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October 01, 1935 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-01

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I -- ______________________________ --.----- ______________________________________

Saturday Class
Committee Will
Continue Work
All Applications Have Not
Been Dealt With; Accept
Many Exemptions
A committee headed by Prof.
George R. LaRue, chairman of the
zoology department, will continue
to pass on applications for exemp-
tion from the Saturday class ruling
this week, Professor LaRue an-
nounced yesterday. They will meet
in Room 3089 Natural Science Build-
ing from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. and from
1:30 to 2:30 p.m., for the remainder
of the week.
Committee members, in addition
to Professor LaRue, are Professors
F. G. Gustafson of the botany de-
partment, Robert P. Briggs of the eco-
nomics department, R. W. Cowden of
the English department, W. A. Reich-
ert of the German department, L. G.
VanderVelde of the history depart-
ment, C. C. Craig of the mathematics
department, A. B. Peck of the min-
eralogy department, W W. Sleator of
the physics department, and Drs. H
J. Heneman of the political science
department, Norman R. F. Maier of
the psychology department, and N
W. Eddy of the romance languages
Professor LaRue said that a mod-
erately high percentage of the re-
quests received had been granted,
but that many cases had as yet not
been dealt with. The committee
has set up to standards, but deals
individually with each case on the
basis of its merits, he said.
He pointed out that if the appli-
cants wished exemption on grounds
that their courses would not allow
them to schedule a class on Saturday,
they should present their advisor's
recommendation that they be ex-
empted. Many of the exceptions
granted were on those grounds.
Jean Seeley, president of the Mich-
igan League Council, in whose hands
regulation of women's hours rests,
announced that no steps would be
taken until some necessity arose for
such a change, and that if such a
necessity did occur, it would prob-
ably not become apparent in the near
Woman In Red
Fights To Hold
Up Deportation
Dillinger Confession Gives
Temporary Reprieve In
Deportation Case
CHICAGO, Oct. 2. - (P) - Mrs.
Anna Sage, the "woman in red," who
admitted she lured John Dillinger to
his death, said today she would re-
sort to every legal move to escape de-
portation to Rumania by the govern-
Mrs. Sage further disclosed fear of
death at the hands of "Baby Face"
Nelson, member of the Dillinger gang,
who, she said, "had sworn to get me."
Mrs. Sage was granted a temporary
reprieve from deportation through a
writ of habeas corpus issued by Fed-
eral Judge John P. Barnes after hear-
ing her story of an alleged "deal" with
the government. She will be given a
hearing Thursday.
Her deportation was stayed Satur-
day a few hours before she was to
have boarded a train for Ellis Island
with other deportees. She then made
known for the first time her part in
the killing of the outlaw.

Would Not Deport
Mrs. Sage said she betrayed Dil-
linger, the sweetheart of her friend,
Mrs.. Polly Hamilton Keele, on the
promise from Melvin H. Purvis, then
chief of the government agents in
Chicago, that he could and would
have immigration officials cancel de-
portation proceedings against her.
She said she notified federal agents
that Dillinger would escort her and
Mrs. Keele to a motion picture theat-
er. The outlaw was shot and killed
on the night of July 22, 1934, as he
and the two women left the Biograph
theater on the north side.
Mrs. Sage said government agents
took her to Detroit for two weeks and
then permitted her to go to Califor-
nia. Two agents accompanied her on
the bus to the west coast.
Received Reward
In California, she said, U. S. In-
spector Samuel Cowley, later killed in
a gun fight with Nelson, gave her $5,-
000 as part of the reward offered by
the government.
"After returning to Chicago with
$200 Cowley gave me," she said, "I
learned from my brother-in-law that
a man had offered him $500 to tell
where I could be found. His descrip-
tion was similar to that of Nelson."
"When I learned Nelson had been
shot by federal agents I felt safe,"
she said. "Then I began to press gov-
ernment officers to keep their pledge
to me and let me stay here. I have
no relatives in Rumania."

