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January 28, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-28

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passing of failing. Such a method would require
an understanding of whether the student finds
his work really difficult, or is just lazy. It would
recognize that the student taking six courses can-
not spend as much time on each as the one who
takes five. It would, in brief, give a comprehensive
fair evaluation of the student's true ability, and
would not, as does the present system, give the
impression that the student who gets more ques-
tions wrong on a number of quizzes than another
is not as intelligent, or has not acquired as much
knowledge about the subject.

Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board In
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00;
by mail, $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.


Telephone 4925

Dorothy S. Gles Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W.
Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman.
Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman;
Slsie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert
A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman.
Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good-
Women's Departmemiu: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H.
Davies, Marie- T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W.I


Telephone 2-1214I

Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department,
Wils Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Edward Woh lgemuth; Circulation and National Adver-
tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tions, Lyman Bittman.
Our Own
T SEEMS strange that the Amer-
ican people, who are continually
protesting the prosecution of the Jews in Germany,
and the Catholics in Mexico, should tolerate in
their own supposedly enlightened Democratic
country an equally flagrant abuse of the rights,
of a minority group.
Regardless of whether or not the five Negro
defendants in the Scottsboro case are actually
guilty of the charge of attacking a white woman
in 1931, at least under the terms of the American
constitution they are entitled to a fair trial - and
this is just what they have not had. Three times
they were brought before an Alabama jury consist-
ing of twelve white men, three times they were sen-
tenced to death. Each time the case was appealed
to a higher court, until in 1933 it reached the
Supreme Court, whose justices handed down a de-1
cision which any intelligent person acquainted with
the facts of the case could have predicted. The'
Court ordered a new trial on the grounds that!
the previous trial had violated the 14th amend-1
ment, because negroes had systematically been ex-
cluded from the juries which had tried the case.
Last week the fourth sordid chapter of this
seemingly interminable case was held. When the
attorneys began to select the jury .for Heywood
Patterson, negro after negro was examined for jury
duty and every one was excluded on some tech-
nicality, by which the prosecutors hoped to evade
the "due process" clause of the 14th amend-
This time the jury handed down a verdict of 75-
year imprisonment for Patterson, but now comes
the news that another of the defendants, has been
shot and seriously wounded because he allegedly
pulled a knife on a deputy sheriff.
At last, after five years of tolerating the worstt
kind of injustice, the American people seemed to
be roused from their lethargic condition, and to
date, 25,000 letters have been received by the judge
in the case, demanding that justice be given these1
five negroes. It is significant that all of the letters
came from the North, East, and West; none came1
from the South. .
However, 25,0000 is only a fraction of the 120,-1
000,000 Americans who should actively protest
against this miscarriage of justice in their own
country, before they condemn race persecution in
other countries.
Is lark in
Fair. . a
Just what do they mean? In a
few weeks we will be flooded with them, and it is
the marks that will determine whether or not our,
work during the past semester has amounted to;
anything, or has, in the opinion of our professors,
simply been wasted time. The fact that months
of hard work may be scratched off the records by
an "E" is a rather harsh one, and gives good cause
to wonder whether the present system is sompletely,
Can any such system as that being used at the,
University, even when class averages are taken,,
give a fair evaluation of the work of any one indi-
vidual? Personal ability and study conditions vary.,
In one class, the time which individual students
can give to their studies may vary by hours, and yet,

