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November 22, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-22

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The Weather


Generally fair today and to-
morrow; not so cold tomorrow.

4w 4ty


Where Are The
Real Pacifists? ..
11,a The
Pincapple' Brigade ...



Expect Huge Crowd'
For Last ep Rally
Before Ohio Game

Ickes Seeks
To Keep Oil
Froin Italy
Secretary Asks Producers
To Hold War Materials
From Belligerents
Furloughs Given To
Many Italian Troops
Ethiopian Commander Is
Defeated In Skirmish By
Large Opposing Force

Gather For
Arthur J. Altmeyer Of
Security Board Talks
At UnionToday
Haber, Blough Are
Also On Program
Annual Meeting Is Held In
Ann Arbor For Third
Time In Four Years


Board Rejects

Proposed Hours Change
In Decisive 53-17 Vote

Michigan Supporters Wil
Meet At Hill Auditoriun
At 8 P.M. Tonight
Renner And Kipke
To Talk At Meeting
Bitter Rivalry With Ohio
State Expected To Draw
Many To Gatherng
Ohio State's widely-publicized
"Scarlet Scourge" and the chance a
fighting Michigan machine has of
beating it will be the chief topics o
discussion before a pep meeting at 8
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
The firm conviction that Michi-
gan's fate is far from being as black
as sports writers paint it will be up-
held by Capt. William Renner and
Coach Harry G. Kipke, the principal
speakers of what is expected to prove
a most expiting evening.
It will be Captain Renner's first
appearance in an "official capacity"
at a pep rally.
According to the plans for the
meeting, announced last night by
William R. Dixon, president of the
Men's Council, which arranged the
meeting, both Kipke and Renner will
give informal talks, but no program
of formal speeches has been ar-
ranged for the meeting.
Band to Take Part
The Varsity-R.O.T.C. Band and the
cheerleaders will take part in the
program, with the usual features of
Michigan marches and yells.
Renner will be playing his last foot-
ball game for Michigan Saturday
when he faces the Buckeyes and will
bear the brunt of the Michigan at-
tack. Eight other seniors and a
junior in the team's overnight head-
quarters will be awaiting the last
game of their Wolverine football
George Bolas, Carl Carr, Ernie
Johnson, Winfred Nelson, Harry Pill-
enger, Steve Remias, Mike Savage,
and John Viergever are the seniors,
and Earl Meyers, a junior, will also
finish his Michigan competition be-
cause of a year's play on the fresh-
man team at Wayne University.
Bitter Rivalry
With the added incentive of the
bitter rivalry with Ohio State, Cap-
tain Renner's presence, and the sig-
nificance of the last game of the
season, a larger attendance than that
at the previous pep-meetings of this
year is hoped for, and the Men's
Council urges all students to attend
if it is physically possible for them
to do so.
"It'll be short and sweet, with lots
of noise," Dixon announced last night,
adding that the meeting would start
promptly so as to not interfere with
other student engagements later to-
Increased interest in the game was
evidence by the fact that the tem-
porary bleachers have been erected
around the top of the stadium to
take care of the extra applications
for seats between the two goal lines.
The largest football attendance of the
past two years is expected.
Ritchie Will Head
Washtenaw Slate
Stark Ritchie, Psi Upsilon, has been
selected by the Washtenaw Coalition
Party to run for president of the
sophomore literary college class, it
was announced yesterday by Louis
Hoffman, party chairman.
Adeline Singleton, Kappa Alpha
Theta, will run for secretary, and El-
liot Chapman, Lambda Chi Alpha, is
the party's nominee for treasurer.
No vice-presidential candidate has
yet been chosen.
The sophomore literary vote will

be held from 3 to 5 p.m. Wednesday,
Nov. 27 in Room 25 Angell Hall. Iden-
tification cards must be presented by
prospective voters.
The Washtenaw Coalition caucus
is headed by Hoffman, William Car-
stens, Jayne Roberts, William Mann,
Margaret Curry, and Sam Charin.
Partial Slate Chosen By
State Street Freshmen
The State Street party of fresh-
men literary students selected a par-
tial slate in a preliminary caucus held

