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November 21, 1935 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-21

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Chairman Announce



Annual Sophomore

"}- -

Cabaret Dates
Are Arranged
For Dec. 13,14
Afternoon, Night Shows
To Be Held Both Friday
And Saturday
Heads HoldMeeting
69 Sophomore Women
Make Plans For Class
Committees for the annual Soph-
omore Cabaret were announced at a
meeting of the central committee yes-
terday in the League. The cabaret
will be held during the afternoon and
night of both Friday and Saturday,
Dec. 13 and 14.
Mary Kilkenny, chairman of the
entertainment committee, announced
that the following will serve on her
committee: Florence Salzman, Mary
Jane Attee, Margaret Ann Ayers,
Marjorie Coe, Marjorie Downie, Bea-
trice Guiness, Barbara Lief, Josephine
Monter, Betty Ronal, Louise Samek,
Marie Sawyer, and Virginia Snell.
Committee Members Listed
Those who will serve under Flor-
ence McConkey, chairman of the dec-
oration committee, will be Mary
Kathryn Andros, Esther DeWitt, Dor-
othea Gerisch, Vera Gray, Jeanette
Hoffman, Mary Evelyn Horkan, Jac-
queline Kolle, Priscilla Smith, Nancy
Ann Miller and Martha Thompson.
On the social committee are Harriet
Shackleton, chairman, Kay Loomis,
Charlotte Mitchell, Billie Suffrin and
Adele Polier.
Betty Whitney will have on the
music committee, of which she is
chairman, Carol Mahone and Janet
Members of the finance committee
under Miriam Sanders, chairman,
will be Mary Allbright, Ruth Carr,
Margaret Curry, Margaret Ferries,
Mildred Haas, Mary Huntington,
Mary Johnson, Janet Karlson, Louise
Larrabee, Helen Neberle, Dorothy
Louise Novy, Mary Perkins, Elizabeth
Powers, Barbara Schaclet, Esther
Sethney, Anita Weidlein, Katherine
Taylor, and Virginia Krieghoff.
Costume Committee Named
Berta Knudson, chairman of the
costume committee, announced the
members of her committee as follows:
Betty Ann Messenger, Helen Louise
Arner, Esther Haughey, Helen Jesper-
son, Joanne Kimmell, Marion Bell.
On the program committee under
Mary Ellen McCord, will be Betty
Alice Meyers, Betty Strickroot, Ruth
Sauer, Kathryn Fecheimer, Nancy
Roberta Melin, chairman of the
publicity committee will have work-
ing with her Betsy Baxter, Jean
Campbell, Jean Bonisteel and Ther-
esa Swab.
German Club Will Meet
For 'Geselliger Abend'
The meeting of the Deutscher Zir-
kel, which will take place at 7:30 to-
night in the Grand Rapids Room of
the League, will feature a "Geselliger
Abend," or social evening, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Miss Gladys
Toni Ochs, graduate student, who is
secretary of the organization.
The program will also include the
singing of German songs and a dis-
cussion of plans for the Christmas
program, which will take place at the
next regular meeting two weeks from
Fraternity To Sponsor
Hillel Foundation Social

A tea and social will be held at 4
p.m. today at the Hillel Foundation
sponsored by the Sigma Alpha Mu
Students will act as hostesses. Al
Convisser, '36, yesterday announced
the.list of histesses which will include
both affiliated and independent stu-
dents. Several who will act in this
capacity are: Nora Lipshultz, '37,
Charlotte Kahn, '37, Evelyn Blue-
stien, '37 and Stella Blum, '39.
DENVER, Nov. 20. - (AP)- "Lovei
intoxication" appeared in the lexicon
of the Colorado Supreme Court today.
The court upheld a $2,000 damage
award to a girl who said the driver
of an automobile in which she was
riding was kissing another girl just
before the crash occurred.

Announces Committees


Group To Tall.
On Comparative
A discussion group on comparative
religions will meet at 4 p.m. today in
the board room of Lane Hall, when
Dr. J. W. Stanton of the history de-
partment will speak on "Confucian-
ism in China." This is the second
of a series of discussions on compara-
tive religion.
There will be two more meetings
this semester to be held about the
same hours in the next two weeks.
The third meeting will be a discussion
of Buddhism and Taoism in Japan.
At the last meeting, an Indian stu-
dent will talk on the religions of In-
These group discussions are to
serve as a method of determining
which religions students would be

