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December 04, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-04

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The Weather
Cloudy and colder today;
moderate to fresh south winds


-AL I ,dC*--
4w 41op


It's Time To Turn
On The Heat...
The Blue Eagle
Will Fly Again ...




Election 01
Literary College To Vote
From 3 To 5 P.M. IE
Angell Hall
Farnsworth, Vogt
Run For President
Only One Slate Submitted
For Frosh Engineers;
Gene Cook For President
Elections to be held today for of-
ficers of the freshman classes in the
literary college and the College of
Engineering will bring to a close a
hectic period of voting for class offi-
cers begun with the senior elections
Nov. 13.
Slates and plans for the election
in the literary college were an-
nounced last night by William R.
Dixon, 136, president of the Men's
Council, who commented on the fact
that all elections to date have been
carried off with great success and
with a minimum of "skullduggery."
Identification Cards Necessary
The literary college will vote from
3 to 5 p.m. in Room 25, A.H., and
identification cards will be demanded
before the freshmen are allowed to
The two traditional slates of Wash-
tenaw and State Street are in the
field, this time unopposed by any in-
dependent ticket. William Farns-
-worth, Phi Kappa Psi, at the head
of the State Street candidates, will
oppose Fred Vogt, Phi Delta Theta,
running for president on the Wash-
tenaw. ticket.
The rest of the State Street slate
offers Jenny Petersen, Pi Beta Phi,
vice-president, Nancy Stonington,
Alpha Phi, secretary, and Karl H.
Hepp, Independent, for treasurer.
Other Candidates Announced
Washtenaw's candidates for those
gffices are Betsy Guild, Mosher Jor-
dan and Independent, Eleanor
French, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and
William Wreford, Independent, re-
The freshman engineering slate is
comprised of independents as well
as men from both Washtenaw and
State Street houses. It was stated
last night by freshman politicians
that the party factions so evident in
the literary college elections play no
part in the engineering college elec-
The one slate in the field for the
freshman engineers is called the In-
dependent Techs and has running for
president Gene Cooke. The other
candidates on the .ticket are Tim
Hurd, vice-president; Charles Schuh,
secretarv; and Fred Luebke, treas-
Total Of $42,300
Is Reached By
Fund Campaign
Wood Expects Total To Be
Raised By Unreported
Subscriptions, bringing the total

amQunt pledged so far to $42,300 in
the drive of the Ann Arbor Com-
munity Fund for $55,000, were an-
nounced yesterday by Everett Hames,
executive secretary for the campaign.
A report luncheon held yesterday
noon for workers ended the formal
intensive program that has been fol-
lowed during the last two weeks.
The amount pledged does not show
the entire amount obtained in this
part of the drive, however, as many
pledges have not been reported to
the auditors and some of the divi-
sions have not completed the solici-
tations assigned to them.
It was estimated that approxi-
mately $3,000 more were to be re-
ported by the special gifts division.
This, together with other unreported
pledges, would bring the total sub-
scriptions to $50,000. Plans are now
being formulated for a final "clean-
up" drive that will bring in the nec-
essary $5,000 to put the drive "over
the top."
Total subscriptions of over $16,000
were reported yesterday by the Uni-
versity. Fund officials stated theyl

Campbell Portrays Mark Twain
As Mouthpiece Of The Nation'

Shows Author As Extreme
Pessimist And Master Of
Bitter Satire
Mark Twain, the artist, contrary
to the opinion of many of his bi-
ographers, was the natura and best
possible expression of the experiences
which formed the character of Sam-
uel Clemens, the man, said Prof. Os-
car James Campbell of the English
department, in a talk given yesterday
in the Natural Science Auditorium.
Professor Campbell's lecture con-
stituted the University's part in the
nation-wide celebration of the cen-
tennial of the birth of the great
American author. He was introduced
by Prof. Howard Mumford Jones of
the English department.
"Mark Twain," said Prof. Camp-
bell, "became, before his death, the
mouthpiece of a nation." He was, he
said, one of the finest results of the
new western civilization w h i c h
sprang up in the nineteenth century.
He disagreed strongly with the mod-
ern school which attempts to prove
that Mark Twain was blocked from
true greatness by the environment in

