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October 02, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-02

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Thie Weather

Increasing cloudiness with
rising temperature: showers
today; tomorrow cooler.





Exit The Sunday Law .
Small Town Journalism .



Italy Sees
Scores England's Stand I
Mediterranean; Wants
To Know Purpose
Naval Concentration
Termed A'Sanction'
Italian Consular Agents
In Ethiopia Enroute To
Addis Ababa
GENEVA, Oct. 1. - (P)--Italy, per-
turbed by the fact that the British
fleet remains in the Mediterranean,
asked today: "What does Britain in-
tend to do?"
The naval concentration was con-
strued by informed Italian quarters as
a military sanction. Therefore, Italy
asked, why is Britain "considering
a blockade" when the League has not
yet :voted sanctions, even economic
or financial?"
The Rome press today resumed its
bitterness against London. One
Rome newspaper called the British
fleet concentration "the most in-
credible aggression."
Because of increased tension on the
African front, the Italian minister
to Ethiopia today ordered Italian con-
slates in the provinces of Aduwa
and Harar evacuated. Other consular
agents in the interior are en route
either to Addis Ababa or points out-
side the country.
. A Reuters London dispatch from
Addis Ababa said 16 Italian subma-
rines were stationed in the Red Sea
and in event of war would try to
intercept munitions and other sun-
plies expected to be shipped to Ethi-
opia from Japan or America.
: Italian quarters in Rome called
Ethiopia's impending mobilization a
'menacing threat' of war and said
there had. been no Italian advance
across Ethiopia's border. They as-
NEW YORK, Oct. 1. - ()-
Premier Mussolini, making an ad- .
dress to the Italian people on
today, will be heard in this coun-
try via WEAF-NBC radio hook-
up at 12:30 pm. (Detroit time).
His talk, in Italian, will be fol-
lowed by an English translation.
It is expected to deal with the
current African situation.
serted that the danger of a sudden
outbreak of war would come from
Ethiopia, not Italy
Officials said Italian scouts in East
Africa had detected the presence of
strong Ethiopian troops in areas near
Italy's filontiers, supposedly evac-
Because of the lack of communi-
cation facilities, it was believed un-
likely that news of the first fighting
would be known definitely for several
days -especially if the first hostil-
ities are at the northern front, which
is nearly 500 miles from Addis Ababa.
Paris Dickering Continues
Meanwhile, two principals in the
European situation - Great Britain
and France -dickered in Paris. Ne-
gotiations for a mutual assistance
pact, officials disclosed, found both
nations dodging specific pledges.
France is unwilling to go further
with Britain in the event of a war
with Italy than she expects Britain to
go with her should Germany attack

Unexpectedly, the Paris government
called air maneuvers near the Ger-
man border.
Premier Laval conferred with Vit-
torio Cerruti, Italian ambassador to
Paris, but the nature of their con-
versation was not disclosed.
Authoritative Landon sources said
tonight that the United States, and
Germany as well, will be approached
for their viewpoints on cooperation
should the League of Nations Council
find collective sanctions necessary
against Italy.
A German source here disclosed
that Germany will leave the League
officially Oct. 21, the date its resig-
nation two years ago becomes ef-
Members of the League of Nations
Council, meanwhile, concentrated
their thoughts on halting war be-
tween Italy and Ethiopia as soon as
possible after its inception -war now
being considered inevitable.
The opening of hostilities would
mean a quick session of the Council
to consider the situation and deter-
mine who is guilty of having started
the war. The principal concern of the
League, however, would be to prevent