Avoids Deportation

--Associated Press Photo.
Mrs. Anna Sage (above), the
"Woman in Red" in the Dillinger
case, won in her deportation case
when she charged the government
had paid her $5,000. for putting the
notorious outlaw on the spot and
then repudiated a promise to per-
mit her to stay in America.
Will Lecture In
James Stephens To Speak
Oct. 9 Under Auspices
Of Hopwood Committee
James Stephens, well-known Irish
'poet and novelist, will speak at 8:15
p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 8, in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Prof. Roy W.
Cowden, director of the Committee
on Hopwood Awards, under whose
auspices the lecture is to be given.
Mr. Stephens, whose best known
work is "The Crock of Gold," will give
a reading of his own poetry. He is
noted particularly for his ability to
capture the beauty of old Irish leg-
ends in modern verse, and for his
melodic application of the English
language to natural sounds.
He has been awarded the Polignac
Prize and the Tailltean Gold Medal
for distinguished verse, and is known
also as an anthologist, his book, "Eng-
lish Poets: Romantic, Victorian, and
Later," having recently been issued.
"We are particularly fortunate in
securing Mr. Stephens," Professor
Cowden said. "It is a thrilling ex-
perience to hear a true Irish poet
render the beautiful verses of his
The Committee on Hopwood
Awards, which last year brought Ger-
trude Stein to the campus, in bring-
ing Mr. Stephens to the campus is
continuing a program seeking to
create atdMichigan a center for those
interested in contemporary literature
through the creation of facilities for
advantageous study. The Jule and
Avery Hopwood Prize Awards for cre-
ative work forms the basis of the
effort, although the funds for the
Hopwood contest are not being used
to sponsor the lectures, according to
Professor Cowden.
Tickets, which will sell for 50 cents,
will be on sale in Wahr's Bookstore,
the Hopwood Room, and the box of-
fice of the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
Bureaus Busy
Finding Work
For StudentsI
The rush that comes each year in)
solving the problem ,of student em-
ployment finds both the regular stu-
dent employment office and the Na-
tional Youth Administration employ-
ment supervisors at the height of ac-
tivity, officials of the two organiza-
So busy are N.Y.A. officials in al-j
lotting jobs and planning projects
that no accurate estimate can yet be
made of the number of students to
be employed and the nature of their
The student employment bureau in
the dean's office reports approximate-
ly 400 applications for work of all
kinds - for board and room, for odd
jobs, and for steady cash jobs. A
rough estimate indicates that about
200 students have already found em-
ployment through this office.
A large percentage of applicants

for these positions are new students.
The greatest difficulty, the office re-
ports, is in finding board and room
jobs for the large number desiring
them, since the shortage of such po-
sitions is considerably greater this
year than last.
COLUMBUS, Sept. 30. -- (P)-
Norman F. Zuck of Cleveland was
killed as his monoplane crashed and
burned after he had taken off for a
stunt flight at the municipal airport

Wife Of Gifford
Pinchot Plans
To Talk Here
Social Worker To Speak
Before State Federation
Of Women's Clubs
Mrs. Gifford Pinchot, wife of the
sx-governor of Pennsylvania, and one
of the foremost social workers in the
country today, will speak before the
annual meeting of the State Federa-
tion of Women's Clubs to be held in
conjunction with the Adult Educa-
tion Institute, October 14-18, it was
announced today.
This institute is one of three under
the auspices of the Extension Divi-
sion of the University of Michigan.
These institutes are designed to bring
persons throughout the state to Ann
Arbor for a program of lectures and
conferences lasting from two days to
a week. Through the activities of
the various bureaus, more than 300,-
000 people in the state come in direct
contact wtih the University each
year. This does not include 600,000
people who last year listened in on
University radio programs.
Announcement was also made of
the appointment of Mr. D. C. Gates
as field secretary for public health
education. The health education
program is conducted under the aus-
pices of the Joint Committee on Pub-
lic Health Education, and the Uni-
The work of this committee is to
carry on a health education program
in the state through a medium of the
schools, clubs, Parents-Teachers As-
sociation, and other organizations in-
terested in health. Mr. Gates' activi-
ties are carried on through the ex-
tension division of the University.
Fossils Found
On University
Museum Trips
Upper Michigan, Dakota,
And Mexican Expeditions
Return To Ann Arbor
Returning from points as scattered
as the Bad Lands of South Dakota
and Coahuila, Mexico, and those as
close as northern Michigan and Penn-
sylvania, members of expeditions
emanating from the University Mu-
seums have completed another sea-
son's exploration and returned to re-
port and classify their findings.
From the Bad Lands expedition
Professor Ermine C. Case, director of
the Museum of Paleontology tells of
the discovery by Preparator W. H.
Buettner and J. A. Wilson of four
fossil eggs taken from the South
Dakota oligocene formation, whose
age is estimated at 30,000,000 years.
Professor Case stated that "there
were probably only 12 such forms
in all the museums."
The eggs, probably of a duck-like
bird, are not yet completely exam-
ined but Professor Case held little
hope that their significance would be
heightened by the discovery of un-
hatched young inside them. They
were taken from a single nest.
The discovery of an almost com-
plete skeleton of an oreodon, a small,
primitive, ruminant-like or cud-chew-
ing creature, was termed "most im-
portant" by Professor Case.
In the course ofswork carried on
in Mexico by Dr. Ralph Imlay and
Professor L. B. Kellum, the deposits
in Coahuila yielded large collections
of cretaceous invertebrates which will
be placed in the University Museums

