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November 20, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-20

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The Weather

Partly cloudy today and to-
morrow; colder east portion to-

C, r


t t


Experiment First; Then Vote. .
The President As A Diplomat . .

VOL. XLVL No. 45




Jap Army
Will Hold
New State
News Dispatches Intimat
Army Prepared To Figh
Any Opposition
Nanking Orders
Army Enlistment
Japanese Destroyer Seni
To Tientsin In View Of
Possible Trouble
(By The Associated Press)
TOKIO, Nov. 19- Japan's army
will control the projected independent
state of North China, now in the
making, reliable sources indicated to-
Dispatches to Japanese news agen-
cies and newspapers from China in-
timated this nation's army is pre-
pared to fight anyone attempting to
block the autonomous movement.
Independence of that large area,
with a population of 90,000,000, is
expected to be declared this week. It
will then be brought into close re-
lation with the Japanese-fostered
state of Manchukuo and with Japan,
dispatches added.
(Chinese officials in Peiping said
they would carry out the indepen-
dence program because of a Japanese
army threat to invade and occupy
North China if they did not.
(In Nanking, the Kuomintang,
dominant nationalist party, ordered
the Chinese government to begin a
nationwide military conscription be-
cause of the northern situation.)'
The Rengo (Japanese )news agency
reported from Nanking that General-
issimo Ching Kai-Shek, head of the
Chinese national government, had
decided to approve the autonomous
confederation of five North China
PEIPING, China, Nov. 19. - OP) -
Chinese officials said today they were
proceeding with the independence
movement in North China because of
a Japanese threat to invade and oc-
cupy the area if they 'did not.
Maj. Gen. Kenji Doihara of the
Japanese army, these Chinese sources
said, delivered an ultimatum to the
authorities here demanding an ans-
wer on the autonomy question by
noon tomorrow.
If the Chinese do not accede, it was
asserted, the Japanese army will oc-
cupy the area. Japanese troops are
concentrated at passes along the
great wall.
(A dispatch from Port Arthur,
South Manchuria, said the Japanese
destroyer Hagi had been sent to Tien-
tsin "in view of the possibility of
disturbances in North China in con-
nection with the present situation.)
Chinese officials said Gen. Sung
Cheh-Yuan, commander of the Peip-
ing-Tientsin garrison, had sent re-
peated telegrams to the government
at Nanking for instructions as to how
to answer the Japanese ultimatum
but had received no reply.
As a result the Chinese asserted
Sung Cheh-Yuan was forced to.make
the best bargain possible.
Walter Briggs
Becomes New

Tiger Owner
DETROIT, Nov. 19. - Walter Owen
Briggs, long-time part owner of the
Detroit Tigers with Frank J. Navin,
will become president of the club.
This announcement was made last
night after it was disclosed that
Briggs had purchased the Navin in-
terest in the Tigers.
Mickey Cochrane, Tiger manager
who led the team to a world's cham-
pionship this fall, will have complete
charge of players, Briggs said. Charles
F. Navin, a nephew of the late Tiger
head, who has long acted as secre-
tary, will have complete charge of
of the operating end of the business,
the new owner announced.
A working program will be mapped
by Cochrane, Briggs and Navin at
Miami Beach later this week,'Briggs
said over the telephone from the
Florida resort yesterday.
There is no possibility that Billy
Evans, former general manager of the
Cleveland Indians, will be hired to run
the Triger. ria m sanid.