As Others See It
All Is Forgiven
(From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
SIGMA CHI, having forgotten, has now forgiven,
and Justice Van Devanter is once more a
member of the fraternity in good standing.
Whatever it was, it happened 55 years ago when
the Justice was attending Cincinnati Law School,
and no man lives who can explain why a boy
later to become a member of the world's most
agust tribunal was expelled. Through the mists
of time, it is remembered merely as a trivial of-
fense, a schoolboy disagreement. Another frater-
nity, Beta Theta Pi, admitted young Devanter
as soon as he was dropped and the world whirled
on. But now, in "kindly and fraternal" spirit,
as the Justice himself termed it in accepting
reinstatement, the rift has been healed. If, during
a long and boresome argument before the court
one of these days, the Jusice whiles away the
time by humming "The Sweetheart of Sigma
Chi," everyone will understand.
To A Rash Young Man
(From the Michigan State News)
YOU WHO WROTE that editorial for the Mich-
igan Daily entitled "Have You the Money,
Honey?" - you are a very foolish young man.
Your very thorough argument that women should
share the cost of dates is nothing short of
Apparently you admire the attitude of your
friend the graduate student, who makes his date
bear half the expense of their round of dancing,
drinking, etc. That is perfectly all right, my friend.
But that doesn't excuse you for that para-
graph, to wit: "We believe the average college
woman will be found to be exactly as intelligent,
competent, honest, straightforward and able to
make her way in the world as the average col-
lege man. We are convinced most women think
this equality desirable and socially just-so why
abrogate it when the young man and the young
woman approach the cash register after an
evening of fun?"
You should be ashamed of yourself for such
insincere flattery, obviously rationalizing your
intention to ask your little Sugar Plum to share
the expense of the Prom ticket with you. What
you need is less sentiment and more facts. You
are lacking moral integrity, too.
Let us delve into philosphy, psychology and
science for the answers. And a little infusion
of practical economics would not be bad, either.
Consider first that man is a more conventional
animal than woman. Would a man ever paint
his fingernails? No. Would a man wear bracelets
or whatever they are on his ankles? No. Would
a man ever attempt to dress as originally and
as nakedly as possible for a party? Certainly
not. For a man is conventional. And since it is
conventional for men to support women and to
show them around, man has an inherent tendency
to continue the practice. Do not question that
Conversely, women have the same tendency
toward being shown around and protected. The
poor - dears do not want to plank down their
money, they ask only that they be allowed to
go on acting petite and helpless. Do not question
that privilege, either.
Then you must realize that women come to
college for a man, notwithstanding their protests
about a career. And when they get their hands
on the fellow, he might as well learn something
about the fundamentals of supporting another
person. If he happens to be financially embar-
rassed, he can always confine her squandering to a
coke instead of giving her beer. But he should
always do the footing of the bill.
That is the philosophical, of course. Then
there's the psychological side: The man should
always be the dominant one of the couple. He
makes the date, doesn't he? Surely. Likewise,
he should always suggest the round of entertain-
ment, he should always intimate how expensive
it may be. You see, my friend, the man should
always wear the pants in the family. When
he allows the woman to pay her share and thus
rule her share, he lacks the proper initiative and
is sacrificing the finest ideals of masculinity.

And then what happens? We have a matriarchy.
You couldn't have realized how serious this sub-
ject was when you tackled it in your light, mer-
cenary way. Take care, young man, take care.
Remarks like yours can end only in ruin.
ea'r To Budget Time
(From The Daily Iowan)
NOW THAT the semester is drawing to a close,
it might be a good idea for each member of the
student body to look back over the last few months
and honestly evaluate the good done by his edu-
cation in helping him live his daily life. For some
the 'last semester has been most worthwhile; for
others it has been quite futile.
Among those who launched upon a new experi-
ence in a college career, some have mastered the
problem of budgeting their time to the best ad-
vantage, whereas many are finding it more diffi-
cult. The problem is not limited to freshmen;
many upperclassmen are floundering in the sea of
wasted time.
All through life we get out of anything only as
much as we put into it. Now is the time to learn

