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January 12, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-12

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The Weather
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The Threat Of'
Pressure Growu .
of High Schools ...



Five Beats
Michigan Wins By 38 To
28 Score, Using Superior
Height To Control Ball
Captain Tamagno
Is Back In Lineup
Earl Townsend, Gee, And
Meyers Share Scoring
Honors With 8 Points
Despite inability to find the basket
consistently, Michigan's basketball
team outclassed a fighting Minnesota
five to gain its first Big Ten victory,
38 to 28 before a crowd of 6,000 last
night at Yost Field House.
The Wolverines, using their su-
perior height with great effective-
ness, controlled the ball getting every
tip-off and taking th ball off the
backboards almost at will, never al-
lowing the Gophers to build up a large
enough score to be really dangerous.
Michigan's scoring was well divided
with Earl Townsend, Johnny Gee,
and Earl Meyers all collecting eight
points apiece. George Rudness hit
for seven, putting him in a tie with
Earl Townsend for the Varsity's indi-
vidual scoring honors, each having 58
points in nine games.
The Gophers' scoring was done
largely by Ed Jones, center, and Jim-
my Baker, forward, who accounted
for 19 points between them.
The game marked the return of
Capt. Chelso Tamagno who had not
Michigan's Varsity Hockey team
suffered its second defeat in four
starts last night when the Chatham
Maroons outscored Coach Eddie
Lowrey's sextet, 7 to 2 in the fast-
est game to be played in the Coli-
sieum this winter. Complete story
will be found on the sport page.
seen action since the Butler game
during the Christmas vacation period
when he suffered an injured leg
muscle. Meyers started in his guard
position but Tamagno came into the
game to strengthen the Michigan de-
fense in the middle of the first half.
He will start against Purdue Monday
night when the Varsity takes on the
Boilermakers at Lafayette, Ind.
Jake Townsend turned in an out-
standing performance as usual on
both offense and defense despite the
fact that the top seemed to be on
the basket for him. He collected
only four points but his passes led
to many of the Wolverines' scores and
his ability to take the ball off the
backboards and odd skill at retriev-
ing loose balls while on the floor kept
Minnesota on its heels.
The Gophers followed the lead set
by Indiana and Butler trying to check
the Michigan guards as they brought
the ball down the floor and keep the
Wolverines from using their blocking
plays, but were far below the effec-
tiveness of the two Hoosier teams.
Coach Cappon used Jake Townsend
as a "safety valve" whenever the
Gophers did manage to bottle up the
Michigan guards. Townsend would
come back to the 10-second line and
bring 'the ball over whenever neces-

Earl Townsend and Earl Meyers
showed improvement over their per-
formances against Indiana. Town-
'send was effective not only offensively
(Continued on Page 3)
Choral Union
Concert To Re
Given Tuesday
The St. Louis Symphony Orchestra
will inaugurate the second half of
the Choral Union concert series when
it appears at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday in
Hill Auditorium.
It will be the orchestra's first ap-
pearance in Ann Arbor. Vladimir
Golschmann will conduct and the
program will include the Overture
to "Oberon" by von Weber and Sym-
phony No. 7 in A major, Opus 92, by
Charles A. Sink, president of the
School of Music, anticipates a large

