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January 12, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-12

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of these plans lies in the future, yet even an
observation of the maladjustments which the
student has carried over into the University is a
strong substantiation of Dr. Tildsley's criticism,
and a good argument for his proposals (with the
exception of segregation of the sexes, which is an
abnormal condition).
Although it is not emphasized by Dr. Tildsley,
we believe the broader cultural outlook on the
part of the teacher is the most important educa-
tional need today, and is a necessary prerequisite
for the successful working out of his and other pro-
gressive plans.

Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00;
by mail, $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
i'ublication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W.
Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman.
Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman;
9llsie A, Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert
'A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman.
Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good-
Women's Departme±,: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H.
Davies, Mari Tn. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W.
Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department,
Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Edward Wohlgemnuth; Circulation and. National Adver-
tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tions, Lyman Bittman.


Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
AAA Decision
To the Editor:
When Dean Bates disavowed the interpretation
of the AAA decision imputed to him in the Daily,
I resisted my first inclination to speak even more
harshly of the alleged report of my views. Criti-
cising the Daily is a pastime I prefer not to en-
courage. But since a communication in Satur-
day's issue commended the Bates interview -
ignoring the disavowal - and spoke disparagingly
of the expressions of economists, comment is
That which purported to be an interview with
me was not one. I flatly declined to make a
statement for publication; but, particularly since
the reporter was a student of mine, I was glad
to engage in conversation with him on the subject
- a conversation which consisted of a miscellany
of questions and actual comments that were not
concerned with the fundamentals of the issue. My
surprise was great to see next day a front-page
story in the Daily based on these remarks. The
headline, moreover, was quite misleading: Daily
reporters should learn that serious pronounce-
ments cannot be obtained on short notice on
highly complicated matters.
-- Shorey Peterson

The Threat Of
Pressure Groups.0. .
that passed the cash payment
Bonus Bill in the House Friday, was no surprise
to political observers. For some time it has been
conceded that veteran pressure groups had both
the House and the Senate "sewed up."
- The increasing frequency of pressure legislation
in the past few years -demanded by such groups
as Father Coughlin's National Union for Social
Justice, the late Huey Long's Share the Wealth
movement, and the Townsend Plan organization
-is a threatening development in our Democracy.
The Bonus vote is a very good indication of the
important role that these pressure groups will play
in the forthcoming election.
It may be doubtful if the payment of the Bonus
will be much more harmful or make inflation
any more probable than the other abnormal ex-
penditures of the present Administration, but as
a piece of pressure legislation it is more dis-
tasteful than the unconstitutional NRA and AAA,
at least those measures purported to be an ex-
pression of free opinion, while the Bonus bill is
avowedly a powerful minority wish.
The bill will probably be amended in the Sen-
ate, but it will pass. President Roosevelt will be
perfectly justified in vetoing it, although with the
certainty that it will be passed over that veto.
With an election coming up it is a good chance
for the President to show he is an executive as well
as a politician, although his veto will be little more
than a gesture, he can at least demonstrate that
he does not share Congress' pre-election fear of a
powerful pressure group.
Rep. Carl E. Mapes, (Rep., Mich.), of Grand
Rapids, a strong American Legion city, is to be
congratulated for his negative vote on the bill.
Of High Schools .. .
City's system of secondary educa-
tion made by Dr. John L. Tildsley, assistant super-
intendent of schools, in the annual Inglis lecture
at the Harvard Graduate School of Education,
is no more true of New York than it is of Michigan
and the whole country.
Two characteristics of our present-day high
schools especially alarm Dr. Tildsley.
First, he points out the pressing need for recog-
nizing sharp differences in the intellectual capa-
cities and interests of students, and providing
special education for the brilliant student.
". ..when children reach the age of fourteen,"
he declares, "we give them dishonest, lying creden-
tials and send them to schools labeled high schools
to take work for which they are unfitted and for
which they may never be, never can be, and never
should be fitted.
"For the past 25 years we have been devoting our
best energies in the public high schools in salvaging
the boys and girls at the lower end of the curve
of capacity. Our efforts have been largely fruitless.
It is time for us all to discover and put in the
way of being educated the best brains of the na-
Second, Dr. Tildsley sees a very real danger of
increasingly inferior teachers.
For this he blames college teachers of education
who lay an "undue stress on the professional prep-
a ation of teachers, narrowly conceived, and their
overemphasis in such preparation on methods of
+.A~f.t tA ' m m. lic c Frsronn v++.1 n. ,..

