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December 08, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-08

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The Weather
Lower Michigan cloudy to-
day and tomorrow, occasional
rain this morning. Colder.

ig r



Take Liquor Control Out of
Politics ...
Things That Fame Won't Do ...
We Are Out Of The Woods . .



Il Duce Warns That Oil
Embargo Will'Gravely
Affect' Peace Efforts
States League Has
Made 'Goat' Of Italy
Premier, In Acrimonious
Speech, Charges League
Has Noticed 'Error,
ROME, Dec. 7. - (P)-Premier
Benito Mussolini warned his eco-
nomic besiegers in a ringing speech
before his chamber of deputies to-
day that an oil embargo against Italy
will "gravely prejudice" efforts for
Again defying the half hundred na-
tions which have imposed sanctions
against the kingdom, Il Duce put his
people "on guard" against "prema-
ture or excessive optimism" for a
settlement of the African war.
The Italian people, he told the dep-
uties, "will listen to words but judge
by acts."
"The act that is announced for the
12th of December is an embargo of
oil," the dictator exclaimed, "and it
is such as to gravely prejudice the
outcome of the situation."
Stormy applause greeted Il Duce's
Mussolini again attacked the moral
aspects of the League of Nations'
sanctions' actions:
"The League's penal code has no
past," he said, "because for 16 years
it never was applied in cases infinitely
more grave and more suitable than
Defends Italy's Rights
"Neither has it any future.
"This penal code of the League,
drafted while the memory of war still
was warm, has only a present.
"It is applied, .onlytoday; only
against Italy; exclusively against
Italy, a nation guilty of striking the
chains from slaves in barbarous lands
where 'treaties and the moral rights
of blood and sacrifice have conferred
on Italy for a half century undisputed
and recognized priority.
"Capital punishment by economic
asphyxiation, as decreed by the Gen-
eva humanitarians,- never was in-
voked before 1935 and probably never
will be tried again.
"It is inflicted today upon Italy
because she is poor in raw materials
and it exempts from Geneva's law
rich people, armed by their riches
and by the greater armaments which
their riches make possible .. .
Says League Sees Error
"I have the impression they are
beginning to see they have made an
error in applying their principle," he
continued, "so as to give the appear-
ance of a world crisis to one of those
colonial conflicts which other coun-
tries have solved with force, even
after the World war and even after
the coming of the League."
Il Duce demanded execution of
Italy's full program.
He referred to Premier Pierre La-
val of France stating: "One person
believed he brought peace to his con-
science by affirming that we accepted
economic sanctions. That is not a
Red Cross Sends

Protest To Italians
ADDIS ABABA, Dec., 7. -(P) -
Representatives of the International
Red Cross dispatched a formal pro-
test to the League of Nations today
of the second bombing in as many
days of Dessye, war capital of Em-
peror Haile Selassie.
Italian airplanes made the second
attack on Dessye at 8 a.m. Only
50 bombs were dropped today, in con-
trast to more than 1,000 Friday. The
first raid, Ethiopian authorities said,
resulted in 55 deaths and more than
300 wounded.
A Norwegian nurse whose leg was
broken in Friday's bombardment was
brought to a hospital here today and
described the Italian attack as
The nurse, Miss Petra Hoevig, was
carried to the capital by airplane.
She was serving in the American
Seventh Day Adventist Hospital in
Dessye which was struck by bombs.
~-~~IV-1- More

Lives Of Many Students Saved
Through Auto Ban Ruling
K , 50

Number Of New Students
Has Not Decreased As
Result OfRuling
A series of automobile accidents in
1926, culminated ny a particularly
disastrous one involving six persons,
and proving fatal to two, caused Uni-
versity officials to determine that a
set of limiting student automobiles
rules was badly needed to- cut down
the number of automobiles"in the
President Ruthven, therefore, in his
annual report to the Board of Re-
gents, announced that in the year
1927-28 freshmen and those students
who did not have passing averages,
would not be allowed to have auto-
mobiles. It was found that this rul-
ing improvedthe situation very little,
and in the report of the following
year, it was announced that no mem-
bers of the undergraduate body would
be allowed to have automobiles ex-
cept in very unusual circumstances.
The results of the automobile 'ban'
were widespread and complex. Dr.
William M. Brace of the Health Ser-
vice, has found that one of the most
important results of the new ruling
was the immediate decrease in the
death rate among University students.
"Whereas," he said, "there were
four or five deaths every year before
the "ban," there have been only two
in the eight years since it was put
into effect." Dr. Brace, who served
his interneship at the University Hos-;
pital, recalls many unfortunate ac-
cidents among students which were
caused by careless or drunk driving,
and feels that the automobile ruling
is largely responsible for their being
cut almost to the minimum.
The "ban" had other more indirect
effects, however. In looking through
The Daily files for the year following