The Conning Tower
Long years agone you rhymed of Rosalind,
And though you won her not, the rhymes endure;
Of all the loveliness death leaves behind
These yet remain the loveliest and most pure.
Unshaken by the tempest of men's fears,
Unsullied by the swirling sands of fashion,
Your richly-woven song sounds down the years
Above our century's hymn of hate and passion.
Long years agone you rhymed of yesterdays
Wherein men quested after more than gold
And sought a dearer certainty than bread.
We, in your darkening, overtroubled days,
Trace your knight's path and through time's
mist behold
Beauty still gleaming, truth not yet struck dead.
Kipling fans, which means everybody some time
or another, ought to besiege the Herald Tribune
office to get, for pasting in any Kipling book,
what seemed to us the best piece about Kipling
ever written. It appeared in Books a week ago
yesterday, and was written by Stephen Vincent
We doubt whether anybody had a greater in-
fluence upon young authors than Kipling. Among
these were many who later became adversely crit-
ical of his verse and prose; but he was the water-1
wings to many who otherwise might never have
learned to swim. Our guess is that thousands of
authors would have to say, "An' I learned about
writin' from 'im."
To answer G.T.S., D. O., and Grace: It was
J. K. Stephen, in "Lapsus Calami," who wrote:
When the Rudyards cease from Kipling
And the Haggards ride no more.
.an attractive little girl whom I gather from
the program is Dixie Dunbar. I hope she will cor-
rect me if I am wrong.-- Thornton Delehanty in
the New York Post.
Well, Thornton, if she doesn't, whom will?
Brief Review of the Year (believed to be 1936)
to date.
HOWARD HUGHES flits from coast to coast in
9 hours, 27 minutes, 10 seconds --9 seconds
faster than it take his Uncle Rupert to flip out a
full-length novel.I
Leap Year radio skit in which First Voice pro-1
poses to Henry P. Fletcher, banned by network!
officials because of middle valve trouble belowl
below below.
STATISTICS, believed to have been prepared by1
Ampersand & Ampersand, show that 2,757,4651
persons visited Bronx Zoo during 1935; but ac-
cording to figures compiled at Brisbane Statis-
tical Park 2,757,464% gorillas could out-visit
them at 3-1 odds.
SHORT CIRCUIT in Hell Gate power plant throws;
city into darkness (rumored to be pitch), except,
for the light in thine eyes, darling - thine and
thine and yourn.
STRATOSPHERE BALLOON cup up into million
souvenir bookmarks, enabling every member
of National Geographic Society to remember
on what page of "Time and The Woollcott
Reader"' it is that it can't happen here, Mr.
GONDOLA of stratosphere balloon goes on ex-
hibit at Rockefeller Center - the same Rocke-
feller Center where that great scientist, Eddie
Cantor, currently strikes you ping just 72,3951
feet short of the world's cerise altitude record.1
SUPREME COURT AAA, Washington branch of
the Amateur Athletic Association, takes week-_
end off to consider unconstitutionality of love,1
laughter, and lentil soup. (See later editions for
fate of last named, which legal authorities sayI
has fighting chance).
bang!) goes into thousand-and-fourth Smashc
Hit Week of its First World Premiere with orig-
inal cast still able to croon "Heatless Mondays,
meatless Tuesdays, wheatless Wednesdays, and
sweetless Sunday evenings kept us out of some-

thing believed to be history books. The song isi
sung to the tune of "Who will win the war.")
BLANCHFIELD Q. BRUNO, 231, of 683 West East
End Avenue, offers unique (unique in local pie-
chart circles) plan to pay the bonus. Says Mr.,
B.: "Hand-to-mouth buying is bound to follow
the laws of supply and demand just as surely
as the laws of supply and demand follow the
night and the day follows the day. In other'
words, show 'em graphically that every nickel
spent (black portion on the chart) must come
out of every penny received (shaded portion).
Or as Queen Marie herself once said, 'Let 'em
eat seven-layer cake!" Then if that doesn't
balance the budget as called for in the Harrison-
Clark - Byrnes - Steiwer - Patman-McCormack -,
O'Bfuscate bill, start the printing presses and
give 'em more play money in the Sunday comic
Our legal training -we sat at the same board-
ing house Ann Street table with three Naughty-
Naught Laws - tells us that it is not a jail offense
for a hotel proprietor to have his employees finger-
printed and to charge them a fee for it; nor can
anybody be incarcerated for not patronizing the
hotels that do it.
Maybe the canefield workers might sing, to the
air of 'Katy," "C-c-cuba, sugary Cuba."
Or - this is W.J.W.'s whimsy - "Lindy, Lindy,
sweet as the sugar cane."
Yesterday driving in Connecticut: When the
f,na ic " 41nri A ,nA - I- r .n - -

