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October 06, 1935 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-06

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Ohio State Defeats Kentucky

19 To 6 Before Record Crowd

Indiana Downs
Center Eleven
By 14-0 Scoref
Maroons Swamp Carroll,
Scoring At Will To Win
Easy Victory,_31-0
Illinois Wins, 28-6
Marquette Scores First
Victory Over Wisconsin
In 17 Years
COLUMBUS, Oct. 5. - Ohio State's
football team, touted by pre-
season experts as a likely winner of
the Big Ten and national champion-
ships, failed today to display the
coordination which featured its play
last season, but had enough power to
defeat a scrappy University of Ken-
tucky eleven, 19 to 6.
The greatest opening day crowd in
the history of Ohio State witnessed
the contest, 56,686 paid customers.
The best previous opening day crowd,
47,785, viewed the Indiana contest
a year ago.
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Oct.5..
(A') - Indiana University flashed a
succession of forward and lateral
passes here today to dazzle Center
College's football team and open its
season with a flashing 14 to 0 victory
over the Alma Mater of Bo McMillin,
the Hoosier coach.
The Hoosiers scored after two bril-'
liant marches, one of 67 yards in the
opening period, and another of 89
yards in the third quarter.
Wendell Walker, 190 pound, half-
back and Vernon Huffman, quarter-
back, provided most of the driving
force, and proved adept at slipping
the football forward or laterally.
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Oct. 5. -(R) -
Soaring on the wings of opportunity,
the Illinois football team launched
a challenge to Southern California,
its foe at Los Angeles next week, by
passing and running its way to a 28'
to 6 victory over a heavier Washing-
ton University squad today before
15,000 persons.
Faced by the accurate throwing of
Wilbur Henry, successor to Jack Bey-
nion, and the. a-aound performance
of Lowell Sturgeon, Centralia soph -
omore, the Illini gave their followers 1
much to elate over by a complete re-
versal of their form of last week when+
they were beaten by Ohio University'
6 to0.

First Score In Spartans' 25-6 Victory

Art Brandstatter, State's fleet and hard-running fullback, is shown
here just as he scored the first touchdown of the Spartan-Michigan
game yesterday. After State: had run the ball from its own 42-yard line
to the one-yard line in three plays the Spartan fullback went through
his right tackle for the score. Mike Savage, Wolverine left end, is the
Michigan man who has hauled Brandstatter down, over the line.

Irish Defeat
Skihos, 14-3;
Quakers Lose
Fourth Quarter Rally Wins
For Princeton; Service
Teams Triumph
PITTSBURGH, Oct. 5. - Making
both of their touchdowns in the third
quarter Notre Dame defeated the Car-
negie Tech Skibos 14 to 3 to score
their second win of the season.
Carnegie Tech, playing defensive
football and waiting for a break,
scored late in the second half on a
25-yard place kick after intercepting
a pass hurled by Mike Layden.
With Layden, Carideo, and Shake-
speare carrying the ball, the Ram-
blers went down for the first touch-
down of the game early in the third
quarter. Wojihovski, Wulkie, and
Carideo gained steadily through the
Tech line, marching from their own
four yard line to score a second time
in the final period.
N. J., Oct. 6. - (A) - A savage last
quarter attack enabled the Princeton
Tigers to come from behind, score
seven points and defeat Penn 7 to 6
before 50,000 people here today. The
game marked the resumption of foot-
ball relations between the two schools
after a lapse of 41 years.

