The Weather
Cloudy, local snows, colder
in southeast portion today; to-
morrow cloudy, warmer in
west portion.
oit r
A6F 4o,
litr4t gun
The Classless Conference
System ... .
Criticism Must Be
Beaten By
6-5 score
Berryman, Heyliger Tally
Twice; Merrill Counts In
Second Period
Varsity Crippled By
Absence Of David
Rallies By McMaster Team
Decide Seesaw Battle;
MichiganTires At End
A husky, smooth passing McMaster
University hockey team handed Ed-
die Lowrey's Wolverines their first de-
feat of the 1935-36 season at the
Coliseum last night when they came
from behind to score three goals in
the third period as they outslated a
tired Michigan team which used only
one reserve. The score was 6-5.
Play throughout the entire game
was fast and marked by hard check-
ing by both teams as defensive lapses
were responsible for the majority of
the scores. Heyliger, besides scoring
two goals and two assists was the
defensive star of the Wolverine team
and he used his brilliant sweep-check
to break up MclVaster plays at center
Michigan matched McMaster stride
for stride up to the latter part of the
final stanza when the Wolverines
weakened and the Canadian six mak-
ing use of ample reserve power,
banged home first the tying score
and then after Heyliger's score on a
penalty shot, got two more goals in
rapid succession to put the Hamilton
team out in front to stay.
Michigan Defense Faulty
The Wolverire sophomore defense
had trouble keeping the invaders
away from goalie Low, and the win-
ning tally came when the rubber car-
romed off Dick Berryman's skate into
the Michigan cage with less than
three minutes to go in the last period.
Michigan matched the Canadians
and even outskated them for min-
utes at a time but could not keep up
the pace which McMaster was able to
set with their reserve power.
The first counter of the game came
after 13:20 of the initial period when
Williams skated in to take Apps pass
in the goal mouth and ram it into the
corner to put McMaster out in 1-0.
A minute later Heyliger outskated
the McMaster forward line and whip-
ped a beautiful pass to Dick Berry-
man who took the puck just inside the
red line and beat goalieHutton with
a blazing drive on which he had no
chance to save.
McMaster Ties Score
Berryman made it 2-1, a moment
later when he skated in to bat Jack
Merrill's rebound into the net in
The Canadians tied up the game
just before the end of the period
when McLougram sucked Low out
of the net and passed to McAdam who
scored easily with the Michigan goalie
prone on the ice.
The second period opened with a
rush as both teams put on the pres-
sure. The Michigan defense failed
to stop Moore as he swept down
center ice and passed to Williams
who beat Low with a hard shot into
the upper left hand corner. Time
was 3:48.
McMaster continued to apply the
pressure, but frequent offsides kept
them in check as the Wolverines,'
(Continued on Page 3)
Diamond's Letter
On Olympics Nets
$50 Christmas Gift
Philip Diamond, instructor in the
German department, knows already
what he is going to get for Christ-
mas, because Santa Claus announced
it over the radio the other night.
The gift is nothing less than a
check for $50, and the Santa Claus
is perhaps better known as Col. Bob
Newhall, sports commentator of
Radio Station WLW.
It seems that Mr. Diamond has
some definite ideas about why the
United States should not participate
in the coming Olympic Games in Ber-
Some time ago "Colonel Bob" re-
quested the hearers (including Mr.
Diamond) of his daily sportscast to
aralytics Will.
New Hospital
Rackham Fund Donation
Finances Construction Of
Expected to be completed by Jan.
15, the therapeutic pool now being
built in the basement of University
Hospital, was given to the University
by the Rackham Fund Board in order
to give it proper facilities for treat-
ment of patients whose muscles are
paralyzed as the result of poliomye-
litis or other diseases.
The submersion method ofctreat-
ment is based upon the fact that
the force exerted upon the human
body when it is under water is suffi-
cient to effectually reduce the work
which must be done by muscles in
moving the extermities, Dr. Willis S.
Peck, assistant director of the De-
partment of Physical Therapy, who
is in charge of apparatus, said. It
is thus possible, he added, for the
patient to actively exercise muscles
retaining but a fraction of their nor-
mal strength, sometimes even as low
as five per cent.
