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November 30, 1935 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-30

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AY, NOVEMBER 30, 1925


Approximately 300 Sorority Women Attend A nnual Panhelle,

sic Ball

Gather 'round, ye men and women of Michigan . . . Whether you have
a craving to participate in things yourself or if you just like to watch others
You simply must follow these lines closely . . . For they tell things thatI
all of you should be aware of . . . Perk up . . . Saturday morning classes
should provide enough stimulation or shock to arouse anyone . . But if
you're still drowsy . . . Listen to the things that you can do . And hear
about the things other people have been doing - . .
First Of The Bs...
We are ever so glad to announce that the Second Intramural Season
is upon us . . . The swirling, whirling snow howling about the buildings and
down people's necks reminds us that cold weather is here . . . That thought
comes as a result of intensive thought, don't you think? . . . And that brings
a change in athletics which necessarily interests "the sporting lady" .. .
The best bet now' is badminton . . . Anyone who has ever played
will hur'ry to be the first there when the courts open for the first time
this year at Barbour Gym . . . And there will be plenty of rushing . . .
Louise Paine has been waxing enthusiastic about the Ladder Tournament
for women which begins Dec. 9 . . . All signers-up, that means all of you
who want to compete, will please affix your names to the appropriate sheet
in Barbour Gym before Dec. 6.. . . as we mentioned, get in those hours
of fun and practice at your earliest opportunity . . . The courts at Barbour
Gym will be open from now on from 4:15 to 6:00 p.m. every Monday ... And
don't forget this small and so-important piece of information . . . There
will be mixed play from 7:15 to 9:00 p.m. each Wednesday . . . Looks like
real competition. . .
It's Bound To Be Excitingo...
That's merely the first of the three B's of the sport world this week . . .
This season lasts through 'til Feb. 14 . . . And there isn't much excuse for
anyone forgetting that date . . . Do you know what day that is? . . .
Think of little Cupid. . . But that's getting away from the subject of basket-
ball . . . Teams will be organized in the sororities, in the dormitories, and
in the zones . . . The courts will be open for games at 4:20 and 5:00 p.m.
Tues., Wed., Thurs. and Fri. in Barbour Gym . . . Two games will
be played each period . . . Independents are asked to affiliate with their
own zones . . . The seven zones are quite completely organized . . . If you
want to call your zone manager, you'll find her telephone number in the
directory . . . The managers are Clare Kelderhouse, 1, Mary Redden, 2,
Sally Kenny, 3, Delores Martin, 4, Bernice Wolfson, 5, Nissley Brandt, 6, and
Mary Kelkeny, 1 . . . Now you all know just who to notify so that you
can play . . . Time preferences will be due Tuesday noon . . . They will be
acceptable at the house manager's meeting Monday at the W.A.A. building
. . . In charge of this are basketball manager, Bessie Curtis and intramural
manager, Kate Landrum . . . Thirty teams played last year . . . The games
were hotly contested . . . And that's not a pun on the perspiring condition
of the heated players . . We saw some real basketball . . . This year's
offerings remain to be seen .. .

Paris Style Shown

Many Attractive Gowns Are Seen At od Times Revived
In Square Dances
Sorority Dane In League Ballroom The Young People's Society of the
Pr esbyterian Church celebrated at
a Hard Times Party last night in the
Chapter Houses Follow Her formal was nicely finished with cisco, '37; and Barbara Spencer, '37, Church House, 1432 Washtenaw. The
.rigstraps of gold lame and a gold collar. and Bing Cary, '37. members of the social committee
Tradition By Servig observers Joan Hatfield, '37, who was with John Jeffries '37, Gladys Parkinson
Durigthwintrmision '39, and Mary Redden Ed, were in
Breakfast After Ball noticed Harriet Heath, '37, who came Willis Tomilson, '37, was wearing charge of lighting the house with
with Phillip McCallum, '36, in one deep purple of uncut velvet. Janet lanterns, presenting the hard times
More than 300 sorority women and of the new American beauty corduroy Bracket, '38, who was with Reino
their guests thronged the dimly-light- dresses. Barbara Heath, '39, chose Koivunen, 38, was wearing green prizes of yarn mittens to the wearer
ed ballroom of the League last night blue changeable taffeta. crepe. iof the betostume, and serving the
for the annual Panhellenic Ball, tra- Delta Gamma Attends Emerson Gill's band attracted a ichesand toastedumarshmallow sa nd-
ditionally held after the Thanksgiving Practically the entire membership great deal of attention. Among the was spent in performing square
holiday. of the Delta Gamma house and their couples noticed watching them were dances to the tune of "Turkey in the
The ballroom was decorated as a guests were in the foyer between Virginia Spray, '36, and Alfred Plum- Straw" and other old songs, and in
true fairyland - with huckleberry mer, '36; Eleanor Noyes, '36, and playing games,
hedges, palms, large ferns, and im- dances. They included Marian Fitz- Joe Harkins, '37L; Betty Ronal, '37,
mense vases of chrysanthemums com- gerald, '36, and Ted Allen. '36; Betsy and Fred Buesser, '37; Jean Laitner, MARRIAGE REVEALED
pleting the picture; with Emerson Baxter, '38, and Ken Bevan; Betty '36, and Van Dunakin, '36; Betty Sin- Mr and Mrs. Herbert Barnes of
Gill and his ten-piece band playing Crist, '37, and Sanford Ladd, '37; Kay clair, '36, and Bud Smith, '36; Laura Washington, D. C., announce the
for the dancers. Jane Zimmerman, '36, and Ed Hutch-
Taylor, 38, and Fred Cushing, 37;inson,'36; and Virginia Frink, '36, marriage of their daughter, Harriet,
Members of the central committee Jane Willoughby, '38, and Frank Ray- d, of Ann Arbor, to John A. Barrett, son
looked particularly lovely as they lead mond, '37; Harriet Hathaway, '37, and and Charles Harrel, 36.1of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Barnett, of
the r n d h R Thn inc'19 rT'- -c,,.,. . on-.. -ATT -..TI - - ..- :T-


