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November 30, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-30

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Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W.
Hurd, 'Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman.
Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman;
Elsie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert
A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman.
Sports 'Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good-
Women's Department: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H.
Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W.
Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department,
Willis Tomlinson; Contracts,Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Edward Wohigemuth; Circulation andNational Adver-
tiing, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tions, Lyman Bittman.
A Plan For Organized
Fraternity Education...
ternity pledges at their banquet
Monday night to introduce more of an intellectual
and educational element into fraternity life.
The desirability and the need for such a pro-
gram are admitted, and no more effective stimulus
for its adoption can be conceived than that pro-
vided by President in his address.
All that is lacking, therefore, is a method.
Without a method, it is extremely doubtful whether
any constructive good would accrue. An aroused
interest in intellectual affairs which is merely
spontaneous, which is unorganized and which is
expressed only through impromptu gatherings of
the members in a fraternity, will never progress
much beyond the level of curiosity.
There are any number of methods, or ways in
Which intellectual interests can be directed into
constructive, useful and organized channels of
thought. The Daily submits a few suggestions
which might be incorporated in plans suited to
the varying needs and limitations of each fra-
ternity house:
One night of the week could be set aside for
an informal discussion on "cultural subjects." By
"cultural" is meant almost any subject of interest
to the group, exclusive of studies, grades, dates,
movies, athletics, food and sex, which will give rise
to some sort of mental gymnastics.
At each of such meetings decision might be
made as to the topic of discussion for the next, in
order that there will be ample time for the
members to cook up an "intellectual meal." Other-
wise, these discussions would degenerate inevitably
into nothing more than a "rehash" of members'
prejudices, preconceived notions and hastily-gath-
ered opinions.
Avoid the error of regularly inviting faculty
members to meetings of this sort. A professor
would undoubtedly heighten the tone of the con-
versation, but there is too much likelihood of the
members becoming "stooges," inhibited from en-
tering whole-heartedly into the talk by an alto-
gether justifiable sense of inferiority. And be-
sides, there is plenty of opportunity for discussion
with professors at faculty dinners.
Finally, persuade the steward to serve some
refreshments later on in the evening. It would
help to distinguish such a meeting from an ordi-
nary "bull session," and it would prevent a gradual
tapering off and stagnation of the conversation
that otherwise would be unavoidable.
An Analysis Of The
'International Situation'.""
is probably nothing so baffling to
the casual and bewildered spectator, at first glance,
as the "international situation." With its con-
tradictions, tangled threads, and blind alleys it
is the world's biggest puzzle. But, like a puzzle,
it becomes much more simple and clear if a key
can be found.
Germany, although she has appeared in a pas-

sive and modest role during the last few months,
appears to be the key to the present world puzzle.-
And, despite the newspapers' apprehension of
an impending European and world conflict, an in-
spection of Germany's very strategic position
makes us doubt that war will come within the
next few months. German is not yet ready.
Although the internal pressure in Italy demands
some outlet, it is hardly conceivable that Mus-
solini would single-handedly undertake a war

