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November 20, 1935 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-20

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Sharman Talks
Over WJR On
State's Camps
speaker Describes, Lists
Various Types Of Camps
In Michigan
Declaring that summer camps af-
ford greater onportunities for indi-
vidual and group learning than the
regular echool work in a given period
of time. Profesor Jackon R. Shar-
man f the Shol of Education, spoke
on "Mrhigrn And Its Camps For
Yon People" yesterday over the
univerity broadcast.
Professor Sharman's lecture con-
tinued the Michigan, My Michigan
series of talks, whose aim is to in-
form Michigan students and citizens
of the natural resources, industries,
educational facilities, and history of
their state.
The educational value of camps,
Professor Sharman declared, is a re-
sult of their unique qualities. The
children's activity, their voluntary
attendance, the continuous supervi-
sion over them, the lack of social and
economic barriers, and the require-
ment that the campers be "on their
own," make camp life, he continued.
impelling and educationally whole-
Cites More Leisure Time
Pointing out that current social
changes have brought about an in-
creased amount of leisure time, Pro-
fessor Sharman declared, "All of the
activities that enter into camping are
such as we turn to in our leisure mo-
ments. The camp is a way of escape
from civilization. To go back to the
woods and streams is like going home
to the human spirit. At all times and
places the jaded civilized man has
gone back to the forest and shore for
"The facilities for camping have in-
creased greatly during the past few
decades," Professor Sharman de-
clared. "An increased interest in
camping has developed along with
greater popular interests and more
widespread participation in all forms
of outdoor recreation. "The indica-
tions are that there will be much
more camping of all types during the
next decade than there has ever been
before, and that Michigan will con-
tinue near the head of the list of
states that place much emphasis on
tamping and other forms of outdoor
Lists Types Of Camps
Professor Sharman listed and de-
scribed the various types of camps
existent in the state: the private
camps, which are predominantly rec-
reational in nature; day camps; in-
stitutional camps, school camps, study
camps, travel camps, municipal rec-
reational camps, philanthropic
camps, which include the so-called
fresh-air camps and a few experi-
mental camps which emphasize re-
"It may be seen," Professor Shar-
man concluded, "that in Michigan
there are camps of nearly every kind.
That is made possible by the many
excellent camp sites that are avail-
able in this state. The private camps
and the camps operated by insti-
tutions such as the Y.M.C.A. and the
Boy Scouts are most numerous at the
present time. There is a rapidly in-
creasing interest, however, in camps
conducted by schools, and in study
and travel camps."
Grid Smoker
-tickets To Go
On Sale Today
Tickets for the annual Football

Smoker which will be held November
26 in the Union Ballroom will go on
sale today at convenient places on
the campus it was announced by
Union officials last night.
Mickey Cochrane, manager of the
World's champion Detroit Tigers and
Walter Okeson, Commissioner of the
Eastern Intercollegiate Athletic As-
sociation will speak at the annual
The smoker is being held in honor
of the 1935 football team, the Varsity-
R.O.T.C. Band and the cheerleaders,
headed by Robert Burns, '36.
Okeson is a member of the athletic
department of Lehigh University and,
for the past few years has been head
of the Eastern Interiollegiate Assoiia-
tion. His position is similar to that
held by the chairman of the Big Ten
Committee on eligibility. The juris-
diction of this association extends to
all the large universities and colleges
in the East.
Union officials stated last night
that plans were also under way to
get Goose Goslin, and Charlie Gehr-
inger, both members of the Tigers, to
speak at the annual Smoker.
Tickets for the Smoker may also
be bought from members of the Un-
ion executive council and at the
Union desk in the main lobby of the
Union. They are priced at 25 cents.

China Clipper To Inaugurate First Trans-Pacific


1 -z
j+ f
-Associated Press Photo.
A new era in aerial transportation will open when the China Clipper inaugurates the Jfirst trans-Pacific mail and passenger service No-
vember 22. Above is the giant clipper in flight and a map showing the pa th it will follow. Upper left is a view of the control room and at right is an
interior picture of the luxuriously furnished ship.