the announcement of the ruling, one
discovers that a number of advertis-
ors were not favorably impressed by
it. Thus, Detroit theatres and stores,
and automobilerand gasoline compan-
ies withdrew from The Daily all of
their advertising. .The rule was bit-
terly contested by "down-town" Ann
Arbor merchants, who also withdrew
a great deal of their advertising. State
street merchants, however, noticed
no up-trend in their business at the
time or since, and so it appears that
either the student body has less mon-
ey tospend or is saving more than
Mr. Walter B. Rea, assistant to the
Dean of Students, feels that the re-
sults of the automobile rule have been
favorable in that students are kept
(Continued on Page 2)
Japanese Have
Determined On
N ,avalEquality
International Conference
On Armament Limitation
To Open Tomorrow
LONDON, Dec. 7. - (P)-Japan
announced flatly today that she de-
mands absolute naval parity with the
United States and Great Britain. The
announcement threw even more
gloom about the international con-
ference opening tomorrow.
It was the Japanese demand which
caused the breakup of an unsuccess-
ful preliminary conference early this
year between the United States, Jap-
an and Great Britain.
The Japanese said no other ques-
tion can be discussed until their de-
mand is met. Their Country now is
on the short end of a 5-5-3 ratio with

Final Appeal
Supreme Court To Decide
Whether It Can Review
Detective's Value
Investigator Said To Have
Denied Knowing Details
Of Importance
TRENTON, N. J., Dec. 7. -
As the United States Supreme Court
in Washington considered the appeal
of Bruno Richard Hauptmann behind
closed doors today, a controversy
raged over the value of the investiga-
tion of Detective Ellis Parker, who
informed Gov. Harold Hoffman that
he is convinced Hauptmann did not
abduct the murdered Lindbergh baby.
A high state official said Parker
told prosecutors at the Flemington
trial of the Bronxcarpenter that he,
had "nothing of value" on the case.
This source told the Associated
Press that a conference was arranged
with Parker "because we were tired
of hearing about him and all the in-
formation he was supposed to have on
the case."
During the conference the detec-
tive was asked point blank, the Jer-1
sey official said, if he did have any-1
thing of value and he replied in the
New Reports Are Denied
At the state house Gov. Hoffman1
was kept busy denying published re-
ports concerning the rapidly formingE
developments of the past week.

Cagers Start
Home Stand
By 37-17 Win
Varsity Displays Offensive
Power In Overwhelming
M. S. N. C. Team
First Team Plays
Only 12 Minutes
Wolverines Match Scoring
Ability With Outstanding
Defensive Play
Showing great strength despite the
fact that it used few of its offen-
sive formations, the Michigan bas-
ketball team defeated Michigan State
Normal College, 37 to 17, after piling
up a 27 to 6 lead in the first half,
in the first home game of the season
last night in Yost Field House.
The first team, which saw action
for only 12 minutes, made 23 points
- an average of two baskets a min-
ute - and played sucha good de-
fensive game that it took the Hurons
eight minutes to score their first
Coach Franklin Cappon used 15
men, the complete squad. Thirteen
played in the first half, and all 15
saw action in the second.
There was no individual star. Capt.
Chelse Tamagno was high-point man
with seven points. Every player on
the first team scored at least one
basket, and played as tight a defen-
sive game as was possible.
Townsend Shows Ability
Townsend, sophomore ace, al-
though he scored only two points,
gave the 5,000 spectators that crowd-
ed the Field House, a glance, but no
more, at his ball-handling and gen-
eral basketball ability; and John Gee,
six foot nine inch center, gave a
capable performance which proved
that he has improved 100 per cent
over last year.
The Ypsilanti five, completely
boxedmein,was given no chance to
score. Every point it made, with
the exception of the goal which John
Jablonski, Michigan center, inadi-
vertently made for it, was on a long
shot or a free throw. Capt. Charles
Hanneman was high scorer with five
points, and did best for the Teachers
Varsity Leads From Start
The first score of the game came
when Earl Townsend, fouled by
George Moraz, dropped in two freef
throws. Another free throw by To-
magno and a pivot shot by Gee
brought the score up to 5 to 0. John
Townsend followed in a shot by Gee
and quick baskets by George Rud-
ness, Earl Townsend, and Tomagno,
pushed up the score to 13-0.
Shooting from far out on the floor, '
wontmuea. on Page 6)
Gold Resources Of,
Nation Increasing
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-((P) -
Resumption of the heavy gold inflow
during recent weeks leads Treasury
officials to forecast a hoard of $10,-{
000,000,000 by the end of the year.
This amount, however, is only
$160,000,000 in excess of the total
now in hand.
It's accumulation even before the
end of the year seemed likely should
the present rate of the inflow, which
has added $600,000,000 in the last 11
weeks, be maintained.

