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December 07, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-07

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The Weather
Probable precipitation with
rising temperature.

4 P'

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Are We Being Educated? .. .
Just Another Naval
Conference . .



Gov. Hoffman
May Postpone
Bruno's Death
Hauptmann Case Will Be
Delayed If 'Plausible'
Evidence Is Found,-
New Jersey Chief
Visits Death House
Detective Parker Believes
Prisoner Is Definitely
'Not The Man'
TRENTON, N. J., Dec. 6.-(P) -
A source close to Gov. Harold G. Hoff-
man disclosed today that the gov-
ernor is determined to "see that jus-
tice is done" in the Lindbergh kidnap-
slaying and will delay Bruno Rich-
ard Hauptmann's execution if any
"plausible" evidence is produced in
the condemned man's favor.
The governor said that Ellis H.
Parker, noted Burlington county, de-
tective, reputedly refused cooperation
by the New Jersey state police, is
working on the case and that Parker
is "under the definite impression that
Hauptmann is not the man."
Parker was reported impressed by
a letter received by the Trenton chief
of police shortly after the kidnaping
directing him to follow telephone
wires from Hopewell, the Lindbergh
home, to the Lindbergh baby.
Hauptmann Silent
Parker, who is 62 years old and has
had a high percentage of successes
in homicide cases, could not be
reached today and was reported
hunting ducks around Barnegat Bay.
Gov. Hoffman visited Hauptmann
in the death house of state prison the
night of Oct. 17. He declined to dis-
cuss the details of the call and
Hauptmann was silent today about
his visit, his attorney, C. Lloyd Fisher,

Puzzled Eng ieer
Plus .driverless'
Car Perplexes Alli

Cage Quintet New Vote Of
Makes Local I Conf idence

. S. Red



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In these days of radio-controlled o f-i eH L l u
airplanes and submarines, anythingOW ven aval
is possible, even a radio-controlled
car, or so an engineer on the Ann
Arbor Railroad must have concluded Wolverines Plan Second French Premier Wrests
early yesterday morning. Imagine Win Of Season In Tilt Third Consecutive Win
his surprise when, after being rammed
by an oncoming automobile at the With Normal At 7:30 From Chamber
Mill Street crossing, he stopped and
found no driver to berate angrily. Cappon Team Rated Franc Skyrockets
A local garage was a little per- O
plexed too, when answering an un- Finest Since 19291 As Result of Vote
identified call, they found a perfectly
wrecked auto awaiting their minis-
trations. However, nothbeing in- Townsend Combination Is Government Bonds, Stocks
clined to believe that any superna- Expected To Again Lead Also Catapult In French'
tural causes produced the situation,etdr ec'sd Iui
they investigated and found a letter MichiganAttack Market
addressed to Paul C. Koske, county;
work director. Police and sheriff's By RAY A. GOODMAN PARIS, Dec. 6. --(I) - Premier
officers were immediately summoned Michigan basketball fans will get Pierre Laval seemed safely past par-
and began a search for the missing their first opportunity to view the liamentary dangers for the time being
body. Wolverine "new deal" cage quintet in tonight, his hand strengthened for his
But no dead body was found. In- action tonight when the Varsity five, fight' against monetary devaluation
stead a very much alive Mr. Koske heralded as the best Michigan has and efforts to solve the European-
was discovered at his home and was seen since 1929, takes the floor against African crisis.
exceedingly surprised that the arms Michigan State Normal College of He wrested a vote of confidence,
of the law should be seeking him. He Ypsilanti at 7:30 at Yost Field House. 1 351 to 219, from the Chamber of
had been driving the car and thought The game, bichigan's second and Deputies by promptly turning to his
that the train had not intended to the Hurons' opener, will mark the advantage the agreement of Nation-
stop following the accident, and so first appearance at the Field House of alists and leftists to dissolve their
had walked home and telephoned the John and Earl Townsend, who consti- political troops.
garage, he explained. tute much of the Varsity's offensive The franc lon in dual decln
Why hadn't he given his name? strength. In the first game against because of the dark political situa-
He must have forgotten, and besides, Calvin College last Monday, the tion, immediately skyrocketed in un-
he would have called for it anyway. Townsend brothers scored more than official foreign exchange trading.
Koske was returning from Lansing, Cds
on the Traver road when the collision I Cappon Respects Hurons tthe dollar, closing at 15.125 francs
occurred. He suffered only minor Coach Elton Rynearson will put a o e(6 6116 ts to the fllar)cln t Grn
cuts and bruises and was treated at veteran team on the floor, four of ment bonds and stocksashot up at the
home by the doctor. His family is whom faced the Wolverines last year Bourse.
out of town. when Ypsilanti was edged out by a
--_ -___ _27 to 26 score. Despite a much-im- Today's victory was his third since
proved squad, Coach Franklin Cap- parliament reconvened Nov. 18.
R ed CrossGoal pon figures the Huron five as a strong The Premier, whose cabinet is
team and does not expect any over- dubbed the Save-the-Franc Govern-
1 whelming victory. ment, introduced three bills in the
Passed In Drive The Michigan five, which averages chamber today providing for dissolu-
six feet three inches, will have a de- tion of the armed political leagues.
1cided height advantage over the Nor- Leftists had threatened his over-C
re mal College team. Against the Cal- throw unless the Nationalists were
vin Knights the Varsity used this su- curbed, charging that the Rightists
perior height to good advantage, with planned a "civil war" to establish a
Donations From Students Earl Townsend and John Gee scor- Fascist government.'
AndlUniversity Employes ing often on follow-in shots. Charles Then he called for a vote of con-
Rukamp, Ypsi center, measuring six fidence on his proposal that the
Ail In Campaign feet four inches, is tallest played on c hamber consider the measures atj
the Normal squad.,.
The local organization of the Amer- 4,500 Are Expected One bill would outlaw "combat or-