Classified Dfreetory
CLASSIFIED LOST: Between Pretzel Bell and
ADVERTISING corner ef nalls and Huron, class
pin, letters B.M.H. $5 reward.
Place advertisements with Classified Phone 9597.
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214 _-
The classified columns close at five LOST: Grey Waterman pen on Fri-
Vclock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at ne day. About campus of West Huron.
extra charge. Reward - Phone 3467. 115
cash in advance 11c per reading line>
(on basis of five average words to -_ _
line) for one or two insertions. GOLD RING, letter W, class of '34.
10c per reading line for three or more Initialed R.S.H. Reward. Phone
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
Telephone rate -15c per reading line 6226. Hadley. 114
for two or more insertions.
10% discount if paid within ten days LAUNDRY
Minimum three lines per insertion.
from the date of last insertion.
By contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one STUDENT HAND LAUNDRY: Prices
month ....................sc reasonable. Free delivery. Phone
2 lines daily, college year.......7c 3006. 6x
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months...........8c
100 lines used as desired ..........9c LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
300 lines used as desired.........Be,
1,000 linesused asdesired.........7c Careful work at low price. lx
2,000 lines used as desired ........6c
The above rates are per reading line, A dbsdyegtraiglnspric.I'ik .7. a pn
based on eghtreadi~ng linesmper' KIncAh.T
tonic type, upper and lower case. Add AT
Sc per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for To Attend Smoker
bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c
per line torabove rates for bold face
capital ietters.
The above rates are for 712 point Coach Harry G. Kipke and T. Haw-
Itype. ley Tapping, general alumni secre-
tary, will attend a Michigan-Ohio
FOR SALE State smoker tonight in the Waldorf
Hotel in Toledo. This is an annual
FOR SALE: Man's new tan riding event that precedes the Michigan-
boots. Size 9. Cost $11.50. Will Ohio State game and will be attend-
sell for $5. 503 E. Liberty. ed by more than 300 alumni. Be-
sides Kipke and Tapping, Professor-
Debate Is Emeritus Thomas C. Trueblood and
Robert O. Morgan, '81, of the Alumni
By Sigma Phi Tan Association, will be present at the
smoker, having been in Toledo yester-
day to attend an "Old Timers' Meet-
The first in a series of inter-chapter ing" of the Michigan Alumni Club of
conferences will be held by Sigma Toledo.
Rho Tau, honorary engineering
speech society, in the Union tonight Lyle Reading, '36E, George Malone,
at 8:45. '37E, Robert Cousins, '37E, Bruce
During the course of the conference Rohn, '38E, and Leon Highouse, '38E.
the Wayne University chapter will
propose the question: "Resolved, That
the Federal Government Continue To 0
Build Rigid Dirigibles,' and the oppos-
ing arguments will be presented by by our
the University speakers, who will be CH R ISTMAS
THE ATHENS PRESS 1121 So. University Ave
Downtown, North of Postoffice

Contrast Between Old And
New Radio Studio Is Shown

First Broadcasting Studio
In University - Hall, But
Now In Morris Hall
(Continued from Page 1)
all types of audiences, and that a bal-
anced program must contain not only
popular dance music and songs but
also semi-educational features.
Thus arrangements were made to
broadcast a series of programs from
the University, a plan which the Re-
gents supported by appropriating suf-
ficient funds for incidental expenses.
These remote-control broadcasts were
financed by WJR and WCX of De-
troit, who sent the necessary equip-
ment, operators and announcers to
Ann Arbor for each program.
Station WJR has furnished its fa-
cilities free to the University, Profes-
sor Abbot continued. It also installs,
furnishes ,and maintains all pick-up
equipment for the programs. If the
periods granted by the station to the
University were sold under existing
commercial rates, they would have
a value in the neighborhood of $28,-
000. Programs originating here are
carried by a leased wire to the Fish-
er Building in Detroit,and thence to
the transmitter at Trenton where
they go into the air from the 720-foot
vertical antenna.
"In the adjoining room of the
studio used years back in University
Hall, Dr. Ruthven had his collection
of some 1,200 mice gathered from all
over the world, which he used for his
research work," Professor Abbot re-
called. "While they were well caged
up, they had many uncaged friends
who delighted in visiting them during
broadcasts, which proved exceedingly
annoying to the speakers.
Conditions were remedied when in
1928 Morris Hall was remodelled as a
broadcasting studio and band practice
hall. Celotex was used for the ac-
oustical treatment. The large studio
will accomodate the 125-piece band,
symphony orchestra, or glee club. The
ensemble studio is arranged for small-
er musical groups, and there is an
announcer's and speaker's booth and
a control room.
In 1934rcourses in broadcasting
were included in the speech depart-
ment, and since then students have
taken an active part in the broad-
casts. This year the studio has begun
the recordings of music and speeches
for the alumni association.
Professor Abbot pointed out that
since 1925 approximately 1300 talks
have been given over the air from the
University's station.
"However," he concluded, "the sup-
ply of engrossing speakers upon the

