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December 07, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-07

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A T'T7TiT)A, I , T) l I RKT¢T ', " 193


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Gauss' indictment will not apply to him. He must
grasp the fact that it is not the facts we learn in
college that are importan,t but the knowledge of
how to learn.
Of course these accusations can always be an-
swered by a shrug of the shoulders, implying that
they may apply to other universities, but not to our
own. However, if the shoe fits, put it on.
Just Another
Naval Conference....
O SAY that the London Naval Con-
ference which opened yesterday
cannot accomplish anything is probably incorrect,
to say that it will not is probably the truth.
The British electorate three weeks ago returned
the National Government to power on a manifesto
which advocated a great increase in all arma-
m~ents, and especially in regard to the navy.
Japan, with its militaristic faction still in power,
intends to make a claim for naval parity with
Great Britain and the United States. Italy
has announced to the world that she wants and
will demand a navy equal to that of France.
The only ray of hope for the Conference, besides
the solace that a meeting was called to discuss
naval armaments, lies in the fact that the United
States delegates have been instructed to oppose
any increase in the world's burden of naval costs -
which, in effect, means the advocacy of the status
Despite the extremely black outlook for what
the conference may do, it can do a great deal.
This depends upon whether the delegates realize
that the impending armament race can have no
other result than war, a war that might mean
the end and decline of western civilization. And
perhaps what the conference accomplishes de-
pends even more upon whether the delegates do
not talk in generalities, get down to facts and
face the situation squarely, resolve to do something
about it, and a're not satisfied with merely limit-
ing a nation to the number of cruisers or sub-
marines its budget will stand. But that is being
over optimistic.


Telephone 4925

Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W.
Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman.
Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman;
IElsie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert
A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman.
Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good-
Women's Department: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H.
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Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver-
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Are We
Being Educated?...
THE TITLE of Dean Christian Gauss'
article in the current Saturday
Evening Post, "Why Don't College Graduates Stay
Educated?" is either slightly misleading, or else
more than slightly satirical, because the essence
of his article is that they were never educated
in the first place.
It is a sad commentary on higher education
when the dean of Princeton University, who is also
a graduate of the University of Michigan, points
out that if 100 picked graduates of the best col-
leges of liberal arts in the country were subjected
to tests, not even the most intelligent expert culd
guess what were the liberal arts in which they
have supposedly been trained.
The greatest single obstacle that bars any sig-
nificant advance in American college education, is,
according to Dean Gauss, the intellectual smug-
ness of the college graduate. He so completely ex-
plodes the myth that a mere piece of parchment
paper can transform an individual of only average
mentality into a "super brain-truster," who can
intelligently devote himself to a scholarly or cul-
tural ideal, that the outraged alumnus is left no
Education should serve to enlarge the under-
standing, but how much enlargement has the
typical graduate obtained? Usually his sole inter-
est in his alma mater is in its football team, and
he is more concerned with having the coach re-
moved if the team has a poor season than he is
with valuable research work done by its faculty.
Dean Gauss paints a discouraging picture of the
intellectual condition of the average alumnus, who
has his Bachelor of Arts degree neatly framed, but
it is even more discouraging when we consider
that every year thousands of undergraduates are
grist for the same mill. How then can we expect
thatthe alumni of 1945 will be any better than
those of 1935? d
Even in regard to vital problems of the day,
it is not the college graduates as a group who
take the lead in insisting on an intelligent and
fair solution. Their complacent acceptance of
the status quo would lead us to believe that no
reforms are needed in' the United States, that we
are living in an idyllic Golden Age.
They seem to be blind to the fact that if the
great army of graduates, whose number Dean
Gauss estimates at 3,000,000, united and demanded
action, such problems as crime, political corrup-
tion, and unemployment could be more easily
As individuals, some alumni may be interested
in reform,'but as a group they have accomplished
nothing. It is not the college graduates who are
struggling to establish world peace. "Although
no higher education worthy of the name can exist,
for instance, if freedom of inquiry is threatened,"
Dean Gauss writes, "yet college graduates as such
made no protest during the Scopes trial.'
Yet as he points out, the alumni are not alto-
gether to blame for their predicament. What
he terms their "fatty degeneration" is caused by
the fact that they never received the proper train-
ing while they were in-college. Obviously then, if
we are to accomplish anything in changing. the
type of graduates who every June are receiving
their degrees by the thousands, we must begin by
changing the attitude of the present undergrad-
The chief fault with the present system; Dean
Gauss says, is that the university does not equip
the student with an "intellectual self-starter."
During his college career, the student goes to