Hauptmann's petition to the Su-
preme Court of the United States for
a reiew bofhis Flemington trial still
is pending. The court may reach a


Bombed, Women Killed;
Haile Protests To League

decision tomorrow and possibly de- ican Red Cross announced yesterday
cide Monday whether to review the that its goal of $3,000 was oversub-
case. scribed $291.22 in the annual nation
The Governors interest, which wide roll call, in which a total of
would strengthen Hauptmann's hope 1,541 members from Ann Arbor were
in case of an unfavorable decision, en.oled.
developed after Hauptmann's con- University sororities and fraterni-
viction on Feb. 13 last, when hun- ties contributed $82.31, and member-
dreds of letters began reaching the ships from the Universal hospital
State House, some declaring a belief nursing staffs totaled $347.65. In
in Hauptmann's guilt, others in his other departments of the hospital, 26
innocence.. members were enrolled, giving $26.
While the special gifts committee
Officials Regarded Case Closed secured $1,185.54, the house-to-house
The Governor, it was disclosed, read canvass showed the greatest divi-
many of the letters and made notes sional increase over last year. The
of his own study. Because of the canvass results show that 819 mem-
widespread interest in the case he bers were enrolled, contributing $1,-
wished to be absolutely certain of 056.20. The Barton Hills district had
Hauptmann's- guilt before the Bronx 11 members contributing $38.
carpenter walked to the electric chair, Memberships from the Michigani
it was said. Union were received which added
Another angle interested the Gov- $17.62, while the University High
ernor, the source disclosed. He real- School pledged $3.50. Booths were
ized that few persons were interested installed in local banks and St. Jo-
in Hauptmann. Agencies of the law seph's Mercy Hospital, and from this
regarded the case as closed after the source $242.60 were obtained from 221
conviction. new members. The workers secured
It has been estimated that the in- 43 members from teachers in the
vestigation and trial cost $2,500,000. Ann Arbor public schools who con-
Edward J. Reilly, chief of defense tributed $43.
counsel at the trial, raised the point Red Cross officials expressed them-
at Flemington that the defense was selves as very much pleased with the
too poor to hire experts to pass on cooperation they received, especiallyl
the ransom, notes and the kidnap in view of the numerous other drives
ladder. i hiew eof ghn geousatthesd mee
The interest of the Governor and which were going on at the same
' ]1time.

