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January 19, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-19

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Publisned every morning except Monday during the
UniVersity year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00;
by mail, $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.

perity of the mushrooming "war babies" and, the
investigating committee charges, were the prin-
cipal factor in pushing the United States into
the European conflict two years later. These are
the material causes, the real reason for the direct
change in policy of the Wilson administration.
And now the Senate, with these findings, is
endeavoring to show that a mandatory, automatic
neutrality law is the only method of keeping
the nation from embroiling itself in any future
conflicts. Not only is this entirely absurd, but
it is also childish to expect the citizens of this
country to accept any such proposal as an ultimate
and all inclusive solution to this complicated
It is in the testimony with which the Senate
seeks to prove its contention that we find the
direct refutation of why any such law would
be inadequate and useless. Woodrow Wilson was
elected to the presidency on a platform to keep
the United States out of the World War. William
Jennings Bryan, his first secretary of state, made
Wilson's neutrality policy specific declaring that
the making of loans to a belligerant was an
"unneutral act." The President himself expressed
his wish that loans of this character should not
be made.
In the face of this evidence, it is clearly seen
that the United States could have wished for no
stronger neutrality than it already had. Yet
Woodrow Wilson, the avowed apostle of American
neutrality, completely reversed his stand. We went
to war two years later "to save democracy."
If Wilson could not keep this nation neutral,
and he had the support of the majority of the
citizens behind him in this policy, how could
Congress, which is elected largely through money
donated by vested interests, ever hope to disregard
the demands of their powerful lobbies?
A neutrality act is only a temporary measure,
and to consider it a permanent check would be
the height of asininity.
A final and thorough solution will be reached
only when it is realized that the economic interests
of this country are bound up inextricably with
those of all the other nations of the world. When
it is understood that we have an international
economy and not a national economy; when it is
understood that we must think in terms of inter-
nationalism and not in terms of seventeenth cen-
tury mercantilism, then, and only then, can a
first step be made in the right direction in keeping
the United States out of another world war.

The Canining lotrer
To An Unknown Man Who Sits By A Gramercy
Park Window At Midnight
(With apologies to Frances Cornford)
Oh, why do you sit all night with your books
Learning so much, so much.
Oh, nice lean man with dark good looks
Why do you spend your hours with books
When love's to be had in cozy nooks
And shivering sweet to the touch
Oh, why do you spend all your hours with books
Missing so much, so much.


Telephone 4925

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We Fail..
T HE DAILY has already spoken edi-
torially on one occasion about the
theatre conduct of our campus cutups. The reason
this comment: has not been continued from time
to time is that we have no editorial writers who can
treat the. subject without becoming so mad they
wreck the office typewriters. This commentator
will try to maintain a calm outlook until he fin-
First of all it must be admitted that some of
the juvenile antics we see and hear with our movies
are funny --most of them are not. When a movie
Is admittedly poor, which so many of them are, it
s amusing to hear a subtle comment or a weirdl
sound effect from the audience. However, in a
movie that is as well-produced and as serious as
"A Tale of Two Cities," there is no excuse for
participation in the play by members of the audi-J
ence. The producers have already employed a
sufficient number of extras. Yesterday afternoon
when several overgrown children laughed at one
of the most serious sequences in this movie, the
intelligent portion of the audience froze in their
seats and became more tolerant of persons who
commit mayhem.7
Another habit that our smart college boys have,
one equally disgusting, is that of shouting fake at
every obviously painted building or background'
seen on the screen. These mental giants should'
be told that many things happen on the screen
which are not real; the actors are really not there
on the stage, the story is fiction, but it is enter-
taining. They might also like to learn that the
scenery used on the legitimate stage is painted.
Those are not real buildings you see in the back-
ground over at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
But again we fail, even this writer got mad.
Neutrality .. .
W ITH THE NATION again facing
the problem of determining how
strict a neutrality policy to pursue in the present
Italo-Ethiopian conflict, the revelations made by
J. P. Morgan in the Senate investigation add
several heretofore concealed chapters in American
World War history.
The particular phase of the investigation in
which Morga ngave his testimony is an effort
to show the congress that a mandatory, automatic
neutrality law is needed to keep the United States
out of future wars. Morgan told Senator Champ
Clark (Dem., Mo.), son of the late Senator Champ
Clark who probably would have been elected to
the presidency as the leading Democratic nomi-
nee had it not been for the Republican split
which lifted Woodrow Wilson to the chief execu-
tive's chair, that the huge loans were floated by
his company for the Allies in 1915 had been
given the secret approval of Wilson in advance.
Moreover, the President said in a letter to Secre-
tary of State McAdoo that this approval "should
be orally conveyed, so far as we are concerned,
and not put in writing."
Other testimony given by the aged financier
showed that the reason for President Wilson's
approval of the loans lay in Great Britain's
tremendous imports from this country, the many
"war baby" industries that leaped into existence
overnight and in the plight of the American
farmers whose overexpanded agricultural enter-
prises would incur heavy losses were they to lose

