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November 27, 1935 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-27

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Weber Names
46 Freshmen
For Numerals
Number Of Awards Is
Large This Year Because
Of Big Squad
Forty-six freshmen were an-
nounced winners of football numerals
yesterday by Coach Wally Weber.
Thirty-six awards go to members of
the regular freshman squad composed
of literary and engineering school
students and the remaining ten will
be presented to gridders of the physi-
cal education yearling squad.
Last year only 36 awards were given
to the yearling squads. This year,
due to a larger freshman squad stick-
ing out through the fall grind, Coach
Weber was forced to give a larger
number of boys remuneration for
their services. Starting off the sea-
son with nearly 160 men the regular
freshman squad ended up with a rela-
tively scant 50 on its roster.
Those who will receive numerals
Physical Education team: Leo C}
Beebe, Dearborn; Howard G. Brandt,
Brooklyn, Mich.; William Druker,
Grand Rapids; Frank V. Jasienski,
Albion; Forrest R. Jordan, Clare; Alec
Loiko, Hamtramck; Norman B. Par-
ucker, Poland, O.; Daniel Smick, Ha-
zel Park; Edward Tryka, Perry N. Y.;
Vincent Valek, Holly.
Freshmen: James A. Barnett, De-
troit; Jerome Belsky, North Bergen,
N. J.; James N. Bilbie, South Lyon;
Francis A. Clark, Royal Oak; Ray-
mond O. Courtwright, Ann Arbor;
Robert B. Curren, Warren, Pa.; Ken-
neth D. Frost, Willoughby, O.; Elmer
J. Gedeon, Cleveland, O.; Richard
F. Ginther, Traverse City; Max F.
Golas, Detroit; Byron H. Harris, To-
ledo, O.; Ralph Heikkenen, Bessemer,
Urbane W. Hird, Lakewood, O.;
R. Wallace Hook, E. Grand Rapids;
Fred D. Hoover, Gladstone; Fred-
erick G. Janke, Jackson; Stanley R.
Jensen, Escanaba; John D. Jordan,
Jr., Evanston, Ill.; William P. Jurca,
Cleveland, O.; Louis Levine, Muske-
gon Heights; Paul M. L.eyden, Mar-
shall; George J. Maurer, Toledo, O.;
John E. Nicholson, Elkhart, Ind.;
Donald M. Pacquette, Superior, Wis.;
were among the award winners also.
Walter S. Peckinpaugh, Cleveland,
O.; Edward J. Phillips, Jr., Bradford,
Pa.; Seymour C. Rosenthal, Muskegon
Heights; Arthur Z. Seltzer, Saginaw;
Robert C. Shick, Jackson, O.; Donald
J. Siegel, Royal Oak; Ivan M. Taylor,
Pontiac; Marion Thompson, Ham-
tramck; Edward C. Stanton, Charles-
ton, W. Va.; Clarence Vandewater,
Holland; Roland A. Waterfield,
Highland Park; Harold C. Wilmarth,
Jr., Cleveland Heights, O.; were also
Army Prepares For
Annual Navy Game
NEW YORK, Nov. 26.- (P) - Bear
stories are coming out of the citadel
above the Hudson where the Army is
making ready for its annual football
game with the Navy, but Tom Ham-
ilton down Annapolis way isn't taking
much stock in them.
The Army held a long workout yes-
terday in which the varsity was given
a first hand demonstration of both
the spread and single wing formations
employed by Navy. It was reported
that the plebes, using the spread, ran
the varsity somewhat ragged.
Coach Gar Davidson later an-
nounced that he would send the
plebes against his first stringers again
today to see if they can fathom
the attack.

Bill Shuler, who played the entire
game against Notre Dame with a
special brace on his leg, demonstrat-
ed that he had recovered fully by
busting up many of the plebe plays.
And speaking of indoor sports, Ber-
ger Larson, baseball captain, has an-
other novel occupation for the win-
ter. He spends the long evenings
cutting hair for his friends.
and a complete line of formal
THE TUX ...$25
Single or Double-Breasted.
White or Black Vest ... $4.50
Dress Shirts .......... $2.50
Cuff and Line Sets $1 to $2.50
Black Silk Hose . ..35c - 50c
Dress Ties ....75c and $1.00
Dress Collars ...........35c

Gopher's Touchdown
Twins Roll On To Glory
MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 26,-(A')-
Andy Uram and, his tow-haired
pal, Rudy Gmitro, still "say it with
touchdowns" on Minnesota grid-
irons after 14 years of football to-
The pair, known in high school
days as the "touchdown twins,"
brought Marshall High School two
consecutive Minneapolis football
championships before they were
graduated to the University of
Attendance For
Year Reaches
255,000 Mark
In figures disclosea yesterday by
Ralph W. Aigler, faculty chairman
of the Board in Control of Athletics,
it was estimated that the University
of Michigan's football team played to
crowds totaling 255,000 this season.
Home games drew 185,000 fans.
Michigan drew some of its larg-
est crowds in defeat. Michigan State
opened the grid season here with a
smashing 25-6 victory over the Wol-
verines before 32,500 partisan rooters.
Minnesota and Ohio State handed
Michigan two of the worst defeats in
Michigan grid annals before crowds
of 35,000 and 65,000 respectively, and
Illinois eked out a win over the Wol-
verines at Champaign in a game that
attracted 25,000.
After the crushing defeat at the
hands of Michigan State in the. first
game, only 18,500 fans came to see
Michigan score their first win of the
year with a 7-0 victory over Indiana.
Pennsylvania journeyed to Ann Ar-
bor with a strong team but the Wol-
verines kept their intersectional
record intact and sent the Quakers
back home at the short end of a 16-6
score. The game was played before
Kipke's men went to Madison to
play the Wisconsin Badgers and came
back triumphant with a 20-12 win.
This game was played before the
smallest crowd of the year with only
15,000 rooters in the stands. A "dark
horse" Michigan eleven met Columbia
in New York at Baker Field and van-
quished the Lions before 29,000
A call for additional tryouts for
sophomore hockey manager was
issued yesterday by George Graves,
varsity manager. Tryouts should
come to the Coliseum at Hill Street
and Fifth Avenue at 6 p.m. any
night this week. Sophomore
managers are given free skating
privileges at the Coliseum.