campus has been merely tapped.
There are so many subjects of in-
terest available that it is hoped that
these programs may continue to in-
form the radio public concerning re-
search, politics, science, athletics, ad-
ministrative problems, education, his-
tory and the innumerable topics in
other educational fields."
Verse heor
Discussed In
N ew Volumes
"Three Centuries of French Poetic
Theory," a critical history of the chief
arts and poetry of France between
1328 and 1630 written by Prof. War-
ner Forrest Patterson of the Romance
Language department, has just been
issued by the University Press in the
Language and Literature Series.
In two volumes, of 950 and 500
pages, Professor Patterson surveys
briefly the works on the theory of
verse written in medieval Latin and
in Old Provencal, before coming to
the fourteenth century movement
and the twelve principal "Arts of
Second -Rhetoric" (1370-1539).
The first volume deals largely with
'the "Arts of Poetry" 'which both led
and followed the rich poetic move-
ment of the French Renaissance. In
this volume, Professor Patterson ex-
amines in detail, with copious illus-
trative citations, the formal treatises
of the poets, their prefaces, and their
manifestos. He closed his study at the
date of the last edition, before the
nineteenth century, of the works of
Ronsard and the first collected edi-
tion of his severest critic, Malherhe.
The first volume is concluded with a
consideration of the significance of
"Arts of Poetry' and a survey of the
adaptation made in France of the
Greek aesthetic tradition.
The second volume contains a series
of chronological tables and an an-
thology of Middle French and Renais-
sance French poetry, selected to illus-
trate the evolution of literary crit-
icism and theoretical discussion. It
contains a choice of poems by all of
the important and many of the sec-
ondary poets of the three countries

Selfridge Flyer
Forced To Jump
As Motor Fails
Plane Crashes Near Romeo
Farm, Does Not Burn;
Parachutes 1,200 Feet
Nov. 19.- (P)- Capt. N. D. Frost, of
Selfridge Field, inventor of the safety
belt now in use by the army air corps,
saved his life at dawn today with a
parachute leap when he motor stalled
in the plane in which he was making
weather observations.
The plane crashed on a farm near
Romeo, but did not burn.
Capt. Frost floated to earth a mile
from where his ship struck. He went
back, inspected the wreckage, and
then returned to Selfridge Field.
The flyer said he was up about
17,000 feet when he smelled smoke.
He said he came down to an altitude
of about 1,200 feet, just below the
clouds, and suddenly noticed the oil
pressure go down.
The motor stalled, he said, and he
immediately headed his ship toward
the field. When he saw he had no
chance of getting the motor started
or of making a forced landing, be-
cause it was too late to light a flare,
he went over the side.
Capt. Frost said the weather in-
struments in his plane were total
It was Capt. Frost's second "life
jump" from a plane. In 1928 he
saw he could not bring his plane
out of a spin while flying at Wheeling
Field Hawaii, and went over the side
at an altitude of 5,000 feet.
On that occasion Capt. Frost
caught a finger in his parachute ring
and literally tore part of it off be-
fore he could get his parachute to
open at 800 feet. This experience
led him to perfect a belt now in gen-
eral use.
Capt. Frost, who is 39, has been in
the army air corps for 13 years and
has been flying since 1923. His home
is in Riverside, Calif.

Judge Believes
Fishing Land
Is Michigan's
MENOMINEE, Mich., Nov. 1.-(R)
-Special Master in Chancery F. F.
Faville recommended to the United
States Supreme Court Tuesday that
highly-prized fishing grounds in
Green Bay, claimed by both Wiscon-
sin and Michigan, be awarded to
Counsel for the contesting states
were given 10 days in which to file
The boundary dispute has been the
subject of sporadic litigation for
years. The Supreme Court sought
to settle it by 'a division of the con-
tested area and appointed Judge
Faville, of Des Moines, Ia., special
master in chancery. He inspected
the territory last summer.
In his report he recomnends that
Michigan be given all of the slough
property and that the boundary be
moved closer to Marinette, Wis. He
also denies Wisconsin possession o
a triangular area off the mouth of the
Menominee River, much sought b3
fishermen, and recommends that
Michigan be given the territory ir
the vicinity of Whaleback Shoal
west of the Cedar River.



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All Work Guaranteed!
110 E. Washington







Daily 1:30 -11 P.M.
15c to 6P.M., 25c After 6
Last Day





--- Today and Thursday









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