Movie Reviews
To the Editor:
The screen reviews in the Michigan Daily are, I
believe, poor. I do not wish to take issue with the
criticism which is offered, but rather to ask that
there be more of it. A synopsis of a cinema plot
such as the ones that frequently appear in The
Daily, are, to my notion, not only extremely tire-
some reading but utterly unnecessary, too.
A few remarks pertinent to the general action of
the picture, are, I think, as helpful as the elab-
orate and often occult screen reviews that The
Daily is in the habit of printing. Granted that
a worthwhile review of a movie cannot be dashed
off in a few minutes, it is nevetheless far better
to find something with a little "guts" in it rather
than the jejune rehearsals of incident that so
often constitute a movie review in The Daily.
- Jerry Peck
New Magazine In The Library
To the Editor:
"Does Civilization Still Need Religion" by Prof.
Ernest Hocking of Harvard is the "lead" article
in "Christendom," a new quarterly journal which
proposes to set forth the best in present day
Christianity. One paragraph reads: "A con-
science which in some way represent the nature
of things makes all the difference and to have
such men as the components of an eternal order,
makes all the difference in the life of a
"Toward Emancipation of the Church" by H.
Richard Niebuhr of Yale, and "Ten Years of
Church Union" by Claris Edwin Silcox of the
Institute of Social and Religious Research, treat
the institution for the United States and for
Perhaps this first issue rises to its height in
the articles by William Temple, Archbishop of
York, upon "Restoration of Christendom" and by
Gregory Vlastos of Queens College, Ontario, upon
"What is Love." But "Natural and Revealed Re-
ligion" by Paul Tillick, a German now teaching
in New York, will most appeal to and satisfy the
American undergraduate.
Better still, Editor Morrison has in this simple
issue thirty-five pages of able book reviews.
Edward W. Blakeman
As Others SeeIt__
Comrades, Arise!
(From the Cornell Daily Sun)t
SIMULTANEOUS with the first meeting of
Corneil's newly-organized chapter of the
American Student Union there comes an an-
nouncement from official sources confirming
opinions long held by undergraduate liberal
leaders: Cornell University is going to the dogs!
It is the Junior Week committee that is respon-
sible for bringing this shocking situation into the
open. Boldly it has declared its intention of
sending Cornell to the dogs in time for the Ice
Carnival. Thinly veiling its Fascistic purpose
under the guise of entertainment, it has declared
that a dogsled race fill be held on the ice of
Beebe Lake Thursday of Junior Week
Do you not realize that this is capitalistic
symbolism? Do you not realize that the dogs
represent the poor, downtrodden worker, over
whose back the lash of the power-crazed capi-
talist, foaming at the mouth as he feeds on Hearst