Letters published in this column should not be1
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
fetters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
To the Editor:
The critic has his duties; he must judge. Whe-
ther he likes it or not, he is bound to point out
wherein an artist fails as well as wherein he
succeeds. The critic is measured by the subtlety
of his discriminations; and unless he does dis-
criminate he is little else than a more or less skill-
ful propagandist.
Need the music reviews in The Daily be quite so
Why not recognize the great contrast in quality
between the first and second parts of Kreisler'sN
concert Tuesday night? I am sure that hundredsc
in the audience perceived it. Was the Daily's"
critic obtuse enough to miss the difference? Thatl
is extremely improbable. Certainly the reviewer1
must have noticed that Kreisler's fingers, for somec
reason (perhaps because they were cold?) failed
to follow his heart's desire; with the result that
he "flatted" with uncomfortable frequency, that
he struck notes which had no place in the score,t
that he made tones at which one had to squirm
-that, in short, the potential beauty of the
first three numbers was not realized, due to faulty
With the playing of the fourth selection, imme-
diately before intermission, one was able to un-
derstand why Kreisler has won his reputation;
the remainder of the concert was on the same
high level.l
Is not this a distinction it was a critic's duty
to remark? -T.A.H.
As Others See It
Fascist Leagues In France1
(From the New York Herald-Tribune)
T IS A CURIOUS but characteristic result of the
complicated harassments of present-day French1
democracy that M. Laval, whose handling of an
embarrassing international situation has not been
seriously challenged and who has won a comfort-,
able majority on the economic issues which were
supposed to spell his doom, it today meeting the
most serious threat of all in the apparently minor
issue of the Fascist leagues. Colonel de la Roque
and his reputed 250,000 armed and anti-demo-
cratic followers have suddenly become the pivot
around which the unstable structure of the French
politics revolves. This is not altogether because of
the danger which the colonel carries for Repub-
lican institutions. Few take the vague threats
of a coup d'etat very seriously, and even those
who fear the rise of a Hitler believe that condi-
tions in France are still a long way from those
which could make dictatorship a reality. It is not
so much that Colonel de la Rocque is a dangerous
issue as that he is a convenient one.
It was the appearance of the Fascist leagues
and the memory of the German experience that
drove the Communists and the Socialists into their
united front last year; it was the colonel's Croix
de Feu and Laval's toleration of it which provided
the Radical Socialists with the issue upon which
they were able to join the other Left elements.
But though the Left front was thus united, it has
failed to coalesce; while deriving its strength from