nations in one group, chief among them Germany,
and the greedy ambitious nations whose demands
are increasing with their power in another group
-Japan and Italy. Germany and Japan have al-
ready made mutual diplomatic overtures. The na-
tural battle lines would seem to be drawn between
these "haves" and those "have nots," then. But
Germany is not ready to join Italy yet. Military
authorities say her army and air force is not yet
ready. And so Hitler cooperates mildly with the
League of Nations.
In any investigation of the world situation,
whether crude or polished, the fact that war is in-
evitable, under present conditions, becomes ines-
capable. Even in attempting to show why a war
will not come immediately, one is forced to
proceed with the understanding that war will come
eventually. The conflict between those with
wealth and power and those without it cannot
Of all the peoples in these imperialist countries,
the French seem to have made the nearest ap-
proach to an effective deterrent to this mad plunge
ahead to catastrophe. There a People's Front
is constantly growing stronger. So strong is it
that Premier Laval faces the necessity of dis-
banding the militaristic Fascist organization-
the Croix de Feu.
No other peace movement in the imperialistic
world has so much immediate influence and such
great potential strength. An aggressive People's
Front in every country may halt what appears to
be unstoppable.
Where Can We Read
Proletarian Novels? ...
A NY STUDENT likes to have himself
called cosmopolitan. The literati
among Michigan students like to have their broth-
ers in other colleges think that the awareness
which accompanies culture is present in the Middle
West and that besides producing sugar beets and
automobiles, the geographical center of the coun-
try is also breeding conscious and cultured and
perhaps "movement-conscious" men.
But if a son of undeniably cosmopolitan Co-
lumbia or perhaps of sophisticated Harvard was to
spend a reading sojourn in Ann Arbor, the literati
and even' the students who don't intend to make
reading and writing a business, might be hard-
pressed for explanations of the appalling scarcity
of some important books in our libraries.
There is now, what is termed by one member
of the English department, " . . a movement in
literature producing proletarian works. At pres-
ent it is a most virile type of writing and it is
showing the greatest signs of life of any significant
By proletarian is meant writings which are con-
cerned with the changed status of the people, their
future and not their past. Grace Lumpkin's "To
Make My Bread," Jack Conroy's "The Disinherit-
ed," Robert Cantwell's "Land of Plenty" are prole-
tarian novels.
It is almost impossible to procure the books of
this school in Ann Arbor and the University librar-
ies have hardly any. Last semester "Union
Square" by Albert Halper lay timidly on the stacks
for a few moments and if the students who have
waited for it were lined up in front of the library,
it would be embarrassing indeed. There is one
copy for the entire University to read.
On Nov. 11, the journalism department took ac-
tive cognizance of this serious deficiency and has
concerned itself with an equally important phase
of it. It was found that books, other than those
in the Stuart Chase category ot economics, cur-
rent problems and a changing order were also
sadly lacking.
Because the journalism department saw the
necessity of students to know what is going on
about them, the library was begun. "Land of the
Free" by Herbert Agar, "The Crisis of the Middle
Class" by Lewis Corey and "America Faces the
Barricades" by John L. Spivak are three which
treat affairs in a light which has not yet pene-
trated Ann Arbor to any great extent.
The journalism library has about 25 volumes.
It is pitifully small when compared with the size
of the student body - 9,000 or more. It is, of
necessity, open only to journalism students.
The Michigan student is neither reading them,
thinking of them nor responding to them. He
can't because they are not to be found near him.

The journalism depaitment is rendering a valuable
service to its students but whatever it may try
to do will be insufficient because of the lack of
financial support.
If the Michigan man is to be proud of his cul-
ture he will have to feed it. Unless the General
Library starts turning book catalogues and begins
ordering, the Michigan man's culture is going
to languish hungrily.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
Thanks Should Be In Order
To the Editor:
I could not help but note the failure on the
part of those connected with the 1935 football
teams to extend recognition to the cooperation
which they have, for the most part, received from
the newspapers when they were passing out bou-
quets at last Tuesday's football smoker.
It is very true that in the past week Coach
Kipke has suffered at the hands of a vindictive
individual at the head of one Detroit paper, and
that the first adverse comment of the year ap-
peared recently in the column of a Detroit sports
editor, who on the whole has gone out of his way
to stick by Michigan in defeat. But aside from

The Conning Tower
THANK whatever gods
There be
The Jove that eptly nods,
And He
That watcheth Israel,
Nor sleeps,
And my astonished soul
Still keeps.
And curious carven ones
In temples,
That set for heaven's sons
And feed the starved flame
Of joy,
As doth a happy game
A boy.
To Ceres, Flora, and
My thanks are full; though scanned,
To the god of fat, and that
Of lean,
(That built the house of Spratt)
Whom I have nourished
My bones
On nicely buttered bread,
Or stones.
And to the god of lost-
My gratitude is most
Ing, now that I have got
My collie
Home - where he was not -
By trolley.
To the lantern-god, who comes
At night
To fill the heart's dark rooms
With light,
My special gratitude,
For he
'Doth know the unlikelihood
Of me,
Yet hopes he may design
A purse
Of silk from ear of swine,
Or worse.
Sweet gods, forget that I
Your friendship, and stand by
Me yet!