[The Conning Tower
(To S.F.E.)
And shall we be asleep when blaze
Your red streaks in the waiting sky?
Oh, no. Our banner of old days,
Courageous, still will float on high.
Yours is not the will to fight,
Nor yours recognizance of Need,
Nor yours monopoly of Right,
Nor yours the heart for bloody deed.
Not by your foolish threat, nor still
More foolish fumbling hand on sword
Shall you achieve your wanton will.
For Justice, by the spoken word
And patient deed, though slowly, builds
Securely deep, securely wide.
The light of love her turret guilds
And Hate departs - unsatisfied.
It seems to us thaty.if the President were as
astute a politician as what his Republican name-
sake called Malefactors of Great Wealth credit
him with being, he'd have done better on his
broadcast message. At Eastern Standard Time
it came at 9 o'clock and lasted until nearly 10.
For some of us Connecticut farmers it was past
bedtime; we heard it in our night garb, ready
for beddy at the drop of his voice. For some
of the New York diners it came at the dinner
hour. As the course of the Republic westward
took its way, the time became earlier, and it
must have coincided with many a supper hour
on Iowa, Montana, and California farms. No;
the President is a good politician, but no
Miracle Man.
"Fond Memory Brings The Light"
Sir: If Mary Boland was fifteen when she played
in "Percy and Harold," how old was she when she
played in "Strongheart" opposite Robert Edeson,
and do you think she would remember me? I was
the fighting halfback, when the company played
in Buffalo, who lay on the floor of the Columbia
football team's locker room (upstage, left) and
panted (signifying exhaustion) all during the big
second act scene, the scene between the halves,
where the coach bawls the hell out of the team,
I was sixteen, and so were most of the rest of the
team, but we were all tall for our age. We were
all recruited from the senior class at Lafayette
High School (that's the high school whose crew
tied Kent School on Lake Quinsigamond last
June). One of the boys had a drag with the
stage manager at the old Star Theater, and got us
suping assignments pretty regularly - three eve-
nings and matinee at 50 cents a performance less
a 25-cent tip to the stage manager the last night,
Dr. Peter Cornell, Katherine's dad, managed the
Star Theater, but I didn't know him. Of all the
actresses I ever played with, Mary Boland was the
most beautiful, and the one with whom I fell
most deeply in love. She was young, slender,
blonde and exquisite. Although employed only for
one scene, I hung around back stage all three acts
in my greasy Columbia jersey, staring reverentially
at Miss Boland's loveliness. The villain of the,
piece, during a scene in a college room, came off
stage carrying a marshmallow on a fork. My
heroine was always sitting in the wing, at this
point, just outside the door where he came off.
Invariably, she would open her beautiful mouth
and he would pop the marshmallow into it. How
I hated that man H.H.
What Miss Mary Boland played in at the age
of fifteen with Ward and Vokes was either "A
Run on the Bank" or "A Pair of Pinks." They
were always Percy and Harold. So many read-
ers remember this that credit is hereby scattered
among them.
For some the noisy rural scene with unrestricted
Where roosters wake the echoes, and the automo-
bile honks;
Give me the muted sins of those quasi-quins;
Manhattan, Queens and Richmond, fair Brooklyn

and the Bronx. W.W.R.
Lay of the Last Hand-Organ
Athwart new January joy
There throbs at least one somber note
That seems predestined to alloy
The laughter in the New Year's throat
A drab spot mars the festive coat,
A tear dissolves the meted fun;
The organ-grinder is the goat -
The hurdy-gurdy's day is done.
Transcending any tinkling toy
A lucky child might lightly tote,
This was a marvel to employ
Rare characters for anecdote;
This was an issue for the vote!
Of recent shame there has been none
So flagrant as the stated quote:
"The hurdy-gurdy's day is done."
Who were the bards we would destroy?
Old men, who played old tunes by rote,
And yet whose music did not cloy
Like briny ballads on a boat.
Our Mayor wronged them when he smote
Them from a place beneath the sun.
His soul's salvation is remote:
The hurdy-gurdy's day is done.
And though I hardly dare annoy
His Honor, may I ask him one:
How tell my little girl and boy
The hurdy-gurdy's day is done?


