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November 21, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-21

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Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
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Ohicago, Ill.
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SPORTS EDITOR ....................WILLIAM R. REED
NIGHT EDITORS: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey,
Ralph W. Hurd. Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman,
Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
News Editor ................................Elsie A. Pierce
Editorial Writers: Robert Cummins and Marshall D. Shul-
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred
Delano, Robert J. Friedma, Raymond Goodman.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy A. Briscoe, Florence H.
Davies, Olive E. Griffith, Marion T. Holden, Lois M.
King, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
REPORTERS: E. Bryce Alpern, Joseph P. Andriola, Lester
Brauser, Arnold S. Daniels, William J. DeLancey, Roy1
Haskell, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton D. Heppler, Paul Ja-
cobs, Richard LaMarca, Thomas McGuire, Joseph S.7
Mattes, Arthur A. Miller, David G. Quail, Robert D.
Rogers, William E. Shackleton, Richard Sidder, I. S.
Silverman, Don Smith, William C. Spaller, Tuure
Tenander, Joseph Walsh, Robert Weeks.
Helen Louise Arner, Mary Campbell, Helen Douglas,
Beatrice Fisher, Mary E. Garvin, Betty J. Groomes,
Jeanne Johnson, Rosalie Kanners, Virginia Kenner,
Barbara Lovell, Marjorie Mackintosh, Louise Mars,
Roberta Jean Melin, Barbara Spencer, Betty Strick-}
root, TheresaSwab, Peggy Swantz, andrElzabeth Whit-
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS: Local advertising, William
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BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Charles W. Barkdull, D. G. Bron-
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A. Starsky, Norman B. Steinberg, Donald Wilsher.
WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betsy Baxter, Margaret
Bentley, Adelaine Callery, Elizabeth Davy, Catherine
Fecheimer, Vera Gray, Martha Hanky, Mary McCord,E
Helen Neberle, Dorothy Novy, Adele Polier, Helen Purdy,
Virginia Snell.
Sheila Burgher, Nancy Cassidy, Ruth Clark, Phyllis
Eseman, Jean Keinath, Dorothy Ray, Alice Stebbins,
Peg Lou White.1
Real Student Opinion
Should Prevail.. ..
THE QUESTION of whether under-
graduate women will be told to goI
to bed an hour earlier on Friday nights will be'

presented to the coeds themselves at a meeting
of the Board of Representatives this afternoon.
The decision of this Board, composed of more
than 75 campus women, will probably settle the
issue for at least the remainder of the current
semester. If the assembled sorority and indepen-
dent women should possibly decide in favor of a
12:30 a.m. curfew, then the new rule will go into
immediate effect.
It is more likely, advance indications show, that
today's ballot of women who are truly representa-
tive of all coeds on campus will reveal an over-
whelming disapproval of any change in the pres-
ent 1:30 a.m. Friday closing hour. Then, if the
Undergraduate Council still clings to its demand
for the earlier deadline, its members must approve
such a change unanimously.
The League Undergraduate Council of 16 sen-;
iors and 1 junior, in formulating its resolution,
has admittedly overridden popular sentiment, de-
scribing itself as over and above campus opinion.
It has chosen to express its views when the
Senate Committee on Student Affairs, a body in-
cluding faculty members as well as students, has
preferred to defer action. In other words, this
Council of 17 undergraduate women has taken
less than eight weeks "to think it over," despite
the fact that the student-faculty Senate Com-
mittee voted to give the present schedule of hours
a trial for at least one semester.
At the time the Council announced this unex-
pected proposal, it disclosed certain reasons in
defense of its action. Even if these reasons are
accepted and it is granted that there has been
excessive bolting and also that a few cases of
"fatigue" have been reported by house mothers,
there is no logical cause for assuming that these
conditions are due to late hours on Friday night.