Special Christmas
Edition Of Daily Is
Planned For Needy

To Conduct In
Concert Here
First Half Of This Year's
Series Will Be Closed By
Boston Orchestra
Bringing to a close the first half
of the 1935-36 Choral Union concert
series, the Boston Symphony Orches-
tra of 110 men will be heard at 8:15
p.m. Wednesday in Hill Auditorium.
For the fifth time before a local audi-
ence, the orchestra will be led by Dr.
Serge Koussevitzky, one of the best-
known of modern conductors.
The appearance of the orchestra
Wednesday will mark the eleventh
time they have been heard in Ann
Arbor, after having played their in-
itial local concert in 1880. Five of
these appearances have been in the
past five years and, with one excep-
tion, they have not been heard else-
where in the state.


Great Britain and the United States. The governor denied that Parker
The Japanese position was con- had told him the name of the per-
veyed to the British Admiralty at a son he believes kidnaped and mur-
conference which the Oriental dele- dered the infant son of Col. and Mrs.
gation requested. Charles A. Lindbergh.
Japan, the delegate clearly stated, Commenting on another report
is not prpared to acceptanypro that Parker had taken someone into'
posals for exchange of a building pro- custody as a result of his long in-

gram unless there is a definite agree-
ment on the question of total ton-
The British representatives did not
answer the Japanese demands and
made no commitments.
Negotiations between the five great
powers attending - France and Italy,
in addition to Britain, the United
States and Japan - will lead either
to an agreement replaceing the
Washington and London naval lim-
itation treaties, which expire next
year, or to a naval building race, ob-
servers are agreed.
The British will confer separately'
tomorrow with each delegation to lay
the groundwork for the talks.
Although a breakup of the parley is;
freely predicted in some quarters, the
complications are so grave they may
eventually drive the sea powers to-
gether into continued limitation be-

vestigation, the governor declared:
"If Ellis Parker had made an ar-
rest, I would be one of the first to
hear of it."
That Parker knows the name of
the kidnaper and has a photograph
of him was published by the New
York Post in a dispatch from Tren-
ton. The dispatch said further,
"There is every reason to believe Par-
ker has furnished the name to Gov.
Parker Adds Nothing
Parker, in a statement issued in
Mt. Holly, N. J., would make no new
"What Gov. Hoffman says about
me talking to him about this case
is true," the detective said. "I have
also told the attorney general of this
State (David Wilentz) exactly what
I thought about it, so there is no mis-
understanding where I stand."
The detective said he had worked
alone in his investigation.
"I never asked the state police
for information excet once," he said.
"I didn't get it, and naturally I have
never .asked them since that time."
The deliberation of the Supreme
Court justices in Washingtonnwas on
the question of whether or not they
should review the case of the kidnap
murder of the Lindbergh baby.
The decision will not be announced
before Monday.

