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January 24, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-24

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The Weather
Increasing cloudiness, snow
today and tomorrow; rising
temperature today.


04dg dd LAL A sm w AOF A*OF
Bosom I Emwm
mumms I Mwmm
AMW AORPF- V, t r4 t a n


Like A Horse Race ...
Dangereus Alliances ...
Japan And Her Teachers ...


VOL. XLVI No. 86



I -


LeBrun Looks
Anxiously For
New Premier

Needs 'Funeral Cabinet' So
Foreign Minister Can Go
To King George's Burial
Leaders Refuse To
Form Government
Sarraut Attempts To Make
Transition Government;
Is Expected To Fail
PARIS, Jan. 23. - U P) -President
Albert LeBrun tonight anxiously
sought a "funeral" cabinet which
would enable a foreign minister to go
with him to London to represent
the French nation at the burial of
King George.
Former Premier Albert Sarraut,
a veteran of 19 cabinets, explored the
possibilities of forming a transition
government. Most political forecast-
ers predicted he would fail.
After continued consultations with
prospective ministers until late to-
night, Sarraut said he would give a
definite answer to President LeBrun
tomorrow. Sarraut, a member of the
radical socialist party, was premier
for a month in 1933.
Four leaders have already declined
invitations to form governments to
face pressing domestic and foreign
policies, following the collapse yester-
day of the government of Premier
Pierre Laval.
They were Jules Jeannerey and Fer-
nand Bouisson, president of the Sen-
ate and chamber of deputies, who tra-
ditionally are first offered the prem-
iership; Edouard Herriot who was


One Hour Pipe, Esperanto--But
A Catch--No University Credit
Dr. Hootkin's Class Learns with several other languages can ac-
International Language, quire the use of Esperanto much eas-
ier than a person who knows only
Zamenhof's Masterpiece one. The reason for this is that the
prime principle in the language is
By ROBERT WEEKS to make use of everything that is com-
In thumbing through the catalogue mon to the civilized languages and
searching out their next semester's to drop what is peculiar to any one
courses, students will not find one of them. The principle of interna-
course which is to be taught next tionalism is specially obvious in the
semester. It is Esperanto, and al- vocabulary, Dr. Hotkins commented,
though the University does not give for words common to all civilized lan-
credit for the course, it is taught guages were chosen first. After these,
by a faculty member, Dr. Hirsch words common to all but one were
Hootkins of the French department. chosen and so forth, he said. Accord-
In fact it has been taught by Dr. ing to the Encyclopedia Brittanica
Hootkins for the past year, with one this selection tends to be somewhat
class session a week, and others have at random between Romance and
taught it on the campus for the past German words.
three years. Using these words as roots, a system
This international language was in- of 30 prefixes and suffixes also bor-
vented by a Russian physician, Za- rowed from living languages is used.
menhof, in 1887, after 40 years of For instance, instead of having one
preparation. Its name comes from ! (Continued on Page 2)
the pseudonym used by Zamenhof to-
sign his first publication on the lan- Crazed Father
guage and it means "hopeful." Its
name suggests its original purposeS
which was to promote a feeling of
relationship among the nations of the
earth, Dr. Hootkins said. F m l fF v
This is one of the motives that Family Five
many students have for learning the -
language, according to Dr. Hootkins, I
while others are motivated by sheer Lives In Grisly Household
curiosity or the desire to know a lan- Week; Set Hoine Afire
guage that will make European travel
ess difficult. AndSlays Self
Students who enrolled for the,
course this fall are now reading stories DANVILLE, Ill., Jan. 23. - 0P) --
hat are quite difficult even though The seven members of the William
hey have had but one class a week, A. Albers family were found shot and
)r. Hootkins stated. This serves to bludgeoned to death today in a flam-
demonstrate how readily Esperanto ing farm home.
can be learned, and if one were to A posse of Edgar county officials
tudy it every day, according to Dr. and residents who trudged to the
ootkins, it could be learned satis- snow-bound house in 20 below zero'
factorily in a month. He stated that weather made the gruesome discovery.
when he learned it at the University A hasty reconstruction of the tragedy
-f C it i t n k him t wnnlr kC _ _+_, n~n