Rehabilitates Muscles
The primary purpose of this meth-
od, Dr. Peck pointed out, is to main-
tain to the fullest efficiency the in-
dividual fibers within the muscles
which appear to be almost completely
paralyzed. Starting with exceedingly
mild exercise and gradually increas-
ing the amount permitted, further
paralysis resulting from disuse of the
muscles is prevented, he said, and
oftentimes striking degrees of re-
covery are made possible. Thus re-
habilitation of crippled muscles may
often be brought about through a
method of directed exercise.
In order to carry out this form of
treatment it is necessary to have at-
tendants, trained in directing exer-
cise, enter the pool with the patients
and teach them how to use their
crippled muscles.
Allied Treatments
Massage and various forms of light
and heat treatment are so closely al-1
lied with underwater exercise, Dr.
Peck stated, that the University has
developed new quarters for these ex-
isting services in proximity to the new
pool, and when completed the new1
facilities for physical therapy of all
forms will be unusually well de-
veloped at the hospital. ,
The therapeutic pool itself, meas-
uring about 15 by 25 feet, has a
depth which varies from two and'
one-half to four and one-half feet.
Special appartus is being installed toi
assist in the support of paralyzed pa-
New Geology
Field Station
Will Be Set Up
Colorado Region 'Rich In
Geological Phenomena
To ReplaceOld Site
A new geology field station willj
be set up at State Bridge, Colo., it
was announced yesterday. The new
Colorado station will be the site of
the annual geology camp which is
held each year during the summer
The former station, which was lo-
cated at Mill Springs, Ky. and at
which the camp has been held for the
past 16 years, will be abandoned.
The region chosen for the new
camp and for the field courses is
"particularly rich in geological phe-
nomena" officials in charge of the
camp stated yesterday. The region
contains excellent exposures of the
various rocks and the complex his-
tory of the Colorado River is re-
corded in the region. Instructive
examples of mountain glaciation are
exhibited nearby.
StateaBridge, where the camp will
be located is 125 miles west of
Denver and is on the Colorado River.
Geology department members said
the total enrollment of the camp this
year would probably be limited to 20
persons, and that all interested in
enrolling should hand in their names
to Mrs. 0. G. Belknap in the office
of the geology department.
A special bulletin describing the
area and character of the courses to
be offered at the camp will be is-
sued by the end of January, and
Prof. T. S. Lovering of the geology
department will give a lecture illus-
trated with moving pictures and
slides for those who are interested in
enrolling. The dates for the camp
Be Treated In Borah's 'Hat
Swimming PoolInRing' For
tients when submerged in the water.
The water, which is purified by filtra- Sure,_Report
tion and the addition of chlorine, will
be maintained at a constant temper-
ature of90degrees Fahrenheit, and S ator Supporting Move
will be constantly circulated through j~nIo uprigMv
the filtering apparatus on the floor To Secure Wisconsin's
beneath. The water is warmed in G.O.P. Delegation
order to prevent chilling of the pa-- _
tients and to increase their blood cir-
culation, Dr. Peck said. Statement Verifies
Tank Replaced
The pool replaces a tank which the
hospital formerly used. The presen-
tation of funds for the completion of
the pool and the installation of ap-
paratus by the Rackham Fund was
instigated, Dr. Peck declared, by the
recent widespread interest in the
treatment of infantile paralysis pop-
ularized by President Roosevelt, who
was once a patient at the Warm
Springs Foundation in Georgia. The
facilities which have been installed
at the hospital are similar to those
at Warm Springs.
According to Dr. Peck, the Rack-
ham Fund has "wisely provided"
funds for the care of infantile par-
alysis victims who, unable to go to
sanitaria such as the one at Warm
Springs, may receive treatment at the
University Hospital.
Students Pack
Shops For Last
Minute Buying
Stores Hire Extra Help To
Take Care Of Crowds Of
Christnas Shoppers
The Christmas season in Ann Ar-
bor reached a climax yesterday as stu-
dents, hurrying through the falling
snow to get last-minute gifts, did a
record business at campus shops and
the local post office hired more than
16 clerks to handle the mailing.
More than 25 persons were hired
irr the campus shops, and an unusual-
ly large amount of business was re-
ported in gift and book stores. Nearly
all the campus'shop proprietors said
their Christmas business this year
was better than it was in December
of 1934. Only one merchant, a tailor,
said his business had not picked up
this week, and he admitted that it
showed an increase over a year ago.