-Associated Press Photo
Mrs. Byron Foy, daughter of Wal-
ter B. Chrysler, is considered by
Paris designers to be the best
dressed woman in the United
States. New York desig'ners, how-
ever, disagree with their selection.
Large Crowd
Is Expected At
Annual Dinner

Ligrai marcl ,oue i omas, z,
chairman, attending with George
Lawton, '35, selected a formal of silver
metallic cloth -- severely simple in
Crinkle Crepe Dress Seen
Barbara Bates, '36, chairman of the
music committee, attended with
James Wiles, '36, and wore a clever
model of ashes-roses crinkle crepe ac-
cented by a purple sash and gold
accessories. Barbara Coventry, '36,
in charge of favors, with Fred Nor-
ton, '36, was attractive in a dress of
black velvet, relieved by a long string
of pearls.
Mary Lambie, '37, with Bob Mc-
Keever, '38M, passed in the line of
march. Mary was wearing black
rough crepe, finished by a contrasting
collar of gold lame. Betty Anne
Beebe, '37, walked by with her guest,
John Patterson, '36M, and was dressed
in black crepe with a gold thread
running through it. The formal was
completed with a gold kid jacket.
Green Is Popular
Marion Saunders, '36, attending
with O'Neil Dillon, '36BAd., chose a
formal of emerald green crepe hav-
ing gold sequence trimming the neck-
line. Another member of the central
committee, Dorothy Sprau, '36, with
Bob Langford, '36, chose chartreuse
green for the ball.
Kathryn Rietdyk, '36, with George
Wanty, '36, also selected green crepe.

Tom Sullivan, '37, and Mary Louise
Willoughby, '37, and John Mann, '37.
Jean Seeley, '36, president of the
League, came in with Bill Smith, '36.
Jean chose a Renaissance green satin
dress with a rust-colored velvet sash.
Dick Lorch, '36, was seen talking tg
Jane Fletcher, '36, who was wearing
a lovely white cellanese tunic formal,
fashioned with a Grecian influence.
Coming up the steps were Pat Pot-
ter, '37, and Mike Sharp, '38M; Jean
Shaw, '36, and Bruce Kelly, '36L;
Charlotte Hamilton, '37, and Dick
Mavis, '37,aBetty Emil, '36, and Joe
Fohey; Mary Alice McQuillan, '38,
and Francis Conlin, '38.
Wine Crepe Is Worn
Marion Edgerton, '36, was seen with
"Doc" Beebe stopping at the drink-
ing fountain - she was wearing a
tailored wine crepe formal. Coming
down the hall, 15 members of the
Chi Omega house were noticed with
their guests.
With them were Jane Arnold, '36,
president of Panhellenic, in white
satin, attending with Philip Mitchell,
'36; Ruth Pardee, '36, in changeable
velvet, with Eugene Gray, '36; Helen
Jean Edwards, '37, and Jack Fran-

Dress Made in Grecian Lines
Dotty Roth, '36, attending with
Craig Spangenberg, '36L, selected an
unusual gown of white crepe made
on Grecian lines. Her white crepe
jacket had a monk's cape lined with
gold lame cloth.
Betty Scherling, '36, had Harold
Love, '37, as her guest. Betty was
unusually attractive in her white
chiffon evening dress which was ac-
cented by tiny brilliants.
Every sorority held a breakfast
either in the chapter houses or the
League after the Ball.
Alpha Xi Delta wishes to announce
the pledging of Betty Keenan, '39,


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'Before Buying Furs
A Woman Must Have Satisfactory
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Are the skins of prime quality?
Will the coat give satisfactory wear?
Are the styles and fit right?
Does the purchase of the coat include Storage,
Insurance and Dependable Service?

Tickets for the second annual As-
sembly Banquet are selling very rap-
idly, according to Audrey Talsma, '36,
chairman. More than 500 women are
expected to attend the function. This
is a considerable increase over last
year's affair when 415 women were
Donal Hamilton Haines of the
journalism department is to speak on
the topic, "Women Who Write." Dean
Alice C. Lloyd will also address the
A song festival, under the direction
of Ruth Clark, '36A, featuring popu-
lar Michigan songs, will be added to
the regular program.
The Assembly Board, an organiza-
tion for independent women, holds
two annual functions, one in each
semester. The banquet, given each
fall, corresponds to the Panhellenic
Banquet. The Assembly Ball is to be
next spring. The purpose of the or-
ganization is to interest unaffiliated
women in scholastic and social activi-


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