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February 19, 1936 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-02-19

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Trautman And
Van Tyne Lead
New Expedition
Mayan Civilization And Its
Background Is Subject
Of University Researd
A University expedition to Yuca-
tan, part of the University's coopera-
tive program with the Carnegie In-
stitution of Washington for the pur-
pose of reconstructing the background
of the Mayan civilization, was an-
nounced last week by Prof. Fred-
erick M. Gaige, director of the Mu-
seum of Zoology.
The members of the expedition
are Dr. Jocelyn Van Tyne, curator of
birds, and Milton B. Trautman, as-
sistant curator of fish, of the museum
of zoology.
The expedition is already in the
field and is working out of Chichen
Itza, an ancient Mayan city. It is
the fifth expedition sent by the Uni-
versity as part of the cooperative
program with the Carnegie Institu-
Many species new to science are
expected to be brought back by the
expedition. The area to be explored
has been visited only twice before by
scientists. Dr. Frank Chapman, of
the American Museum of Natural
History, visited the region in 1896,
and Dr. Leon J. Cole, of the Museum
of Comparative Zoology, Harvard, in
The work of the expedition will
consist in collecting birds and band-
ing hundreds of them in an effort to
learn what migratory North Amer-
ican birds spend the winters in Cen-
tral America. It is hoped that they
will be able to determine relationships
now unknown between North Amer-
icar~and South American birds Spe-
cimens of fish in the area will also
be collected by Mr. Trautman.
Michi an Youth
Aided By State
Uelth Program
Professor Keeler Praises
Government For Better
Care OfHandicapped
The decrease in the number of
handicapped young persons being
placed in isolated institutions marks
the steady improvement in the
amount and quality of the service the
state has rendered, Prof. Louis C.
Keeler of the psychology department,
said yesterday in a speech over WJR
on "Michigan's Provisions for Its
Behind the policy of the state,
Professor Keeler pointed out, is "the
functional hypothesis that service
must be rendered in such a way as
to fit these handicapped individuals
to become as useful members of the
social group as the nature of their
handicaps will permit." Thus, "the
individual should be withdrawn from
contact with his normal fellows to
the least possible extent."
Segregation Harmful
Formerly segregation of the handi-
capped resulted in their being less
capable of making natural contacts
later. The tendency now is to allow
the individual to attend day school
under local and state supevision, Pro-
fessor Keeler continued.
Professor Keeler emphasized that
the increase of the rate of handi-
happed over the rate of increase in
population may be due to the fact
that better means of discovery, diag-

nosis and treatment bring greater
numbers into institutional life.
The speaker isolated three main
groups included in the list of the
state's services to the handicapped.
Under the first of these Professor
Keeler described the instituitions and
schools devoted to the care of juve-
niles, including the State School for
the Blind at Lansing and the State
Public School for the Indigent Home-
less at Coldwater.
Board of Regents Helps
The second group includes hos-
pitalization and treatment, Professor
Keeler added. It is administered by
the University Board of Regents,
which provides treatment and educa-
tion through the University Hospital,
and the Michigan Crippled Children
The third great division of the
juvenile wards of the State is that
of the vocationally, handicapped and
consideration of them falls under the
division of education, Professor Keeler
1u s iNarned Head
Of Fish Committee
Dr. Carl L. Hubbs, curator of the
fish division of the Museum of Zoo-
logy, was appointed chairman of a
sub-committee on fish of the Wild
Life Institute at a meeting of the In-
stitute held recently in Washington,

Artist's Conception of Future Setting Of Burton Memorial Tower

Drawing by Wilfred B. Shaw. -Courtesy Ann Arbor Daily News.
The M. L. Burtn Memcrial Tower, which will house the Charles Baird Carillon, is sketched here by Wilfred B. Shaw as it will appear in
relation -to HillyAuditorium and, directly behind the Auditorium, the proposed University School of Music. Facing Ingalls Street and the Michigan
League, the Memorial Tower will be located on the mall which will extend from the new Graduate School to the Main Library. At the comple-
tion of the Tower and the School of Music, all University musical activities will be conducted within these buildings, all in close proximity to
each other.

