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September 24, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-09-24

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SEPTEMBER 24, 1935






Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
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Chicago, Ill.
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SPORTS EDITOR....................WILLIAM H. REED
News Editor..............................Elsie A. Pierce
Editorial Writers: Robert Cummins and Marshall D. Shul-
Night Editors: Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Rich-
ard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, and
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SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred
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REPORTERS: E. Bryce Alpern, Leonard Bleyer, Jr., Wil-
liam A. Boles, Lester Brauser, Albert Carlisle, Rich-
ard Cohen, Arnold S. Daniels, William John DeLancey,
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Welcome, Freshmen
The Michigan Daily welcomes you to Michi-
gan, Men and Women of '39! We are glad to
greet you to a campus endowed with the rich
traditions left by a century-long parade of
men and women whose lives have been here
With the intention of conveying to you some
idea of the campus and its traditions, the
editors of The Daily have created this issue
to be distributed free to you, bringing with it
also your first copy of our University student
newspaper. We are proud of it, and we hope
that in time you will share our pride.
College Education -
A 'Privilege' Or A 'Right'...
M ORE THAN 1,600 freshmen - the
largest yearling class in many years
-officially become a part of the University today
.as they enter into the formal period of orientation.
It is to be hoped and expected that a very large
percentage of this "bumper crop" will remain on
the campus for the regulation four-year period.
To. these students University life is a new ex-
perience, and many, quite naturally, will at first
feel hopelessly lost in this new environment.

Each of the members of this new freshman
class - the Class of 1939-has undoubtedly de-
voted some thought to the question of how he (or
she) may best take advantage of all the oppor-
tunities and advantages the University offers.
The concept of a college education has in recent
years been going through a transitional stage.
Perhaps the spirit of this gradual change is best
epitomized by the words of President Ruthven,
who, in his initial message to this new class, de-
fined enrollment in the University as a "privilege"
rather than a "right."
That era during which four years of college
experience was accepted as the prerogative of any
young person, regardless of his (or her) qualifica-
tions, may be said to have passed with the recent
economic crisis. The novels of the jazz-mad,
gin-crazed twenties depicted the type of under-
graduate who considered the opportunity for

come to college with little or no assistance from
home or friends who are either partially or en-
tirely self-sustaining. Doubtless, a student who
spends his spare hours in an effort to finance his
education is bound to take his college career ser-
iously, and to search for the very best which
Michigan has to offer her students.
Among that group of students which is for-
tunate enough to be free from material anxiety,
there is distinctly evident a trend towards an ap-
preciation of the privileges available to them.
They too are making better use of their leisure
time as shown by the lively interest in public
lectures, music and the drama, and student-
sponsored forums. Furthermore, the undergrad-
uate who finds pleasure in discussing current
political and social problems is no longer labelled
a prude.
When the auto ban was introduced in 1927, the
entire student body vigorously protested the
measure. Now, however, the necessary restric-
tions are accepted as a matter of course by un-
dergraduates, and are even acknowledged as
beneficial and wholesome.
In spite of the many educational and cultural
privileges placed at the disposal of the under-
graduate there are always discontented rumblings
from those who feel that they "are not getting
anything out of college." Many seniors have,
upon receiving their diplomas, expressed the
opinion that they "have wasted four precious
The new student should realize that his educa-
tion will not be served to him on a magic platter
embellished with culture. Therefore, he should
immediately come to a definite decision as to
just what benefits he wishes to derive from his
experience at Michigan and begin at once to
take advantage of the opportunities offered to
him to further that end. The choice lies with
the student and let him blame no one but himself,
if, as a disillusioned senior, he feels that his four
years have been wastefully dissipated.
The challenge which presents itself to the un-
dergraduate of the "thrifty thirties" is to realize
that his college years are a "privilege" which is
to be gratefully accepted and wisely used.
The Freshman
And Orientation.. ..
T O MANY an incoming student the
thought of Orientation Week
doubtless has at first been a source of mild irrita-
tion. New undergraduates have always scoffed
at any such formal system of acclimation as un-
necessary at the University of Michigan.
However, one need only recall the average
freshman of a decade or more ago - prior to the
inauguration of the orientation system - to show
the need for this program at Michigan. There
were no freshman class mixers, and the new
students had little opportunity to become
acquainted with other members of their own
group. Moreover, the first several weeks of every
fall semester found freshmen straggling about
the campus searching in vain for their classrooms.
The green yearlings ("green" was at that time
as essential to the description of a freshman as
"babbling" now is to the description of a brook)
suddenly discovered himself plunged into new
surroundings, and the result was that it took him
a good portion of his first semester to become
properly adjusted..
Such a "lost-in-the-swim" feeling on the part
of the first-year student was perfectly natural.
It would be ridiculous to expect tat an under-
graduate could be effectively transplanted from
a perparatory school to a college campus without
acclimation to his new surroundings. However,
now that this plan of orientation has been in-
augurated, the "green" freshman has virtually
disappeared from the campus scene.
Originally a lengthy and tedious period, Orien-
tation Week has gradually been reduced to a
carefully planned four-day schedule. It now
includes various smokers and athletic events en-
abling the freshman to establish contacts with
his own classmates, and it also includes a series
of programs designed solely to aid the new student
in the process of adjusting himself. Its con-
tinued successful operation has enabled the in-
coming freshman to accomplish the transition
to the University classroom with only a minimum
loss of motion.

