The Weather
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Radio Programs
See Page Two for tonight's
Radio Programs.
An swers
Al Smith
'Unhappy Warrior' Scored
In Senator's Radio Talk
For Being Turncoat
Smith's 'Harangue'
Declared 'Sterile'
Liberty Leaguers Branded
Despoilers Of Nation's
Oil, Coal Resources
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. - (P) -
The New Deal officially portrayed Al-
fred E. Smith tonight as a turncoat
"warring against his own people and
against the men and women with
whom he fought, shoulder to should-
er, in the past."
The spokesman, in reply to the
Saturday speech impugning the
Americanism and integrity of Roose-
velt policies, was Smith's running
mate in the 1928 campaign for the
presidency - Senator Joseph T. Rob-
inson of Arkansas.
He said "the hour-long harangue
before the mis-called Liberty League
was barren and sterile, without a
single constructive suggestion."
"Governor Smith," he concluded in
a national broadcast, "I have read
you the record. You approved of
NRA,' you approved farm relief, you
urged federal spending for public
works, you urged Congress to cut red
tape and confer power on the execu-
tive, you urged autocratic power for
the President, and you exposed with
merciless logic the bold cry of com-
munism and socialism.
'The New Deal was the platform
of the 'Happy Warrior.'
"The policies of the Liberty League
have become the platform of the
'unhappy warrior.'"
Whether the rejoinder would impel
further moves by Smith became an
immediate topic of speculation. From
his speech, capital leaders were still
uncertain whether or how he would
seek to "stop Roosevelt." He indicat-
ed in New York he might answer
As had Secretary Ickes earlier in
the day, the Senator reminded that
Smith himself - in advancing social
legislation in the past - had been
accused of "socialism" much as he
accused the President.
Officers of the Liberty League ad-
dressed by Smith, he said, "read like
a roll call of the men who have de-
spoiled the oil, coal and water power
resources of this country."
Mercury Rises
As Cold Wave
Finally Breaks
High Pressure Area Split
Causes Warmer Weather
In This Section
Weather forecasts have it that the
week-old cold wave has at last spent
its greatest force in this area, and is
now ended-at least for the next
24 hours.
The new cold spell which was pre-
dicted for this week failed to mater-
ialize yesterday as the mercury rose
to comparatively balmy heights,
bringing welcome relief to Ann Ar-
bor and the entire state.
A split in the high pressure area
stretching from the Golf to Canada
was given as the probable cause for
the sudden rise in temperature.
The lowest temperature recorded
for the period from 7 p.m. Monday
to 7 p.m. yesterday, according to the
University Observatory Weather Bu-
reau, was 10 degrees above zero, well
above the 7.1 below mark reached
the day before.
The high point for the same per-
iod, stood at 20 degrees above, a
fairly comfortable temperature when
compared with the sub- and near-
zero weather which has prevailed for
the last week.
The temperature reported by the
Observatory at 7 p.m. yesterday was
16.5 degrees above zero, and the av-
erage temperature for the day was
given as 15 above, relatively high as
compared with the average tempera-
ture for the day in other years.
A steady barometer, hovering
Gomberg Is To Retire After 48
Years Of DistinguishedService
Noted Head Of Chemistry
Soon To Be 70; Taught
Here 43 Years
"Moses Gomberg is one of the most
honest, conscientious and unselfish
men I know," wrote the late Prof.
E. D. Campbell of the chemistry de-
partment to the late Regent F. W.
Fletcher of Alpena on Feb. 10, 1895.
"If he is put in control of the depart-
ment there will be harmony."
This week Moses Gomberg, 70-
year-old head of the chemistry de-
partment and one of the world's lead-
ing scientists, will modestly lay down
his teaching and executive duties
and devote the rest of his life to re-
search with the elements he loves
so well.
He will continue to use his office
and laboratory in the Chemistry
Building. His retirement comes as a
result of the fact that he reaches
his 70th birthday next Saturday.
Honors are pouring in to him from all
sides this week, and still more are in
the offing.
Flees For Life
Fifty-two years ago, the man who
startled the scientific world with his
discovery of trivalent carbon com-
pounds, was forced to flee for his life
from his native Russia because his
father was accused of a political con-
(jpirap~y. Aiving in the United
States unable to speak English, after
doing odd jobs in Chicago, where he
finished his high school education,
he came to the University of Mich-
igan. He wanted to be a chemist.