which he grew up and spent so much
.of his time.
"The life which he experienced in
the West became the stuff of his
masterpieces,"said Prof. Campbell.
He pointed out the influences which
show their -effect throughout the
author's work-the great Mississip-
pi, and the boats which stopped oc-
casionaly at the little town of Han-
nibal, the deep woods and the broad
prairies, the many negro slaves and
their mystical superstitions and beau-
tiful folk-music.
"In these stimulations to wonder
and expansive imagination," said
Prof. Campbell," the new biographers
can see only the strains and repres-
sions of froniter life."
Twain, he said, lived fully, and
eagerly drank up all of the colorful
experiences of the noisy, violent,
gaudy, exhuberant era in which he
lived. Though Samuel Clemens was
by nature extremely pessimistic, Prof.
Campbell pointed out, all of his varied
experiences became for him objects of
brilliant satire, usually touched with
whimsicallity. Thus, he said, were
the characters of Clemens and Twain
reconciled in the individual and thus
Twain turned to humorous writing,
for in it he found the best medium of
expression for the -bitterness and,
anger which is often to be discerned
behind his writing.
Any form of sham was always a
target for Twain's satire, and it was
this that he attacked in his "In-
nocents Abroad," said Prof. Campbell.
"However," he said, "a few of his
works, written later in his life, lack
even the customary artistic covering.
They are expressions of bare, un-
sublimated pessimism. TheaMyster-
ious Stranger and The Man Who
Corrupted Hadleyburg are the un-
mistakeable harvest of gloom."
These books, Prof. Campbell point-
ed out, are more exhibitions of Sam-
(Continued on Page 6)
Deadline For
NY. A. Time


Mercury Hits
New Low Of
Cold Spell Opens With
Snowfall And Sudden
Drop In Temperature
Colder Weather Is
Expected Today
Better Business Reported
By Stores As Holiday
Season Opens
The lowest temperature of the
winter -12 degrees above zero - hit
Ann Arbor last night, bringing with
it the prospect for still colder weather
Above freezing all day yesterday,;
the mercuryebegan to fall sharply
shortly before 6 p.m. Whereas at ,
approximately 2:30 p.m. yesterday1
the thermometer registered 29.3 de-
grees above zero, at 7 p.m. it read 20.8
degrees above zero, according to they
weather bureau of the University Ob-
servatory. By 11:15 p.m. it had
dropped to 12.2 'degrees, the observa-
tory reported and reached 12 degrees
before midnight. Unofficial tempera-
tures as low as 8 degrees above zero
were reported.

Move To KeepI Explores
United States
Increased Appropriations
For Military Defense
Proposed By War Dept.
Munitions Dealers
May Be Prosecuted
Ickes Denies Country Is
Carrying On 'Voluntary
Oil Embargo'
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3.--(P)-
America moved to tighten its neu-
trality policy and national defenses lacier
Tuesday as Europe rushed prepara-



P i '

tions for war.
Criminal prosecution of munitions
and arms dealers who have not reg-
istered with the government as re-
quired by the neutrality act, was
threatened by'Secretary of State Cor-
dell Hull.
At the same time Secretary of
Interior Harold L. Ickes declared
that he had been "misinterpreted"
Nov. 21 when he declared that Amer-
ica was conducting a "voluntary" oil
embargo against Italy and Ethiopia.
Actually, the term used, he said,
was "munitions of war." Oil is not
rlcl d ith miin G aivu

Tag Drive Wins
Student Support.
Despite Weather,
Galens Officer Prophesiesr
Campaign Will Surpass
Quota Sought
Returns from the first day of the
two-day Christmas drive of Galens,f
honorary society for junior and sen-
ior medical students, were more than,
satisfactory, John B. Wood, '36M,
stated yesterday.
"In spite of the cold weather, $300
more than last year was realized
yesterday," Wood pointed out, "and
we are on our way to surpassing our
The society plans to install a li-
brary in their workshop in the Uni-
versity Hospital for children who are
convalescing or are under treatment.
Another new project under consider-
ation is the giving of a scholarship to
some children who have shown par-
ticularly good work in the manual
training shop.
Wood explained that out of thet
money collected the workshop will be
financed and the children will be
given their annual Christmas party.-
"Our installation of the library and'
the financing of a scholarship'is en-
tirely dependent on how the studentsc
who have not already done so re-
spond today," he added.I
The drive will continue all todayt
and member of Galens will again be'
stationed about the campus as well ast
"The Galens medical society is veryf
grateful to the students and facultyc
who have contributed so generously,"
Wood added, "and also to the frater-
nities, sororities and other organiza-t
tions who have cooperated."
ROME, Dec. 3.-VP)-War has its



Slips Dec.