Cross Subpoenaed For Trial
Of Drake Fortune Claimant

Professor Will Determine 1
Marital Status Of Noted,
Sir Francis Drake by his various
voyages and raids is supposed to have
taken millions, perhaps billions, of
dollars worth of loot. Prof. Arthur
L. Cross of the history department
was subpoenaed a few days ago to
appear as an expert witness in a Chi-
cago trial involving the millions cap-
tured by Drake.
Professor Cross, in an interview
yesterday, told the story of the cause
for the trial.
A few years ago Oscar Hartzell, an
American, asked aboutrsix orseven
hundred people in all parts of the na-
tion to contribute tQ a fund to pay
for the litigation to recover from the
heirs of Sir Francis Drake much of
the money they had inherited from
him. -
Hartzell claimed to be one of

Oust O'Hara
As Clerk Of
Wayne County
Removed By Circuit Court
Judges On Two Different
Johi W. Smith Is
Named To Vacancy

House Mothers Report Co-eds
'FullOf Pep' On Saturdays

Drake's descendants on the grounds
that Drake married a third time-
history records but twice-and that
he (Hartzell) was a descendant of
the great explorer's third union.
Lured by this story and by the
fact that Hartzell said he would prob-
ably collect 20 billion dollars, many
people gave money to take care of
the expense of the law suit. For
about ten years Hartzell lived in Lon-
don-comfortably, some say, since he
had more than $1,000,000 sent to him
for expenses.
At the end of this 10 year period
some of the people who had contrib-
uted began to wonder what had hap-
pened to their investment, and the
Federal government after making an
inquiry found that Hartzell had never
started suit. After inquiry by Scot-
land Yard, and because of the fact


Hartzell could not be extradited,
Hartzell was deported as an unde-
sirable alien, and upon reaching New
York was immediately apprehended.
Hartzell was tried in Iowa City in
1933, convicted of using the mails to
defraud, and given a sentence of 10
years in a Federal penitentiary. Pro-
fessor Cross, as an expert in English
history, testified in this trial for the
United States government.
The coming trial is for the 41 agents
who assisted Hartzell in the collec-
ion of the money, and they are also
charged with using the mails to de-
raud. In a few days, after notifica-
ion. from the Attorney General, Pro-
essor Cross will leave to again testi-
y for the Federal government, and
o prove the claims of Hartzell's ag-
nts as to the latter's descendancy
rom Drake groundless. Professor
Cross termed the claims of Hartzell.
and his agents as "utterly fantastic."




Loomis Better
Life Of Student. Still In
Danger Although Slight
Recovery Is Noted
Philander S. Loomis, '37, whose
skull was fractured in a head-on
automobile smash-up early Sunday is
still in a critical condition, Uni-
versity Hospital doctors said last
While his general condition was re-
ported as "improved," and, doctors
said that "signs are good," Loomis'
life was still believed to be in danger.
Loomis, a member of the Gargoyle
business staff, was a pledge at the l
Beta Theta Pi fraternity. He. was
en route to Detroit to visit his par-
ents when the crash occurred ap-
proximately two miles west of Ply-
mouth on the Plymouth road. Miss
Edna Johnson, 23-year old St. Jo-
seph nurse, was killed instantly in the
W. Burl Schmidt; 25-year old De-
troit man with whom Loomis was
riding, suffered two broken jaws,
and his condition was reported yes-
terday as about the same.
Lawrence Walz, 25 years old, of
Ann Arbor, driver of the car in which
Miss Johnson was riding, did not have
a fractured skull, as was at first be-
lieved, and was released yesterday
from St. Joseph's Hospital.
Miss Maxine Chamberlain, 22-year
old St. Josephs' graduate nurse, who
was also in Walz's car, and who broke
her collar bone, was "doing nicely"
last night, doctors said.

Dec. I Is Deadline
For Senior Pictures
Senior pictures for the Mich-
iganensian must be taken before
December 1, according to Ralph
Thomas, '36, business manager of
the 'Ensian. Senior picture re-
ceipts can be obtained from 'En-l
.ian salesmen or from any of the
three official photography studios
in Ann Arbcr.
New Contemporary
To Appear Today
Owing to an unavoidable delay in
the printing of the magazine, the first
issue of Contemporary for this year,
scheduled to appear Tuesday, will be
on sale today, the editorial board an-
nounced. Single copies are 25 cents,
and the yearly subscription rate is 75
cents. Today is the last day on which
full subscriptions can be purchased.
Featured in this issue are essays by
Prof. Norman E. Nelson, Richard
Mattox, and Marshall D. Schulman
and selections from the Hopwood
Contest prize-winning novels, poems
and essays. T. E. Lawrence's "Seven
Pillars of Wisdom," Ernest Heming-
way's "Green Hills of Africa," E. E.
Cummings' "Tom" and Robert For-
sythe's "Redder Than the Rose" are
LONDON, Nov. 19.-()-The big-
gest car at the British Automobile
Show was a twelve-cylinder custom-
built car ordered by Queen Mary.
Comfort was the main considera-
tion in designing the car, which had
a five-foot clearance between floor
and roof.

