The Weather
Rain, turning to snow flur-
ries in north, colder in west
portion today; tomorrow snow
flurries, colder.
LI r
ritg an
NYA Malpractices
At Michigan....
What Passes For Thinking . .
Of Senate
s At and
Lobby Committee Awaits
Trial Of Its Powers To
S,ubpena Telegrams
Probers Contend
Court Jurisdiction
American Liberty League
Correspondence Sought
By Senator Black
WASHINGTON, March 10.-(P) -
Equipped with an attorney and armed
with a stack of law books, the Senate
Lobby Committee tonight awaited a
turn in court in defense of its pow-
er to seek evidence in the message
files of the telegraph companies.
It will argue in the District of
Columbia Supreme Court tomorrow
that the tribunal has no authority
to enjoin the Western Union from
producing original telegrams sub-
penaed by the committee. It will ask
that a petition for such an injunc-
tion be dismissed for want of juris-
Hogan To Argue
On the other side of the argument,
Frank J. Hogan, widely-known cap.--
ital lawyer, will contend that a sub-
pena -for all the telegrams of his
client, Silas Strawn, and his law part-
ners, over a ten-month period, con-;
stitutes an illegal'invasion of rights
of privacy guaranteed by the Consti-
Although of no pertinence in the le-
gal argument, Chairman Hugo L.
Black, (Dem, Ala.), the Senate's
chief lobby investigator. has said the
committee was seeking messages
charged to Winston, Strawn and
Shaw and paid for by The American
Liberty League. Strawn is a former
president of the Chamber of Com-
merce of the United States.
Preparing for the court test, the
committee waited, meanwhile, for a
report from the Federal Communica-
Annual Spring Parley Promises
Heated Controversial Discussion,
Continuation Officials Set
Date In April; Will Meet
Sunday To Make Plans
The Spring Parley, which a year
ago vigorously denounced suppression
of free speech, damned the Baldwin
teachers' oath and anti-red billsand
ended with an air of forboding for the
future, will soon convene again.
Plans for the sixthannual Spring
Parley got under way last night when
12 members of the expanded contin-
uation committee met for a confer-
ence with Dr. Edward W. Blakeman,
counselor in religious education and
advisor of the parley. The tentative
date for this year's Parley was set
for April 24, 26 and 27.
Always the scene of hot, contro-
versial discussion, this year's Parley,
coming in the midst of a bitter pres-
idential campaign, promises to be
more intense than ever. The topic
for discussion a year ago was "Values
Involved in the Social Conflict at the
University of Michigan." Such ques-
tions as the recognition of the Na-
tional Student League were debated
openly, and no sacred cow was sacred
from the hundreds of students who
literally heckled the professors who
addressed them.
As evidence of the warmth that car
be expected from the parley this
spring, consider the questions sug-1
gested by members of the committee
last night: "Capitalism and its Cul-
tures"; "Utopia, and How to Reach
It"; "The Function of the University
in the Social Order"; "After Gradua-
tion, What?"; "Life, Liberty and the
Pursuit of Happiness"; "How Should
the University Prepare the Student
for the Future?"
These topics are enough in them-
selves, but the system under which
the Parley is conducted is sure to
add to the interest. The main topic
is broken up into sub-topics, which
Union Spreads
Strike In Reply
To Realty Mien
can and do include almost anything.
Five of these sub-topics, discussed in
individual group meetings were in-
cluded last year. They were "Aca-
demic Freedom," "War," "Techniques
of Social Action," "Racial Discrim-
ination" and "Political Philosophy."
The plan of the Parley, as in other
years, will be to have prominent fac-
ulty members, authorities on the
questions under consideration, pre-
sent their views. Then these faculty
members are not only questioned by
students present, but any opinion
from the floor may be interjected.
Although the Spring Parley in
former years was attended by radical
students in goodly numbers, it could
not be said that it was dominated
by extreme left-wingers.
The expanded continuation com-
mittee will meet again at 4:15 p.m.
Sunday in the League to consider
further Parley plans. An invitation
was extended to any student interest-
ed to attend and present his ideas,
especially with regard to a suitable
topic for discussion.
Among those members of the com-
mittee present at the meeting last
night were Abe Zwerdling, Grad.;
Phyllis Brumm, '37; Cathleen Schurr,
'37; Irvin Levitt, '36; Robert Fried-
man, '37; Edith Maples, '36; William
P. Oliver, Jr., '37; Norman Sharf-
man, '37; and Richard Rome, '37.
