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November 26, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-26

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°.5.51.111J 111 V 111 V ..5. 'r .. . L.,' . a

Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summr Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
raslociteduden1Puibte inss
an~ ~ - 193B4g The 1t6 v nfrene ditrst As1935on
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Student Publications Buiding, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Aavertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Il.
Telephone 4925
SPORTS EDITOR....................WILLIAM R. REED
NIGHT EDITORS: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey,
Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman,
Guy M. Whipple, J.
Editorial Writers: Robert Cummins and Marshall D. Shul-
News Editor ................................Elsie A. Pierce
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred
DeLano, Raymond Goodman.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy A. Briscoe, Josephine
Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Char-
lotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
Betsey Anderson, Betty Bingham, Mary Campbell,
Helen Douglas,. Margaret Hamilton, Mary Catharine
Johnson, Jacqueline Karreman, Barbara Lovell, Louise
Mars, Marjcrie Mackintosh, Mary Sage Montague, Kath-.
erine Jean Moore, Jean Nash, Ruth Sauer, Betty Strick-
root, Theres Swab, Peggy Swantz.
REPORTERS: E. Bryce Alpern, Lester Brauser, Arnold S.
Daniels, William J. DeLancey, Roy Haskell, Carl Ger-
stacker, Clayton D. Hepler, Paul Jacobs, Richard La-
Marca, Thomas McGuire, Joseph S. Mattes, Arthur A.
Miller, David G Ouail, William E. Shackleton, Richard
Sidder, I. S. Silverman, Don Smith, William C. Spaller,
Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Telephone 2-1214
D PARTMENTAL MANAGERS: Local advertising, William
Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Con-
tracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth;
Circulation and National Advertising, John Park;
Classified Advertising and Publications, Lyman Bitt-
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Charles W. Barkdull, D. G. Bron-
son, Lewis E. Bulkeley, Jr., Richard L. Croushore, Her-
bert D. Falender, Jack R. Gustafson, Ernest A. Jones,
William C. Knecht, William C. McHenry, John F. Mc-
Lean, jr., Lawrence M. Roth, John D. Staple, Lawrence
A. Starskr, Norman B. Steinberg, Donald Wilsher.
WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betsy Baxter, Margaret
Bentley, Adelaine Callery, Elizabeth Davy, Catherine
Fecheimer, Vera Gray, Martha Hanky, Mary McCord,
Helen Nebere, Dorothy Novy, Adele Polier, Helen Purdy,
Virginia Snell.
Sheila Burgher, Nancy Cassidy, Ruth Clark, Phyllis
Eseman, Jean Keinath, Dorothy Ray, Alice Stebbins,
Peg Lou White.

A Story
With Three Morals...
THREEFOLD is the moral of the
plight of Grover Cleveland Bergdoll,
one-time Philadelphia socialite.
Fifteen years ago, Bergdoll, charged with dodg-
ing the draft in the World War, escaped from his
guards and fled to Germany on a forged CanadianI
passport. For the past several years, the govern-
ment has not softened in its demands that if Berg-
doll returns to the United States, he will face
five years of a court martial sentence and three
Federal court indictments, even though they have
been persistently appealed to by his 78-year-old
mother and the blond 28-year-old woman whom
he married in Germany, now trying to gain clem-
ency for her husband so that she and their five
children may become American citizens.
But the government, even to the White House,,
has given little encouragement either to his wife
or his aging mother, in their repeated pleas for
amnesty for him, and the answer of Attorney
General Homer S. Cummings is "no clemency."
Thus, from the unfortunate plight of draft-
dodger Bergdoll, three conclusions present them-
selves to the observer:
First, the case should give some pause to those
who speak so quickly and glibly about "not going
to an imperialistic war." One doesn't simply de-
cline the invitation when the government goes to
war, and the lot of the draft-dodger is a hard one
of permanent disgrace and hardship comparable
at times to the lot of prisoners in concentration
camps in Nazi Germany.
Second, it is an interesting commentary for
cynics who believe that wealth is a form of immu-
nity in time of war. Bergdoll's $800,000 estate and
all his possessions save the home in Philadelphia
in which his mother lives have been confiscated by
the government and have availed him nothing.
Third, and of most importance, the case should
impress upon the minds of peace-advocates that
opposition to war is not a function of the indi-
vidual. The determination of you yourself not to
participate in war does not in any way serve
to avert the war, nor this country's participation in
war, nor your own inevitable participation in it,
even though involuntarily. Opposition to war is
effective only when collectively expressed. Only
then does it begin to combat war at its sources.