'Earthquake, Tidal
Wave Hit Hawai
HILO, Hawaii, Nov. 21. - (A') -
tidal wave preceded by an earth
quake damaged scenic Hilo's water
front today.
Boats and debris were piled wel
above the water line.
) Waves lifted huge boulders from
the beach and rolled them in shore t
damage a section of wharf railroa(
track. Two small yachts anchore
in the bay were wrecked. A powe
d boat was damaged.
3 Moderate earth shocks visited th
f area at 1:20 a.m. (6:50 a.m. E.S.T.
f Apparently they originated in the
mountains 15 to 30 miles away, Dr
T. A. Jagear volcanologist reported
They were felt in Honolulu, 200 milet
to the northwest. No casualties wer(
Ellsworth Hops.
Off For Flight
To Antarctica
Departs With Pilot For
Second Attempt Within
Twenty-Four Hours
NEW YORK, Nov. 21.- (P) - The
New York Times and the North Amer-
ican Newspaper Alliance reported to-
day that Lincoln Ellsworth had
hopped off on his second attempt in
24 hours to fly 2,140 miles across the
Antarctic continent.
Ellsworth and his pilot, Herbert
Hollock-Kenyon, had been forced to
give up the first flight and return to
the base ship, the Wyatt Earp, be-
cause of an oil leak in their motor,
after three hours and eleven minutes
in the air.
The explorer and his pilot again
had favorable weather for the take-
The plane was equipped with an
aerial camera, with which the ex-
plorer hoped to map the region he
describes as "the great unknown."
He had headed toward Admiral
Byrd's former base at "Little Amer-
ica," intending to stay in the air about
14 hours. He was aloft, however, a
little more than three hours.
Ellsworth's wireles ed report said
he had planned to claim the territory
from the 80th to the 120th meridians
for the United States and call it
James W. Ellsworth Land in honorI



Prof. Muyskens Explains New
Theory Of SpeechCorredion
Asserts Defects In Speech American universities requests that
Can Pdl Rv phvc P lntri he send some of his students to them

WASHINGTON, Nov. 21. - (P) -
Secretary of the Interior Harold L
Ickes called on the oil industry to-
day to halt, voluntarily, shipments
to Italy.
Explaining at a press conference
that he had "no authority at all" in
the matter, Ickes said, "I don't think
they ought to sell oil to Italy.
"They ought to comply both in
letter and spirit with the efforts of
the government to prevent furnishing
war materials to either of the bellig-
The question came up as he re-
leased a report by the Bureau of
Mines showing September oil ship-
ments higher than in August, "indi-
cating that the stimulation in this
trade due to the war scares outweighs
the 'usual seasonal decline."

Arthur J. Altmeyer, member of the
Social Security Board, will address
150 members of the Michigan Ac-
counting Conference at 2 p.m. in the
Union today in one of the first public
statements made a member of thatI
group since its inception this sum-
Mr. Altmeyer, who will stop here

of his father.
The plane had
son island when

just passed Robert-
the break was dis-

Teachers Arm
In Mexico As
Trouble Grows
'$ocialistic Education' Is
Issue In Death Of 12 And
Injury Of Two Teachers
MEXICO CITY, Nov. 21. -- (') -
The federal secretariat of education,
alarmed by the growing number of
killings of rural school teachers, asked
the war department today to allow
teachers to arm for protection against
the violence measures of opponents of
socialistic education.
More than 12 such killings have
been reported in the past month, most
of them in the states of Puebla More-
los and Jalisco.
Several days ago two women teach-
ers were attacked at Puebla by rebels,
who cut off their ears and threat-
ened them with death if they con-
tinued giving socialistic instruction.
Dispatches from Puebla yesterday
reported the leader of a band sus-
pected of killing six teachers in the
Texiutlan district in a single day
last week had been captured and shot
by federal troops.
Convinced that vigorous measures
are necessary to halt the slayings, au-
thorities placed his body on display
in the Plaza in Texiutlan in warning
of the enemies of official education.
Officials said the attacks on teach-
ers were fired by fanatics.

