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November 22, 1935 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-22

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New Manager
To Be Elected
November 26
Tickets For Smoker Are
Put One Sale At Various
Places On Campus
It is very probable that the Varsity
football manager for the 1936 se!n
will be elected at the annual Fooi)all
Smoker to be held at 8 p.m. Tuesday,
Nov. 26 in the ballroom of the Union.
Tickets for the Smoker are priced
at 25 cents and are on sale at the
Union desk, the engineering arch, and
in the lobby of University Hall. Tick-
ets may also be bought from soph-
omore committeemen and members of
the Union executi'z council.
Walter Okeson, a member of the
athletic department for Lehigh Uni-
versity, and Commissioner of the
Eastern Intercollegiate Association of
Colleges will speak at the annual
affair which is held each year in
honor of the Varsity football team.
Plans for the Smoker program call
for the Varsity R.O.T.C. Band to play,
although nothing definite on this
matter was announced and the if is
still tentative, and for the cheer-_
leaders also to appear. But Union
officials stated that regardless of
whether the band did play, the mem-
bers would be invited to the Smoker.
Mickey Cochrane, manager and
now part owner of the Detroit Tigers,
the world champions, will also speak
at the smoker. Plans to have Goose
Goslin and Charlie Gehringer, who
also are members of the Tigers, speak
are still not completed, Union men
said last night.
Property Fight
Almost Over As,
k Sales Agreement Returned
By Local Bondholders To
State Department
The bondholders executive com-
mittee of the Hoover property on
Washtenaw Avenue has returned its
copies of the sales agreement with the
state welfare department, it was
learned yesterday. This action re-
leases the state from any obligation,
and it was expected by the bondhold-
ers that the state would return the
copies in their possession.
The committee made no request
from the - state and no explanation
accompanied the action. It was be-
lieved, however, that the action was
taken in view of the protests of prop-
erty owners in the city whose protest
of any change in the zoning ordinance
caused the Common Council to re-
ject a proposed amendment allowing
"state buildings, except penal and
corrective institutions," to be located
in class A residential districts.
The Michigan Children's Institute
had considered the Hoover site as a
possible location until protests of its
desirability in that vicinity and subse-
quent ejection of an amendment
changed the state's attitude.
Rats Digest Facts
That Humans Can't
Entirely Figure Out
"R "ts!' ", exclaimed one economics
instructor, as he gazed upon the rem-
nants of graphs and itemized figures,
which he had spent weeks of work

Tattered bits of paper, some with
edges gnawed away, and only a few
complete charts laid before him. Rats,
he explained, frequent the Economics
Building, and often may be seen scur-
rying about. They had attacked his
papers, which were filed away in his
This paper, he said, was filled with
figures, the result of adding up other
figures which took weeks to calculate,
and now this rodent has eaten out
the most important part of it. Be-
sides, he added, these figures are a
result of classifying different indus-
tries, and we probably won't class
them the same way next time, so the
other figures are also useless.
"Well, it proves," a spectator com-
mented, "that rats must have a great-
er intelligence than a five year old
child, if they can eat those charts
and digest them."
One case of measles and one of
small pox have occurred among the
student body within the last week, it
was announced yesterday by Dr. War-
ren E. Forsythe, director of the Uni-
versity Health Service. No spread of
the diseases is expected, although one'
or two more cases may be found as a'
result, he said. The two cases are be-
ing treated at the Health Service.
Today - Saturday

Striking Union Workers Faced By Armed Guards

Lutheran Club
To Hear Talk
About Russia
Dr. Paul Krauss, Lutheran
Pastor, To Sneak Before

