, in the form of animals, or
perhaps snowflakes-just so the de-

Snap brim hats with wider and
snappier brims will strike the pre-
dominant note among men's headgear
this spring. According to campus
style centers as well as various lead-
ing fashion magazines, snap brims
with bound edge will be worn more
than any other style of hat this spring
by college men, who have come to be
recognized as fastidious dressers.
The chief feature which will dis-
tinguish this year's hats from prev-
ious models will be the width of the
brim. All the hats with the snap brim
will be a bit wider, and one company
is putting out a model that has a'
trifle wider brim in the back than in
the front and sides.-
The bindings are wider this season,
too, and all hats except the light-
weight crushers for sports wear are
bound. All this tends to give the
brim a better flair when wornG
snapped. It comes in various colors,
with seal brown, monel gray, and
lovatt green being the most popular.
The seal, a dark brown, will be most
popular in the early spring, but a
turn toward the greens and grays
will be experienced when the warmer
weather arrives. The tyrolean of
last season has had a slight effect


' Another hat which is well suited
I for sports and country wear is the
pork pie, which did not get as popular
as expected last year. It comes in a
medium blue, various shades of brown
and freen. Some manufacturers
have put forth a model which can be
worn either as a tyrolean or a pork
pie with equal ease. This is a good
buy, especially if your finances hap-
pen to be at the same low level as
those of your correspondent.
- -- ---- -- - - --

more formal models, oxblood, with
its full, red tone is still the most
handsome, and a comparatively new
leather, boot-makers tan, with a
warm yellow color should prove ex-
cellent for wear with light summer
In general, the trend in shoes fol-
lows that in clothes, brighter in color,
designed for comfort, with practically
every design offered in every price

_ _ _I


the working day and the social night sign is attractive and different.
is being broken. Styles reflecting The style in suspenders is open.
this tendency are evident, with sports With courage, you may make the
clothes and country outfits being gaudy red galluses of firemen the
seen to a greater extent in the offices. style.


L 0 R E D





t ;~ ;
' .




Admireid by all At, erien
Parkto-wn Worsted suits fTrorn Fashion Park hav e
never made a claim that they couldn't back up...
For over ten years they have been bringing to
the men of America...a standard of quality that
always provides a positive assurance of full satis-
faction.. . a degree of luxury ... and a wealth of
hand tailoring that no other suits have ever offered
.tat the price ... and plus a style authenticity
that keeps your appearance on a top plane. They
are the kind of suits you should wear ... Why not
stop in and look over Parktown Wor'steds ?

,for Spring,/
VAN BOVEN present an entirely new color idea in Gentle-
men's Suitings - now available in six new color combinations.
Try one on; you'll be as enthusiastic about this new cloth
and about our new three button coat as we are.




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