Papers Found By Dr. Stanton
Throw Light On China's Past

Discovery of hundreds of docu-
ments which will necessitate a com-
plete re-interpretation of Russo-
Chinese relations from 1644 to 1860
was announced yesterday by Dr. John
W. Stanton of the history depart-
ment, who returned this summer
from a year's research in the Orient.
Dr. Stanton, who as a research fel-
low for the American Council of
Learned Societies, spent last year
digging into the archives of the Privy
Council and Grand Secretariat of the
old Imperial Chinese government.
His work took him to the inner sanc-
tums of the Forbidden City, the im-
perial palace in Peiping, and dealt
with materials never before revealed
to Westerners.
Two trunk-loads of historical ma-
terials were unearthed by Dr. Stan-
ton, disclosing an intimate coopera-
tion between Russia and China be-
tween the years 1644 and 1860. To
his surprise, Dr. Stanton found that
the Chinese, long regarded as a peo-
ple who shut themselves off from
progress and for centuries knew little
or nothing of the outside world, were

well acquainted . with the practices
and aims of Europeans and Amer-
As a result of his findings, which
will "clear up many points hitherto
obscured and misunderstood," Dr.
Stanton will write a book, "Expan-
sion of Russia in the Far East, 1644
to 1860." Before leaving last fall for
China, he had a manuscript already
prepared, but will now have to revise
as well as expand it, he said.
The relations of Russia and China
during the seventeenth and eight-
eenth centuries were "cordial, al-
though the Chinese feared the Rus-
sians," Dr. Stanton declared.
Dr. Stanton, who speaks both Chin-
ese and Japanese, gained a deeper in-
sight into Oriental affairs than most
foreigners. He was particularly im-
pressed, he said, by the gradual dis-
placement of Chinese government of-
ficials hostile to Japan with those who
favor Nipponese policy. The Chinese
of the North are favorable toward the
Japanese, he said, while the people
of the South bitterly hate them.
"China," he observed, "is not a na-
(Oontinued on Page 2)I

F.D.R. Pleads
That Liberals
Get Together

Asks That They Find A
Common Ground, Make
SomeC Concessions
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 1. -(P) -In
an address heard by 70,000 persons
in the Coliseum here today, President
Roosevelt made a plea for the liberals
of the country, "to find a common
ground and a common road."
Mr. Roosevelt paid tribute to Will
Rogers and praised what he termed
the "liberal spirit of California."
"Just so long as the least among
us remain hungry or uncared for or
unable to find useful work, just so
long must it be the task of all Gov-
ernment, local, State and Federal to
seek reasonable but progressive
means to assist the unfortunate, the
Presiden said. "The faith of a lib-
eral is profound belief not only in
the capacities of individual men and
women, but in the effectiveness of
people helping one another. Cali-
fornia has many splendid examples
of the unselfishness of human coop-
"As you know, I have not come
here today to speak to you formally
or even to speak to you about the
problems of your National Govern-
ment. I can tell you truthfully, how-
ever, that in crossing the Continent,
I have been heartened, more than
anything else, by the look on people's
"In these past years I have sought
(Coninued on Page 2)
Reich Intends
Leaving League
In Near Future
To Remain Neutral In Any
Italo-Ethiopian War Or
GENEVA, Oct. 1. -- (0)-A respon-
sible German source disclosed today
that Germany would leave the
League of Nations officially Oct. 21,
determined to remain neutral in any
Italo-Ethiopian war.
This authority asserted that the
Third Reich would allow the date
when its resignation notice becomes
effective to pass in silence.
He said Germany believed the
League was in a stage of such great
evolution at present that there was
no reason for the Reich to think of
canceling its two-year notice.
Germany resigned from the League
in 1933, when it decided to leave the
disarmament conference.
The Third Reich has also decided,
it was learned to resign from the In-
ternational Federation of League of
Nations Unions --an organization
which includes League associations in
the United States and Great Britain.
League experts plunged anew to-
day into their task of drafting a his-
torical summary of the Italo-Ethio-
pian crisis, to lead to the League's
last-word warning against war in
East Africa.

