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December 15, 1935 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-15

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IVIONUAY, DEC. 16, 1935



Publisned every morning except Monday during the
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Thanks For
Your Cooperation...
OU HAVE HELPED, by your pur-
chase of this Goodfellow edition of
The Daily, to make a merrier Christmas for some-
one whose lot would have been less happy other-
We who have seen these people who will be
helped by your generosity take this means of con-
veying to you their gratitude, their wishes that
your own Christmas celebration will be made more
enjoyable to you by the knowledge that you have
shared your bread with others.
This Goodfellow edition, on our part, was an
experiment. It was our first attempt in the
field, but assured of success even before this issue
goes to press, we feel that the idea and the good
that will be done warrant its continuation as an
annual tradition.
We feel too that we have succeeded in promul-
gating a more humane idea of charity; that which
has consideration for the feelings of those whom
it helps; and that which is wisely administered,
designed to give the most help for the resources
at its command.
May we thank you then for your assistance in
founding a project of such eminent worth. We
hope it will continue to grow and be of increasing
service to our fellow human beins.
The Convention
City Search
WHENEVER the politicians tire of
asking themselves who the Repub-
lican nominee for the presidency will be in 1936,
as who does not tire of it, they speculate about
where the national conventions, both Republican
and Democratic, will be held.
The most recent dope advanced among the pow-
ers that be is that the G.OP. pow-wow may con-
vene in Cleveland. The good thing about Cleve-
land, in the minds of party bigwigs, is that there
is no potential candidate there. There are so
many so-called Republican candidates that it ap-
parently has been difficult for them to choose a
city for the convention.
Chicago, where conventions usually go when
there is no place else, is the home of Col. Frank
Knox. Kansas City is the political stronghold of
Gov. Alf. Landon. Any Idaho city would come
under the influence of Senator Borah, as any
Michigan city might be influenced by Senator
Vandenberg. As for the East, the Republican big-
shots seem to believe that is where all the anti-
New Deal gentlemen hangout anyway, and so why
And then somebody thought of Cleveland. Who
knows? They may hold the Republican conven-
tion there. Who cares -
Regarding the Democratic convention, the idea I
recently proposed by Senator Guffey that the
Democrats meet in rock-ribbed Republican Phil-
adelphia is not as funny as it might appear. All
loyal Democrats believe firmly that the West is

definitely theirs. The President has more than
once attacked the "intrenched" interests of the
East. Why not, Senator Guffey has decided, hold
the meeting in Philadelphia? There might be
a chance to gain some Democratic votes.
Reports indicate that some of the high-ups in
the Democratic party look favorably on this pro-
nna1 hini mwe are inclind to smile 1u our sleeve