O'Hara To Fight Removal
In Court On Grounds
Of Non-Legality
DETROIT, Nov. 19. - () - Elmer
B. O'Hara, chairman of the State
Democratic Committee, was ousted
from the office of Wayne County
( Clerk last yesterday and John W.
I Smith, president of the council and
former mayor, was named to succeed
O'Hara's removal was decreed by
the Wayne Council Circuit Court
Judges on the grounds of "his con-
viction of an infamous crime in Ma-
comb county," and his failure to "pro-
vide adequate bond" as clerk of
Wayne County.
"I intend to fight it in the courts,"
O'Hara said last night. "I don't
think there is any legality in it.
They've been looking for an excuse
for a long time."
Issue Statement
The judges issued their order in the
following statement:
"It appearing to the court by order
of April 23, 1935, Elmer B. O'Hara
was ordered to file bond as Clerk of
the Court and that said bond has not
been filed;
"It appearing to the Court that the
bond that Elmer B. O'Hara filed as
Clerk of the Court in the sum of $75,-
000, on Sept. 27, 1934, is no longer in
"It appearing to the court that the
said Elmer B. O'Hara was convicted
of an infamous crime in the county
of Macomb on Nov. 4, 1935;
"It appearing to the court that the
said Elmer B. O'Hara has refused and
neglected to file a bond as clerk of
the court and that he is now without;
Vacate Office
"It is hereby adjudged that the of-
fice of county clerk of the county of
Wayne is now vacant."
Shortly before thetdecision of the
judges, O'Hara had told newspaper-
men that "I think this thing is all
over now."
He was convicted Nov. 5 in Mount
Clemens on a charge of bribery in
connection withvoting to which he
pleaded not guilty.
O'Hara declared that "it is up to
the auditors to pay for it. All I know
is that the bond was there the first
of the year. The county prosecutor1
passed on it. It was up to the Au-
ditors to pay for it. It is a continuing
bond of $75,000."
The bond had expired on Dec. 31,
1934, according to Ben B. Pelham,
Auditors' chief accountant. "I do not
recall having received a bill for its
Senior Engineers
Name Committees
Senior engineering class appoint-s
ments were announced yesterday byi
Robert Merrill, '36, president. Thec
list of appointees follows:
Senior Ball committee: Tor Nor-
denson, chairman; Lawrence David1
and Harold Clayton.
Finance committee: Laurence Hal-
leck, chairman; Thomas Jefferis,
George Frid, Charles Donker, and
Percival Wilson.
Executive committee: Charles
Framburg, chairman; Frank Deni-
son, Robert Fox, Nelson Shapter, and
David Walker.
Invitations committee : Robert
Stevens, chairman; Lyle Reading,
Russell Mason, Ralph Bodine, and
Robert Auburn.
Cap and Gown committee: John
Packard, chairman; Francis Wal-
lace, Robert Heusel, Charles Kelley,
and Richard Joslin.,
Commencement Day committee:]
George Graves, chairman; Harold
Hertz, Tunis Ross, Nelson Droulard,,
and Robert Claflin.
All of the committees are to meet
next week.