Why No
Nobel Prize?...
comes the fateful announcement
that the Nobel Peace Prize will not be awarded
this year.
This year more than any since the beginning of
the last war we stand in need of powerful states-
men for peace, statesmen of the world instead of
nations. And this year we stand devoid of any
to merit the Nobel Award.
Last year the prize went to Arthur Henderson,
72-year-old president of the Disarmament Con-
ference and life-long worker in the cause of peace.
Last month saw his death, and saw with it the
doom of hopes of this generation for peace through
reduced chauvinism and imperial green. With it
died the last rays of hope that had been breaking
through the war clouds which even now threaten
to envelope all of the nations once more.
We are not entirely without forces working
for peace in this emergency. The League of Na-
tions has instituted a collective sanction measure
the effect of which will not be apparent for sev-
eral weeks, perhaps months. The United States,
in adopting a neutrality measure, has taken a step
towards the localization of this dispute and others.
Our motives and those of the most influential in
the League action were unquestionably selfish, but
the end is high.
It is of little avail to decry the absence of world-
conscious statesmen, of unselfish nations. Perhaps
they are becoming anomalous in a selfish age. Of
foreboding significance, however, is the Copen-
hagen announcement.
Letters published in this column should not be
construedas expressingnthe editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
Rock-A-Bye .
As a senior and a former member of the League
Council, I can sympathize with the sincere desires
of the League Council members to establish de-
sirable rules for the University women. That the
unanimous decision to change closing hours on
Friday night to 12:30 a.m. is sincere in purpose,
I do not doubt, but I am dubious as to the wisdom
of such a hasty action.
As has been previously pointed out, the decision,
which was formerly postponed to give the present
system a fair trial, has been made after the eight
busiest weeks of the school year for women of the
University. The rushing season is agreed to be one
of physical strain, and the ensuing weeks of foot-
ball, homecoming, and other activities which mark
the beginning of every fall semester, would account
under any rules for the number of absences in
classes and the reported cases of "fatigue." A
change in the rushing rules is now being considered
by the Panhellenic members, so that the first men-
tioned cause would be negated next year. That
the League Council should chapge so suddenly
from its pre-announced policy of deterring action
until normal conditions have had a fair chance to
operate is surprising inasmuch as it disregards its
own position in campus favor and establishes for
itself a reputation for abrupt action.
If it is found necessary to make a change after
due consideration, I personally would advocate the
early hour for freshmen and sophomore women,
since it was to alleviate crowded conditions in the
courses of the first two classes that the Saturday
classes were adopted. Objections will be made
that the work of house chaperones in keeping ac-
count of class privileges would be increased, but
such difficulties have been solved before, and the
popularity of the Council would rise as it discrim-
inated more than it does in this new blanket rule
for all women.
But the principle behind the action seems to
me more important than the actual petty point
of closing doors an hour earlier. By the time
men and women are acceptable for college educa-
tion, it seems a premise that they have a certain
amount of discretion and control over their own

habits. A student who is not this mature is not
ready for the first step into adult society, and
certainly can do little more in acquiring an educa-
tion than to get "book learning." Any woman
who hasn't enough discretion to form habits for
her own health and to get the most from her
education, should not be in the University. That
the extremely progressive universities have dropped
the paternalistic attitude entirely is established,
and this implies a trust that the student can dis-
criminate between present and future values as an
educated person must. The practical business
world into which we are going does not regulate
our habits. That the Council would hastily advo-
cate a rule which denies the women of this Uni-
versity their normal adult intelligences, and per-
sists in putting them to bed before they have
time to discover whether or not they are sleepy,
means only that the Council will lose the support
of the campus which is so vital to its existence
as head of women's self-government at the Univer-
-Marjorie Morrison, '36.
The Male View
To the Editor:
It may seem peculiar for a male to discuss the
problem of women's hours at Michigan, but I feel
that I am justified in so doing because of the
fact that these regulations have a distinct relation-
ship to the presence of males on the campus, as
well as to the males themselves, jointly and sever-
It has long been a source of infinite nuisance
and aggravation that females of supposed more
than normal intelligence and ability to take care