Letters published in 'this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reect
fetters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
Sell Out
To the Editor:
Now come Britain and France with a plan for
the peaceful settlement of the Italo-Ethiopian
conflict. It entails, simply, handing over to
Mussolini, without any further bother on his part,
almost half of Ethiopia.
Few have been so happily idealistic as to imag-
ine that Britain and France have been blowing
up the League bubble for any reasons but their
own selfish interests, yet a good many believed
that their actions, irregardless of the motives
behind them, were for the better interests of
honorable international relations. The Baldwin-
Laval proposal is useful at least in making it
1 indisputably clear that such governments cannot
act honorably in international affairs.
oThey will probably cry out that they are
bringing peace, and that's what everybody wanted.
I would say that what they are trying to do
is to win a disintegrating campaign for a robber
nation. No one who believes in the justice of
Ethiopia's cause can help but be incensed by this
proposed shameful sell-out of Ethiopia.
As Others See It
Peers And Circuses
(From the New York Herald-Tribune)
THE TRIAL of Lord de Clifford by the House of
Lords, so reminiscent of "Iolanthe," seems
likely to be the last pageant of its kind. This is sad
news, since the world we live in has little enough
of the ritual which every social order should
preserve if it would beguile its victims. But the
desire that lords hereafter be tried as commoners
springs apparently not so much from the envy
of commoners as from the lords themselves, or
at least from those among them who object to the
cost of such a show. And one must agree with
them that $20,000, though it comes for the
most part from the taxpayers, is a pretty big
price to pay for the privilege of sitting on a jury,
even one arrayed in robes of scarlet and ermine.
The law which decreed that the young baron
should answer for the charge of manslaughter
only to his fellow nobles is as old as Magna Carta.
The famous thirty-ninth clause of that ancient
document gives an accused man the right to a
judgment by his peers. This was construed very
early to mean that a man must not be judged
by his inferiors. But the nobility had in the
beginning an even better reason for insisting on
special treatment. If one of them was convicted
of treason or a felony his lands were forfeited
to the crown. They established the principle,
therefore, that the King through his justices
could not be the judge in his own cause, that
only peers could fairly try a peer.
The feudal right extends only to cases of treason
or felony, but in these it cannot be waived. The
barons under Edward III attempted to extend it
to misdemeanors which did not involve forfeiture,
but they failed. Hence when Lord Kylsant, in
1931, was indicted for issuing a prospective of his
shipping company "which he knew to be false
in material part" he had to stand tr.ial at the Old
Bailey. Unfortunately for him, his offense was
classed as a misdemeanor.
We say unfortunately for him because he was
sent to jail for his sins while Lord de Clifford
had the distinguished pleasure of starring in a
splendid spectacle ending quite as happily as a
Gilbert and Sullivan operetta. However, the lords
have not always been so lenient with their de-
fendants. In 1776 they convicted the Duchess

of Kingston of bigamy, allowing her to flee to
the continent. Bigamy also was the charge on
which they convicted Earl Russell in 1901 and for
which he served three months. In 1841 they
acquitted the Earl of Cardigan of attempted mur-
der in a duel.
These are the only cases that have come before
the tribunal in the 160 years preceding the de
Clifford affair. Surely their number hardly Var-
rants their abolition. Where, pray, can the people
turn for better circuses?
Credit For Postal Prosperity
(From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
POSTAL RECEIPTS, says Postmaster-General
Farley, are "one of the most reliable barome-
ters of business conditions." So he credits his de-
partment's $44,000,000 increase in takings in the
last fiscal year to better business conditions.
Largely true, no doubt, but not entirely.
Has Mr. Farley forgotten the late unlamented
chain-letter craze, which threatened to bog down
the postal system last spring until it died a natural
death? Stamp collectors, too, should receive some
credit, for they bought about $2,000,000 worth, or
more, of the special reprints known among phila-
telists as "Farley's follies." Another large slice
of credit should go to the radio speakers and prop-
aganda organizations, whose followers, urged to
"write your Congressman," did so in great profu-
sion. And incidentally, Mr. Farley, as Democratic
national chairman, did considerable letter-writing
himself, to California and other parts.

