2, 1935
Many Foreign
Students Take
Graduate Work
University Enrollment Is
Increased By Students
From Many Lands
There is a notable increase in the
number of foreign students enrolled
in the University this fall according
to Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, counselor
to foreign students. Many of these
students are taking graduate work
and many others have received their
bachelor of arts degrees from uni-
versities in their native lands and
are continuing udergraduate courses
of study which are not offered in the
colleges from which they graduated
The Chinese group is probably thc
largest, numbering in all around 15C
students. The majority of these stu-
dents have been in government serv-
ice and are studying political scienc
and economics here.
Notables Enrolled
Among these numerous students are
notable personages in their own coun-
tries. One of them is the secretary
of the Officers' Union for Moral
Endeavor, who has been granted a
three year leave of absence by the
government to study political science.
The son of Marshall Wang, commis-
sioner of one of the smaller seaport
towns, is also enrolled in the Uni-
Among the Japanese group are twc
new Barbour scholars. Also the new
ly appointed attache from the Jap-
anese Embasy in Washington will b
a guest of the University for a semes-
The group from the Near East i
the largest the University has had ir
several years. Among these student
are three Turkish men who are grad-
uates of Roberts College in Istanboul,
and three others are sons of profes-
sors at the American University of
Beirut, Syria.
Siamese Woman Here
There is only one new recruit to
the Hindu group. Other foreign stu-
dents include those from European
countries and Hawaii and the Philip-
pine Islands.
For the first time this campus is
able to welcome a Siamese woman,
for this fall one has come here on a
Barbour scholarship to study in the
school of nursing.
Professor Nelson is planning a
series of teas for foreign students to
take -place on Sunday afternoons to
help these people to become better
acquainted with each other.
Porter, Steinle
To Lead Bands
At Union Dance
Special arrangements have been
made to accommodate an anticipated
crowd of over 500 couples to dance at
the Union Saturday night.
More than 465 couples were ad-
mitted and over 100 couples were
turned away after the Michigan State
game last year. An even larger group
is expected this year; so two bands
will play' for the dance Saturday
night. The third floor, in addition
to the second floor ballroom, will be
open for dancing.
Bill Porter's band of 7 pieces, which
plays for the regular Union dances at
Michigan State College in East Lan-
sing, will provide the music on the
third floor. Bob Steinle and his band
will play in the ballroom on the sec-
ond floor.
According to Wencel Neumann, '36,
president of the Union, the regular,
ticket priced at $1.00 will admit
couples to both places.1
Announce Engagement
Of Georgina L. Karlson
By the unique method of tying two
name cards to a teacup, Mr. and
Mrs. K. A. Karlson of Detroit, an-
nounced the engagement of their
daughter, Georgiana Louise, to R.
Nelson Shaw at a tea on June 15.
Miss Karlson graduated from the
University last June. She was presi-
dent of Jordan Hall her senior year
and held several League positions in-
cluding that of General Chairman of
the Assembly and a member of the
Merit System Committee. Shaw, a
1934 graduate, was affiliated with
Theta Xi. No definite date has been
set for the wedding.
Foreign Counselor
Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson has re-
sumed his position as counselor of
foreign students this year. He has
planned several activities, includ-
ing a series of Sunday afternoon
teas, to acquaint these people with
the campus.
MVilitary Influence
Appears In Coats
For Winter Wear
The n o t o r i o u s, ever-changing
whims and fancies of Ann Arei
weather have brought winter coats
sown from hangers into use. Per-
istent talk of war is reflected in
he military influence so predorninan
n this winter's models. Clear-cut
tines, big, dashing revers, rows of but-
ons marching down a double-breast-
;d closing, and frog and braid fasten-
ngs, all characterize the new trend
Coats are usually trimly belted,
saving the hands conveniently free.
leather belts are large and often
;ffer interesting contrast. A depar-
ure from the squared shoulders of
ast season is evidenced in the round-
,d line new this year. This tends to
viden the shoulders and give the
silhouette the effect of a triangle
Atanding ,on its apex. Sleeves are
large and sometimes free-swinging,
.n the case of sport wraps. Dressier
;oats feature sleeves composed en-
irely of flat fur, cloth sleeves wound
iround with a fluffier fur, such as
ox, are also very popular.
There are no medium collars this
vinter. Fashion decrees that they be
ither large or small. Many after-
aoon wraps boast large collars, lav-
shly trimmed with Persian lamb, or
>roadtail which frames the face ef-
fectively. Irregular collars with fur
swirling around one shoulder and
clown one side in an elaborate ques-
ion mark are much used. Formal
wraps often feature both fur and
abric hoods, supremely useful in
keeping freshly-waved locks in place.