Change In Drivers' License Laws Is
Asked At State Highway Conference

(Continued from Page 1)
R. Olmstead, assistant research en-
gineer of the Michigan State High-
way Department, at the morning ses-
sion of the Conference.
The tests have been taken over a
period of the last two years, and the
average reaction time of drivers was
found to be 78-one hundredths of a
second. The age group from 17 to 31
was found to have the fastest reac-
tion times, and the more education
possessed by the motorists, the quick-
er they reacted, according to Mr.
The survey also reveals, he con-
tinued, that accidents are directly
proportional to the mileage driven by
motorists - the faster reactions of
drivers tending to be offset by the
tendency of this "fast" group to drive
at higher than average speeds.
Most Drive Too Fast
The conclusions reached by the De-
partment, Mr. Olmstead stated, were
to the effect that all drivers are
equally subject to the hazards of ac-
cidents, most drivers tend to drive
faster than their "better judgment"
should tell them, and the average
driver regulates his speed according
to the comforts and noises of driving
rather than the safety factors in-
volved in vision, traffic and pave-
ment conditions.
E. Ross Farra, manager of the
Grand Rapids Safety Council, also
speaking at the morning session,
pointed out the advantages resulting
from the recent substitution of bus-
ses for street cars in Grand Rapids.
He summarized these advantages as
a "greater safety of handling their
patrons, the ability to avoid traffic
congestions and obstacles impeding
traffic movement, increases in speed
of transportation and safety factors'
involved in passenger loading at the
curb rather than in the middle of the
Asks Better Lighting
Concluding the morning session, L.
J. Schrenk, general superintendent of
the Public Lighting Commission, De-

quate lighting facilities on public
Prof. Preston Slosson of the history
department spoke before a joint lun-
cheon of the Highway Conference and
the Michigan Engineering Society.
Dean H. C. Sadler of the engineering
college presided.
The afternoon session of the Con-1
ference was directed by Prof. John
S. Worley, head of the department of
Parley Seeks
To Coordinate
Work on Fish
A conference between fish inves-
tigators representing the Federal and
State governments and the University
was held Monday at the Museums
The conference was for the pur-
pose of coordinating fish work and
investigating stream and lake im-
provement and fish cultural work be-
ing conducted by the United States
Forest Service and the State Depart-
ment of Conservation.
The Forest Service was represented
by Harry Adams, in charge of fish
and game work in Michigan, and
Fred Johnson, in charge of similarl
work in California. The Department
of Conservation sent Fred A. Wester-
man, head of the fish division, and
A. B. Cook, Jr., field superintendent
of the fish division. The Institute
of Fisheries Research was represented
by Dr. A. S. Hazzard, director, and
the staff, and Dr. Carl L. Hubbs, cur-
ator of the fish division of the Mu-
seum of Zoology, represented the Uni-

transportation engineering. Lewis
W. McIntyre, president of the Insti-
tute of Traffic Engineers, Pittsburgh,
Pa., spoke on the methods used by
officials in that city in achieving the
title of "America's Safest City," which
honor was awarded to Pittsburgh
during the four years, 1930-34, by the
1 National Safety Council.
Tells Of Pittsburgh Success
"The practice of too much muni-
cipal economy in traffic bureaus and
a constant shifting of department
heads and traffic magistrates are the
causes of sharp increases in auto
deaths in many of the nation's larg-
est cities," he stated, "and Pitts-
burgh's success in dealing with the
problem has resulted from a balanced
program of traffic control, scientific
engineering and organized educa-
Paul W. Voorhies, member of the
Michigan Public Utilities Commis-
sion, outlined the difficulties involved
in "Railroad Crossing Protection," in
a talk following the address of Mr.
McIntyre. The afternoon session was
concluded by a description of the
Michigan highway planning survey,
given by Fred C. Taylor, director of
1 the survey and official of the Michi-
gan State Highway Department.
Witness Demonstration
The objectives of this survey, ac-
cording to Mr. Taylor, include the
( classification of roads on the basis of
use and serviceability, the equitable
distribution and collection of highway
costs ,and an analysis of accidents in
relation to the hazards of driving.
The Highway Conference and the
Michigan Engineering Society met
at Hill Auditorium last night to wit-
ness a demonstration of "The House
of Magic," electrical "feats of magic"
performed by Oliver Ajer of the Gen-
eral Electric research laboratory.

Rescue Greek
Seamen From.
Atlantic Storm
NEW YORK, Feb. 18. - (R) --In a
heroic rescue in raging seas, the pas-
senger liner City Newport News late
today took off the 30 men in the crew
of the Greek phosphate freighter
Stefanos Costomenis about 500 miles
off the Virginia Capes.
Poking through the gloom of night
and the high waves of astorm-boiled
>cean which generally hampered At-
lantic Coast shipping, eight ships
sought the foundering freighter af-
ter she had sent out a distress call
last night.
The Newport News reached her
first, after a faulty position report
aad taken the others far off the
For hours fog clouded the stricken
steamer but her wireless crackled
pleas to "save the crew." The freight-
sr was abandoned after the crew had
been rescued.

"Can you really talk through a wire?" people still asked
when this telephone switchboard went into service
back in 1881. .Apparatus was crud -,ervice limited
-but the idea was right. It took hold in spite of
ridicule. Today there are more than 13,000,000 tele-
phones in the Bell System-telephone conversations
average 60,000,000 daily - ti . s vie is Laster and
clearer than. ever. , Telephone growth and im-
provement will go on. For Bell y 'tern men and
women work constantly
toward one goal: enabling
you to talk to anyone, any- and Da F' r
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