The record business of 1935 was
done in the post office this year, Post-
master A. C. Peck said. More than
700 sacks of mail are being sent out
of Ann Arbor each day, mostly to
Detroit and eastern points. Long
lines of persons could be seen stand-
ing in front of the campus branch
post office windows all day yester-
day, and extra clerks were not able
to take care of the rush adequately.
The temperature was falling slight-
ly last night as many students began
their evacuation of Ann Arbor. The
mercury at 7 p.m. yesterday was re-
ported from the University Observa-
tory at 27.3 degrees, with the indica-
tion that it would continue to drop.
Nearly an inch of snow fell yesterday,
bringing the total for the week up to
nearly three and a half inches, the
Observatory said. Predictions were
for a "white Christmas" in this sec-
With this issue The Daily sus-
pends publication for the dura-
ticn of the Christmas holidays.
The next issue will appear Tues-
day, Jan. 7.
His Previous HintI
Two-Day Huddle Precedes
Veteran Idaho Senator's
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. -(P) -
A statement by Sen. William E. Bo-
rah, (Rep., Ida.), considered by some
to be tantamount to an announce-
ment that he would seek the Repub-
lican nomination, was given to news-t
papermen tonight in response to in-
'wo Wisconsin Republicans, after
a series of conferences with the Ida-
hoan, first announced that he had
endorsed a. proposal to elect a Borah-
for-President delegation from that
state to the 1936 Republican con-
Asked about this, Borah replied
"I told them that whatever they
did along that line I would stand in
with them."
The original statement, by State
Sen. Philip E. Nelson, of Maple, Wis.,
and former State Sen. Bernard Get-
telman, of Milwaukee, coupled with
Borah's reply, certainly projected him
into the nomination race further
than any previous public pronounce-
Borah gave a somewhat similar
reply recently to friends who wished
to enter his name in the Ohio pri-
mary. He has never formaly an-
nounced that he would be a candi-
date, however, even though saying he
had a "1936 objective."
The Idahoan tonight explained'
that Nelson and Gettelman had pro-
posed putting "a delegation repre-
senting the liberal forces in the party
out there, and in my name." He
added again that he had agreed "to
go along with them."
The two visiting Republicans said
they would return to Wisconsin im-
mediately and organize a Borah-for-
President organization in their state,
circulate nominating petitions, and
"do all that is necessary to secure
Borah-pledged delegates to the na-
tional convention."
They added that they had made
the trip to Washington on their own
volition to submit their proposal to
the Idaho senator.
Senior Class
Dues Tangle
Is Explained
Payment Is Not Required
For Graduation, Rich
Declares In Letter
Sullivan's Statement
Is OfficiallyRefuted
Many Calls Are Received
From Worried Students
Who Couldn't Pay $1
Payment of senior class dues is not
a pre-requisite to graduation, it was
pointed out yesterday by Prof. Dan-
iel L. Rich, director of classification,
in refutation of a statement recently
credited to R~obert R. Sullivan, '36,
senior class treasurer.
SProfessorRich called attention to a
notice published repeatedly by Vice-
President Shirley W. Smith, which
stated that non-payment of class dues
has nothing to do with graduation or
the status of a student as an alumni.
"We have had literally dozens of
worried calls from students who fear
that their names will not be included
on the list of graduates or that they
will be denied graduation, unless sen-
ior dues are paid," Professor Rich
wrote The Daily.
Sullivan's statement in Tuesday's
Daily, declared that "unless these
dues are paid, seniors will be unable
to have their names inluded on the
list of graduates, will not receive their
leather bound commencement invi-
tations, and it is expected that they
will not be able to purchase Senior
Ball tickets."_
Sullivan last night said that his
statement was "misunderstood."
What really happens to seniors who
neglect payment of their $1 dues, he
explained, is that their names will
be excluded from the list of graduates
in the class' commencement invi-
tations. He denied having intended
to intimate that non-payment of dues
really affects graduation.
Professor Rich wrote The Daily
that "Out of sympathy for many stu-
dents to whom a dollar means a dol-
lar, I want to request that you cor-
rect a statement appearing on page
one, column one, of your issue of
Tuesday, Dec. 17: 'Unless senior class
dues are paid, seniors will be unable
to have their names included on the
list of graduates.'
