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December 14, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-14

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The Weather
Cloudy and unsettled today
with local rain or snow; te-
morrow cloudy; not muicel
change in ternperature.




Buy A Goodfellow Michigan
Daily ...
Mr. Ludwig Will Succeed
Education For Ourselves ...



Faculty To
Help Fund
For Needy
Departmental Secretaries
Asked To Return Blanks
To Goodfellow Editor
New Contributions
To Fund Announced
Houses Requested To Act
As Units In Handling
Sale Of Edition
Faculty members were joining
the ranks of Michigan Daily Good-
fellows yesterday, as gifts from fra-
ternities, sororities, dormitories,
League houses, individual students
and townspeople swelled the fund
which is to give immediate aid and
a Merry Christmas to students in
need, children, and destitute famil-
Contribution blanks were placed in
the hands of faculty members by
Goodfellow workers yesterday, and
they were asked to return the slips
with their contributions to the secre-
taries of their department, who will
direct them to the Goodfellow Editor
of The Daily on or before Monday,
when the special edition of The Daily
will be issued.
Fraternity and sorority presidents
were being contacted by the Good-
fellows all this week, and are being
urged to manage the sale of Good-
fellow Daily's with their houses act-
ing as units. Chi Phi, with their
president, Berend Von Bremen act-
ing as Goodfellow, topped the list of
yesterday's contributors with $21.
An offer of unusual generosity was
made to the Goodfellow fund yester-
day by Osias Zwerdling, owner of
the Zwerdling Fur Shop. In addi-
tion to his personal contribution of
$10, Mr. Zwerdling is advertising in
the special Goodfellow edition (pro-
fits from advertisements in the edi-
tion are to be given to the fund) and
announced that five per cent of his
gross receipts between Dec. 14th and
24th would be contributed to the
An oportunity for patrons of the
Sophomore Cabaret to order their
copies of the Goodfellow editi'on in ad-
vance is being provide through the
courtesy of Angeline Maliszewski, who
is in charge, and Miss Ethel Mc-
Cormick, social director of the League.
Plans for the complete coverage of
the campus and town by members
of senior honor societies are being
made for the distribution of the paper
Red and yellow tags will be dis-
tributed by salesmen to each pur-
chaser of the Goodfellow edition, it
was announced yesterday.
Contributions from organizations
which were announced to the Good-
fellows yesterday were:
Chi Phi.
Phi Sigma Delta.
Hillel Foundation.
Contributions from individuals re-
ceived by the Goodfellow Editor yes-
terday included the following:
Dana M. Woodbridge.
Leo P. Myers.
osias Zwerdling.
Advance subscriptions have been
received in excess of $100, and an
other fund of double that amount
has been announced but not yet
turned over to the Goodfellow Editor.
New members of the Godfellow
Club, in addition to the above, in-

dlude the f ollowing :
Alexander G. Ruthven, Alice C. Lloyd,
Joseph A. Bursley, Alfred Schairer, Fred
Buesser, William Mosher, Ralph Mathews,
Leo Rutenberg, John Stephens, Arnold
Gross, John Heles, Robert R. Seaman, Wal-
dron Eldridge,. Van A. Dunakin, Russell
Coward, Tor Nordenson, Frederick King,
Bruce Bassett.
Members of the Dean's Freshman Lunch-
eon Clubs who became Goodfellows are:
Phil Johnston, Charles Evans, David
Drysdale, Franklin B. Shull,Louis A. Hop-
kins, Jr., Clement Barnes, Ross Faulkner,
Robert Goldhamer, and Charles Bowen.
C. B. Worth, Former
Head Of Band, Dies
Clarence Buell Worth, '15E, 46
years old, a former president of the
University ofMichigan Band. suc-
cumbed yesterday to an illness from
which he had suffered for two years,
at his home at 3211 Packard Road,
Platt subdivision.
Mr. Worth came to Ann Arbor in
1910, entered the chemical engineer-
ing department in 1911, and grad-
uated four years later. He was con-
nected with Hudson Motors for six
nears a metallurgist, and with Wil-