The Conning Tower
Friend, close your Homer and your Mallory,
Make a brave end of reading, for the fire
Is ash, as dead as Ilium's memory
And cold as Launcelot's ancient desire.
Put by your books where they may gather dust:
They teach you nothing life taught not of gilt
And gleaming metal rotting into rust
To join the blood its double edges spilt.
You go a far and hurtsful journey, friend,
Where flames are flickers under alien skies,
To claim inheritance long years bequeath.
Though you know this for truth and that for lies,
Relentless time cancels both in the end,
And beauty's doom is the strong seal of death.
Interest in this office was expressed in the case
of Shaw v. Shaw. Mrs. Lisa Shaw appearing on
Tuesday as her own attorney in defense of a
divorce suit brought by her husband, carried a
large volume of verse, which she said that she
might quote from during the trial. The book was
"The Albatross Book of Living Verse," a compila-
tion made by Louis Untedmeyer. It is a big book,
and contains poems written from the thirteenth
century to the present. There are, of modern
writers, Kipling, Millay, Frost, Sandburg, Wylie,
Teasdale, and many others. What this office won-
dered was what poem or poems she might quote
and how the defense might be served by such
quotation. For it seems to us that poem should
get into the Law Reports.
Sir: On p. 74, "Astounding Stories" I find:
"'Good,' he clipped." Try that on your tonsorial-
istician. I also wish to inform you that I have
written the Great American Newspaper Novel.
Well, I started it thus-:
"See that order is kept in those files," rasped
the editor.
Christmas slogan, glimpsed by Emtee, on San
Antonio's leading store, Joske Bros.: "Kindly Be
Happy.", It seems to us that business phrase-
ology is briefer than it used to be;bhence the omis-
sion of "And Oblige."
It might be considered a tribute to Charles
Gates Dawes, of Chicago, that "Of Thee I Sing"
was not staged or written until a considerable
period after he had discarded his parliamentary
garb and returned to civil life. Certainly he was
no Winterbottom. - Robert Woodman in the
New York Daily Investment News.
Never shall we forget the opening chorus:
"Throttlegreen for President!"
"When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder I'll Be
There" sang Mr. Talbot with absolute conviction
on Sunday mornings in the Presbyterian Sunday
School. He was tall and bony and narrow and
wore his Prince Albert closely buttoned. Nobody'
could be surer of ethereal transcendency than Mr.
Talbot. He got louder and louder, so positive was
he. "When the roll is called up yonder (and his
little hot, fiery eyes were raised to the plaster
ceiling) "I'LL BE THERE!"
If he were There, it followed that his four
daughters would also be There, and if by chance
you did squeeze past St. Peter, there would be
those Talbot girls swishing around in white taf-
feta, playing their harps as cleverly as they had
done everything else back on earth in Hancock
County. You could see yourself, still sitting shyly
in a corner practicing your harp as earnestly as
you did the Czerny exercises - and doing it just
as painfully and badly.
Mr. Lambie, superintendent of the Sunday
School, HE would probably be There, too. Like
Mr. Talbot, he was religious and severe and dis-
agreeable. "Good morning, teacherth and thco-
larth" he would lisp each Sunday. "Good morn-
ing, superintendent" was the response, to your
deep embarrassment. You could imagine him
arriving Up Yonder and saying, "Good morning,

Angelth and Minithterth of Grath."
Heaven was rapidly losing its enticements, espe-
cially as father and mother never seemed to bother
much about it. Sundays, father read Bob Inger-
soll; and mother, the Chicago Record, and Inter-
Ocean. They showed a regrettable lack of interest
in the future destination of their souls. Certainly
two such agreeable and delightful people would
never go to Hell. And in spite of your assiduous
Sunday School attendance and the holy glamour
you absorbed from Mr. Talbot and Mr. Lambie, it
was inconceivable that you would go gallivanting
Up Yonder and leave your father and mother in
the lurch.
Those Talbots and Lambies jumping about
briskly to answer the Roll Call! Better, far better,
to dismiss it all from your mind and pursue the
reasonable course set by your excellent parents.,
And so you slipped happily away from the church,
no longer torn with anxiety as to Where you and
your tranquil parents would be When the Roll.
Was Called Up Yonder. B. ROSS
Yesterday's papers ran the (P) story from San
Francisco to the effect that Mrs. Gertrude Ather-
ton was going strong at seventy-eight. The Amer-
ican's subhead, "Gertrude Atherton Twice Re-
juvenated," brings to mind the old saying that a
woman is only young three times.
"I read an article in last week's Nation," writes
the Net Vet, F.A.S.,Jr., "by a Mr. Kinsey Howard.
"'He has a looping forehand,' I said. But no one
was listening.' By the way, whatever became of
his brother, Kinsey Robert? Still in Mexico?"