The New Student
Faces Rushing ...
A PPROXIMATELY 700 entering stu-
A dents will "gee whiz" the announce-
inent that rushing in fraternities and sororities
officially opens Saturday, while the remaining
900 or more wil "so what" it.
The 700 are those new students who would,
in all probability at this time, trade a Phi Beta
Kappa key for a "bid" to a house, while the re-
maining 900 are those who have no desire to be-
come affiliated with a Greek letter society.
However, when as many as 45 per cent of the
entering students evidence an interest in pledging
a fraternity or sorority the ethical problems in-
volved assume a great deal of importance.
What should these 700 who will be invited to
fraternity and sorority houses during the two-
week period know about rushing.
One of the major interests of every rushee
is the relative financial status of the houses in
which he is interested or which are interested
in him. Added significance has been given this
particular point since the University last year
inaugurated a set of financial standards to which
houses are expected to conform. Failure to
comply with these regulations places the existence
of the offending fraternity or sorority on this cam-
pus in jeopardy. It, of course, would not be ad-
visable for an entering student to pledge a house
whose financial standing is questionable. The
better houses will reveal their financial condition
without being asked, but at any rate it is by no
means a breach of good taste on the part of the

it ranks high in scholarship. Undoubtedly both
of these points are highly important but neither
of them makes any fraternity or sorority a "best"
house. The best fraternity or sorority for you is
the one in which you find conditions most con-
genial - congeniality not being the "glad-hand-
ing" and "back-slapping" so unfortunately but
frequently exhibited by some "brothers" and
A meritorious attempt to eliminate the scull-
duggerys of rushing, which had their origin in
the 70's and 80's, has been made by the Interfra-
ternity Council here. Definite rules have been
created for the conduct of both the active mem-
bers of houses and rushees during the rushing per-
iod. The rules for the conduct of rushing in both
fraternities and sororities are printed in this
paper and prospective rushees should become fa-
miliar with them.
The question of breaking rushing dates has
always perturbed some rushees. Although no
definite rule has ever been set down, custom dic-
tates that it is perfectly proper for a rushee to
break dates as no house is interested in you if
you are not interested in it. However, it is only
a matter of decency for you to inform a house
when you have eliminated it.
The unfortunate part of rushing is that every
freshman will not get what he wants. Somebody's
feelings are bound to be injured because he or
she did not receive a bid to their "only" fraternity
or sorority. There is no advice that can be offered
to alleviate the great misery these unfortunates
will undoubtedly experience except that do not,
in a moment of desperation, pledge a fraternity
or sorority which you are not interested in simply
because you feel that to be affiliated with a house
is the most important thing in your collegiate
life. To air it blandly - it just ain't so.
Ann Arbor's
Culture .:.
Class of 1939 wil find his new home,
Ann Arbor, a center of culture quite as distin-
guished as any in the country. His problem will be
not to discover worthy artists and speakers, but,
