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January 11, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-11

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The Weather
Ilfiw tLi laj; lutimrr-ow gi~
eraliy fair; lo1ifl-dt'i~~ ~w
i tetl qI 'tA l .




'It Can't Happen Here ..,.
The Mystery Of Life .




Dope Cure I s
Developed By
Loea octors
Drs. iTheophil Klingmann,
William Everts Report
Revolutionary Method
Tell Of Successful
Cure In 200 Cases
Patient Enabled To Repel
Opium, Morphine By
Use Of Drug
A successful cure for morphine
and opium addicts was announced
yesterday by Dr. Theophil Kling-
mann, chief of the staff of Mercy-
wood Sanatarium and a former
member of the Medical School facul-
The cure is for drug addicts in the
grip of morphine, opium, or other
poppy derivatives, which involves the
immediate deprivation of the drug at
the start of the cure, rather than the
usual lengthy method of gradually
cutting down on the amount al-
lowed, Dr. Theophil Klingman said.
Dr. William H. Everts, a graduate
of the Medical School, assisted Dr.
Klingmann in developing the cure,
which, according to Dr. Klingmann,
has resulted successfully in more
than 200 cases in which it has already
been tried.
Uses 'Twilight Sleep'
His method involves the adminis-
tration at the outset of scopolamine
hydrobromide, 'the drug popularly
known as "twilight sleep" occasional-
ly used by obstetricians, under whose
influence the addict is able success-
fully to combat the shock induced
by the sudden removal of the drug's
Long used as an antidote for over-
doses of morphine, scopolamine hy-
drobromide has been considered too
dangerous by medical authorities- to
be taken in large quantities, but a
harmless method of administration
in 27 repeated doses over a period of
two days has been evolved by Dr.
Klingman and his colleague.
Upon emerging from the influence
of the "twilight sleep," whose after
effects Dr. Klingmann offsets with
five doses of pilocarpine nitrate, the
patient is normal, suffering neither
from the morphine nor from the
lack of it.
Must Cure Disorder
Dr. Klingmann bases drug addic-
tion upon some more fundamental
physical or mental disorder which
has induced the patient to adopt the
drug habit. This underlying dis-'
order, he maintains, must be over-
come if the cure is to b.e permanent.
For this purpose, if the disorder is a
physical one, the specialists in that
field give the patient treatment for
his disease before the cure for the
habit is begun. .
In the case of an incurable disease,
Dr. Klingmann said, he would not
even attempt to effect a lasting cure
for the drug habit. He pointed out
that the extremely small proportion
of his patients who had reverted to
the drug habit had first had a re-
currence of the disorder which had
started them out in the first place.
After the administration of sco-
polamine hydrobromide, the patient
is started on a regime of several
weeks to rebuild his body and to re-
adjust his mind. The psychiatrists
have during that period an excellent
opportunity to learn any mental
cause for his habit and after secur-
ing accurate information about it,
(Continued on Page 2)

Blue Moods And
Hooray Moments
Explained At Last
NEW YORK, Jan. 10. - (iP) - Hu-
man spirits rise and fall in regular
cycles regardless of differences in in-
dividuals or in what goes on about
them, Dr. Donald A. Laird said to-
night. d
No one is exempt from the periodic
swing, the head of the psychology
department at Colgate University,
Hamilton, N. Y., said he had learned
on a study of more than 1,00 per-
The cycle is about a month in dura-
tion for both men and women, he
said. The minimum discovered was
eight days: the maximum, six months.
"When the Schechter decision was
handed down," the psychologist said,
"President Roosevelt said bitter
things about the destruction of the

