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December 12, 1935 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-12

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League Open



Take Place



ZETA TAU ALPHA the new chapter, Beta Gamma, re-
The Alpha Gamma chapter of Zeta cently organized at Union University,
Tau Alpha sorority has recognized Jackson, Tenn.

Expect Large
Attendance At
Annual Affair
Dancing, Games, Special
Tours To Be Featured;
Entire Building Open
More than 5,000 members of the
student body are expected to attend
the annual League Open House
scheduled to take place from 7:30
to 10:30 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 19,
Julie Kane, '36, chairman, announced.
Featured entertainments for the
evening are to include dancing,
bridge, other card games and ping
pong in various parts of the building,
Miss Kane stated. It has been ar-
ranged that guides may be obtained
in the Undergraduate Office to take
anyone who so desires, on tours of the
Tour Of Theatre
There is to be a special tour of
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, in-
cluding a backstage view of work
rooms, rehearsal rooms, actor's dress-
ing rooms, as well as stage equip-
The entire building will be open for
inspection. Although men are not
usually allowed on the third floor,on
this occasion they will be permitted
to visit the new League Library, the
Alumnae Room and others on the
third floor, according to Miss Kane.
Mv4embers of the League house recep-
tion committee will assist the chair-
man (uring the evening.
Daning is to be held from 8:30 to
10:30 p.m. in the ballroom with Al
Cowan and his orchestra playing.
Hostesses will be in charge. Novelty
numbers and specialty entertain-
ments are to be featured during the
Card Games Featured
For those who donot care to dance
there will be bridge and other card
games in the Alumnae Room with
Marjorie Coe, '38, and Katherine
Buckley, '38, directing. It will not
be necessary to bring a partner for
bridge-playing, it was said.
Another feature will be ping pong
in the game room, with Harriet Hath-
away, '37, and Joanne Kimmell, '38,
in charge.
Due to the fact that this will be
the last night before the Christmas
holidays, eleven p.m. permission has
been extended to all women, it was
announced yesterday.
The Christmas theme will be car-
ried out in the decoration of the
ballroom and the library. According
to established custom, no charge will
be exacted for any of the scheduled
Additional features will be an-
nouned later in the week. The
League Open House is a traditional
feature and is the only time in the
year when all three floors of the
building are open to men.
Delta Sigma Pi, business adminis-
tration fraternity, has announced the
election of this year's officers. They
are: Colin MacDonald, '35BA, head-
master; Max Crosman, '35BA, chan-
cellor; Richard Prey, '35BA, treasur-
er; Ernest Bateson, '35BA, senior
warden; Raymond Conrad, '36BA,
junior warden; and faculty adviser,,
Prof. John W. Riegel, director of the
bureau of industrial relations.
The Christmas program of the
Women's Association of the First
Presbyterian Church is to be present-
ed at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
Alumnae room of the League. Mrs.
E. L. Eriksen's group is to act as
hostesses for the affair.

Chairman Of Sing

Mosher Hall Soph Cabaret Ready To Start;
3 Fraternities To Feature Stream-Lined Train


Jane Arnold, '36, president of
Panhellenic Association, who will
serve as chairman of the campus
committee for the Community
Christmas Sing which will be held
at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 18,
in front of the General Library.
Mistletoe, Balloons
To Aid Yule Spirit
At League Smoker
Mistletoe, gay ballrooms, kewpee
dolls and fortune telling are all to be
included in the gala entertainments
making up the League Fair, a supple-
ment of the annual Sophomore Cab-
aret to be given tomorrow and Sat-
urday in the League.
This year's fair will be in the form
of a train "smoker," carrying on the
general theme of the Cabaret - "All
Aboard," Maryanna Chockley, '37,
chairman, announced. It is to be
held in the Grand Rapids and Ethel
Fountain Hussey rooms.
Several women's honorary societies
inctIuding Senior Society, Mcjrtar-
board, and Wyvern have planned spe-
cial booths in addition to the regular
League booths.
Senior Society will give an old-
fashioned melodrama. The proceeds
from this will be used to further their
newly planned scholarship fund. Mor-
tarboard's booth will feature dart
trials with kewpee dolls given as a
prize for knocking the board down
three times.
Wyvern will encourage the typical,
college Christmas spirit with bou-
tonnieres of mistletoe for the men
and women. Lil Brazil will tell for-
tunes by either reading palms or by
A tin-typist will take photographs
in costume. Theta D6lta Chi fra-
ternity has furnished a brown derby;
Phi Kappa Psi fraternity has donated
a "topper"; and Phillip McCallum,
'36, is loaning a checked vest which
will be worn by the people having
their pictures taken.
The Cercle Francais will meet at
7:45 p.m. today in the League, the
occasion being a Christmas party, of-
ficials announced. The program will
be opened by Mrs. Hjordis Koella,
who is to sing in French "Noel,' by
Adam, followed by "Jesus de Naz-
areth" by Gounod. Members of the
organization will learn the French
carol "Minuit Chretien," after which
the president of the Cercle, Mary
Morgan, '36, is to begin the narra-
tion of a French story.