Announce Complete
Election Schedule
Following is the voting schedule, as
announced by William R. Dixon, '36,
president of the Men's Council, and

More Girls Are Signing In
Early Friday Nights Than
In Past, Says One
It's a myth, a Greek letter myth as
fantastic as Appollo's flight through
the heavens, that sorority women here
are in a condition of "fatigue" Satur-
day mornings, a survey shows.
Of the 14 house mothers contacted
only one declared that her charges
were tired. The other 13 said the
girls were at breakfast promptly and
were attending Saturday classes.
Indeed, the chaperone at Kappa
Delta sorority reported the members
to be "full of pep." Delta Delta
Pair Returns
To University
From Arizona
Mr. Volney H. Jones And
Wife Complete Survey
Among Hopi Indians
Mr. Volney H. Jones, assistant in
the Museum of Anthropology of the
University, and his wife, Mrs. Joyce
H. Jones, research assistant in the
University Herbarium, returned early
this week from Arizona where they
concluded a survey among Hopi In-
dians and research work in the flora
of that region begun there last sum-
Mr. Jones was a member of a joint
expedition of the Museum of An-
thropology here and the Museum of
Northern Arizona, located at Flag-
staff, which made an extensive sur-
vey on an Arizona Indian reserva-
tion of crop plants grown by the
Hopi Indians. The variety of crops
planted and how they were used were
studied by the members of the party.
Mrs. Jones was not connected with
the joint expedition but remained at
Flagstaff where she made two collec-
tions of lichens from the San Fran-
cisco mountains which surround the
city. One of the collections was
sent here for further study and the
other was presented to the Museum
of Northern Arizona.
Working with Mr. Jones on the
expedition was Alfred Whiting, a
graduate in botany from the Uni-
versity and now curator of bilology
at the Museum of Northern Arizona.
They were assisted in their field work
by a Hopi Indian who acted as in-
terpreter. The three remained in
the field for one month.
The farming methods of the Hopi
Indians are significant, Mr. Jones,
said, because they are dry farmers
and it is an accomplishment to get;
things to grow there. The Hopi make
use of a dramatic snake dance and;
other ceremonies which are designed
to bring rain in August at the end
of the dry season.
The rituals seldom fail to produce
rain, Mr. Jones stated, because by
watching the clouds the Indians can
accurately tell when rain is coming.
The date for the ceremonies is never,
announced more than two weeks in
advance. "It is a rather nice trick,"
he said.
Samples of everything grown by the
Hopi were collected by the members
of the expedition during the harvest-
ing season. A census was also taken
of 50 Hopi farmers who were asked
what they grew and how they grew it.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Jones are pre-
paring papers for publication on their

Delta, which has moved its breakfast
hour up to 7:15 a.m. out of deference
to the eight o'clockers, finds them "up
and hungry." The social director at
Phi Sigma Sigma says she has no
early breakfast problem as only two
or three elected Saturday classes.
The house mother at Alpha Phi re-
ports that "everything goes on as
usual Saturday," no one as yet com-
plaining of fatigue. The Alpha Xi
Delta chaperone feels that the hour
between 12:30 and 1:30 a.m. makes
no difference in the physical condition
of the girls. Chi Omega's social di-
rector has noticed no fatigue at all
Members with early Saturday
classes are voluntarily coming in be-
fore closing hours, the Pi Beta Phi
house mother says. Mrs. Martha L.
Ray, social director of Mosher Hall
reports that more girls have been
signing in early Friday night than
in past years. A similar statement
was made by the social director of
Jordan Hall, and Miss Isabel Dudley,
who stated that although she has
noted "an increasing number of cases
of fatigue" in the past three years,
the dormitory as a whole has been
returning earlier Friday night than
any time previously.
Removes Relief
For Laborers
Adopts Stern Measures To
Force Workers' Return
To WPA Jobs
LANSING, Nov. 19.-+(P) -State
emergency relief administration
adopted stern measures today to
force employables to return to works
progress administration jobs for their
Among the policies adopted by the
Commission to lighten the state's re-
lief burden were:
No state relief for WPA workers1
after Dec. 5, whether or not they
have received their first pay check.7
No state aid to supplement WPA
Nostate relief money for counties
refusing to raise local relief funds.
No state relief for workers quitting
WPA jobs individually or during!
"I am in favor of adopting every
measure which will influence relief1
recipients who have the least hesi-
tancy to accept and stay with WPA
jobs," declared Dr. William Haber,1
state emergency relief administrator.1
Dr. Haber suggested to the commis-t
sion it might well consider a move toE
refuse state aid to all employables
after Dec. 1. The commission refused
to adopt the suggestion. Charles H.
Bender, of Grand Rapids, commissionE
chairman, insisted on continuing the
relief to employables until they have
been assigned to jobs. The state di-
rector pointed out a refusal of aid1
would urge employables to increase1
efforts to obtain work.
"I don't feel that we have man
malingerers," commented Bender., "It
believe the noise caused by the chisel-
ers is greatly overrated."
NEW YORK, Nov. 19. - (P) - At
thousand leaders of the arts and so-t
ciety gathered tonight to commem-
orate the 100th anniversary of th
birth of Mark Twain.1