Students On Waiting List
Will Not Get Jobs Until
Second Semester
Students working on National
Youth Administration must have all
their work in for this month by Dec.
26, a statement from the University
Committee on NYA announced last
Time slips must be in to University
officials Dec. 27, according to the
No additional money is available to
raise the hours of any undergraduate,
the committee's statment said, and
no additional NYA workers will be
taken on until the second semester.
A total of $13,600 has been allocated
for undergraduate work during De-
cember, it was announced.
The payroll for November, which
was sent to Lansing Monday, amounts
to $17,700 for all NYA workers, in-
cluding both graduate and under-
graduate students, according to the
At the present time there are 2001

cadsse w mnos aoiy
A rising barometer, which read of reporters had understood him to
29.38 late last night, indicated that use the phrase "materials."
today would be clear and even colder. In League of Nations circles at
Nearly an inch of snow fell yes- Geneva the statementwas interpret-
terday. Early yesterday morning the ed as indication that the United
flakes began to come down, contin- States Government intends to live up
uing until after dark. Icy roads and to its neutrality law regardless of
sidewalks were made even more what the League does on sanctiors
treacherous, according to police. Sev- against Italy. In London, uneasiness
eral minor automobile accidents, that Secretary . Ickes' statement
caused by skidding cars, were re- might be a possible forerunner of aC
ported, and although no one was ap- change in the United States' policy
parently hurt seriously, doctors stat- which would render the application
ed slippery walks were responsible of sanctions far more difficult, was
for slight injuries to nearly a score noted in authoritative quarters.
of persons. The county road de-
partment and city street commis- WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. - (P)-- A
sion cooperated to throw sand and War Department fund that would
ashes at corners and railroad cross- boost the nation's spending for mili-
ings, and planned to continue their i tary defense to another peace-time
work today, officials said. peak was projected today as the
Previous low temperatures were 24 House appropriations committee
degrees above zero, reported by the started work on the 1936 money bills.
observatory last Friday, and 27 de- Insisting that "preparation makes
grees earlier in the week. for peace" Chairman Parks (Dem.,
The wintry weather that first Ark.), of a sub-committee handling
clamped down on Ann Arbor Friday the army measure asserted he would
brought with it the first inklings of seek "increased expenditures" for the
a Christmas rush in campus shops War Department. Among otherI
and city stores, according to proprie- items the fund - this year's appro-
tors. Gay holiday decorations were priation was $400,000,000 - would
erected across streets last week, and provide:
especially in downtown stores, bus- Additional fighting planes for the
iness was reported to be gaining. Army air corps.
Campus business men agreed that Completion of Hawaiian fortifica-
their rush season would not really tions.
get under way until the last week War gun emplacements for the Pa-
before the Christmas vacation. cific coast.
Additional housing in Panama. and
Pleas Of Students A larger outlay for pay and sub-

To Lecture On
Travels Tonight
Will Speak On 'A Voyage
To The Ice Inferno' At
8:15 In Hill Auditoriuni
"A Voyage To The Ice Inferno,"
depicted in motion pictures and de-
scribed by the leader of the expedi-
tion, the Rev. Bernsrd Hubbard,
known as the "Glacier Priest," will be
presented at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill
Auditorium to patrons of the Ora-
torical Association Lecture Course.
Father Hubbard is head of the ge-
ology department of Santa Clara
University, California, and one of the
most popular travel lecturers on the
American platform today. During
his lecture tour of the country last
year Father Hubbard set a new rec-
ord for platform speaking, having de-
livered 214 complete lectures in 184
His lecture tonight will be intro-
duced by Prof. Ralph Belknap of the
geology department.
Queer Ice Shapes Found
The "Ice Inferno" to which Father
Hubbard refers in the topic of his
program, is no exaggeration as a
description of the region which he
and three assistants from the Santa
Clara geology department explored
last summer.
On this expedition they discovered
a new volcanic crater of ice at the
western end of the Alaskan Penin-
sula, a crater which was found to
contain ice formations of a peculiar,
needle-like shape which are now
called the Aghileen Pinnacles. They
found the crater to have been orig-
inally more than 30 miles in circum-
ference, making it one of the largest
geological formations in the entire
peninsular area.
Pictures Taken At Great Risks
The moving pictures which Father
Hubbard will show during his lec-
ture tonight were obtained only at a
great hazard to the members of the
expedition, who had to carry the
heavy cameras with them as, they
scaled sharp precipices of ice and
snow blocking their passage westward
along the Peninsula.