Swagger coats have small upstand-
ing collars.
Full, swinging skirts have gained
mnuch favor, producing a bell-shaped
silhouette in combination with a
slender, fitted waistline.
Black is the leading color of the
more formal coats. Renaissance
greens, darkish wine tones, and greys
are also popular.
Sport coats are generally of flecked
tweeds or the new camel's hair in
soft, glowing colors. Patch pockets
have regained their former high fa-
shion rating and even appear on some
dressy coats. The campus models
swing easily from the shoulder and
boast comfortably full skirts.
Allied Youth Plans
MeetingOn Friday
The Ann Arbor post of the Allied
Youth has planned a social meeting
for Friday night in Lane Hall. Two
hundred invitations have been sent
out to young people in the University
who are interested in this organiza-
The patronesses of the local branch
are Mrs. Harry Boyd Earhart, Mrs.
Samuel T. Dana, Mrs. Donald C. May,
Mrs. Edward W. Blakeman, and Mrs.
Walter R. Drury. These women are
assisting in planning for the recep-
tion and party Friday night.
The group will be represented at
the state meeting of Allied Youth, to
be held in Detroit this month.
Activities have begun at the local
sororities and fraternities, and the
dormitories are busy with fall plans.
Rushing dinners are now in progress
at several of the houses, and news
has come of trips to Europe and vis-
iting alumnae.
Alpha Gamma Delta
Michigan traditions were the theme
for the rushing dinner held at the
Alpha Gamma Delta sorority last
night. Yellow candles and dark blue
ribbons decorated the tables. Alma
Harbican, '36, was in charge of ar-
Alpha Omicron Pi
Eleanor Heath, who graduated from
the University last June, returned to
visit her sorority sisters of Alpha
Omicron Pi this past week end. Miss
-eath is from Mount Clemens.
Kappa Delta
Kappa Delta sorority held a "Forty-
Viner" rushing dinner Monday night.
The tables were covered with red and
vhite paper cloths with matching
napkins. Bottles with candles, heav-
ily dripping with wax helped carry
ut the same scheme. Old time songs,
rad from unusual paper books, add-
ed to the evening's program.
A ship motif provided clever dec-
orations for the rushing dinner held
last night.
Mosher Hall
Mosher Hall has selected its com-
mittee chairmen for the coming year.
Among them is Elaine Cobo, '37, who
is head of the social committee. Un-
der Miss Cobo are Mary Andrews, '37,
house dances; Angel Maliszewski, '38,
teas and open house; Ruth Sandusky,
'37, birthday dinners.
The various other chairmen are
Mary Ellen Heitsch, '37, activities;
Betty Gipe, '36, music; and Dorothy
Middlestaedt, '36, kitchenette. The
scholarship committee is under the
leadership of Marjorie Mackintosh,
Pi Beta Phi
From the Pi Beta Phi house were
three members abroad this past sum-
mer. Virginia Randolph, '37, and
Barbara Morgan, '35, toured Europe
together, while Ann Osborne, former
president of the house, is now on
her way home, having spent most of
her time in Italy.
Director Tells
Of Activities
Prof. Waldo Abbot, Director of the
University Broadcasting Service, has,
announced some of the coming ac-
tivities of this department. The
classes under Prof. Abbot take up
such subjects as accoustics, radio
dramatics, sports announcing, radio
interviewing, microphone enuncia-
tion, and news reviewing.
The University studio operates over
a telephonic connection with WJR.;
The studio broadcasts regularly at,
9:15 on Wednesday, Thursday, Fri-
day, and Saturday. Sound effects are
devised by the students and toy bal-;
loons and watermelons are some of;
the interesting things used in the
radio dramas to achieve the proper
sound effect. Occasionally a student
is sent out with a microphone on
State St. to obtain the opinion of
passers-by in the true "inquiring re-
porter" style.