A Metro-Goiwyn-Mayer picture star-
ring Jean Harlow with Spencer Tracy.
Una Merkel, and Joseph calleia.
Riffraff is just another of those
pictures which doesn't have anything
to it to remember five minutes after
you leave the theatre, but will prob-
ably be a success anyhow because of
the drawing power of La Harlow. She
r everts to the "Hell's Angells" type
in general and since that brought
her fame once it ought to sell this
Personally, we think Miss Harlow
is one of the worst actresses that
Hollywood fosters on the gullible
public, and if it weren't for Spencer
Tracy, who plays opposite her, the
picture would have been relegated to
the morgue long ago. She hasn't a
voice, she hasn't any stage presence.
and she doesn't project herself into
her role at all -- in short, she is never
anything but Harlow. But the public
seems to like it.
Tracy does a very good job in the
picture, since the whole burden of
carrying it along fell on his shoulders,
He shows a great deal of versatility,
ability, and interpretative power as
the ultra-swagger type of hero who
bowls over all those who even dare
to question his omnipotence.
The trouble with the story is that
it's another of those things from
which he magically recovers to be a
very lovely sort of fellow who does
right by his family that he has un-
wittingly collected while in the rough-
and-ready stage of his life. Sec-
ond honors for the show go to Joseph
Calleia who takes the part of the
tuna king of the waterfront. His
characterization is one of power and
intelligence, and as the would-be
tough guy he couldn't have had a
peer in this role.
The story tells of Dutch Miller's
(Tracy's) attempt to be a big shot in
the tuna fishing business, with a
small-time brain to go with it. He
controls the workers with his fists,
and wins the love of Hattie (Miss
Harlow) in between fights. They
get married, and then his ideas get
him run out of the business; she tries
to help him with stolen money and is
thrown in jail; he still fails to come
to his senses; she escapes and when
he finds that they have a son born
in jail the great revelation comes
to him and he is a great fellow in
the course of a couple minutes. We
liked him all through, but the out-
ward change was a bit too rapid.
Of course inspite of all this you'll
still go just to see Miss Harlow as a
"brownette," her latest hair color,
so we'll let you find out the rest for
yourself. Walt Disney's latest is very
swell. -.K.
Featuring Alison Skipworth, Mae
Clark, Arthur Treacher, Jimmy Ellison,
Beryl Mercer, and warren Hymer.
Arthur Treacher is the real star of
this picture --in fact, he's the whole
show and keeps the audience in near
hysterics as long as he's on the screen.
His great gift for comedy, coupled
with his hybrid accent, make him one
of the real characters of the screen.
We only hope that the brains in
Hollywood don't try to star him and
write a picture around him, as that
has been the downfall of many good
actors previously.
The comedy is fast-moving and
doesn't have a single point at which
there is a let-down. Mae Clark, one
of our favorites for many years, has
the leading feminine role and does
a good job for she has a freshness
and enthusiasm that is sadly lacking

in many of the present-day children
of publicity. Alison Skipworth does
her usual good work, as does Warren
Hymer, who can always be depended
on for a laugh.
The story tells of the adventures
of Miss Skipworth, an elderly Eng-
lish lady, who is coming to California
to surprise her son, residing in Rancho
San Quentin. She doesn't know that
it's a prison but the four companions
she meets along the road when forced
to hitch-hike because of the old graft
game that deprives her of her trans-
portation money. Miss Clarke is
another of the victims and they start
out together to thumb their way,
until they are picked up by Jimmy
Ellison, a salesman on the same trail.
Next they are adopted by a couple
crooks, Treacher and Hymer, who
refuse to be lost, and then the fun
begins. The climax comes when they,
pull a few shady deals, buy a ranch
which they name San Quentin, and
get the erring son out of prison in
time to meet his mother. Inciden-
tally, Mae and Jimmy strike up a
romance en route.
The other picture, "Condemned to
Live," is another of those vampire
things that isn't very wevl done and
might as well be left out of the
comment. The story is impossible,
the actors should be with Major
Bowes, and the rest of the production
would make the local high school
players a bit tired of it all.

