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March 12, 1936 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-12

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~Thi~ MI~A1T~XN T~At[Y



Austria's New
Era Described
In Radio Talk
Prof. Schenk Sees Vienna
As Modern Utopia For
Describing Austria and its glamor-
ous capital, Vienna, Prof. Philip
Schenk of the English department
spoke over the University Broadcast-
ing Service yesterday.
Hailing the great new apartment
houses of the workers of Vienna
which were erected since the war,
Professor Schenk explained that they
replaced the crowded, unsanitary old
tenements when the laboring classes,
represented in the Socialist party,
gained control. "As regards housing,"
he declared, "Vienna indeed seemed a
Utopia, a modern paradise for the
working class, until that terrible day
a few years ago when the reactionary
party illegally seized control of the
state and actually turned cannon on
those houses."
Outlook Is Tragic
"The future outlook for the working
classes under the present rule of the
reactionaries is indeed a tragic one,"
he continued. The present sinister
and unscrupulous young reactionary
Prince Rudiger von Starhemberg, the
present dictator, has the support of
the propertied classes, the nobles of
the old regime, and of the Catholic
Church, Professor Schenk pointed
"The common people are divided
between the old Socialist party with
its program for social betterment, and
the Nazis, who by any and every
means seek union with Nazi Germany
under Hitler."
Describes Inner City
The speaker described the Inner
City of the beautiful and historic old
capital, speaking enthusiastically
about the churches, art galleries, the
opera house, the palace, monuments,
and buildings.
"The Viennese and the Austrians
in general are conspicuously neat,.
thrifty and industrious, withal a
most friendly, open-hearted and
easy-going folk," Professor Schenk
asserted. He added that underneath
the surface there are volcanic pas-
sions slumbering, quoting as an ex-
ample the battles between the rival
parties among college students.
The speaker emphasized that Aus-
tria has suffered a great deal from
the war. Not only was its territory
cut down to one-eighth its former size
he pointed out, but the people are
hedged in by customs restrictions and
national and racial jealousies.
Lewis Approves
Investigation Of
WPA Expenses
Senator Declares That All
Demands For Probe Are
To Be Satisfied
WASHINGTON, March 10-() -
Sen. Hamilton Lewis (Dem., Ill.)
chairman of the Senate Committee
on Expenditures in Executive Depart-
ments, today announced support of
a resolution by Sen. James J. Davis,
(Rep., Pa.), for an investigation of
WPA expenditures.
Lewis said he had every confidence
in the administration of Harry L.
Hopkins but that he thought the de-
mands for an investigation should be

"I am going to support the resolu-
tion of ,Senator Davis," Lewis said,
"and help to have it passed. As soon
as it has passed I will give a full
hearing before my committee."
The WPA controversy, touched off
by 30-year-old Rush D. Holt, (Dem.,
W. Va.), was revived yesterday in a
speech by Sen. Joseph T. Robinson,
(Dem., Ark.), defending WPA.
Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg (Rep.,
Mich.), replied that Robinson had
emphasized the "boondoggling" issue
and had neglected to discuss the ac-
cusations of political exploitation in
WPA employment.
Charges of "politics" have been
made against WPA by both Demo-
crats and Republicans in Illinois,
Michigan, West Virginia and Penn-
Hopkins admitted WPA employes in
Indiana county, Pa., had been solicit-
ed for campaign contributions from
the Democratic organization.
He reiterated "I'll protect mem-
bers of my organization from poli-
ticians' raids."

Florida Carnival Wre cked By Freak Storm

-Associated Press Photo.
An erratic wind and rain storm which swept parts of Miami, Fla.,
left in its wake tumbled wreckage of a carnival show and ?Q injured per-
vons. Joe Gowdy, carnival employe, is shown being helped from wreck-
age of his show.
Hitler To Ask Endorsement Of
.Acts In March 29 Plebiscite