Women's Hours
To Be Decided
By Vote Today
Board Of Representatives
Meets To Plan Fate Of
12:30 A.M._Proposal
(Continued from Page 1)
eral, usually taking the easiest way
out, there is no place at the Uni-
versity for the Council if it is to fol-
low sentiment in every case, although
we do take campus opinion into con-
"3. Coming into contact, as the
Council does, with all problems which
occur in campus affairs, this body is
forced to take a much broader view,
and to see both sides of the question,
more than the individual woman.''
The reasons advanced by the Coun-
cil for its action were:
1. There have been many com-
plaints by professors that students
are bolting their Saturday morning
2. House mothers and dormitory
heads have reported cases of "fa-
tigue" on the part of undergraduate
women during week-ends.
3. Saturday classes are now defi-
nitely a permanent institution at the
University, whereas at first they were
believed only tentative.
Blakeman To Talk
At Hillel Discussion
"Religion and the State" will be
discussed by Dr. Edward W. Blake-
man, counsellor in religious e'duca-
tion, at 8 p.m. today at Hillel Founda-
tion. The talk is one in a series of
bi-weekly discussions, the theme of
which is religion in a changing world.
The primary purpose of these non-
sectarian talks, Dr. Blakeman ex-
plained, is to arouse University stu-
dents from their apparent indiffer-
ence to religious issues. Their im-
portance in the world today, he point-
ed out, is attested by the severe de-
mands Nazidom is making upon Jews,I
Lutherans, and Catholics, and the
problem facing churches everywhere
as the war threat grows.
Committee Appointed For
Student Volunteer Parley
A committee on the Student Vol-
unteer convention to be held in In-
dianapolis, Ind., during the Christ-
mas holidays was organized yester-
day in the office of Dr. Edward Blake-
man, counsellor of Religious Educa-
tion. The organization ofthe dele-
gation was assigned to George Aber-
nethy, Grad., and a representative of
each student Guild.
This conference will bring between
1,500 and 2,000 students from all over
the country to Indianapolis. The con-
vention, which is a meeting of stu-
dents interested in. Christian mis-
sionary movements will be attended
by around 20 students representing
the University.
625 E. Liberty Tel. 5861

Contrary to most beliefs, there is
one instance in which fashion is not
noticeably fickle, and that is in the
costume of cap, gown and hood.
The cap and gown as it is today
is the result of a long, slow period of
evolution, but nowhere along the line
has there been any radical departure
from established custom. In 1321, the
University of Coimbra required all its
"Doctors, Licentiates and Bachelors"
to wear a gown. Later in the same
century certain English colleges offi-
cially prescribed the uniform use of
a long gown and expressly forbade
"excess in apparel." It is interesting
to note that the chilly interiors of
medidval university buildings doubt-
less considerably influenced the
length of the garment.
Hood Adopted For Warmth
It is unknown whether academic
garb originally was derived from ec-
clesiastical or civilian dress; it prob-
ably was a combination of the two.
The hood is supposed to have been
adopted for warmth; it was super-
seded in that use, first by the skull-
cap and later by the "mortar-board,"
but it still survives in the costume of
the modern professor on Commence-
ment Day.
The University has just revised its
regulations regarding academic garb'
to agree with the code set up this year
by the American Council on Educa-
tion, which, in turn, follows closely
Hobbs Speaks On
Modern Explorers
Prof.-Emeritus William H. Hobbs of
the' geology department addressed the
members of the American Association
of University Women on the subject
of modern explorers at the regular
monthly meeting of the organization,
which took place Tuesday night in
the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room of
the League.
The interest of Professor Hobbs lec-
ture, which was illustrated with lan-
tern slides, was greatly increased by
the fact that he possesses intimate
knowledge through association with
many of the explorers discussed.
A short business meeting preceded
the lecture, which was followed by
the serving of resfreshments. Faculty
members and their wives who are in
Ann Arbor for the first time this year
were among the guests.
Seniors In High School
To Study Campus Life
At a cabinet meeting last night in
the upper room of Lane Hall, Evelyn
Maloy, '36, was chosen chairman of
a committee which will make ar-
rangements to provide facilities per-
mitting senior students in Michigan
high schools to make excursions to
the University campus in the spring.:
The annual sociology trip to Chi-
cago to study slum conditions and
make a study of sociological problems
was set for some time in February or
March. During the winter, before
this trip, there will be several trips
to Detroit and Toledo.