along with the fossil plants brought
back from the carboniferous deposits
of Pennsylvania by the group under
Professor C. A. Arnold.
TRAVERSE CITY, Sept. 30. - (T)
- The first of a series of eight post-
graduate lectures to be held by the
University of Michigan and the Mich-
igan State Medical society is sched-
uled here Friday with Dr. Russell W.
Alles, of Columbus, O., and Dr. Nor-
man Miller, of New York, as the
"healthy, wealthy, and
wise has always been a
good way to be. We can't
say anything about your
mind or your money, but
we can help your
The answer is the
Royal Dhairy
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No matter what your job is, your
ability to do it depends on a special
undefinable element of your person
ality called "G," or General Factor,
according to Dr. Charles Searman,
University of London psychomathe-
matician, who was guest lecturer at
the recent American Psychological
Association convention here.
Probably one of the most extensive
fields of psychology at present is the
establishment of tests to determine
almost anything, and the determina-
tion of standards by which to inter-
pret these tests. A common sight at
the convention here was two dif-
ferent interpretations of the same
results by members of the Association
reading papers.
Into this field, commonly known as
psychometrics, Dr. Spearman has en-
tered a battery of some 94 tests to
measure the specific abilities of peo-
ple, as well as the more abstract qual-
ities such as fancifulness and orig-
inality, as a possible successor to the
well-known Stanford-Binet intelli-
gence quotient, or "I Q" tests, which
are now undergoing strong criticism.
Uses 94 Tests
With this battery of 94 tests, which
Dr. Spearman has "fired" at some
1,200 people in the course of his in-
vestigation, Dr. Spearman has hoped
to determine an individual's total
mental ability through the sum total
of his individual abilities.
"An attempt is being made to de-
velop tests which are tolerably free
from the influence of previous experi-
ence or environment, thus facilitat-
ing comparisons between different
races and different social strata, as
urgently required by anthropology
and sociology," Dr. Spearman said in
outlining the tests used in the in-
"The first one great result of the
investigation has been to establish the

existence of one General Factor 'G'
extending through the entire gamut
of abilities here tested save only
physical strength, as measured by the
dynamometer, and also fancifulness,
as measured by seeing shapes in ink
blots," Dr. Spearman continued. The
"G" factor was apparent in the re-
sults of the tests for every other abil-
ity measured.
Factors Combined
As examples of combined ability
factors, Dr. Spearman pointed out
that while arithmetical ability con-
sisted of "G" plus a special factor
dealing with numbers, geometry de-
manded "G" together with some spe-
cial ability for dealing with spatial
"There is no general factor com-
mon to all mathematics, save only
'G'," he added.
As to just what constitutes this
mysterious "G" Dr. Searman was un-
"One might be inclined to designate
this factor as general intelligence, but
our results show that it extends far
beyond the range of what is usually
called by this name," he commented.
"For instance, it lays an appreciable
part in such simple operations as
counting groups of dots and in taking
down dictated numbers.
"It might perhaps be called a per-
son's 'general mind power,' available
for all his many secial purposes. Per-
haps it is the mental side of what
Lashley has caleld the 'mass-action'
of the cortex of the brain."
Verbal Factor Second
Next in importance after "G" comes
what Dr. Searman has called the
"verbal factor." Out of all the tests
about a dozen show the presence of
this factor, which has to do with lan-
This factor, according to Dr. Spear-
man, makes its appearance in all

linguistic activities. It plays a large
part in the most exalted operations
such as reasoning, and yet seems to
consist essentially of nothing more
than the capacity to associate any
symbol with any meaning.
That element now measured by the
"IQ" tests, according to Dr. Spear-
man, consists largely of "G" and the
verbal factor.
Scientific ability, as previously il-
lustrated by the comparison of arith-
metical and geometrical abilities, de-
pends on "G" plus some individual
ability for each particular branch.
Mechanical ability depends once
more on "G" plus some special fac-
ulty for understanding and inventing
Little 'G' In Aesthetics
The three aesthetic activties, music,
painting, and literature, show an ex-
tremely small but still appreciable
amount of "G." Outside of the Gen-
eral Factor, there is a little, but not
much, in common in these three
branches of art.
Information turns out to depend
very largely on the verbal factor.
This refers to information as mea-
sured by the ordinary tests of in-
The tests which make up Dr. Spear-
man's battery have been constructed
so as to measure two little-understood
mental characteristics which have
been called "P" and "O," indicating
their cossible connection with the
elements of persevaration and oscil-
"These two have been found in the
past to play a large part not only in
ability but also in character," Dr.
Spearman concluded. "These are the
only two cases where the present re-
search has extended itself into the
field of character and emotions, but
further research is now planned for
extending the investigation into this

