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December 12, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-12

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to other colleges and universities to enlist their
It is amazing that these students, who will,
in the event of war be forced to leave their
universities and suffer all the horrors of modern
warfare, should be leaders in demanding war.
In 1922, after the Versailles Treaty had taken
Shantung province from Germany's control, stu-
dent patriotic uprisings similar to the present ones
took place when the Japanese attempted to take
the province. As a result of the student move-
ment, the allied powers acted to thwart the Jap-
anese plans.
Today a similar opportunity for united action
by major powers to protect China's territorial
integrity is open. The League's attitude toward
the Italo-Ethiopian crisis has solidified and crys-
alized its influence. The Japanese action, divorc-
ing an integral portion of China from the cen-
tral government's control, is unquestionably cen-
surable. And, too, important financial interests of
major powers are being menaced. It is a great'
chance for the League to prove that its Italian
action is not an isolated example of its might.

r. .


The Conning Tower

I _


Publisned every morning except Monday during the
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God Help The
Third District.. .
BECAUSE THEY FIND themselves in
the embarrassing possession of a
Townsend Plan supporter as candidate for Con-
gress, the Republican party in the third district
of Michigan finds itself in somewhat of a dither.
Verner W. Main, a Battle Creek attorney, is the
blacksheep candidate. In a special election on
Dec. 17, made necessary by the death of Henry
M. Kimball (Rep.), Mr. Mains will oppose Howard
W. Cavanagh, Democratic Battle Creek lawyer,
who opposes Dr. Townsend's myth.
Why Mr. Main supports the Townsend Plan is
perfectly obvious; political opportunists are al-
most the rule. With the prospect of $200 a month
it also becomes clear why anyone in the district
over the age of 60 years, thinking only of himself,
voted for Mr. Main in the primary and will vote
for him on Dec. 17.
The hope of the district and the state seems
to lie in the fact that there are a great many
more voters under the age of 60 years in the dis-
trict than over. There also must be some in the
three score category who realize the inevitable
failure of the Townsend Plan. Although Repub-
licans overwhelmingly outnumber Democrats in
the district, it certainly will not harm the best
Republican conscience to vote for Democrat Cav-
anagh on Dec. 17.
If the third district should send Mr. Main to
Congress, no calamity will result, the Townsend
Plan will not be adopted, but the State of Mich-
igan will be deprived of one effective congressional
Our Disastrous
Silver Policy. . .
W HATEVER future action the gov-
ernment may take (and any suc-
cessful plan seems quite impossible of formation)
it is putting it conservatively to say that the
United States' silver-purchase policy has been
The government this week arrived at the point
at which two courses were open to it: to allow
the bottom to drop out of the artificial market
it created and thus be left with huge quantities
of silver which were purchased at the high arti-
ficial prices and for which there is no market, or
to buy all the silver on the market - an impos-
sibility because of the huge amount being dumped
the world over.
The government decided upon the former, quite
naturally, and as a result silver prices are falling
precipitously and the London exchange is closed.
The most serious harm the Silver Purchase Act
has done has been in international fields. Chances
for the stabilization of world currencies were
dimmed as this Act drained foreign nations of gold,
thus weakening their currency bases. Mexico was
forced to declare an embargo on silver. China
was driven from its silver standard. America's
import trade in commodities has been stifled by
the influx of silver and gold.
Indubitably the act was passed as a piece of
minority legislation. It was to boost the profits
of Western silver miners. It may have succeeded
in that, but it has also succeeded in making clear
the dangers of minority legislation for political'
A New Chance
For The League . .
LAST SPRING almost 150,000 stu-
dents throughout the United States

