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December 12, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-12

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The Weather

Cloudy and unsettled; local
snows and rising temperatures
today and tomorrow.


Sic ig~tan

4:) at t

God Help The Third District .
Our Disastrous Silver Policy ...
A New Chance For The League



Gifts Swell

Sordid Conditions Among Poor
(rv Ouit For Gtjdfpll1iu,&' nAid

D aI*A F nd --4 I jU-FE // "I N
Many Families Lack Food,
Medical Aid, Rent, Fuel,
For eedyWarm Clothes
Thirteen days from today - last

v~ vF v LI W ...' U/ L CU"U .L.4 cNs. uz AKIq

r l

Committee Appointed To
Decide Winner Of Daily
Senior Society And
Druids To Lend Aid
Student Groups Urged To
Contribute Collectively
To SpecialDrive
Advance sales of the special Christ-
mas Goodfellow edition of The Daily
started yesterday afternoon as fra-
ternities, sororities and private con-
tributors first began to respond to the
appeal for the fund which is to aid
handicapped children, needy stu-
dents, and destitute families.
The Michigan Daily Goodfellow
Trophy, which is to be awarded to
the organization of students which
shows the best cooperative spirit in
the Goodfellow drive, will be present-
ed on the decision of a special Trophy
committee consisting of Dean Joseph
A. Bursley, Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Jean
A. Seeley, president of the Women's
League, and Wencel A. Neumann,
president of the Michigan Union. The
Trophy will be engraved with the
name of the winning organization
and presented before Christmas va-
Societies VoteCooperation
Two senior honor societies yester-
day voted for complete cooperation
with the Goodfellows in arranging for
street sale. Betty Greve, president
of Senior Society, will head a group
of 10 members of her graduation who
will sell Goodfellow papers Monday
at various campus corners. William
Reed, president of Druids, after a
luncheon meeting of the group yes-
terday, announced that 20 members
of the organization would extend
their full cooperation in the sale of
papers. Assisting Reed in the dis-
tribution and sale of Goodfellow edi-
tions by Druids Monday will be How-
ard Kahn.
Sphinx, junior honor society, at a
luncheon yesterday, voted unaimously
to support the Goodfellow movement
through their individual fraternities
and other associations.
Sophomore Cabaret leaders yester-
day offered the Goodfellow organiza-
tion the use of a booth for the collec-
tion of advance subscriptins during
their event.
Offers Cabaret Booth
Miss Seeley, in addition to serving
on the Trophy committee, is also as-
sisting in distribution of the papers
among sororities, dormitories and
League houses. Student groups are
being urged to contribute collective-
ly, and the Foodfellow Dailies will
be distributed early Monday morn-
ing. Names of persons in the group
who are to handle the collection
should be sent to the Goodfellow
Editor of The Daily, together with the
extent of the contribution, as soon as
Organizations which yesterday con-
tributed to the fund were:
Delta Sigma Phi.
Kappa Alpha Theta.
Chi Omega.
Private contributions to the fund
were received yesterday from:
C. Grant Barnes... ... ... . .
Leo Kirschbaum.
Gilbert Groehn.
New members to the Goodfellow
Club yesterday, in addition to the
above, included the following:
Audray N. Tasma, Gertrude M. Venek-
lasen, Ellen Brown, Elizabeth Green, Eliz-
abeth Simonds, Eileen McManus, Eleanor
Johnson, Claire Gorman, Ruth LeRoux,
Elizabeth Greve. UD
Keith Lance, Robert Hilty, James Wiles,
Morton Alschuler, Der Johnson, Howard
Kahn, Edward Stone, Peter Bowles, Woody
Malloy, John O'Connell, John Ogden, Steve
Remias, Joe Rothbard, George Rudness,
Russell Runquist, John Strayer, Russ

Walker, Robert Sullivan, William Reed.
Betty Sterling, Rosanna Manchester, Jane
Servis, MargarettSpencer, Jean Laitnea",
Jane Arnold, Betty Rich, Jean MacGregor,
Melba Morrison, Jean Fleckenstine, Deita
Glass, Florence Bingham, Virginia Mins-
wontmnueo. tin Page 6)