If Your Personality Has A Little "G"
You'll Be A Big Success At Your Job

nena "IllSchool To
Receive Portrait
The Dental School will hold an as-
sembly at 10 a.m. this morning in
the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. Dr.
R. W. Bunting is to preside and Dr.
Ruthven is to make the principal ad-
At this assembly, the University
will receive a portrait of the late Dr.
Chalmers J. Lyons, who was a very
well known and well liked member of
the Dental School faculty. Dr. Lyons
enjoyed the unique distinction of
also being on the staff of the Medical
School at the same time he was
teaching at the Dental School.
The portrait is a gift of the C. J.
Lyons Club, an organization com-
posed of former students of Dr. Ly-
ons, and will be presented by Dr. Don
Bellinger of Detroit.
Dr. Ruthven will accept the gift in
behalf of the University. The public
is cordially invited.
LANSING, Sept. 30. - ()-Death
rode the highways at a record pace
in the first eight months of 1935,
Mlaiming 1,014 victims.



Florida Hurricanes Are Fun
Compared To Those On Sun

SIMLA, India, Sept. 30. - tP)-
Two British officers were killed and
two wounded today after an am-
bush on the Mohammaiad front on
the northwest Indian frontier.

wishes to extend a cor-
dial welcome to Michi-
gan's old and new stu-
dents and to wish them
success in the coming

A hurricane in Florida is nothing
compared to a hurricane on the sur-
face of the sun, according to Dr.
Heber D. Curtis, director of the Uni-
versity Observatories. According to
the report of the astronomy depart-
ment for 1934-35, he has seen the
latter through the spectroheliokine-
matograph, a machine used in con-
nection with a motion-picture camera
to record the sun's behavior. This
formidably-named device makes a
photographic record of the irregular
contours of the sun and is especially
useful in the study of sunspots, which
have a good deal to do with radio re-
ception, because the more sunspots
which appear -on old Sol, 93,000,000
miles away, the worse the radio re-
ception. The next time your radio
refuses to bring in stations more than
twenty miles away, blame the sun-
spots, or the tubes.
Machine At Lake Angelus
The spectroheliokinematograph is
situated on Lake Angelus, near Pon-
tiac, Michigan, in the McMath Hul-
bert Observatory. The directors of
this observatory havetaken continu-
ous pictures of the sun for the past
year, and expect to open up a wide
field of research when the projected
solar tower is completed. This is in
the process of being built, and it is
the belief of Dr. Curtis that it will
be ready for use next year. The con-
structionis made possible by a do-
nation from the Rackham Fund, and
the tower is being constructed from
plans drawn up by Director McMath.
It will be forty feet above the ground
at the dome, and there will be a sub-
basement thirty feet deep, permitting
the use of a spectroscope. The di-
rectors have great hopes for the pos-
sibilities of this solar tower, and will
commence research work immediate-
ly after the project is completed.
In a far-flung outpost of the Uni-
versity, at Bloemfontein, South Af-
rica, in the Lamont-Hussey Obser-
vatory, Dr. Rossiter is continuing his
survey for the discovery of new

double stars in the southern skies.
The survey will be approximately
ninety percent complete by July, 1936,
when it is feared that the work of the
expedition must be terminated.
Double, or twin, stars are those which
rotate around each other and are al-
ways in the same relative position.
Over 5,200, new pairs have been dis-
covered in the two years this research
has been carried on.
New Reflector Ready
Another improvement contemplat-
ed by the University Observatory is
the new large reflector for the Ann
Arbor telescope. This new reflector
will increase the efficiency of the
present telescope by approximately
100%. A primary disk, constructed of
pyrex, will be removed from the an-
nealing ovens in Corning on October
8. Dr. Curtis expects to leave for
Corning on the eleventh of October
to inspect the disk, which has been
cooling in the ovens for six months, a
seemingly paradoxical procedure.
This precaution is necessary to pre-
vent cracks in the disk, and the tem-
perature is lowered about two degrees
daily. The disk is 87%/4 inches in di-
ameter and 16 inches thick, weighing
a mere 7600 pounds.
Assisting Dr. Curtis in this work is
Dr. Robley C. Williams, formerly of
Cornell University, who was appoint-
ed to fill the vacancy left by Dr.
Howard M. Petrie. Dr. Petrie resigned
to become Astronomer at Dominion
Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria.
For those who seek an improved
three-hour course, there is a new lens
in the Angell Hall Observatory tele-
scope, affordingta greater apprecia-
tion of a romantic subject.

For many years The Quarry
has endeavored to secure for
its customers quality mer-
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For the ladies (men are
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exclusive lines such as Eliz-
abeth Arden, Rubenstein,
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Earle, we have added Alex-
ander de Markoff, Lucein
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lines. Best of all a delivery
The QUARRY, Inc.
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Tracing Cloth


Drop Compasses Oil Colors
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Home Drawing Set Water Colors

Tracing Paper

Sketch Blocks
Artists Papers



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