TUESDAY, JAN. 28, 1936
VOL. XLVI No. 87
Sophomores, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Elections must
be approved in Room 103 Romance
Language Building in accordance
with alphabetical divisions listed be-
low. Failure to meet these appoint-
ments will result in serious conges-
tion during the registration period.
Please bring with you the print of
your record which you received last
Hours 10-12; 2-4 daily.
C, Tuesday, Jan. 28.
DE, Wednesday, Jan. 29.
FG, Thursday, Jan. 30.
R. C. Hussey,
J. H. Hodges, Sophomore
Academic Counselors.
All Men Students: Students intend-
ing to change their rooms at the end
of the present semester are hereby
reminded that according to the Uni-
versity agreements they are to inform
their landladies of such intention at
least two weeks prior to the close of
the semester, Friday, Feb. 14. It is
advised that notice of such intention
to move be made at once.
American - Scandinavian Traveling
Fellowships: The American - Scandi-
navian Foundation will award to stu-
dents born in the United States or
its possessions a number of traveling
fellowships, each $1,000, for study in
the Scandinavian countries during
the academic year 1936-37. Appli-
cants must be graduate students, stu-
dents who will graduate in June or
younger faculty members. They must
be capable of original research and
independent study, and it is desirable
that t heybe familiar with at least
one language in addition to English
- preferably Swedish, Danish, or
Norwegian. The fields of study in-
clude science, literature, and other
subjects. For details call at the
Graduate School office. All applica-
tions must be in New York before
March 15.
Academic Notices
Ph.D. Candidates in History: A
written examination in the field of
Hispanic American History will be
given in Room B, Haven, Tuesday,
Jan. 28, at 4 p.m. Those intending
to take this examination will please
register with the Department Sec-
retary,g119 Haven, before Tuesday
Arthur S. Aiton.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate: Blanks for the payment of
the Teacher's ertificate fee may now
be secured at the Recorder's Office
of the School of Education, 1437
U.E.S. All students who expect to
be recommended for the Teacher's
Certificate at the end of the present
semester should pay this fee by Feb.
Education B124, Second Semester:
Any student planning to elect Edu-
cation BI24, Administration of Sec-
ondary Schools, on Friday, 3-5,
should call at the office of the Dean
of the School of Education for in-
formation concerning a proposed
change in the time of meeting of the
Rooms for final examinations,
French (0), Thursday, Feb. 6, p.m.:
Final examinaitons in French will be
held in the following rooms:
French 1 (Morning classes), West
Gal. Alum. Mem. Hall.
French 1 (afternoon classes), 1025
Angell Hall.

Publication in the llet.in is constructive notice to all members of the
University. copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