Classified Dfreetory

Club OnSunday Night.
Dr. Paul Krauss, pastor of the4
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran ChurchS
I of Fort Wayne, Ind., will address the
Lutheran Student Club at 7 p.m.
Sunday in the parish hall of Zion
Lutheran church on "Russia's Chal-
lenge to American Christianity."
Dr. Krauss was a member of the
1935 Sherwood Eddy seminar, which
toured Europe last summer, and
spent about a third of the time in
Russia. The Eddy seminar was de-
scribed as being a sort of "floating
university" which makes yearly tours
to the capitols of nations throughout
the world for the purpose of studying
forms of government, religion and
customs. Government officials and
religious leaders of the different
countrys spoke to the members of
the party at each place of visit.
Dr. Krauss, for 15 years pastor of
one of America's largest Lutheran
churches, is one of the ministers
scheduled to speak on the Lutheran
radio program over a national hook-
up in the near future. '
The general public, it was an-
nounced, as well as the congregations
of Trinity and Zion Lutheran

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LOST: Betwefn Pretzel Bell and
corner of 1ngalls and Huron, class
pin, letters B.M.H. $5 reward.
Phone 9597.


-Associated Press Photo.
Wearing helmets and armed with tear and vomiting gas bombs, sheriff's deputies are shown as they
guarded one of the gates of the Ohio Insulator company plant at Barberton, O., where a strike of union
pottery workers was in progress.

Kreisler Next
To Appear In
Music Series
Boston Symphony Also To
Come Here For Other
December Concert
Two outstanding concerts, under
the sponsorshi of the University Mu-
sical Society, will be given during the
month of December, completing the
first half of the 1935-36 Choral Union
concert series.
Fritz Kreisler, world-famous violin-
ist, will appear Dec. 3 in Hill Audi-
torium in the fourth concert of the
series. He will present his ninth con-
cert before a local audience, having
made his Ann Arbor debut in 1900.
His great reception at that time has
caused his reappearance seven times
since then, and in each succeeding
concert he has received even greater
The second concert, Dec. 11, will
bring the Boston Symphony orches-
tra to Ann Arbor for the eleventh
time, under the direction of Serge
Koussevitzky. The orchestra first
played here in 1890, and then made
annual visits for four years. From
then until 1931 it was heard here in-
termittently, but since then has again
made annual appearances. Arthur
Nikisch led the orchestra four of
these times, Karl Muck twice, and
Dr. Koussevitzky five times.
Both concerts promise to attract
many out-of-town and out-of-state
visitors, as well as near record local
crowds. The advance demand for
tickets has been unusually large, in-
dicating to School of Music officials
that the attractiveness of Kreisler
and the Boston Symphony increases
with the passage of years. Tickets
are still on sale at the offices of the
School of Music on Maynard Street,
and President Charles A. Sink said
yesterday that there are still a num-
ber of good seats available in all
According to a recent announce-
ment, one of the first official acts of
the new King George of Greece was
to extend an invitation to Kreisler
to play in Athens, which was accept-
ed. Following the completion of his
present American tour Kreisler will
visit Egypt and Turkey in February,
Greece in March, and then tour
through England, France andSpain.
New Dust Storms
To Bring Disease
CHICAGO, Nov. 21. - (A)- Warn-
ing signals against disease were run
up today in the wake of the week's
surprise recurrence of dust storms in
the southwest.
Illness and death due to infections
of the throat and lungs show a sharp
increase when the dust clouds are
afloat, the Journal of the American
Medical Association admonished.
Recounting resuls o a study of
the dust laden period from January
to June, 1935, the Journal said:
I "Kansas experienced its most severe
measles epidemic during the five
months . .. with 40,000 cases . . .as
compared with the previous high . . of
22,464 for the 12 months of 1917.