Today, his automatic retirement
accepted by the Board of Regents,
Professor Gomberg looks back over his
48-year career as a teacher and sci-
entist with a smile and a sigh.
The thing that has impressed him
most on the Michigan campus is the
great changes that have taken place.
There were but 1,400 students enrolled
when he came here as a freshman
in 1886. The buildings were few and
scattered over a small area.
Students Changed
Student attitudes have changed
too, Professor Gomberg admits, and
for the better. "After all," he smiles,
'.we must have faith in .progress."
He has given nearly 5,000 pupils their
first lessons in organic chemistry.
Professor Gomberg is modest to the
point of reticence. "If you must write
about me," he warned reporters yes-
terday, "take it easy. Don't blow it
up. No hooey." And his colleagues
point out that he never talks about
himself, his success in synthesizing
mustard gas during the World war,
or his famed discovery of triphenyl-
menthyl- even to his classes-his
colleagues pointed out.
"Professor Gomberg is unique in
that he is a good teacher as well as
a good scientist," in the opinion of
Prof. Chester S. Schoepfle, who suc-
ceeds him as chairman of the chem-
istry department. "It makes no dif-
ference whether he is dealing with
students or teachers, he is always con-
siderate of the others' point of view
and never loses his temper."
Offers Rejected
During his long career in the Uni-
versity, Professor Gomberg has turned
down offer after offer to teach at
other institutions at a higher salary.
But he likes it,here, he will tell you,
and thinks he owes a lot to Michigan.!
Professor Gomberg has refused to
patent any of the many processes he
has perfected. He has never earned
a cent on any of them, and high on
the list of those things he has dis-
covered are the widely-sold anti-
Reach Industrial
Peak In December
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28.-() -
Industrial production in December
reached the highest peak since the
spring of 1930, the Federal Reserve
Board reported in its monthly sum-
mary of business and financial con-
The board's seasonally adjusted in-
dex, which takes account of the sea-
sonal decline that usually occurs in
December, advanced from 98 per cent
of the 1923-25 average in November
to 103 per cent in December.
"As in other months during the
last half of 1935," the report said, "the
rise in the index was due in large
part to increases in output of durable
manufacturers, particularly iron and
steel and automobiles."
Two Students Wounded
By Police In Cairo Riots
CAIRO, Jan. 28. - (A") - Two more
strikin- iiniversity students were re-
freeze fluid for automobiles and sol-
vents for automobile lacquers.
The story is told that when he first
entered the University, he wanted to
take physics. To do this, he was in-
formed, he had to have trigonometry
- a subject he had never taken. "All
right," said young Moses, and without
another word went away. In three
days he returned, asked to take a final
examination in trigonometry. Incre-
dulous, the professors allowed him
to take the test. But they were
fooled. He passed it, and with a high
grade at that.
Professor Gomberg began his career
as a teacher during his junior year
here - in 1888, when he was made
,Continued on P se 6)
Ethiopians And
Italians Report
New Victories
Rome Asserts Capturedj
Hospital Units Contained
Munitions, War Drums
The Ethiopian War Office reported
Tuesday that surprise attacks on
Italian forces on the Northern Front
took the lives of 66 Fascist soldiers.
A Rome communique claimed a new
victory for the invaders.
Patrols of Ras Seyoum's troops won
their engagements at Geuralta and
Agama, the Ethiopian government
said, adding that the Italians were
continuing an artillery bombardment
on defending columns near Makale.
Capture of five trucks of a Swedish
hospital unit, assertedly loaded with
27 cases of munitions, was reported
in the Rome communique. Marshal
Pietro Badoglio, commander of the
Italian forces in the North, said the
trucks also carried flags and war
drums of Ras Desta Demtu, Ethiopian
Marshal Badoglio predicted a fur-j
ther advance into disputed territory
during the approaching rainy sea-I
son as the Fascists pushed deeper
into the mountainous Tembien sec-
Proves Fatal
To O.K.Allen
Governor Of Louisiana
Expires Within An Hour
After Being Stricken
U. S. Senate Seat
Again Left Vacant
Long's Political Heir Had
Been Vindicated In State
Election Last Week
BATON ROUGE, La., Jan. 28.--('P)
- Gov. Oscar Kelly Allen, who rose
to power with Huey P. Long and in-
herited the political leadership left
by the late Senator, died today of a
cerebral hemorrhage.