Flees United States

associated Press Photo.
Stokowski Will,
Play At 1936
Philadelphia Orchestra 1o
Appear At All Concerts;
Moore Selects 'Requiem'
Final contracts for the appearance
of Leopold Stokowski and the Phila-
delphia Orchestra at the 1936 May
Festival were signed recently in New
York City, according to President
Charles A. Sink of the School of
Music, bringing to a close negotia-
tions which have been underway
since June.
Participation of the orchestra in
the entire festival of six concerts is
provided for in the contract. The
orchestra will present its full com-
plement of 100 members. Their ap-
pearance here was made possible by
the five week transcontinental tour
which they will make at this time, in
the form of a musical pageant criss-
crossing the country. They will
travel in special cars from coast to
coast at the conclusion of the regu-
lar orchestrial season in April, visit-
ing several of the principal cities of
the middle west. The Ann Arbor
engagement is the last on the sched-
Director Earl V. Moore has an-
nounced the selection of three choral
works for the festival performances,
including Verdi's "Requiem," the
"Caractacus" of Elgar, and Pierne's
"Children at Bethlehem." Negotia-
tions are still pending for the en-
gagement of the list of artists, vocal
and instrumental, who will be heard
in the miscellaneous programs and
in several choral works.
Hoover Demands
Ickes Apologies
NEW YORK, Jan. 10..- (IP) -
Former President Herbert Hoover
said today that he had sent a tele-
gram to Secretary of the Interior
Harold L. Ickes challenging a state-
ment made by Ickes Jan. 3 at Roches-
ter, N. Y., to the effect that Congress
in the Hoover Administration passed
unconstitutional laws.
Mr. Hoover demanded "an apology
to the public" from Secretary Ickes
and attributed "the falsity of this
statement" to New Dealers in Wash-
ington and Democratic publicity men.

Jafsie Sails
For Panama
1Seeking Rest
Hoffman Says 'Faulkner'
Letter is In Handwriting
Of BankDepos Slip
Review Condon's
Magazine Article
Court Of Pardons To Hear
Bruno's Lawyers' Plea
For Mercy Tomorrow
NEW YORK, Jan. 10.--A)-Dr.
John F. (Jafsie) Condon, star wit-
ness for the state in the conviction
of Bruno Hauptmann for the kid-
naping of the Lindbergh baby, board-
ed the S. S. Santa Rita late today,
bound for Latin America.
Declaring that his part in the fa-
mous kidnaping case was ended,
"Jafsie" added that he was seeking
a rest and would be away indefinitely.
Even as he boarded the ship his
name again entered the case.
Gov. Harold G. Hoffman, of New
Jersey, who tomorrow will sit with
other members of the State Court of
Pardons to hear Hauptmann's plea
to save himself from death next week
in the electric chair, announced that
he had requested a magazine to for-
wardhim the manuscript of a. recent
article by Dr. Condon in which he
purportedly "told all" about the kid-
naping and murder case.
Believed Important
"I believe it is highly important,"
said the governor, who declined to
give any further explanation.
The departure of Dr. Condon fol-
lowed within the short space of sev-
eral weeks the exodus of the Lind-
berghs and the Morrows.
In Trenton Attorney General David,
T. Wilentz said tonight that Condon
had permission of the state to sail
for Latin America.
The seventy-ive-year-old former
Bronx teacher was accompanied by
his pretty daughter, Mrs. Byra Con-,
don Hacker, who followed her father
on the witness stand at the Fleming-
ton (N. J.) trial just a year ago.
Dr. Condon said his plans were
indefinite. The ship's destination is
Valparaiso and Callao via the Pan-
ama Canal. He indicated he and his
daughter may stop for sometime in
Panama. The ship is scheduled to
reach Panama on Jan. 17, the day
Hauptmann will be executed unless
the board of pardons acts favorably
upon his plea for clemency.
Jafsie' Again
TRENTON, N. J., Jan. 10. - (P) -
The name of Dr. John F. (Jafsie)
Condon was brought sharply back
into the Lindbergh kidnap case to-
night on the eve of the New Jersey
Court of Pardons hearing of Haupt-
mann's plea to escape the electric
Even as some members of the court
arrived for the hearing starting at
10:30 a.m. tomorrow, Gov. Harold G.1
Hoffman revealed that he had re-
quested the original manuscript of
"Jafsie's" magazine article on the
Sharing importance with the Con-
don development today was the gov-
ernor's announcement that a letter
he received recently from a "J. J.
Faulkner," protesting Hauptmann's
innocence of the murder, was in the
same handwriting as a bank deposit
slip of some of the Lindbergh ran-
som money made in 1933 by a man
of the same name.