The Conning Tower

I, ii. I

It's December
For Mr.Kipke . .
many of his staff are probably
thinking about the traditional phrase, "will you
love me in December as you did in May?" They
are probably coming to the conclusion that the
answer is no."
The second December of defeat in two years has
found them the subject of rumors, started by an
Ohio newspaper; and now the drive for Kipke 's
scalp is on. The scalping spree was anticipated
a few days ago when Malcolm W. Bingay, editorial
director of the Detroit Free Press and vicarious
manager of the Detroit Tigers, added the direction
of University athletics to his manifold duties. In
his "Good Morning" column Mr. Bingay inferred
that the Wolverine's mediocre season could be
traced to the time Coach Kipke devoted to writing
for a Detroit newspaper to the detriment of Mich-
igan football.
It is interesting to hark back to the May of vic-
tories when Kipke brought Michigan two national
championships and four Big Ten titles in four suc-
cessive years. Then were his present attackers
singing loud the praises of Michigan and her
superman coach. But such is the memory of the
.curbstone coaches.
Throughout his term as Michigan mentor Coach
Kipke has demonstrated his ability and loyalty.
In the heydey of supremacy Kipke refused many
offers in the East that were more lucrative than
the local post. It is now time for the alumni and
friends of the University to exhibit some of the
same loyalty that Kipke has already demonstrated.
Last year's season was definitely disastrous,
Michigan coming through with but one win. This
year the season was not bood, however, any team
that can win two conference and two intersec-
tional games, none of them set-ups, is not bad.
Michigan was beaten by large scores in the last
two games, but scores are not the only criterion in
judging a team.
Athletic Director Fielding H. Yost, Alumni Pres-
ident Emory J. Hyde and Alumni Secretary T.
Hawley Tapping have all denied that an official

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.r
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
Letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance -
and interest to the campus.t
More About Art
To The Editor:h
With the number of letters written to the editora
of The Michigan Daily it would seem that wei
are taking the work of the modern French painterss
quito seriously. Those who defend the workse
claim for them that they are experiments to ben
looked upon as laboratory or studio efforts. Ap-n
parently they are not masterpieces of art - thank
goodness. In these works we are led to believe5
that the artists are striving to achieve some-f
thing in a new manner of expression.c
If the trials of the artists are experiments ora
expressions of a new technique why should theya
be sent out as works of art for public exhibitions?t
Generally the scientists do not announce new
truths until the experiments are completed and
ready for general knowledge. Or if the painting
efforts are the best that can be done with new
tricks the performers are besides themselves in
rendering coordinate action. They thereforet
resort to gross awkwardness to achieve attentionr
and success.I
It is positively ridiculous that normal people
should be expected to look at these abnormalr
works and praise them. They are incoherentc
distortions. They are not technically well done
and the superficiality of their content or import1
is decidedly apparent.
In the production of art and its appreciation
we should not be so deeply concerned with the1
vanities of the styles in art but with the con-1
structive developments.
In a modern light and considering these works1
further in an attitude of our freedom of expres-
sion-of the artists have a right and privilege of
painting as they so choose, also those who view
the works have the same right and privilege of.
appreciating or deprecating as they so choose.
I admire those students who have had the
courage to express their convictions in the editor-1
ials. They are doing a good service in making usl
see clearly certain values in their relationship1
to the fine arts, particularly beauty. Mr. Charles,
Moore, the chairman of the United States Com-
mission of Fine Arts, in a letter to me, makes a
statement which is very applicable to this sub-
ject. He says: "Beauty is the essential quality
in art; and the absence of this quality quickly
consigns the product to mediocrity and forget-
fulness, no matter how novelty and surprise may
challenge immediate attention."
A very healthy sign of growth is manifest when
our young people have the determination to
rebel against the domination of the European
style dictators in the arts.
Ernest Batchelder in his book, Design in Theory,
says: "Our salvation is to be sought not in bor-
rowing from Europe but in boldly striking for an
elementary basis upon which to build, in digging
to bed rock on which to raise our superstructure."
The young artists of today, who are doing
vital and constructive work and who are pro-
gressive also, have already thrown off the tram-
mels of an art influence whose foundation is not
sufficiently sturdy upon which to build.
The works of the modern French painters may
be looked at in a serious light if one wishes,

