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January 28, 1936 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-28

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. . . . . - - - - . . . . . . . .





Will Bolster



Ten Hopes

_____ ,


"AGITATION" for a Michigan-
Notre Dame football game is
ditinctly moribund, but Douglas B.
Asman, of Saginaw, poet-laureate of
Michigan football, has sent us a bit
of poetry which we can't resist print-
ing. It is called "Michigan vs. Notre
Dame," with a subtitle, "Played Each
Night In Dreamland, (And Sometimes
Dreams Come True) ."
"Hark" there goes the whistle,
And now it's up to you,
You boys of Elmer Layden,
And Harry Kipke, too.
ear that crowd a-yelling,
"Block that kick once more"
Forward pass them over,
Someone gets a score.
Time . out, the band is playing
The Victors, what a name.
Forward march another band,
From dear old Notre Dame.
Now up and down that battlefield,
Those heroes tried and true.
Come on, you fighting Irish line,
Come on, you Maize and Blue.
Again that crowd a-yelling,
They tied the score it seems
As "Big Ben" on the mantel
Spoiled another dream.
Each night they meet in Dreamland,
Until my dreams come true,
Strike up the band, lend us a hand,
As I forward pass to you.
N THIS PERIOD of social security
legislation, youth adjustment pro-
grams and so forth, it is a program
among the boys of Denver, Col., which
interests us most. It interests us
iost because it is not only a pro-
gram which will have the result
which every youth adjustment pro-
gram envisages, a healthy attitude
towards life, but because it will in-
e0itabiy result in the best interests
of the game which is closest to the
hearts of millions in this country -
In Denver, for the past several
years, there has been organized com-
pletely outfiitted sandlot football
league for boys of the early grade
school years and up. The league,
which has grown to a tremendous
size, has the dual purpose of pro-
viding a really workable recreation
program and of furthering the in-
terests of football.
To the latter end, the league con-
centrates on the development of
youths who know the essentials of
football as a great and clean sport
built upon fundamentals of block-
ing and tackling.
That the league may carry on its
schedule without an overpowering
strength concentrated in certain
teams and individuals, two schedules
are arranged, based on the idea that
at the age of these boys, weight is
Ehe most important element in their
In the one schedule are placed the
lighter boys, probably 95 or 100
pounds or less. And within that
group it is a requirement that the
heaqvier of those boys can play only
in the line. The same requirement is
made in the other schedule.
No tangible result is yet noticeable
from the Denver experiment, as the
boys who have taken part in the
league have not yet reached their
high school and college ages.
But it seems inevitable, what with a
system administered on the lines that
it claims, the results we have men-
tioned will result.
The principle of early training is
the soundest in the development of
any athlete. All individual sports
depend upon it for the development
of their stars, and the street base-
ball games teach the elements of that
sport. But football, with its need
for equipment, has for the most part
to wait until its players reach the
high school age before they can be
seriously instructed.
While the Denver leagues are the
first large projects with which we
are famliar', similar programs are
not rare. Elkhart, Ind., which has
consistently the best grid teams in

Indiana, has the same idea with or-
ganized teams beginning in junior
high school. And Michigan can attestj
to the results of that program.
NEW YORK, Jan 27. - (P~) - Al-
bert D. (Dolly) Stark ,said today that
he was through as a National League
umpire unless President Ford C.j
Frick sees fit to give him a substantial
salary boost.
7-Piece Band - Girls' Trio
Sound System
Phone - Ypsilanti 900-W

'Coach'lBen Grady
Carries On While
Teammates Study;
The majority of Michigan-, Varsity
swimmers have forsaken the Intra-
mural pool this week for their semi-
annual tussles with the books, but
"Coach" Ben Grady is carrying on.
The stocky junior, who is one of
Matt Mann's stellar quintet of divers
and who was placed third among
the springboard performers on the
All-American Collegiate team this
season, has taken over the coaching
duties at University High left vacant
last June when a Conference elig-
ibility ruling sent Tex Robertson,
erstwhile mentor and Big Ten dis-
tance champ, to a similar position
at the University of Texas.
Has Hard Task
Ben spends the early part of the
afternoon polishing up on his diving
technique and at three-fifteen daily
grabs a stop-watch and spends the
next two and a half hours at the
seemingly thankless task of molding a
team from material that is decidedly
in the embryonic stage as far as abil-
ity in the water goes.
Graduation losses from the strong
team that Tex had at his. disposal
last winter have forced Grady to begin
his work from a point he terms "sev-
eral yards behind scratch." With a
dual meet at Jackson scheduled at
Jackson this weekend, the Wolverine
diver is working overtime.
Grady's coaching duties are a p ,:L
of a practice-teaching course he is
taking in the School of Education,
but he is not yet decided definitely
upon such a career as a life work.
Performed Against Michigan
Michigan attracted Ben when he
competed against the Wolverines in
a dual meet as a member of the New
York A. C. while he was stillaestudent
at Yonkers High. In this meet, won
by the New Yorkers in the last event,
Grady took third in the diving be-
hind Michigan's Dick Degener and
Curt Randolph of the Athletic Club.
The position he now holds among
the country's divers is no surprise
when one looks at the record Grady
piled up at Yonkers. He was Junior
National A.A.U. champion in 1931,
National Interscholastic titleholder
for two years and Eastern Interscho-
lastic winner three times. He has
also held the Senior and Junior Met-
ropolitan A. A. U. titles.
Despite this imposing record off the
springboard, Grady likes swimming
better than diving ("except the work,"
he adds), and has a good record in
the pool besides his championships
off the boards. He won back-stroke,
free-style and individual medley titles
in the Metropolitan district besides
being a member of the medley relay
team that once held the National'
A.A.U. long-distance relay champion-