The Conning Tower

Saturday, December 7
UP AND TO THE OFFICE, where all morning,
and so home for luncheon, and thenafter at
some work, and by Fifth Avenue bus with two of
my boys to the Museum of the City of New York,
and I was struck on the way by what seemed to me
a great paucity of buses, and I do wonder whether
fewer are run now than last December. But the
Museum we found mighty interesting, my boys
liking the ship models, from the Mary Powell
to the Bremen, best; and they liked the models
of scenes from old days in New Amsterdam, and
in New York, too. But Lord! what a beautiful
building it is, outside and inside, and I had forgot
! who designed it, so asked the first person I saw,
and she did not know; and asked an attendant, and
he tells me it was Joseph Freedlander. So by bus
home, the Museum closing at five o'clock, and in
the evening to a cinema called "Dr. Socrates," no
good to me, possibly because I am spoiled for all
film-shows since having seen last night "A Night
at the Opera," the merriest cinema ever I heard
and saw.
Sunday, December 8
THIS DAY 1,999 years ago was born Horace the
Latin writer; and all celebrating today as
though he had been born two thousand years
ago, which, if zero equals one, he was. But to
ask that a celebrant of a poet's birth be also
one skilled in higher mathematics is too much to
demand. To the office for a little and home to
dinner, and so with Timothy to the Philharmonic
concert, he quiet, whether with boredom or at-
tentativeness I do not know, but when Lotte
Lehman appeared in a white gown he whispered
"Isn't she pretty?" and when she had finished
a German song, he asked "What language?" So we
to a party at Marie Hardart's, and thence home,
and I to Inez Irwin's, and met Connie Smith
and Phyllis Duganne, whom once I knew as the
Baby Bards of Scituate. And G. and Estelle
Burgess there, and I mighty glad to see them, and
Miss Zona Gale, too, and we talked of this and
that, and of the motor car rides I took her and her
mother on eighteen years ago. And I met so many
friends there that when I got home I made a vow
to be a hermit no longer
Monday, December 9
BETIMES to the office, where all the day, and so
U home to dinner, and in the evening to see
"Paradise Lost," and I do not remember ever see-
ing a better acted play, and there were moments
of fine tragic bitterness in it, and moments of so
great confusion that I could not follow it. But it
was so good that all wanted it to be better, I
thought, and it seems to me that now Mr. Clifford
Odets is to the stage something like Sinclair,
Lewis is to the novel: that is to say the most-rooted
fellow of them all.
Tuesday, December 10
LAY TILL EIGHT, and so to the office, and find
there a letter from Frank J. Manheim, tell-
ing of an omission, in his "Daniel Frohman Pre-
sents," of his first published work. It was a guide
book for prospective advertisers in the New York,
Tribune, and the literary editor, in the issue of
June 22, 1869, wrote:
Mr. Daniel Frohman has just published, in
a neat little pamphlet, a collection of hints to
advertisers, which will prove of great value.
It contains a short and reliable essay on the
art of advertising, and a list of all the prin-
cipal daily and weekly papers in this city,
with the circulation of their various editions,
and their rates of advertising.
At the office till late, and in the evening to the
Philadelphia Orchestra concert, and I liked it all
but the Sibelius piece, which, from the applause
it got, everybody else seemed to like the best. So it
come on to rain, and Margaret Lewisohn sent me
home in her motor-car, pleasant and economical,
I saving eighty-five cents.
Wednesday, December 11
AT THE OFFICE all day, and home by four, and
did some work there, in the calm of my study,;
where serenity lasted without interruption for
nearly one hour; and in the evening Miss Clarkei
come in to play the Brahms Quintet with my wife,
which I querying why they settled for forty per'
cent, they tell me that it originally was written
for two pianos, instead of for a piano and four
stringed instruments. So my boy said that he
knew what they must be: A violin, a cello, a guitar,
and a ukelele. So I listened a little and then
went out to post a letter, and dawdled at a

bookshop and so got into the spirit of being out,
and fetched up playing pool with Mr. David
Wallace as my partner, we losing to a couple of
other fellows, and so I home and found the ladies
just about to cease playing. So I to bed, reading
Rose Wilder Lane's "Old Home Town," and a story
called "Country Jake" I liked best.
Thursday, December 12
WOKE this morning heavy with the realization
that I had said "I wept a Grand Inquisitor's
tear" instead of "I dropped a Grand Inquisitor's
tear." Lord! am I grown careless and slovenly?
So up and to the office, but was a long time
getting in the mood to write, which is a silly
way to feel, forasmuch if I had to wait for that
the dear ones that look to me for sustenance might
starve. But greatness in art, be it writing or an-
other art, would let the dear ones starve, foras-
much as the great have no dear ones. But worse
it would be to be an artist without greatness, and
to have no dear ones, or even a dear one, either.
Ot the office till four, and so home and did some
work there, and in the evening to G. Brett's for a
good and not unvinous dinner, and I mighty lucky,
being seated between Mrs. Desmond, a Newburgh
girl, and Gladys Bronwyn Stern, whom I am
mighty fond of.
Friday, December 13
E ARLY up, and to school with my daughter, she
saying"good morning" to everybody on the way,
and saving to me "I have nine friends." Which is.