Allied Loans
Gave Mor an
Great Prof'it
Financial Leader Denies
That New York Bankers
Brought On Wr
Becomes Indignant
At ClarkCharges
Accused Of High Pressure
T'actics In Selling Loans
To American People
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. -(/P) - A
$9,550,000 profit to a J. P. Morgan
syndicate for underwriting the first
big Allied war loan was revealed to-
day by the Senate Munitions Com-
mittee, coupled with a charge of high
pressure tactics in selling the issue
to the American people.
This development capped a furious
battle of denial and accusation which
had J. P. Morgan himself grimly
slugging it out verbally with the com-
mittee on the latter's insistence that
his firm influenced a reversal of
American neutrality policy to permit
the $500,000,000 loan.
Repeatedly the financial leader
thundered his indignation as Senator
Bennett C. Clark (Dem., Mo.), per-
sistently contended that the Morgans
precipitated a panic in the foreign
exchange market to achieve their
"There had been direct accusations
that the New York bankers brought
on the war," asserted Morgan, care-
fully weighing his words. "I want to
deny that."
The charge that the Morgans had
"put the heat on American manufac-
turers" to subscribe to the British
war bonds came shortly before the
committee adjourned for the week-
Correspondence taken from the
Morgan files revealed suggestions
that the British bring pressure di-
rectly on American sellers and that
the Morgans canvass those from
whom they had been buying as pur-
chasing agents for the London gov-
Anti-New Deal
Vote Growing
In Dioest Poll
Only 38.11 Per Cent Favor
Roosevelt's Policies; 36
States Remain Opposed
NEW YORK, Jan. 10. - (P) - The
vote against the New Deal increases
markedly as over 300,000 more ballots
are reported in the latest tally of The
Literary Digest poll bringing the total
vote so far to 1,688,462.
In answer to the poll question of
"Do you now approve the acts and
policies of the Roosevelt 'New Deal'
to date," 634,514 are shown maked
"yes" and the balance of 1,044,948, or
61.89 per cent, are tabulated as bal-
loting "no."
The vote in support of the New
Deal has declined from 46.72 per cent
in the first report to 38.11 per cent
in this week's tabulation.
Thirty-six states, which represent
399 out of a total of 531 electoral
votes, continue to express disapproval

of the administration's policies in the
latest returns. The other 12, all
Southern and border states with the
exception of Utah, still voice approval
of the President's policies.
The additional ballots tabulated in
the current issue of the magazine
indicate a larger affirmative vote for
the New Deal in 11 states and a de-
creased percentage in the 37 other
states since the previous week's re-
port. The only sharp declines are
noted in New York and New Hamp-
Mississippi and South Carolina give
a 70-80 per cent majority for the
New Deal, while six other states give
a 60-70 per cent approval and four
more states show a percentage of 50-
60 in support of the administration's
Massachusetts is the only state
registering more than 80 per cent
disapproval of the New Deal. The
five other New England states and
New Jersey are shown voting 70-
(Continued on Page 2)
Dr. Koelz Obtains

Camps For Underprivileged
Youths To Be Established Soon

Perinanent Site, Buildings,
Staff Planned For Camp
At Waterloo
A federal project calling for the
establishment at Waterloo, and later
possibly throughout the nation, of
permanent recreational and training
camps for economically underprivil-
eged boys between the ages of 16 and
20, out of work and out of schiool, was
announced yesterday by the youth
council of the local Rotary Club.
The project, which now awaits
only formal approval of the detailed
plan and budget from the federal
administrator's office at Lansing, was
evolved under the leadership ofDr.
Max Minor Peet, eminent brain sur-
geon and member of the University
Hospital Staff, who undertook to
carry the project for approval past
Howard Hunter, federal relief ad-
ministrator of the Chicago district,
comprising 17 states, Audrey Wil-
liams, national head of the NYA, and
finally to President Roosevelt him-
self, with whom Dr. Peet had had
several conferences as a member of
the committee in charge of distribut-
ing the funds from the President's
Birthday Ball last year.
In each case Dr. Peet reported an
Select Women
For Varsity
Debating Team
Two Teams Of Three Each
Will Be Picked From
Squad Of 13

enthusiastic acceptance of the plan,
which would establish a sort of "com-
bination Boy Scout-CCC camp" for
the boys left unsupervised between
those two groups.
Plans call for a year-around camp
with a permanent site, permanent
buildings, a permanent staff, com-
plete equipment for training and re-
creation, and a staff of directors
chosen for their experience in youth
guidance and the administration of
such groups of boys as will be gath-
ered in the camp.
Pointing out that "the age of
crime right now is 19," Dr. Peet
said that more than 100,000 boys in
Michigan who are within that age
group are at present both "out of
work and out of school."
While the present project plans to
start with only about 100 boys, drawn
from Washtenaw, Livingstone, and
Jackson counties, Federal authorities
are considering a national system of
such camps to take care, at least, of
the boys of that age in all relief fam-
ilies, and as many others as are nec-
The boys are thought old enough
to. do considerable physical labor, al-
though not as much as the CCC men,
and accordingly will devote at least
a portion of the day, probably the
morning hours, according to Dr. Peet,
in similar work, building roads, clear-
ing camp sites, building animal
shelters and damming streams to
create breeding ponds.
Since the Waterloo project is
scheduled to become a national park,
he added, it will be necessary to build
permanent camping cabins, lodges,
and other facilities, providing plenti-
ful work for the boys of the camp.
Following the morning work, the
boys will spend the afternoon in or-
ganized recreation and educational
programs such as are found in Boy
Scout camps, with some class work.
e Continuee on 'age 6l