A Washington
W ASHINGTON, Nov. 29. - The
chief, immediate concern of Pres-
ident Roosevelt, Secretary Ickes and
Works Progress Director Harry Hop-
kins, back from three weeks of sea
voyaging, unquestionably was stimu-
lation of the lagging employment ef-
fort. But, other matters were, or soon
would be, on the presidential desk
that might go far toward determin-1
ing important administration policy1
in the next few months.1
There was to be presented to the
White House a report on NRA's s ur-
vey of what has happened through-
out industry since the code systemt
was killed by the Supreme Court. It
is supposed to reveal just how suc-
cessful business has been in curbing
its own chiselers under voluntary1
agreements. Whether an effort is to
be made to rebuild NRA within con-
stitutional limits may depend upon
this survey.
Corn-Hog Referendum
COMING up also were results of the;
corn-hog referendum on a new
curtailment program. "New deal" pol-
icy awaits the verdict of the corn-
hog farmers themselves. Should it1
be adverse, which certainly is not ex-
pected by Secretary Wallace and his,
aides or by administration political
advisers, "new deal" calculations for
next year's election would be upset.
There also is the matter of replies;
to the President's personal letter to
the clergy, asking some indication
of popular sentiment in the parishes1
on "new deal" social reform objec-
tives. Exactly what was behind that
unprecedented move never has been,
disclosed. Neither has it been re-
vealed how many letters went out, nor
the number of replies received. All
indications point, however, to so ex-
tensive a mailing list that such scat-
tUred repiles as already have been
given out by the writers can form no
dependable guide to what analysis of
all replies is likely to show.
Eyes On Replies
ARRANGEMENTS made for di-
gesting these replies for presiden-~
tial information indicated the scope
of the mailing. A special group to
do the job was set up before Mr.
Roosevelt went west. From it and
from the White House no information
has been forthcoming. Yet it is ob-
vious that it was the replies in which
the administration was interested,
not merely in making a gesture to-
ward the clergy in behalf of the so-
cial security objectives of the "new
Regional sentiment as well as mass
sentiment as disclosed in the replies
is of interest to the White House. The
report to the President, it is under-
stood, breaks down by states for that
purpose. Quite likely it is in process
of "breaking down" lower than that to
congressional districts or even to
counties by the Democratic political
staff. There might be valuable hints
for prospective Democratic congres-
sional or state nominees in such an

For once in this vale of advertis-
ing tears, the advance publicity]
sheets have not overestimated the
worth of a stage troupe when they
proclaimed it "nutty, crazy funfare,
stupendously hilarious, etc., etc." The
Frank and Milt Britton Band, with
its attaches going bats before your
very eyes, is (and we rememberwe
said this same thing about another
stage show a few days ago) THE best
bit of entertainment to draw a spot-
light in the Michigan Theatre.
For once those who came prepared
to boo and howl were stilled. Those
who thought they were going to raise
heck with their alarm clocks almost
forgot to wind them up, so busy were
they in keeping out of the aisles.
First honors, in point of popularity
with last night's crowd, go to one
Tito, the accordion star of the eve-
ning who panicked the house with his
feminine bit at the piano during the
violin act. This particular interlude
incidentally, is one that never loses
its punch with rendition after rendi-
tion. From the moment the winner
of "First Prize at the Paris Conserva-
tory of Music" sprawls on the stage
to the blackout after Tito's strip tease
dance, it's one long yell of delight
from the audience.
The Valor Brothers show what mu-
sicians may possess in the way of
the acrobatic. Of course we always
think that the last acrobats in town
are the best, but these are just a lit-
tle bit superior to any past balanc-
ers at the Michigan, no fooling.
"The Bishop Misbehaves" is a con-
fusing, high-strung comedy melo-

FRIDAY, NOV. 30, 1935
VOL. XLVI No. 51
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be
at home to members of the faculties,
their friends, and other residents of
Ann Arbor on Sunday, Dec. 1, from
4 to 6 o'clock.
Faculty Meeting, College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts: The regu-
lar meeting of this Faculty will be
held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, Mon-
day, Dec. 2, beginning at 4:10 o'clock.
Report of Executive Committee-
C. D. Thorpe.
Report of University Council-J. G.
Report of Deans' Conference-E. H.
Report of the Committee on the
Jones' Resolution-J. G. Winter,
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
announces the following United
States Civil Service Examinations;
Junior Medical Officer (Interne), $2,-
000 a year: Junior Medical Officer
(Psychiatric Resident), $2,000 a year;
Negative Cutter, $1,800 a year (Hy-
drographic Office, Navy Department,
Washington, D. C.).
For further information concerning
these examinations call at 201 Mason
Hall, office hours, (9:00 to 12:00 a.m.
and 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.)
Extension Course in Freehand
Drawing and Painting: Assistant Pro-
fessor A. M. Valerio's extension course
in Freehand Drawing and Painting
will open on Saturday afternoon at
2 o'clock in the School of Architec-
ture. This is a noncredit course
meeting sixteen weeks and is open to
all persons who are interested. The
tuition is $10.00 for the course.
Foreign Women: Foreign women
who would be interested in an invita-
tion to be house guests in American
homes for part of the Christmas va-
cation will please see me in my office,
Room 9, University Hall, at their
earliest convenience. Through the
courtesy of the State Federation of
Women's Clubs several delightful
homes have requested the privilege of
entertaining our foreign women stu-
J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to
Foreign Students.
Academic Notices
English 127 will meet as usual this
morning. H. M. Jones.
University Lecture: Commemorat-
ing the centennial of the birth of
Samuel L. Clemens ("Mark Twain"),
1835-1910, Professor Oscar James
Campbell, of the Department of Eng-
lish, will speak on the subject "The
Case of Twain vs. Clemens," at 4:15
p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 3, in the Natural
Science Auditorium. The public is
Fritz Kreisler, violinist, has built
the following program for the fourth
Choral Union Concert, at which he
will be a performer Tuesday evening,
Dec. 3, at 8:15 o'clock in Hill Audi-
torium. The public is respectfully
urged to be seated on time, since the
doors will be closed during numbers.
Sonata in D major ........Haendel
Concerto in C major .......Kreisler
In antique style (Vivaldi)
Allegro energico ma non troppo
Andante doloroso
Allegro molto
Partita in E major (Violin alone).