"3'7 Votes
Today On
Class Jobs
J-Hop Chairman Will Be
Chosen By Engineers;
Two Seek Post
Lits To Get Five
J-Hop Positions
Many Parties See Closest
And Most Interesting
Election In Year
Junior students of the engineering
college, the literary college, the ar-
chitecture college, and the business
administration school will trek to the
polls today to vote in what bids fair
to be the most interesting class elec-
tion of the year.
The eyes of the politically-minded
undergraduates will be turned toward
the engineering college in particular
this afternoon, since it is the happy
lot of this college to ballot for the
chairmanship of the 1936 J-Hop - a
coveted political prize.
Rush Bowman, Delta Upsilon, of
the Consolidated Engineers, and Ben-
jamin Cox, Phi Kappa Psi, of the
United Engineers, will seek the post
of chairman. The other candidates
of the two parties include:
Consolidated Engineers: George
Malone, Independent, president;
Robert Dailey, Psi Upsilon, vice-
president; Melville Tyatt, Triangle,
secretary; Carl Sherburne, Phi- Kap-
pa Tau, treasurer; Jack Sinn,Sigma
Nu, Honor Council; and Carl Abbott,
Theta Xi, and Donald Hillier, Delta
Kappa Epsilon, J-Hop committeemen.
United Engineers Name Slate
United Engineers: Miller Sherwood,
Sigma Phi, president; Cedric Sweet,
Independent, vice-president; William
Sheehan, Theta Chi, secretary; Jack
Kasley, Independent, treasurer; Bur-
ton Coffey, Phi Gamma Delta, Hon-
or Council; and Gus Collatz, Inde-
pendent, and John Freese, Phi Sigma,
J-Hop committeemen. Jack Cooper,
Trigon, will run for the Engineering
Three parties will vie for the liter-
ary college positions. The conven-
tional State Street and Washtenaw
groupings will be complicated by the
appearance in the field of an Inde-
pendent Party.
Presidential candidates include
Richard Mavis, Phi Delta Theta, of
the Washtenaw Party; Thomas Oyler,
Beta Theta Pi, of the State Street
Party; and Paul Forth, representing
the Independent Party. The other
candidates by parties are as follows:
State Street Nominations
State: Beth Turnbull, Mosher-Jor-
dan, vice-president; Jane O'Ferral
Collegiate Sorosis, secretary; Louis
Goldberg, Independent, treasurer;
and Homer Lathrop, Alpha Delta Phi,
Robert Laitner, Sigma Phi, Marion
Holden, Pi Beta Phi, William Jack-
son, Zeta Beta Tau, and James Brieg-
el, Phi Kappa Psi, for J-Hop com-
mitteemen. Joseph M. Hinshaw, Del-
ta Kappa Epsilon, is the party's cam-
paign manager.
Washtenaw: Betty Ann Will, Mar-
tha Cook, vice-president; Fied De-
Lano, Sigma Nu, treasurer; Nancy
Olds, Delta Gamma, secretary; and
Gilbert Tilles, Phi Sigma Delta, Flint
Watt, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Jean
Greenwald, Delta Delta Delta, Jane
Mutchler, Alpha Chi Omega, and
Mary Potter, Gamma Phi Beta, J-