Prays Before Three Nations
Father's Bier' Before League
Mourns As King George Is Litvinoff Attacks Japan,
Laid In Temporary Tomb Italy And Germany As
In Westminster Threats To World Peace

King Edward

Soviet Assails Prof. VanderVelde

I - - v - - w - - - K--MqWAIL K-/

Million Englishmen
To File Past Casket
Weeping Men And Women
Drop To Knees While'
Caisson Passes By
LONDON, Jan. 23. - 0P)--Britain's
King Edward VIII stood in silent
prayer today before the body of his
father, George V. borne in death to
lie in a temporary tomb of state in
medievalWestminster Hall.
Haggard and apparently weary, he
prayed with all of England as the
body of King George was placed in
its black and gold resting place with
simple ceremonies, at the end of a
100-mile journey from rustic Sand-
ringham, where the monarch died
Monday night.
Tonight stalwart yeomen and
household troops, their brilliant uni-,
forms partly hidden by cloaks of
somber black, stood watch over the
body as it lay in its oaken casket be-
neath the royal standard.
Crown On Bier
Eight persons only stood there
through the night. At each of the
four corners of the purple-based cata-
falque was a lifeguard, head bowed
and immobile, resting on his sword.
A little farther out into the brown-
ish-gray gloom, lit by flickering tap-
ers a~t the base of the catafalaue.