Saturday, November 16
[[P AND READ how somebody had said that my
journal was monotonous, as though that
were news to me, and that I was an indiscrim- t
nate reader, which I am, and for which I thank d
Heaven, albeit there are limits to my indiscrim- t
nateness; forasmuch as hardly ever do I read t
ayles of aviation exploits nor editorial pages nor
nystery tayles. So worked all the morning, try- g
ng to keep my temper against interruptions of c
nembers of my family walking through the room,t
the I'm Alone being too cold for comfort. So in r
the afternoon I listened to the broadcast of Min- e
nesota trouncing Michigan, and in the evening d
Marian Chase come and brought me a flageolet l
or my birthday, and Stuart a bottle of wine; r
and so Pauline and S. Chotzinoff come and Kitty l
and S. Jacobsen, and after dinner Sascha and i
Marian played on their viallins and Sam'l upon
the pianoforte, some pieces of Bach, to my c
great joyoy
Sunday, November 17i
ARLY UP and to the village to get a news- a
paper, and so home and read it, and thence
to Bronxville to Dot Lewis's, and a great crowdw
there, and a stimulating one. And Herbert Wells g
gave me a cigar, and a good one, and he tells H
me thatlhebthinks thatthe motion pictures will Y
eventually be the greatest expression of art, butr1
I do not think so, forasmuch as by the time the r
cinema is in charge of persons who are intelli- i
gent and uncensorable as the publishers of news-
papers and books, there will be some art and 7
some method of expression that will make the
cinema look ancient. So met Miss G. B. Stern,
a grandly humorous girl, and talked with her't
about letters; and then was talk about fascism, P
and Mr. Wells thought that it could not happen t
here, but Geo. Seldes and Rob Forsythe heckled(
Mr. Wells a good dead, they feeling that the d
nation was well on its way to it. Lord! I think j
that there is no way of comparing this nation P
to any European nation, and that the greatestw
foe of fascism, and of communism, too, is geog-p
raphy But all the talk mighty good to hear, s
though the obbligato of Father Coughlin's bom-
bast over the radio diverted my attention. So j
Mrs. Alice Longworth drove me home in a fine 1
petrol-carre, and so had supper, and went earlyN
to bed. i
Monday, November 18
TO THE OFFICE, and all day there furiously at s
work, and diverted by the story from Monti- n
cello, N.Y., that Mr. Hoover, storm bound, spoke
to some of the villagers, and one of them, Mr.A
John T. Curtis, editor of a local newspaper that
no newspaper that I saw identified, said that hef
heard Mr. Hoover's speech to the Ohio Society,P
and that he didn't know that Mr. Hoover had sov
much humor. Whereupon Mr. Hoover laughed l
so hard that he spilled cigar ashes upon his waist-v
coat. And this discovery of humor, which, though
not great, was great by comparison, seemed to me
more noteworthy than it did to Mr. Curtis. Maybe
he was helped by Ben Allen, whom I met on New
Year's Eve, 1919, and who was a merry and wittyn
fellow. Home, and in the evening to see a playt
called "For Valor," and Mr. Frank Craven and Missr
June Walker swam desperately to keep its headC
above water, but it was too heavy for even themc
to rescue. So home early and to bed.
Tuesday, November 19t
O WORK BETIMES, and home early, my oldestc
boy being nine years of age; and in the eveningo
did on what is called my night suit, and my boy tellsn
me that no matter how many million people would
be at the concert, I would be the prettiest one there.
So to the Philadelphia Orchestra concert, lovely to
my notion, but there was a Japanese piece that
dated from the ninth century, and Mrs. Winston
asked me how I liked it, and I said "That was a
little before my time," it being the first time I
had been able to say that truthfully for a long time.
So to . Payne's, and fell to drinking, and so must
he have, forasmuch as he gave me two bottles of
Barbardos rum that he brought from Bermuda. So
all very merry, and I took Mr. and Mrs. O'Toole
home, and Mrs. Winston, and then myself, costing
Wednesday, November 20E