Dictator To Dissolve One
Party Reichstag And To
Hold Third 'Election'
(By The Associated Press)
Adolf Hitler, dissolving his one
party Reichstag and calling an "elec-
tion" of a new one for March 29, is
submitting his acts to the approval of
the German people for the third time.
First he asked them to endorse his
withdrawal of the reich from mem-
bership in the League of Nations.
That vote was taken November 12,
1933, and it gave him a "yes" verdict
of 93.5 per cent with 40,609,247 en-
dorsements, 2,101,000 voting against
him and 750,282 casting invalid bal-
Nine months later, on August 19,
1934, he asked the nation whether it
approved his action of earlier in the
month in assuming the post of chief
executive upon the death of President
Paul von Hindenburg.
Response Again Yes'
The response then was again vo-
ciferously "yes," although the Hitler
margin fell to 88.1 per cent. Endors-
ers totaled 38,362,763, in opposition
were 4,294,654 and 872,296 ballots
were thrown out.
In both instances it was reported
that the "invalid" ballots were mostly
blanks, deposited by voters who made
the gesture of going to the polls but
who were either too indolent or too
timid to register their sentiments.
In both these plebiscites the voting
was on a plain "yes" or "no" issue.
The coming election, to all intents
and purposes, will be similarly "for"
or "against" Hitler's dramatic denun-
ciation of the Locarno Pact and the
scrapping of the Versailles treaty pro-
visions forbidding military occupation
of the Rhineland.
Voting Age Lowered
What he and his lieutenants will
seek, probably will be another 90 per
cent endorsement. If it goes beyond
that figure they will be correspond-
ingly elated. If it falls below the 88
per cent of 1934, anti-Hit lerites in
other European countries will have a
talking point from which they may
derive somec comfort.
Right at the start of the new cam-
paign, the Nazis took steps to insure
a big total for Der Fuehrer. A gov-
ernment decree lowered the voting age
from 21 to 20 years, thus bringing
the ballots to youths in the new army
conscript system and to other scores
of thousands who are enrolled in the
nation's labor camps.
Another element of increase will be
noted in the Saar. That district was
outside the reich when the other votes
were taken, It voted on January 13,
1935, to rejoin Germany, rather than
Ride through the tunnel of
love with Eddie!
prns ;'

continue under administration of the
League of Nations or become part of
France. That ballot was 477.119 to
48,637 in Hitler's favor.
Thorough Campaigners
The campaign methods of the Nazi
organization are as spectacular and
thorough as those of American parties
in a hotly contested political cam-
paign. The German citizen is re-
minded constantly by newspapers,
posters, radio, flags, music, parades
and speeches of his duty to go to the
polls and there record his approval of
the leadership of the ex-Austrian
pre-war house painter over a nation
of 66.000,000.
Patriotism and the instinct of self-
preservation have been the targets
of the Nazi drives in previous cam-
paigns, and. the international furore
which has followed Hitler's announce-
ment of the Rhincland action, again
makes those emotions the outstand-
ing marks for the present drive for
Travel Bureau
Arraurwes Tour
For Students
Another student tour of Europe will
be conducted this year by the Bu-
reau of University Travel similar to
that organized by the bureau last
year. The program for 1936 includes
tours for those interested in particu-
lar parts of Europe besides the main
student tour for both men and wom-
The Student Tour will sail both
ways on the S. S. Aquitania and af-
ter a two weeks' stay in London will
travel through Holland and Belgium,
and up the Rhine to Switzerland,
and then stop two weeks in Paris. A
private car will carry the party
through the chateau district down to
Spain and then back to the French
Riviera and to Paris for the homeward
sailing from Cherbourg on August 12.
Prof. Rene Talamon, of the French
department will lead the tour
through France and Spain, and Prof.
Frederick Peterson will direct the
Scandinavian cruise. Prof. Arthur
W. Jones of the history department
of the University of New Hampshire
will lead the Student Tour.