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importice
and interest to the campus.
Signs Of Age . .
To the Editor:
It is common knowledge that the English Uni-
versities of Oxford and of Cambridge proudly
trace their origins to the second decade of the
thirteenth century. We of the University of Mich-
igan, also, have in our institution some evidences
of venerable age, running back to some hoary
origin. I refer to the chairs in the carrells provided
for Graduate students in research in the Main
Just why these ancient chairs are allowed to re-
main in use, chairs so rickety, noisy and ill-
shaped for the health and comfort of users, is a
mystery -sometimes pious, more often risible or
imprecational - to me. It would seem fitting
carefully to remove them to a museum. Can it
be that for the study of Plato and Saint Augus-
tine these chairs, produced by their contemporaries
in furniture making, are considered better? If so,
the intent is lost on me and other graduate
students I know. They do not help to imbue me
with either the Platonic spirit or the spirit of the
Confessions or of The City of God.
And waste baskets in the carrells. Not half
the carrells have receptacles for waste paper.
I spoke to a janitor about it, and he said he had
been asking for waste baskets these last six
I do not want to be thought unappreciative
of the library facilities - though, as the letter to
the Daily the other day noted, some types of
recent books are often not to be found listed in the
card catalog. The Library is very good in the
services given us by its working force and in its
accommodations, with certain small exceptions
such as I have noted. Indeed, it is partly be-
cause in general it is so good that the rickety
'chairs and lack of waste baskets are anomalous
Will not some good Rackham or Cook lend a
considerate ear to this complaint?
-Elmer Akers.
Not So Quiet...
To. the Editor:
It must have been terribly discouraging to Dr.
Onderdonk, as it was to a few persons who were
present at the showing of "All Quiet on the West-
ern Front," to observe the way in which the stu-
dents behaved during the performance. Perhaps
he has become used to the almost unbelievable
discourtesy habitually displayed on such occasions,
but he must have been disappointed to note that
the audience apparently missed the whole idea
of the movie.
This movie was shown in order to portray
clearly the horror and uselessness of war, and to
enlist the services and feelings of those who saw
it in the cause of peace. The students, however,
behaved as if they were attending a free show
after a football game. The most piteous and hor-
rible scenes were greeted with laughter, cat calls,
and the usual accompaniment of disgusting re-
marks which were intended to be humorous. When
Dr. Onderdonk spoke a few words in favor of the
League of Nations, he was roundly booed and
In these times of unrest, when another war
seems imminent, it is shocking and deplorable to
see the students at a so-called higher institution
of learning treat such a grave problem so lightly.
Moreover, it seems unbelievable that they cannot
understand that in the very near future their
own lives may be blasted by a war even more
horrible than the last one.
-Richard Corey.
Personal Note
My Dear Mr. Slipstick:
Reading your letter in yesterday's Daily re-

minded me that the world is still full of fault
finders and introverts. Your letter shows a clear
lack of understanding of the purpose of the
Engineering Ball and a narrow viewpoint on life.
The Engineering Ball was sponsored by the
Engineering Council because they felt that there
was a need for a social function in the fall, where
the Engineers could go, dance in the company
of class friends and have a good time as a
If you could not afford a $1.50 dance, there is
no reason why you should cry about it and feel
sorry for yourself. There were about 300 who did
go. and who did have a good time.

Rime In Season
What bird would linger in the stricken wood,
To know the weight of rime upon her wing,
Remembering long how here the summer stood,
A while ago, with much for cherishing -
And sadden thus her heart with counting, now,
The few last leaves until the last shall fall,
And let the sky in between bough and bough,
To find her there without a roof or wall? .
Nay, let the heart be winter for a season,
With no remembering bird to feel the cold
Of rime or rain or the bleak face of treason . .
The year is old, the heart and all are old -
Expel the bird that bears within her breast
The shivered dream that will not let you rest.
Smoke on the field will be the wandering flower
In this unfiowering season when all blooms
Whose measure was the brightness of an hour
Turn bck to earth's anonymous dusty dooms;
And only this that has no certain root,
Whose breath is acrid and whose end is air,
Escapes the tarnished ruin and the boot
Set carelessly down on what had wanted care.
Beyond all harm that aught of earth could give,
And never to be gathered in the hand,
Here is a flower has found a way to live
Beyond the ruinous season of this land -
Above the frail bones strewn in mortal death,
It wanders free in this re-flowering breath.
Men lighting early fires against the chill,
And listening, half-attentive, how the night
Is alternately troubled and fallen still
From a leaf shaken in the starry light,
Will stare into their grates and see no flame,
Will give remote replies when spoken to,
Beng subject, now, to nothing they could name,
In worlds that other lights are falling through -
Being watchers by a wood or on a mound,
With eyes for starshine in the shivered trees,
And ears for something that is less than sound
In the wide hush that holds such nights as
Only the body settles in the chair
And seems at home . . . the man is never there.
It seems to us that Mr. Thomas Wolfe should
take dialect lessons. He might read the works
of the late Ring Lardner, who made no errors
in transcribing the way his characters talked.
He might take lessons from Ernest Hemingway
and Arthur Kober, to name two excellent writers
of speech. Mr. Wolfe writes "duh," which irri-
tates us almost as much as "sez" for "says."
F.P.A. Praises Boillebaise Made This Way. -
But not spelled that way.
The story says that our praise was given to
Montague Glass's recipe for boullebaise, which
he contributed to "The Stag Cook Book." It was
bestowed for the end of his long recipe, which
was "God, but I'm hungry!"
... the strange virgin queen, whom he thinks
wasn't virginal. - Genet in the New Yorker.
Whom is reading proof for the New Yorker?
DELLEVILLE could have a band, of course, like
any other town, but that isn't Delleville's way.
Instead,'we have a Symphony Orchestra.
The orchestra plays three concerts in the Opera
House every year. Some of the audience wear
evening dress, just as in the big cities. The orches-
tra, naturally, is in full evening dress.
Mr. Russell, our leading clothier, is a strong
rooter for the orchestra. He says he sells enough
white neckties alone to repay his annual sub-
scription several times over.
The orchestra's conductor, our local music
teacher, who once played in the Cincinnati Sym-
phony Orchestra, knows Kreisler personally. He
often tells his pupils, all of whom, of course, play
in the orchestra, he never would have got any-