Prof. Muyskens Explains New
Theory Of Speech Correction


(Continued from Page 1)
belief that stuttering isvcaused by
such factors as "clashing vocabulary,"
poor balance of the brain "lobes" or
"lack of imagery," which are some of
the theories most often advanced. The
true causes, he says, are completely
physiological. His theory has been
supported by use of the metabolism
test, which determines in positive
and negative terms the glandular
content of the body.
When the causes of defects in
speech have been determined, he ex-
plained, the work of speech correc-
tion really begins. Training is under-
taken in the basic principles of
breathing, rhythm and accent in
speech. For this purpose, Dr. Muy-
skens and Mr. Henry M. Mosher, also
of the speech department have de-
veloped an extremely sensitive in-
strument which records the pressure
in the nose and mouth while talk-
ing, on a chart together with a rec-
ord of the time taken for making
every individual sound made. The
time scale may be divided into inter-
vals of one thousandth of a second.
Record Sounds
A vibrating needle also records on
the same chart the frequency and
pitch of each spoken sound. By co-
ordinating these records it is possible
to study the causes of speech defects,
and to adjust them, said Dr. Muy-
He plans, as the next step in uni-
versalizing the physiological method,
to acquaint doctors and dentists with
it, for early preventive steps, he feels,
will prevent the problem of speech
defects arising after the formative
That Dr. Muyskens' work has
passed beyond the experimental stage
is succesfully proven by his ample list
of former pupils who have won
speech contests, or have distinguished
themselves in public speaking classes
both at this University and others.
He is at present associated with
Driverless Truck
Goes Into Kitchen
But Injures No One
A despondent and despised garbage
truck mayhap weary of the life it
leads, rambled down the North First
Street hill yesterday morning, plung-
ing into the kitchen of the Harold
Bennet family in the Ann Arbor Dairy
Co. building.
No one was hurt, and everyone was
happy. The truck was damaged
slightly, no driver was at the wheel,
and an opening into the kitchen was
provided for the family who had long
wanted a kitchen door.
But not all the fortuitous circum-
stances were confined to the accident
itself. Two daughters, Lorraine and
Norma, had left the breakfast table
only a few minutes before the refuse
retriever crashed through the wall
shoving the table across the room.
- L

the Grace Hospital in Detroit, which
has the only speech clinic in the
United States. The work of such in-
stitutions, he says, must some day be
carried on by the public schools. It is
for this purpose that he has lectured
throughout the country, has organ-
ized a speech clinic at the University
of Kansas and placed two of his own
students in charge.
Camp's Purpose
It is for this purpose that he acts
as advisor to the Shady Trail Camps,
in the upper peninsula, where chil-
dren laboring under speech difficul-
ties are given instruction. It is for
this purpose that he and his staff
offer aid to children from the Mich-
igan grammar schools, and bring a
large number of them to the speech
laboratory for training. k
The training, which begins after
the medical examinations have been
made, consists first of making the
graphs described above. The student
is then given long periods of reading
under supervision. The reading is
done aloud and very slowly. When
this stage in the training has been
passed successfully, the student is
assigned speeches which must be
made before a small audience, and
the most advanced stage is reached
when the student is able to speak ex-
tempcraneously. This, Dr. Muyskens
says, is the most difficulttest, and
when it has been passed, the student
is considered as no longer needing
any supervised training.
Unique Phases
One of the most unique phases of
Dr. Muyskens' theory is the fact that
it can be brought down to a basic,
mathematical formula, in which the
individual's speech, or its fraction of
complete perfection, is placed in
direct ratio to the faults causing de-
fects. In this way the accurate frac-
tional percentage in comparison to
perfect speech may be reckoned, and
used for comparative study.
Dr. Muyskens emphasized the fact,
however, that the physiological study
preceeding the supervised instruction
is the most important phase of the
entire plan.
In summarizing his method, Dr.
Muyskens said, "Defective speech is
largely caused by poor tissues and
other physical factors, all of which
can be brought under control at an
early stage by taking the correct pre-
ventative measure."
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21. (Al) -
At the suggestion of President Roose-
velt, the government prepared today
a three-fold program to reduce the
,lnumber of accidents, now costing
100,000 lives annually.