Coach Cappon has named the same?
team 'that started in the opener to
face the Teachers. This five includes
John and Earl Townsend at for-
wards, Gee at center, and Capt. Chel-
so Tomagno and George Rudness at
guards. The Varsity looked good
yesterday in a short offensive drill
with Gee's passing outstanding. To-
night's opener should show a much
improved Gee, who has learned to
handle both himself and the ball.
A capacity crowd of 4.500 is ex-j
peeted to pack the Field House with'
800 high school coaches and players
attending in addition to a large dele-
gation from Ypsilanti.,
Starting lineups:
Normal Michigan {
Elanneman (C) F J. Townsend
Wendt F E. Townsend
Rukamp C Gee
Moroz G Rudness
Wenger G Tomagno (C)
espect Laws,
Envoys Warned
By Cordell Hull
Diplomatic Immunity Does!
Not Give Total Freedom
From Laws,_Says Official
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6. - (P) - A
plain hint was given foreign envoys
by Secretary Cordell Hull today that
the United States expects them to
observe this Country's laws, notwith-
standing their privilege of diplomatic
He made it in a statement an-
nouncing apologies had been tendered
to Ghaffar Djalal, Iran's (Persia's)
minister, for his arrest Nov. 27 at
Elkton, Md., on a speeding charge.
Djalal protested that he was
handcuffed and treated discourteous-
ly and demanded punishment for the
arresting officers.
The formal apologies of Gov. Har-
ry Nice, of Maryland, together with
an expression of regret by the United
States Government, were transmitted
to the envoy.
Assurance also was given by the
Governor that the two officers who
arrested Djalal had been fined for
assault and discharged.
In announcing this at his press con-
ference, Hull remarked that this Gov-
ernment impresses upon its represen-

:,aizations or private militias" and
political uniforms, insignias and
arms. The other two would increase
the penalties for illegal possession of
10e,,,(;cns and provide for prosecution
of publications which "incite to mur-
A. . .To Vote
On Participation
Question Today
Open Assembly To Decide
Official Stand On Taking
Fart In Olympics
NEW YORK, Dec. 7. - (gP) - After
wrestling all day with the highly
charged issue of American participa-
tion in the 1936 Olympic games, the
executive committee of the Amateur
Athletic Union decided tonight to
place it squarely before the open as-
zembly of the annual convention to-
The committee, with President
Jeremiah T. Mahoney in the chair,
voted 10 to 5 to refer to the con-,
vention, without recommendation, aI
strongly worded resolution condemn-
ing Germany's alleged discrimina-i
tion against the Jewish athletes, and
calling upon the AAU to withdraw
support from as well as actively to
oppose holding the Olympics in Ber-
This vote followed a dead-lock on
the motion to refer the resolution,,
"favorably" to the board of the con-
vention. The committee ballot
showed seven members favoring, and
seven opposing a definite stand on the
Olympic boycott issue, but President
Mahoney casting the tying vote was
for the anti-Nazi group, after Daniel
J. Ferris, secretary-treasurer, re-
frained from voting.
* hilander Loomis
To Leave Hospital
Philander S. Loomis, '37, who was
injured in an auto accident Nov. 17,
in which an Ann Arbor nurse, Miss
Edna Johnson, 21, was killed, is much'
improved, University Hospital doc-
tors said last night, and will be re-
leased in a few days.
Although his left frontal lobe was

