Appoint Juniors Icelandic People's
To Head Union Literature Studied
Council Posts
Two Men Named For Each
Of Four Committees To
Direct Activities
The appointments of the junior
members of the executive council of
the Union to head the four executive
committees directing student activi-
ties were announced last night by
Wencil A. Neumann, '36, president of
the Union.
The number of student committees
was reduced from five to four by
Neumann and in order to facilitate
and speed up the work of the com-
mittees the number of juniors was
reduced to two for each committee.
The junior members of the house
committee are Herbert Wolf and Ber-
tram Lebies. Members of the other
committees are as follows: reception,
George Malone and Rush Bowman;
publicity, Robert Dailey, William
Struve, and Richard Hershey; dance,
Loren Kadet and John Badger.
Forty-five sophomores turned out
in response to the call issued for try-
outs. The new sophomores were put
on one of the four committees and
will serve under the juniors. Early
next semester the sophomores will as-
sume the chairmanships of each of
the committees and from them will
be picked the executive council men
for next year. It is planned to move
the sophomores from one committee
to another in order to acquaint them.
with the duties of each committee.
The program of the Union, which
includes many new features for the
coming school year, will soon get un-
der way, Neumann stated. All of the
various departments will sponsor
tournaments and the new steam
room will be open soon for the use
of the students.
Union officials again urged men to
register at their earliest convenience
because students are going to be
asked to show their membership cards
much more often than in previous
years. No one may use the new steam
room unless he presents his card, and
a reduced rate will be given in the
bowling alley for those showing their
membership cards.
SEC Has Many
Fake Salesmen
On 'Blacklist'
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2. - () - A
"rogues gallery" of 30,000 names has
been completed by the securities and
exchange commission to aid it in
weeding out fake stock salesmen and
The list is dotted with the names
of "get rich quick" promoters ac-
cused of preying upon the investing
public back in the boom days with
promises -of wealth from worthless
David Saperstein, director of the
trading and exchange division, said
today the list was proving invaluable
in the examination of applications for
registration from over-the-counter
security dealers.
The commission has ruled that all
over the counter traders must be reg-
istered by Jan. 1 to continue opera-
tion in securities of an interestate
nature. Officials said every applica-
tion is being compared to the names
in the "rogues gallery" in an effort to
keep out dishonest dealers.
Karl E. Harriman,
Noted Editor, Dies
Karl Edwin Harriman, noted editor
ad writer and a native of Ann Arbor
and a University graduate, died Tues-
day at his home in Wyncote, Pa., ac-
cording to the Associated Press.
Mr. Harriman, who was 60 years
old, received his A.B. degree from the
University in June, 1910, as a member
of the class of 1898. He attended the
La~w School for a year in the Nm-
ties, and was the son of the late
Judge W. D. Harriman, twice mayor
of Ann Arbor.
Mr. Harriman entered the news-
paper field on the old Detroit Journal
and later conducted an editorial col-
umn for the Free Press. In 1905 he
became editor of the Pilgrim maga-
zine. He was also editor of the Rcd
Book, the Blue Book and the Green
Book magazines in Chicago, and from
1912 to 1919 was managing editor of
the Ladies Home Journal.
MARQUETTE, Oct. 2. - (R) - The
case of Harris Selin, Bessemer mer-
chant, was the first to be called to
trial as the October term got under
way today in U. S. district court here.
Selin is charged with violating the
federal bankruptcy law and with us-
ing the mails to defraud.
By Dr. Litzenberger
The Icelandic peoples are more in-
terested inthe literary relationships
between the Scandinavians and the
English than are the English them-
selves, according to Dr. Karl Litzen-
berg of the English department who
has been making a very detailed and
comprehensive study of Scandinavian
Literature during the last few years.
"It took the English nearly five
centuries to realize there was such
a thing as literature in Scandinavia,"
he said. "Then they went back to the
middle ages to get it. William Mor-
ris (1834-1896) is the English author
who is responsible for bringing into
his native land the real elements of
Scandinavian poetry."
For the purpose of learning to
speak the Danish language, Dr. Lit-
zenberg spent the year of 1933 at
the University of Copenhagen.
Dr. Litzenberg is a fellow of the
Icelandic Literary Society (Hid Is-
lenzk Bokmenntafelag). He had a
guest lectureship in Victorian litera-
ture at Wayne University this sum-
Bureau Plans
Is Second Of Type To Be
Established In America;
Princeton Has Other
(Continued from Page 1)
subjected to severe strain. It has
become evident that good industrial
relations frequently are an important
factor in business success and that
they have large social significance.
Far reaching questions and forces
often come to focus at places where
emnployees are at work," he added.
The projects planned by the Bu-
reau are intended to have definite
constructive value in the study and
solution of these industrial problems,
he declared.
