The Weatier
Showers, cooler today. To-
morrow fairer, continued cool.
lit tan
Freshmen Should Wear 'Pots'..
The Real Campaign Issue ...
Wi* n
Billy Herman's Run An Added Blow To Bengal Hopes
3-0 Behind
Star Pitcher Makes Seven
Assists, One Strikeout,
As Rowe Fans Eight
Tigers Play Tight
Ball After First
Augie Galan Gets First
Hit Of Series To Start
Cubs' Early Drive
- (Special)- Arkansas came into its
own yesterday when two of its stal-
wart Ozark sons staged a great pitch-
ing exhibition before an overflow
crowd at Navin Field in the first game
of the World Series between the De-
troit Tigers and the Chicago Cubs.
Lon Warneke and Schoolboy Rowe
were both in fine form as they lim-
ited the championship teams of both
leagues to a total of eleven hits.
The Cubs emerged victorious by a
score of 3-0, and whether the two
runs that the Cubs got in the first
inning were earned or not, Warneke
and the Cubs deserved to win. The
Cubs played a brand of hustling,
heads-up baseball behind the superb
hurling and spectacular fielding of
their ace moundsman, Warneke, who
himself had seven assists and one put-
Tigers Are Shaky
The Tigers, in comparison, looked
slow and nervois, as if they were too
keyed up. While Rowe was credited
with eight strikeouts as compared
with one for'Warneke, who also is-
sued four passes, the big Chicago
right-hander allowed the Tigers only
four hits and with men on bases was
absolutely invincible. W a r n e k e's
sinker had the Tigers hitting on top
of the ball all afternoon as they
drooled pitch after pitch into the
dirst for easy' iffeld76uts.
The huge crowd which filled all
of the newly-erected bleachers in left
and center fields was in good humor
throughout the afternoon and al-
though there were a good many more
spectators than seats, there was little
of the bitterness apparent which
characterized the series with the
Cards in Detroit last year. Kenesaw
Mountain Landis, high commissioner
of baseball, announced during the
first inning that any spectator inter-
fering with a batted ball would be
ejected from the park, and the police
had no difficulty keeping the specta-
tors off the field.
Cubs Start Early
The Cubs wasted little time in giv-
ing Warneke a lead. Augie Galan,'
first man to face Rowe, got the initial
hit of the series when he lined a
drive between Rogell and second base..
Bill got a hand on the ball with a
great try, but only succeeded in de-
flecting it. He then tried desperately
to get Galan who had kept on coming.
Galan beat the throw easily, and
scored from second a moment later
when Rowe fumbled a bunt of Billy
Herman's anduthendthrew to the in-
side of the bag.
Both Herman and the ball arrived
at the same time. Greenberg allowed
it. to get away from him and Galan
raced home with the first run of the
game. Fred Lindstiiom sacrificed
Herman to second, and the Cubs had
their second run a moment later
when Gabby Hartnett singled sharply
to right. That ended the Cub scoring
for the inning, for Demaree popped
to Rogell and Cavarretta forced Hart-
nett, Rogell to Gehringer.
Go Down in Order
Warneke, with a two-run lead to
work on, set the Tigers down in order
in the first, getting White with a third
called strike, and inducing Cochrane
and Gehringer to fly out.
For the eight remaining innings
Rowe and Warneke waged a real
pitching duel. The Schoolboy allowed
five hits and Warneke four, but the
extra hit which the Cubs got was a
home run into the left field bleachers
by Frank Demaree in the ninth in-
ning. Demaree caught hold of one
of Rowe's fast ones with a beautifully
timed swing and it was tagged "four
base clout" all the way.
The Tigers missed several excel-
lent scoring opportunities when, with
men on base, Warneke bore down and
made the Bengal batters look very
In the second, after Greenberg and
-Associated Press Photo.
The cut shows Herman, Cubs second baseman, scoring the second run of the first World Scries game for
Chicago at Detroit. The star second sacker was safe when Rowe threw wildly to first on his roller. He ad-
vanced on Lindstrom's sacrifice and scored oi Hartne tt's single.
Freshmen Pots
Are Favored
By Engineers
William Dixon Speaks At
Weekly Assembly For
Incoming Men
Enthusiastic support of freshman
engineers and this year's Rendezvous
campers yesterday met the efforts of
William Dixon, '36, president of the
Men's Council, to swing freshman
opinion into line behind a movement
to return the wearing of freshman
pots on the campus.
Dixon addressed both the assembly
of the freshman class in the College
of Engineering at 11 a.m., and a meet-
ing of the yearlings who attended the
1935 Rendezvous camp at 8 p.m., held
to effect permanent organization for
the year.