Notre Dame Agitation
Is 'Bad Taste' - Aigler
Professor Ralph W. Aigler,
chairman of the Michigan Board
in Control of Physical Education,
put the board on record Sunday
as definitely opposing a renewal
of football relations between
Michigan and Notre Dame.
Speaking as chairman of the
board," he absolved Fielding H.
Yost,'Director of Athletics, from
sole responsibility for the failure
to resume relations. Mr. Yost, he
said, "is not the only one con-
nected with the University of
Michigan, and I say this as chair-
man of the board, that it is not
in favor of a resumption of ath-
letic relations with Notre Dame.
The whole agitation is in bad
Professor Aiglerndenied any
reason for the original break in
1910 other than Notre Dame's de-

Cameron And

Ochs Expected
To Aid MatmenI
oth Men Have Woin Prep
State Championships;
t~nctn . c n tP 0 C.

Conference Inquiry Absolves
Buckeyes From Davey's 'Joke'I

At All Dealers
J. J. O'KANE, Dist. Dial 35



rrospects r ace

Y Cs l'S

termination at
two men who
three years of
that season."

that time "to play
had used up their
eligibility prior to

Breaks Decided
Both Tech Tilts,
Low To Get Another Trial'
In Nets; Varsity Drills
Optional This Week
"Beaten by the breaks we gave
them" was Coach Eddie Lowrey's
principal comment upon the return of
the Varsity hockey squad Monday
afternoon after their double loss to
the Michigan Tech Miners at Hough-
Lowrey indicated that he was still
not satisfied with the work of Irving
Shalek, present Wolverine goalie, and
plans to give Reed Low another op-
portunity to regain the net minding
job which he held at the opening of
the season.
Michigan dropped the first game by
a 3-2 score after leading 2-1 with only
a couple of minutes to go, but an acci-
dentally passed puck out infront of
the Wolverine goal tied up the score
and the young Tech team went on
to win. Shalek played a good game
the first night, Lowrey said, and
although knocked out by a flying
puck, was not seriously hurt. r
In the second game, however, the
Michigan defense was airtight and
the lone counter came mid way in
the opening period when Bud Stack,
spare Tech flanker, checked in center
ice, flipped a looping shot goalward
that hit the ice several feet in front
of Shalek and then slithered slowly
into the cage.
Tech played smart, aggressive
hockey and it was evident, Lowrey
said, that they wanted to beat Mich-
igan more than anything else in the
"They got the breaks, but they were
smart enough to take advantage ofI
them," he added,
Heyliger anct Berryman had sev-
eral opportunities to tie up the game,
but fate and a desperate Tech stand
successfully repelled every Michigan
The Varsity will hold optional prac-
tice drills until after the conclusion
of examinations and then put in a
brief period of intensive work for the
Pt. Edward game here February 15th.

Unless ineligibility includes with-
in its diastrous realm the names of
Paul Cameron and Lilburn Ochs, the
advent of the second semester will
provide Cliff Keen, Varsity wrestling
coach, with two star prospects ex-
pected to bolster the mat team at-
tack for the coming Big Ten cam-
A teammate of Earl Thomas, Cam-
eron also hails from Cresco, Ia.,
where he wrestled four years. In
1931, Cameron won the 115-pound
Iowa state championship and two
years later annexed the 95-pound
title. Cameron is speedy and rugged
in addition to being an exceptionally
smart wrestler. Because Thomas
and Cameron were developed by the
same coach, mat enthusiasts claim
that a match between the two would
be a natural. Both boys are fast,
smart, and have developed a fine
sense of balance as well as a high de-
gree of coordination.
Coach Keen will probably use
Cameron in the 135-pound bracket
and keep Thomas in the 126-pound
Final Exams Will Force
Varsity Teams To Rest
With the impending arrival ofi
final exams comes an athletic lull
and no Varsity team will engage
in any contest for the coming two
weeks. On Feb. 14 Coach Matt
Mann's swimmers will renew hos-
tilities when they journey to
Lafayette, Ind., to oppose Purdue
in a dual meet. The next day
every Varsity team well swing into
action. The basketball and
wrestling squads meet Michigan
State at East Lansing, and the
swimming team faces Indiana at
Bloomington, while the only home
attraction will find the hockey
sextet battling Point Edward.