i-Wv" va ulao1 ,U1111tO es. led them to believe Albers had killed e1 u": l.J l41 :QFQ1apU,
forced out when last premier because It is true that a person acquainted his wife and five children in a de- stood four yeomen.
of his insistence upon payment of war mented rampage a week or ten days Atop the royal standard, at one
debts to the United States; and Yvon Fgs, and had lived in the grisly house- end of the bier, the jewelled Crown
Delhs, resden oftheradial o- ank For strhold until investigators approached of Empire glistened. At the other
cialist group in the chamber. hod tl ieas adad end, above the head, lay the floral
In aditonLavl hd reuse antody. heyreasoned he had made
In addition, Laval had refused an pyres for each of his victims - mat- crosses of Edward and the Queen
invitation to try to form the 101st Sch oo m f tresses soaked in kerosene-set them Mother Mary.
government under the third republic. " afire and slew himself. The body will remain until Tues-
Nation s Best IApparently the woman, four boys day in the cold and ancient hall, be-
" e and a girl - all clad in nightgowns --gneath the high wooden ceiling placed
o na had been slain in their sleep. there 500 years ago. Starting tomor-
Michi Third In Ge r Porse leaders asserted the belief row an estimated 1,000,000 subjects
ichigan ird GeneralJohn, 17, Wilford, 14, and Forrest, will file past the bier.
Feature Chorai Summary; Yale Graduate 10, had been beaten to death. A Then the body will be taken for
- blood-stained baseball bat was found the last time through the streets of 1
U non Concert School Heads Lest in their room. Rifle bullets had end- the Empire's capital to the train
The University's School of Conser- ed the lives of Mrs. Augusta Albers, which will bear it to Windsor for last
vation and Forestry has been ranked 45, Gene, 4, Shirley Ann, 2, and Al- rites and burial.
Leads Detroit Symphony among the four most "distinguished" bers. 54. All had been shot through Royal Family Follows
forestry schools in the nation by the the head. The King's body arrived at 2:45
Orchestra This Society of American Foresters, Dean p.m. today from Sandringham, at
In Auditorium Samuel T. Dana announced yesterday. We I-late rTo Do it, King's Cross Station, to be brought
The other three "distinguished" through streets lined with hundreds
The Detroit Symphony orchestra, schools, the report lists are Yale, the , But Just Look A t of thousands to Westminster Hall.
under the direction of Bernardino New York State College of Forestry Behind the gun-carriage which
Molinari, guest conductor, will pre- at Syracuse University, and the Uni- bore the body walked Edward and his
sent its 40th Ann Arbor concert at versity of California. Fourteen schools ae , 6 argoyi. brothers, the Dukes of York, Glou-
8:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium, are listed as' approved in addition to cester and Kent, and his brother-in-
This is the second time that Mo- these four schools, the group includ- We hate to be nasty! law, the Earl of Harewood.
ilnari has directed the Detroit or- ing Cornell, University of Washing- But last fall when The Daily print- King Edward, his face lined with'
chestra before an Ann Arbor au- ton, University of Minnesota, Mich- ed a picture of four charmit young fatigue and grief, limped as he strodeI
dience, his first appearance here be- igan State College, University of Mon- co-ed freshmen arrivimg in Ann A'- along. le also had walked the twot
ing in 1931. A distinguished Italian tana, Pennsylvania State College, bor by airplane. the Gargoyle was and one-half miles from the parish
conductor and arranger, Molinari University of Idaho, Iowa State Col- sufficiently embarrassing to point out church at Sandringham to Wolferton
will act as guest conductor for sev- lege, Harvard University, and Oregon that two of the young ladies hailed Station.
eral other important orchestras be- State College. from Mt. Clemens, one from Detroit, Eight tall Grenadier Guards bore
fore he returns to Italy. Graduates of approved schools are and one from Tecumseh, Mich., whose the coffin slowly and silently to the ;
The unique feature of this con- eligible immediately on graduation nearest airport is the Ann Arbor field; catafalque in the center of the hall.
cert will be the last number on the for junior membership in the Society further that all four came from Betsy Edward on the left, Queen Mother
program, "The Pines of Rome," a of American Foresters. Six other Barbour. Mary on the right, followed the body.
symphonic poem by the Italian com- schools are rated as covering in their Yet the charmmiz youn lady bran- Members of the House of Commont
poser, Respighi, which is scored for instruction the professional field of dishing a pair of skis in the "Sophis- and lords lined each side of the hall.1
orchestra and organ. The Hill Audi- forestry, but approval is withheld on ticated Lady" feature on page 16 of The eight-minute service was strik-
torium organ will aid the orchestra the basis of failure to measure up to the January Gargoyle has not yet ing in its simplicity.
in its rendition. "This selection is certain standards, the report states. gone to the trouble of fastening the The assemblage repeated the Lord's
not often included in orchestra pro- Each of the schools included in the 3 strings with which the skis are tied (Contnuea on Page 6>
gas reiden C resA rof report was rated on seven groups of together, nor did the astute Gargoyle --- -
grams," President Charles A. Sink of characteristics, including departmen- prop man see fit to borrow the neces- Adi *
"he hofwMauioridstaveray'tal status, provisions for instruction, sary straps when he got the skis from iiiin s ra Lion
"because few auditoriums have an personnel of faculty, financial sup- a local sport store.z
make the ful pnecessary e orhestr port, equipment, field instruction, and. Still, give him credit for taking of Faces Dilem m a
ethe etlpo" of the orm wil r history and alum i achievement, the price tag.
The rest of the program will in- InB nuhlan terOhrmoreoI"he All In Bonus Bill
Carnival" by Berlioz, "The Symphony ia SophomoreLeadsAs
in G Major (B and H No. 13) by IinlKmb~ AHNGOJn 3-(P
Haydn, including the movements Ire aratio1J1m 5 Witha $ ON, Jansis
Adagio;Allegro; rgo, nbill on President Roosevelt's desk, the
Trio, and Finale; Allegro con spirito." administration tonight faced a di-
The next number will be Molinari's By FRED BUESSER tila was one of the best freshman lemma of choosing between a big
arrangement of Handel's "Largo," The same slight lad who spent boxers ever to enter the University. boost in the national debt, new taxes,
followed by "Moto Perpetuo" by Pa- much time in Ann Arbor's Arboretum As a middleweight he outclassed all or inflation. '
ganini, which he transcribed for the wearing an Olympic cap and dis- his opponents and was called one of Reports circulated widely that the
orchestra, and "The Symphony of playing an amazing ability to nego- the hardest hitting and cleverest col- chief executive would deliver a sharp'
the Seasons" by Malapiero. tiate the most imposing hills that legiate boxers that Michigan has ever veto message on the bonus, possibly
Tickets for the concert are priced the University's supposed sanctuary had. in person, but so guarded was the
at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00, and may be boasts has done it again. It is as a baseball player, however, silence at the White House that
obtained at the School of Music or Yesterday Walter Bietila, Univer- that Bietila will be missed most this neither a confirming nor denying hint
Hill Auditorium. _sity of Michigan sophomore, the spring. As a member of Benny Oos- was forthcoming.
youngest member of the United States terbaan's yearling squad, Bietila ap- In any event, congressional leaders
Faces Firing Squad Olympic ski umping team, and an peared as the class ofthe freshman i stuck to their predictions that a veto
alternate at that, paced the entirehave almost certainly won for him the od rin g the
Saved By Reprieve( American squad in the final prepara- haeaitcra wno i method of raising the necessary
canI-third base post which George Ford money a moot question.
injupfrteomecmeto nntInsd.