Invited To Tea
Ruthvens Hold Reception
For University Studenits;
Mrs. Ray Pours
President and Mrs. Alexander G.
Ruthven entertained a large group
of University students at a tea from
4 to 6 p.m. yesterday.
This is the third tea of its kind
which has been given this year. Alice
Slingluff, '36, in charge of it, was
assisted by other members of the so-
cial committee. Alice wore a green
jacket dress with a white collar.
Tea and cakes were served in the
dining room which was dimly lighted
by four tall tapers, placed on the tea
table. On the center of this table
was placed a large silver bowl filled
with white carnations, with bitter
sweet and pine branches.
Mrs. Martha Ray, social director of
Mosher Hall, who wore a black crepe
dress with a white collar; Elaine
Cobo, 37, in black with an ascot scarf
decorated with rhinestones; Maureen
Kavanagh, '36, dressed in a wool skirt
with a brown velvet blouse; and Ja-
nice Rice, Grad., in a black dress with
a white lattice-work colhri, were
chosen to pour during the afternoon.
Among the other guests seen yes-
terday was Maxine Maynard, presi-
dent of the League iast year, who
wore a black coat with wolf collar
and a small black hat. She was ac-
companied by Jean Seeley, '36, presi-
dent of the League this year, and
Margaret Hiscock, '36, chairman of
orientation. Dean Joseph A. Bursley
was also seen talking to various
A few of the guests who were there
from Mosher Jordan were: Jane
Christy, '36, Mary Jane Watson, '37,
Ada Crawford, '36, and Helen Pfal-
ler, '38. Rowe Balmer '37L, Robert
Boyer, '36, and Arthur Roberts, '39,
came from Theta Chi. Among the Nu
Sigma Nu guests were Duncan She-
pard, '36M, John Lillie, 38M, and
"Chuck" Hershey, '36M. Paul Keeler,
'37, a member of Phi Delta Theta,
was seen in the library.
Fidler To Play
At Union For'
Decorations for the annual Union
Christmas dance to be held from 9
p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday night in the'
Union ball room are almost completed
it was announced last night by Union
Dick Fidler and his 10-piece or-
chestra direct from the Lotus Gar-
dens, Cleveland, will be featured at
the informal dance. The usual price
of the regular week-end dances will
prevail, it was stated.
In sponsoring Dick Fidler and his
band the Union is inaugurating a new
policy of "offering to the students
the better orchestras that they have
expressed a desire to have appear
here." This is the first dance that
an outside band has been brought in
and if the policy is "'adequately sup-
ported" it will be continued during
the remainder of the school year, offi-
cials stated.

The traditional Sophomore Cab-
aret, which is to be held both in the
afternoon and evening tomorrow and
Saturday in the ballroom of the
League, is ready to start off with a
bang, judging from the first dress re-
hearsal held yesterday afternoon.
The entire staff, including the cen-
tral committee and the women in the
program have already boarded the
Sophomore Special and steamed off
on the way for a smashing success.
Stream-Lined Train
One of the main features of the
program will be a modern stream-
lined train which will make its way
around the floor of the ballroom twice
during the course of the floor show.
It has been announced by Jean Mc-
Conkey, '38, chairman of the decora-
tion committee, that by Friday the
train will appear with a chrome finish
and all the trimmings, but spectators
yesterday were surprised to see only
a wooden framework wheeled onto
the floor within which the sophomore
women, who will act as passengers,
were standing.
Betty Whitney, chairman of the
music committee, and Marlene Fin-
gere were walking side by side at the
head of the group, singing with all
their might, and Adeline Singleton,
Frances Everhardt, and Margaret
Curry followed close behind with the
Tap Numbers Featured
After the train has pulled up to
the station at the left of the or-
chestra, whose members, incidently,
look very distinguished in their en-
gineer's caps, the heads of Marie
Sawyer, Marjorie Coe, and Hope
Ren-Bio (then
Will Give Talk
In Lane Hall
Ren-Bing Chen, Grad., will ad-
dress the regular meeting of the Ann
Arbor Allied Youth group at 8 p.m.
today in Lane Hall. He has selected
"The Youth of China" as the subject
of his speech.
Chen is a graduate of the Univers-
ity of Shanghai, and received his
master's degree from the University
of Southern California. At the pres-
ent time, he is working on his doc-
tor's degree in sociology.
Before coming to this country,
Chen served as a member of the ex-
ecutive committee of the national
Young Men's Christian Association of
China, and on the executive commit-
tee of the Chinese students' Christian
movement. After he has completed his
work here, he intends to return to
China where he will continue in this
Tonight's meeting will be open to
the general public. A business ses-
sion has been scheduled for 7:30 p.m.,
and will be followed by the program
at 8 p.m.





i _ i







Afernoo - Evening
December 13th, 14th
(See Page 6)

/j~aii '' s '
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