'Paints' Used By Coeds
WotdCover 4 Barns
MADISON, Wis., Dec. 6. - (A) -
University of Wisconsin coeds use
enough lipstick a year to paint "four
good-sized barns."
A reporter for the Daily Cardinal,
student publication, said today he
had found this out by cajoling co-eds
to press their rouge-coated lips to a
graph paper.
Then he took the average lip-cov-
erage-83,000 square inches --mul-
tiplied it by 32, the average fre-
quency of application per week, the
total was multiplied by the num-
ber of weeks in the year.
Result: Annual coverage per co-ed
of 9.68 square feet. This times 2,875,
gives 27,800 feet; and this is "enough
to cover four barns," he calculated.
U. S. Neutrality
Is Reaffirmed
By Roosevelt
Publication Of Nov. 14
Letter To Bishop Is Seen
As Emphasis Of Stand
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6. - (/P)-
Declaring formally that the United
States 'should not let the world
down" in the current war crisis, Pres-
ident Roosevelt asserted at the same
time today that this country already
has done "its share toward the res-
toration of peace."'
The President's statement, made
in a letter Nov. 14 to Bishop G. Ash-
ton Oldham, of the Episcopal diocese
of Albany, but published only today,
quickly was interpreted here as prin-
cipally a reaffirmation of the Ad-
ministration's neutrality policy.
Informed quarters here were equally
quick to contend, however, that the
statement did not mean a departure
from the traditional policy of avoid-
ing foreign entanglements.
Least of all could it be interpreted,
these same sources said, as any ack-
nowledgement that this Government,
consciously has participated in any
concerted international effort to end
the Italo-Ethiopian war by sanctions.
In this regard, it was noted that
the President stated that this Gov-
ernment in a number of respects ac-
tually has "gone beyond the actions
so far taken by other nations."
The Administration's course from
the outset has been one of rigid sep-
arate and independent action, re-
gardless of what other nations may
do, with the twofold object of keep-
ing the United States out of war and
avoiding as far as possible contribut-
ing to a prolongation of it. There
has been no change in this policy, of-
ficials said.
The President's letter to Bishop
Oldham was written in reply to one
from the churchman late in October
declaring that America should "not
let the world down" by standing aloof
in the East African war situation.
Band To Aid In
Football Bust;
Leaves At Noon
The 100-piece Varsity R.O.T.C.
band will leave at noon today for
Detroit to play for the annual Foot-
ball Bust to be held in the Hotel

The members of the 1935 football
squad will be feted at the bust which
is sponsored every year by the Detroit
alumni. In the past, it has been
the custom to have several of the
prominent alumni who have played
on the team in the past years ad-
dress the annual affair.
Practically all the members of the
coaching staff will also be present
at the bust, and Coach Harry Kipke
will introduce each member of the

airplane had rained a shower of
bombs on Dessye, the emperor wired
"We have ourselves established the
death of a woman and three children.
The American hospital at Dessye
which carries with authorization the
markings of the Red Cross, has been
seriously damaged.
"Although Italy has never respected.
the engagement which sh has taken
toward Ethiopia, we believe it to be
our duty to ask you to communicate
to the states which are members of
the League these new violations by
Italy of international law and cus-
ton ,
Haile Selassie, over his own sig-
nature, asserted that the Dessye raid1
also "was established by four red1
cross doctors namely, Doctors Das-
Eius, Loeb, Shuptier and a, md
by representatives of the Associated?
Press, the New York Times, Reute;.s,
the Chicago Tribune and Daily E -
Since the war began, Selassie said,
"it has been evidenced to us that
the Italian government has adopted
a policy of destroying our people, not
by the use of its own troops but solely
by mechanical means and native
troops recruited in Italian colonies.
"The Italian government may, in-
deed, consider itself authorized to
bombard us when we go out to share
the sufferings of our soldiers and to
defend our soil.
"But certainly not bombardment of
open towns as Dabab, Gondar and
numerous villages inhabited by non-
combatants, and containing neither
troops or means of defense. The
killing of women and children andI
the bombardment of Red Cross Hos-
pitals are undeniably violations of in-
ternational law."
QUARTERS, DESSYE, Ethiopia, Dec.
6. - UP()- The Fascist invaders car-
ried war to the very throne of Em-
peror Haile Selassie today when nine
huge planes circled three times over
the city and dropped more than 1,000
bombs, leaving a dozen - dead and
nearly 200 wounded.
The American Hospital, Red Cross
tents and the Imperial Palace, recent-
ly occupied by Selassie as military
headquarters, were damaged by
bombs and a large part of the town
was laid waste.
Selassie himself, an expert marks-
man, seized a machine gun and
poured a stream of lead into the sky,
but the planes made their escape after
raking the streets with their own ma-
chinegun fire.
The King of Kings escaped un-
scathed, taking refuge in the old Ital-
ian consulate after exhausting his
supply of ammunition.
Roaring over the horizon, their silv-
er bodies gleaming in the morning
sun, the Fascist planes threw the
civil population of Dessye into a pan-
ic. The raid came at exactly 8 a.m.
Women And Children Hit
Many women and children were
among the dead and wounded.
One ward of ' the American Sev-
enth-Day Adventist Hospital was
wrecked. Pounded by 100 bombs,
the Emperor's palae was badly dam-
Miss Petra Hovig, d Norwegian
nurse, suffered a broken leg. The
Belgian major, G. A. Tiefraipont, was