A Washington
ASHINGTON, Dec. 15,-Attempts
to visualize the next presidential
campaign from this distance present
one surprising possibility, if not prob-
ability. It seems to be in the cards
that a number of favorite stump ora-
tors, both Democrats and Republi-
cans, will be sulking in their tents. -
The Hoover-Smith battle of '28 was
notable for that on the Democratic
side, particularly down south. Many
veteran party spellbinders avoided
bolting but did no campaigning at all
for the national ticket. They were
too busy with their own affairs. To
what extent that helped along the
Hoover crash through the lines of the
old solid south on election day is
anyone's guess. It did help. That is'
* * * *
COMING down to the Hoover-_
Roosevelt battle of '32, it looked
for a long time as if Mr. Roosevelt
would fail of the support, if he were
not actively opposed, of Al Smith and
his followers from Massachusetts to
New Jersey. Smith had all but bolted
the Chicago convention to avoid wit-
nessing Roosevelt's triumphant arriv-
al to accept the nomination in per-
None who witnessed that scene on'
the convention floor while it awaited
Roosevelt's coming is apt to forget the
strange change that occurred in many
an eastern delegation. The faces of'
the most ardent and noisy of Smith
rooters disappeared. New faces took
their place, their unidentified own-
ers cheering Roosevelt.
Smith finally was drawn into ac-
tive support of "Friend Frank" by
party loyalty arguments. He did'
yeoman service for the ticket. On the'
Republican side, Borah, one-time'
biggest gun of the Hoover '28 ora-
torical artillery, never was induced
to break silence. Like anti-Smith
southern Democrats in '28, he said
nothing and by so doing unquestion-
ably contributed his bit toward Hoov-
er's defeat.
GETTING along to '36 campaign
prospects, what aid from South
and his most intimate and influential
following can a Roosevelt-Garner
ticket expect? What part can such
southern Democrats as Senators
Glass and Byrd of Virginia, party
regulars yet stinging critics of many,
"new deal" ventures, be expected to
play in the national campaign? What
about Bennett Clark in Missouri, or
even McAdoo in California, maker of
the '32 Roosevelt nomination sweep?
Or supposing that Borah or any
one to his independent fancy is the
GOP standard bearer, what will east-
ern party strong men such as Ogden
Mills or any of a score of others whose
names have for years bulked big in
presidential campaign news, do about
No matter what happens, a record-
breaking tent-sulking contingent on
both sides indicated for '36.
Jimmy Cagney isdback in one of
the parts which he does best, that of'
a rough and ready battler who also
has a soft spot in him which even-'
tually brings about his rise from the'
"scum of the waterfront" to marriage'
with one of the society belles of San
Francisco's days of 1854. Cagney
gives a fine performance, as does Mar-

garet Lindsay as his good influence
and guiding star. Ricardo Cortez,
as one of the tougher gents of the'
Barbary Coast, is probably more like
a gambling-house proprietor than he
would be if he actually owned one.
The story opens with Cagney's ar-
rival on the Barbary Coast, where he
at once falls in with their dog-eat-
dog principal and proves to be the
best eater. He rises to a position in
which he dominates the entire coast
and, upon meeting Margaret Lindsay,
who is the owner of the crusading
San Francisco Tribune, aspires to
even greater heights, including mar-
riage to her. Margaret falls in love
with him too, but a series of murders,
with her friends as the victims, turns
her against him and she doesn't
change until he is taken by the Vigi-
lantes and threatened with hanging.
Then, after her appeal, he is paroled
in her care and to a future in which
he promises to stay on the right side
of the line.
The short subjects include a travel
talk, concerning Mexico, and a Bus-
ter Keaton comedy which has its
-G.M.W., Jr.
"Splendor" isn't exactly a scream-
ing success, but if you're a Miriam
Nnni-c f arn vnm'ln nwrhnhy find it