Isle Royale Is Not, May Not
Be National Park, Allen Says

Ill-Advised Publicity Bad
For Project's Success,
He Declares
A possibility that Isle Royale will
not become a national park was cited
by Prof. Shirley Allen, of the foi'estry
department, in an interview yester-
This Lake Superior island, which is
40 miles long and from four to eight
miles wide, has attracted the atten-
tion of National Park enthusiasts for
fifteen years. Federal legislation in
1931 opened the way for its inclusion
in the National Park system in case
it could be purchased and presented
to the Federal Government. No funds
were made available, however.
"There is some confusion in the
public mind due to misinformation
on the present status of this project,"
Professor Allen stated. "So far the
island is an 'if-and-when' National
Park. It lies there in great cold Lake
Superior some 50 miles north of
Houghton quietly awaiting the day
when the major portion of its area,
which is not now publicly owned, shall
be acquired and, through necessary
additional legislation, be given its de-
served place in our National Park
Untimely publicity about the island
as a National Park and the fact that
the State of Michigan has neither
taken over the responsibility of ob-
taining options on land nor con-
tributed a share of the total purchase
price, meanwhile are threatening the
success of this project, Professor Al-
len believes.
Attention drawn to Isle Royale
Local Churches
Resume Student
Services Today
Problems Of Philosophy
And Current Events Will
Be Discussed
Problems both of philosophy and of
present day events will bepresented
to students returning to regular
morning worship services at local
churches today.
Dr. Charles W. Brashares will speak
on "Einstein and Eternity or Fourth
Dimension" at 10:45 a.m. at the First
Methodist Church.
The service at the Congregational
Church will begin at 10:30 a.m. with
Allison Ray Heaps giving the sec-
ond in a series of sermons on "Port-
raits of Paul." Prof. Preston W. Slos-
son of the history department will
lecture on "The Saint as Soldier-
Garibaldi, Gordon, Lawrence." Dr.
Henry M. Kendall of the geography
department will speak on "The Italo-
Ethiopian Situation" at the student
meeting to be held at 6 p.m.
The Westminster forum of the
Presbyterian Church will be held at
9:45 a.m. Norman W. Kunkel will
lead the discussion, which will be
on "Religion and the Right to Per-
sonal Success." At 10:45 Dr. William
P. Lemon will preach a sermon on
"The Divine 'Yes'." The delegates
who attended the Student Volunteer
Movement convention in Indianapolis
during vacation will give their re-
ports of the meeting at 6:30 p.m. All
students are invited to attend.
Holy communion, at St. Andrews
Episcopal Church will be at 8 a.m.
this morning, and the worship serv-
ice with a sermon by the Rev. Henry
Lewis will be at 11 a.m. Donal Haines
(Continued on Page 6)

through ill-advised publicity has
stimulated the desire of larger owners
to liquidate timber ownings, an act
which would mar the beauty of the
island, Professor Allen added. More-
over, he said, "resort owners and own-
ers of cottages will stiffen their prices
as action is delayed." Procrastina-
tion, Professor Allen emphasized, in
obtaining the remaining options and
turning them over to the Federal
government thus might mean the
dropping of the project.
As to action now being taken, Pro-
fessor Allen said, "The Michigan Isle
Royale Commission, which is in
charge of the undertaking, is working
on the problem, but I am not in-
formed as to the exact progress it
has made." The larger proportion
of the island is, however, now under
option by the Commission, and non-
availability of sufficient funds is
probably holding up progress in op-
tioning the rest, he added. "As far
as I know no responsibility for rais-
ing the additional funds needed has
been assumed by any agency of the
state," he emphasized.
Even when these options are all
obtained by the Commission, certain
steps are still necessary before Isle
Royale receives its christening as a
National Park.
Farm Leaders
Approve N e w
AAA Su'bsitute
Subsidized Conservation
Of Soil Receives Support
Of Conferees
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11. -(P) -
A seven-point program centered up-
on government subsidized soil conser-
vation was approved unanimously to-
night by farm leaders called to coun-
sel with the administration on a sub-
stitute for AAA.
Authoritative sources said a bill
secretly drafted two days ago in
New Deal quarters would be quickly
revised to embody the legislative
recommendations of the 100 spokes-
men for the nation's major farm
In addition to soil conservation,
the farm group called for retention
of "solid" provisions of the Adjust-
ment Act, whose processing taxes and
benefit payments were outlawed
Monday by the Supreme Court; "fur-
ther expansion" of foreign markets
for surplus crops; and new taxes on
processors of livestock and dairy pro-
Many questions went unexplained,
including where the money is com-
ing from to finance the "soil conser-
vation and price adjustment pro-
The farm leaders suggested that
Congress "provide adequate funds by
appropriation" but added that many
matters "including the money ques-
tion" were left for "the continuing
action and attention of our ever-
alert farm organizations."
Told by Secretary Wallace that
they were "now building in a much
more permanent way than was pos-
sible in March of 1933, when the
original AAA was evolved, the farm
spokesmen cheered wildly as they
adjourned their two day session.
Chester C. Davis, AAA administra-
tor, told newsmen as he emerged
from that meeting that "I think the
principles in this report will do the