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
etters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
Karl Schurz Foundation
To the Editor:
Karl Schurz left Germany for the United States
in 1848 for the reason that he abhorred tyranny
and despotism rampant at that time in the Father-
land. Now, in the name of that great man who
loved liberty more than all else, the Karl Schurz
Foundation of Philadelphia is making propaganda
(under the guise of showing German architecture
and scenery) in the American universities in
favor of the present shameless tyranny - and this
for the purpose of helping a tyrant with the money
of American tourists so that he may be able to
continue his re-armament for the next world war
that will set the world on fire. If Karl Schurz
knew about this propaganda for tyranny, he
would turn over in his grave.
The Karl Schurz Foundation is said to dissem-
inate German culture. One wonders whether this1
means Hitler culture - the only kind of culture
allowed in Nazi Germany today. Did not Hitler
cause the buring of some 20,000 great books in
the public market place, thus showing how much
he loves culture?
M. Levi, Professor-emeritus
Inglorious Obsession
To the Editor:
The article on Magnificent Obsession in the
Jan. 16 Daily shows that at least one person still
retains a spark of critical and moral judgment.
Mr. Campbell expressed the reaction of any think-
ing person toward an obsession which by no
stretch of conscience can be termed magnificent.
It is a sad commentary on the flimsy foundation of
present-day Christianity that the presentation of
natural virtue motivated by the assurance of
immediate material reward, could be mistaken by
several reviewers for mysticism. The whole phi-
losophy of the picture is absurd in essence and is,
as Mr. Campbell puts it, a "vulgarization of Chris-
tianity" which no mature Christian can tolerate.
Grad. '28
As OthersSee It]
Farmers Hit R.O.T.C.
(From the Daily Cardinal)
AN INTERESTING poll taken by the Capper
publications and editorialized by Ray Moley
in Today is significant in its indication of the
farmers' attitude toward war.
The poll indicated about a 100 to 1 sentiment
against the United States' participation in an
European war. Taking the profits out of war
and a popular vote on a decision to go to war also
received overwhelming support.
But one of the most interesting results of the
poll - at least to us as students - was the senti-
ment against compulsory military training in the
This attitude on the part of traditionally the
___.t , . ., ... ,. ,.,{ .f - t ~ l in i i