minute shopping finished, some of us
will be home sharing the warm hu-
man companionship of Christmas
Day - but to some families it will be
plain Dec. 25.
Not if the Daily Good Fellows can
help it.
These families, who are hopelessly
struggling to make ends meet, suf-
fering from dire poverty will be given
the Merriest Christmas they could
hope to have - a freedom from wor-
ry and anxiety over the necessities of
life. The children to whom Santa
Claus is just an imaginary person
they hear about in school, will for the
first time realize the true meaning of
Very Poor Houses
After making the rounds of some
of the neediest cases yesterday with
Miss Mildred Valentine, supervisor of
field work in sociology, one had the
appalling poverty of these families
and the resulting necessity for ad-
ditional aid brought home with over-
whelming force. Most of them lived
in ramshackle little houses of two and
three rooms, with a few broken-down
chairs and beds, and a rusty old
stove serving as furniture.
The first case visited was that of a
widow with five dependent children,
two of whom are under school age.
I Left destitute by the death of her
husband, she was forced to face not
only the problem of poverty, but also
that of sickness. She has several
times undergone treatment for tu-
berculosis, and several of her chil-
dren have already shown tubercular
tendencies. Her only income is $30
a month, which she receives from the
county FERA. This sum must go for
food, rent, coal, and medical care.
To this widow, a gift from the Good-
fellow issue wil mean that she can
arrange for her children to have good
food, clothing, medical attention, and
some Christmas toys and trinkets be-
One of the most poignant cases
visited was that of a WPA worker,
Austrian Wants
Restoration Of
Hapsburgr Lie
Sharp Challenge Is Issued
To Hitler By anellor
Ernst Von Starhemberg
VIENNA, Dec. 11.- ( P) -Prince
Ernst von Starhemberg, Austria's
powerful vice-chancellor, called for
Austrian leadership of the Germanic
nations in a startling challenge to
Adolf Hitler.
Then he opened the way for the
restoration of the Hapsburgs by de-
claring the destinies of the nation
and its one-time royal house were
identical, and by asserting nothing
stands in the way of the return of I
Archduke Otto if he expects the na-
tional program of the assassinated
premier Engelbert Dollfuss.
Monarchists have waged an in-
creasingly active campaign for the
ascension of Otto, 23-year-old heir
legitimate, who is living in Belgium.
But recently certain followers of von
Starhemberg have begun to suggest
that he, and not the archduke, be
made regent and eventually king.
Von Starhemberg, addressing the
patriotic Fatherland Front organiza-
tion, laid down a challenge to Hitler-
ism by asserting that ultimately Aus-
trian beliefs must assume control of
central Europe.
"Those who believe they are Aus-
trians but at the same time think
Hitler is right must change their
minds," the vice-chancellor warned.
"There is only one way to solve the

question of pan-Germanism. That is
to give the leadership to the Aus-
trians. We can no longer think. of
a great German nation but we must
strive for an Austrian Reich."

whose meager salary of $57 a month
barely covers the cost of food for his
wife and seven children. He is two
months behind in the rent of his small
home, and now, two weeks before
Christmas, is facing eviction. Milk is
a big item in the needs of this family,
for he can buy only one quart a day
Ifor his four younger children, whose
ages range from three months to sev-
en years. As a result three of them
are suffering from malnutrition.
Funds from the Goodfellow Daily will
go to help this man pay his back
rent, buy milk and food for his chil-
Depression Necessitates Relief
Some of these families have never
been on relief before. Before the
depression they were respected
middle-class citizens, and it has been
only recently that they have been
forced to accept help.
One of these cases is that of a fam-
ily where two years ago the man was
earning a salary large enough to care
for his wife and two small sons. How-
ever, he lost his job, and after a few
i months of unemployment he became
sick. The doctors diagnosed his case
I as cancer, which is now in a late
stage. The support of these people
has been taken over by the County
Relief Bureau, but they are in ds-
perate need of additional aid. Part
of the proceeds from the sale of The
Goodfellow Daily will be used to pro-
vide medical care for the father, and
food and clothing for his wife and
One Fraternity
Disciplined For
Rule Violation
House Will Not Be Able
To Initiate Until After
Spring Vacation
p f
A fraternity whose identity was
not disclosed was ordered not to hold
an initiation until after Spring Vaca-
tion as a disciplinary measure for
not explicitly complying with the In-
terfraternity Council initiation rules,
it was announced last night by George
R. Williams, '36, president of the
Failure of the fraternity to adhere
to the council rule that requires
houses to receive permission to hold
initiations fromithe office ofthe Dean
of Students was the infraction which
served as the basis of the disciplinary
measure laid down by the executive
committee of the council, Williams
Partially complying with the re-
quirement, the fraternity petitioned
the office of the Dean of Students,
but failed to ascertain if permission
had been granted before holding the
initiation, Williams said. Although
the petition had been granted, the
initiation was held in ignorance of
its legality, he said.
Although a severe punishment for
a minor violation, Williams indi-
cated that a policy of strict discipline
for all infractions of rules would be
continued in an effort to make fra-
ternities realize the necessity of ad-
hering to them.-
Europe Against
Italian - British
Peace Scheme
Haile Selassie Is Reputed
To Be Opposed To Moves
In French-English Plan