rather, to choose from among his many oppor-
Constantly throughout the year concerts, plays,
lectures, and exhibitions will be presented. Many
musicians, actors, and speakers who are not only
nationally but internationally famous will come
to Ann Arbor, while at the same time campus
groups and individuals will be active.
The Choral Union concerts, Oratorical As-
sociation lectures, Dramatic Season, and May
Festival all have built through the years a fine
tradition of excellence, and newer groups are now
following in their path.
Although all of these activities are an integral
part of University life, far too many students, as
far as active appreciation is concerned, are al-
most oblivious to their existence. All feel proud
of Ann Arbor's cultural prominence; many, how-
ever, are content with this alone and miss the
more genuine and valuable enjoyment of hearing
a great musician or listening to a great explorer's
personal story of adventure.
You, the freshman, will be proud too, but, if
satisfied just with that, will miss much that is
most enjoyable and important in student life at
The University
Again Advances ...
of the late Horace H. Rackham,
former partner of Henry Ford, who at the time of
his death left a fund of more than $10,000,000
to be distributed for the benefit of humanity and
the advancement of mankind, the University of
Michigan will be enabled to forge to the front as
one of the outstanding educational institutions
of the United States and even of the world.
With the announcement that the trustees of the
Horace H. Rackham fund have given the Univer-
sity of Michigan $5,000,000 for the benefit of the
Graduate School, it might be said that the trustees
have administered well. Surely the field of grad-
uate study, with its divisions of research and of
not higher, but "highest education," is as good
a medium as any for the advancement of man.

Through this grant, the Graduate School here,
already nationally recognized, should take its
place as one of the foremost graduate units in
existence. Long-planned researches may at last
be undertaken. Brilliant young scholars will be
furnished the means with which to continue their
studies. The Graduate School will be in a posi-
tion where it can offer needed service to the gov-
ernment and to the public. Last but not least,
the school will be properly housed to carry on its
"Education is the chief method of effecting im-
provements in the social structure and the means
of meeting problems of a social, political, economi-
cal nature,"the Rackham fund trustees stated in
announcing the gift. With the advent of the
recent depression, education has been one of the
"luxuries" heavily hit by budget-paring officials,
and it is only through the generosity of such men
as the late Horace Rackham that education in
the higher sense has been able to survive the de-
pression years.
The Graduate School endowment is by no
means the first assistance the University has re-
ceived from the fund. The annual report of the
Trustees of the fund for the year 1934, first year
of operation of the fund, during which only the
income was used, showed a total of 16 gifts to
the University totalling almost $150,000. Among
these were such donations as $25,000 to continue
the archaeological excavations at Karanis, $20,-
000 for a therapeutic pool for the University Hos-
pital, $10,000 for 10 research fellowships, and $2,500
for books for the University's FERA freshman col-
Most of the Rackham gifts are made with the