The Limited Editions Club is sending out al
questionnaire pamphlet. The Club wants to knowl
how people feel about type, paper, format, etc.
The pamphlet's title page is good; it says: "What
do you like? What do you like?" None of the ques-
tions is rhetorical; if the Literary Digest were
polling popular preferences it would add NOW to
each of those questions.
"Any up-to-date psychologist," writes A. R. W.
an up-to-date psychologist, "can tell you what's
the matter with the Supreme Court. Here are
nine old men constituting a century-old traditio
suddenly moved into a new grandiose, ultra mod-
ern building. Newspapers have played it up big;
people are talking about it. Of course, defense
mechanism starts going. Didn't you ever see a
fellow in a spick-and-span ew office insisting on
hammering out his stuff on a battered old type-
writer? Or an elderly husband in a grand new
house insisting on having his old slippers? Hence
the AAA decision."
There is, alas, no poets' union or guild. The
broadcasting companies have to pay authors and
composers of published and copyrighted songs;
there is a restraint against the broadcasting of
news; but broadcasters evidently may recite any-
body's verse without even asking permission, let
alone paying a fee, to either the author or the
Historians' Peekly-Weekly
Our Own World Almanac for 1936, '37 and '38.
Avenue subway to 161 Street (Yankee Stadium)
and ask for Mr. Gehrig.
12 o'clock noon in New York, N. Y., it is 5:00
p.m. in Macy's October 18 in Gimbel's, and
time to go down and around in Middle Valve,
Yo-o-o-ho-o-o-o, here.
cratic National Convention ($200,000) will be
declared unconstitutional on June 21, the day
the sun enters the sign of the crab, Indepen-
dence Hall, Philadelphia. The Braves will clinch
the National League pennant on December 22
as winter is icumen in.
COPYRIGHT LAWS: Books, periodicals, musical
compositions, drawings, photographs, and wise-
cracks must be copyrighted before being plagi-
arized. Books, borrowed from their rightful
owners, may be returned on all days except
the second and last Saturday of Lent unless
otherwise lost, destroyed, defaced, stolen, placed
in hock, turned over to Sailors' Snug Harbor,
or exchanged for a copy of "It Can't Happen
Democraps, the Republicliques, the Six-o'-Ones,
the Eggnogues, the Anti-Eggnogues, the Fan-
dancers' Socialist - Federalist - Farmer - Labor-
Cocktail Party, the Free Thinkers, the Ten-
Cents-To-Cover-Postage Thinkers, the Non-
the Make-Mine-the-Same-ists, the Old Dealers,
Partisan Party, the Whig-Radio-Keith-Orph-
eum-Tories,athe Beer-in-Streamlined-Cans-by-
Christmas-or-Bust Pacifists, the Anti-Hyphen-
ates, the Left-right-left Wing of the March-of-
Time Party, the Make-Mine-the-Same-ists, the
Old Dealers, the Pretty Old Dealers, and the
Farmer-Labor Old Dealers with Hollandaise
equal 1 foot; 3 feet, 1 yard; 10 yards, first down.
Penatly for offside, 1 cubic mile.
MEMORABLE DATES: 2243 B. C. - Ninevehan
Congress investigates munitions manufacturers.
J. P. Morguchadnezzar testifies that Allies pur-
chased only $6.00 worth of pop-guns from pri-
vate collection of Sir Basil Zaroff.
1184 B. C.- Salary lists released by Trojan
Congress show that Postmaster General James
A. Paris earned only $4.83 last year and spent
$4.82 philatelizin' around.
1492 A. D.- Columbus arrives ten months
too late to get in on the January white sales.
("Better luck next time, Chris," the merchants
tell him.)
1620 A. D. -Pilgrims land at Plymouth and
organize a Jackson Day Diner. Coast-to-Coast
network does the rest.
Man, Wabash (Banks of, only), Deep, Beauti-
ful Ohio, Beautiful Blue Danube (U. S. Branch)
Don' Stay Away From My Shannon (Mother
Machree rights reserved), and of Time And The

Only the selection of a title has been keeping us
from the publication of a book of verse. Now we
have it, taken from "The Yeomen of the Guard.'
"The Melancholy Lute."
In the chilliest winter we ever did see,
I froze an ankle ans Euphrosyne.
Jaeckle and Ives Get Together to End Dispute.
-Herald Tribune headline.
Now let Currier and Hyde get together.
We note with pride that our representative, the
unr Qonip Arorif. (,nn R )v a gnist