LONDON, Dec. 11. - The actual
prospect of a settlement of British-
Italian diplomatic differences in the
Ethiopian war brought a wave of pro-
test throughout Europe tonight.
With Haile Selassie reported on the
verge of rejecting the Franco-British
peace plan, which is based on ter-
ritorial "exchanges" between Ethi-
opia and Italy, it was predicted freely
that Great Britain would then be in!
a position to wash its hands of the
I affair and drop its fight for sanctions
against Italy.
In Rome, Premier Mussolini sup-
ported this theory by indicating that
he regarded the Paris-London pro-
posal as a fair basis for peace nego-
Popular resentment against Mus-
solini in England rose higher and
directed itself against the Baldwin

Board Report
Is Released By
Attendance At Football
Games In 1935 Smaller
Than For 1934
Profit Of $51,000
Shown By Receipts
Hint Of Coming Increase
In Coaches' alaries Is
Made ByChairman
Boosts in Michigan coaches' sal-
aries, at least partially restoring pre-
vious "economy" reductions, was
strongly hinted at in the annual re-
port of the Board in Control of Phys-
ical Education, made public yester-
day by Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the
Law School, chairman.
"These reductions put the scale of,
salaries for the Michigan athletic
staff so low," the report states, "that
consideration of at least partial re-
storations of those reductions is now
imperative. The present staff has
been gotten together over a period of
many years, and a policy of economy
that might result in disruptions of the
staff could be nothing but unwise, if
not indeed foolish," it declared.
Football Crowds Small
Michigan's football crowds were
smaller in 1935 for the second con-
secutive year, it was disclosed. Only,
251,700 persons saw the eight games
this year, a drop of 9,000 from last
year, and 17,461 below the high figure
of 269,161 for the national champion-
ship year of 1933.
Home attendance this year was farI
greater than attendance at games
abroad, with Ohio State drawing the
largest crowd - 62,000 - and the
Minnesota and Pennsylvania games,
each drawing 35,000. Only 15,000 -,
the smallest gathering of the year -
saw the Wolverines play at Wisconsin.
Last year, when the Varsity won
but one game and met both Minne-
sota and Ohio State away from home,<
the three games on foreign gridirons
out-drew the fives game at. home..
Profit Of $51,000 Shown
Despite falling attendance, 1934
football receipts paid the athletic
bill, as usual, and left a profit of more
than $51,000 for the fiscal year end-
ing June 30, 1935, the report shows.
Of all the University sports, foot-'
ball was the only one to pay its way,
contributing $180,425.89 of the $195,-
519.86 of athletic receipts.
Three special events made small'
profits: the Tilden tennis exhibition
almost $150, the Dutra-Thompson
golf match more than $50, and the
Western Conference outdoor track
meet $1.05. It was the first time the
Big Ten meet was held without a loss.
Gridiron profits were large, but the
football team proved to be by far
the most expensive athletic group to
suport. More than $45,000 of the'
$180,000 of football receipts were used
to maintain the squad.
The track team required almost'
$15,000 and the basketball team more
than $10,000, with the tennis team
spending the least - $1,288.78.
"It is entirely to early to venture
(Continued on Page 2)
ST. PAUL, Dec. 11.- (P)- State
Rep. J. O. Melby has introduced a bill
providing a $1,000 fine or one year's
imprisonment for candidates who ig-

nore campaign promises after elec-
tion. The bill would compel candi-
dates to file a list of pledges with the
Secretary of State.