U niversity Officials Become Good fellows One, Two And Three

Jack Kasley Sets
New World Mark
In Breast-Stroke
$1,000 Is Lost At Champion Of Big Ten Also
Michigan Sets Unofficial Times In
nTheatre IOther Events

President Alexander G. Ruthven became Goodfellow No. 1, with Deans Alice C. Lloyd and Joseph A. Bursley also joining the ranks of the
Michigan Daily Goodfellows, at a meeting of University and student leaders in the President's office yesterday. Attending the meeting were, left
to right: John Cawley, president of Michigamua, Dean Lloyd, President Ruthven, William R. Reed, president of Druids, Jean Seeley, president of
the Women's League, Dean Bursley, and Julie Kane, representing the League Council and Mortarboard. The five senior honor societies are man-
aging the street sale of the Goodfellow Daily which will be issued Monday morning for the benefit of needy students, children, and destitute

liini Awarded
Debate Victory
Over Miehioan
Affirmative Of Socialized
Medical Care Question
Upheld By Visitors
Supporting the negative in the de-
bate on the applicability of socialized
medical care in this country, the three
members of the University of Illinois
debating team were awarded the de-
cision over Michigan's Varsity debat-
ors last night in the Lydia Mendel-
sohn Theatre.
The subject of the debate was, "Re-
solved: That the Several States
Should Enact Legislation Providing
for a System of Complete Medical
Service Available to All Citizens at
Public Expense." Arguing in the
affirmative, Michigan's team pointed
to the ill health prevelant in this
country that would suposedly be miti-
gated by socialized medicine. The
affirmative attributed this condition
to the economic barrier set up by the
prohibitive costs of modern medicine.
They also contended that this system
would remove the frequently unpay-
able bills that were imposed by un-
expected medical exigencies.
Maintaining that the proposed plan
would be unnecessary, the Illini de-
baters proceeded to show that the
death rate in this country was the
lowest in the world and that life ex-
pectancy had increased considerably.
Their reply to the economic argument
was that the cost of such a plan
could not be carried by the people of
this country and that those needing
medical attention but unable to pay
for it could secure it through the ex-
isting methods.
The chairman of the debate was Dr.
Nathan Sinai of the department of
hygiene and public health, and the
judge was Professor Ormand Drake
of the department of speech of Mich-
igan State College. Simultaneous to
the debate in Ann Arbor, three Michi-
gan debators, upholding the negative,
met the team of the University of
Wisconsin last night in Madison.
I Rhodes Applicants To Be
Interviewed Here Today
The state committee on the Rhodes
Scholarship awards will meet today
in the Union to determine Michi-
gan's two representatives at the final,
district elimination to be held Mon-
day in Chicago.
Thirteen candidates, five of them
from the University, will meet with
the committee at a noon luncheon in
the Union, and afterwards they will
be interviewed individually.

University Medical Authorities
Disagree On Carrel's Theory

Some Doctors Label Plan
As 'Real Possibility' In
Modern Science
Dr. Alexis Carrel's declaration that
life can be prolonged indefinitely by
suspension drew conflicting comment
last night from Ann Arbor Medical
One group of doctors, led by Dr.
Reed M. Nesbit of the Medical School
surgery department, depreciated Dr.
Carrel's statements as a "philosophi-
cal speculation," while another group
regarded the famous doctor's opinion
as "a real possibility based on
A majority of Medical School doc-
tors appeared to have little interest
in Dr. Carrel's address, made to the
New York Academy of Medicine in
New York City Thursday, in which he
envisaged keeping men alive for cen-
turies through suspended animation.
Dr. Carrel, Rockfeller Institute for
Medical Research authority on cell
immortality, foresaw the hope of a
rejuvenation process for old men, and
Louis Wins In
Fourth Round
W ith Knockout
NEW YORK, Dec. 13. - (;P) - With
the first and only earnestly placed
punch of the entire abbreviated per-
formance, a crushing right hook to
the side of the face, Joe Louis ex-
ploded the remnants of the one-time
rock-ribbed resistance of Paulino Uz-
cudun tonight and stopped the paun-
chy-36-year-old Spaniard for the
first time in the fourth round of a
match that was scheduled for 15
The sensational Detroit Negro,
after jabbing and experimenting for
three rounds with the crab-like stance
of the aging Spaniard, brought the
fight to an abrupt finish with a short
left to the chin, followed by a smash-.
ing right that shocked Paulino and
doubled him over backwards.
On the floor for the first time in
his life, Paulino staggered to his feet
at the count of eight but was hope-
less, groggy and bleeding. He ab-
sorbed one more right to the head,
wavered toward the ropes, and looked