'Shadow' Through
Frightening Co-eds
When Cupid Calls
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Dec. 7.-(P)
- Co-eds of Indiana University, their
"telephone jitters" dispelled, talked
fearlessly to their boy friends to-
For several days a strange voice
has interrupted wire conversations
with an eery, "I am there, 'the sha-
dow.' I see all. I know all. I am
Amazed telephone officials, found
out today how it was done, and im-
mediately took steps to prevent fur-
ther cut-ins."
The identity of "the shadow" re-
mained a mystery.
A series of phone numbers dialed
in sequence, permitted the prankster
to "tab" conversations, the officials
learned. Previously, investigators be-
lieved the "shadow" operated from
an extension line or used the "line
men's trouble box."
Government Of
China Becomes
One-Man Rule
Chiang Kai Shek Is Given
Three Powerful Jobs;
Faces Northern Crisis
NANKING, Dec. 7.-(P) -China's
Government becam a virtual one-man
affair today. The political destiny
of more than four hundred million
persons lay in the hands of Gen-
eralissimo Chiang Kai Shek.
Three more powerful jobs were
given to the forty-seven-year-old
The Central Chinese Government
Executive Committee elected him
chairman of the Executive Ypan, a
job equivalent to premier. He suc-
ceeds former Premier Wang Ching
Wei, who resigned after being wound-
ed recently by an assassin:
Chiang also was made vice chair-
man of the Kuomintang National-
ist Party Standing Committee, which
controls the nation, and was given
the vice chairmanship of the Central
Political Council.
He continues to be chairman of the
Military Affairs Commission, which
gives him control of the army.
Thus squarely into Chiang's lap
falls the grave problem of the North-
arn autonomy movement. Only yes-
terday a Government spokesman said
that the crisis, growing from demands
for the separation of North China
from Nanking, had grown worse.
A Japanese Army spokesman, Maj.-
Gen. Rensum Isogai, military attache
at Shanghai said that the Generalis-
simo's assumption of full national
control was a logical development.
"This places the responsibility for
the future course of Sino-Japanese
relations squarely on his shoulders,"
said Gen. Isogai.
Meanwhile authoritative quarters
in Peiping predicted that a new North
China administrative organization,
approved by Nanking, the Japanese
and North China leaders, would soon
be established.
A compromise agreement on the
autonomy issue has been reported
reached between Gen. Ho Ying Ching,
Nanking Government war minister,
and Northern officials. Barring un-
foreseen developments, said officials
in Peiping, the crisis has been solved.
w R
New RegimeIsSet

Up In North China
PEIPING, Dec. 7. -(VP) - A new
regime in North China, separated
from the National Nanking Govern-
ment in all but name, was in the mak-
ing tonight.
It would result in the virtual de-
tachment from the Republic of an
area roughly equal to Texas, with the
population that exceeds 30,000,000,
and comprising the balances of Hopih
and Harah.

Leaders Of Fraternities,
And Honor Societies To
Support Issue
Cooperation Of All
Students Is Asked
New Project To Replace
Direct Donations Given
In Former Years
Leaders of fraternities, sororities,
dormitories and senior honor socie-
ties, in cooperation with the staff of
The Daily, are making plans for the
issuance and sale of a special Christ-
mas Goodfellow edition of The Daily
on Monday, Dec. 16.
The plan was announced in a letter
to student groups being mailed today,
in which the support of the entire
student body is solicited. Money from
the sale of the Goodfellow edition
of The Daily, it is announced in the
letter, will be used to render assist-
ance to needy students through the
office of the Dean of Students, and
will also be used to help unfortunate
children and destitute families,
through the Family Welfare Bureau.
To Ask For Support
The letter is signed by Dean Jo-
seph A. Bursley, and it is expected
that leaders of various campus or-
ganizations will be contacted tomor-
row 1nd Tuesday in an attempt to
secure their backing for the special
The inauguration of this new proj-
ect was made in response to appeals
by University authorities and local
welfare organizations that Christ-
mas parties for needy children and
other means of direct charity often
have unfortunate consequences. While
commending the effort an-thespirit
motivating this direct assistance, the
welfare and sociology authorities de-
plored the fact that sensitive recipi-
ents were made to feel their handi-
caps acutely, and that there was a
great deal of duplication.
Fraternities Arrange Sale
By distributing the assistance
through the agency of the office of
the Dean, and the Family Welfare
Bureau, the group aims to eliminate
duplication and embarrassment to
recipients while preserving the holi-
day tradition, it was announced.
Sale of the Goodfellow Dailys, it
is planned, will be arranged within
fraternities, sororities, and dormitor-
ies through the house heads. Street
,ale will be managed by the honor
A special award in recognition of
the highest cooperative spirit shown
by a fraternity, sorority or dormitory,
will be given by The Daily, it is an-
nounced in the letter.
Profit from advertising to be car-
Jied in the Goodfellow edition will be
,urned over to the fund, George Ath-
nrton, '36, business manager of The
Daily, stated.
U.S. Army 'Can Do'
Unit In North China
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. -(W)-
Troops of the United States Army's
'can do" regiment stand guard in
North China over American lives and
For 23 years, units of the 15th
Infantry have been stationed at
Tientsin, China's principal northern
port city and center of recent con-
;entrations of Japanese troops moved
in to protect communications within
the newly proclaimed autonomous
regime of East Hopei province.
The 15th Infantry has been known
in the Army for years as the "can
do" regiment because of its reputa-
tion in the service for an ability to
perform ably any tasks to which it is
assigned. The expression "can do"