Off The Record
ERNEST DURIG, the internation-
ally known Swiss sculptor, wasI
having a time trying to see President
Roosevelt. Finally, he decided he was
getting nowhere rapidly at the state
department, so he trotted across thel
street to the White House executive
offices. He had been there three
minutes when the President asked to
see him. He knew Durig's work.
Durig tried another method when
he couldn't see Mussolini. He carved i
a snow statue of the Italian ruler in
a park in Rome. That evening at
9 p.m., dressed in tails, he was be-
ing announced to Il Duce.h s
T HE well-known actress stubbed
her toe, conversationally, on one
of the most confusing facts concern-'
ing the capital. Tourists never seem
to digest the fact that Washington
is a small, federal district.
"I'm going out to see Washington,"
announced the actress after her first,
"He's dead," quipped a friend.
"Oh, not George! I know that," said
the actress. "I mean the STATE, it-
Mrs. Homer Cummings, wife of
the attorney general, was cor-
nered by one of those pests who
want to know which of the "capi-
tal's rare opportunities" she
would say, after three years, she
enjoys the most.
"Listening to Honer Cum-
mings,"esaid the gentleman's
When the President proposes a
toast it is always the same one, "To
the United States."
Anna Roosevelt Boettiger, the
President's daughter, is a disconcert-
ing opponent at bridge. She usually
Sunday night scrambled eggs at the
White House are still being served in
the family's old, silver chafing dish,
the new kitchen notwithstanding.
The President maintains the eggs
taste best out from the old dish.
O NE day Representative Sol Bloom
of New York received a phone
call from the White House to ask if
he would like a new bust of George
Washington, since he was chairman
of the Washington bicentennial com-
"Sure," said Bloom, "I'll send right
over for it."
Bloom sent a taxi. The statue
stood seven feet high and weighed
two tons.
W HEN Representative Paul J.
Kvale of Minnesota was home
this fall he stopped to see an old
storekeeper who sold him candy as a
boy.kThe storekeeper wanted to
know about Kvale's work in Washing-
Kvale enthusiastically told about
the rush: early at the office, morn-
ing committee battles, afternoon ses-
sions, the late hour answering mail,
and evenings spent in reading new
bills and preparing for the next day.
"Well, son," grinned the storekeep-
er, "I certainly hope you never have
to work for your living."

(Continued from Page 3)
ing. Prof. Heber D. Curtis will speak
on "Science and Religion." 7:00 p.m.,
Fellowship Hour and Supper.
First Methodist Church:
Mornihg worship Service at 10:45,
Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on
"My Life-How Find It?" (Palmis-
try? Numerology? Astrology?)
First Presbyterian Church, meeting
in the Masonic Temple, 327 S. Fourth
Ave., William P. Lemon, and Norman
W. Kunkel, Ministers.
9:45 - Professor Bennett Weaver
speaks to the Westminster Forum for
Youth on "Literature and the Abun-
dant Life." Students are invited.
10:45-Sermon by Dr. Lemon on
"Life's Detours."
5:45 -Mr. Walter ("Pat") Jen-
kins of Detroit, Secretary for young
people's work for the Synod of Mich-
igan speaks at a student dinner hon-
oring the new affiliate church mem-
bers. Students wishing to attend are
requested to make reservations for the
dinner. A number of faculty men and
their wives will be guests.
Harris Hall: The regular student
meeting will be held this evening at
seven o'clock in Harris Hall. The
Right Reverend Herman Page, D.D.,
Bishop of Michigan will speak on,
"The Relation of the College Student
to Public Life." All students and their
friends are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Church: Services
of worship today are: 8:00 A.M., Holy
Communion; 9:30 A.M. C h u r c h
School; 11:00 A.M., Kindergarten;
11:00 A.M., Morning Prayer and Ser-
mon by The Reverend Henry Lewis.
Congregational Church:
10:30, Service of Worship and Re-
ligious Education. Mr. Heaps will
give the third in the series on "Por-
traits of Paul." Prof. Slosson will
lecture on "The Saint as Patriot-
Mazzini," third in the series on "Eur-
opean Men of Action."
5:00, Discussion group led by Stu-