21 Injunred
In Detroit
Strike Riot
Bloody Fight Precipitated
Between Strikers And
Police Force
Workers Belong To
Independent Union
Brick Bats, Night Sticks,
Tear Gas Bombs Used
By Factions
DETROIT, Dec. 3.-(R) -Twenty-
one persons were injured tonight in
a fight between strikers and police
in front of the Motor Products Corp.
Precipitated when company guards
tossed tear gas bombs into a crowd
of strikers gathered at the gates of
the factory for a demonstration, the
battle of night sticks and brick-bats
turned into a free-for-all riot. Po-
lice quieted the disorder after a half
hour of fighting.
Eighteen strikers, two policemen
and a woman were injured in the riot.
The workers, members of the Auto-
motive Industrial Workers Associa-
tion, independent union, which has
been sponsoring a strike at the plant,
marched through to the plant from
their headquarters nearby. At the
gate the marchers, estimated at 500,
were joined by pickets in a demon-
stration. Plant guards interpreted a
move toward the gate as an effort
to force admittance to the grounds,
they told police, and tear gas bombs
were thrown.
Retreating, the crowd gathered
brick bats and marched on the em-
ployment office, breaking windows
and flinging a barrage of the bats
over the gates.
Anton Sorenson, in charge of the
special police detail of 200 men, was
injured when he was struck in the
back by a stone. Patrolman Bernard
Clark was struck in the arm by a
flying brick.
Mrs. Emma Krueger was treated at
a hospital for injuries she received
when the workers overturned an
automobile in which she was riding
with her husband along a street by
the plant.
Eighteen of the strikers were treat-
ed at a nearby hospital, two of them
for broken arms. Most of the in-
juries were cutsdand bruises about
the head and body.
Ten of the workers were arrested.
Retreating under the police night
stick attack, the strikers gathered
at their headquarters or stood about
the street in front of the plant.
Members of the group said no
further demonstration would be at-
tempted tonight, but that thestrik-
ers had been instructed to return
to the plant at 6 a.m. today.
Mussolini Prepares
For Economic War
ROME, Dec. 3.- Premier Mussolini
sharpened his weapons for an ec-
onomic war today with the approval
of his ministers.
In addition to numerous other pre-
cautionary steps, Il Duce was reliably
reported to have withdrawn all the
naval leaves. Full efficiency of his
million-man army was assured sever-
al days ago by the cancellation of
furloughs of 100,000 men.
Economization of oil was the main

object of the cabinet's meeting today,
in view of the threatened League of
Nations embargo. But food, com-
merce, finance, the army, navy and
air forces all received consideration
and 52 decrees were invoked.
A nut in the defense mechanism
was tightened today by reenforcing
the air corps. All vacancies in it
were ordered filled.
Oil production is to be stepped up
in Albania and an administration of
minerals was created to seek oil de-
posits upon Italian lands and develop
Italy's Eritrean Troops
I Fiennier Ethinnins

bright spots for Italy's 5;'000,000 grade students on the NYA waiting list,
children - they will go on a three- members of the committee stated, and
hour day thoniorrow. School will it is probable that only a few of these
start at 10 a.m. and be out at 1 will be placed this year. Their only
p.m., replacing the previous 8:30 a.m. chance, according to the NYA com-
to 1:30 p.m. hours. The hours were mittee, is that persons already em-
shortened to save coal - needed for ployed will drop out at the end of the
Italy's war. first semester, leaving vacancies.
Fritz Kreisler Prefers Fishing
And HuntingTo Violin Practice
By FRED WARNER NEAL during the summer, he is not hunt-
As a fisherman, Fritz Kreisler is a ing or fishing, or "doing a bit of com-
good violinist. posing now and then," he is search-
The great musician hunts and ing for books and reading, "I read,
fishes in his spare time, he said last certainly," he said. "But especially I-
night, and he admitted that his luck Lean.ing against a dressing table
with the rod is not too good. the grey-haired, kindly faced Kreis-
All during the summer of every ler told of his interest in politics.
year, Kreisler said, he hunts and "Of course I am interested in pol-
fishes, and "never once do I prac- itics," he smiled, "Who is not?"
tice." The violinist, chatting infor- Asked what he thought about the
mally before his concert in Hill Audi-' American situation, he replied non-
torium, confessed that he did not commitally: "Oh, it is all right. But
particularly like to practice, and that it is not the American situation
he did most of it "about five mm- that matters. The European situa-
utes before I start to play. That is tion is where the trouble is. It looks
why," he smiled at his interviewer, "Ibad,"i he declared.
wish you would please make this as In Kreisler's opinion there is "grave
quick as possible." danger" of war in Europe. "But it
Mr. Kreisler persisted in talking doesn't matter," he said wryly, al-
about his hunting and fishing. "I most cynically. "If the people are
like to hunt," he said. "I like to hunt crazy enough to go to war, why I
I everywhere but especially I like to guess there's no stonning them,"