Campus Sing
Will Be Held;
Plans Drawn
Public Invited To Carol
Next Wednesday Night In
Front Of Library
Mattern Will Lead
Groups In Hymns
Many Decorations To Be
Put Up; Christmas Tree
Will Be Ornamented
For the first time since it has been
sponsored, students will be asked to
participate in the annual Christmas
Sing to be held at 7:30 p.m., Wed-
nesday, Dec. 18, in front of the Gen-
eral Library, it was announced yes-
Jane Arnold, '36, president of the
Panhellenic Association was appoint-
ed chairman of the campus commit-
tee to enlist student support. Other
members appointed were:Prof. Earl
V. Moore, Dr. Edward W. Blakeman,
Prof. David Mattern, John Strayer,
'36, Achilles Taliaferro, Grad., Ruth
Rich, '36, William R. Dixon, '36, Jean
Seeley, '36, George Williams, '36,
Maureen Kavanagh, '36, Wencel Neu-
mann, '36E, Thomas H. Kleene, '36,
William Wilsnack, '38, and William
Jewell, '37E.
All students are urged to participate
in the Sing. Clubs, fraternities, sor-
orities, and dormitory quartets are
invited to come as units, and it is
hoped that following the Sing, carols
will be sung at the houses, at the
homes of professors, and at the hos-
pital, so that the entire campus "will
take on the air of Merry Christmas,"
officials in charge said.
Prof. David W. Mattern will lead
the Sing with the Glee Club, Stanley
Chorus, and other choirs being pres-
ent to help in the group singing. The
following carols will be sung, the
words of which will be carried in
The Daily and The Ann Arbor Daily
News: "O Come All Ye Faithful,"
"Adeste Fidelis," "Deck the Halls,"
"First Noel," "Abide With Me," "Hark,
The- Herald Angels Sing," "Joy to
the World." "We Three Kings of Or-
ient Are" and "Silent Night."
There will be lights and decora-
tions on the trees in front of the
Library and a Christmas tree will
also be set up. These decorations
are being supervised by E. C. Pardon,
superintendent of buildings and
The Sing is being arranged in co-
operation with the Ann Arbor Com-
munity Christmas Committee, of
which T. R. Peirsol is the chairman.
December Gargoyle
To Be Sold Today
The December Gargoyle, on sale on
campus today, features Christmas a
its theme song, with a Christmas
cover depicting further adventures
of the three wise men shown there
last December, a Friendly Sugges-
tions Department featuring mistletoe,
and a page of gift suggestions.
"Sleepy Time Guys" will present
candid camera photos of lecture
sleepers, and the regular features,
such as "Sophisticated Lady," men's
styles, "Preposterous People," and
"Going Places," will also appear.
This month's perposterous person
is for the first time in the history of
that feature a woman, making the
honor coeducational. "Going Places"
reviews the "hot spots" of Detroit, and

the diary of Gordon Tonker, '39, is
also continued.

Cut In NYA Wages
Will Provide Pay
For Fifty Students

To Speak Tonight

Lower Salaries
Working Now
Jobs To Needy

Of 315
To Give

*I * '*
Emil Ludwig,
Noted Writer,
Well-Known Biographer
To Lecture On Europe's
Fate In Light Of Past
The central issue before the world
today -the fate of Europe -will be
analyzed by Emil Ludwig, interna-1
tionally-famous biographer, at 8:15
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Speaking in the fifth of a series of
lecture programs sponsored by the
Oratorical Association, Ludwig will
attack this problem from the dual
standpoint of significant events since
1914 which have created the present
European crisis, and the outcome that
can be expected from this crisis dur-
ing the next five years.
Ludwig is in a unique position to
take an authoritative and unbiased.
view of the European situation. A
neutral resident of Nessin, Switzer-
land for the last 26 years, Ludwig has
associated intimately with the men
who are largely responsible for this
"fate" which he will consider in his'
Evidence of this is to be found in
the wide recognition given his two
most recent books: "Leaders of Eur-
ope" and "Talks with Mussolini."
Of the many biographies written by
Ludwig, the most popular have been
"Napoleon," "Bismarck," "Lincoln"
and "Christ." In these books Ludwig
has stimulated a new school of bi-
ographical writing, with its primary
emphasis on a psychological analysis
of character, leaving actual accom-
plishments or events a more subor-
dinate role.
Ludwig will be introduced by Prof.
Oscar J. Campbell of the English de-
Coben Suit To Be
Argied On Monday
A motion to dismiss the suit of
Daniel Cohen, former engineering
student here, against the University
for dismissing him last June, will be
argued Monday, Dec. 16 in Federal
court in Detroit. The date was set
by Federal Judge Ernest A. O'Brien
last night after George J. Burke,
attorney for President Ruthven and
the Regents filed the motion to quash
Cohen's petition for writ of manda-
Cohen originally filed the manda-
mus action in Federal Court on the
grounds that the University had in-
fringed upon his constitutional right
to a college education by asking him
and three other students last June not
to return to the University this year.
He requested a writ to force Uni-
versity authorities to readmit him,
naming President Ruthven, the Board
of Regents as a whole, and the mem-
bers of the Board individually as re-
spondents to the mandamus action.
Troopers Capture
Escaped Convict