Dramatic programs on the air seem
to be getting better as time goes on.
Excellent bits have been staged on
the Fleischmann variety hour during
the past few weeks, the one last
Thursday night featuring Lupe Velez
and Joseph Schildkraut being of the
first order. Leslie Howard's dramatic
programs, heard at 2 p.m. Sunday
afternoons, over WJR, have been
very good to date. Incidentally, Les-
lie Howard will not be on today
because of the broadcasting of Pres-
ident Roosevelt's address at the Theo-
dore Roosevelt Memorial dedication.
And another indication of the im-
provement in radiodramatics is
Helen Hayes' appearances in the
serial, "The New Penny," every Tues-
day night at 9:30 p.m. over WXYZ.
At 3 p.m. this afternoon will be
your last opportunity to hear the
New York Philharmonic Symphony
Orchestra under the direction of Sir
Thomas Beecham, one of the best
known figures in the musical circles
of England. Sir Thomas plans to
spend one week with the Philadelphia
Orchestra before he sails back to
If you can tear yourself away from
Jack Benny this evening, you have a
chance to find out just how this
'round and around business got
started. Eddie Cantor will have as his
guests tonight Mike Reilly and Eddie
Farley, the boys to whom credit for
the latest brainstorm is given.
For those of you who like to listen
to good dance music, even though
most of it comes quite late at night,
here are some of the better bands
on the air: Isham Jones plays on

Publication In the Bollit in s c t ' i'i iv ice t(o all Hem rs of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday

A Mro-Goldwyn-Mayer picture star-
ring Ronald Colman, with Elizabeth
Allen, Edna May Oliver, Reginald Owen,
Basil Rathbone, Blanche Yiirka, Henry
B. Walthall, Donald Woods, Walter
Cartiett and 109 others in speaking
The transposing of Charles Dick-
ens' "A Tale of Two Cities" to the
screen has been accomplished with
surprising accuracy and impressive
success, considering the enormity of
the task. With 18 months of research
behind the production, the great
story, fine direction, and a cast with-
out a single weak character, tlhe re-
sult couldn't have been anything but
the picture of the year.
Individual acting honors are hard
to award because of the perfection
of the entire cast. Certainly Ron-
ald Colman as Sydney Carton sur-
passes anything else he has ever done;
Blanche Yurka as Madame DeFarge is
a character that will long be remem-
bered; Edna May Oliver is as funny
as ever, and more couldn't be said;
beautiful Elizabeth Allen fills her
role with appealing grace and tender-
ness. In the smallerdroles E. . Clive
as the judge in "Old Bailey" does a
fine bit, and Billy Bevan as Cruncher,
"resurrectionist," is very real. All felt
the fear and confusion of the little
seamstress, Isabel Jewell.
The storming of the Bastille is one
of the most impressive scenes, and
the opening and closing shots are ar-
tistically done.
The familiar story relates the
events in London and Paris at the
time of the French revolution. Car-
ton is an English advocate whose life
has been wasted away in drinking,
while he might have been a truly
great lawyer. When he meets Lucie
Manette he falls in love with her
and is on the point of rebuilding his
life in order to please her when she
marriesrCharles Darnay (Donald
Woods) a French aristocrat who has
left his country because of the ty-
ranny and blindness of the upper
class towards the needs of the pea-
Carton remains a friend of the fam-
ily and Lucie's best friend, but he
is again obsessed with the way in
which his life has been wasted and the
fact that there isn't a single person
in whose heart he can find sanctuary.
His chance for greatness comes when
Darnay is sentenced to die as an
aristocrat, for then Carton proves to
Lucie that he was sincere when he
told her he would give his life for the
life of one she loved.
The continued unrest among the
French peasants and their eventual
revolt for liberty, equality, and fra-
ternity, which they promptly forget,