Communism Is Brooding
Over Beloved Don Of
Cossac ks
Sholokhov (Translated by Stephen
Garry) A. A. Knopf. $2.50.
(Of The English Dept.)
We have heard a little in this coun-
try about the collective farms in the'1
U.S.S.R. We know that kulaks haveI
been liquidated; that the grain quotass
allotted by the Central Committees2
are now filled without much trouble,
and since Ann Arbor is a suberb oft
Detroit, we can, perhaps, find in our
hearts a little civic pride that the
tractors which plowed the steps aret
Fords in all but name. The Hearstt
press has vociferously damned col-t
lectivism as a violation of the oldt
American principle of individualism,t
and the magazine TIME has enjoyedt
several of its wry, coy, little laughs at
the funny, old kulaks dying upwardS
from the stomach of machine gunt
bullets, and starvation. This is quite
a lot to know of any institution int
a foreign country, but, even so, it is
no more than an outline, which Seedsr
of Tomorrow completes Lividly andt
Communism has already oeeni
established, somewhat confusedly, inE
the region of the Don, when the book
opens. Comrade Davidov appears inr
the Cossack village of Gremyachy Log
to establish .a collective farm, at the)
command of Moscow. If you stop tor
think what would happen in yourp
community if all property were to be
put in a heap and used for the com-
mon good, without compensation,
justice, or graft, you can understand
what Davidov's problems are. The1
well-to-do are reluctant to the point
of refusal - their farms and live1
stock are confiscated; the poor are
only too eager to bring a starving nagt
and a few chickens to the commonc
building. . The true Communists,
those who have fought in the civilt
wars, give their support, for the most
part, willingly. Yet there is the form-t
er Red soldier, whose farm has beenr
built up since the Revolution by hisx
own efforts, who is against ther
scheme. He drives off his live stock sot
that it cannot be collected, is caught,
and sent away for punishment. Bul-
letins in the stiff language of bu-
reaucracy stream into the village,
urging haste, and scientific manage-
ment, and the village folk are slow
and ignorant.
More than these impediments, is1
the counter-revolutionary work of
Anisimovich, a former officer of the
Czar, who demands allegiance fromI
Yakov Lukich, the overseer of the col-
lective. Yakov, fearing death from1
either side, serves Anisimovich and
the collective alternately-when he is
not sorting wheat for the farm he isl
urging the peasants to kill all their3
animals, least they betconfiscated. A
revolt against Communism is plan-_
ned and fails. And, despite all the3
difficulties, the farm is at last estab-
lished, not perfectly, to be sure, but
well enough so that communal plow-
ing begins.
One's first impression and earliestr
memory of the book as simply the
story of the collective is its chief1
fault. There are plenty of people,
drawn with a loose detail reminis-
cent of Dostoieffsky; there are many
exciting and amusing incidents,yet
the farm overshadows them all. It is1
the important character, and I thinkt
Sholokhov intended it should be.
There is a literary code, a rule, for
propaganda nowadays, and Seeds ofl
Tomorrow, does not offend it. Thel
purpose of the book is to dramatize{
the economic progress of the village,'
and it does so very well - for Rus-l
sians. It is natural to expect that

a Russian would find the leap from
oxen to gang-plows almost an Ortha-
dox miracle - witness the secretary
of the village Soviet who took all thef
available funds and bought a motor-
cycle which he could not run. But
farm implements are nothing to us
here, jaded as we are by automatic
clutches and the imminence of tele-
vision. We cannot be expected to re-
spond emotionally to the account of a
plantation no larger and no more ef-
ficient than the Dakota wheat farms.
And, moreover, we find that under
Communism, the same things move
people as they do here - greed, an-
ger, desire for power and sex. Not
that the Communists have expressly
claimed that they wouldn't, but Shol-
okhov makes even a half-Utopia
seem still far away.
The book is superbly written and
translated. It is filled with short
sketches of the lives of the Cossacks
worth lifting out and printing by
themselves. There are bits of de-
scription and detail as well done as in
any Russian work ever written, and
everyone who is at all interested in
the work of Communism should read
it, yet for Americans, I think it will
remain a handbook of information.