Peace Council
To Hear Noted
Pacifist ere'
Edwards Talks Tomorrow;
Gen. Butler May Speak
In Series This Semester
A reorganized student body, the
University Peace Council, last night
announced that it would bring here
as the first of a series of speakers for
a series of educational talks discus-
sing the peace issue George Edwards,
nationally known pacifist agitator,
who will deliver a public lecture at
7:45 p.m. tomorrow at a place yet to
be announced.
The Peace Council was formally re-
Athletic Board
Change Voted
By Wisconsin
Regents Reshape Policies
To Avoid Dismissal From
Big Ten Conference
Council Appointed
Investigation Was Result
Of Controversy Between
Spears And Meanwell
MADISON, March 10. - () - The
University of Wisconsin Board of Re-
gents reshaped its athletic policies to-
day to avert the Western Conference's
threatened suspension of Wisconsin
from the Big Ten if control of ath-
letics were not restored to the faculty.
By unanimous vote the Regents ap-
proved a new setup for the adminis-
tration of athieucs, drawn by a fac-
ulty-regents committee
The Conference faculty committee
delivered the ultimatum recently af-
ter reviewing the Wisconsin athletic
situation climaxed with the dismissal
of Athletic Director Walter B Mean-
well and Football Coach Clarence W.
No Non-Voting Members
Under the new arrangement the
athletic board will1consist, as before,
of four faculty members, a student,
and two alumni with voting power,
but the non-voting members - a
regent - the university president,
and the university business manager
-will not be included.
The new plan calls for faculty con-
trol "as referred to in the Conference
rules," including reviewing power of
the Regents. It gives "the primary
jurisdiction" to the faculty-controlled
The Regents said their dismissal of
Meanwell and Spears involved the
exercise of their reviewing power, and
did not constitute violation of faculty
Petitions Circulated
The dismissal followed a fight be-
tween Meanwell and Spears in which
it was contended that Meanwell had
given liquor to football players be-
tween periods, culminating in testi-
mony by John Golemgeske, football
captain-elect, that he had circulated
petitions asking Spears' dismissal at
Meanwell's suggestion.
After investigation by the board
of athletics, dominated by the faculty,
had exonerated Meanwell and Spears
of charges made against them, both
were dismissed against the board's
wishes by the Wisconsin Board of Re-
The committee of faculty repre-
sentatives of the Western Conference
then stipulated that Wisconsin would
be suspended from the Big Ten un-
less the administration of athletics
were reorganized in such a manner
as to put the faculty board in control
Apartment Robbed;
Loss Is Set At $150
Ann Arbor police reported last
night that the apartment of John S.
Cole, Grad, at 305 Maynard St., was
entered between 1 and 4 p.m. yester-
day and a man's raccoon overcoat,
valued at $150, taken from the apart-
ment, as well as a laundry bag and $1
The burglar or burglars also took
an oxford gray overcoat belonging to
Paul D. Robinson, Grad., a roomer
there. Police said there was no sign
that there had been a break-in com-,
mitted in" the burglary.
Britain Unites Peace Bloc
As Locarno Powers Meet
In Lon don To Plan Action
{ N,
University Club
Banquet To Aid
Burton Tower
Chase Osborn Will Speak
On Life Of Michigan's
Late President
The climax of the "Building of the
Tower" movement being sponsored by
the University of Michigan Club of
Ann Arbor will be reached tomorrow
night in the Union when the annual
stag banquet of the club will be held.
Complete plans were announced yes-
Chase S. Osborn, former regent and
former governor of Michigan will
come all the way from his winter
home in Georgia to be present at the
meeting. Discussion concerning the
building of the Burton Memorial
Tower will take up a large part of
the banquet, and plans for raising the
$25,000 necessary for the superstruc-
ture and bell chamber in the Tower
are to be made at that time. It is
expected that most of the subscrip-
tions will be reached at that time,
and an accounting will take place At
the meeting.
Mr. Osborn will talk on the late
President Marion L. Burton and
President Ruthven is to relate the
history of the Tower and Carillon.
Dr. Dean W. Meyers, president of the
club, will preside, and other local men
are to appear on the program.
Dr. Meyers urged all alumni and
other friends of the University to at-
tend the dinner. Non-members can
make reservations at the University
Alumni office.