LAY TWO HOURS after waking at five in the
morning, and of all things thought of a line
in "Parnell," wherein a woman refers to an edi-
torial in a newspaper, and I thought that that
must have been edited for American audiences, and
that the original script must have called it a leader.
Of such matters does one think at such sleepless
times. So up, and did on my new tye that I got
from Carolyn Wells for my birthday, and dress'd
mighty gay, and so to the office, and there for a
few h'rs., and so met with M. Schuster and Q.
Howe and Bess Breuer, and we to dinner, and then
Henry Poore come in, and I did say how stimulat-
ing I thought Tom Craven's articles on art and
artists were, and we had some argument about
it; but I said that he had aroused my interest in
such matters as nobody else had; and they agreed
that that was praiseworthy. So home by ten
o'clock, and to bed.
Thursday, November 21
W OKE at three this morning, and wrested
with myself over a problem of ethics, and
could not get it straight, and so lay till nearly
eight o'clock, and so to the office; and home at
tour; and then came to a conclusion on my prob-
lem, and all the weariness passed from me. So
to the playhouse to see "Abide With Me," mighty
well acted, too; but to me there was mighty little
of it that I could believe as true, albeit every

A Washington
W ASHINGTON; Nov. 25. - Stu-
dents of the Hoover "style" in
ublic addresses as commerce secre-
,ary, presidential nominee, and Presi-
lent, profess to find a wide depar-
ure in the present style employed by
he political mystery man of '36.
They see Mr. Hoover more epi-
rammatic, more inclined to popular
%atch phrases. Whether that is to be
ttributed to the genial influence of
Ben Allen, his old friend, former sec-
'ectary and publicity man and pres-
nt frequent traveling companion,
loes not appear. Mr. Allen is a pub-
icity specialist by profession but is
eticent as to his exact status in re-
ation to present-day Hoover com-
ngs, goings and outgivings.
As a striking example of this
hange in Hoover style, the former
resident's comment on the reciproc-
ty pact with Canada can be cited.
"I presume it is more of 'the more
bundant life'-for the Canadians,"
ays Mr. Hoover.
That comes close to the campaign
wise-crack category. There were
limpses of the same tendency about
Hoover's Ohio society speech in New
York and the earlier speech in Oak-
land, Cal., which signaled his active
eturn to the political forum for
urposes still to be fully disclosed.
THERE is another aspect to that
Hoover dismissal of the deal with
Canada as "just another instance of
his hasty economic planning." As
itular head of the G.O.P., the former
President goes western. He sees only
he farmer "hole" in the reciprocity
'doughnut," and nothing of the in-
dustrial benefits rim. Yet, he had
just come from conferences with
arty leaders in the industrial East,
where at first blush the Canadian
act was being received with con-
iderable favor.
And why the haste? The former
President interrupted his westward
journey long enough to deal out his
brief shot at the Canadian pact.
Meanwhile Senator Borah in Wash-
ngton-the farmer angle on the pact
would certainly seem to be his spe-
cial meat - finds it desirable to
study the thing a bit before com-
menting for publication.
Did Mr. Hoover, or maybe Mr.
Allen, see in this circumstance a
chance to "scoop" iMr.Borah right in
his own backyard, the farmer West
for which he undertakes to speak?
Was it more of a move in the Hoover-
versus-Borah tussle for Republican
leadership than a carefully digested
verdict on the Canadian deal itself?
THE new Republican western field
headquarters in Chicago even beat
Mr. Hoover to it. Director Harrison
Spangler, however, was merely de-
manding postponement of the effec-
tive date of the pact for national
referendum purposes. Prospective
Candidate Vandenberg in Michigan
contented himself with a blast at
"dictatorship by executive decree,"
avoiding discussion of the merits of
the pact itself.
And that Vandenberg attitude, in-
cidentally, represents a point of view
on the Republican side of which much
more will be heard.