The Conning Tower
'Teasing Tom
(Music by Sullivan)
"From the first days when he pulled the
hair of little girls, to the days he drew a
knife, it was always the same rebellion to
discipline, the rebellion of a spoiled child, a
beaten child revenging himself upon others
for youthful sufferings at home." His youth,
we are told, was a record "of stabbings, shoot-
ings, barroom brawls, jealous battles with
fellow-boarders for the affections of a land-
lady, street fights, as well as political adven-
tures." -From "Sawdust Caesar," by George
Benito M. was a very bad boy,
A nice new knife was his favorite toy;
He teased and tormented little girls.
He stabbed and shot in brawlsome bars,
And fancied himself as a bushleague Mars.
He never obeyed, and never took orders;
And he fought over women with the other boarders.
And when he grew up he was wild and spleeny,
And wasn't a thing but Mussolini.
It is to be hoped that the sanctions against
Italy will not interfere with the celebration on
December 8, of the 2,000th anniversary of the birth,
in Venusia, of Quintus Horatius Flaccus.
Pride and/or Prejudice
One thing is sure. I won't espouse a
Man who always answers, "Yowza,!"
Father Coughlin said that he was thrilled,
in March, 1933, to hear the ringing words that
promised to drive the money changers from
the temple. And now, he say's, the money
changer has not been driven from the temple.
Well, for one thing, he mixed his numbers up,
or else he feels that there is only one money
changer left in the temple. Of course, he might
have said there is no money for the changers to
Robert Levet lived in London,
Was a practiser of physick,
And he walked from dawn to sundo'n,
Taking pulses, treating pthisick,
And the ills of lower people,
Walking, walking, all alone,
Past the graveyard, past the steeple,
From Hounsditch unto Marybone.
Thus says Boswell (in his Johnson),
Who to error was not prone.
His the phrase that this one cons on:
"From Hounsditch unto Marybone."
And good Levet for his service
To the sweep, and to the crone,
To the crippled, and the nervous
From Hounsditch unto Marybone,
Took such food as they could spare him,
Bread, or corn, or beef, or scone,
When he took him out to air him
From Hounsditch unto Marybone.
Now, because of his great merit,
He, no doubt, walks round The Throne;
But I hope he stalks in spirit
From Hounsditch unto Marybone.
To get an unflavored malted milk is child's
play. Go to a restaurant and ask for an apple.
To get an apple - and not apple pie, a baked
apple, or apple sauce - takes a meeting of the
board of directors. The difficulty varies directly
with the swankiness of the restaurant. This, by
the way, is a favorite dessert of Arthur Kober's.
That crusader no longer asks for an apple; he
requests a Raw Eating Apple.
The Mightier Team?
(Selected from Saturday's line-ups, by B.M.S.)

Shakespeare, N'tre D'mScott.........Amherst
Dickens .........YalePutnam ... Springfield
Shaw..........PittsCromwell . .Penn State
Longfellow . .N'w'st'rnJackson........N. C.
Holmes.....WilliamsGreene . .. Muhlenberg
Bryant .. ..AlabamaTaylor..........Bates
Lamb ........CornellJohnson .... Wesleyan
Burns ...... DuquesneWood .......... Penn
Hardy ......W. and J.Wolfe ...........Md.
Collins.........TexasArnold .....W. and L.
Grimm.......UrsinusSmith . . . .Ohio State
Our neighbor, the Norwalk Sentinel, has a
roguish make-up man. The story is "A recent
survey disclosed that there are fewer than 5,000
men on the highay patrols of the United States."
The headline is "LOST."
desires any change in the women's hours, particu-
larly the women themselves. The whole purpose
of student government is to give the student a
voice in his or her affairs, not, as Miss Seeley so
blandly puts it, "to act independent of campus
opinion." If this were the function of the Under-
graduate Council it would have absolutely no rai-
son d'etre. It is essential and desirable, and in this
I feel that I speak for practically all of the social
males on campus, that at least one night a week
be set aside for late hours. To attempt to deny
this is to act on an arbitrary and rather ill-
considered manner.
Here is an issue around which male and female
alike should rally. It is not only a question of the
justice of the particular hour decided upon, but a
question of whether or not the women are going to