Prelude, Loure, Gavotte en Rondeau
Menuetto I and II, Bouree, Gigue
Poeme ........ ..........Chausson
Shepherd's Madrigal (Old German)
Three Caprices ...........Paganini
B fiat major
B minor
A minor
Three Spanish Dances:
1. Malaguena ....Albeniz-Kreisler
2. Jota ................. de Falla
3. Spanish, Dance de Falla-Kreisler
Organ Recitals Cancelled: On ac-
count of the continued indisposition
of Palmer Christian, the organ re-
cital scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 1,
Hill Auditorium, at 4:15 p.m., has
been cancelled.
Events Of Today
Dr. Wilhelm Pauck, professor of
Church History at Chicago Theologi-
cal Seminary, will lead two discus-
sions today, Nov. 30 in Ethel Foun-
tain Hussey room, Michigan League.
At the first meeting, at 3 o'clock, Dr.
Pauck's subject will be "The Wistful
Collegian." The second meeting, at
8:00 p.m., will have as subject "What
Is An Adequate Christian Philoso-

meeting, at 8:00 p.m., Lane Hall.
There will be a very interesting pro-
gram followed by refreshments.
Graduate Outing Club will meet at
Lane Hall at 3:00 p.m., for a hike to
be followed by supper at the Women's
Athletic Building(Approximately 30
cents). In the evening there will b
swimming and recreational games
at the Intramural Building for those
who wish at an additional fee of 15
cents. All Graduate Students are
cordially invited to attend.
Coming Events
Stalker Hall: Class at 12 noon Sun-
day on the "The Social Responsi-
bility of a Christian" led by Prof.
Lowell J. Carr. Wesleyan Guild
meeting at 6 p.m. Dr. Besse Kan-
ouse will continue the series on "Per-
sonal Religion" with a talk on "Per-
sonal Religion and the Student." Fel-
lowship Hour and supper at 7 p.m.
All Methodst students and their
friends are invited.
Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Brashares will
be at home, 1901 Washtenaw, Sun-
day, from 4-6 p.m. to all Methodist
students and their friends.
First Methodist Church: Morning
Worship Service at 10:45 a.m., Sun-
day. The topic is "Singing." Dr. C.
W. Brashares, preacher.
Harris Hal: There will be the regu-
lar student meeting in Harris Hall on
Sunday evening. This Sunday the
meeting will be at 7:30 instead of the
usual hour. The Reverend Mr. Leech
will be in charge of the program. All
Episcopal students and their friends
are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services Sunday are: 8:00 a.m., Holy
Communion; 9:30 a.m., Church
School; 11:00 a.m., Kindergarten;
11:00 a.m., Holy Communion and
Sermon by The Reverend Henry
Lewis; 5:00 p.m., Vesper Service com-
memorating the 108th anniversary of
the founding of St. Andrew's Parish.
First Presbyteran Church, Sunday.
At 9:45, Westminster Forum. Dr.
Lemon will lead a discussion on the
subject, "Why Religion Anyway?"
10:45, Dr. Lemon will preach the
first of a series of Advent Sermons,
speaking on the theme: "The World
Looks for a Messiah." Other sub-
jects to follow: "The Making of
God's Gentleman"; "The Gospel of
Fellowship"; and "If Christmas
5:30, Westminster Guild Fellow-
ship hour with a waffle supper. This
will be followed by a Musical Pro-
gram presented by members of the
The Freshman Council will meet
at the home of Norman W. Kunkel on
Thursday evening, Dec. 5 at 9:00.
Congregational Church: Service of
worship at 10:30 a.m., Sunday. Mr.
Heaps will speak on "Four Centuries
of the Bible" in recognition of the
four hundredth anniversary of the
English Bible. Professor Preston
Slosson will give the first lecture of
the series on "Great Protestants," his
subject being, "Luther, the Practical
Student Fellowship meeting Sunday
evening at 6:00. Following supper,
Professor J. Raleigh Nelson, Counsel-
or to Foreign Students, will speak on
"Foreign Students and The Michigan
Dr. Wilhelm Pauck, of Chicago
Theological Seminary, German the-
ologian and student of world affairs,
will speak tomorrow night, Dec. 1, at
8 o'clock in Lydia Mendessohn
Theatre under the auspices of Inter-
guild Federation on the subjects, "Re-
ligous Liberties in Germany." The
public is invited. Admission free.
Church of Christ (Disciples) Sun-
day. 10:45 a.m. Morning worship,