Women selected as members of the . , i' 'nrg ~
Varsity women's debate squad were
announced yesterday by A. E. Secord,r ee
debating coach. From the 13 chosen ThVarsity
yesterday, the two teams of three T
women each will be selected, he said. Teams To Play
The women named are Mary Fran- -
ces Adair, '37; Winifred Bell, '36;
lichman, '37; Grace Kemp Gray, '37;
Mary Elizabeth Gray, '38; Sally Jef-
ferson, '37; Barbara Lutts, '36; Mary Swimming, Hockey, And
R. Pattie, '36; Mary Jane Shields, Basketball Squads All
'37; Alice L. Stebbins, '38; Lillian
Tollhorst, '38; and Katherine Von Have Good Chances
Bichowski, '38.
Three veterans are included in this Michigan's first semester athletic
list -Winifred Bell, Mary Burns and program reaches its peak today when
Barbara Lutts. These three girls will three Varsity teams face invading op-
probably be on the two teams that
enter in the two debates scheduled ponents this afternoon and tonight
for this semester. The first debate with chances for the Wolverines
takes places with Purdue on Feb. 27 scoring a slam being high.
in Lafayette. Michigan's negative The basketball team will seek its
team will go there while the affirm- first Conference victory at 7:30 p.m.
ative team will remain in Ann Arbor ft Cheence itr at 7:30
to debate Indiana Feb. 28. The ques- atithe Field House when it clashes
tion is the same for both debates and with Minnesota, rated below the
is: "Resolved: That the United States Wolverines in pre-season dope. Coach
Should Support the League of Na- Cappon will start the same five that
tions in the Enforcement of Sanc- dropped a hard battle to Indiana
tions Provided for in the Covenant Monday night, Earl Meyers still be-
of the League." ing at Capt. Chelso Tomagno's guard
The question is a timely one since post.
this country is at the present mo- At 8:30 the hockey sextet will face
ment troubled over its efforts in try- the powerful Chatham Maroons, who
ing to maintain a dignified state of defeated Michigan last year in an
neutrality despite Italo-Ethiopian overtime game, 3-2. Michigan will
difficulties, such as the oil sanction, be at its full strength for this game
Mr. Secord said, holding that both and will seek todrepeat its fine per-
debates should be rather close con- formance of Wednesday when it de-
tests. He also mentioned the im- feated Ilderton.
portance of the women's debates al- Michigan's National Championship
though there are only two of them, swimming team entertains Indiana in
for the women's debates are included the Intramural Building pool at 4
with the men's in the competition p.m. with Coach Mann's natators
for the Western Conference Debate odds-on favorites to win their first
League championship, dual meet of the season.
Goodfellows Play Kindly Santa
To Hundreds Of Need Children