+ ART +
An exhibition of German graphic
arts has been placed on display in
Alumni Memorial Hall under the aus-
pices of the Carl Schurz Memorial
Foundation for the development of
cultural relations between Germany
and America.C
The main display is composed ofn
wood-cuts, lithographs, etchings andv
drypoints by nineteenth and twen-v
tieth century artists. They are ar-
ranged with the impressionistic works
at the direct left of the entrance to
the gallery. The most important art-,
ists represented in this group aree
Max Slevogt, Liebermann and L. Cor-F
inth, whose works are largely studies 1
of nature quite typical of the late
nineteenth century.;
The next group, however, is in di-C
rect contrast. These are a collectionI
of realistic wood-cuts by Kaethe Koll-C
witz. Frau Kollwitz, one of the twoh
women represented in the collection,e
is noted for her works concerning thef
life of the poor and oppressed. HerV
"Death of a Child," and "Unem-z
ployed" are done in stark black andF
white with no detail whatsoever. Theyi
are part of a series called "The Prole- 1
tariat," and in them the hands and.
facial characteristics of the subjectsv
play an important part.c
The next group of wood-cuts, by1
von Hofman, are of a purely decora-I
tive nature, and are characterized byC
sweeping curves and graceful figures,o
clearly showing the French and Ital-E
ian influence. A similar trend mayd
be seen also in the works of Hans
Jaeger, a romanticist. In his "Ma-
donna," and "Coming Home," the hu-
man forms are idealized, and in each I
of the two, a general geometric plant
is followed, an arc in the first andr
a triangle in the second, somewhat ins
the manner of the old masters. Y
Renee Sintemis, the next artist rep-v
resented, is a sculptress, and her
works are simply graceful outlines for
bronzes of young animals. In strong
contrast to these are the lead cuts ofa
Nuckel, all of which are illustrationss
for books. Using the medium of leadf
enables Nuckel to utilize strong sha-f
dows and fine shades for dramatica
effect. The illustrations are done in)
careful detail, and with a wide range
of tones.
Expressionism is the next school of
work displayed in the collection.E
Among the artists here represented ist
Carl Hofer, who won the second prizes
at the Carnegie International Showa
last year. His "Old Town In Tessin"x
is one of his less extreme works, ande
pictures, in free, pleasing style, and
old Swiss town. This drypoint ist
characterized by its clarity of line andI
form, and its freedom from all excesss
Alex Kanoldt, whose work has been1
placed next to Hofer's is unique ink
that he combines both the natural-t
istic and abstract models. His litho-t
graphs of a mountain scene, whilet
they are realistic in outline, utilizet
definite geometric design in the de-
tails which pass beyond the truly na-
tural form of the scene.-
Also among the expressionists is E
Erik Keckel, who, in his wood-cut,1
"The City," masses into a small spacer
a number of distorted city scenes. Int
the center of the compressed mass isE
a clumsy, futile figure of a man, rep-1
resenting remarkably well the spiritt
of Man in the city.
In the school of the abstract, the1
work of Joseph Albers has been placedE
on display. In his "Going Home," at
set of three figure nines is used to
represent a family walking along a
street set in an extremely simpleY
background. The whole effect is onei
of graceful, pleasing form and ar-
In this group there is also included
two of the works of Baumeister, ac

leader in the abstract school in Ger-
many. His lithograph in color, done
with seven stones, is a pleasing ar-i
rangement of mass, form and color,
devoid of any meaning, and simply
decorative. There is also included
the first of his "Sports And Ma-
chinery" series, in which man and
machinery are represented in simple,1
pure outline,' perhaps somewhat sym-
bolical of the' machine age.
The impression of the entire exhibit
is that all of the work is definitely
and originally German, showing few
traces of foreign influence. It also
indicates, in the case of the later
artists, that the break from the
French influence has been complete,
and that the independent develop-
ment of German art has reached a
very advanced and specialized state.
Ten Years Ago
From The Daily Files
of Nov. 21, 1925
With the leasing of Wuerth and
Orpheum theaters to the Bijou The-
atrical Enterprise Company of De-
troit, four of Ann Arbor's theaters
are now under one management.
Ferry Field has been entirely sold
out for the Minnesota game this
afternoon, the last of the box seats
being purchased yesterday.
The Detroit Symphony orchestra