Cooperation Of All
Students Is Asked
Employment Officials Say
Cut Will Take Effect In
December Grants
Wages of more than 315 students
working on the National Youth Ad-
ministration program will be lowered
from $15 per month to $12 per month,
the student relief employment com-
mittee announced yesterday.
The reason for the cut, according to
a letter by the committee sent to the
students affected, is to create a fund
to employ approximately 50 of the
more needy of the 200 students on the
NYA waiting list.
Although the salary reduction af-
fected all undergraduate workers be-
ing payed $15 per month, students
who can prove to the committee the
"absolute impossibility" of -their be-
ing able to stay in school without the
full wage will be given consideration,
according to Prof. Lewis M. Gram,
chairman of the committee.
For Those On Waiting List
Professor Gram termed the wage
cut "really a plea to those students
who can stand it to accept in order
that many students on the waiting
list may become employed and there-
by enabled to stay in school." There
are a "considerable number of stu-
dents on the -waiting list," Professor
Gram asserted, "who are not only
very needy but who absolutely need
Professor Gram urged the coopera-
tion of all NYA students to accept the
wage cut without protest, although
he promised that students will be
given a hearing if so requested. "We
want to play fair with our students,"
he declared. "If we do I'm sure they
will cooperate with us."
The cut, effective for wages to be
paid for December work, will make
available nearly $1,000 for the em-
ployment of additional students, Pro-
fessor Gram said. These students,
many of whom, according to the com-
mittee's letter, "will be obliged to drop
out of college if they do not receive
financial aid, "will start work im-
mediately on a salary of $12 per
month, Professor Gram explained.
Rate To Continue
The rate of 40 cents per hour will
continue for all undergraduate NYA
workers, he said, and those students
whose salaries are reduced will only
work 30 hours rather than 37 and a
half as they did at the $15 wage.
The money made available by the
wage reduction will guarantee em-
ployment to at least 50 additional
students, Professor Gram pointed out,
but added that there will still be
about 150 remaining on the waiting
list. The only chance of these stu-
dents to obtain NYA jobs, he stated,
is to be called to fill in should one
of the presently employed workers
fail to return the second semester.
All NYA workers must work their
full time for December despite Christ-
mas holidays, Professor Gram warned,
even if they have to put in time dur-
ing the vacation period. Time for
December must be completed by Dec.
26, he said.
New College Spirit Is
Claimed By Keppel
NEW YORK, Dec. 11.-(P)--The
opinion that a new spurt is stirring
in the American colleges was ex-
pressed today in the annual report
of President Frederick P. Keppel of
the Carnegie Corporation of New

Asserting that even college presi-
dents have changed, Keppel said it
appeared they were being chosen to-
daytmoretfor their educational imag-
ination "than for any hoped-for ca-
pacity to raise large funds."

Methods Of Police To Reduce
Auto Accidents Are Criticized

To The Goodfellow Editor:
T wish to lend a helping hand to students,
children and families for whom there would be no

The "catch-as-catch-can" meth-
ods of many police officials and safety
directors throughout the nation in
their attempt to reduce the present
wave of automobile accidents was de-
plored by Prof. Roger L. Morrison of
the highway engineering department
in an interview yesterday.'
In very few instances, he stated,
have scientific methods actually been
used in the study of traffic accidents.
"With 36,000 people being killed and
more than 1,000,000 injured annually
as the result of these accidents," he
continued, "the need for such meth-
ods cannot be over-emphasized."
Professor Morrison found two ma-
jor reasons for the prevalence of

rison pointed out. "Except one mem-
ber of the Michigan State Highway
Department, Wayne County and the
city of Detroit comprise the only area
in the entire state at present which
can boast of a traffic engineer."
There are only five colleges in the
country, as far as I know, he con-
tinued, that give separate courses de-
signed to teach the fundamentals of
traffic engineering. The University
of Michigan was the first to establish
such a course, he stated.
Even these institutions, however,
do not contribute importantly to the
number ofntraffic engineers, he point-
ed out. For example, only five stu-
dents are enrolled in the course given
here this semester, and all five of
them are Chinese students, which

Christmas otherwise.

Enclosed find my contribu-

tion of $........

JACKSON, Dec. 11. - (P) -Two
state troopers captured Leslie Maur-
er, 29, and Sam Leib, 25, life termers




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