TUESDAY, NOV. 26, 1935
VOL. XLVI No. 48

Premedical Students: The Medical
Aptitude Test sponsored by the Amer-
ican Medical Association for all stu-
dents who expect to enter a medical
school by the fall of 1936 will be given
Friday, Dec. 6, from three to five inj
Natural Science Auditorium. Regis-
tration blanks may be obtained in
Room 4, University Hall through Nov.
30.A fee of one dollar is charged.
Graduate School Students: Stu-
dents enrolled in the Graduate School
will not be permitted to drop courses
after Wednesday, Nov. 27. A course
is not officially dropped until it is
reported in the office of the Graduate
School, 1006 Angell Hall.
Students who have made any
changes in courses since submitting
their election cards should report the
corrections in the Graduate School
office. Changes of address should also
be reported.
C. S. Yoakum.
Phillips Scholarships in Greek and
Latin: The competitive examinations
for these scholarships will be held on
Tuesday, Dec. 3, 4 p.m., Room 2014
Anell Hall. Freshmen carrying one
full course of four hours in Latin or
Greek this semester are eligible. The
examinations will be on four units
of high school Latin, or on four units
of Latin and two of Greek. Students
who wish to compete should register
as soon as possible with Dr. Copley,
2026 A.H., or Professor Blake, 2024
Bronson-Thomas Prize in German
(value about $50.00)-open to all
undergraduate students in German
of American birth and training. Will
be awarded on the results of a three-
hour essay competition to be held
under departmental supervision late
in March (exact date to be announced
two weeks in advance.) The essay may
be written in English or German.
Each contestant will be free to choose
his own subject from a list of ten
offered. The list will cover five chap-
ters in the development of German
literature from 1750 to 1900, each of
R which will be represented by two
subjects. Students who wish to com-
pete should register and obtain a
reading list as soon as possible at the
office of the German Department, 204
University Hall.
The Automobile Regulation will be
lifted over the Thanksgiving Holiday
from 12:00 noon on Wednesday, Nov.
27, until 8:00 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 29.
K. E. Fisher.
Dormitory Directors, Househeads,
Sorority Chaperons: The closing hour
on Wednesday, Nov. 27, will be 1:30
a.m., and on Thanksgiving Day, 11:00
Alice C. Lloyd, Dean of Women.
Students, College of Literature, Sci-!
ence, and the Arts: Except under ex-
traordinary circumstances, courses
dropped after Wednesday, Nov. 27,
will be recorded with a grade of E.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

ourses dropped after Wednesday,
ov. 27, will be recorded with the
ade of E except under extraordi-
ary circumstances. No course is
nsidered officially dropped unless it
as been reported in the office of the
egistrar, Room 4, University Hall,
Senior Engineers will be excused
nom 11 o'clock classes on Tuesday,
ov. 26, to attend the Class Meeting
heduled for that hour.
A. H. Lovell, Assistant Dean.
Contemporary: All thouse who con-
,ibuted manuscripts for the first is-
ie should call for them at Contem-
orary's office in the Student Publi-
tions -Building as soon as possible.
Bowling, Women Students: There
ill be special instruction given to any
oman student desiring to learn to
owl Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 at
ie Women's Athletic Building.
Academic Notices
English 293: Members of the class
re invited to meet for a brief dis-
ussion of the examination on Wed-
esday at 4 p.m.
W. G. Rice.
English 153 meets today at 7:30
.m. (Room 3212 Angell Hall) for
ritten quiz.
E. A. Walter.
English 211 (c) and 259 will not
ieet Tuesday, Nov. 26, in order to
iermit students to attend the lecture
iy Bonamy Dobree in Natural Science
uditorium at 4:15 p.m.
History 11, Group 3: The class
6ill meet Tuesday, Nov. 26, at 2 in
[atural Science Auditorium for an
llustrated lecture on medieval art.
History 11, section 22, will not meet
oday at 2 o'clock.
J. W. Stanton.
University Lecture: Mr. Bonamy
)obree, English scholar and man of
tters, will speak on the subject
Approaches to Criticism," Tuesday,
nov 26, 1935, at 4:15 p.m., in the
atural Science Auditorium. The
>ublic is cordially invited.
Architectural Building Exhibition:
3atiks and block prints made and de-
signed by students in Decorative De-
sign are on view in the ground floor
orridor of the Architectural Build-
ng. The exhibit will be open daily
rom nine to six o'clock, through Sat-
irday, Dec. 7. The public is cor-
:ially invited.
Events Of Today
Sigma Xi: The first meeting of
Sigma Xi for the current University
year will be held in Room 231, An-
ell Hall, at 7:30 p.m. Professor
ecil C. Craig will speak on "Applica-
ions of Mathematical Statistical
Analysis to Research," and Mr. Alan
D. Meacham on "Mechanical Aids in
Tabulating Scientific Data." Follow-
ing the addresses calculating and tab-
ulating devices will be demonstrated.
Refreshments will be served.
Psychology Journal Club meets
at 8:15 p.m., Room 3126 Natural
Science Building. Mr. Schaefer and
Mr. Gilbert will review recent ab-
normal psychology articles.
Junior Mathematical Society meets
at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3201 A.H. Mr.
I. H. Finklestein will speak on "The
Equations of Polygons." Also there
will be a demonstration of a new
type of calculating machine.
A.S.C.E. meeting at 7:30 p.m. at
Union Room posted Lecture and
slides on "Better Lighting" spon-
sored by Detroit Edison. Everyone