Baby Bonds
Proposed To
Secret Measure Will Be
Introduced By Senators
Preniunis For Not
CashingAt Once
Advanced As Compromise
For House Bill; Okayed
By Senate Leaders
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.-- (IP) -
Baby bonds for veterans, with prem-
iums for those who do not cash them
immediately, were reported tonight to
lie at the heart of a bonus measure
which had been drawn up secretly
at the Senate for introduction Mon-
Drafting of the measure, represent-
ing a coalition compromise, was said
to be virtually completed. Details
were not disclosed. The cash pay-
ment bill overwhelmingly passed by
the House yesterday did not specify
a n'ethod of payment.
Authoritative word was however,
that it would be put forward as a
compromise for the House bill and
would bear the names of Chairman
Pat Harrison (Dem., Miss.), of the
finance committee, and Senators
James Byrnes (Dem., S. C.), Frederick
Steiwer (Rep., Ore.), and Bennett
C. Clark (Dem., Mo.).
"If that is so," observed Senator
William A. Borah (Rep., Ida.), "what-
ever bill they bring will be passed
and become law."
Harrison in the past has opposed
full cash payment in advance of the
1945 maturity payment. Burns, Stei-
wer and Clark had taken various
other stands.
Harrison said "progress" was being
made and he would have a statement
ready sometime Monday before his
finance committee met to take up
the bonus. This was taken to mean
he might have a new bill to intro-
duce which he and other adminis-
tration leaders hoped would be ac-
ceptable to the White House.
Hillel Players
Present Three
One-Act Plays
Best Of Group Will Be
Presented At Pontiac In
Two Weeks
The best of the three plays to be
presented by the Hillel Players in
the Union today will also be pre-
sented before a group in Pontiac,
Mich., in two weeks, it was announced
by Stephen Stone, business manager.
The play will be judged from the
audience's applause.
The three one-act plays will be
presented at 8 p.m. in Room 316 of
the Union in an open meeting of the
Hillel Players to which the public
will be admitted free of charge. These
will be the first offerings for the
public by the Hillel Players this year.
Besides aiding in choosing the play
to be presented in Pontiac, these
dramatizations will enable many of
the cast and those on the various
committees connected with the pro-
ductions to secure membership in the
group, explained Norman Sharfman,
'3, president. The candidates de-

siring membership in the Players
must first appear or participate in
one of the offerings of the group.
All the plays will be directed by
members of the Hillel Players. These
students include Ada Zolla, '37, who
will direct Lawrence Langner's "An-
other Way Out"; Marguerite Merkel,
'37, will direct "The Finger Of God";
and both Louise Samek, '38, and Ruth
Lipkint, '38, will collaborate in the
direction of Tompkins' comedy
Those composing the casts of the
three productions include: Leonard
Kasle, '38, Stella Blum, '38, Phyllis
Diamond, '38, William Wolfner, '38E,
Sylvia Guterman, '36, Robert Fisch-
grund, '37, Lillian Roser, '36, Richard
Rome, '36, Morlye Baer, '37, Louis
Goldberg, '37, Edward Kessler, '38,
and Helma Schwartz, '38.
Dexter Man Hurt
When Car Crashes

Hoosiers Are
Swamped In
Swim Match
Indiana Defeated In First
Dual Meet Of Season By
Score Of 59 To 25
Michigan Takes
All First Places
Kasley Turns In Record
Breast-Stroke To Garner
Top Honors
With Jack Kasley taking top hon-
ors by virtue of the fastest collegiate1
breast-stroke race ever turned in,
Michigan's championship swimming
team took every first place to over-
whelm Indiana University, 59 to 25,
in the first Westeran Conference dual
meet of the 1936 season yesterday1
afternoon in the Intramural pool.
Kasley, National Collegiate and
Big Ten champion and record holder,1
"butterflied" the 220 yards in two
minutes and 26 seconds, breaking his
own National Intercollegiate record
of 2:27, made last March in the In-
tramural pool in a dual meet with
Northwestern. The accepted world's
record is 2:25.8.
Swimming by himself in a special
exhibition at the conclusion of the
meet, Tom Haynie, member of the
strong Michigan freshman team that
is favored to defeat the Varsity in
their grudge dual meet next Wednes-
day night, bettered Jack Medica's
National Intercollegiate record of
2:11.5 for the 220-yard free-style with
a remarkable performance at 2:11.2.
Frank Barnard, veteran junior, had
things his own way in capturing both
the 220 and 440-yard free-style events
from Paulus Strack, Hoosier captain,
and became the only double winner
of the meet. Paul Keeler and Mark
McCarty completed the sweep for
Coach Matt Mann's team in the free-
style individual events by winning the
50 and 100-yard races. The latter
two combined with Bob Mowerson
and Dick Blake to grab an easy
victory in the sprint relay.
400-yard sprint relay: Won by
Michigan (McCarty, Keeler, Blake
and Mowerson); second, Indiana
(Bogart, Herdrick, Danch and Cur-
ry.) Time-3:49.1.
200-yard breast-stroke: Won by
Kasley (Michigan) ; second, Vander
Velde (Michigan); third, Meier (In-
diana). Time-2:26 (New National
Intercollegiate record. Old record
2:27.6 set by Kasley March 8, 1935.)
150-yard back-stroke: Won by
Mowerson (Michigan); second, Lucas
(Indiana); Davis (Indiana). Time-
50-yard free-style: Won by Keeler
(Michigan); second, LaPlante (In-
(Continued on Page 3)
Hopkins To Speak
About Buried City
Prof. Clark Hopkins, of the Latin
and Greek department, will lecture at
4:15 tomorrow in Room D of Alumni
Memorial hall on the subject of "Ex-
cavations at Dura-Europas"
Professor Hopkins has worked at
the site of the ancient city for five
years, and during that time has made
extensive discoveries which lead to
a better understanding of its com-
plex civilization.
This lecture is one of a series being
presented by the Islamic Research
Seminary of the University. It is