Fire Marshal
Will Register
Local Houses
New State Law To Apply
To Dwellings Housing
Ten Or MorePeople
Registration of all fraternities and
sororities housing more than 10 stu-
dents will be started today by George
F. Bullen, deputy fire marshal, who
has been assigned to Washtenaw
County to make the registrations as
required under the new state hotel
The law, prompted by the Kerns
Hotel fire in Lansing last winter
which claimed more than 70 lives,
stipulates that "the owner or owners,
occupants, lessee, or agent thereof
of any building or structure used for
sleeping accommodations and com-
ing within the provisions of this act
shall apply to the state fire marshal
for registration, which application
shall be accompanied by a fee of $1.
The act also requires an annual
fee of $1.50 for structures with sleep-
ing quarters for from 10 to 15 pay-
ing guests, a fee of $3 for 25 to 50
persons and $5 for structures housing
more than 50 persons. The feepro-
vides for inspection twice a year by
the state fire marshal's office.
Mr. Bullen will make an inspection'
of all fraternities and sororities as
well as collecting the proper fee. If
the houses do not pay the fee stip-
ulated by him they are subject to,
prosecution and also the law pro-,
vides that any possible fire hazards
the marshal discovers in his inspec-
tion must be corrected within 30
All Passengers
On 'Rotterdam'
LandedSaf ely
Part Of Crew Likewise4
Carried To Kingston On
Rescue Ship
KINGSTON, Jamaica, Oct. 1. - (")'
-NThe 450 passengers andcabout 250
of. the crew of the marooned liner
Rotterdam came ashore today to the
peace and hospitality of Jamaica.
They landed from the rescue ship
Ariguani shortly before 7 a.m., in
happy frames of mind,apparently
unperturbed by the interruption of
their pleasure cruise on a coral reef
at Morant Cays, 60 miles southeast
of Kingston, early yesterday.
Most of the passengers were asleep
when the vessel went aground and
they remained aboard ship until 4:30
p.m. yesterday when their transfer
to the Ariguani began.
The Holland-America liner was
said by the passengers to be high on
a rock and battered by heavy seas.
Memel Votes Will
Be Counted Today
MEMEL, Oct. 1. - (P) - The su-
preme election commission, an-
nounced today that the counting of
ballots in Sunday's Landtag (terri-
torial assembly) election will begin

Restoration Of
Is Attempted
Mass Meeting Will Be Held
Friday To Decide On
Old Tradition
Sophomore Meeting
Votes For Revival
Wearing Of Pots To Be
Determined By Class
Spirit Of Freshmen
A movement to restore freshman
pots and other traditions to the cam-
pus was initiated today by the Men's
Council at a meeting of a represen-
tative group of sophomores, presided
over by William Dixon, '36, and John
McCarthy, '36, president and secre-
tary respectively of the Council.
A mass meeting of freshmen will
be held at 4 p.m. Friday in the ball-
room of the Michigan Union to deter-
mine freshman opinion on the ques-
tion of observance of traditions, Dixon
said. He and other officials of the
Council plan to approach several or-
ganized groups of freshmen before
that time in an endeavor to swing
their support to the movement. '
At the sophomores' meeting, called
by the Council, the concensus of opin-
ion held that the return of freshman
pots would be beneficial to the cam-
pus provided the freshmen would
pledge sufficient support to assure
Not Compulsory
According to Dixon, there is no
thought of forcing freshmen to wear
pots. It will be entirely a matter of
class spirit on the part of the fresh-
men, and a respect for University tra-
dition. He suggested that the former
arrangement might in time be re-
stored whereby the freshmen would
discard their pots if victorious over
the sophomores in the Fall Games, or
if defeated, wear them until Cap
Night, held during spring in Sleepy
Hollow, where they are burned on a
huge bonfire built by the yearlings.
Many campus organizations have
already pledged their support to the
Men's Council, which is sponsoring
the movement. They include the In-
terfraternity Council, the Union, va-
rious honor societies, and several
freshman groups. The Daily has
agreed to cooperate. Dixon an-
nounced that he intends to approach
the freshman assembly of the engi-
neering college at 11 a.m. today, and
the meeting of the Rendezvous camp-
ers at 8 p.m., to enlist their support.
Ask Fraternity Aidf
At a meeting of the Interfraternity
Council Paul Philips, '36, secretary,
who presided in the absence of George
Williams, '36, president, announcedE
that members of the council staff
would call every social fraternity on
campus to inform them of the move-1
ment and get their backing.
In the past Cap Night was one of
the culminating events of the schoolt
year. Prominent speakers were chos-
en from among the favorite members
of the University faculty and staff,
and varsity "M" blankets and sweat-
ers were awarded in the light of the
burning pyre.
The stacks often reached a height
of 40 feet or more, under the direction
of the Cap Night committee chair-
man, one of the most coveted fresh-1
man offices. Sophomores traditionally
endeavored to fire the stacks before'
the oppointed time, and the defense
of the highly inflammable ma-_
terial, soaked in kerosene and packed