told of a more remote possibility of
a drying out process for prolonging
Although Dr. Nesbit said he has the
"greatest respect" for Dr. Carrel's
reputation as a scientist, he expressed
the opinion that the great scientist
m6ant his remarks merely as "phil-
osophical speculations." Persons re-
garding the statements as anything
else would be doing Dr. Carrel a.
"flagrant injustice," Dr. Nesbit de-
clared. The predictions are a "fan-
tasy," he said, "and I don't think hej
meant to imply they had a scientific l
Dr. Ira D. Loree, head of the staff 1
of St. Joseph's hospital, believes that
Dr. Carrel's predictions "may be a
very real possibility. Who would dare
say that Dr. Carrel is not working on
something very real?" he asked. "He.
is far in advance of any other man
in medical practice and too scientific
and too advanced for any doctor here'
to comment." Dr. Loree said that
"very few surgeons in this country
today are scientific. They don't have
the time for it."
Dr. Carrel's declaration is "rather
far fetched," according to Dr. Robert
E: Hastings of the surgery depart-;
ment. "Dr. Carrel antagonizes you
by saying that clairvoyance is a prov-
en fact," he said. Dr. Hastings agreed
with Dr. Anton J. Carlson of Chicago,
former associate of Dr. Carrel, who
scoffed at the New York Scientist's
thory as being "neither science nor
modern medicine" and scored his de-
fense of clairvoyance and telepathy.
Dr. Hastings declared that Dr. Car-
rel "has gone off balance a little,"
although he cited the possibility thatI
the address may have been philosoph-I
(Continued on Page 2)
See Failure OfI
Peace Proposal'
GENEVA, Dec. 13. - (') - The
Franco-British plan to end the Italo-
Ethiopian war appeared doomed to-
Stinging denunciation from Ethi-
opia, revolt in Geneva, London and
Paris and misgivings even in Rome
piled up against the proposal to give
Benito Mussolini control of nearly
two-thirds of Ethiopia.
Ethiopia bitterly and sarcastically

Student Suffers
Severe Burns
In Laboratory
Edward L. Page, '39, Loses
Portions Of Two Fingers
As Compounds Explode
Edward L. Page, '39E, of Detroit,
lost portions of the third and index
fingers of his right hand and suffered
chemical burns on the arm and chest
and lacerations of the right hand yes-
terday when an explosive compound
with which he was experimenting
went off in his hand in Room 480,
Chemistry Building.
The explosion occurred at about
9:10 a.m., shortly before the labora-
tory work begun. The work for the
course, 5E, required no handling of
explosive compounds or their forma-
tion, according to Prof. James H.
Hodges of the chemistry department,
who teaches the course. Leland H.
Pence, teaching fellow in chemistry,
was in charge of the section at the
Professor Hodges said yesterday
noon that he had made use of four
common chemicals taken from the
stock shelves about the room, and had
combined them in a chlorate mix-
ture to make a powerful explosive
similar in nature to flashlight powder.
According to Professor Hodges, the
resultant explosive was one which
detonated upon friction.
The formula Page followed had no
connection with the course as taught.
Page had just entered the room and,
placed his books on his desk, then
removed the flask containing the
compound when it exploded upon be-
ing disturbed. He was taken to the
Health Service for treatment and
then transferred to University Hos-