churches are invited to attend the

Court Urged Not To
Take Kidnap Case
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.-(R) -
The state of New Jersey urged the
Supreme Court today not to review
the conviction of Bruno Richard
Hauptmann for kidnaping and slay-
ing the Lindbergh baby.
A 30-page brief filed by Joseph'
Lanigan, assistant state attorney
general, concluded with these words:
"It is respectfully submitted that
the petitioner (Hauptmann) has not
shown himself to have been deprived
of any right accorded him by the
fourteenth amendment, and further,
that he has been convicted and is
now held in custody under due pro-
cess of law within the meaning of
the Constitution."
Hauptmann recently appealed to;
the highest tribunal to save him from
the electric chair. He criticized the
activities of the attorney general of
New Jersey, David T. Wilentz, and
asserted the celebrated trial at Flem-
ington resembled a "circus."
$12,077 Pledged To
Community Fund
A total of $12,077 was reported
pledged to the Ann Arbor Community
Fund as workers attended a lunch-
eon at the Masonic Temple yesterday
noon. This is about a quarter of the
$55,000 goal set for this year's cam-
The University reported 1,710
pledged, while $7,450 were received
in the special gifts division. The Uni-
versity High School contributed $116.
National corporations, businesses hav-
ing home offices outside the city, had
pledged $750.
The women's division reported
$839 and the men's division report-
ed $680 in a house to house solicita-
More money was pledged than was
reported, however, but because of the
installation of a new auditing sys-
tem, the report of these funds was
delayed. No industrial audits were
made since all available time was
spent in auditing the University con-

MAC'S TAXI - 4289. Try our effi-
cient service. All new cabs. 3x
NOTICE: Galoshes patched, resoled
and heels capped neatly at the
College Shoe Repair Shop, 426
Thompson Street. Phone 6898.
FOR RENT at very reasonable rate
completely furnished 5-room apart-
ment on first floor of duplex house
from Dec. 20 through April. Phon
7716. 118
FOR RENT: Garage, S. University
near Forest. Phone 5929. 117
Faculty Dinner Is
iven By Sorority
Alpha Gamma Delta sorority enter
tained at a faculty dinner Wednes
day night at their chapter house.
The guests included: Prof. Burton
E. Thuma, of the psychology depart
ment; Mr. James C. O'Neill, of th
French department; Prof. and Mrs
Henry F. Adams, of the psychology
department; Prof. and Mrs. William
H. Egly, of the engineering Englis
department; and Prof. and Mrs. Ar
thur W. Smith, of the physics depart
The tables were decorated with cen
terpieces of cream-colored and rus
snapdragons, between graceful crear
colored candles.

reasonable. Free delivery. Phone
3006. 6x
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 1x
IouP s Change Is
Vetoed By Board
(Continued from Page 1)
They said that many cases of fatigue
among undergraduate women had
been reported by sorority house-
mothers and dormitory heads over
the week-ends. and added that pro-
fessors hve made complaints that
women1: < e n bolting Saturday
The action of the Council in pro-
posing this change is in accord with
the opinion expressed by Dean Alice
C. Lloyd, after the Council meeting
Monday, who said that "the moveof
fthe Council is wise, in view of the
Saturday classes." She had pre-
viously urged the women themselves
to make this change, when she said
in a speech given before 800 sorority
- women at the Panhellenic Banquet,
Oct. 28, "I think your nearly unani-
emous vote to continue the 1:30 a.m.
- ruling for Friday is a mistake."
e The constitution of the Council
e makes no provision for voting, but by
rules of parlimentary law, a proposal
can be passed by a two-thirds vote of
y the legislative body, even though it
has been vetoed by the executive body.
If the proposal is passed Monday,
permission must be secured from the
Regents of the University to continue
dances on Saturday nights until 1:00
a.m. since there is a University rul-
ing against holding dances after mid-
- night on Saturday nights. There is
-also a city ordinance to the same
n Tell us you need $S300, 2300, "
$100 or so-and in 24 hours ~
- the cashi will be ready for ;<.

Four terms of eleven weeks are given
each year. These may be taken con-
secutively (graduation in three years)
or three terms may be taken each year.
(graduation in 4ayears). The entrance
requirements are intelligence, charac-
ter and at least two years of college
work, including the subjects specified
for Grade A Medical Schools. Cata-
logues and application forms may be
obtained from the Dean.

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