is a customary Chinese assent in
pigeon English to a request for serv-
So much a part of regimental his-
tory has it become that the two words
are superimposed on the regimental
crest forming a part of its regulation
Conference Schedule Of
Baseball Is Announced

Among other great conductors who cause of fears of the alternative.
have led the orchestra in previous
local concerts are Arthur Nikisch and
Karl Muck. For Wednesday's con- ri S
cert by Dr. Koussevitzky has built a Green Will Not
program which is expected to sur- -P si.o
pass many of' the programs of the Resiorn Position
past in general musical interest. The
program is as follows: A A F. T Head
Handel, Concerto for Strings and F .
Wind Orchestras in F Major; Sibe- -
lius, "Polijola's Daughter," Symph- WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-(P) -
onic Fantasia, Op. 49; Ravel, "LaWila Grepsdnto th
Valse," Choregraphic Poem; and William Green, president of the
Strauss, "Ein Heldenleben," Tone American Federation of Labor, today
Poem, Op. 40. declined the invitation of John L.
Lewis to quit his present post and
Tickets forthe concerthare still head an industrial union committee.
on sale at the office of the School Lewis, president of the United
of Music on Maynard Street, and Mine Workers, had proposed that
President Charles A. Sink announcedGretaehspcescaimno
yesterday that there are still a num- tkee fore wthin the
ber of good seats available in all sec- the committee formed within the
tions.A.F.L. recently to bring millions of
mass production wresit in-
Dr. Sink emphasized that the doors dut tn workers into in-
will be closed promptly and there will dustrial rather than craft unions.
be no seating during numbers. As the "To respond to the suggestion of
first number will last about 20 min- President Lewis would mean that I
utes he advised that all patrons ar- would lend my assistance to the de-
rive in time to be in their seats and velopment of dissension within the
thus avoid confusion. American Federation of Labor, and
that I cannot do," Green told report-
Attitude Of Colleges "I am president of the American
Federation of Labor, reelected at the
Scored By Educator Atlantic City convention in October.
I'm not president of any group within
the federation, and I'm endeavoring
GREENCASTLE, Ind., Dec. 7. -(AP) to prevent the setting up of organi-
- Dr. Albert Oberterffer of Ohio zations within the federations."
State University criticized American Lewis nominated Green for reelec-
colleges and universities today for tion at the last A.F.L. convention.}
what he termed a most "take it or Green was secretary-treasurer of the
leave it" attitude toward their stu- United Mine Workers before he head-

Observatory At Lake Angelus
Shooting Pictures Of Sunspots

Although most astronomers now
doubt that sunspots have anything'
to do with 'automobile accidjlnts,
floods and economic depressions, the
recurrence of great blemishes across
the surface of old sol, some of which
measure 160,000 miles across, is start-
ing speculation again as to their cause
and effect.
The Hulbert-McMath Observatory
of the University, at Lake Angelus
is recording position and movements
of the veritable archipelago of sun-
spots with a motion picture camera.
Although making no coxrelations,
Robert McMath of Detroit, head of
the observatory, is accurately mea-
suring the spots.
The largest spot seen this year -
11,000 miles in diameter -was rec-

the curious markings usually disap-
pear within a few days, there is hope
of a new record.!
Probably a majority of astronomers
agree as to the cause of the sunspots,
Mr. McMath said, but their position
on the solar disk remains a mystery.
At a minimum, they are hardly ever
seen north or south of 40 degrees
latitude, it was explained, and they
gradually move toward the equator.
The most widely accepted theory as
to the origin of the solar spots is that
they are gaseous eruptions corre-
sponding to cyclones on earth, ac-
cording to Mr. McMath. Such erup-
tions are believed to occur, he said,
when swarms of free electrons, whirl-
ing up with vaporized metal elements
of the chromosphere, cause an elec-
tric current and a powerful mag-

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