Griffith And Infractions
Committee Give Reports
On Ohio Subsidation .
CHICAGO, Jan. 2 7. -(VP) - Gov.
Martin L. Davey's football joke be-
came officially known as such today.
After a thorough investigation, the
Western Conference announced that
it was clearly satisfied that the Ohio
Governor was merely joking last Oc-
tober when he said that 15 Ohio
State football players were on the
State payroll and insinuated that
football prowess got them their jobs.
Governor Davey later said that he
was merely joking, but the Western
Conference ordered two separate in-
vestigations with today's result that
all 15 players were absolved from all
insinuations and charges.

ments from the heads of the State
departments giving the number of
Ohio State students employed, their
work performed and their pay. Fur-
ther, Governor Davey wrote a letter
outlining the requirements for their
work andthe work done by the ath-
The Infractions Committee re-
ported that it found no favoritism of
athletes in obtaining State jobs.
"The committee feels," said the
report, "that Maj. Griffith made a
thorough investigation."
Yost Advocates
No Changes In
Football Rules


Two individual reports were made NASHVILLE, Tenn., Jan. 2. -( P)-
- one by Maj. John L. Griffith as Fielding H. Yost is going to the foot-
athletic commissioner of the Confer- ball rules committee meeting at Palm
ence, and another by the Conference Springs, Calif., next month with only
Infractions Committee, consisting of one suggestions - "Leave 'em alone."
Prof. W. J. Moenkhaus, of. Indiana The sixty-two-year-old University
University, and Prof. A. C. Callen, of of Michigan athletic director said be-
Illinois. fore leaving here that present-day
Athletic Side Probed football is a "great game, I'd like
Maj. Griffith investigated the ath- to see them leave it as it is."
letic side of the "joke" to determine Yost, representative of the Middle
whether any of the 15 should be West on the rules committee, came
ruleh nelgrbanyfomthfurhr ompehere last week to attend the funeral
ruled ineligible from further compe- of Dan E. McGugin, his brother-in-
tition; the Infractions Committee law.
looked into the matter as a whole to After visiting New Orleans he plans
determine whether non-athletes as to make a leisurely trip to the West
well as athletes were given an equal Coast, stopping at Tucson, Ariz., for
chance at employment at Ohio State. a brief rest.
"It seems clear, first, that the 15 "All manner of innovations has
football men who were employed by been advocated," said Yost, in dis-
the State of Ohio from Nov. 1, 1934, cussing the rules. "Every time we
to Nov. 1, 1935, obtained their ap-made new changes, we made a new
pointment on their own initiative and game. It seems that fans are per-
through therhelp of personal friends," fectly satisfied with the rules as they
sahdrMa.G rifhe 'sfpronrt. nds are now. They seem to like the
said Maj. Griffith's report, game and the fellows seem to like
"Second, that they were paid at the to play it as is.
same rate as others who were not en- "If we want to make another game
gaged in athletics; third, that there out of it, of course, there must be
was no disproportion in the number some changes made.
of jobs held by athletes, and, fourth,
that their work was so arranged that AJACCIO DESTROYED
it would not interfere with their uni- LOS ANGELES, Jan. 27.- (OP) -
versity tasks." Suffering from a broken bone in a
State Heads Questioned hoof, Ajaccio, formidable entry of
In collecting evidence for his re- F. A. Carreaud in the Santa Anita
port, Maj. Griffith obtained state- Handicap, was destroyed today.


American Division
Detroit ......13 7 6 61 49
Chicago .....14 10 3 49 42
Boston ......12 12 3 48 42
Rangers .....11 14 5 53 66
International Division
Maroons .....12 11 4 53 55
Toronto......12 11 4 53 55
Canadiens ... 8 13 7 51 66
Americans .. .10 14 3 57 62


division. Cameron won his fresh-
man numerals at Iowa State Col-
lege, and registered in the university
last year at the beginning of the
second semester.
Since Coach Keen lacked a 175-
pounder, he was forced to use Bill
Lowell in this weight, despite the
fact that Lowell was originally a
165-pound matman. With Ochs el-
igible for competition the Wolverine
mentor will not have to worry about
sending in a lighter man. Ochs has
been drilling all year and has man-
aged to keep himself in fine shape.
Due to no fault of Lowell's, Michigan,,
with the exception of the Spartan
meet, has been unable to gain any
points in the 175-pound department.
Since most of the dual meets have
been closely fought, the possibility of
gaining some additional points will
be more than welcome.
In his three years of grappling at
the University City High School,
Mo., Ochs established a brilliant
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