ROME, Nov. 21.-(P)--Premier
Mussolini, in a new move to oppose
economic sanctions against Italy, or-
dered three-month furloughs for
about 100,000 of Italy's 1,000,000 home
The government said the action was
due to increasing farm and indus-
trial production, because of the eco-
nomic siege of Italy, and the desire
to send men home to the families that
need them. The soldiers will be told
to be ready to return on an instant's
notice. /
Mussolini today signed several pro-
tocols of an Italo-Hungarian trade
treaty which diverts to Hungary some
of Italy's former trade with countries
which now are applying sanctions.
Hungary supported Italy at Geneva.
ASMARA, Eritrea, Nov. 21. - (')
Defeat and rout of cunning Ras Sey-
oum and his Ethiopian warriors by
four Italian battalions in a moun-
tain battle was reported today to the
Fascist high command.
In full flight and carrying their
dead, the tribesmen melted away into
the Tembien fastnesses, with the four
battalions and a squadron of Italian
horsemen hoping to encircle the
enemy before Seyoum could rally his
men in pursuit.
How many of the Ethiopians were
slain was not known. The Italian
losses were described as "small."
The Italian columns finally caught
up with Seyoum near Abero Pass in
the Tembien mountains not far from
But the crafty Ethiopian northern
commander chose to show his forces
when only one of the Italian bat-
talions, composed entirely of native
troops, confronted him.
From their lofty mountain posi-
tions, the Ethiopians opened up a
sharp machine gun fire, but after
some hours of fighting fled when they
realized the superior strength of their
An aviation reconaissance over the
Mainescic valley region disclosed,
meanwhile, that Ethiopian forces
scattered by Monday's air raid were
concentrating again in the same lo-
Foulkes, Aides
Convicted By
Federal Court
George Foulkes, former Michigan
Congressman, and Dan J. Gerrow, a
member of the Democratic State Cen-
tral Committee, were convicted
Thursday in Federal Court of con-
spiring to "assess" postmasters for
contributions to Foulkes' campaign
Judge Fred M. Raymond said he
would sentence them, and also El-
mer Smith, of Paw Paw, Monday.
Trial of Smith on a charge of so-
liciting campaign funds from Fed-
eral officers in Federal buildings was
just starting when the jury, after 59
minutes of deliberation, convicted
Foulkes and Gerow.
Smith thereupon changed his plea
from not guilty to nolo contendere. by

to make his speech while enroute
from Washington to Lansing, will
speak on "The Significance of the
Social Security Act."
Following him will be an address
by Dr. William Haber, deputy ad-
ministrator of the Michigan Works
Progress Administration, on "The
Social Security Act as it Applies to
the Michigan Situation." Another
headliner today will be Carman C.
Blough, assistant director of the Se-
curities and Exchange Commission's
registration division. Presiding will
be Dean Clare E. Griffin of the School
of Business Administration.
Miller To Speak
Col. Henry W. Miller, head of the
mechanical drawing department of
the College of Engineering, will speak
on "The Current Military Situation in
Europe" before the accountants at a?
banquet at 6:30 p.m. in the Union.
George D. Bailey, resident partner
of Ernst and Ernst of Detroit, will
be toastmaster.
Mr. Altmeyer's address will be of
especial interest, according to mem-
bers of the faculty of the School of
Business Administration, which, with
the Michigan Association of Certified
Public Accountants, is sponsoring the
I conference,
Barr Presides
At a luncheon for the accountants
at 12:15 p.m., Dean Clarence S. Yoak-
um of the Graduate School will speak C
on "Problems of Allocation." Edward
J. Barr, treasurer of the accountants'
atsociation, will preside.
The morning session of the confer-
ence will be devoted to round table
discussions, presided over by William
B. Isenberg, president of the associa-
tion. Leaders in panels on "Working
Papers and Other Work Procedures of
the Accountant" will be M. B. Walsh
of Detroit, director of the Walsh In-
stitute for Accountants, and D. M.
Russell, a member of Lybrand, Ross
Brothers and Montgomery, a Detroit
accounting firm,
Leading discussions in "Methods of
Presenting Information in Financial
Statements" will be Prof. H. F. Tag-
gart of the School of Business Ad-.
ministration and R. E. Payne of Chi-
cago, a member of Lawrence Scudder
and Co.
Ann Arbor Hit
By First Cold
Spell Of Year'