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will speak at the meeting, and it will
be his first public appearance since
his accident early in January, which,
tions Commission, on cooperation Charges Building Owners organized at a meeting held last night
given to the committee in the "al- hain Lane Hall by delegates of various
leged seizure of telegrams," which Have Imported Gunmen student organizations, at which Wil-
has produced a cross-fire of charges P ennslvania hiam Polk, '36, was elected temporary
and counter charges in the Senate Frompresident and Alice Brigham, '36
andien rghm '6
and out. NEW YORK, March 10. -(P)-- temporary secretary-treasurer. Polk
Requested By Senate What union leaders called "war to the is affiliated with the Student Chris-
The information, probably- forth- finish" rolled along the towers of tian Association, while Miss Brigham
coming tomorrow, was requested by New York tonight as striking building is a member of the Liberal Student
the Senate after published reports service employes greatly enlarged Union.
that Commission employees seized their theatre of operation and ac- Butler To Speak
telegrams on the Commission's au- cused owners of importing "Pennsyl- As one of the speakers on the pro-
thority, copied them and turned them vania gunmen" to use against them. gram for the series of lectures, to be
over to the Lobby Committee. Black "If there is to be war, let it start held here during the present semes-
has said that every telegram exam- now," said James J. Bambrick, strike ter, the council is attempting to bring
ined was produced under subpena. leader, loosing the bounds which for to Ann Arbor former Gen. Smedley D.
Sources close to the Commission, many days have kept the strike from Butler of the United States Marine
meanwhile, asserted that the' Corn- spreading to the Grand Central area, Corps later in the year.
mission "seized" no telegrams, but by -Brooklyn and Queens, General Butler was described by
a formal vote did authorize an .em- Reports On Numbers Differ Polk as "well known for his attack in
ploye "to work with examiners from Reports on success of the mid-town recent years on the 'war racket'."
Senator Black's committee in an ex- and borough callout differed tonight, Edwards was graduated from
amination of the messages and rec- the union claims being much greater Southern Methodist University in
ords in the Washington office of the than figures furnished by the police. 1932, and took graduate work at
telegraph companies." The union said it had called out 25,- Harvard following his graduation. For
The Commission was said further 000 more men. the past two years he has been em-
to have authorized a request to be Bambrick, who modified Iis de- ployecd as a travelling secretary for
made for telegraphic messages "in mands for a closed shop, forty-hour- 1 the League for Industrial Democracy,
the name of the Federal Communi- week and a $2-a-week pay raise in
cations Commission." answer to Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuar_ 'Result Of Editorial'
dia's plea for arbitration, reinstated According to officers of the new
them today after the owners had Peace Council, the reorganization fol-
U. S Nlit given "qualified acceptance" to the j lowed as a result of an editorial in
Mayor's plea. The Daily last Thursday, attacking
O ur Safetruard, Bambrick said that the acceptance the "permanent University Peace
"qualified it to death." The owners Council" formed last Armistice Day
had objected to nearly every proposal for its inactivity since that date. An
in the LaGuardia plan. invitation was issued to all students
awsonai s City Affairs Cmmittee In Fight interested to join in the work of the
City airs Commireorganized body, including the for-
The City Affairs Committee, in a ma no h rga o h eis
Advocates Total Embargo statement signed by John Haynes mation of the program for the series
Holmes, John Lovejoy Elliott, Rabbi
To Prevent EntanglingStephen S. Wise and Frederick L. The council is also planning for
Economic Policies Guggenheim, entered the battle late student discussions to accompany the
Ecoomi Plicestoday with commendation of May0or speeches. According to Polk, the
LaGuardia's action in seeking to ar- series will be confined entirely to the
A policy of complete neutrality bitrate the strike. sole issue of peace, and will not
would safeguard s from"the eco- The committee declared that the branch out into more general discus-
nomic policies that irmvolved us in Mayor "is entitled to the moral back- sions of world affairs.
the last war," Prof. John P. Daw- ing of every citizen who believes that
son of the La wSchool told Adelphi, no group of men, however large their California's Governor
"Debaingscetyarthtwndigtaypossessions or realty holdings, has
'During the yea that we did stay the right in a spirit of obstinate Will Aid Gov. Landon
out of the war," explained Professor indifference to the welfare of New
Dawson, "we were economically allied York to compel prolongation of a SACRAMENTO, Calif., March 10.