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

THURSDAY, NOV. 21, 1935 i
VOL. XLVI No. 44 f
To Department Head and Others b
Concerned: All hourly time slips f
must be in the Business Office No-
vember 22 to be included in the No-V
vember 30 payroll. f]
Edna G. Miller, Payroll Clerk.
Freshmen from the following
schools are reminded of the confer- E
ences with their principals in the l
Registrar's Office Thursday, Novem-
ber 21:N
Albion, Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, N
Bay City, Birmingham, Chelsea, p
Chestnut Hill, Cranbrook, Dearborn,
Detroit (Cass, Central, Chadsey,
Cooley, Country Day, Denby, Eastern, E
Miss Newman's, Northwestern, North-t
ern, Northwestern, Pershing, Red-I
ford, Southeastern, Southwestern, t
Western), Detroit University School, T
Dexter, East Grand Rapids, Fenton,
Ferndale, Flint, Fordson, Grand Rap-
ids Central, Grosse Pointe, Ham-
tramck, HazEl Park, Highland Park,
Howe, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Kings- N
wood, Lake Forest, Lansing, Man-1
chester, Marshall, Midland, Monroe, C
Montague, Morenci, Mt. Clemens,
Muskegon Heights, Niles, Northville,
Owosso, Plymouth, Pontiac, Pt. Hur-
on, River Rouge, Romeo, Royal Oak.'
Saginaw, Trenton, Wayne, Wyan-
dotte Ypsilanti.
Ira M. Smith, Registrart
Upperclassmen: Former students ofu
the schools listed above are invitedc
to stop in at the Registrar's office
November 21. If you will call Exten-
sion 373 you can learn at what hours
your principal will be having inter-r
Ira M. Smith, Registrar
Freshman Instructors: Principalss
and teachers from seventy-one high
schools will be in the Registrar's Of-x
fice Thursday, November 21, to con-j
fer with their former students. Youa
are invited to stop in to meet the
principals and talk with them.
Ira M. Smith, Registrar t
Smoking in University Buildings:F
Attention is called to the general rulet
that smoking is prohibited in Univer-t
sity buildings except in private officesc
and assigned smoking rooms whereF
precautions can be taken and controlf
exercised. This is neither a merea
arbitrary regulation nor an attempt
to meddle with anyone's personal
habits. It is established and enforcedt
soley with the purpose of preventingt
fires. During the past two years there1
have been twenty fires in University
buildings, seven of which were at-t
tributed to cigarettes. To be effec-
tive, the rule must necessarily applyP
to bringing lighted tobacco into orr
through University Buildings - in-
cluding such lighting just previous to
going outdoors. Within the last few
years a serious fire was started at the
exit from the Pharmacology Buildingt
by the throwing of a still lightedI
match into refuse waiting removal at1
the doorway. If the rule is to be1
enforced at all its enforcement must
begin at the building entrance. Fur-
ther, it is impossible that the rulee
should be enforced with one class of
persons if another class of persons
disregards it. It is a disagreeable and
thankless task to 'enforce' any rule.
This rule against the use of tobacco
within the buildings is perhaps thet
most thankless and difficult of all,
unless it has the willing support of
everyone concerned. An appeal is
made to all persons using the Uni-
versity buildings-staff members, stu-
dents and others-to contribute indi-
vidual cooperation to this effort tol
protect University buildings against
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Midsemester'
reports are due not later than Friday,
Nov. 22. More cards if needed can

be had at my office.
These reports are understood as
naming those students, freshman and
upperclass, whose standing at mid-
semester time is D or E, not merely
those who receive D or E in so-called
midsemester examinations.
Students electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or col-
leges of the University should be re-
ported to the school or college in
which they are registered.
W. R. Humphreys, Assistant Dean.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for the removal of in-
completes will be Saturday, Nov. 23.
In cases of extenuating circum-
stances this time limit may be ex-
tended, but a petition for extension
of time must be filed in the Secre-
tary's Office on or before Friday, the
22nd of November.
International Dinner: If any for-
eign student has failed to receive his
invitation to the International Din-
ner, to be held at the Michigan Union,
Wednesday, November 27, he should
notify my office, Room 9, University
Hall, at once. While every care has
been taken to check our lists, mis-
takes -may be made in mailing so
large a number of invitations.