Factors Early In Life
Prof. John H. Muyskens has the
distinction of being able to say that he
need never complain that he is not
appreciated by his pupils. For scarce-
ly a day passes when he does not re-
ceive a number of letters thanking
him for the work which he has done
as head of the University speech lab-
oratories and associate professor of
He is also greatly pleased by the
progress which the completely new
method of speech study and correc-
tion, of which he is the leader, is
making throughout the country. His
work in bio-linguistics has attracted
country-wide attention, and he has
received from many of the large
Contest Over
Farm Program1
Defiance Of New Deal's
Utility Laws Is Growing
In Eastt
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21. - P) -
Blows were struck by manufacturers,
farmers and the Government today
in the Supreme Court battle over the
New Deal's arm program.
At the same time, defiance of the
New Deal's Utility Law was spread-
ing among holding companies in the
East and other Administration meas-
ures were being challenged anew.
In quick succession were these de-
John W. Davis, one-time Demo-
cratic Presidential nominee and mem-
ber of the American League, sought
permission to join the Hoosac Mills of
Massachusetts in challenging the
constitutionality of AAA processing
taxes. The House case is set for
argument Dec. 9.s
Vernon A. Vrooman, of Des Moines,
filed a plea to join the Government
defense in the same case on behalfs
of the League for Economic Equality,i
"an organization supported by farm-
ers and friends in four of the corn beltk
states-Iowa, Minnesota, NebraskaI
and South Dakota."t
The Government, replying to a pleay
of eight Louisiana rice millers for anr
injunction against processing tax
payments, contended an injunctiony
was barred by law and that the rem-C
edy of the millers was to "pay firstC
and litigate after.",
The Consolidated Gas Co. of Newt
York, which dominates the metro-i
politan field, let it be known through
one of its subsidiaries that it did not
intend to register under the holding
company act.t
The Delaware Electric Power Co.9
challenged the law in a Federal courtt
suit filed in Wilmington, and the
Philadelphia Electric Co., one of theo
United Gas Improvement Company'st
largest subsidiaries, filed a similar ac-

to teach.
Dr. Muyskens was a student of Dr.
Clarence Meader, professor of gen-
eral linguistics, and under the great
scholar's influence, he developed his
theory, now proven a fact, that de-
fects in speech are caused by physi-
ological factors. This theory is a
radical change from that which held
that speech defects were caused large-
ly by psychological factors, and it is
this latter theory, in Dr. Muyskens'
opinion, which has greatly retarded
the basic work of speech correction.
The basis for the study of speech
correction which is being developed
by Dr. Muyskens is tht all charac-
teristics of speech are formed before
birth, and during the first three
years of a person's life. In this early
period, heredity, and then bottle-
feeding and thumb-sucking play a
large part, he said, for the last two
disarrange the bones of the head, and
deform the are of the roof of the
mouth. Other influences, however,
play an even larger part.
Nourishment, or the lack of it, is
the most important of these. In the
case of under-nourishment, he said,
a poor balance of the chemical qual-
ities of the body is formed, and all
speech correction must be based on
a study of these early conditions.
"The speech process," said Dr. Muy-
skens, "is the end product of the func-
tions of the body tissues as they were
in their early state."
Dr. Muyskens decries the common
(Continued on Page 2)
Japanese Talky
Over Situation
In North China
Some Militarist, Civilian
Leaders Face Showdown
On Imperialism
TOKIO, Nov. 22. - (Friday) - (A')
-- Sources close to the government
said Japanese militaristsand oppos-
ing civilian leaders faced a show-
down today over the North China
situation with the life of the cabinet
in the balance.
The issue was expected to be de-
bated at a cabinet session with Koki
Hirota, the foreign minister, leading
the civilian group, and Gen. Yoshi-
yuki Kawashima, minister of war,
representing the militarists.
Hirota, informed sources said, fa-
vors a compromise on the North
China issue which would allow the
Chinese national government to re-
gain a considerable degree ofrau-
thority in the five northern prov-
This plan was recommended by
Akira Ariyoshi, ambassador to China,
who consulted with Generalissimo
Chiang Kai-Shek, Chinese national
government leader, in Nanking yes-
(Chinese dispatches said Japanese
officers in China were impatient at
the delay.)
The proposed declaration of auto-
nomy by the five provinces has been
"postponed for the time being" in re-
sponse to the urgent instructions of
Chiang Kai-Shek, the Rengo (Jap-
anese) news agency reported from
The newspaper Asahi said when