A Sad Story

First downs Mich.
By rushing ........4
By passing ...... ... 5
Through penalties . .1
Total first downs 10


Detroit Wins Defeat Is Forgotten As Weary Baer Suspects Third
Fourth Series Wolverines Point For Indiana Man Is Not A Neutral
CHICAGO, Oct. 5. - A Chicago
C1 h 2 To l brokerage house received the fol-
Aaas 2 o By FRED WARNER NEAL "What happened, Kip? What the lowing wire on the Baer-Louis
"Well, suppose you'll start smash- Sam Hill was wrong anyway?" fight from its New York office:
Crowder )ef eats Carleton ing away for Indiana now, eh Kip?" "Well, they were just too fast for "At the end of the first round
Theowrerdreweaas Carictiansus," he replied slowly. "Our boys Dempsey said to Max:
In Pitchi Duel; ErrorsThe tired, drawn face of Michigan couldn't catch up to 'em." "'Go after him, old man, he
-Efootball coach snapped up and peered "Our tackling a little weak, too, ain't got a glove on you and you're
Give Tigers Victory through the steam from the showers wasn't it?" doing fine.'
in the dressing room, "Ye-es," Kipke admitted, "But the "Dempsey repeated the same
(Continued from Page 1) "You bet we will," he said. "We main trouble was that they were just thing at the end of the second
by another frostbitten crowd of 49,- gotta lick Indiana." He looked around too fast." round and at the end of the third
,315 fans that was the largest of the him. The atmosphere of the dress- He looked out of the window again, again:
series, developed another pitchers' ing room was a terrific letdown from and the sound of running water from "'He ain't laying a glove on
battle of the "breaks" that was the heights of enthusiasm generated the showers broke the stillness. you, Max, go right after him.
marked by no serious renewal of the at the pep meeting Friday night. The "What are you going to work on "Max turned and said:
hostilities in which the Cubs became fighting Wolverines had just gone principally next week?" he was asked. "'Well for the love of mike keep
embroiled with Umpire Moriarity down in defeat. "Speed," he returned laconically. an eye on Referee Donovan then;
yesterday. Players were drooped across "Speed, tackling and blocking." somebody is beating hell out of
BOX SCORE benches, slowly pulling jerseys over And as the battered bodies of the -
Dtrit AB R OA their sweating faces. The room had players were refreshed in the show-
DetrWhite, 3 0 1 0 0 already begun to smell of the trainers' ers, the locker room atmosphere W. AND J. LOSES
Cohe . c ........4 0 1 6 0 medicants, being hauled out of their brightened. Renner, over in one cor- WASHINGTON, Pa., Oct. 5. -()
Cehr..black bags. The impassive Kipke was ner, grinned as a teammate yelled - Pitt's Panthers, scored at least
Gehringer, 2b.. . . . .. .. 4 0 2 31 looking silently out of the window something at him. once in every period to win easily from
Go , rf.............5 0 1 0 0 at the bleak, grey sky. And you could tell, somehow, that Washington and Jefferson 35-0 to-
Ro.elr f ........... 5 0 1 0 0 "Yep. We sure gotta beat Indiana," Kipke was right when he said they day before a crowd of 12,000.
Owen, lb...........4 0 0 13 1 he repeated, and he stuck out his would be "smashing away for In- The Presidents entered scoring ter-
Clifton, 3b.4 1 0 0 4 chin and smiled a little. diana." Michigan was down but far ritory only once or twice, failing in
-.from out. several attempts at an overhead game.
Crowderp p..........3 1 1 2 1
T.... ..33 2 7 27 11 Lineup
Chicago AB H R O A
Galan, If .4 0 0 2 0 Michigan (6) Pas. (25) State
Hermn, 2b .4 0 '1 4 1 Patanelli......I...... Zarza (c)
Lindstrom, of ........ 4 0 0 3 0 Viergever ....... Lr.........Zindel of Ann Arbor