the rules adopted by a conference
of college representatives in 1895 at
Columbia University. Only a few
minor changes were necessary.
Regulations Are Detailed
The regulations, however, are as
minutely detailed as any military uni-
form. The length of the sleeve, the
width of the edging of the hood, are
prescribed to the inch, along with the
color and the placing of the trim-
The degree - bachelor's, master's
or doctor's -is advertised by the cut
of the gown and length of the hood.
The inside lining of the hood is used
to designate the institution which
confers the degree. The edging of the
hood including the velvet band that
encircles the wearer's neck, shows by
its color the subject in which the
degree was granted; thus, white is
for arts and letters, orange for en-
gineering, brown for architecture,'
russet for forestry, purple for law,
green for medicine, light blue for edu-
cation, olive green for pharmacy, lilac
for dentistry, drab for business ad-
ministration and pink for music.
Michigan seniors also wear tassels of
these colors on their caps.
New Members Talk On
French Club Program
Short speeches in French by new
members were featured in the pro-
gram of Le Cercle Francais at its
regular meeting at 7:35 last night in
Room 408, Romance Languages
Building. This procedure was an in-
teresting departure from the custo-
mary one, in which the speakers are
members of the department who have
traveled abroad. Prof. Rene Tal-
amon of the French department,
faculty adviser of the group, greeted
the members.
Th^ meeting was followed by a so-
cial hour.
Pi Lambda Theta, national honor-
ary educational sorority, held an open
meeting last night in the University
Elementary School library. "Thumb-
nail sketches in art design" was the
subject of the lecture given by Prof.
Jean P. Slusser of the College of
You will be glad to know of a
florist who is moderate in
price, yet doing the best of

Evolution Of Academic Costume
Traced From Medieval Times

Wil F ,Louise LocIleman, '37, wom
r nl iegin ri ay hockey manager, announced W
nesday that there would be a hoc
Season tickets for the Children's game between the University wom
Theatre productions will go on sale team and the University High Sc]
Friday in Miss Ethel McCormick's of- team at 4:30 on Palmer Field.
fice at the League.
For the first time adult season tick-
ets will be sold for one dollar. Form-
erly the prices for adults were 50 cents HALL ER'S
a play. Jewelry
Children's season tickets, which are State and Liberty ,
priced at 50 cents, will be sold in the
elementary schools on Tuesday and Watch Repairing!
"-and the shortest distance
between these two points-
MICHIGAN UNION - 4151 measured in dollars-is by Greyhound"
Phone: 4209 your Thanksgiving 40

# h

i)C' t)4 'YOYt) O ><} () C ,.,.+UG . OC t)G.:.3t) ,.... "?t) ()<

more interested in
ively next semester
of discussions.

studying extens-
in another series

Where To Go


1 1 Ii


Theatre: Whitney, "Confidential"
with Donald Cook and "We're In The
Money" with Joan Blondell; Wuerth,
"Murder In The Fleet" with Jean
Parker and "Without Regret" with
Elissa Landi; Majestic, "This Is The
Life" with Jane Withers; Michigan,
"The Case of the Lucky Legs" with
Warren William.
Lydia Mendelssohn: The French
film, "Maria Chapdelaine," with Mlle.
Madeleine Renaud of the Comedie-
Francaise in the title role, 4:15 p.m.
and 8:15 p.m.
Exhibitions: Display of children's
books, open 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 1
p.m. to 5 p.m., Children's Library,
Room 1400, University Elementary
Dancing: Hut Cellar.
Alumni Of Lake Forest
Will Hold Dinner Tongiht
Mr. John W. Richards, headmaster
of the Lake Forest Academy, will
be the guest of honor at the academy
alumni dinner tonight at the Union.
About twenty alumni are expected,
including Prof. Frederick W. Peter-
son of the English department and
Prof. Roger L. Morrison of the en-
gineering college,

Yellow and Blue Corsages
50c -- Order Now!
Phone 9527
335 South 4th Avenue
Next to Masonic Temple
We Telegraph Flowers

Ideal for the games as
well as Winter Sports
Wear. Accessories to
match or contrast,
Gloves, Sweater, Sox
and Caps.
Two-piece suit with hockey
cap. A classic type of suit-
easy to wear, well tailored
and comfortable.
Contrasting trimming on*.'...?
collar, blouse tail, sleeve and: :
pant cuffs and pompom on
the accompanying hockey
cap give it a festive fashion- /
able look.
Ribbing 'on sleeve and
pant cuffs for warmth.
sIZES 14-20
Navy - Scarlet
Brown - Autumn
Cossack - Nomad
Scarlet - Navy
---=yO'--sOd--O<==...-y O==U<=><=>< = ....o= -)==.(<

Sweaters and Shoulderettes . $1.00 up
All-Wool MITTENS . ... 89c to $1.50
All-Wool CAPS .......50c and $1.00
All-Wool SOCKS..............59c
All-Wool GLOVES . $1.00 - 1.50 - 1.75
All-Wool KNEE MUFFS .......$1.00
Silk and Wool HOSE.........$1.00

University Flower Shop



OpPosite Michigan Theatre

Phone 9055






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Skin Conditions In Our
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