Selassie Mans Gun When Italian
Planes Rain Fire OnEthiopians
The bombing by Fascist planes of the American Red Cross hospital
at Dessye, scene of the most bloody battle of the Italo-Ethiopian war, was
protested to the League of Nations early today by Emperor Haile Selassie.
The emperor charged that the Italian army, which carried yesterday's
"big push" to the Ethiopian field headquarters, "undeniably violated
international law" by killing women and children and bombarding Red
Cross hospitals.
Haile Selassie himself took charge of the defense, manning a
machine gun, in an attempt to drive the death-dealing planes from the
skies. More than 12 were reported killed and 200 pounded in the en-
GENEVA, Dec. 7. - (Saturday) - (A.P.) - Ethiopia's emperor,
emerging unscathed from the Dessye, his imperial battle headquarters,
protested bitterly to the League of Nations early today against "the killing
of women and children and bombardment of Red Cross hospitals" by
Italian war planes.
Within a few hours after a Fascist-

Mussolini Will
Probably Defy
May Also Condemn Other
Nations At Opening Of
Italian Parliament
ROME, Dec. 6. - () - Premier
Mussolini, informed sources said to-
night, probably will defy the League
of Nations and the world anew when
he addresses the opening session of
parliament tomorrow.
More forces were set in motion by
have strengthened Italy's resistance
in an economic war while the na-
tion's sons fought a military one in
Africa. Farmers have pledged them-
selves to feed the nation.
Fascism remained obdurate despite
the peace overture voiced yesterday
by Sir Samuel Hoare, British for-
eign secretary, in an address before
the House of Commons.
Hoare's speech, a government
spokesman declared, "presented no
new element which can justify a
change in the situation. It is known
that the Italian viewpoint has not
Thus another fiery appeal to the
nation by Il Duce was anticipated to-
morrow. His words will be broadcast
into every town and village.
Mussolini \is represented as deter-
mined to settle the crisis in his own
way. His way is a crushing victory
over Ethiopia, with Emperor Haile
Selassie sueing for peace.
Report Plan Of
Compromise In
Chinese Crisis
PEIPING, Dec. 6. --(P) -A ten-
tative compromise agreeement in
North China's autonomy crisis was
reported unofficially tonight to have
been reached.
The Rengo (Japanese) News
Agency said that the plan would be
submitted to Maj. Gen. Mayao Tada,
Japanese military commander in
North China, and to the Nanking
Government and is subject to their
Rengo's report came after 17 Jap-
anese airplanes had roared over this
city, center of the crisis, during the
Creation of a North China Com-
mission, it was stated, is provided in
the compromise plan. This commis-
sion would be given wide powers of
self-government and the new Nan-
king currency reform program, in-
volving nationalization of silver,
would not be applicable to the region.
Japan strongly opposes the currency
LONDON, Dec. 6. - (/)-The Chi-
nese government, it was said in re-
sponsible quarters tonight, may take
its dispute with Japan to the League
of Nations, charging Tokio with ag-
gression in the Northern Provinces

Parker's independent investigation I
pleased Hauptmann's attorneys, but
the men who investigated the case
and prosecuted it were unimpressed.
Auto Deaths Reach
1,476 In Michigan
LANSING, Dec. 6. - (P) - The
death toll of accidents on Michigan
highways this year reached 1,476 to-
day -just 26 less than the number
killed in the full year of 1934.
Dr. W. J. V. Deacon, director of
records and statistics for the state
health department, counted the No-
vember dead at 134. He said still
unreported accidents might increase
the figures by six or more.
The total for November, a month
in which state wide traffic safety cam-
paigns were conducted, was well be-
low the toll of 168 exacted by motor
cars in October and 156 in November

Seen Vital For
HAMBURG, Dec. 6. -(P) - The
Nazis are rearming Germany to pre- 3
;vent her from becoming "an Euro-
pean Ethiopia," said General Her-{
mann Wilhelm Goering, minister of
air in an address here today.
Goering asserted the unparalleledI
European tension can break mo-
°nentarily, "but we are ready."
Germans, he said, should not pity'
hemselves over the food shortage in
the face of the way "courageous Ital-
ian women are carrying their bur-
dens." ,
It will not be a question of the
amount of butter Germany has, but
of the number of cannon, he con-
"Destiny asks, 'lard or ore?' the

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