Bonus Bill
Is Passed
By House
Anticipate Effort In Senate
To Alter Measure; House
Gives It 356-59 Majority
No Definite Method
Of Payment Offered
Republican Move To Use
Relief Money To Pay Is
Defeated Easily
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10.--(P) -
A boisterous House today shouted ap-
proval of a cash payment Bonus Bill,
tossing the 1936 battle over the peren-
nial issue into the lap of the Senate.
Even as the measure sped un-
amended through the House, on a
356 to 59 vote - more than enough
to override a veto - efforts to change
its form were in the making at the
other end of the Capitol.
Democratic Senate leaders, seeking
some form that might find Presi-
dential approval, were reported seek-
ing support of veterans for bonus
payment in bonds redeemable in cash
on demand.
Payable Immediately
Chairman Pat Harrison, (Dem.,
Miss.), called a meeting of the Sen
ate Finance Committee Monday t
consider the bonus. The major vet-
erans' organizations are backing the
House bill.
The Vinson-Patman-McCormack
measure passed today provides no
definite method of payment. It would
declare veterans' adjusted service cer-
tificates payable immediately, but
would offer 3 per cent interest until
1945 to former soldiers who refrain
from cashing them.
The tensity of earlier bonus fights
was gone today as the House passed
the bill. Jovial and chatty, membcii
came to the floor to cast their vo
Speaker Joseph W.Byrns'repeatcdly
had to pound for order and finally
admonished them to remain in their
seats, stop the rumble of conversa-
tion and quit parading about the
Mapes Votes No
Rep. Carl E. Mapes, (Rep., Mich.),
was the only member of the Michigan
delegation to vote against the bonus.
All other Michigan representatives-
10 Republicans and six Democrats -
voted for the bill.
Packed galleries - in violation of
the rules--joined in a salvo of ap-
plause when Byrns announced the bill
had carried. Officials-of the veterans'
organizations smiled down from the
rear seats in the members' galleries.
National Commander James E. Van
Zandt of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars called the vote a "complete an-
swer to the miserable minority which
has blocked decisive action on this
legislation for years."
After Republicans were beaten
back, 319 to 89, on a final effort to
force payment of the adjusted serv-
ice certificates from relief money,
many of them voted for the bill.
Russian Army
Increased For
War Defense
Caused By The 'Aggressive

Intentions Of Germany
And Japan'
MOSCOW, Jan. 10.--(W) - Soviet
Russia, one of the world's strongest
military powers, frankly announced
in even greater rearmament pro-
gram tonight because of "the aggres-
sive intentions of Japan and Ger-
Dyavheslaff Molotoff, who is pre-
mier through his office of president
of the council of commissars, dis-
Aosed the far-reaching military plans
in a bristling address to the All-
Union central executive committee.
Among his auditors was Joseph Stal-
"It has become most essential that
we put our defenses on the highest
attainable plane," Molotoff said.
"This must add greatly to the mili-
tary budget.
"We must see that the entire army
knows its job thoroughly and is pre-
pared to act with the highest ef-

Esquire Leads List Of Men's
Favorites, Liberty Low In Poll,

What magazine do you prefer to
read? Would you rather peruse
Vogue, the Woman's Home Com-
panion, Amazing Stories, Esquire, the
New Yorker, or just the plain old-
fashioned joke book?
Men students, in a poll conducted
by the Union in its Pendleton Library,
preferred Esquire from a total list of
27 magazines.
The poll, which will close Monday
night, is being conducted in order to
determine what periodicals are pre-
ferred by the majority of students
and in order- to make the magazines
available in the library conform to
the tastes of the men.
The periodicals on which the stu-

number of votes. Fortune, the New
Yorker, and Vanity Fair were the
other periodicals liked best by the
The results showed that Liberty
and Colliers, two weekly fiction mag-
azines, were comparatively low in the
list. Liberty was third from the bot-
tom in the total list of 27, and Col-
liers was in tenth place.
The only "liberal" publication in
the total list of publications now in
the library was the Nation. This per-
iodical was tied for eighth place with
Life, a humor magazine.
Other fiction magazines such as
the Red Book, Cosmopolitan and the
Saturday Evening Post, were also low
in the list, Harpers, the Atlantic

A little three year old girl who
until now has lived her life on a hos-
pital bed because of a dislocated hip,
found her first dress, coat and over-
3hoes under the Christmas tree on
her first day at home.
It was a different kind of a Santa
Claus for her, and for many another
of Ann Arbor's needy this year -
more kindly, all-seeing, more consid-
erate for the feelings of little chil-
dren than usual-and he was able
to come because the entire campus,
students and faculty, became warm-
hearted Michigan Daily Goodfellows
for a day.
In many cases children who never
before had worn new clothing re-
ceived shiits, blouses, trousers and

Welfare Bureau to lend a helping
hand to needy children and famil-
Hundreds of destitute knew a more
cheery and hopeful Christmas this
year because of the generosity of the
campus and because of the work of
the Family Welfare Burau. Eight
Senior sociology students, together
with five staff workers and members
of the Bureau worked night and 'day
preparing lists so that no one would
be over-looked or duplicated, so that
everyone would get that which they
needed most.
Some were given shoes and cloth-
ing, so that they were able to go
outside, and others to go to school
without embarrassment. In one
family, the purchase of clothes for
three nvt~c wnhncPa fnr, fI-.n, n i-

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