Winter Coals Are Sh W-in For Campus WearI
wp * that after we have goc this far and
iire Ihave aroused people to a realization
of the work of the Humane society,
From Hum ane and : hown them we really are doing
somcth:ng, that we can't go on."
ociety D Wisdom to the shelter which has
been operated by a 'trained worker
Three members othe board of under the supervision of the society,
and which the board voted to close.
directors of the Humane society: Mrs. Mullison defended this decision
Dr. Inez Wisdom, Miss Lois Banfield, by saying that the shelter was to
and Harry Clark resigned Monda.y difficult to heat during the winter,
night at a meeting held in the Mich~ and added that a telephone would
igan League building. Mrs. G. L- be retained for calls for the Humane
Mullison became president of the society.
board, replacing Mrs. W. H. Worrell, Mrs. Mullison announced that the
wife of Professor Worrell, who re- society would continue as it has in
signed her position but retained mem- the past with its program of acting
bership on the board. on reports of cruelty to animals and
Dr. Wisdom and Miss Banfield ex- caring for strays:
pressed their dissatisfaction in the "We always have done that," Mrs.
society's program. They claimed that lwasave one t, Ms
a conception of a modern humane Mullison said, "and are continuing
program was lacking and that the our work. We are planning a fine
board was refusing to spend avail- program, which will include educa-
able funds in carrying on an ade- tional work and other plans."
quate organization in the city.
"We are stymied at every turn,"
Dr. Wisdom declared. "It is a shame
Women who use it say that a
simple application makes a
perceptible difference in the
skin and that continued fuse
gives amazing results.
A 3.50 JAR
Regular sizes 10.00 15.00
713 North University
The cold breezcs and coming faetball games have created a demand
for heavy coats. This model of brick red wool is an ideal campus coat.
It features wide shoulders, brown leather belt and collar, and bold revers
of Brown Alaska sealskin. Its striking lines emphasize the military
trend of fall and winter fashions.
Where To Go
Pictures: Michigan, "Diamond Jim"
with Edward Arnold; Whitney, "Love
Me Forever" with Grace Moore;
Wuerth, "Stranded" with Kay Fran-
cis and "Paris in Spring" with Mary
Ellis; Majestic, "Anna Karenina"
with Greta Garbo.
NEW YORK, Oct. 1. - OP) - Lily
Pons, Metropolitan Opera star, ar-
riving by train today from Hollywood,
said that her new nickname is
"Toots," and announced that "I may
get married."
"To whom?" she was asked.
"Oh! I haven't anybody in par-
ticular in mind," she said, and ex-
plained that she had learned "kid-
ding" and slang in Hollywood while
making her picture, "I Dream Too
HALLER'S Jewelry
State at Liberty
Novelty Fur Lace
Used As Trimming
For Evening Cloak
Ever-popular fur is now used to
great advantage in a sensationally
new trim for an evening cloak. This
surprising novelty is called fur lace
and is featured in three frills as
adornment for a white fur "grand-
mother" style formal wrap. The
upstanding Russian collar is elabor-
ately designed of oak leaves in fur.
Another startling model is a black
pony and white rabbit suit. The dark
skirt is ankle-length in a button-
down-the-front style which forms the
popular slit from hem to knee. There
is a gap between the skirt and the
short white rabbit coat. Short puff
sleeves are gathered into cuffs, and
the Peter Pan collar is fastened by a
flat fur bow. A matching hat, in
Russian style, is of the crownless type,
and there is also a muff of the white
Another unusual outfit is a regal
dinner gown created in non-crush-
able velvet in glowing jewel tones.
The back is slit to the waist, and
there are also slits in the huge flow-
ing sleeves which are gathered at the
wrist into tight white fur cuffs. White
tails at the shoulder lend the dress
an air of distinction.
Fur on hats is very good. A black
woolen, closely-fitting skull cap is
distinguished by a- fluffy fox tail
which curls up the back in much the
same fashion as a Greek warrior's.
Another tiny hat is made entirely of
: . i
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black astrakhan. This is to be worn
with a black wool coat, featuring a
astrakhan-lined hood turned back
over the shoulder. This fur also
forms a border down the front of
the garment,
J .7 .
Hockey Players Meet
At Palmer Field House
Open hockey for advanced play-
ers as well as beginners will be
held Tuesday and Thursday at
4:15 at Palmer Field. All interest-
ed women are invited to come out.
Your Colors!
1 I
h =
- .1
Velvets, Laces
and Crepes
A Large Assortment of
We warn you! If you don't dress to
crowd, the stag line will forget you!
robe colorful and smart.
stand out in a football
Pick your sports ward-
e Specialty
Our operators will
give you expert
1 2 / -
Accessories for After-
noon and Dinner Wear:
Purses, Lingerie, Gloves.
Every fellow wants to escort a well-dressed, as well as un- TO
complaining female, so we've selected several "winners" in
novelty and plaid woolens, velveteens, corduroy, and jersey-
knitted fashions included, too. Each frock certain to keep
you feeling warm and looking "tops" throughout the game.
Visi TheII I
Visit The