Publication In the Bulletin is onsnrii ivc notnc(e to alli ,bers of the
Univers:ty. Copy received atrthe offce of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

A Universal picture starring Irene
Dunne and Robert Taylor, with Charles
Butterworth, Betty Furness. Sara Ha-
den, Ralph Morgan, Henry Armetta,
Lloyd Douglas' great novel of the
same name is the basis of this un-
usual and delicate picture which has
everything for those who are interest-
ed enough to look for it. True, it
varies somewhat from the original
story, but it was a wise move for thus
the picture is more compact and less
involved. In spite of this, it was
apparent from the audience reactionj
that those who have already read the
book find the picture easier to under-
stand and the altruistic background
clearer. The suspense and mystery
which one experiences while seeking
the answer to the great obsession add
greatly to the strength of the pic-
Irene Dunne, as Helen Hudson,
gives a sterling performance that
should go down in the records of the
year, and Robert Taylor as Dr. Bob-
by Merrick, although a comparative
newcomer to the screen, more than
lives up to the great things expected
of him. Betty Furness, as Joyce Hud-
son, is extremely competent and ap-
pealing and Charles Butterworth as
Tommy provides comic interludes.
We also liked Ralph Morgan as Ran-
dolph, the man who imbues Bobby
with the obsession.
Dr. Hudson, the originator of the
obsession, is drowned at the start of"
the picture because the only available
pulmotor is being used to save the
life of Bobby, a young wastrel whose
drinking caused his near drowning.
Dr. Hudson has been revered by all
who have known him, and conse-
quently Bobby is hated as the indirect
cause of his death. He learns of this
at Dr. Hudson's hospital, where he
hears everyone bemoaning the fact
that a great man had been sacrificed
to save the life of good-for-nothing
Bobby Merrick. Helen and Joyce
Hudson both share in this loathing.
for him.
Through a series of coincidences
Bobby meets Helen, Dr. Hudson's
widow, falls in love with her; brings
additional tragedy into her life; and
finally becomes her saviour. Bobby
comes in contacthwiththe magnific-'
ient obsession through Rudolph, a
man that Dr. Hudson had helped,
adopts it. and determines to finish
the dead doctor's unfinished work.
To this end he also becomes a doctor,
and a great one, and follows Helen
over the world in hope of being able
to atone for what he has done to her.
The story works out to a finale
which is sure to please everyone.f
Some of the problem children in the'
audience find parts of the picture'
too difficult for their immature
minds to grasp and so resort to noisi-
ness, without which the picture would1
have been even more enjoyable. How-t
ever, it is one of the attractions that1
one cannot miss. You'll be sorry if
you do.

SUNDAY, JAN. 12, 1936
Sophomores, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts:
Sophomores may have their elec-
tions approved in Room 9, University
Hall, until January 15, at the follow-
ing hours:
Monday, 1:30-2:30.
Tuesday, 1:30-3:30.
Wednesday, 9:00-11:00.
Thursday, 1:30-3:30.
Friday, 1:30-2:30.
Beginning Jan. 15 Sophomores
must have their elections approved,
in Room 103 Romance Language
Building, in accordance with the
following alphabetical divisions:
Hours 10-12; 2-4 daily.
HIJ, Wednesday, Jan. 15.
KL, Thursday, Jan. 16.
M, Friday, Jan. 17.
NOP, Monday, Jan. 20.
QR, Tuesday, Jan. 21.
S, Wednesday, Jan. 22.
TUV, Thursday, Jan. 23.
WXYZ, Friday, Jan. 24.
AB, Monday, Jan. 27.
C,Tuesday, Jan. 28.
DE, Wednesday, Jan. 29.
FG, Thursday, Jan. 30.
J. H. Hodges
R. C. Hussey,
Conflicts in Final Examinations -
College of Engineering -Instructions
for reporting conflicts between final
examinations are posted on the bulle-
tin board adjacent to my office, Room
3223 East Eng. Bldg. All conflicts
must be reported to me before Jan-
uary 29. J. C. Brier
Graduate Women interested in
studying economics, international re-
lations or journalism: A one thou-
sand dollar scholarship is open
through the Federation of American
Women's Clubs in Europe to some
American woman for study in Eu-
rope in 1936-37. Applicant must be
an American citizen, a graduate of
an accredited institution, and must
have a thorough knowledge of
French and a working knowledge of
one or more other European lan-
guages.FApplication must be sent in
before February 1. Further details
may be obtained in the office of the
Graduate School. C. S. Yoakum
Ruddigore - Box office will be open
Monday morning, January 13, at
10:00, in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, Phone 6300. Performances
of this Gilbert and Sullivan oper-
etta will be given Wednesday through
Saturday evenings at 8:30, and a
Saturday matinee at 2:30.
Choral Union Members - Pass
tickets for the St. Louis Symphony
Orchestra, the Kolisc Quartet, and
the Detroit Symphony Orchestra con-
certs, will be given out to such mem-
bers of the Choral Union as have clear
records, on Tuesday, January 14,
from 9 to 12 and 1 to 4 o'clock. After
4 o'clock no tickets will be given out.
Members who have not already
done so, please return their Messiah
copies and receive copies of Verdi's
"Requiem." Those whose records
are not clear will please return Mes-
siah copies and receive back their
book deposits. Unless this is done
promptly, no deposits will be re-
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational information
has received announcement of Detroit
Civil Service Examinations for Elec-
trical Engineering Aid (Department
of Street Railways), salary $1800, and
Senior Electrical Engineering Aid,
salary $2160.
For further information concerning
these examinations call at 201 Mason
Hall, office hours, 9:00 to 12:00 and
2:00 to 4:00.