I arItnett, c ....... 4 1 1 7 0 Bissell ......... LG ......Dahlgren
Ilemaree, rf ......,... 4 0 1 4 0 kmrine......C... ...... .Buzolits Invites Your Consideration
Cavaretta, lb .........4 0 2 3 1 Ziem ....... ...RG........Olman
Hack, 3b ............. 4 0 0 0 0 Hanshue .......,RrT .... Sleder DINING ROOMS
Jurges, ss .. . .1 0 0 4 2 Savage .,........RE.......Allman
Carleton, p..........1 0 0 0 2 Renner (c) .....QB. . ... Colina ior from 1 0 to 6 0 0 persons.
*Klein ...............1 0 0 0 0 Ritchie ... ......LEI .....Warmbein DINNERS, BANQUETS,
Root, p.............0 0 0 0 1 Smithers.....,.RH..........Sebo
_.... - - Sweet ...........FB Brandstatter DINNER-DANCES
Totals...........31 1 5 27 Michigan ......1 2 3 4 Final Tasty Food, Reasonable Prices,
Michigan ......6 0 0 0 -6 "Home Cooking"
Detroit............001 001 000-2 Mich. State ... .7 6 6 6 25
Chicago............010 000 000-1 Substitutions: Michigan: Stabovitz, AUDITORIUM -THEATRE
Errors - Galan, Jurges. Runs Lincoln, Schuman, Remias, Kramer, Seating 1000 - Lectures, etc.
batted in - Hartnett 1, Gehringer 1, Luby, Garber, Wright, Meyers, Gray,
Crowder 1. Earned runs - Detroit 1, Nelson, Campbell; Michigan State: Full Stage Equipment.
Chicago 1. Two-base hits - Fox, Wagner, Vanderburg, Neumann, Hal- NEWLY DECORATED and
Gehringer, Herman. Home run - bert, Agett, Ziegel, Kuhne, Jones,
Hartnett. Stolen base - Gehringer. Wilson, Ross, Swartz, Kutchins, New Lighting System
Sacrifice - Gehringer. Double plays Gaines, McComb, Wiseman, Miller.
-Jurges to Herman; Rogell to Geh- Scoring: Michigan: touchdown, DANCES . . . Reasonable Rentals
ringer to Owen. Left on base - De- Sweet; Michigan State: touchdown, Capacity u to 250 Couples, Good Floor
troit 13, Chicago 6. Base on balls - Brandstatter, Colina (2), Agett;pp
Off Crowder 3 (Carleton 1, Jurges 2); point after touchdown, Sebo.
off Carleton 7 (Rogell 2, Cochrane 1, Officials: Referee : Don Lourie MASONIC CLUB . . . 3rd Floor
Goslin 1, Crowder 1, White 2) ; off (Princeton; Umpire, Lion Gardiner ALL MASONS WELCOME
Root "1 (Goslin). Strike outs- By (Illinois); Field Judge: R. J. Eichen-8Blir Taes-1 Crd abs
Crowder 5 (Demaree, Cavaretta, Hack laub (Notre Dame) ; Head linesman:8 illiard Tables 10 Card Tables
Carleton, Hartnett; by Carleton 4 Dr. E. P. Maxwell, (Ohio State). Equipment All Renewed.
(White, Gehringer, Rogell, Fox) ; by
Root 2 (White, Rogell). Hits and Full Fresh Stock: Cigars, candies, refreshments
runs - Off Carleton 2 runs and 6 hits Eye Glass Frames Tournament Play Invited from Organizations
in 7 innings; off Root 0 runs and 1 Repaired.
hit in 2 innings. Balk - Carleton. Lenses Ground. Inquire of Manager for further information
Losing pitcher - Carleton. Umpires
-Stark (NL) at Plate; Moraity (AL) HALLER'S Jewelry 327 So. Fourth Ave. Dial 2-2398
at first; Quigley (NL) at second, and State Street at Liberty
McGowan (AL) at third. Time-2:28.
I I,,l &I *I_

Yards Gananed from Scrimmage

Byerushing ..........74
By passing........ 96
Attempted... .....15
Completed.... ...8
Intercepted.... ..1
Yards lost by penalties 25
Punts ..............13
Average yardage .. .32
Return of punts, ave. 9
Fumbles .............1
Own fumbles recov. . .0
Opponents' f'bles rec. 4



Michigan Bal
Renner ..............11
Everhardus ..........12
Sweet ................7
Ritchie ..............12
Nelson ................2
Campbell.......... 1
Michigan State
Colina ................1
Sebo ................12
Brandstatter ........10
Zarza .................3
Kuhne ................5
Allman ...............2
Agett ................5

ed Ave.
[I Gain








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