with the allies. We had a two-million -(sdP)-Gov. Frank F. Merriam sud-
dolrices n u xottaestrike which means hardship and elanocdtdythtewud
dollar increase in our export trade, misery to many and may at any denly announced today that he would
and one-fifth cf this was in muni- time bring violence to our city." support Gov. Alf. M. Landon, of
tions." He added that President Wil- _ to Kansas, for the Republican Presi-
son had protested against the actions dential nomination.
of Great Britain and France, but Trans-Atlantic Air I Merriam, until yesterday consid-
that the suggested embargo was mere- rered a potential candidate himself,
ly discussed and dismissed. Irips Start SO( nsaid he had decided against this
This attitude of the administra- course "because I could not see where
tion, he continued, was due to the NEW YORK, March 9. - (/P)-I could spare the time to enter into
'confined him to bed for abo
Sen. McKellar H
*ut two
Cambridge To Levy
Million-Dollar Tax
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., March 10.-
()- The city of Cambridge is going
to assess a "service charge" against
the previously tax-exempt schools of
Harvard, Radcliffe, and Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology, Mayor
John D. Lynch announced today.
The levy, $10 for every $1,000 of
valuation, is paid for policing Har-
vard football games and student dem-
onstrations, removal of rubbish and
ashes, and services of the fire de-
Lynch asserts bills -will be sent
the institutions within sx weeks, and
they would total at least one million'
dollars. The mayor said only two of
Cambridge's six square miles are tax-
able. "Some are occupied by Har-
vard, and besides Harvard there are
Technology, Boston University, Rad-
cliffe, numerous smaller private.
schools, a metropolitan reservoir, city
property, and several so-called char-
itable institutions."
Police Officers;
Arrive At Coast
For Extradition
Hayden Opposes Trip Here
And Delays Proceedings
In Sacramento
Following receipt of word that
Chief Lewis W. Fohey, Sergt. Sher-
man Mortenson and Pros. Albert J.
Rapp had reached Sacramento with
extradition papers for William
"Shorty" Hayden, wanted here on
the slaying of Officer Clifford "Sid"
Stang a year ago, Ann Arbor police
were awaiting news last night of the
officers' conference with Gov. Frank
Merriam of California on the return
of the alleged fugitive, now held by
Los Angeles police for attempted bur-
glary there.
Delays Proceedings
Officers surmised last night that
Hayden's announcement of his in-
tention to fight extradition was de-
laying the proceedings. If he does
so, it will be necessary for the of-
ficers to go to Los Angeles, and re-
turn with the prisoner to Sacramen-
to for extradition hearings.
Hayden's police record showed that
since the slaying here last March 21,]
in the course of an attempted day-
light robbery, he has been sought by
Detroit police for parole violation.
He had served less than five years of
a seven and a half to fifteen year sen-
tence for robbery armed in Detroit,
when he was paroled to the custody
of a Dearborn police sergeant in 1935.
The sergeant had obtained employ-
ment at Ford's for Hayden, and the
alleged murderer had already worked
there one day, when, police claim, he
engineered the holdup of the Conlin- I
Wetherbee clothing store on Wash-
ington Street here.
Stang Entered Store
In the course of the holdup, Stang,
just about to go on duty, entered the
store to buy a tie clasp. The shorter.
of the two men who were holding up1
the proprietor and two customers
then in the store slipped behind Stang
as he entered and seized his gun,
then shot him through the back as
the officer turned to grapple with
Haydenhhas been positively identi-
fied by the three witnesses from a
line-up of photographs as the rob-
ber who killed Stang.
Parole Commissioner Louis C.
Armstrong in Lansing has requested
the Los Angeles police to hold Hay-
den for the violation of his parole.
Ednionson Invited
To Head Committee
Dean James B. Edmonson of the
School of Education was invited yes-
terday by Eugene B. Elliott, state sup-
erintendent of public instruction to
serve on a committee to investigate
the effects of the 15 mill limitation
amendment on Michigan's public
school system.
Assemble For Discussion
Of Rhineland Situation
Before Council Meeting
Commons Approve
Defense Program
Mussolini Offers Support
To France If Sanctions
Are Removed
LONDON, March 10.-(I?)-The
gravity of the international situa-
tion was emphasized in authoritative
circles tonight as conversations of
Locarno treaty members and of the
League of Nations council on Ger-
many's violation of the pact were
transferred to London.