Academic Notices
Geology 11: The last bluebook for
the semester will be given Friday,
Jan. 17, 9:00 a.m. Please go to the
same rooms as before.
Notice to Students Planning to do
Directed Teaching: No assignments
in directed teaching for the second
semester will be made until Thurs-
day afternoon, Jan. 30. A schedule
of hours for conferences with Pro-
fessor Schorling will be given at a
later date in the D.O.B.
Public Lecture: "Identity of ar-
tistic expression in Islamic and North
European Arts" by Dr. Mehmet Aga
European Arts" by Dr. Mehmet Agla-
Oglu. Illustrated. Sponsored by the
Research Seminary in Islamic Art.
Friday, Jan. 17, 4:15, in Room D.
Alumni Memorial Hall. Admission
Public Lecture: ."Excavations at
Dura-Europas" by P ofessor Clark
Hopkins: Sponsored by the Re-
search Seminary in Islamic Art. Mon-
day, Jan. 13, 4:15 in Room D. Alumni
Hall. Admission free.

St. Louis Symphony Orchestra:
Vladimir Golschmann, the disting-
uished conductor, will present the St.
Louis Symphony Orchestra in its
first Ann Arbor concert in the sixth
Choral Union concert, Tuesday eve-
ning, Jan. 14 at 8:15 o'clock, when
the following program will be offered.
The public is requested to come suf-
ficiently early as to be seated on
Overture to "Oberon" ...von Weber
Symphony No. 7 in A major, Op. 92
y... . y....... . Beethoven
Poco sostenuto: Vivace
Scherzo: Presto
Allegro con brio
Tone Poem, "Tod und Verklarung,"
(Death and Transfiguration) Op.
24 .......................Strauss
Symphonic Fragments from the Bal-
let "Daphnis and Chloe" (Second
Suite No. 2) ...............Ravel
a. Lever de Jour (Daybreak).
b. Pantomime.
c. Danse Generale.
Events Of Today
Stalker Hall
12 noon, Class for students under
the leadership of Rev. L. LaVerne
Finch. 6 p.m., Prof. Leroy Water-
man will speak on "TherChallenge
to Christianity."
7 p.m., Fellowship Hour and sup-
First Methodist Church: At 10:45
a.m. Dr. Charles W. Brashares will
preach on "Einstein and Eternity or
the Fourth Dimension."
First Presbyterian Church.
Meeting in the Masonic Temple,
327 South Fourth. Ministers: Wil-
liam P. Lemon and Norman W. Kun-
9:45, Westminster Forum. The
leader will be Mr. Kunkel who will
introduce the subject "Religion and
the Right to Petrsonal Success." Next
Sunday Professor Bennett Weaver
will begin a series of discussions on
the theme, "Literature and the
Abundant Life."
10:45, Worship Service with sermon
by the minister on the subject, "The
Divine 'Yes' ".
5:30, Westminster Guild Fellow-
ship Hour with a cost supper.
6:30, "Three Thousand Youth in
Convention - What About It?" will
be the general theme when the dele-
gates to the S.V.M. Convention at
Indianapolis will report. All students
are invited.
Harris Hall - The regular student
meetings at Harris Hall will be re-
sumed this evening at 7:00. Mr.
Donal Haines of the Department of
Journalism will be the speaker. All
students and their friends are cor-
dially invited.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Services of worship today are: 8:00
a.m., Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m.,
Church School; 11.:00 a.m., Kinder-
garten; 11:00 a.m., Morning Prayer
and Sermon by The Reverend Henry
Church of Christ (Disciples)
10:45 a.m., Worship service and
sermon by Rev. Fred Cowin. 12 noon,
Students' Bible Class. The class will
continue the study of the Life and
Significance of Jesus. Leader, H. L.
5:30 p.m., Social hour. 15c supper
6:30 p.m., Discussion: 1936 Retro-
spect -Prospect 1936. Come pre-
pared to discuss the significance of
the important events of the day.
7:30 p.m., Church service. Rev.
Cowin will show pictures and give a
lecture on the life oftWilliam Carey,
often called the father of modern
Congregational Church
10:30 a.m., Service of worship and