Apparently in excellent health and
spirits, the fifty-five-year-old Gov-
ernor and senator-designate to fill
the unexpired term of Long was
stricken suddenly as he prepared to
leave the Executive Mansion for his
offices in Louisiana's skyscraper State
He died within an hour, his wife
and two of his children at his bed-
The news spread quickly, shocking
the State with the knowledge that
the second of the two men who
helped build a political empire with-
out comparison in American history,
has passed.
Like Huey Long, Allen often was
the center of political tempest. Only
last week he figured largely in sweep-
ing into office a new State adminis-
tration in a landslide victory which
followers of Long declared a "vin-
dication" of his policies.
Allen's death automatically made
Lieut. Gov. James A. Noe, of Monroe,
a high lieutenant in the Long-Allen
political organization, the chief ex-
ecutive, but again left vacant the
United States Senate seat whicht
Long occupied before he was assas-
The vacancy caused immediate
concern to the Long faction's chief-
tains: The leaders raced for Baton
Rouge from all parts of the State as
soon as the Governor's death had
been announced.
A candidate must be produced for
the general election and the State
Democratic Central Committee has
the legal power to designate a nom-
The greatest political loss which
the Long organization will feel from
the death of the Governor probably
will be the loss of his ability to plac-
ate warring leaders. Allen was not
as effective as Long but he was the
only one who could deal with lieuten-
ants when they became whipped into
fury over their thwarted ambitions.
The passing of Allen removed an-
other outstanding opponent of the
Rooseveltian New Deal, which Sen-
ator Long fought with biting vigor.
On his nomination to the senator-
ship, Allen had announced that the
main objective of his going to Wash-
ington would be to demand a Con-
gressional investigation of the dicta-
tor's fatal shooting.
"I hope they make me chairman
of the committee, so that justice will
be done," he said.
Britisher Claims
M.P.'s May Start
Chronic Drinking
LONDON, Jan. 28.- (') --An ac-
cusation that parliament is "almost
the easiest place in which to become
a chronic drinker" has caused Eng-
lish legislators to whisper among
Herbert Morrison, peppery Social-t
ist leader of the London County
Council, is responsible. His remarks,
contained in an open letter to the
Socialist weekly Forward, are intend-
ed as a warning to new members of
Parliament. He suggests that newI
"M.P.'s" spend more time in the Li-I
brary and less in the bar.
"We must not exaggerate the evil,"
writes Morrison. "Not many M. P.'s
go under. But every party in the
House of Commons has had its few
cases - some of them promising per-'
sons with considerable potentialities
for good public service.
"But the habit grows. A speech in
the House becomes impossible with-
out a stimulant. The brain is only
normal when its owner is artifically
stimulated. The bar or the smoking
room sees more of him and the li-
brary less.
"Steadily - d e s p i t e occasional
bursts of inebriated 'brilliance'- the
brain is underminded, courage fails,
constructive thought fades. The man
that was is dead.
"Yet it was not altogether his brain
to poison. It was also his constitu-
ents' brain, a brain in the service of
the people."
Smith's Speech
Funeral Dirge,
Claims Borah,
Says Election Will Involve
A 'Living Platform' Int
NEW YORK, Jan. 28. - (') -<
Senator William E. Borah of Idaho,
referring to-Alfred E. Smith's Libertyj
League speech, told a meeting of par-i
tisans for his presidential nomina-
tion tonight the election "will nots
revolve around a dead platform, but
a living platform."
"Last Saturday night I heard theI
most pathetic funeral oration overE
the dead body of the 1932 platform,"
the Senator said in an address at
Shrine Hall in Brooklyn.
He called upon the Republicanj
party to send instructed delegates to
the national convention to frame a
platform "as close to the people and1
issues as possible."
"Policies and principles necessary
to take care of the people as a whole"
he held necessary to regain the
G.O.P. from "extraordinary" loss of
influence in national affairs.1
He also touched on the neutrality
The former chairman of the sen-
ate's foreign relations committee said,
this country's foreign policy should
be completely divorced from "the po-
litical embroilments of other nations."
"You can't be neutral and try to
stop a foreign war," he said.
On domestic politics, he expressed
the opinion the country normally was
Wheaton To Debate
Women's Team Here
Three women students represent-
ing Wheaton College of Wheaton,
Ill., will debate a Varsity women's
debating team at 9 a.m. -Thursday, it
was announced yesterday by Arthur
E. Secord, varsity debating coach.
The debate will be held in the Adel-
phi Room, 4203 Angell Hall, and no
decision will be given.