Sigma Rho Tau: Usual business
meeting at the Union at 7:30. Prof.
Frank R. Finch of Engineering Draw-
ing, will talk on the making of charts
with special reference to their aid in
project speaking. The circles will
take up project wrangling on rigid
dirigibles and the automotive brake
question. A very important business
meeting will follow.
Members of the English Journal
Club and contestants for the Hopwood
Awards are invited to an informal
discussion of T. S. Eliot by Bonamy
Dobree, at 8:00 p.m. in the League.
Adelphi House of Representatives
meets at 7:30 p.m. There will be a
debate and new members will be in-
itiated. All members should be pres-
University of Michigan Radio Club
meeting at 7:30 p.m., Room 318-20 of
the Union. Professor A. D. Moore,
of the Electrical Engineering Depart-
ment, will talk on Radio Broadcast-
ing. The public is invited.
Members of the Cabinet of the
Student Christian Association will
meet at Lane Hall, Upper Room, at
o.nn nM insne uill he the main


Students, School of


"* THlE SCREEN .:.

A Fox picture starring Will Rogers,
with Dorothy Wilson, Russel Hardie,
Louise Henry, and Bill Robinson.
Will Rogers' last picture, and in
our opinion his best, is a completely
enjoyable story of a familiar theme
- the rivalry that arises among horse
owners prior to a big race. In this
case there is the added antagonism
of a feud between the neighboring
families, and as is typical in Will
Rogers pictures, there is a romanceJ
that he helps along.
It is a story that is rich in humor
and the sort of reality which one
has always found in Will's films. He
is personally at his best, and with a
good cast, a good story, and good di-
rection, there is little lacking. In the
supporting cast, our vote goes to
Dorothy Wilson as the second-best
person in the picture. She has what
is rare among the more attractive
cinema queens in that she can act,
and it's a welcome sight.
The. story opens with Will as the
horse trainer for the wealthy .Rich-
mans, whose grounds adjoin those of
the not-so-wealthy Martingales. Both
have horses, although the latter pos-
sess but one, Greyboy. When Will
hides Grandpa Martingale (Charles
Sellon) from the law, after he has
been indulging in his favorite sport
of shooting at the domineering Rich-
man, he is fired. Grandpa's only
companion is Nancy Martingale (Dor-
othy Wilson) who fittingly carries out
the southern traditions of beauty and
appreciation of horses. The Doc
(Russel Hardie) takes over the train-
l ___f+h R m n hnrcPCa+f-rWill

A 20th Century production starring
Ronald Colman and Joan Bennett with.
Colin Clive, Nigel Bruce, etc.
We can't help but agree with other
critics who have said the most un-
usual thing about this picture is the
length of its title. As you can see,
it's much too long, but for that mat-1
ter so is the picture, considering that
it hasn't anything much to do except
show the interior of a few continen-
tal spots of gaiety, present Miss Ben-
nett in a number of gowns, and give
Colman the worst story in which we
have ever seen him.
To begin with, it's another of those
expatriated Russian nobility stories,
with Colman the noblest of all. The
entire court is working in a Russian
cafe in a French city, where they save
enough money to send Colman to
Monte Carlo for their one big gamble.
Much to everyone's surprise, he breaks
the bank and leaves without playing
again. The proprietors then hire La
Bennett and Colin Clive to lure him
back to the Sporting Club that he
may leave a little money with them
for a change.
This she eventually does, after they
have fallen in love with each other
and she is sorry for her sins, but of
course it is too late then. Colman
loses, and goes back to taxi-driving,
while she continues her theatrical
career. Of course they meet again,
and all's well.
We felt sorry for Colman. as he is

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