Off The Record
EVER since Harry Hopkins arrived
here to be relief administrator, he
has worn the same rather battered,
gray felt hat. He's the kind who gets
attached to a hat and forgets how it
Recently he brought home a pup-
py. Shortly the pet withdrew behind
a davenport and reduced the Hopkins
felt to a well-chewed mess. Hopkins
hung between going bare-headed all
winter or tempting fate by appearing
in a new hat.
P.S. --He got a new hat.
Senators' mail can be rather
dull, but this brief message raised
some talk. It said:
"Dere Congressman: Send me
a badge and a gun quick. I no
THE woman manager of a Wash-
ington apartment arrived at the
theatre to find the lobby jammed. Her
nerves were frayed from a hard day.
So she was annoyed when a man's
voice behind her cried, "Make way!"
"For whom?" she snapped without
looking. Immediately she felt a gen-
tle pressure on her elbow and a wom-
an's, low, amused voice saying: "I
don't blame you, my dear. Come on
in with me." The voice was Mrs.
FIELD mice have an NRA all their
own, scientists of the biological
survey found when they were doing
research on fruit tree destruction.
It seems the mice are up and about
promptly at 6 a.m. for two hours of
breakfast hunting. Then they knock
off for two hours to get ready for an-
other rest, they go to work again at
1 p.m. for an hour. Then they rest
until about 3:30 p.m. when they put
in the last of their chores. The day's
done at 5 p.m.
THERE wasmuch scoffing in the
army crowd here when one of
their enthusiastic hunters decided to
try a mechanical "turkey caller" on a
hunting trip.
The hunter had the last laugh, but
not in the way he had planned. He
took to the woods and set off his
calling device. The mechanical "Gob-
ble, gobble!" brought no turkeys but it
proved so realistic it attracted several
pot shots from other hunters in the
THERE's a pair of antagonists who
meet every four years at the na-
tional Democratic conventions.
One-Eyed Connelly arrives for his
famous purpose: to get in. Joseph J.
Sinnott, the wiry little doorkeeper of
the House, arrivesdto keep every one
out who is not a delegate.
Sinnott wins because he has been
attending conventions for 44 years.
But at the last convention, and he
grins about this, he gave Connelly a
small job at the convention hall.
STENOGRAPHERS at the bureau of
education were busy filing appli-
cations. They were rather confused
by the one on which a man had writ-
ten that his occupation was "curer
of souls." --''
"Probably an old-fashioned Bible-
thumper," they decided and read on.
But the rest of the answers didn't jibe.
So they wrote the applicant for an
He meant "soles." He is a tanner
by trade.
Ten Years Ago
From The Daily Files
of December 7 1925

Advocating the immediate erection
of a stadium seating 75,000 persons
as the only possible solution to the
present problem of ticket distribution
for Wolverine football games, Coach
Fielding H. Yost, explained the sit-
uation to the University of Michigan
Club of Detroit tonight.
University officials were notified
yesterday that the Michigan High
School Principals Association had
adopted resolutions endorsing Pres-
ident Cook Little's attitude of limiting
college admission to only those pupils
whose aim is scholastic achievement.
Princess Cantacuzene, grand-
daughter of Gen. U.S. Grant, will give
the fifth lecture of the season of the
Oratorical Association tonight in Hill
Auditorium speaking on "My Life
Here and There."
Alumni, faculty, and students will
join in producing the semi-monthly
"Michigan Night" program to be
broadcast tonight from the University
Station in University Hall.
In an effort to eliminate conges-
tion during the fall registration pe-
riod, University officials yesterday an-
nounced the adoption of a new plan
for giving medical and physical ex-
aminations to entering students.
"Almost a third of the students