where if it hadn't been for his friendship with
Kreisler, or The Maestro, as he calls him.
While the orchestra could give a complete pro-
gram from its own repertory, including such diffi-
cult works as "Pomp and Circumstance," "Gems
from the Operas" and "Valse Triste," it usually is
assisted by a guest artist from New York. These
guest artists almost always declare our orchestra
plays every bit as well as any in the big cities.
The members practice twice a week in the Odd
Fellows' Hall for three months preceding the con-
certs. The High School senior girls conduct
a campaign to sell tickets and the Opera House
always is crowded. As Mr. Russell says, everybody
feels he should support an organization which
gives the community such fine advertising.
While we all just love classical music, there is
a universal buzz of approval and tapping of feet
when the conductor, smiling indulgently, waves
his baton and looses the orchestra upon a popular
number like "Poor Butterfly." Everybody feels
then the program is just nicely balanced between
classical numbers for the high brows and popular
selections for the average subscriber.
We have a regular patron of the arts, too. Mr.
Tyson always has a party in his huge Colonial
house after the concerts. The conductor and all
the musicians, and sometimes the visiting artists,
are there. Of course, the parties are awfully
Bohemian, and once the artist and the local
pianist sat right on the floor in front of every-
body, the way they do in Greenwich Village, and

A Washington
WASHINGTON- The industrialist
author of the "Let's gang-up" cry
against the New Deal may have
thought better of it and retracted;
but the National Association of Man-
ufacturers, meeting in a "Congress of
Business" in New York, certainly.
sounded the same note.
The speakers at that convention.
were just as blunt, despite more po-
lite language. Their demands ranged
from complete "liquidation" of the
New Deal proposed by Alfred P. Sloan
of General Motors, to the call for
formation of a virtual big-business
political party by President Clinton
L. Bardo and others.
"Whether we like it or not, in-I
dustry, much against its will, has
been forced in sheer self-defense to
enter the political arena or be de-
stroyed as a private enterprise," Bar-
do said.
- *
"INDUSTRY has not entered par-
tisan politics but it is attacking
the issues presented by fantastic pol-
icies threatening the American in-
dustrial system," said Robert L. Lund,
chairman of the association board.
General Counsel James A. Emery
referred sharply to "the alien and
revolutionary theories lying at the
foundation of the present and pro-
posed policy of the administration."
"It is our obligation to contribute
to a clear understanding of the dead-
ly nature of these enemies of our eco-
nomic and political progress," he
There seemed to be a sustained and
cumulative anti-New Deal campaign.
The speeches had been prepared in
advance, which suggests a definite
organizational move is in prospect.
Published excerpts indicated a cam-
paign of popular "education" against
New Dealism in general.
BRUCE BARTON stated the case
"My suggestion is that we stay
away from Washington and attend to
our business,' he said. "Why should
we bother so much about the servants
of the people when we can talk to the
people themselves?"
All this in spite of Secretary Ro-
per's unflagging efforts at business-
New Deal conciliation. Not even his
elaboration of the presidential
"breathing spell" into a completion
of the administration's reformr mea-
sures seems to have won that much-
sought "confidence" in Roosevelt pur-
Some hint that the President was
irked by this attitude toward him and
his policies in busines circles, was
discernible in his Atlanta speech. His
gibe about gentlemen in well-warmed
and well-stocked clubs pointed that
There seems little likelihood that
the belligerent "anti-New Deal" tone
of the business congress will change
administration plans. Other rea-
sons of a practical political nature
urge toward a short routine session.
No matter what great artist in any
field comes to Ann Arbor in the
Choral Union Concert Series -and
there are many -somehow or other
that program given by the Boston
Symphony Orchestra always seems
to mark the climax of the season.
Probably the eminence of this organi-
zation can be traced to two causes:
first, the age of the orchestra and the
length of service of most of its mem-