Response Favorable
At both meetings he reported that
the response to his suggestions was
highly favorable, leading to hopes
that with the support of both soph-
omores and freshmen, the old tradi-
tions may successfully return to the
Dixon, acting for the Men's Coun-
cil, has already obtained the support
of Interfraternity Council, various
honor societies, the Michigan Union;
and several freshman groups, along
with a favorable concensus of opin-
ion at a meeting of representative
sophomores held at the Union Tues-
day night.
The next step of the Council, he
said, would be to present the plan to
a mass meeting of the Class of 1939,
scheduled to be held at 4 p.m. tomor-
row in the ballroom of the Michigan
Union. Dixon and John McCarthy,
secretary of the Council, will preside,
and several prominent - speakers, as
yet unannounced, will be on the pro-
Canvassing Houses
Should the freshmen attending the
mass meeting pass favorably on the
movement, Dixon said the Council
would take immediate steps to bring
the freshman emblems back to the
George J. Moe, local merchant who
has handled the supplies of pots al-
most entirely for the past few years,
stated that he had more than 300
left on hand at present from previous
years, and, since they are produced by
a Toledo firm, would be able to order
more on notice of a day or so if the
demand should arise as a result of the
Reports of members of the Inter-
fraternity Council, who are canvass-
ing campus houses to determine their
opinions and enlist their support if
possible, will not be heard until the
next meeting of the council, scheduled
for Friday afternoon.
Crusade For Peace
ProposedBy Hull
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2. - (P) - A
"flaming crusade" by the churches
NYA Students Must
Report By Oct. 15
Unless all students approved for
National Youth Administration jobs
report immediately to the NYA office
in the Romance Language building
and fill out work cards, there is a
possibility that they will be replaced
with others, Harold S. Anderson, cost
accountant of the buildings and
grounds department, warned yester-
The deadline for students approved
to report is Oct: 15, he said. Accord-
ing to Mr. Anderson, unless those
students who have all ready been
approved report, their jobs will be
given to others on the already large
and ever growing waiting list.
State Marshal
Will Supervise
Fire Inspection
LANSING, Oct. 2.- (P)-Col. V.
Lane, assistant state fire marshal,
announced a campaign today to rid
the state of "fire trap" fraternities
and sorority houses which he said are
endangering the lives of scores of col-
lege and university students in Mich-
Lane said his inspectors will make
a rigid inspection of student college
dormitories at the University of
Michigan and Michigan State College
next week. He said they will visit
160 buildings in Ann Arbor alone and
investigate reports that they do not
meet the requirements of the new
fire safety law.
"From our previous experience with
these places and from preliminary re-
ports," he said, "I am sure that many
students are living in tinder boxes and
sleeping in three floor dormitories
from which there is only one way of
Lane told of a report reaching him
today from Ann Arbor which told of
18 students quartered on the third
floor of a frame building, a wooden
stairway from one corner of the room,
their only means of escape.
U. S. Stand In
Crisis Stated
By Roosevelt
President Says Nation Is
Determined To Avoid
Dangers To Peace
SAN DIEGO, Calif., Oct. 2. - (IP) -
President Roosevelt today served no-
tice on the war-threatened world that
the United States is sternly deter-
mined "to avoid those perils that will
endanger our peace."
Without directly mentioning the
Italo-Ethiopian situation, he said that
this country "shall and must remain
* * * unentangled and free."
"The gospel of the good neighbor"
was pieached with fervor an hour be-
fore he was scheduled to view maneu-
vers of 130 warships in sight offshore
as he spoke.
"This country seeks no conquest,"
he said. "We have no imperial de-
Addressing himself to the domestic
situation, Mr. Roosevelt also warned
against thoseswho would raise false
issues." He spoke of present condi-
tions as offsetting false preachments.
Although the depression is not finally
solved, he said, "the outlook is clearer.
As the burden lifts, the Federal Gov-
ernment can and will greatly divest
itself of the emergency responsibilities
but it cannot ignore the imperfections
of the old order.
A review of existing circumstances
led to this Presidential conclusion:
"We stand once more upon an eco-
nomic plateau. We have, therefore, a
right to look forward to the brighter
future while, at the same time, we
remember the mistakes of the past."