300 Requests
Received For
F e I rocedures Required
In Making Applications
For Competitive Awards
Since the Regents vouea to increase
the number of Scholarships to 30 at
their meeting February 28, already
over 300 applicants have applied for
them, according to those in charge
of scholarships in the Graduate
These competitive scholarships are
open to any stmdent graduacng in
June from an undergraduate college
in the University or elsewhere, who
desires to begin graduate work in
September following such graduation.
The application to be filled out first
states five procedures to be noted:
Complete official transcripts of
both undergraduate and graduate
work must accompany the applica-
Three or four letters of recommen-
dation suporting the application for
a Scholarship should be sent directly
to the Dean of the Graduate School
by the writers.
The acceptance of a scholarship
involves an obligation to begin and
complete the year of study contemp-
lated in the application for such
scholarship, unless good cause for
not doing so can be shown.
If a candidate who has an appoint-
ment to a scholarship withdraws
from his agreement without sufficient
cause, the facts in the case are com-
municated to the other universities of
the Association of American Uni-
Applicants will be notified of their
success or failure in obtaining an ap-
pointment of a scholarship on April
1, 1936.'
6:00 WJR Musical Moments.
WW 1 Ty Tyson.
WXYZ Alice Sheldon.
CKLW Omar.
6:15--WJR News of Youth.
WXZ Contrass s in Music.
WWJ Dinner Music.
CKLW Joe Gentile.
6:30 -WJR Duncan Moore.
WWJ Bulletins.
WxYz Day in Review.
CKLW Rhythm Ramblings.
6:45- WJR Strange as Is Seems.
WWJ Musical Moments.
WXYZ Lowell Thomas.
CKLW Old Bill.
7:00 WJR Myrt and Marge.
WWJ Amos and Andy.
WXYZ Easy Aces.
CKLW Shadows on the Clock.
7:15--WJR Jimmie Allen.
WWJ opeyc the Sailor.
WXYZ Nine to Five.
7:30-WJR Kate Smith.
WWJ Evening Melodies.
WXYZ Musical Moments.
CKLW Variety Revue.
7 :45-WJR Boake Carter.
WWJ Pastorals.
WXYZ Red Horse Ranch.
8:00--WJR Airshow: Alexander
Gray: Mark Warnow's Music.
WWJ Rudy Vallee's Music.
WXYZ Pittsburgh Symphony.
CKLW Gabriel Heatter.
8:15-WJBK Musical Program.
CKLW Jack Hylton's Music.
8:30--WJR Gertrude Nelsen and Harry
wxZ Merry-Go-Round.
CKLW Little Symphony.
8:45-WJR Musical Program.
9:00-WJR Walter O'Keefe:
Glen Gray's Music.
WWJ Capt. Henry's Showboat.
WXYZ Benny Kyte's Music.
CKLW Marching Men.
9:15-CKLW Andrew F. Kelly.
9:30--WJR Ed Wynn-Gulliver the
WXYZ Mellow Music.
CKLW Pop Concert.
9:45-WXYZ MurrayVan Waggoner.
10:00---WJR Horace Heidt's Brigadiers.
WWJ Bing Crosby: Jimmy Dorsey's
WXYZ Jubilee Singers.
CKLW Recital Hall.
10:15--WXYZ Reis and Dunn.
10:30-WJR March of Te.
WXYZ Lowry Clark.
CKLW Swing Music.
10:45-WJR Dance Tunes.

WXYZ Gray Gordon's Music.
11 :00-WJR Bulletins.
WWJ Russ Lyons' Music.
WXYZ Baker Twins.
CKLW Freddy Martin's Music.
11:15-WJR Moods in Music.
CKLW Anson Weeks' Music.
WXYZ Emil Coleman's Music.
11::30)---WWJ George Kavanagh's Music.
wxYz Dornberger's Music.
CKLW Ted Weems' Music.
11:45-WJR "Solay" violinist.
12 Midnight--WJR Barney Rapp's
WWJ Minneapolis Symphony.
WXYZ Ruby Newman's Music.
2KLW Orville Knapp's Music.
12:10--WXYZ To be announced.
WJR Preview of Friday the Thirteenth
CKLW Will Osborne's Music.

Place advertisements with C1fled
ldvertising Department. phone 2 -I1'14.
The classified columns close at five
)'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at on
'xtra charge.
Cash in advance lle per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions. 10c
per reading line for three or more
insertions. Minimum 3 lines per in-
rsiephone rate -- 15e per reading line
for two or more insertions. Minimum
three lines per insertion.
0% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
By contract, per line - 2 lines daily.
one month .................8c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months.........8c
2 lines daily, college year.......7c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months..... ,...8c
100 lines used as desired ., .c
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capital letters.
The above rates are for 7%,2 point


_ I

LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 1x
Eight Hours Slee p
- Declc 1elc s a y
(Continued rrom Page1)
she said, warning '1hat many students
fail to realize the imporiane of the
question and citi ng several cases
within her own experiene vwen lack
of sufficient sleep has had dire ef-
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of
the Health Service, agrees that eight;
hours are really needed for the av-
erage student. He sets a luinilnun"
at seven, however: and declared that
if seven were maintainedi, harrmul
effect could probably be avoided. Dr.
Forsythe deplored the idea lprevl ltI
among students th t sep was not
Bot h he and Dr. Willijan ]3ixtce, al1-
so of the Health Service, were of thej
opinion that many of the nervous
breakdowns of students ')n be traced
directly to ilsifllTicient sheen. Stu-
dents who go long periods without at
least seven hours a night, they held,
are much more stiscept ible to colds,
and, when resistence reaches a low
ebb, there is even danger of pnerl-
monia. Nearly all students who have
had tuberculosis in the Uiversity,
Dr. Forsythe pointed out, said they
were getting less than seven hours per
Mrs. Sayde Power, assistant men-
tal hygienist at the Health Service,
maintained that "most students don't
get enough sleep. At least eight
hours are necessary for most, al-

average student," she held, "less than
eight hours means a loss in effi-
Mrs. Power also advocated a rest
period in the afternoon as "benefi-
cial." She said that she found an
unbroken sleep produced better re-
sults and expressed the opinion that
"because most of us have been so
'onditioned, sleep at night is better
than in the daytime."