Minister, Rev. Fred Cowin. 12:00
noon, Student's Bible Class. Leader,
R. L. Pickerill. 5:30 p.m., Social Hour.
15c supper served. 6:30 p.m., Forum,
Professor Maurer of the Department
of Journalism will speak on "The
Spectrum of Thought." Students are
urged to bring their friends.
Bethlehem Evangelical Church,
Sunday. Morning worship at 10:30.
Sermon topic: "The Pure In Heart."
This is the sixth sermon in a series
on the Beatitudes. Communion ser-
vice at 11:30 a.m. The Young People's
League and Students' Club will meet
at 7:00 p.m. Prof. Erich Walter will
Lutheran Students: Holy Commun-
ion will be administered during the
first special evening Advent service at
7:30 o'clock Sunday, Dec. 1, at St.
Paul's Lutheran Church, corner Third
and West Liberty streets. The ser-
vice will be preceded by the usual
Student supper at 6 o'clock and a
discussion of current events in the
church and the state at 6:30. The
1 discussion will be led by the Rev. Nor.
Unitarian Church: Sunday.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

And though my heart outranks
My pen,
Accept my praise! and, thanks!


From time to time readers of The Conning
Tower have, by correspondence and otherwise,
shown interest in Krazy's career. I am sure they
will be sorry to learn that she was taken ill last
Thursday, and on Saturday, November 23, she
died. The doctor from the first doubted her re-
covery, and when, after Mommer had nursed her
for two days and nights without going to bed,
further efforts to save her so obviously confirmed
his judgment that he allowed Dr. Lawrence to
do the only think there was left to do for her.
She was proud without being arrogant, self-
respecting without being self-assertive, and we
never knew her to have a mean thought or to do
a malicious thing. She never abused a right or
claimed a favor. In every sense she deserved
that best of titles, a good companion.
Tuck your head in your paws, little Krazy;
calm be your sleep. To wherever you are now,
as you did to the places that knew you here, you
bring peace, and contentment, and love.
Add It Can't Happen Here: General Charles
H. Sherrill described the coming of Mussolini
and fascism to Italy as "daybreak" for a land
"sunk beneath the sway of Red Communism."
Telling of the dictator's suppression of com-
munism, he added: "I wish to God he'd come
over here and do that same thing."
The Will Rogers story, about the bill sent for
entertainment, has been edited by dozens of
contribs. Most of them say that it wasn't Rog-
ers. It has been credited to Challapin, McCor-
mack, Heifetz, and others we have lost track of.
We don't believe that Rogers or anybody else
ever did any such thing.
Well, they may begin to celebrate in Turkey
City, Pennsylvania, but those incorrigible Maine-
coasters, Miss Mary Ellen Chase, Miss Rachel
Field, Mrs. Gladys Hasty Carroll, and Mr. Robert
P. Tristram Coffin, will end the afternoon on one
of the Cranberry Isles.
That lunch wagon man who hurled himself
into the Dartmouth line-up last Saturday says
that he was a great Dartmouth fan. And not
a newspaper said that he came from Rah-rah-
Italian Heroes Are Decorated Near the Front.
- Herald Tribune headline.
"As it should be," concurs Orson. "Nothing
looks sillier than a hero with a medal near the
ha n,. ''

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