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

SATURDAY, DEC. 7, 1935
VOL. XLVI No. 57
To the Members of the University
Council: The next meeting of the
University Council will be held Mon-
day, Dec. 9, 4:15 p.m., Room 1009
Student Loans: There will be a
meeting of the Committee on Stu-
dent Loans on Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2:00
p.m., Room 2, University Hall. Stu-
dents who have already filed appli-
cations with the Office of the Dean
of Students should call there for
an appointment with the Committee.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcements of
United States Civil Service Examina-
tions for Chief and Principal Engi-
neering Draftsmen, (for work on
ships), Optional Branches: Marine
Engines and Boilers, and Electrical
(Ship), salary, $2,300 to $2,600.
For further information call at 201
Mason Hall, office hours, 9:00 to 12:00
and 2:00 to 4:00.
Smoking in University Buildigs:
Attention is called to the general rule
that smoking is prohibited in Univer-
sity buildings except in private offices
and assigned smoking rooms where
precautions can be taken and control
exercised. This is neither a mere
arbitrary regulation nor an attempt
to meddle with anyone's personal
habits. It is established and enforced
solely with the purpose of preventing
fires. During the past two years there
have been twenty fires in University
buildings, seven of which were at-
tributed to cigarettes. To be effec-
tive, the rule must necessarily apply
to bringing lighted tobacco into or
through University Buildings -in-
cluding such lighting just previous to
going outdoors. Within the last few
years a serious fire was started at the
exit from the Pharmacology Building
by the throwing of a still lighted
match into refuse waiting removal at
the doorway. If the rule is to be en-
forced at all its enforcement must be-
gin at the building entrance. Further,
it is impossible that the rule should
be enforced with one class of persons
if another class of persons disregards
it. It is a disagreeable and thankless
task to 'enforce' any rule. This rule
against the use of tobacco within the
buildings is perhaps the most thank-
less and difficult of all, unless it has
the willing support of everyone con-
cerned. An appeal is made to all
persons using the University build-
ings - staff members, students and
others - to contribute individual co-
operation to this effort to protect
University buildings against fires.
Notice to all Members of the Uni-
versity: The following is an extract
of a By-Law of the Regents (Chap-
ter III-Z, Sections 8 and 9) which
has been in effect since September,
"It will hereafter be regarded as
contrary to University policy for any
one to have in his or her possession
any key to University buildings or
parts of buildings if such key is not
stamped as provided (i.e. by the
Buildings and Grounds department).
If such unauthorized keys are found
the case shall be referi'ed to the Dean
or the proper head of the University
division involved for his action in
accordance with this principle. Any
watchman or other proper represen-
tative of the Buildings and Grounds
Department, or any Dean department
head oraother properrUniversity offi-
cial shall have the right to inspect
keys believed to open University build-
ings, at any reasonable time or place.
" . ..For any individual to order,
have made, or permit to be ordered
or made, any duplicate of his or her
University key, through unauthorized
channels, must be regarded as a spe-
cial and willful disregard of the safety

of University property."
These regulations are called to the
attention of all concerned, for their
information and guidance. Any per-
son having any key or keys to Uni-
versity buildings, doors, or other locks,
contrary to the provisions recited
above, should promptly surrender the
same to the Key Clerk at the office
of the Superintendent of Buildings
and Grounds.
Shirley W. Smith.
Academic Notices
Geology 11: A make-up field trip
for the fourth trip will be given
Wednesday, Dec. 11, at 2:00 p.m.
Zoology 31 (Evolution): Members
of the class desiring help with theii
work may come to Room 4097 N.S
Monday, Dec. 9, from 2 to 4 p.m.
A. F. Shull.
Events Of Today
All members of the Band report at
Morris Hall at 11:45. Drums and
bass horns are to be packed so that
they can be placed on top of busses