I open to the public.

Refusal Of Mercy
Dooms Hauptmann
To Death In Chair

Psychologist Laird r
Offers Recipe For
Utopian Existence
NEWkYORK, Jan. 11.-(IP)-Do
you seek a perfect '36?
Dr. Donald A. Laird, head of the
Psychology Department at Colgate
University, Hamilton, N. Y., issued
some commandments today to guide
those who "seek to get more zest out
of life in 1936."
"1-Keep rested. Tired people take
zest from others as well as them-1
selves. It is amazing what a dif-
ference going to bed two hours earl-
ier will make.
"2-Don't be too ambitious. The
world is crowded with people who
have literal mental scars, the result
of wanting to be bigger shots thanr
they can be or the world needs.
"3-Don't fret about how little
book-learning you have. If you keep
mentally active and learn a little
something new each day, you are an
educated man.
"4-Don't be too conscientious. If
you suffer chronic inflamation of thef
conscience, careful always to do every
little thing just right, the very iner-
tia is likely to make you go wrong.
"5-Don't fight against human na-
ture. Don't expect other people or
yourself to be perfect. Shortcom-
ings here and there should be ex-
pected and not allowed to steal zest.
"6-Have a few troubles and a lit-
tle pain. Those in human experiencest
are like the olives in a meal. After
the tart, sour things, everything
tastes good.
"7-Get into a job which you like
doing. Even if it pays you $10 a
week less, its dividends in zest prob-
ably will more than repay you.
Il Duce Forces
League's Hand
In War Crisis
Next Move Up To Council
As Mussolini Postpones
Fascist Meeting
ROME, Jan. 11.-(AP)-Premier
Mussolini put the next move in the
diplomatic impasse surrounding the
Ethiopian war up to the League of
Nations today by postponing a meet-
ing of his Fascist Grand Council
from Jan. 18 until Feb. 1.
By that time the League. Council
which meets Jan. 20, presumably
will have decided whether to apply
an oil embargo against Italy. Il
Duce then can act with his council
on any develo)ments.
I t a 1 y, through authoritative
sources, scoffed at the suggestion an
oil embargo would halt the war but
warned the proposal should not be
The army, it was said, "has enough
oil for a substantial time and the
embargo would hit "only the civil
Despite this, these sources said,
Italy's attitude, formerly interpreted
by the phrase "an oil embargo means
war," is unaltered. An embargo
would be regarded as a "very serious
thing," it was declared.