Bitter Replies Are
Hurled At Charge
Russian Discounts Sovie
Interference In Uruguay
As Trumped Up Rumor
GENEVA, Jan. 23. - (P) - Bitter
debate broke out in the "family of
nations" today when Soviet Russia's
delegate charged by implication be-
fore the League council that Japan,
Germany and Italy have policies of
aggression constituting "the utmost
danger to world peace.,,
Maxim Litvinoff, Moscow's com-
missar for foreign affairs, made the
attack upon the three.
He was discussing the Soviet ap-
peal to the League against Uruguay's
frequent action in breaking off diplo-
matic relations with her. This disn
pute was virtually postponed until
the May meeting of the council, when
a committee composed of members
from Roumania, Spain and Denmark
was appointed to investigate the pos-
sibility of conciliation.
Neither Japan nor Germany is a
member of the League, but the Uru-
guayan and Italian delegates were
quick to reply heatedly. Alberto N.
Guani, Montevideo's representative,
said the time had come fro the na-
tions to take defensive measures
against the policies emanating from
Moscow, which he described as a pro-
gram to destroy "families, religions,
the social order and civilization it-
Baron Pompeio Aliosi, of Italy, pro-
testing Litvinoff's references to his
nation, asserted "I most categorical-
ly reject the speculation in these re-
Litvinoff had denied Soviet inter-
ference in Uruguay and intimated
that the South American nation de-
cided to sever relations because of
Moscow's refusal to buy large quan-
tities of cheese from her.
For the first time since shortly af-
ter the war began, the Italian dele-
gate remained in his seat at the
council table when representatives of
Ethiopia were present.
Dr. Titiev Made
Instructor of
The appointment of Dr. Mischa Ti-
tiev as instructor in the department
of anthropology for the second semes-
ter of the present academic year was
announced yesterday by Prof. Leslie
A. White, chairman of the depart-
Dr. Titiev received the doctorate
in anthropology at Harvard Uni-
versity in February, 1935. Since that
time he has been engaged in museum
and archaeological work with the
National Park Service and has been
excavating the earliest colonial settle-
ments on Jamestown Island, Va.
During the spring semester Dr. Ti-
tiev will teach "The Peoples of Asia
and their Civilizations,'. "The Amer-
ican Indian," and will offer instruc-
tion to qualified students in "Prob-
lems of Race." (Anthropology 205).