"The following notice, Professor
Rich continued," has been published
repeatedly by Vice-President Shirley
W. Smith: 'Notice to seniors - in
answer to several inquiries, payment
of class dues is not a pre-requisite
to graduation, and non-payment of
dues will not affect a student's alumni
standing. Shirley W. Smith.'
Borglum Envisions
New Mountain Job
CHICAGO, Dec. 19. - UP) - Gut-
zon Borglum, sculptor of national
monuments, has his eye on another
Here to report to the Mt. Rush-
more Commission on the progress on
the great South Dakota job of carv-
ing during the past year, the sixty-
four-year-old craftsman disclosed
that he would prepare models this
winter for a proposed memorial to be
whittled from a mammoth rock that
rises from the floor of the desert
near El Paso, Tex.
In order to benefit from the re-
duced price of the 1936 Michigan-
ensian, students are urged to make
payments, now due, today at the
Student Publications Building.
His Grandson Released
Students To Hit Trail
Homeward By Dog Sled
A dog-sled will convey Thomas Jef-
feries, '36, and John A. Washburn,
'37, to their homes next week -and
they live, not in the Far North, but
right here in Michigan.
Jefferies and Washburn both live
in Ironwood, where the snow gets
very deep at this time of year. The
only train they can get from here
takes them no further than Minoca,
some 50 miles from their city home.
From Minoca, which has no busses
or interurbans, they have to take a
dog-sled, and it usually takes them
a full day, and sometimes more, they
Last year neither Jefferies or
Washburn went home because the
snow was represented as too deep,
they said. Ironwood is more than;
800 miles from Ann Arbor, farther
away than either New York City or
Commons Upholds
Government On Its
Plan Move
-Associated Press Photo.
Caleb Milne, Jr., wealthy Phila-
delphia textile manufacturer, re-
joiced yesterday when he learned
that his son had been released by
alleged abductors. No ransom was
paid. (See article on page 2.)
Murder Hnted
In T elma Todd
Jury Foreman Declares
Monoxide Killing Might
Be Solution Of Mystery
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 19. -(P) -
George W. Rochester, foreman of the
Los Angeles County grand jury, de-
clared tonight evidence he has gath-
ered indicates strongly that Thelma
Todd, screen actress, might have been
a "monoxide murder" victim.
Rochester announced he had is-
sued a subpoena for Pasquale de
Cicco, former husband of Miss Todd
and an artists agent.
De Cicco now is in New York. He
left Los Angeles by airplane the dayi
after the body was found. He said he
was zooming east to spend the holi-
days with relatives.
"We are not pointing the finger of
suspicion at anyone," said Rochester.
We are anxious to learn from Mr. De-
Cicco whether there was anything in
Miss Todd's life that might lead him
to believe she was murdered."
De Cicco was asked by Rochester to
appear before the grand jury Monday
morning when it will investigate the
strange death of Miss Todd, whose
body was found last Monday morn-
ing in her garage. The coroner's
jury yesterday gave a verdict of ap-
parent accidental death by monoxide
gas fumes from the automobile ex-
haust, but recommended further in-
A steady stream of persons filed
through a mortuary chapel today for
a last glimpse of Miss Todd.
Police reserves were called to the
undertaking parlors on West Wash-
ington boulevard, but there was no
disturbance. The crowd was com-
posed mostly of movie fans, but in-
cluded studio associates and friends
of the actress who was found dead
in her garage Monday.
Blind SenatorHurt
CriticallyBy Auto
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. -() -
Thomas D. Schall, blind senator from
Minnesota, was struck by an auto-
mobile on a heavily traveled high-
way near this city tonight and in-
jured critically.
Schall, a Republican, is one of the
Capitol Hill's most bitter critics of the
Roosevelt administration.
The accident occurred at Cottage
City, Md., a few miles north of this
city. Schall, hurried to a Washing-
ton hospital, was reported to have
suffered internal injuries, a fractured
leg and lacerations of the head.