Thinnest Hope Remains In
Possibility Of Sentence
Reprieve By Governor
Action To Recall
Condon Is Halted
Wilentz Declares Condoiq
Not To Be Recalled From
Trip; Conklin Protests
Bruno Richard Hauptmann was
practically doomed to execution as
late last night the New Jersey Court
of Pardons' decision against him was
hurled into the midst of reports that
he might be freed.
TRENTON, N. J., Jan. 11. - () -
The state court of pardons decided
tonight that Bruno Richard Haupt-
mann must die for the Lindbergh
baby murder.
After an all-day session the court
issued a short announcement that
Hauptmann's application for clem-
ency "was today denied."
The decision ended all but the most
forlorn of hopes for the Bronx car-
penter to escape the electric chair
next Friday night.
Hauptmann in the death house, re-
ceived the news "very cooly" the
prison warden said. 'He told the
"I have always told the truth. I
can tell no other story."
The prisoner "stood up very well'
under the news, it was said by Haupt-
mann's attorneys.
His only hope now lies with Gov.
Harold G: Hoffman, or the court; and
both hopes are desperate ones.
The Governor might delay the
execution by a reprieve-of not more
than 90 days-but even this power
is doubted both by the Governor and
attorney general.
Governor Hoffman would make no
comment tonight, either concerning
the possibility of a reprieve, or of the
action taken by the court.
Hauptmann's chance for further
delay through the court lay in three
directions: a habeas corpus action in
federal court, an appeal for a new
trial to Justice Thomas W. Trench-
ard, the aged jurist who sat on the
bench during the Flemington trial
at which Hauptmann was convicted;
or a new request to the United State
Supreme Court to review the proceed-
ings. This last was rejected once.
The defense attitude was best
voiced by the prisoner's wife, who
"I don't know anything about
law, but I realize that there can't
be much left to fight with now, but
we will go on - to the end of the
She went immediately to the pris-
on, sobbing convulsively outside as
she awaited admission.
TRENTON, N. J., Jan. 11. -(P)-
Threatened action by Gov. Harold
(Continued on Page 2)
Two University
MoIen Nominated
For Annapolis
Two University students, Vaughn
J. Andres, '36E, and Bruce A. Rohn,
'36E, have been nominated as prin-
cipals to Annapolis from the second
congressional district of Michigan by
Congressman Earl C. Michener, it
was announced yesterday. Four
other students were nominated as
Both of the principals are residents
of Ann Arbor. Andres is the son of
Sheriff and Mrs. Jacob B. Andres,
and Rohn lives with his grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Rohn.

Robert F. Corrigan, '38, of Ypsi-
lanti, was selected as the first alter-
nate to W. F. McGraw, Jr., Jackson,
who was the third nominee chosen
as a principal by Rep. Michener.
Norman J. Laskey, Jr., of Milan, was
chosen as the other alternate for this
Theodore C. Schiable, '38, and
James E. Fischer, '38, were the other
Ann Arbor students selected. Schiable
was selected as second alternate to
Rohn, and Fischer was selected as
-Qrn8Altm nf. M Alan C . nik

Hospital Boasts The World's
Most Unique Boy Scout Troop

Hydrocal,' Calculating Machine,
Invented By Prof. Arthur Moore

The most unique Boy Scout Troop
in the world, in the opinion of Ann
Arbor Scout officials, is the one at
the University Hospital.
If you had been a visitor at the
meeting of this troop, number 24 in
the Ann Arbor council, you would
have seen, not an array of uniformed
youths, giving the Scout oath at erect
attention, but a group of youngsters
in wheel chairs, in beds, in casts and
on crutches.
But, aside from their appearance,
you would never have known that
they were invalids. They were so in-
terested in their meeting that they
probably would not have even noticed
you. They were discussing a pro-
gram for the coming year - things
that they could make ,that they

Boys in wheel chairs, on crutches
end in beds forget the pain of broken
and amputated legs, of twisted spines
and fractured skulls as they carve
and plane away. And out of their
efforts come toy boats, knives, sleds,
tie racks and bread boards - things
that they can use when they return
to the Scout troops of their own
Troop number 24, organized only
last fall, is constantly changing its
membership. One day it will have 40
Boy Scouts; another day 12. As the
youngsters come in to the hospital,
they immediately clamor to join the
troop, Harry Bell of the Hospital
staff, who has been their Scoutmas-
ter, will tell you. Many boys get their
first contact with Scouting when they
come to the Hospital.

The 'Hydrocal,' a device for elim-
inating tedious mathematical calcu-
lations in the determination of the
rate of heat flowing in or out of
materials, has recently been invented
by Prof. Arthur D. Moore of the elec-
trical engineering department.
Available for use in a wide variety
of engineering fields, including re-
frigeration, air conditioning, glass
casting, furnace work, temperature
effects on electrical appliances and
many others, this machine is the re-
sult of two years of research by Pro-
fessor Moore.
The first public demonstration of
the machine was made by Professor
Moore Dec. 30 in the Sterling chem-
istry laboratory at Yale University.
Ar~nnrrli t 1'n4, t 4t * "fi , (,1-_

imitate the flow of heat, and which
are connected to upright glass stand-
pipes. The rise or descent of water
in the standpipes corresponds to vari-
ations of temperature in the object
under analysis.
Altogether there are more than 1,-
400 separate parts in a Hydrocal ma-
chine, and it requires no established
contact with the materials in order
to test their heat additions or sub-
The ability of the machine to rec-
ord automatically the variations in
heat changes within a given object
provides its most unique value, since
these variations which necessitates
the use of higher mathematical com-
For instance, a metal cylinder, cool-
in n a ftr h,, hPAs- Pcin An-

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