Matmen Begin
Regular Drills
For '36 Season
First Meet Is With N.Y.A.C.
Dec. 21; Go On Eastern
Trip In January
For the past two days Varsity3
wrestling practice has been held with
Coach Cliff Keen directing his 1936
prospects. During the past month
the grapplers have been working out
at the Intramural building in order
to get in shape for the New York
Athletic Club meet to be held Dec. 21
at New York.
With the close of the football sea-
son, Keen will be able to devote his
full time to wrestling. "It's enough
to think about rounding the boys into
reasonable shape without worrying
about the scarcity of 175, 165 and 155
pound wrestlers," declared Coach
First semester wrestling will open
with the New York match which in-
augurates the Eastern invasion, in-
cluding matches with Franklin and
Marshall and Penn State on Jan. 17
and 18 respectively. The outcome
of the New York meet, the first ever
held with the big city, will be viewed
with interest by wrestling enthusiasts
since the team is coached by Murell
Thrush, former Michigan grappler on
the '28 squad.
"Thrush was an outstanding man
his sophomore year," Keen said, "and
despite an injury his performance re-
sulted in his being selected to coach
at the Athletic Club." In opposing
Penn State the Wolverines will be
out to spoil Penn's record of not hav-
ing lost a dual meet for the past two
The conference schedule in, addi-
ition to a meet with Washington and
Lee makes up the season's compe-
tition for the second semester. Al-
though the dates have not been set
for the Big Ten matches Michigan
will meet Chicago, Northwestern,
Ohio State, and Indiana, last years
champs. The Wolverines will seek
to avenge '34 defeats at the hands
of both Ohio State and Indiana.
Numerals Awarded
To Six Wolverines
Coach Harry Kipke announced to-
day the six football men to be award-
ed numerals, not seeing enough ser-
vice to earn major awards.
The list includes Robert Amrine,
London, Ont.; Joe Ellis, Eagle River,
Wis.; Charles Gray, Lombard, Ill.;
Winfred Nelson, Greenville; Chester
Stabovitz, Chicago; and Fred Ziehm,
Pontiac. Nelson is the only one that
is a senior.

Charlie Gehringer Says Tigers
Are Headed For Another Title Sports Of The Day

"Do you think the Tigers will re-
peat next year?"
"Certainly. We're paid to believe
that anyhow," replied Charles Leon-
ard Gehringer, probably the greatest
second baseman in baseball and the
star of the recent World Series. Geh-
ringer substituted for his boss and
recently appointed vice-president,
Mickey Cochrane, at the annual foot-
ball smoker held last night at the
Union ballroom.
Good For 10 More
"How long do I expect to play
baseball? Well, at least another ten
years." Having already guarded the
Tigers' keystone sack for the past ten
years, Gehringer probably thinks that
20 years of baseball is enough for
any ball player.
Speaking of the recent death of
Frank Navin and the change made in
organization, Gehringer was asked if
he thought the alterations would have
any effect on the team.. He declared,
"That remains to be seen but I don't
think so."
"What was your greatest thrill in
the recent World Series?"
Double Play Is Thrill
Gehringer thought for a moment
and then answered, "The double play
that ended the game which Crowder
won in Chicago. Hack grounded
sharply to Rogell who threw the ball
to me and I relayed it to Greenberg."
To refresh your memories Crowder
pitched a five-hit game to eke out a
2-1 victory which gave the Tigers
their third straight win over the Cubs
and the lead in the World Series.





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Clothes of Values and Distinction Since 1848
Put it in
BLACK and WHITE .. .
Authenticity in formal wear is
the keynote of smartness and the
basis of our stock of dress clothing.
Tailcoat& Trouser. ...$40
Hand-tailored and Correct.
Double Breasted Tuxedo.$35
In the London Manner.
Dull Silk Opera Hats.$13.50
Backless Pique Vests.. $5.50
Patent Leather Shoes. .$5.50
Short Bosom Dress Shirts 3.00
For High Rise Trousers.
Guard's Overcoats . ... $35
Correct for everything from
Football to Full Dress.
Each article has those painstaking
details of finish usually found only
in far higher priced merchandise.



ROAST TURKEY---Nut Dressing, Cranberry Sauce
ROAST DUCKLING ---Nut Dressing, Spiced Crabapple
Boiled Onions Mashed Sauash Sweet Peas

Mince Pie




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