OKAYAMA, Japan, Oct. 2. - (P) -
The poisoning of more than 300 of-
ficers and men and a majority of
the 39th Infantry -regiment, two of
whom died, caused the abandonment
today of divisional maneuvers. The
poisoning was attributed to the eat-
ing of octopus, considered a delicacy
in Japan. The victims filled the Tenth
Division's hospitals.
aile's Men
Marehing On
Italian Foes
Nearly Quarter-Million
Troops Set To Stop
Threatened Invasion
Fascists Urged To
Unite By Mussolini
War Enthusiasm Rises
Throughout Italy; No
Sanctions Are Seen
ADDIS ABABA, Oct. 2. - (P-
Nearly 250,000 Ethiopian fighters
were reported on the march tonight,
some toward the Italian colonial
frontier, in anticipation of a general
mobilization tomorrow
Native drums echoing through val-
leys and mountains will call 10,000,-
000 men, women and boys into service
in the face of a threatened war with
Emperor Haile Selassie decided up-
on the mobilization, which he will
proclaim from the balcony of the Im-
perial Palace, after he had dispatched
a protest to Geneva charging that
Italy has already invaded his king-
dom with 50,000 troops. (Rome denied
that Italian troops had crossed the
Ethiopians Marching
One hundred thousand Ethiopians
were reported marching from Gondar
toward the Eritrean frontier, where
Italy is expected to strike. This army
was followed by 60,000 warriors from
four provinces led by Ras Mulugeta,
minister of war. Another 80,000 troops
from Jima and Wallaga province were
said to be on their way to Addis Ababa
to protect the capital.]
(The Addis Ababa correspondent
of the Paris Soir reported that fight-
ing between Italian and Ethiopian
troops had already started in the
Mussa Ali - eastern section of Ethi-
opia and that there have been cas-
(The newspaper, although previous1
Ethiopian reports said that none of
the country's troops were in that
vicinity, asserted that three columns
of advancing Italian troops, totaling
25,000 men, had fought with irregu-
lar Danakil tribesmen. The Italians'
have not yet met Ethiopian regulars,1
the report said).
Predict War
In the traditional Ethiopian fa-
shion, drums will call the warriors to
arms. The beats will be taken up by]
other drum-beaters in a momentous
warning which will resound through-i
out the land. Mobilization orders are1
already in the hands of provincialf
Some officials here expressed belief1
that war may get into full swing even
before the arrival of Italian consul
agents from the interior. They have
been called in for safety.1
ROME, Oct. 2. -(P) - Benito
Mussolini, undeterred by hints of
League of Nations action, announced
to the world today that 44,000,000
Italians will march on toward their
goal in Africa.
Addressing mass assemblies of his
citizens throughout Italy, and all the
other nations of the world through a
radio broadcast he declared:
"There is an attempt to commit
against them (The Italian people) the
blackest of injustices, that of with-
holding from them a little soil under
the sun."
He declared Italy "had been pa-
tient 40 years" with Ethiopia and
"that is enough."
Then he lashed out at the League
of Nations where, he said: "Instead
of recognizing the just rights of
Italy, they dare talk sanctions."
He declared that he did not be-
lieve the French and British people
(Continued on Page 8)
Hitler Denies Any
Union With Italians
PARIS, Oct. 2.-(P) -Premier
Pierre Laval, cautious in committing
France to a definite attitude in the
Italo-Ethiopian conflict in fear of
what Germany would do, today re-
ceived Adolf Hitler's assurance, trans-
mitted through Great Britain, that
the Third Reich has no intention of
joining Italy, French officials said.
Official circles learned of Hitler's
Friday Pep Rally
Will Usher In'35
Football. Season
New Band Director
-Fernand DeGuelidre Photo.
Revelli Accepts
In Band Music,
Is Also
Hobart Director
o Appointed To
nt Professorship
William D. Revelli, formerly of
Hobart, Ind., this fall received the
appointment as Assistant Professor
of wind instruments in the School
of Music and director of the Univer-
sity Bands to succeed Prof. Nicholas
For the past ten years Prof. Revelli
has been director of the Hobart High
School Band, which was three times
state champion and five times na-
tional champion of all high schools in
Class B. He has also directed band;
at Northwestern and Wisconsin uni-
versities. For the past two years he
has conducted the music clinic and
directed the all-state band at Wis-
Professor Revelli began his study
of music in St. Louis. There for five
years, he studied under D. D. Sarli
From St. Louis he went to the Chi-
cago Music College, where he studied
under Leon Sametini and Louis Vic-
tor Sarr. He next received his bach-
elor's degree from the Columbia
School of Music and then attendees
the Vandercook School of Music.
For three years Professor Revell.
traveled with the Redpath Chatauqua
and for the next seven years he
played withavarious theater orches-
tras. He has served as adjudicator
for nearly all state band contests dur-
ing the past four years. Last year he
judged 22 of these contests.
Many national musical organiza-
tions have honored Professor Revel.
with membership. He is first vice-
president of the National School Band
Association; a member of the board
of directors of the National Musical
Educators Conference; member of the
American Bandmasters Association,
founded by the late John Phillip
Sousa; and an honorary member of
Phi Mu Alpha, national honorary
music fraternity.