design, sculpture, and painted dec-
orations will be studied by means of
lectures illustrated by the stereopti-
con, and collateral reading. This
course is open to all students in the
University, but cannot be counted
towards graduation in Architecture.
TuThu, 9. Two hours credit. As-
sociate Professor Ralph W. Ham-
Notice to Students Planning to do
Directed Teaching: Students expect-
ing to do directed teaching the second
semester are urged to interview Dr.
Schorling on Thursday, January 30,
in Room 2435 University Elementary
School, according to the following
1:00 to 2:00 - Mathematics and Sci-
2:00 to 3:00-Social Studies and
Commercial Subjects.
3:00 to 4:00-Latin, French, and
4:00 to 5:00 - English, Speech, and
Fine Arts.
It is of the utmost importance that
seniors come to this conference, for
everything else being equal, the op-
portunities for directed teaching will
be assigned in order of application.
Any student who has a definite ap-
pointment at the hour suggested
should report for a conference at one
of the other periods. Every effort
will be made to meet his needs.
French Lecture: Professor A, J.
Jobin will give the fourth lecture on
the Cercle Francais programr: "Le
Moyne d'Iberville, le Cid de la Nou-
velle France." Wednesday, Jan. 29,
4:15 o'clock, room 103, Romance
Language Building.
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured at the door.
Graduation Recital: Frances Dell,
Grand Blanc, Michigan, a senior in
the Piano Department of the School
of Music, will present the following
graduation program, Tuesday eve-
ning, January 28, at 8:15 oclock, in
the School of Music Auditorium, to
which the general public, with the
exception of small chidren, is invited
without admission charge.
Prelude and Fugue in A Minor..... .
Sonta, Op. 7 -
Allegro molto
Abegg Variations .......Schumann
Intermezzo, Op. 117.......Brahms
Etude in F Major.........Chopin
Pour le Piano ..........Debussy
Organ Recital: Palmer Christian,
University organist, will play the
following program Wednesday, Jan-
uary 29, at 4:15 p.m. in Hill Audi-
torium to which the general public,
with the exception of small children,
is invited.
Chorale Prelude on the Hymn-tune,
"Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart"....
Vermeland (transcribed for organ by
Warren Allen)...........Hanson
Sonata No. 1 ..............James
Andante con tranquillita, Allegro
con brio, Molto meno mosso,
Allegro con brio
Andante cantabile
Finale (Toccata on a melody from
the Geistliche Kirchengesang
known as "Ye Watchers and Ye
Holy Ones")
Suite: "A Chinese Garden (MS)....
The Fountain
Prelude on the Gospel Song by George
F. Root, "The Shining Shore"....
Toccata on a Gregorian Theme
(Symphony 1)........... Barnes

Events Of Today
Botanical Journal Club meets at
7:30 p.m., Room 1139 N. S. A few
paleobotanical papers will be re-
viewed by Helen Smith, Mary Whar-
ton and Lowell Bailey. Following
this there will be a free-for-all pow-
wo pertaining to botanical aspects of
the recent St. Louis meeting. Any
member of the staff of the Depart-
ment of Botany or the Herbarium, or
graduate student who attended is in-
vited to relate facts or impressions
which may be either serious or other-
wise pertaining to this meeting.
Quarterdeck Society open meeting
at 7:30 p.m., Room 302. Professor
Baier will speak. All members are re-
quested to be present.
Tau Beta Pi dinner meeting, 6:00
p.m., Michigan Union.
Adelphi House of Representatives
meets at 7:30 p.m. Officers for the
second semester will be elected. All
members should be present.
Christian Science Organization:
Thor ;,ril hn ra m nfi " ^f+I e .


2, 1025 Angell Hall. .
31, Natural Sciete Audi-
32, West Physics Lecture
11, 103 Romance Language
41, 103 Romance Language
71, 103 Romance Language
111, 25 Angell Hall.
112, 25 Angell Hall.
153, 25 Angell Hall.

Rooms for final


Spanish (Q), Saturday, Feb. 8, p.m.
Final examinations in Spanish will
be held in the following rooms:
Spanish 1 (morning classes), Na-
tural Science Auditorium.
Spanish 1 (afternoon classes), 231
Angell Hall.
Spanish 2, Natural Science Audi-
Spanish 31, 103 Romance Language
Spanish 32, 103 Romance Language
The College of Architecture an-
nounces the two following courses for
the second semester:
Domestic Architecture and Hous-
ing: (Architecture 11) For students
of economics, sociology and city plan-
ning as well as for students in archi-
tecture. A survey of the trend in
house design and in mass housing,
prefabrication, and the use of syn-
lthio nmateriaols .TuTh 9 cn' neras

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