bers and, secondly, its very gifted and
great conductor, Dr. Serge Kousse-
Last night's was a program of
marked contrasts: the supreme class-
icism of the Handel Concerto in F
Major and the more dissonant work
of the modern, Maurice Ravel. In
all Handeliana there can be no more
typical work of that composer than
this Concerto. There is always a
feeling of definite tonality and decid-
ed cadences in this and his other
works, and the unusual is obtained
in the antiphonal use of the two
oboes, the soli played so ably by
Messrs. Gillet and Devergie.
This month the great orchestras
throughout the world are honoring
the birthday of Jean Sibelius and this
orchestra's tribute to the composer
was the performance of his Pohjola's
Daughter, another of the Sibelius
works based on the Finnish epic
poem, the Kalevala. It is an ex-
quisite work from the point of view
of orchestral colors: darkly colored
instrtments plead the hero's cause
which is mocked and taunted by
woodwind badinage and the spar-
kling, crystalline flux of the harps.
Many programs have been con-
ceived to fit Ravel's La Valse, but with
any great or near great piece of pro-
gramme music, the printed words
neither help nor hinder it and not
only one story will fit but as many
stories as there are ears to hear the
work. For this very reason, La Valse
is extremely stimulating to the think-

THURSDAY, DEC. 12, 1935 t
VOL. XLVI No. 611
Attention of All Concerned, and
Particularly Those Having Offices in
Haven Hall or the Western Portion of
the Natural Science Building, is calledf
to the fact that parking cars in the
driveway between these two buildingsI
is at all times inconvenient to other
users of the drive and sometimes re-
sults in positive danger to otherddri-
vers and to pedestrians on the diag-
onal and other walks. You are re-
spectfully asked not to park there
and of members of your family call
for you, especially at noon when
traffic both on wheels and on foot
is heavy, it is especially urged that
the car wait for you in the parking
space adjacent to the north door of
University Hall. Waiting in the drive-
way blocks traffic and involves con-
fusion, inconvenience, and actual
danger just as much as when a person
is sitting in a car as if the car is
parked emptly.
University Senate Committee On
Intramural Basketball Games start
this week. Games will be played at
4:20 and 5:00 in Barbour Gymnasium
on Thursday and Friday. Come out
and suport your house or zone. If
you don't know which zone you are
in, come out and we will tell you.
Badminton, Women Students: The
ladder tournament for women has
been posted on the board at Barbour
Gymnasium. Players are asked to
play off the first match as soon as7
possible. A medical certificate for
1935 is essential.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcement of the
Detroit Civil Service examinations for
Senior Architectural Draftsman, esti-
mated salary, $2640 per year; and
Playleader (Male and Female), for
summer employment only, estimated
minimum salary, $4.20 per day. Ap-
plicants must be residents of the City
of Detroit. For further information
concerning these examinations call at
201 Mason Hall, office hours 9:00 to
12:00 and 2:00 to 4:00.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcement of United
States Civil Service Examinations fort
Senior Chemist (Distillation), salary
$4,600 a year, Associate, Assistant,
and welding engineer, Navy Depart-'1
ment, salary $2,600 to $3,800, Senior
Animal Husbandman (Genetics), Bu-
reau of Animal Industry, Department
of Agriculture, salary $4,600, and So-
cial worker (psychiatric) and Junior,
social worker, United States Veter-
ans' Administration, salary $1,800 to
$2,000. For further information call
at 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9:00
to 12:00 and 2:00 to 4:00.
Academic Notices
Economics 51: Rooms for the ex-
amination on Thursday at 2 p.m. fol-
lows: 25 A.H., Mrs. Miller's and Mr.
Hebbard's sections.
1035 A.H., Mr. Wier's sections.
231 A.H., Mr. Anderson'ssections.
103 R.L., Mr. Church's sections.
N.S. Aud., Messrs. Donhof's and
French's sections.
Emil Ludwig Lecture: This lecture
will be presented tonight at 8:15 in
Hill Auditorium. Tickets will be on
sale at Wahr's Book Store until 5:30
p.m. The Hill Auditorium box office
will be open from 5:30 until the time
of the lecture.
Architectural Building Exhibition:
A group of pencil drawings by David
Fredenthal is now on view in the

ground floor corridor of the Archi-
tectural Building. Open daily from
Chinese Graduates
To Design Museu
The College of Architecture has re-
ceived word that three of its former
students, Gin Djih Su, '30, Wai P.
Lei, '32, and Jenken Yang, '32, are
to design the Central Museum at
Shanghai, it was announced by Prof.
Emil Lorch, director.
They were selected on the basis'
of a competition among Chinese ar-
chitects. The building is to cost one
and one-half million dollars. Wing
Gee Chan, '26, received honorable
mention in the competition.
"Chinese architecture is of par-
ticular interest because it shows an
old culture modifying its form of liv-
ing, with an effort to retain some-
thing of the old architectural tradi-
tion while using new materials of con-
struction and modern building equip-
ment," Professor Lorch commented.
the debut for the Hero and his Com-
panion. Like another famous love
duet, that of Tristan and Isolde, it

