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October 06, 1935 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-06

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Aecou -t Of Sparton GCamnel

YALE DRUBS N. H. over a fighting New Hampshire eleven
YALE BOWL, NEWHAVEN,.Conn., today. A crowd of 12,000 saw the
Oft. 5.-(P)-Led by two sopho Blue get away to its most impressive
mores. Clint Frank and Charley Ew- opening day in several seasons. Frank
art, Yale recorded a 34 to 0 triumph tallied twice for high scoring honors.


Sebo kicked off for Michigan State
to Michigan's ten yard line where.
Smithers received the ball and ran
17 yards before being downedby Zin-
del. Ritchie gained 2 yards through
center'. Sweet hit the center of the
line for no gain and Dahlgren's tackle
forced him to fumble but he recovered
Sweet kicked to the Spartan 40 yard
line. where. the ball was downed by
Snithers was hurt on the play and
was replaced by Nelson. Brandstatter
made a 30-yard run off tackleand was
finally downed by Hanshue and Am-
rine. Warmbein threw a seven-yard
pass to Sebo who ran 10 yards before
being tackled' by Amrine for a first
down. Warmbein- ran to the 5 yar
line and was tacikledby Sweet.. Sbo
tried a wide end run and was stopped
by Renner for no gain. Miclligan
was offside on the play, putting the:
ball on the one yard line. Brand-
statter carried the ball through right
tackle for a touchdown. Sebo's kick
for the extra point went squarely
through the uprights. Score - Mh-
igan State 7, Michigan 0.
Everhardus went in for Ritchie and.
Everhardus kicked off to Michigan.
State's 5 yard line where Sebo received
the ball and ran it back to the 27:
Brandstatter carried the ball 6 yards
before Amrine tackled him. On the
next play Viergever and Savage broke
through the Spartan interference: to
throw Sebo for a 6 yard loss. Warm-
bein punted to the Wolverine 37 where
Everhardus took the ball and ran it
back 5 yards before Zindel hit him
Everhardus was stopped after one
yard by Sebo and Colina. Wagner
stopped Everhardus for no gain. Ren-
ner's pass to Sweet was incomplete
Nelson kicked out of bounds on the
16 yard line. Sebo was tackled by
Hanshue for no gain. Warmbein
kicked to Everhardus who took the
ball on his own 40 yard.line andsranr
up the sideline to State's 48 where he
fumbled and State recovered.
Sebo was stopped by Viergever for
no gain. Sebo ran for a first down
to Michigan's 43 where he was stopped
by Nelson and Everhardus. Michigan
took time out. Zarza on an end.
around play lateraled to.Colina for a
first down on Michigan's 21. Sav-
age broke through to spill Sebo for a
9 yard loss. Patanelli tackled Warm -
bein for an 8 yard loss, but Michigan
was offside on the play and the ball
went to the Wolverine's 25 yard line.
A pass from Warmbein to Zarza
which was followed by a lateral to
Colina gained a yard. Warmbeii was-
tackled hard on the next play and
his fumble was recovered by Vier-
gever on the 33 yard line.
Renner was stopped by Wagne1
after a 3 yard gain. Michigan made
a first down on a pass from Reniey
toPatanelli putting the ball onStat'
44 yard line. State took time out.
Everhardus gained eight yards around
end. Dahlgren and Buzolits stopped
Everhardus for no gain at left tackle.
Renner passed to Nelson who took the
gIl' ono the 30 and ran' 7 yard E for a
first down before being tackled by
Brandstatter. Renner gained 4 yards
through the middle of the line. Kuhn
went in for Brandstatter on Michiga
State. Everhardus went 9 yard
around left end before he was stoppe
by Sebo and Colina. Wagner brok
through to toss Renner for a yard
Nelson lost two yards on a Statue
of Liberty play. A pass, Renner tc
Patanelli put the ball on State's £
yard line. The ball was in the centex
of the field in perfect position for a
try for a field goal. Renner took the
ball kneeling on the ground as if to
hold it for a place-kick and then shot
a pass to Sweet on the goalflie fo
a touchdown. Everhardus' try-for-
point was wide. Score: Michigan
State 7, Michigan 6.
Everhardus kicked off to Warmbein
who took the ball on the 10 yard line
and went to the 25 where he lateraled

to Colina who was stopped on the
21 by Patanelli. Sebo broke through
the middle of the line for a 5 yard
gain. Warmbein's kick was taken on
the Michigan 41 yard line by Ever-
hardus who went 6 yards to the 47.
Zarza and Dahlgren stopped Ever-
hardus for no gain. Renner's quick-
kick was taken by Colina on the State
20 but he was thrown back 2 yards by
Hanshue ad Bissell. Kuhne went
through left tackle-for a 4 yard gain
before he was stopped by Savage.
Sebo went to the 25 where he was
tackled by Savage. Warmbein kicked
to Everhardus who made a fair catch
on the Michigan 32 yard line. Meyers
went in for Savage for Michigan.
Everhardus ran from punt formation