Bring No Changej
In Regents' Plans
Philosophers say that in any ad-
vance or expansion in the world some-
one is necessarily adversely affected
and that some things must make way
for the advancement.
But the students who will find it
necessary to locate different places
to room next semester because of the
acquisition of the new block for the
building of the Rackham School of
Graduate Studies are probably not
taking their plight very philosoph-
In fact those students who eat and
work at Freeman's boarding house
drew up two petitions asking the
Board of Regents not to demand
evacuation of the house until the
clcse of school in June. Their ef-
forts were of no avail, however, for
following the close of the present
semester Freeman's house must close,
the Regents decreed.
Sixteen other buildings will also be
razed to the ground so that excava-
tion and other work can be started
and so the foundations of the build-
ing can be laid.
The exact number of students who
will be forced to move in the next
few weeks because the University
bought the block is not known. Ac-
cording to a report in the possession
of Shirley W. Smith, vice-president
of the University, at least 15 boys

naval budget has yet to be formally For his lectures Father Hubbard
outlined. dons the customary garb of an Arctic
Parks said he anticipated little explorer -hiking boots, khaki trou-
trouble in winning approval for sers and logger's shirt - lending a
larger army expenditures. He men- picturesque and realistic atmosphere
tioned no specific figure. ]to his program.
His statement was in the face of , For those who have not as yet pur-
an assertion by Chairman Buchanan chased tickets for the lecture, they
(Dem., Tex.) of the full committee may be obtained either at Wahr's
that he hoped to hold 1936 appro- State Street bookstore or the Hill
priations to within $500,000,000 of I Auditorium box office. Prices range
balancing the budget, from 50 to 75 cents.
George Reserve Scene Of Deer
Chase By 80 Forestry Students,

sistence to prepare for an expansion
of the Army ordered by Congress
last session.
The 1935 appropriation for the
other national defense branch - the
Navy - was in excess of $500,000,000
last year. The size of next year's

Heavily booted and dressed in
warm field clothes, three truck loads
of more than 80 students in the
School of Forestry and Conservation
left the Natural Science Building yes-
terday afternoon on a unique project.
The destination of this small army
was the Edwin S. George Reserve,
a fenced-in tract of land belonging,
to the University and located 30 miles
north of Ann Arbor.
This land is intended as a natural
habitat for wild life which can be
observed in its native surroundings

number of deer that passed between
them, and guided by compasses, they
marched to the other end. The deer
which were driven by them passed
by employes of the reserve, who
counted them as they went by. The
counters were situated in an open
field and being trained in the dif-
ferences between sexes and age
classes among the animals, they were



{ ,_;_,.

will have to vacate, and he added by members
that this number was "undoubtedly seums. It i
a very small estimate of the total deer on the
who would find it necessary to move. rapidly withi
There are two League Houses in ed by such
the new portion acquired, and the 16 Eaceh year

of the University Mu-
s only natural that the
reserve should multiply
in the protection afford-
a sequestered area.
the deer nonulation be-

able -to count the bucks and spikes
(young bucks), does, and fauns.
As the drive began, only a few
squirrels were driven from cover, but
as the line moved on over hills and
through swamps the deer one by one,
and sometimes in groups of five or
more, were seen to flee across the
open space where the counters were
During the drive numerous forms


.L. LAW' i.Y L u L -' .4 E~ Ltii V 4U11i
- Italy's Eritrean troops met the
main body of Ethiopia's northern
army face to face today in a brief
clash at the outpost on the Bulo-
Makale line.
The fighting was over quickly, the
Ethiopians retiring almost immed-


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