Sees Editorial But
He Voices Pearl
Daily editorials get results-almost.
Prof. Lewis G. VanderVelde yester-
day devoted a portion of the lecture
in his History 143 course to a discus-
sion of the leading editorial in The
Daily Thursday morning urging that
professors dismiss their classes on
the hour instead of holding them over.
His remarks, however, were limited to
a mixed metaphor concerning the
"long-winded instructor who has one
more 'pearl' to voice."
"The actual metaphor, 'to cast
pearls,' might give rise to a connota-
tion unfortunate for the students," he
commented. "But I suppose that it
may be a clever euphonism implying
satirically that if the pearl the in-
structor was about to cast was at all
worthwhile, it would be too big to
Professor VanderVelde's ten o'clock
lecture in History 133, noted for being
dismissed late, yesterday was dis-
missed late early at 11:01 a.m.
Wife Of Lewis
Decries Life Of
Western World
Dorothy Thompson Warns
Against Loss Of Liberty
In Lecture Here
A retreat from the highly indus-
trialized and nationalistic life of the
western world today to the simplicity:
of the past was urged last night by
Dorothy Thompson, newspaper cor-
respondent, and wife of Sinclair Lew-
is, in her Oratorical Association lec-
ture on "Rediscovering America."
Miss Thompson declared that de-
spite our great advances in scientific'
knowledge and industrial efficiency
we have suffered a definite loss in our
degree of freedom in the past few
Citing unemployment, loss of in-
dividualism, and stagnation of for-
eign trade as characteristic problems'
confronting modern Europe and
United States, she asserted that such'
questions should be solved by revert-'
ing to the contented, unambitious
philosophy of such countries as Den-
mark and France.
Miss Thompson repeatedly pointed
out the sharpness of the unemploy-
ment problem in the world today,
emphasizing that it is a situation in-
herent in the advanced state of tech-
nological efficiency.1
She described the Sinclair-inspired
California system whereby the unem-
ployed are put to work salvaging ar-
ticles to be used by other unemployed
as "one of the most reactionary plans
I have ever heard of in the Western1
hemisphere," and said that it was an
instance of the futility of a planned
economy within a capitalistic econ-
In Germany, she went on, Hitler
has not been able to banish the spec-
tre of unemployment despite wage
cuts, shortened hours, drastically re-
duced imports, feverish rearming, ar-
tificial creation of new industries, ex-
pansion of the army, and the exodus
of thousands of refugees.
The January edition of the Gar-
goyle is nearly sold out, C. Grant
Barnes, '37, circulation manager, an-
nounced last night, emphasizing that
all holders of coupons must call at the
Gargoyle offices immediately for their