American Chemical Society: The
December meeting will be held in
Room 303 of the Chemistry Building
at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 10. Dr.
H. R. Crane will speak on "Methods
of producing artificially radioactive
substances," and Dr. F. J. Hodges
will speak on 'Possible uses of short-
lived radioactive substances in medi-
cine." The first part of the meeting
is open to the public. At the con-
clusion of the papers the annual
business meeting will be held.
Mathematical Club will meet on
Monday, Dec. 9, 8:00 p.m., 3201 An-
gell Hall. Professor W. S. Kimball,
of Michigan State College, will speak
on "A new approach to the Calculus
of Variations."
Acolytes will meet Monday, Dec. 9,
7:30 p.m. 202 South Wing. Professor
Roy Wood Sellars will read a paper
on "Social Attitudes and Social The-
Phi Eta Sigma, freshman honorary
fraternity, will have a supper Sun-
day evening at 6:30. Members are
requested to sign at the Union desk
as usual. An initiation, to be held
Dec. 10, will be discussed at the meet-
ing, and the Ensian picture question
will be taken up. There will be no
speaker. Supper is 35c.

Genesee Club will meet
4:30, at the Union. All
ians are invited to attend.

Sunday at

League of Nations Association: Mo-
tion picture, "All Quiet on the Wes-
tern Front," Michigan Union, Mon-
day, Dec. 9, 8:00 p.m.
Rifle Marksmanship: Any girl in-
terested in rifle shooting should re-
port for instruction at the range in
the Women's Athletic Building on
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or
Thursday between four and six
Michigan Dames Tour Group will
meet Monday, Dec. 9, at the Uni-
versity Hospital, second floor waiting
room. All Dames are cordially in-
vited to attend this meeting.
Bridge Group of the Michigan
Dames will hold its regular meeting
at 8 o'clock Tuesday, December 10,
Michigan League. The husband's
party previously scheduled for this
date has been postponed.
First Presbyterian Church, Sunday.
At 9:45 Dr. Lemon will lead the dis-
cussion in the Westminster Forum on
the subject, "The Essence of Reli-
10:45, Morning worship service.
Dr. Lemon preaches the second in a
series of Advent sermons upon the
theme "The Making of God's Gentle-
5:30, The Westminster Guild Fel-
lowship Hour with cost supper.
6:30, Dr. W. D. Henderson of the
Extension Division will speak to the
Westminster Guild upon the theme,
"Human Nature in the Bible."
6:00, The Tuxis Society will hear
Dr. Lemon speaking on the subject,
'The Meaning of Life Found in Great
The Young Married Peoples Group
of the Church will hold its Christmas
party on Tuesday night, Dec. 10.
Young married couples of the faculty
or among the graduate students con-
nected with any Presbyterian church
are invited. Each person is asked to
bring a ten cent toy. The party will
be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Norman W. Kunkel, 1417 South Uni-
versity Avenue.
Stalker Hall: Class on "The Social
Responsibility of a Christian" led by
Prof. Lowell J. Carr, Sunday at 12
noon. Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6
p.m. Sunday. Prof. Bennett Weaver
will speak on "Literature." Fellow-
shipHour at 7 p.m. All Methodist
students and their friends are in-
First Methodist Church: Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "The Book
of Books" Sunday at 10:45 a.m.
Congregational Church: Sunday.
10:30: President Joseph Brewer of
Olivet College, guest speaker. Sub-
ject, "Quality versus Quantity in Ed-
ucation." Professor Preston Slosson
will give the second address in the
monthly series on "Great Protes-
tants," speaking on Fox and Penn,
Prophets of the Inner Light."
6:00, Student Fellowship with sup-
per. At seven o'clock President Brew-
er will talk on "New Attitudes in
College Education."
Harris Hall: The regular student
meeting will be held in Harris Hall
Sunday evening at seven o'clock: Mr.
Harold Gray will be the speaker for
the evening. His topic is, "An Ex-
periment in Community Farming."
All Episcopal students and their
friends are cordially invited.


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