to the 35 yard line as the quarter
Scom -- Michigan State 7, Mich-
igan 6.
Smithers replaced Nelson for
Michikan. Renner then carried the
ball 2 yards when he was tack-
led by Zindel. Sweet went back
to kick but the pass from center
was bad and he lost a yard trying
to run. Sweet kicked to Colina who
took the punt on his own 20 and ran
back to the 33. Ziem was hurt on
the play and Kramer went in at
tackle for Michigan, Hanshue shift-
ing to the guard position. Brand-
statter went in for Kuhne on the
Spartans. Warmbein went one yard
to the 35. Brandstatter gained 4
yards when Bissell tackled him. Mich-
igan was offside on the play.
Warmbein gained 2 yards through
tackle. Brandstatter tore through
the middle of the line to the 49 yard
line where he was hit hard by Smith-
ers. Viergever was hurt on the play
but stayed in the game. Michigan
.was penalized 5 yards for extra time
out. Warmbein's pass to Zarza was
incomplete. State took too much
time and was penalized 5 yards.
Brandstatter gained a yard. Warm-
bein threw a pass on the dead run to
Colina who was run out of bounds by
Amrine on the Michigan 32. Warm-
bein gained 2 yards. Warmbein in-
tended to pass but was forced to
run and lost 2 yards. Allman car-
ried the ball on an end around play
to the Michigan 17 yard line where
he was stopped by Everhardus and
Amrine. Brandstatter fumbled and
the ball was recovered for Michigan
by Meyers. Everhardus was stopped
for no gain. Sweet was stopped for
no gai-. Sweet punted to the Michi-
gan State 43 where Colina took the
bail and sprinted straight down the
side-line for a touchdown. Sebo
missed the try for extra point. Score
Michigan State 13, Michigan 6.
Lincoln replaced Viergever for Mich-
igan. Everhardus kicked to Colina
on the 5 yard line and he carried it
back to the 23 before being tackled by
Patanelli. Sebo gained 6 yards
through center to the 37. A pass,
Warmbein to Zarza gained 4 yards.
Sebo took the ball from Warmbein
on a Statue of Liberty play and ran
to the Michigan 48. Warmbein gained
two yards off tackle. Sebo took the
ball through center for a 5 yard gain.
State was penalized 15 yards for il-
legal use of hands putting the ball on
the Spartan 38 yard line. Shuman
went in for Amrine as center for
S Warmbein's punt was taken by Ev-
erhardus on the 20 and run back to
the 33 where he was tackled by Zin-
del. Everhardus gained a yard
through tackle. Sweet tore off two
yards through center. Renner's pass
was incomplete. Gray went in for
Everhardus. Patanelli -downed
Sweet's kick on the 34 yard line but
the play was called back and State
was penalized 5 yards for roughing
the kicker. Smithers lost 4 yards,
Renner's pass intended for Patanelli
was knocked down by Colina. Colina
received Sweet's punt on the State 25
and was tackled by Hanshue, Bissell,
and Patanelli.
Sebo was stopped by Hanshue.
State suffered a 15 yard penalty for
illegal use of hands putting the ball
:n the 9 yard line. Savage went in
for Meyers. Brandstatter was stopped
for no gain. Warmbein kicked to
3ray on the State 48 and he ran it
back 6 yards. Renner passed to
Smithers for a 14 yard gain. Renner
gained 5 yards. Warmbein inter-
cepted Renner's pass on his own
10 and ran it back to the 36. An in-
tended lateral Allman to Colina was
grounded. Sebo was stopped for a
yard gain.
y Smithers intercepted Warmbein's
pass on Michigan's 48 and ran it to
the State 41. Ritchie went in for
Gray. Michigan was penalized 5
yards for excessive time out. Renner

was tackled while attempting to
pass on the Michigan 45. Renner
faked a pass and was spilled for no
gain as the half ended. Score -
Michigan State, 13, Michigan 6.
Everhardus kicked off to Sebo whc
ran to his 32 before he was spilled
by Hanshue. Sebo won 5 yards to the
State 37 but fumbled and Renner re-
covered for Michigan. Everhardus
went off tackle to the State 24. Van-
deberg went in at center for State.
Everhardus found a hole at center
and went to the 7-yard line. State
took time out. Smithers '-picked u:
2 yards through center. Smithers
went off tackle to the 3-yard line.
Warmbein knocked down Renner's
pass to Smither's over the goal line