Approximately $500 in cash and
$500 in negotiable checks was lost by
or stolen from E. C. Ashby, of the
Bloomfield Open Hunt Club, Bloom-
field Hills, it was reported late last
night to the management of the
Michigan Theatre.
Ashby, who had been attending the
second evening show, told Gerald
Hoag, manager of the Michigan, that
he beileved the money disappeared
while he was in the theatre.
Local police officers were notified
of the disappearance, and banks will
be warned this morning not to honor
the checks.
Athlete as To
Decide Olympic
Problem,' Ward
Former Michigan Star Says
Individual Must Follow
His OwnOpinion
Because he looks on the 1936 Olym-
piad in Berlin as "tainted," Willis
Ward, '38L, former "one-man track
team" and star end on the Michigan
football squads of 1933 and 1934, last
night declared he was "not so sure"
he would like to participatesinuthe
Ward, who was the principal speak-
er at the Student League for Indus-
trial Democracy's open forum on the
Olympics participation question, said
he believed, nevertheless ,that Amer-
ica should send a team to Berlin "if
fair play is assured us by the German
government and if no underhand
methods are employed."
The impossibility of solving the
American entry problem with a cate-
gorical "Yes" or "No" was stressed by
Ward. He pointed out that, in the
very face of alleged intolerant and
discriminatory policies of the Ger-
man government toward the Jew and
the Negro, it might be possible for the
United States delegates to help smash
the Hitlerite theory of Aryan sup-
remacy by a display of the capabili-
ties of our Jewish and Negro ath-
In the final analysis, Ward de-
clared, participation or boycott "must
be decided by the individual athlete."
"If our athletes are assured that
the contests will be fair, most of
them will want to go," he said.
William R. Reed, '36, sports editor
of The Daily, told the forum that
"failure of the United States to com-
pete would be a blow to individual
athletes and to sport in this country,
for the hope of some day participat-
ing in the Olympics has been the
driving force and incentive behind the
hard years of training many athletes
have gone through."
Others who spoke briefly on the
program included Charles Orr, Mir-
iam Hall, Grad., and Dorothy Shap-
lan. The forum was thrown open to
questions from the floor after the

Freshmen Turn In
New Relay Record
First Year Swimmers Make
Fine Showing, Defeating
Varsity And Alumni