A Samuel Goldwyn-United Artists picture star-
ring Fredric March, Merle Oberon, and Herbert
The World War furnishes the background for
this story of two men and a girl in a "Design For
Living" triangle. Their lives from the opening
scene of their childhood are overshadowed by
the Dark Angel who hovers across their paths
and identifies its occasional presence by the stir-
ring of leaves or the rustling of a curtain. The
angel's warnings are masterfully done and never
step into the too difficult supernatural motiva-
tions which are sometimes seen.
The three principals, March, Miss Oberon, and
Marshall, all give performances which are models
of perfection and restraint in a story of suffer-
ing and misfortune which might easily have been
overdone by actors of less ability.
The two officers, Allan (March) and Jerry
(Marshall), both love Kitty (Merle Oberon) from
their cradle days. Comes the war and both go,
with Kitty still unable to decide which of the two
she loves most. On a leave, however, she finds
that it is Allan and they are kept from an im-
mediate marriage only by Allan's being recalled
to the front. Shortly after Allan goes out on a
raiding party and is not seen again. Kitty mourns
his death while we are finding Allan in a hospital,
blind and determined not to return to his former
home because he fears the pity he believes his
condition will evoke.
The climax comes in Allan's cottage after he
has achieved fame as a writer of children's books
and it is one that will stand for a long time as
one of the best pieces of acting we have seen.
Miss Oberon gives an inspired performance
throughout; Marshall brings his inevitable charm
and competence to his role; and March is perfect
both as Kitty's lover and as the blinded ex-soldier.
One scene which stood out for us was the origi-
nal parting of the two soldiers from their mother
and Kitty when they left for the front the first
We recommend it as one of the "must" pictures
of the season.
Starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, with
Edward Everett Horton, Erik Rhodes, Eric Blore,
and Helen Broderick.
Following in the foosteps of "Roberta" and "The
Gay Divorcee," and with almost the same cast
throughout, "Top Hat" will not fail to please one
and all, for it lives up to the precedent established
by Fred and Ginger in the past.
Is a lively musical, with the dances even better
than before and Ginger providing the heart in-
terest in connection with a plot that apears to
have no solution until the final scene. Fred
meets Ginger informally and they fall in love at
once, aided by Irving Berlin's matchless melodies.
Complications which arise are due to Ginger's be-
lieving that Fred is the husband of one of her
friends, and her rebound leads her to marry her
employer. You had better see the solution for
Highest honors in the supporting roles go to
Edward Everett Horton who, as the real husband
of Ginger's friend, is at his comedy best, and to
Eric Blore, Horton's valet. As in the past his
performance leaves nothing to be desired, and
his comedy reaches its height when he, in Italy,
finds a policeman who pretends not to understand
English, whereupon Eric indulges in what is prob-
ably a universal desire and tells the officer, in
English, just what he and his ancestors resemble.
The officer, however, was playing possum and
Eric goes off to the Italian version of the Bastille.
"Isn't This A Lovely Day," "Cheek to Cheek,"
"The Piccolino," and the theme song, "Top Hat,"
are four of the hit tunes contributed by Irving
Berlin which stands out in the picture and prom-
ise to have a long run as favorites.

A Universal production starring Edward Arnold in
the title role, with Jean Arthur, Binnie Barnes,
Cesar Romero, and Eric Blore. The picture is based
on the life of James Buchanan Brady, the man who
wore diamonds valued at two million dollars and
once offered Lillian Russel one million to marry him.
The story opens with Brady's birth in 1856 and
carries on to his death after a full and colorful
life, revealing in the meantime many of the ex-
periences of the noted millionaire in New York
City during the period of the "gay nineties." In
reality it is a picture of the era of railroad-build-
ing and fortune-making and deals with the par-
ticular success of Jim in getting his first job, in
putting across million dollar deals, and in giving
hundred-thousand dollar parties.
With Arnold's acting excellence a foregone
conclusion, and a fine supporting cast, there is
no chance that "Diamond Jim" will be other than
a success.
As Others See It
Stick To Your Work
(From The Wichita Sunflower)
UUNIVERSITY statistics show that the casual-
ties among freshmen exceed those in other
classes. Many of them withdraw even before the
year is out.