with oily waste, was no mean task.
The second-year men attempted
such ingenious means as blazing ar-
rows to light the bonfire, while the
freshmen, if not prevented by Univer-
sity officials, were prone to "borrow"
the emergency fire hoses from cam-
pus buildings and string them into
Sleepy Hollow, just east of the Uni-
versity Hospital, from the nearest
Freshmen Rushees
Urged To Register,
Freshmen who are contemplating1
pledging a fraternity and who have
not yet registered are urged to do so1
immediately by Interfraternity Coun-
cil officials. The registration bureau'
has been moved from the lobby to
Room 306 in the Union.
It was pointed out that each Fresh-
man must submit with his preference
list a receipt which he receives upon
registration. Thus, it is necessary;
that one register before the "silence

All Detroit Pinning Hopes On Schoolboy


-Associated Press Photo.
Schoolboy Rowe, the El Dorado, Ark., hurling ace of the Detroit
Tigers, has becn selected by Manager Mickey Cochrane to face the
Chicago Cubs in the first game of tUe 1935 World Series to be played at
Navin Field in Detroit this afternoon. Rowe, a sensational rookie in
1934, will have as his opponent lean Lonnie Warneke who is one of the
best moundsmen in the National League.

Schoolboy To Face L4
Warneke In O pener




Fill Detroit

500 Homeless,
40 Killed, Is
Hurricane Toll
NASSAU, Bahamas, Oct. 1. - (P) -
The Saturday hurricane toll in the
outer islands of the Bahama group,
where 40 are reported to have died,
was tonight fixed by Acting Gov-
ernor H. E. Garrit at 500 homeless
with $50,000 damage.
A relief ship, carrying ample sup-
plies of fresh water, food, and medi-
cal stores, was expected to reach the
isolated, storm-swept settlement of
Cornishtown on Acaco tonight.
The acting governor returned here
at nightfall, reporting the plane in
which he left the capital this morn-
ing as able to descend at only one
settlement because of rough water.
He said several towns had been
wiped out by the devastating hurri-
cane, which earlier wrecked 150
houses but caused no loss of life.
Four persons were reported to have
died at Cornishtown, and 10 in Grand
Bahama, northernmost key of the
extensive Bahama Group. -
French Airmen
Maneuver Near
German Border
PARIS, Oct. 1.- )-- The French
air forces today were given unexpect-
ed orders to begin maneuvers- today
in the Lorraine and Champagne sec-
tors and a new regiment of infantry
was formed to strengthen the troops
on the German frontier at Stras-
These military moves were au-
thorized shortly after an official dis-
closure that France was bargaining
for British assistance in the event of
a German air attack in exchange for
French aid if Italy attacks the Brit-
ish fleet formed in the Mediterranean
in connection with the Italo-Ethi-
opian crisis.
Cen. Victor Leon Ernest Denain,