The question for the debate is, "Re
solved: That the United States
Should Support the League of Na-
tions in the Enforcement of Sanc-
tions Provided for in the Covenant
of the League." The three women
who will debate for Michigan are, in
order of speaking, Barbara Lutts, '36,
Lillian Tollhorst, '38, and Winifred
Bell, '36. According to Mr. Secord,
no admission will be charged.
Hoffman Asserts Condon's
Conduct Warrants Inquiry
TRENTON, N. J., Jan. 28. - (P) --
Gov. Harold G. Hoffman revived to-
day -the prospect that Dr. John F.
In llinois
Visit By Screen Beauty
To Agitate Male Hearts
Fifty masculine hearts at the Al-
pha Tau Omega fraternity house are
palpitating alarmingly. The agita-
tion is expected to reach a peak come
Thursday dinner.
The cause of it all is five feet plus
of blond, curved beauty named
Betty Grable, who hails from
Hollywood and is a movie actress en-
gaged to Jackie Coogan. Miss Grable
will fly to Ann Arbor from Detroit,
Thursday, in theplane of a member
of the fraternity to grace the dinner
table of the ATO's
Miss Grable is a relative of a mem-
ber of the fraternity and is making a
personal appearance at'a Detroit
theatre. No bids will be issued for
the affair.
5-Year Plan
Is Successful,
Adler Asserts
But 'Caste System' Has
Arisen And Standards Of
Living Are Low, He Says
The picture of a dictatorially-ruled,
highly-armed Russia, its Five Year
Plan "unquestionably successful,"
while its poor cannot afford much of
the plenty it produces, was painted
last night by Philip Adler, globe-
trotting correspondent of the Detroit
News, in an address before members
of Sigma Delta Chi, national hon-
orary journalism fraternity.
Mr. Adler highly praised the So-
viet's Five-Year Plan for obtaining
its objective of economic reconstruc-
tion, although he insisted a "caste.
system" had crept in under the Com-
munist rule. He talked of efficient
factories producing commodities at
high gear and of the average family
earnings of 125 rubles per month
trying to live on a minimum sub-
sistence budget of 400 rubles.
The arts - especially drama - are
in an excellent state in Russia, ac-
cording to Mr. Adler, although he said
"proletarian art" amounted to little.
Mr. Adler returned last year from a
news hunting trip in the Far East,
during which he spent nearly a year
in Ruusia.
He pointed out that Russia justifies
her hugenmilitary organization and
high military expenditures by re-
garding herself as in a state of con-
tinual war with capitalistic nations.
The danger of war in the Far East is
"greater than most people know," he
held, asserting that the clash comes
between Russia's age-old search for
an outlet to the sea and Japan's
need for expansion. It is generally
held by newspaper correspondents in
the area, as well asbyhimself, Mr.
Adler declared, that, in event of war,
other nations cannot help but be
drawn in.
Despite his remarks about a "caste
system" in the Soviet Republic, he
denied that Russia is going back to
capitalism. The Russian govern-
ment does not believe in race and re-
ligious antagonism, he said, believing
that it diverts the proletariat from
the real issue. "But nevertheless,"
he added, "the officials do not hesi-
tate to convince the United States
that she should aid Russia, as white
man to white man," in their fight
against the yellow soldiers of Nippon.
In answer to a question asked him
after his address, Mr. Adler firmly
asserted his belief that Josef Stalin,
secretary of the Communist Party,
ruled the country with an iron hand
more absolute than that of Mussolini
or Hitler. "There is no question but
that his word is law," he said.
Woman Heads Dog
i Sled Into Unknown
SKAGWAY, Alaska, Jan. 28. - (P)
- Adventure-seeking Mary Joyce
battled Yukon snow trails today on
the second leg of a hazardous 1,000-
mile dog team journey from Juneau
to Fairbanks.
The diminutive twenty-seven-year-
Franks Co-murderer Is
Fatally Slashed With
Razor InFight
Attack Occurs In
Small Schoolroom
Attempt to Save His Life
By Blood Transfusions
Is Unsuccessful
JOLIET, Ill., Jan. 28. - (P) -
Slashed 22 times by a razor in the
hands of an enraged fellow convict,
Richard Loeb, 30, co-perpetrator of
the "thrill slaying" of Bobby Franks
in 1924, was killed today in State-
ville penitentiary.