vironments and friends that are comfortable and
familiar as old shoes.
All of which is very foolish. It takes time and
courage to appreciate new things. Everyone in
the University once felt the despondency which
many freshmen are beginning to feel. But they
didn't quit and they're very glad of it.
Freshmen, stand by your guns! Your dean,
professors, and fellow students will be glad to
help to help you when you are faced with dif-
ficult problems. And as the months pass you will
feel the charm and gaiety of the University of
Wichita taking possession of you until at last
the triumph of graduation will be mixed with re-
gret that your school life is finished.
New Deal And The College
(From The Alabama Crimson-White)
CRITICS of the New Deal need only to visit
the campuses of colleges and universities
throughout the country to be shown what the
present administration is doing for Young Ameri-
ca. The inevitable increase in the enrollment of
most of the colleges is due in no small part to
the Federal aid that i being given at present to
the schools and their students.
FERA jobs here at the University have aided
materially in permitting many worthwhile stu-
dents to attend college. A great many of those
who heretofore were denied the benefits of a col-
lege education were for the most part those who
deserved one more than any others.
It is gratifying to learn that 32,000 people
hav been put to work in Alabama and that there
no longer exists in this state a federal "dole." Ala-
bama, along with the state of Wyoming, has been
taken off the relief roles, and the progress that
the state has made toward economic improve-
ment can be noticed here at the state university.
Federal aid in the form of WPA grants that
will come in the future will also bring into effect
improvements around the campus.
Social workers and educators that think that
too much time and money have been devoted to
our delinquent classes instead of our young and
intelligent citizens will no doubt have their fears
allayed by such projects as these.
Off The Record
EDITOR'S NOTE: The author of this column is a
University of Michigan graduate who has done news-
paper work in Ohio, Oklahoma, New York, and Wash-
ington, D. C. She gathers material for her column,_
which willrappear on this page from time to time, in
the daily round of the Capitol reporter.
THE STORY leaked out only after Congress ad-
journed. During one of the last days, Repre-
sentative Claude V. Parsons of Illinois spent two
uncomfortable hours conducting business on the
House floor in his stocking feet.
He had worn new shoes to the floor. They hurt,
so he slipped them off under his chair. They
were gone when he wanted them again, but busi-
ness went on and Parsons had to ignore his pre-
He finally found them in the cloak room where
some prankster had hidden them after taking
them from under the unsuspecting Parsons' chair.
Postmnaster "Jim" Farley returned from
Hollywood with an unusual enthusiasm after
such a trip. It's Shirley Temple.
"She's smart as a whip, and acts like a
Democrat," says Farley.
THE YOUNG MAN filled out his application
blank for a job in the rural electrification of-
fices. He listed several colleges degrees and added
that he had unusual ability for handling people.
"I gained it,' he explained, "in my college years
when I acted as assistant in a large funeral es-
Two of the smallest houses in the country
stand in Alexandria, Va., which lies on the
Potomac River half way between Washing-
ton and Mount Vernon.
One house is only seven feet, six inches
wide. The other is eight feet. Both are oc-

SENATOR J. "HAM" LEWIS of Illinois was
listening to the jokes about huge government
appropriations. One wit elaborated on how much
difference a comma can make if shifted in a
billion-dollar figure.
"You probably know of the man, Tucker, in
Massachusetts,' said Lewis, "who aspired to be
known as the author of a book. But he couldn't;
he knew nothing of punctuation. However, he
prepared something which looked like a book and
put all the punctuation in back with a note to
readers to put in their punctuation where they
ONE sweet old lady seems aghast at the energy
of those who belong to the National Geographic
society. She recently decided to take the so-
ciety's magazine, but she didn't know that sub-
scribers automatically become members of the
society. When she received her notice of nomi-
nation to membership she replied:
"I appreciate the honor of nomination. But I
must regretfully decline since I am now too ad-
vanced in years to participate in any of your
CONGRESS LEFT and Cabinet secretaries un-
consciously dismissed governors' names from
their minds. So the arrival of Gov. H. Styles
Bridges of New Hamshire caused a little distress,
particularly since his name is difficult to catch
over the phone.
He called Secretary Ickes' office for an ap-
"Mr. Breeches, you say?" queried a polite sec-

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