lent Volunteer Convention Delegates,
or the Student Fellowship.
6:00, Student Fellowship. Follow-
ng a light supper Prof. Duffendack
vill speak on "Youth in Germany."
There will be special music.
Roger Williams Guild:
12:00 noon, Students will meet as
pecial group at Guild House. Dis-
ussion, "Achievements of the Church
n America." Rev. Howard R. Chap-
man, minister of students, will be in
harge. 6:00 p.m. (prompt), Mrs.
E. R. Hardenbrook, who has traveled
widely in the near and Far East, will
give a moving picture travelogue on
China, using reels personally taken.
Pictures shown of eastern part of
China from Peiping and the Great
Wall to Canton and Hong Kong.
First Baptist Church:
10:45 a.m., Rev. R. E. Sayles, min-
ister, will preach on "The Uplook on
Life." 9:30, Church School in Church.
:45, Dr. Leroy Waterman's class in
Biblical literature, at Guild House.
Church of Christ (Disciples)
10:45 a.m., Morning worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, Minister. 12:00 noon,
Students' Bible Class, H. L. Pickerill,
Leader. A continuation of the study
of the Life and Significance of Jesus.
5:30 p.m., Social Hour. Fifteen
cert supper served.
6:30 p.m., George Abernathy,
counselor for the Student Christian
Association, will bring a report of the
Student Volunteer Convention held
during the holidays at Indianapolis,
Indiana. The report will be followed
by a forum on student movements as
revealed through various gatherings
of students during the holidays.
Lutheran Student Club: Members
of the Baptist Student Group who
attended the Student Volunteer Con-
vention in Indianapolis during
Christmas vacation will report on
the meetings at the Lutheran Student
Club Sunday evening, Jan. 19.
The meeting will be in the parish
hall of the Zion Lutheran Church
on East Washington Street at 5:30
Unitarian Church - 5:30 Twilight
service, "A Battle Yet to be Won" by
Dr. A. P. Reccord. 7:30 Liberal Stu-
dents Union. Dr. A. P. Reccord on
"Rethinking Religion."
Phi Tau Alpha meeting, 3 p.m., in
the Michigan League. Moving pic-
tures of France and Italy will be
shown by Miss Gertrude Gilman. All
students and faculty of the classical
department are cordially invited.
Phi Eta Sigma: Freshman honora-
ry fraternity will have a supper at
the Michigan Union. Mr. A. D. Moore,
of the Engineering College, will be
the guest of honor. Members are
requested to sign at the Union before
the meeting. The cost is 35c, and the
time 6:30 p.m. The time for taking
the 'Ensian picture will be chosen.
Scalp and Blade meeting in the
Union at 5:15 p.m. All members are
requested to be present. Room will
be posted.
Genesee Club meeting at the Union
at 4:30. Election of officers.
Coming Events
Sigma Xi: The second meeting of
Sigma Xi for the curent academic
year will be held in Room 2528, East
Medical Building on Tuesday, Jan.
21, 7:30 p.m. Professor Leonard L.
Watkins will speak on Recent Devel-
opments in the MonetarySituation.
Refreshments will be served.
Economics Club: Mr. Sume Carlson
(Stockholm, Chicago) will address the
Club Tuesday, Jan. 21, 7:30 p.m., 302
Union, on "Some Problems in the
Theory of Production."
Mathematical Club will meet on
Tuesday, Jan. 21, 3201 Angell Hall,

th pem.r. D. K. Kazarinoff will be
the speaker.
Graduate Education Club meeting
at 4 p.m. Wednesday, an. 22 in the
Elementary School Library. Mr.
Leonard O. Andrews will talk on the
subject: "Pupils' Social Needs As a
Basis for the Curriculum."
Varsity Women Debaters: The
Women's Debate Squad will meet
Monday eveningat 8:00 o'clock, 4206
Angell Hall.
Luncheon for graduate students on
Wednesday, Jan. 22, at 12 o'clock in
the Russian Tea Room of the Michi-
gan League bldg. Professor Bennett
Weaver of the English department
will speak informally on "Students
and Scholars."
Commission on Social Study and
Action of the Student Christian Asso-
ciation: Meeting at 5:00 Monday in
Lane Hall, Upper Room, to discuss
questions to be asked Reinhold Nie-
buhr at the supper meeting with him
Tuesday in the Russian Tea Room
of the League. Everyone attending
this supper please come.
Interior Decorating Group of the
'L .1 r -- ,_ 1 _li.. gril....Z

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