The surprise development, it was
stated, resulted from a decision by
Anthony Eden, foreign secretary, and
Lord Halifax, privy seal, that it was
necessary they consult colleagues here
following conversations in Paris to-
day of Locarno members.
As a result Britain, France, Italy
and Belgium will discuss the German
situation here Thursday, to be fol-
lowed by a meeting here Saturday of
the League council.
The House of Commons approved
tonight a white paper outlining the
government's huge defense program
by a vote of 371 to 153 and rejected
a labor motion of non-confidence in
the government, 378 to 155.
The cabinet will meet tomorrow to
hear a full account of today's pro-
ceedings in Paris from Eden and Lord
It was authoritatively pointed out
that in the British view a cabinet con-
sultation is essential and at the same
time it is urgent that the Locarno
talks should be continued. The only
way that could be found of over-
coming the difficulties of physical
transportation was for the meetings
to be held in London.
PARIS, March 10. - (P) -Great
Britain tonight was uniting the for-
mer Allies into a strong alliance
against German aggression, but one
which will not lead them into war
over Hitler's remilitarization of the
Franco-British differences appar-
ently were being settled by a London
offer of strong military guarantees,
if France will agree to negotiate with
Italy came prominently into the
picture as predictions grew that sanc-
tions against Mussolini for his Ethi-
opian war would be lifted in return
for his support of France and Britain
against Germany.
These developments came on the
heels of a rather futile discussion in
Paris today between Locarnosigna-
tories, France, Britain and Belgium,
as to what action should be taken
against Hitler.
This session was split wide open by
the early differences between France
and Britain, differences which started
when Capt. Anthony Eden told the
Commons yesterday that the Rhine-
land remilitarization was not an ac-
tual act of aggression and that Hit-
ler's peace proposals should be stud-
ied, and when Premier Albert Sar-
raut of France told the Chamber that
France would not negotiate with Ger-
many until Hitler took his troops
back across the Rhine.
Admiral Beatty Dies
After Long Illness
LONDON, March 10. - (/P') - Earl
Beatty, former admiral of the fleet,
died tonight. He had been ill for
several weeks. He was 65 years old.
Death came to the former naval
official at the London home for the
aged where he had been under treat-
His son, Viscount Borodale, and a
doctor and nurse were at his bedside.
Beatty's condition became serious
after he attended the funeral of the
late King Geonge V.
Largest Lens Starts
Trip To Pasadena
Senator McKellar (Dem.,
l -() -
Tenn.) in
a radio speech in which he accused
the newspaper industry generally of
misleading the public with "propa-
ganda" tonight asserted that New
Deal spending was bringing "pros-
perity and happiness" to the nation.
He declared former President
Hoover added $5,000,000,000 to the
national debt "in two years and two
months and so far as beneficially af-
fecting the depression is concerned,
he might as well have gotten together
five billion dollars, reduced it to ashes
and then scattered the ashes in the
ocean. On the other hand Roose-
velt spends $7,800,000,000 in three
years and makes the country prosper-
ous and happy and restores prosperity
to our people."
Problems confronting various Uni-
versity activities were discussed last
night at a banquet held by the Uni-
versity of Michigan Club of Detroit
at the University Club in Detroit. The
University was represented by sever-
al prominent faculty members and
eight students important in campus
Spring Calls Lovers Outdoors
And Calm Descends On Library
Library dating and its allied evils
will be subjected to a double-barreled
attack with the return of spring
weather and the revival of "Michigan
manners," it was said yesterday by
Dr. William W. Bishop, international-
ly famous librarian and director of
University libraries.
Although officials have long been
aware that the use of libraries as in-
formal social centers has resulted in
unnecessary noise and confusion, no
attempts will be made to legislate the
connlitionsonut of eistone. Th hsic
The subordination of a collegiate
radicalism to a more adult conserva-
tism was cited as a cause for the
University's comparative orderliness.
Would-be Gables and Harlows will
not be suppressed completely, how-
ever. The Angell study hall so often
approached the clamor of a noisy hotel
lobby that special assistants had to
be added to the staff. As the wea-
ther becomes more pleasant with the
returning spring, the young man
whose fancy turns lightly to thoughts
of love will not be found in the library,
Dr. Bishop prophesies.
AN matter howr sarinmchrthP rP-