Baldwin, Adherents Plead
Guilty To An Error Of
Judgment On Proposals
Hoare Is In Tears;
Baldwin Apologetic
Fear That League 'Would
Break Up' Was Impetus
Behind Peace Attempt
LONDON, Dec. 19. --UP) --The
British Government won a sweeping
victory in the House of Commons
on its handling of the African peace
plan. A Labor motion of censure was
defeated, 397 to 165.
LONDON, Dec. 19.-- (/P)--Prime
Minister Stanley Baldwin and his
government today pleaded guilty to
an error of judgment in approving the
Hoare-Laval peace proposals and
threw themselves on the mercy of the
huge majority in the House of Com-
The House of Lords, without a di-
vision, upheld the government after
debate on the peace plan.
The long-awaited disclosure be-
hind the widely condemned scheme
which startled the world fizzled out
in a simple confession by Baldwin
that he had made a mistake.
Pale and obviously worried, Bald-
win spoke to a House which displayed
much hostility. He followed Sir
Samuel Hoare, co-author of the plan
with Premier Laval, of France. Sir
Samuel resigned last night as For-
eign Secretary because of the wide-
spread opposition to the formula,
Hoare in his 45 minutes of ex-
::lanation, said fear that. the League
vaould break up rather than fear of
"any Italian threat" was behind the
British peace move.
After defending his stand, Hoare
left the House in tears. The Prince
of Wales attended for Hoare's speech.
Baldwin said he would not let
such a mistake happen again and
that it was a lesson to him.
Baldwin said the peace plan was
"absolutely and completely dead"
and that the British Government
would not attempt to resurrect it.
PARIS, Dec. 19.--(V)-The over-
throw of Premier Pierre Laval's cab-
inet next week because of his agree-
ment with Sir Samuel Hoare on an
Ethiopian peace plan was predicted
tonight in lobbies of Parliament.
At the same time fear grew of a
possible spread of the African war
to Europe.
(By The Associated Press)
Claims that Italian forces hadfled
the Takkaze River front t"in great
disorder, leaving the battlefield
strewn with dead," were. dispatched
to Emperor Haile Selassie Thursday
by Dedjazmatch Ayale, commander of
the Ethiopian Army on the left bank
of the stream.
11,500 Teachers
1To 'Obtain Jobs
State WPA Plans To Hire
Instructors From Relief
Rolls, Director Says
Employment for 1,500 teachers was
assured yesterday by the announce-
ment of Harry L. Pierson, State WPA
Administrator, that he has approved
the launching of a state-wide educa-
tional program immediately after the
Nearly all the teachers will be re-
cruited from relief rolls. Their ac-
tivities, embracing every phase of ed-
ucation from the direction of nursery
schools to freshman colleges, will en-
able 25,000 persons of all ages to ad-
vance their learning, he said.
Students who complete their sub-
jects under the new teachers with
the proper grades will be accredited
with the equivalent of first-year rank-
ing in the University of Michigan,
Wayne University, Michigan State
Decline Of Community Feeling'Among
Michigan Farmers Noted By Holmes
The decline of community feelingI
among the farming population of
Michigan is indicated in the research1
work being carried on by Prof. Roy H.
Holmes of the sociology department.
According to a set of conclusions
he has drawn from correspondence
carried on with more than 200 rural
inhabitants of the state, sentiment
for community life among farmers is
decreasing because of their indivi-
dualistic outlook, because of an in-
creasing dependence on the radio, and
because of the confining nature of
farm work.
munity agency, is in many cases giv-
ing way to the radio, which links
the farmer to the whole world with
an attendant loss of interest in near-
by community affairs."
Another set of conclusions drawn
up by Professor Holmes points out
that on farms "the home is a much
more influential agency in the de-
velopment of the child than is the
case elsewhere."
Regarding child labor on the farms,
Professor Holmes believes that "a
considerable number of children are
carrying much more than their right-
doubtedly favorable result of the
farm child's regular work habits is the
relatively low rate of juvenile delin-
quency in country districts."
Moral standards among rural peo-
ple are indicated by such statements
as "I feel that we should start a
crusade against cigarettes. The mag-
azines and papers advertise them a
great deal. Young school girls think
it smart to smoke," and "It has al-
ways seemed to me that a girl who
was hitch-hiking lacked modesty."
One correspondent protests, "I'm
just skeptical of getting any relief