Swimming by himself before 1,200
spectators at the Olympic Prepara-
tion Gala last night in the Intra-
mural pool, Jack Kasley of Mich-
igan's National Championship Var-
sity broke the world's record for the
100-meter breast-stroke with the
phenomenal time of one minute and
10 seconds.
The old record of 1:12.4 was estab-
lished by J. Cartonnet of France at
Paris in February, 1933. On the way
to this new record, Kasley who is
National Collegiate and Big Ten
champion and record-holder, bettered
the existing world's records for the
50 and 100-yard events. Records for
these distances are not officially rec-
ognized by the International Federa-
tion of Amateur Athletics, but are
kept on the books and respected by
swimmers everywhere.
Betters Old Mark
Kasley's time for the 50 yards was
28.3 seconds, bettering the old mark
of 29 seconds held by George Brain-
erd of the Chicago A.A., and a full
second better than the mark of 1:04.5
made last year by Johnny Higgins of
the Olneyville Boys' Club of Prov-
The Wolverine junior's perform-
ance was the high spot in an evening
that saw the breakingof another of
the "unofficial" world records of the
type that Kasley bettered on his way
to the 100-meter mark. The fresh-
man relay quartet of Dave Holmes,
Waldemar Tomski, Bill Farnsworth
and Ed Kirar swam the 200-yard
distance in one minute 33.7 seconds
to shatter the old standard of 1:34.8
established by the New York A. C.
team in 1931.
Varsity Defeated
In setting up this new mark, the
yearling team defeated a Varsity team
of Bob Mowerson, Manley Osgood, Ed
Drew and Mark McCarthy, and the
Alumni quartet of Dick Degener,
Taylor Drysdale, John Schmeiler and
Dr. Paul Samson. The Alumni nosed
out the Varsity for second place. Close
behind in fourth was a second fresh-
man group of Baker Bryant, Ed Kent,
Bob Emmett and Tom Haynie.
Following Kasley's record-breaking
swim at the beginning of the meet,
Battle Creek's 200-yard free-style re-
lay defeated Lansing Eastern, Ann
Arbor and Pontiac in that order in
a special invitational event. The
winning time was 1:43.
Mary Gordy of the Ann Arbor Girls'
Club won the 50-yard handicap race
for girls from Rose Mary Mann of
University High and Mike Mauer of
the Girls' Club with a time of 34.8
Drysdale Nosed Out
Two heats composed the 100-yard
breast-stroke handicap event for
men, Kasley winning the first in
1:04.6 and Ed VandeVelde of the Var-
sity the second in 1:073.
The 50-yard back-stroke handicap
for high schools was won by B. Davis
of Pontiac in the time of 31.5 over K.
Turner of Pontiac and D. Putt of
Battle Creek.
In the 100-yard back-stroke event a
handicap of seven seconds proved too
much for Drysdale, three-time na-
tional champion, and the ex-Michi-
gan captain was nosed out by Haynie
of the freshman squad. Fred Cody,
who like Haynie was given a five-
second handicap, was a close third.
Haynie's time was 1:02.7, while Drys-
dale was just over the world mark
with a performance of 1:00.8.
The Indianapolis A. C. team won a
special girls' 200-yard relay from
University High, Ypsilanti Normal,
Ann Arbor Girls' Club and the Uni-
versity Women's PhysicaldEducation
~- - ~

Family Welfare Bureau Assists
In Solving Individual Problems

-- - - --- --
I JThe Goodfellow Edito
I wish to lend ah
children and families for w
Christmas otherwise. Er


hopelessly at the referee, Arthur Don denounced the formula in rejecting
ovan, who promptly called a halt. Two it, warning that its fulfillment might
minutes and 32 seconds of the fourth destroy the League of Nations and
round had elapsed. collective security in Europe.
-- Both an Ethiopian note and the of-
ficial text of the plan were made
). i public today. Ethiopia demanded
that the League call a special meet-
hC pin and o students ing of the Assembly on the ground
lpin osue that the Franco-British proposal vio-
rhom there would be nO lates the spirit of the Covenant.
In biting terms, the Ethiopian note
iclosed find my contribu- hinted at subterfuge and "disguise"
in the peace plan which it said asked

Other welfare agencies aid the poort
by money gifts, but it is the function
of the Family Welfare Bureau, which
will benefit from the proceeds of The
Daily Goodfellow issue to supplement1
impersonal relief work by valuable4
service in helping these families in1
the adjustment of their individual
"The county relief organizations
carry such a heavy case load that
they cannot give these families the
personal attention which is often as
badly needed as money," Miss Mil-
dred Valentine, director of sociologi-
cal field work, who is case consultant
for the Bureau, said yesterday, "Our
case workers spend whole days with
the family, and we aim to give them
advice, counsel, and guidance."
Although the Bureau has only one

same cases throughout the year, in
order to give continuity to their work.
"We never handle more than 300
cases at a time," IMiss Valentine said,
"because each case requires so much
time that we feel that we could not
do justice to any of them if we under-
took to care for more."
Cases of children who are malad-
justed to their home environment or
to school are among those handled by
the Bureau. One such case, Miss
Valentine said, was that of a 10-year-
old boy, who was unable to read and
The Welfare Bureau took over the
case and found that he was suffering
from an inferiority complex. He had
a brother who was a year older, and
who had done such excellent school
work that the younger boy was made
to feel very inferior by his family.

fJLI Y K ktAn.,,

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