ng featured, as this year the theme
or the week is Reading for Fun. A
election of books published this fall
vii be shown also. Thedlibrary will
e open from eight to eleven morn-
ngs, from one to five afternoons, and
rom seven-thirty to nine-thirty
Wednesday evening. You and your
riends are cordially invited.
University Lecture: Mr. Bonamy
Dobree, English scholar and man of
etters, will speak on the subject
'Approaches to Criticism," Tuesday,
Nov. 26, 1935, at 4:15 p.m., in the
Natural Science Auditorium. The
public is cordially invited.
Lecture: The Way to First Hand
Knowledge, by Bishop Charles Hamp-
ton, Friday, 8:00 p.m., Michigan
League Chapel, under the auspices of
the Ann Arbor Theosophical Society.
The public is cordially invited.
Academic Notices
History 47: Midsemester, Thursday,
Nov. 21, 10 a.m., Sections 1 and 2,
1035, A. H.; sections 3, 4 and 5,
C Haven Hall.
Events Of Today
Forestry Club meeting at 7:30 p.m.,
Room 2054, Natural Science Build-
ng. Plans will be formulated for
the annual fall dance. Professor Ed-
ward Young of the Surveying Depart-
ment will talk on "Photography,"
which will include the showing of
colored slides and moving pictures.
Observatory Journal Club meets
at 4:15 in the Observatory lecture
room. Mr. Kenneth O. Wright will
review the paper on "The Intensity
of Fraunhofer Lines in the Region
4036-6600 A" by Allen. Tea will be
served at 4:00.
Engineering Council Meeting: 8:00
p.m. in the M. E. computing room,
West Eng. Bldg. It is important that
all members be present.
Iota Alpha will resume its activi-
ties for 1935-1936 with a meeting at
7:30 p.m., in the Seminar Room, 3201
E. Eng. Bldg. Mr. H. M. Kendall of
the Georgraphy Department will be
the speaker of the evening. The topic
of his address is: "The Italian-Ethio-
pian Dispute and Its Background."
All graduate students in engineering
are invited to attend this meeting.
The French Film "Maria Chapde-
laine," winner of the Grand Prix du
Cinema Francais, with Mlle. Made-
leine Renaud of the Comedie-Fran-
caise in the title role, and an addi-
tional French short subject, will be
shown at 4:15 and 8:15 at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets, 25c,
may be procured at the box office.
Members of Assembly and Pan-
hellenic: There will be a meeting of
the Board of Representatives in the
League at 4:15 to vote on the change
in women's hours. All members must
be present.
Tea for graduate students in Math-
ematics, 4 p.m., 3201 A.H.
Comparative Religion: The second
of the series of S.C.A. lectures and
discussions on the Religions of the
East will be held at four o'clock in
the auditorium of Lane Hall. The
leader will be Dr. John W. Stanton
and the topic "Confucianism in
China." All interested are welcome.-
Hillel Players: Important meeting
at 7:30 p.m. The business to be taken
up is in the nature of elections, selec-
tion of a play and a director.
Hillel Foundation: Dr. Blakeman's
Class in "Religion in Social Change"
will meet at 8 p.m. at Hillel Founda-
tion. The topic to be discussed is
"The Function of Religion in Social

Coming Events
Second Panel Discussion on the
Near East will be held in the Small
Ballroom of the Michigan Union
Sunday, Nov. 24, at 4 o'clock. The
general subject will be "The Contri-
butions of American Education 'to
the Educational Institutions of the
Near East." Mr. John Adams, for
some years on the staff of Robert
College at Istanbul, Mr. Harry Meyer-
ing of the American Board school at
Tarsus, and Mr. Theodore Wuerfel of
the American University at Beirut in
Syria, will sit on the panel. Students
from these and other colleges of the
Near East will take part in the in-
formal discussion.
Delta Epsilon Pi meeting at the
Michigan Union Friday at 8 p.m. All
members are urged to be prompt.
Gallery Talk: There will be a gal-
lery talk on the modern French
paintings now on exhibition in Alo
umni Memorial Hall, Friday, Nov. 22,
at 4:15 p.m., by Mr. Paul Slusser.
The Metropolitan Club, an organi-
zation for students of Greater New
York City and Northern New Jersey,

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