The short conferences of business
leaders will discuss intensely such spe-
cic and practical questions as the
reduction of employees' risks or ex-
perience under union- management
agreements. Similar conferences of
non-managerial groups will be ar-
ranged as the interests of such groups
become known, Professor Riegel
The annual conference will deal,
he declared, with personnel problems
and questions of interest to "top"
management. Labor legislation will
be reviewed by experts intimately
aqquainted with its purpose and ad-
ministration, fundamental objectives
in industrial relations work will be
clarified, and significant experience
in this field will be reported and dis-
cussed, he explained.
"Case studies will be made in the
field with the cooperation of company
and employee groups," Professor Rie-
gel said. "By publishing the find-
ings of these studies, the Bureau in-
tends to call attention to problems of
current importance, to outline proce-
dures which have actually been used
in dealing with those problems, and
to invite employers and employees
to examine their own practices and
opinions," he explained.
With the Bureau but newly estab-
lished, the most important work done
thus far, Professor Riegel stated,
has been to set up working relation-
ships with employers and labor
groups. The work of indexing the
publications in the University's li-
braries which deal with employer-
employee relations, and in gather-
ing much new material on this sub-
ject, is also progressing rapidly, he
"We hope that any business execu-
tive, employee representative, or stu-
dent will be able to find quite readily
material on any phase of industrial
relations when this indexing is com-
pleted," Professor Riegel said.
Lovering Employed
B U. S. In Survey
Prof. Thomas S. Lovering of the
Geology department spent the sum-
mer working for the U.S. Geological
Survey Expedition in the front range
of Colorado.
Half of his time was spend under-
ground mapping mineral beds in
working and abandoned mines, and
part was devoted to mapping the
surface of possible ore strata.
In the near future, the information
which they have accumulated in
the past few years, will be published
in the Geology Survey Professional
Paper. From 1925 until his appoint-
ment in the Geology department last
year, Professor Lovering spent most
of his time with the U. S. Geological
Survey Expedition.
X-Ray Used To
Examine Lungs
In Health Exam'
Average Freshman Is In
Best Condition Of Any
In Last Three Years
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of
the University Health Service, an-
nounced yesterday that the average
freshman this year seems to be larger
and healthier than the freshman of
last year, who in turn was in better
physical condition than the one of
the preceding year. Thus it would
seem that therapeutics seems to be
doing its share in lengthening the
allotted span of three score and ten
years, even though the rigors of Or-
ientation Week and rushing do their
best to drive a strong man to a san-
itarium cot.
An innovation in the health exam
this year is the x-ray examination of
the lungs, compulsory for entering
students. It is used as a check
against the spread of a possible con-
tamination which a carrier of disease
germs might introduce to his im-
mediate associates. An advanced case
of tuberculosis was detected in one
student, who was sent to a sanitarium
immediately, and it is hoped that the
disease may be checked in time to
save the student's life. "If we were in
time to save the life of this man,"
Dr. Forsythe said, "we will consider
the great expense entailed in this
compulsory examination well worth
it." .
An interesting statistic concerning
the necessity of the health service to
the University shows that last year
over 100,000 visits were paid to the
infirmary, with diseases ranging
from the lowly common cold to pneu-
monia. This year as soon as the in-
firmary was opened to students it was
filled practically to capacity, but Dr.
Forsythe is of the opinion that there
will be fewer cases requiring medical
attention, because of the better physi-
cal condition of the University stu-
There are two cases of pneumonia
in the Health Service now, but neither
is serious, and the opinion was ex-
pressed that both will be able to at-
tend their classes in the near future.
Catholics Want
Smith's Views
On New Deal
Church Head Laymen Is
Scheduled To Speak To
Charities Group
PEORIA, Ill., Oct. 2. - (P) - Pon-
dering divergent opinions of New
Deal social ventures ,delegates to the
National Conference of Catholic
Charities today turned to the counsel
of one of their leading laymen - Al-
fred E. Smith.
The former governor of New York
aligned with the anti-Administration
American Liberty League, was sched-
uled to address the closing banquet
of the organization's twenty-fifth an-
nual convention at the state armory
Stanley Reed, solicitor-general of
the United States, defended the poli-
cies of Washington officials last night.
He described "large scale unemploy-
ment" as such "a serious economic
threat" that the Government was
forced to step into the situation.
He read a portion of an encyclical
issued by Pope Leo XIII to support
the Administration's attitude:
"Whenever the general interest of
any particular class suffers, evils
which in no other way may be met
the public authority must step in to
meet them."
+" Classinied Direetory'
Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance 11c per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
Ocper reading line for three or more
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
Telephonesrate -15c per reading line
for two or more insertions.
10% discount if paid within ten days
Minimum three lines per insertion.
from the date of last insertion.
By contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one
month... .............8c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ...........3c
2 lines daily, college year ........7c
4 lines E.O.D., college year........7c
100 lines used as desired ..........9c
300 linessused as desired..........8c
1,000 lines used as desired.........7c
2,000 lines used as desired ........6c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c
per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 71 point
LOST: In Union. Men's Illinois wrist
watch. Liberal reward. A. Thomas,
718 Monroe. Phone 3203. 29
LOST: Saturday night, yellow gold
woman's Hamilton wrist watch.
Finder please call 3718. Ample re-
ROOM for rent: Front suite for two
students or business girls. 920 Oak-
land Ave. 28
NICELY furnished single or suite,
545 Thompson. 30
FOR RENT: To faculty member or
man student highly desirable first
floor suite. Private bath. Phone
3280. 17
THREE ROOMS in private home for
girls with home privileges. Garage.
5 Marshall Ct. off S. Division, after
3 o'clock. 5287. 22
SUITE with private bath and shower,
accommodating three. Extra room
if desired. Steam heat, garage.
Dial 8544. 422 E. Washington. 23
SINGLE ROOM: Three blocks froml
campus. Mrs. Justice, 1338 Wash-
tenaw. Apt. 6. 10
WANTED: Student
dry. Reasonable
for and deliver.
and family laun-
rates. Will call
Phone 2-3669.
ALAMEDA, Calif. Out. 2. - (TV) -
Guam Island. 6.600 miles Qift in the
Pacific. was t oatodaysof anoth-
er test flight by the huge Pan-Ameri-
can flying Clipper, ready to take off
for Honolulu on the journey's first
Officials of Pan-American Airways
set 6 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time)
as a tentative hour for the takeoff.
EXPERIENCED laundress, doing stu-
dents' laundry. Will call for and
deliver. Telephone 4863. 7x
reasonable. Free delivery. Phone
3006. 6x
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 1x
LAUNDRY Wanted. Student and
Co-ed. Men's shirts 10c. Silks,
wools our specialty. All bundles
done separately - no markings.
Personal satisfaction guaranteed.
Call for and deliver. Phone 5594
anytime until 7:00. Silver Laundry
607 E. Hoover. 4x
at Times Today
T morow and Saturday
"Adventures of Tarzan" No. 4
able, $2 and $2.50.
A. F. Phornburg.
Dial 2-2849.
Parking space.
1230 Broadway.
MARRIED COUPLE to earn room
and board in private family. Must
have car. Phone 2-2704. 9
ALL MEN who want to sell football
programs meet in room 304 Union
Bldg. at 8:30 Thursday, Oct. 3rd.
Cabinet Voted
At SCA Meeting
William Wilsnack, '37, president of
the Student Christian Association,
presided at the first meeting of the
cabinet held Tuesday night in Lane
The purpose of the meeting was to
discuss and affirm the program re-
search carried out at the S.C.A. re-
treat held last week-end at Patterson
Lake. A plan was devised whereby
an administrative cabinet would be
created composed of directors of the
various S.C.A. functions and several
"ministers without portifolio." Ac-
cording to Wilsnack, cabinet appoint-
ments will be made at an early date.
Under the program made at the
retreat the activities of the S.C.A.
for the coming year will include par-
ticipation in student intercollegiate
conferences, formation of discussion
groups, the procuring of outside
speakers, freshman work and a com-
mission of social study and action.
Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Counselor in
Religious Education; Mr. Pickerill,
Church of Christ student pastor; and
Dr. Chapman, Baptist student pas-
tor attended the meeting.
BRIDGEPORT, 0., Oct. 2. - (R) -
Louis Hayes, one of the first men in
the United States to run for Congress
on the Socialist ticket, died yesterday.
He would have been 85 years old to-
Jewelry r
State and Liberty
Watch Repairing!
NURSERY SCHOOL: Children three
to five years; for information call
Miss MacNaughton, 5837. 20
Call the Kempf Music Studios for
artistic piano tuning. Terms rea-
sonable. Phone 6328. 15
MAC'S TAXI - 4289. Try our effi-
cient service. All new cabs. 3x
STATIONERY: Printed with your
name and address. 100 sheets, 100
envelopes, $1.00. Many styles.
Craft Press. 305 Maynard. 9x
PUBLIC evening classes in typewrit-
ing, shorthand, bookkeeping begin
Oct. 7 at the Ann Arbor High
School. Registration fee $4 per
subject. Enrollment Monday. 27
TEACHER of popular and'classical
piano music. Helen Louise Barnes.
Call 8469. 2x
DAILY 1:30 to 11 P.M.
15c to 6 P.M. - 25c after 6
Dolores Del Rio
Pat O'Brien
Jean Arthur
Victor Jory
Stranger Than Fiction
-- Coming Sunday
Pianos to Rent Repairing of All Musical Instruments
Scliaeberle Music House
New Location: 203 East Liberty St. Phone 6011
40 Years i, itn Arbor
=-- 7 ====== === === =-== ======= = == = =I
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