Gram Declares
565 Enrolled
For NYA Jobs
More Expected To Be On
Payroll By November;
1,400 Employed In '34
More than 565 students have al-
ready been slated for National Youth
Administration jobs, and by the end
of October, from 1,200 to 1,300 are
expected to be on the payroll, Pro-
fessor Lewis M. Gram, chairman of
the committee on University NYA,
declared yesterday.
This is far and above the number
of students placed a year ago, ac-
cording to Professor Gram. By the
end of last year, 1,400 students were
employed with Federal aid, and of-
ficials expect by next spring there
will be many more than that.
The University's NYA payroll will
average approximately $18,000 per
month, Harold M. Anderson, cost ac-
countant of the buildings and
Grounds Department, said. Approxi-
mately 15,000 of this will go for un-
dergraduates, according to present
plans, and $3,000 to graduate stu-
The graduate student fund is a new
feature, Professor Gram explained,
and will go to persons working on
their Ph.D. and Master degrees. Un-
der terms of the grant, 75 per cent of
the number of Ph.D.'s last year -90
- will be given an average of $30 per
month, he said. The candidates for
masters' degrees will be allowed an
average of $10 per month from this
fund, plus any amount they may re-
ceive on the undergraduate payroll.
Only 150 of the 565 students yes-
terday slated for jobs have been so
far definitely placed, according to
Mr. Anderson, who, with Miss Eliza-
beth Smith, handles the placement.
(Continued on Page 8)
Ask Students Not
Pictured To Report
All students who passed through
the registration line during the pe-
riod when the emeras were out nf

Both Managers Express
Confidence On Eve Of
Annual Fall Classic
Tigers Expect To
Break Long Slump
1934 Vegetable Barrage
Not To Be Repeated, Is
Officials' Decree
DETROIT, Oct. 1. - (Special) -
Detroit Tuesday night was seeth-
ing with baseball fandom that poured
into the Motor City by the thousands
as the Detroit Tigers, champions of
the American League, and the Chi-
cago Cubs, National League pennant
winners, awaited the zero hour that
will send them at each other's throats
today in the first game of the 1935
World Series. The opener of the an-
nual classic will start at 1:30 p.m.
Both clubs had a final workout
Tuesday and both Mickey Cochrane
and Charley Grimm expressed con-
fidence that their respective clubs
would win the series. Grimm, how-
ever, expressed doubt that his team
of fast-stepping ball players would
take the championship in four
straight games. The Cub boss rates
the Tigers too highly to figure the
title is already in the bag. According
to Grimm the Cubs will triumph in
five or six games.
Cochrane Hopeful
Mickey Cochrane, his team in a
serious slump throughout Septem-
.er, believes that the Bengals will snap
out of it when they face the Bruins
this afternoon and is confident of
giving Detroit its first world's cham-
Mickey bases his conclusions on the
fact that his charges have eome up
to every situation they faced all sea-
son and thinks they will be at their
peak in the clash of the title. Thie
Tigers played great ball in August,
great, enough to assure themselves a
second successive pennant, and Coch-
rane as well as all Tiger fans think
the Cubs will meet a club playing
that type of ball today.
The Bengals displayed great form
in batting drills at Navin Field Mon-
day and Tuesday with the new
bleachers in left being on the re-
ceiving end of many -line drives.
Hank Greenberg, who tied with Jim-
my Foxx for the home run champion-
ship of the year, was conspicuous in
the drills and convinced watchers
that he has shaken off the slump
that brought his batting average
down a number of points in the last
weeks of the season.
Rowe Vs. Warneke
Schoolboy Rowe and Lon Warneke,
a pair of Arkansas pitchers who have
made good in the majors, will be the
opposing moundsmen and both prom-
ise to set the opposition down with a
minimum number of base hits. Char-
ley Root and Tommy Bridges are ex-
pected to hurl the second game with
Elden Auker and Larry French prob-
ably clashing when the teams switch
scenery Friday and entertain the fans
at Wrigley Field in Chicago.
According to betting commission-
ers the Tigers are 7 to 10 to win the
series and 10 to 13 to take the opener
today. The Cubs are even money to
take the series and 11 to 10 to win
this afternoon. Cub backers point to
the great winning steak of 21 games,
the second longest in major league
history, that carried the team from
third place at the first of Septem-
ber to the pennant and state that the
Cubs are too "hot" to be stopped by
any club in a short series. However,
Tiger fans have ceased to worry
about the slump that the club was in
through September and are expect-
ing the team to display its mid-

season form.
(Continued on Page 6)
Ruth Missing From
Series Gatherings;
Will Arrive Today
DETROIT, Oct. 1. - (I) -- A fa-
miliar figure which acted like a mag-
net when it strode through downtown
streets last year was missing Tuesday

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