______ - - - - -. I



I OST: Black-cigarette case marked
O.N.D. Call Dillon. Phone 4295.
i.eward. 374
LOST: Brown tobacco pouch and pipe
on campus Monday. Reward. Phone
2-1857. 375
LOST: Brown wallet. Contents val-
uable to owner. Return to H. D.
Welsh. Phone 8632. Reward. 377
LOST: Waltham wrist watch between
Recess Tavern and Union. Reward
Phone 2-3361. 701 Tappan. 369
LOST: Pair of brown sheepskin-lined
' loves. 606 East Catherine Street.
Phone 6740. Reward. 373
WANTED: Quiet pleasant room for
lady in good east side neighborhood
not too far out. Preferably only
roomer. Box 115. 371
FOR RENT: Wish to sublet room,
now paying $4.50. Three blocks
from canpus, private lavatory, for
3.00. Box 113. 355

ONE THIRD OFF on all fur work.
E. L. Greenbaum, 448 Spring Street,
Phone 9625. 14x
STATIONERY: Printed with your
name and address. 100 sheets, 100
envelopes. $1.00. Many styles.
Craft Press, 305 Maynard. 9x
MAC'S TAXI-4289. Try our effi-
cient service. All new cabs. 3x
Hear youthful student exponent of
Townsend Plan, Masonic Temple.
Friday, .13th, 8 p.m. Bring your
questions. 376
NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair
and refinish furniture. Phone 8105.
A. A. Stuhlman. 15x
EYES examined, best glasses made at
lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M.
graduate, 44 years practice. 549
-Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x
buy old and new suits and over-
coats for $3 to $20. Also highest
prices for saxophones and typewrit-
ers. Don't sell before you see Sam.
Phone for appointments. 2-3640.
OTTAWA, March 11.- (R') -The
Canadian-United States trade agree-
ment was approved in principle by
an overwhelming majority vote yes-
teiday and the House of Commons
turned to consideration of tariff
changes involved in the pact.

American Violinist
Instead of
Monday 8:15
Ma 1. 61. .
(Choral liUnion Ser'ies
rTickc is: $1., x$1.50, $2.




though some need more
can get away with less.

and some
But in the

Last Semester!
Social Dancing Class.
Begins TONIGHT at 8.
EnrollNow- Terrce
GardenStudlio in the
Wuerth Theatre Bldg.
Phone 9695.



Now you can get the cash you need-on your own
signature. We will lend you up to $300 and give
you plenty of time to repay-a year or longer.
Single and married people come to us every day
instead of bothering relatives and friends, because.
they know our service is so private. Maybe cash will
help you'if it will, write, 'phone or better still
2nd Floor Wolverine Bldg. Room 208
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Per sonal Finance Co.

Last Times'i Today --
Friday - Satuirday - - -
"Te Perfect Gentleman'




I _______


-Regardless of What Method You Use To Make Your Coffee-
Makc's a Bettcr Cup of Coffee.
P li Ivced to yolrnome inc 'seios fs 'x\ -ft . o lies, or il large =gal. bottles.
Phone 8270 for Quick Service.
416 West Huron Phone 8270

AuiiA ,'buores Bitsh'st ille Drug S/ore
218 SOUTH STATE (Next to Goldman's Cleaners) PHONE 9392
6 Tokomine PAD MATCHES
CARTON50 for 9c
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TOOTH PASTE aels00Tablets
2 tuesfo__________________
Deep Cut Rate Prices 50c HINDS or
500 PtN D S Tf SU ES
Bottle of Yardley's Lavender
with purchase of 3 bars of Full Pint
Woobury's or Cashmere Yardley's Soap! MILK OF MAGNESIA
f o r $ I-. C
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Continuous 1:30 - 11 p.m.
15c to 6-25c after 6
Chas. Bickford


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EVE[+, 25c' & 25c
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