AND MEN, by Vincenz Brun; (Put-
A youngish Viennese by name
Vincenz Brun has tricked out the
Athens of Socrates just as amusing-
ly as John Erskine did the Troy of
Helen, and perhaps a shade less con-
sciously. His book is about Alcibi-
ades, however, rather than Socrates.
It is called in its English transla-
tion Alcibiades, Beloved of Gods and
Men. The translation is a marvel-
ously fine job, incidentally, and the
translator's name has been left off
the book - a shame when all the bad
translators seem to get credit without
trouble. "Alcibiades" is worth the
time of any reader able to appreciate
the subtleties of life.
Alcibiades was, of course, the bright
youthful flower of the menage main-
tained by Pericles and Aspasia. He
is introduced just at the time he won
the Athenian beauty contest (ancient
Athens, it must be remembered, set
much more store by male beauty
than by female beauty). He is not
only beautiful-he is clev&'r, gay,
impudent, as fearless as youths gen-
erally are, and inordinately vain.
Brun traces his life through nu-
merous youthful excesses, through the
Spartan wars, the dark days of the
Athenian plague, through an exciting
race at Olympia, revolt and heaven
knows what else up to the moment
when he escapes with the entire
Athenian fleet from an Athenian mob
which cannot yet be sure whether it
wants to kill or kiss its exasperating
A great deal of Grecian history is
brought to life. The character of
Socrates is made singularly clear, and
the (to us) curious sexual relation-
ships of Greece are treated properly
as commonplaces rather than curiosi-
ties. Furthermore, the close and per-
sonal bond between the old gods and
their Athenian subjects is made re-
markably vivid. Finally, a very com-
plex and withal charming young devil,
namely Alcibiades, is so presented
that he might very well be the boy
around the corner.
Hopwood Edition
Ten new books have been added to
the collection of modern literature
in the Avery Hopwood reading room,
and are now available to all students
in advanced writing courses of the
English and journalism departments,
it was announced yesterday by Prof.
R. W. Cowden, director of the Hop-
wood Awards Committee.
Heading the list is the collection of
poetical attempts by writers under 25
years of age, Trial Balance, edited by
Ann Winslow. The poetry selected
from the writings of each of these
young authors has been introduced by
critical reviews from the pens of such
established authors as Bob Hillyer,
Louis Untermeyer and others.
Also featured among the new books
is Lawrence Whistler's Four Walls,
which was awarded the King's medal
in England for the year's best book
of poems. The names of the judges
for this contest, including John Mase-
field, Walter de la Mare, Laurence
Benjoin, Gilbert Murray and I. A.
Richards, insure the importance of
the prize-winning manuscript.
Other books added to the Hopwood
Room include H. L. Davis' Honey in
the Horn, winner of the Harper Prize
Novel Contest in 1935; Make it New,
Ezra Pound's 1935 essays of literary
criticism, with its emphasis on the
Elizabethan classicists and modern
French poetry.
Early One Morning in the Spring,
Walter De la Mare's amazing book
on children and the memories as set
down by many great men and wom-
en of the past; Mary Ellen Chase's
novel of New England character and
maritime history, Silas Crockett; the
fantastic play by the young English
writers, W. H. Auden and Christoph-
er Isherwood, entitled The Dog Be-

neath the Skin.
Three other books on the list, which
were donated by Harcourt, Brace and
Company, include Murder in the Ca-
thedral, by T. S. Eliot; Louis Unter-
meyer's Selected Poems and Parodies;
and Vein of Iron, by Ellen Glasgow.
A book that should provide authori-
tative and intimate sidelights on
German pre-war diplomacy is THE
EVE oF 1914, by Theodor Wolff, who
was editor of the Berliner Tageblatt
from 1906 to 1933. In this role he
met the foremost rules of continental
Europe, and his book deals entirely
with personalities and actions. It is
to be published in January by Knopf.
* * * *
Alexandre Dumas' famous cook-
book was used to prepare an enicur-



Greece Lives Again
Colorful Tale Of
Alci biades


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