Hop committeemen. Thomas Ayres,
Trigon, has presided at the party's
Independent: Jane MacDonald,
vice-president; Ruth Clark, secre-
tary; Richard Clark, treasurer; and
Willis Player, Betty Quarton, Lois
Spreen, Mary Lou Traywick, and
Wesley Brew, J-Hop committeemen.
Architects To Vote
Non-partisan senior and junior
elections will be held in the archi-
tecture college. The senior class nomi-
nations include:
For president, Paul Brown, Robert
Morris, and Dale Hillier; for vice-
1president, Richard Stickney, Paul
Gorman, and Dorothy Roth; for sec-
retary treasurer, Lillian Scott and
Dorothy Cowles; and for treasurer,
Leo Rutenberg and Charles Stocking.
The architecture college juniors will
vote for president, secretary-treas-
urer, and J-Hop committeeman. The
nominations are as follows:
For president, Clark Teegarden and
William Griffiths; for secretary-trea-
surer, Robert Space, William Lyon,
and Robert May; and for J-Hop com-

Panel Discussions On Campus
Will Attempt To Foster Peace

Contrast Between Old And
New Radio Studio Is Shown

Back in 1925 when Dr. Clarence
Cook Little, then president of the
University, gave a talk on the first
program broadcast from the campus,
the studio on the top floor of Univer-
sity had a decidedly different appear-
ance than the studio used today in
Morris Hall.
According to Prof.. Waldo Abbot, di-
rector of broadcasting, the studio used
when radio was in its embryonic
stage here was shared with the play
production group, and was contin-
uously littered with costumes, model
sets, and properties. It was the only
room on the campus that contained
both carpeted floors and the high
ceiling needed for broadcasting.

first broadcast from the University in
1925, a student constructed experi-
ment station of 200 watts, WCBC,
presented occasional programs. The
equipment, however, was inadequate,
and upon the plea that an efficient
station would extend the educational
value of Michigan to the most iso-
lated homes of the state, a request
was made for $20,000 with which to
build a first-rate station, and a yearly
appropriation ,of $3,000 to maintain
The money was not forthcoming,
and today the call letters WCBC are
but a memory, but in the fall of 1925,
Dean Edward H. Kraus of the literary
college, realizing the state and na-
tion-wide obligation of the Univer-

An attempt reallyto foster world
peace through the promotion of un-
derstanding between peoples of dif-
ferent nationalities and races is being
made here on the campus.
At 4 p.m. Sunday in the small ball-
room of the Union the second panel
discussion on the Near East will be
held. Sponsored by Prof. J. Raleigh
Nelson, counsellor to foreign students,
the panel is an effort to get together
the "finest types of American and
foreign students for a discussion of
other lands. "It's an ideal opportu-
nity for American students to find
out about foreign lands first hand
from students of their own type and
standing," he said. "It's a chance
to make the Unversity really cosmo-
The panel Sunday will deal with
"The Contributions of American Edu-

foreign students were present at that
time, and the small ballroom was
packed with American students and
.The panel Sunday will be addressed
by Harry Meyering, Grad., formerly
of the American Board School at
Tarsus; Theodore Wuerfel, Grad.,
formerly physical education director
at the American University at Bierut,
in Syria; and John Adams, now Con-
gregational pastor at Mason, former-
ly treasurer and professor at Robert
College at Istanbul, the Turkish cap-
With students of all nationalities
and races, the Near Eastern students
will include Turks, Greeks, Egyptian,
Italians, Russians and three govern-
ment scholarship students from Bag-
dad, in Iraq. Students prominent
among League and Union social ac-
tivities will be among Americans

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