AAA Proposes
New Method O f
Potato Control
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2. - (AP) -
AAA leanings toward a voluntary po-
tato control program as a substitute
for a compulsory tax control plan
grew more pronounced today as one
official privately indicated a possible
source of funds for financing a vol-
untary program - customs receipts.
The AAA amendments recently
passed provide that 30 per cent of
the gross customs receipts shall be
set aside for the farm administration.
Comptroller-Gen. John R. McCarl
recently held that part of the fund
might be used to pay a subsidy on
the 1935 cotton crop.
Officials have estimated that 30
per cent of the customs receipts at
Large Bonfire Will Light
Sleepy Hollow, Scene Of
Big Outdoor Event
Plans Are Made For
Elaborate Program
Men's Council, Union Are
Joint, Sponsors Of First
Rally In Two Years
The first pep meeting in two years,
featuring a large bonfire and a care-
fully prepared program; will be held
at 8 p.m. Friday night in Sleepy Hol-
low, scene of the traditional fresh-
man cap night of years past.
Under the auspices of the Men's
Council and the Union, the pep rally
is being staged to help kindle in-
terest in the University football sea-
son, and especially the Michigan
State Game on Saturday.
Permission to hold the gathering
in Sleepy Hollow was granted yes-
terday by University Hospital of-
ficials. It is planned to hold the
meeting out in the open by the great
bonfire, weather permitting.
Program Incomplete
The details of the program are still
incomplete, but several organizations
will combine efforts to help make the
program a success. The 'Varsity
Football Band, composed of 110
pieces, will be present for the rally,
and the band will be making its first
Ann Arbor appearance under the
direction of Prof. William D. Revelli,
newly appointed director from Ho-
bart, Ind.
The Glee Club,.under the direction
of Prof. David Mattern, has consented
to appear on the program of the pep
meeting, and it will sing a group of
Michigan songs as well as help, to lead
the group in mass sing.
Heretofore, it has been the custom
for all pep meetings to be held in
Hill Auditorium, but officials in
charge of the event believe that an
increased attendance will result from
holding the meeting outside. It is
the first time that such a rally has
been held on the Michigan campus.
Speakers Sponsored
It was stated that if the student
bodys responds favorably, the meet-
ings in all probability will be held in
the future, prior to every game for
the rest of the season.
Speakers for the rally have not as
yet been announced, but it was re-
ealed that plans were underway to
secure a prominent alumnus and some
niversity official who is well known
)n campus as headliners for the event,
The cheerleaders, headed by Robert
Burns, '36, will be making their first
appearance of the year, and they will
help the new students become ac-
iuainted with the yells and songs of
.he University.
Because of the fact that the plans
were still indefinite, the exact dura-
tion of the program was not forecast
by officials in charge, but they added
that as has been the custom in the
past years, the program would not be
too lengthy so as todelay plans the
students had for the evening.
Harvard Geologist
Will Not Take Oath
BOSTON, Oct. 2.- ()-Massa-
chusetts' new "teachers oath" law was
defied tonight by Dr. Kirtley F. Ma-
ther, celebrated Harvard geologist,
who declared he would refuse to take
an oath of allegiance to the state and
national constitutions.
Dr. Mather, also director of the
Harvard summer school, said he was
confident that the compulsory oath,
such as the last legislature prescribed
for the state's 40,000 public and pri-
vate school and college teachers, "vio-
lated his constitutional right as a
citizen and a teacher."
"I do not know what the, conse-
quences are," said Dr. Mather, of his
announced refusal, but coincidentally
it was admitted by the state commis-
sioner of education, Dr. Payson Smith,
that the law contains no penalties.
Enforcement, Dr. Smith observed, was
a matter for school principals and
local school committees.
The law was passed at the instance
of veterans and patriotic organiza-
tions. although virtually all of the
Industrial Relations Bureau
Launches Important Program
Born as a result of the "increased
importance to the community of sat-
isfactory relations between employer
and employee," the University's new
Bureau of Industrial Relations, a unit
in the School of Business Adminis-
tration, is launching a broad program
in its field that is expected to be of
major importance to both education
and business.
A trust fund set up by an anony-
mous friend of the University, and ad-
ministered by the Board of Regents,
enabled the Bureau to begin its work
last July, with Prof. John W. Riegel
as its director.
Projects already definitely planned
bhe+, Rn~rnniinra n. c'riac of nP n-
Relations will be the second one of
its type established in an American
university. Princeton established the
first one in 1922, with its activities
centered in a research bureau, a spe-
cial library, and in instruction to
students. With Dr. J. Douglas Brown,
economist, at its head, it has fur-
nished valuable aid to the national
government, and has just held its
fifth annual conference, which was
attended by leading industrial execu-
tives of the country.
Professor Riegel, whose chief inter-
est has long been in industrial rela-
tions, comes to the University from
the Dennison Manufacturing Com-