Everhardus went wide around left end
to the 1 yard line where he was tack-
led by Sebo. Everhardus took Warm-
bein's punt on the State 41 and re-
turned it 7 yards. Ritchie replaced
Ritchie was stopped for no gain.,
Renner went off-tackle to the State
32. Renner tried to pass but was
smothered for an 8-yard loss. Sweet
kicked to Brandstatter on his 15
yard line. Sebo was hurt on the play
and was replaced by Ziegel. Warm-
bein was stopped for no gain by Pat-
anelli. Ritchie knocked down Warm-
bein's long pass. Renner took Warm-
bein's kick at mid-field and ran. it
back 9 yards. Ritchie gained 3 yards.
Renner completed a pass to Patanelli
but Michigan was penalized 5 yards
for offside. Ritchie gained 4 yards
through center. Zindel-tackled Ren-
ner before he could pass on the 48
yard line. Sweet's kick was blocked
by Sleder and Zarza recovered for
State on the Michigan 41 yard line.
Lincoln tackled Warmbein after a 2
yard gain. Warmbein's pass intended
for Allman was incomplete. Warm-
bein passed to Zarza who was tackled
on the 2 yard line. Brandstatter
gained 4 yards. Zarza went to the
15 yard line on an end-around play.
Warmbein passed to Colina who went
15 yards for a touchdown. Brand-
statter missed the attempt at conver-
sion. Score - Michigan State 19 -
Michigan 6.
Remias went in to kickoff for Mich-
igan and Colipa ran his kick back 20
yards to the 30. Warinbein's pass to
Ziegel bounded out of his hands and
was taken by Zarza who crossed the
goal line but the play was called back
under the ruling that only one eli-
gible man can touch a pass. Brand-
statter gained two yards. Warm-
bein's quick-kick was downed on the
12 yard line by Zarza. Wagner stop-
ped Ritchie for no gain. Sweet's
punt was taken by Colina on the
State 45 and he was finally run out of
bounds by Renner on the Michigan
42. Brandstatter gained 2 yards. A
lateral pass Allman to Colina lost 4
yards. Warmbein passed to Zarza
who lateralled to Ziegel who was stop-
- --D - -

ped by Sweet on the Michigan 22 yard
Ziegel went 5 yards to the Michi-
gan 5 yard line where his fumble was
recovered by Lincoln for Michigan.
Ritchie was stopped at center for no
gain. Ritchie was thrown for a yard
loss by Brandstatter. Nelson went
in for Smithers. Agett went in for
Warmbein and Kuhne for Brand-
statter. Garber replaced Hanshue.
Nelson kicked out of bounds on the
38 yard line. Kuhne ran to the 26
yard line behind beautiful blocking
as the quarter ended. Score Michi-
gan State 19, Michigan 6.
went in for Savage. Agett carried
the ball to Michigan's 18 .yard line.
Agett gained 3 yards but State was
penalized for illegal use of hands and
the ball went back to the 33. Agett
picked up 2 yards thru center. A
pass, Agett to Zarza was incomplete.
Agett passed to Zarza who was
downed on the 20 yard line.
Ritchie lost 7 yards off tackle.
Wagner tackled Ritchie for a 2 yard
loss. Sweet kicked to Ziegel but State
was penalized 15 yards for roughing
the kicker. Sweet hit center for 5
yards. Ritchie picked up 2 yards off
tackle. Ziegel fumbled Sweet's punt
on the State 40 but recovered and
gained 5 yards. Ziegel ran behind
good blocking around end to the
Michigan 38. Patanelli tackled Agett
for a yard loss. Patanelli stopped
Agett for a 6 yard loss. Amrine
knocked down Agett's pass to Ziegel.
Renner signalled for a fair catch on
Agett's punt. Renner was stopped by
Dahlgren and Zindell for no gain.
Nelson kicked to Ziegel who ran it
back 5 yards to the 37 yard line. Gar-
ber stopped Kuhne after a 2 yard
gain. State was penalized 5 yards for
being off side. Kuhne made a yard at
left guard. Agett attempted to pass
but was smothered by Lincoln on the
1 42 yard line. Agett's punt went out
L of bounds on the 16 yard line. Luby
went in for Kramer. Zindel tackled
Nelson for a 5 yard loss. Ritchie lost
2 yards on a fake punt. Sweet kicked

out of bounds on the State 38 yard
Ziegel picked up 5 yards through
the middle of the line. Ziegel gained
a yard. Kuhne broke off tackle for
a first down. Kuhne took the ballk
on a reverse and ran 46 yards for a
touchdown. Zarza missed the kick.-
Score -Michigan State 25, Michigan
Both Coaches Bachman and Kipke
began to make wholesale substitu-
tions. Ritchie received Kuhne's kick-
off on the 5 yard line and ran it back
19 yards. Wiseman stopped Ritchie
after an 8 yard gain around end.
Ritchie picked up 3 yards off tackle.
Renner's pass to Valpey was incom-
plete. Valpey dropped another pass
from Renner but interference was
ruled on the play and it was Michi-
gan's ball on State's 48. Another pass,
Renner to Patanelli was incomplete.
Campbell went in for Ritchie.
Campbell passed to Renner and the
Michigan Captain was downed on the
34 yard line. Renner passed to Pat-
anelli who lateraled to Campbell for
a 14 yard gain. Renner passed to
Valpey who was downed on the State
11 yard line. Campbell lost a yard
on a lateral from Renner as the game
Final score - Michigan State 25-
Michigan 6.
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