James Day, 28, serving a term for
larceny, confessed the killing of Loeb,
State's Attorney Will McCabe of Will
County said, and blamed it to Loeb's
insistence in pursuing him over a long
period with improper advances.
Sullen at first, Day refused to dis-
cuss the case except to tell Warden
Joseph Ragen, it was "just a fight."
He died at 4:05 p.m. Detroit time.
His jugular vein had been severed
and prison officials said that he had
been gashed badly in the shoulders
and abdomen as well.
Family Doctor Called
"I'll make it," the wounded Loeb
told the warden in his only comment
before he succumbed. The prison
physician was joined by Loeb's fam-
ily doctor and a surgeon from Mich-
ael Reese Hospital in Chicago in
the vain effort to save his life.
He had suffered heavy loss of blood
before Guard Captains James
Humphrey and J. O. Johnson rushed
into the small room off the main
prison where .the attack occurred.
They had heard Loeb screaming.
The room was being prepared for
use as headquarters of the prison cor-
respondence school in which Loeb
and Leopold were active.
Loeb witnesses said, was followed
into the room by Day, who started a
fist fight. When Loeb appeared to
be winning the fight Day whipped
out the razor and started wielding it
When the guards rushed in they
had to pull Day off Loeb. Day held
the blood-stained razor in his hand.
Blood Transfusion Given
Officers described Loeb as "slashed
to pieces." Transfusion was futilely
attempted. Blood was provided by
another convict.
Day entered the institution in Feb-
ruary, 1932, and had won a good con-
duct rating which would have made
him eligible for parole in August,
1937. He had been aiding Loeb and
Leopold in preparing and marking
papers in the prison school.
Coroner E. A. Kingston ordered an
inquest for 10 a.m. tomorrow. War-
den Ragen said that Day would be
held on a charge of murder.
Charges In Hewitt
Case AreDelayed
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 28. --01)
A legal technicality today prevented
issuance of warrants charging may-
hem to three persons accused by
Miss Ann Cooper Hewitt of duping
her into a sterilization operation.
The warrants named Miss He-
witt's mother, Mrs. Maryon Cooper
McCarter and Dr. T. E. Tillman and
Samuel G. Boyd.
Objection was voiced by Dr. Till-
man's attorney, who contended that
the statute under which the proceed-
ings were undertaken had been
Miss Hewitt recently sued her
mother and the physicians for $500,-
000 damages. She has refused to
sign criminal charges in the case and
the proceedings were undertaken by
the District Attorney under a little-
used statute which will be studied
further before action on the warrants
is taken.
Grand Trunk Railroad
Gets Operation Permit
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28.-(R)-
The Grand Trunk Western railroad
Richard Loeb Slain
By Fellow Convict
Reliable sources at Djibouti, French ROWLAND PLEA FAILS
Somaliland, said that Ethiopian HARRISON, Mich., Jan. 28. - (ip)
priests had formally protested against -Circuit Judge Ray Hart denied
Emperor Haile Selassie's orders for Tuesday afternoon a motion for a new
the churchmen to accompany grain trial in the case of Mrs. Elizabeth
shipments to the front. Rowland, 34 years old, convicted re-
They asked to be allowed to stay at cently on a charge of conspiring with
home to bolster loyalty to residents her husband in the drowning of her
of their districts. two children.
Faculty Members Take Lead
In Forming Lincoln League
University professors and faculty
members have taken the lead in the
formation of the Lincoln League, de-
signed to aid the Republican party
in its forthcoming election campaign.
Expressing themselves as dissatis-
fied with the present national Demo-
cratic administration and determined
not to play' a passive role but to
take a more active part in electing
both local and national officeholders,
Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the Law
School, Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the
political science department and Prof.
John G. Winters, director of the fine
arts division, together with Reardon
Pierson1 .Tmes Tnglis and other nromi-
support to the "platform for support
of constitutional government," while
most of the applications from Uni-
versity circles have not yet been filed.
An organization meeting of the
League was held last Thursday night
in the council chambers of the City
Hall. At that time it was made clear
by Professor Reeves that the League
was making its appeal to both Re-
publicans and Democrats who are
not in sympathy with the present New
Deal policies. The principles adopted
at that time, drawn up by Professor
Reeves, pledge all members to the
best of their ability to "preserve, pro-
tect. and defend the Constitution of
the United States, to the end that this