religious education. Mr. Heaps will
give the second sermon in the series,
"Portraits of Paul."
Prof. Preston Slosson will lecture
on "The Saint as Soldier - Garibaldi,
Gordon, Lawrence." In the series,
"European Men of Action."
Student Fellowship at 6:00. Fol-
lowing supper, Prof. Henry M. Ken-
dall will speak on "The Italian-
Ethiopian Situation."
Zion Lutheran Church
9:00 a.m., Sunday School; 10:30
a.m., service with sermon on "Come
and See." 5:30 p.m., Meeting of
Student Club. 7:30 p.m., Holy Com-
munion (German).
Trinity Lutheran Church
9:15, Church School. 10:30, Chief
worship service. Sermon, "Christ
Answers Three Vital Questions." 5:30
Lutheran Student Club in Zion Luth-
eran Parish Hall; 6:30, Discussion on
"Why am I a Christian?" 7:30,
Luther League.
Lutheran Student Club meets at
5:30 p.m. in the parish hall of the
Zion Lutheran church on Washing-
ton Street.
19mnar will hp srvod not 8

Ten Years Ago
From The Daily Files
JAN. 12, 1926

L .
Declaring that he was advocating
no particular methods or propaganda
of the control and training of child-
hood, Dr. Clarence Cook Little, Presi-
dent of the University, addressed the
Women's City Club yesterday after-
noon in Detroit on the necessity of a
better understanding of childhood
and youth, and the function of youth
in civilization.
Canadian timber resources are not
inexhaustible and cannot be consid-
ered a perpetual supply to the United
States, according to Clyde Leavitt,
fire inspector for the board of rail-
way commissioners for Canada, who
lectured yesterday afternoon in
Natural Science auditorium on "The
Forestry Situation in Canada." It
will eventually be necessary to re-
forestate denuded areas in the Do-
minion, although the present prob-
lem is the protection of forests from
fire, he said.
Thomas .Wilfred, the Danish-
American artist, will present his sec-
ond Ann Arbor recital with the Clav-
ilux at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in
Hill Auditorium. This performance
will come with something of a new
significance for Mr. Wilfred's inven-
tion, since duringothe past year he
has used the color organ both to
provide a colored setting for a theatre
production in New York City and to
accompany the Philadelphia Symph-
ony orchestra in its recent presnta-
tion of Rimsky-Korsakoff's "Sheher-
Coach Matt Mann sent his swim-
mers through another hard drill yes-
terday afternoon at the Union Pool
in an effort to iron out the faults
which the swimmers displayed in the
Indiana meetrandtin order to add
speed and grace to his individual

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