Council Acts For Women's
Best Interests, Despite
Short Hours Are
BackedBy Seeley
League Council Is Able To
Reverse Board's Action
In MeetingMonday
By an overwhelming majority vote
of 53-17 the League Board of Repre-
sentatives yesterday flatly rejected
the proposal of the League Under-
graduate Council of the League to
advance women's closing hours on
Friday nights from 1:30 a.m. to 12:30
The Council will meet again Mon-
day to take final action and by a
two-thirds majority can pass the rul-
ing, even over the veto of the Board.
The ruling to change the closing
hours from 1:30 to 12:30 a.m. was
passed Monday by the Council, but in
)a special meeting held 'yesterday
noon, a revision was made to the
effect that junior women who are
eligible according to the University
rules be given 1:30 a.m. permission
Saturday nights.
Kavanagh Presides
Maureen Kavanagh, '36, president
of the Assembly, who presided at the
Board meeting, said, in commenting
on the vote, "the sentiment of the
group was that the proposed change
on Friday nights would be advisable
only if all classes be given 1:30 am.
permission on Saturdays, as is now
the rule for Fridays."
The move of the Council in pro-
posing the change came as a surprise
Monday, since a referendum 'among
campus women taken a month ago
revealed that they were opposed to
any changes. Nineteen out of the
20 sororities voted down the proposal,
and it was also vetoed in the Assem-
bly, the representative organization
of independent women. The matter
was also brought up before the Sen-
ate committee on student affairs, but
was tabled.
Seeley Speaks
Jean Seeley, '36, president of the
League, stated that although "the
vote of the Board will be given the
most serious consideration when the
matter is taken up before the Council,
I shall urge the members to overrule
the veto. I cannot speak for ether
members of the Council, but I per-
sonally feel that we should act for
what we believe is tlie good of the
Although she said that she believed
the vote of the 40 sorority and 36
independent women was representa-
tive of the opinion of the campus,
she explained that the Council was
attempting to act in the best inter-
ests of the women.
"The women may be opposed to the
change now," she continued, "but in
time they will see the advisability of
our action."
Miss Seeley and Winifred Bell, '36,
chairman of the Judiciary Council
and a member of the League Council,
attended the meeting of the Board,
and explained the action of the Coun-
cil, and urged that the rule be passed.
The reason given by Miss Seeley
and Miss Bell was that the Friday
night permission had proven detri-
mental to the health of women stu-
dents, because of the new Saturday
class ruling put into effect this fall.
(Continued on Page 2)
Altitude Record Is
Officially Accepted
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21. - (A') -
A new international altitude record

of 72,395 feet was set by the Nov.
11 flight of the National Geographic
Society-Army Air Corps balloon Ex-
plorer II, calibration of their me-
teorograph showed today.
The balloonists, Captains Albert W.
Stevens and Orvil A. Anderson, esti-
mated that they had risen around
74,000 feet.
Certificate of the record will be
forwarded to the Federation Aero-
nautique Internationale at Paris,
Thn d m r~a L~nt.. .; .+. '.11,, . .L

New Low Of 26
Recorded For
By Observatory


The coldest temperature of the
year, 26 degrees above zero, hit Ann
Arbor last night as icy blasts swept
down from the north.
The temperature at 7 p.m. yester-
day was 26.2 degrees above zero, ac-'
cording to the University Observatory.
The indications were that it would

1 Se

nior Committee
Posts -Announced

tall slightly lower before morning. Appointments of senior literary
It will continue cold today, it was be- college students to the various class
lieved. committees, as announced yesterday
Snow began falling before 10 a.m. by Russell Runquist, '36, president,
yesterday as the mercury slowly are as follows:
dropped. At 7 a.m. yesterday, the Senior Ball committee: John Steele,
Observatory thermometer recorded a Florence Harper, Robert Young,
temperature of 35.7 degrees above Helen Rankin, and Ben Charin.
zero. By noon it was under 30 de- Finance committee: Marcus Gins-
grees. The half-snow, half-rain that berg, chairman, Valerie Rancu, Hoae-
fell earlier developed first into a ard Kahn, John Marley, and Ruth
hail and then a rain. Sonnanstine.
Rising barometers last night indi- Executive committee: Dorothy
cated that rain or snow today is im- Roth, chairman, Janet Neaman,
probable, although the possibility of Katherine Alexander, Howard Le-
rain tomorrow was cited. vine, and Kenneth Norman.
The previous fall low in tempera- Cap and Gown committee: Francis
A 1170 o---Drakie. chairman. Eleanor Young.

Ambassador Ariyoshi submitted his
compromise plan to Tokio, he said:
"This is likely to be my last service
to the Emperor," indicating he would
resign if militarists have their way.
Ariyoshi has been accused by mili-
tarists of being too soft in dealing
with the Chinese.
Nazi Ambassador
Heckled By Jews
DES MOINES, Nov. 21. - () -Dr.
Hans Luther, German ambassador
to the United States, declared today
that nations shonld ern to in min

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