9:00 to 5:00 through Dec. 21. The
public is cordially invited.
Events Of Today
Psychology Journal Club meets in
Room 3126 N.S., 7:30 p.m. Recent re-
search on differential test scores be-
tween psychotic, feeble-minded, and
normal subjects will be reviewed by
Miss Horr, Miss Ban de Vort, Miss
Fiske, and Mr. Alexander.
Applied Mechanics Colloquium:
Prof. W. E. Lay, "Some Questions in
Automotive Engineering." Review of
Literature. Meeting will be held in
Room 314 West Engineering Annex
at 4:00 p.m. All interested are cor-
dially invited to attend.
Junior Mathematical Society meets
in Room 3202 A.H., 8 p.m. Mr. E. G.
Begle will talk about "A Figure Con-
gruent to a Part of Itself." Refresh-
ments will be served.
Engineering Council meeting at
8:00 p.m. in the M.E. computing
room, West Eng. Bldg. All members
please be present.
Bocational Guidance Group meets
at 7:15 p.m., Room 205 Mason Hall.
Miss Muxen will be in charge.
Varsity Glee Club: Important short
rehearsal at 7 p.m.
Cercle Francais: After a short busi-
ness meeting, the Cercle will have its
annual Christmas party, at 7:45 in
the League.
Weekly Reading Hour: Professor
Louis M. Eich will read Henry van
Dyke's "The Story of The Other
Wise Man" at 4 o'clock, Room 205
Mason Hall.
The public is cordially invited,
Tea for graduate students in Math-
ematics, 4 p.m., 3201 AH,
Radio Club: Short meeting at 7:30
p.m., Room 304 Union. The club will
visit the Detroit Edison 132,000 V.
station and radio transmitter after
the meeting.
Contemporary: Important meeting
of the entire business staff at 5:00
in the Student Publications Building.
Assembly meeting at 4:15 in the
League. The room will be posted.
Advanced Fencers: Class with Dr.
May at 4:15 prompt. Report prop-
erly dressed in the basement room of
Barbour Gym. An unexcused absence
will mean you will be dropped from
the class.
Hillel Foundation: Dr. Hootkins'
class in Jewish Ethics will meet at the
Foundation on Thursday evening at
8 o'clock. All interested are welcome.
Hillel Foundation: Tea-Dance
sponsored by the Hillel Student Coun-
cil will be held this afternoon, 4-6.
Michigan Dames Book Group
meets at the League at 8 o'clock.
Coming Events
Aero Division of the A.S.M.E. will
make an inspection trip to the Stin-
son Airplane Co. on Saturday morn-
ing, Dec. 14. Everyone must have a
ticket which are available in the Aero
Student Association office until Fri-
day noon.
English Journal Club will meet Fri-
day, Dec. 13, at 4:00 in the League.
The program, open to the public at
4:15, will consist of a paper by Jona-
than H. Kistler on the subject, "Re
cent Studies in the Renaissance," to
be followed by general discussion.
Phi Lambda Upsilon: The annual
smoker will be held Friday evening at
7:30, in Room 3201 (Seminar Room)
East Engineering Building.
Phi Eta Sigma Initiates: Due to the

fact that both previous notices were
erroneously printed we now are ad-
vising you that the initiation and
dinner will definitely be held in the
Union on Tuesday, Dec. 17, at 5:30
Phi Kappa Phi: dinner meeting and
initiation at the Michigan League at
6:30, on the evening of Monday, Dec.
16. Professor Aiton will speak on
"Sidelights of Eighteenth Century
Diplomacy." Members may secure
reservations from the secretary, 308
Engineering Annex, phone Campus
Beta KappaRho: All members of
Beta Kappa Rho are reminded of the
Christmas Party Saturday, Dec. 14,
at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
Franklin Shull, 431 Highland Road.
Graduate Outing Club will have its
annual Christmas Party and Chick-
en dinner, Saturday, Dec. 14, at Camp
Newkirk near Dexter. Transporta-
tion will be provided starting from
Lane Hall at 3:00 Saturday. All
Graduate students are cordially in-
vited to attend. The cost of dinner
and transportation will be approxi-
mately .60 cents. If> possible please
make reservations with a club officer

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


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