Break In
Cold Spell
Mercury Hits 7.4 Degrees
Below Zero; Clear And
Warmer Is Prediction
Entire Mid-West Is
StrickenBy Cold
Forsythe. Warns Against
Frost - Bite; Ear - Muffs
Now Campus Vogue
Ann Arbor's coldest spell of the
year, plunging the mercury to 7.4
degrees below zero, is expected to ease
The slow but steady rise of the
barometer since yesterday morning,
as reported by the University Observ-
atory weather bureau, indicated that
rising temperatures and fair weather,
can be expected for today. The bar-
ometer, reading at 7 p.m. yesterday
stood at 29.12.
During the period from 7 p.m. Wed-
nesday, to 7 p.m. yesterday, the high-
est temperatures recorded at the Ob-
servatory, was 10 degrees above zero
and the lawest 7.4 below zero. The
low point came shortly before niid-
night yesterday. The average of all
temperatures throughout the entire
cold wave was estimated at 1.3 degrees
above zero.
Although there was no precipitation
in Ann Arbor yesterday, the weather
bureau recorded a depth of four
inches of snow on the ground last
Hospitals throughout the midwest
were kept busy throughout the night
in caring for frozen hands, ears and
feet, and fire departments in De-
troit alone reported 21 fires as re-
sulting directly from the cold weather.
Sharply precipitated temperatures
and high gales claimed a toll of 54
lives in the Northwest, bringing the
week's total cold weather deaths to
More than 20 cases. of fostbitten
ears have been treated at the Univer-
sity Health Service in the last two
days according to Dr. Warren G.
Forsythe, director of the University
Health Service. None of them were
serious, he said.
"Keep your ears covered, Dr. For-
sythe warned, "especially when they
begin to turn white through loss of
circulation," Frost-bitten ears should
be allowed to absorb heat only grad-
ually, he said. A good treatment is
first to apply snow and then cold
water -never warm water.
Students are bearing practical wit-
ness to the state of the weather with
their various styles of dress, designed
primarily for comfort rather than at-
traction. Ear muffs in every conceiv-
able design and color and ski suits
have contributed their part in reor-
ganizing the ideas of Michigan's fash-
ion conscious campus.
The greatest area of the Mid-West
cold spell ranged northward through
Wisconsin and Minnesota, with read-
ings of 20 to 35 below zero to Mani-
toba with 40 below.
Return Guilty
Verdict Again
At Scottsboro

DECATUR, Ala., Jan. 23. - (.T) -
Heywood Patterson, one of the Negro
defendants in the "Scottsboro Case,"
was convicted and sentenced to 75
yeairs in the penitentiary by a Morgan
County jury today.
It was Patterson's fourth trial on
charges of attacking Mrs. Victoria
Price aboard a freight train in Jack-
son County, March 25, 1931. He was
sentenced to death in the three prev-
ious trials, but the cases were reversed.
After a decision had been reached,
Judge W. W. Callahan delayed the
jury's report while the jury was being
chosen for the trial of Clarence Nor-
ris, another of the nine Negro de-
fendants in the case.
Humphreys To Sail
For England Soon
Wilber R. Humphreys, assistant
dean of the literary college and pro-
fessor of English, will leave for Eng-
land and the continent late in Feb-
ruary, relinquishing his administra-

Sports Writers, Daily Files Tell
History Of Notre Dame Break

The current controversy regard-
ing the resumption of football rela-
tionships between Michigan and
Notre Dame, broken in 1910, took a
new aspect yesterday as the spot-
light was turned upon the original
basis for the break.
Writing in the Detroit News yester-
day, John E. McManus, '22, de-
scribed the break as a result of feel-
ing against Frank C. "Shorty" Long-
man, a former Michigan player who
coached the Notre Dame team of
1909. In that year, during a period
which McManis describes as one in
which "evidences of disloyalty, no
matter how slight, were fighting top-
ics and unforgivable offenses." The
Longman-coached Irish defeated

In the Detroit Free Press this
morning, W. W. Edgar, sports editor,
writes that the break came at the
time of the scheduled grid meeting
of the two teams in 1910 when Mich-
igan refused to go on with the game
because of the presence of two play-
ers "who had come from a junior
college in Walla Walla, Wash., and
whom Michigan held to be ineligible
although, according to Edgar, "at the
height of his coaching career Yost
himself was never any too much con-
cerned where his material came from
- so long as his boys could play foot-
Files of The Daily for 1909 and 1910
present a picture of intercollegiate
athletics in which ineligibles and

SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 23. - (P){
- Gov. Henry H. Blood this after-
noon granted a reprieve for Delbert
r ,-n ,- i, ,cantcneP t o he oected

the international games Feb. 5th. va kit awouue.
A fast, smooth fielder with an ac-
Bietila, whose home is in Ishpeming, curate arm, and a dangerous batter
withdrew from school before Christ- at all times, Bietila's absence this year
mas in order to compete in the Olym- is certain to cause Coach Ray Fisher

Lewis' A.F.L. Vertical
Union Group Banned

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