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November 16, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-16

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The Weather
Mostly cloudy Saturday and
Sunday; little change in tem-

i:l 4r

011r iga


Mock Turtle Election Soup .
Fleeing World Peace



Refusal To Admit
Students Attacked
By Howard Jones

Nazis Take

Such A Policy Must Lead
To 'Impoverishment Of
Education,' He States
Opinions Not To Be
Considered 'Officia'
Publishers Hear Wood
Preuss And Pollock A
Union Conference
A university which refuses admis-
sion to "undesirable" students em-
barks on a program which "definitely
impoverishes the human wealth of
the educational institution we are
trying to enrich," Prof. Howard
Mumford Jones of the English de-
partment declared to the University
Press Club last night in the Union
"The principle of the freedom of
the student to enter the university of
his choice cannot be successfully at-
tacked unless at the same time the
university idea is attacked," Prof es-
sor Jones said. "And if once we begin
excluding students from our univer-
sities on anything bt the plainest
ground, of intellectual or moral de-
linquency, we enter upon a program
which has no end, and which, bit by
bit, definitely impoverishes the hu-
man wealth of the educational insti-
tution we are trying to enrich."
Opinions Unofficial
Explaining that his opinions were
not to be considered official, and not
once referring to the University ad-
ministration's, refusal to readmit
three students this fall, Professor
Jones set forth, three principles
''which underlie the concept of a
University." These are, he explained,
that the doors of the state university
must be thrown open to al; that all
persons possessing the necessary
training and knowledge should be
permitted to teach; and that, with
the exception of religion, all branches
of human knowledge properly the
subject of education may be taught in
a state university.
"I have sometimes heard it argued
that the University of Michigan
should exclude out-of-state students
inclined to radicalism," Professor
Jones said in discussing the first
point. "But," he continued, "if every
state university refuses education to
radical students, we do nothing to
lessen radicalism. Nothing increases
Communism, if it be wrong, than a
denial to Communists of an oppor-
tunity to learn better. We cannot
escape the dilemma by saying that
radicalism in other states is none of
our concern.))
'Cannot Shackle University'
Pointing t the necessity that free
people recognize that truth has an
intimate relation to freedom, Profes-
sor Jones declared that "the citizens
of a free commonwealth can remain
free only so long as they maintain
their right to seek out truth through
its proper instrumentalities; and the
university, though it has no monop-
oly on truth, is erected, set apart and
maintained by the people of the state
in the belief that~ the very life of the
comonwealth depends on the free-
dom of its citizens, whether they be-
long to majority or minority groups,
to seek out the truth and follow it.
"You cannot maintain a free uni-
versity in a state that is enslaved,"
he said, "and you cannot shackle a
university and expect the state to re-
main free forever. As restrictions
upon freedom of discussion in this
country increase- and they steadily
increase-we must maintain at all
costs the freedom of the state uni-
Referring to the non-scientific
body of knowledge taught, Professor
Jones held that the duty of the uni-
versity is anything but "dogmatism."
He agreed that the student should be
expected to understand the viewpoint

of his instructor, but declared that
"The student is under no compulsion
to accept that view as the final solu-
tion of a controverted question, and
the instructor has no right dogmat-
ically to demand that he shall so ac-
cept it."
Demands Free Speech
Freedom of discussion, according
to Professor Jones, "is the very soul
of university life. For a university is
an institution wherein Communist
students sit under economists whoi

Lives Millionaire's
Life On 3 Cents -
Now Is Penniless
MIAMI, Okla., Nov. 15. --(P) -
Ted Baxter, who lived a millionaire's
life on three cents-then the govern-
ment burst his bubble-was without
even the three coppers tonight as he
Scontemplated "going back to work
as an airplane mechanic.''
The gray world war veteran plead-
ed guilty today in federal court to
violating the postal laws in his sud-
den swirl from a transient camp resi-
dence to owner of "a million dollar
tank company." Placed on proba-
tion after sentenced to five years
imprisonment, Baxter still insisted
his wild scheme might have worked.
He had moved to a suite of rooms
in a swanky Tulsa office building. He
had established credit of $250,000 in
a bank. He had taken an option on a
fine home and ordered $75,000 worth
of equipment for his company. He
had hobnobbed with Tulsa bankers.
Then his payless "employees" trip-
ped him up.
"How about that deal in Tulsa?
Wasn't it reckless," Judge Rranklin
E. Kenner asked Baxter today.
"No, it wasn't," Baxter insisted.
"I'd have gone through with it if
they had left me alone."
Teachers Must
SiQn Disavowal
Of Communism
Instructors In Capital Must
Sign Statement To Gain
Pay Checks
WASHINGTON, Nov. 15. - ()-
Comptrollei -General J. R. McCarl
ruled today that teachers who.receive
government pay checks first must
sign statements avowing that they
have not "taught or advocated com-
The ruling brought to a climax the
long capital controversy over the
"teaching" of communism in the cap-
ital's schools.
The comptroller-general's office de-
clined to comment on the ruling, or
immediately to give an interpreta-
tion of the use of the word "taught,"
which has been a spearhead of the
Whether to teach means to advo-
cate or whether it means to explain
the Soviet system, remains to be set-
Corporation counsel E. B. Pretty-
man ruled several weeks ago that
under a legislative rider to the appro-
priation act teachers could outline
facts of communism if they did not
advocate it or shape their instruction
in such a way that advocacy could be
The legislative rider forbade the
use of the money to pay advocates
or teachers of communism.
The McCarl ruling requires the
school system employees to sign the
statement that they have not taught
or advocated communism for the*
months of September and October.
Vandenberg De
For Presiden

All Rights
From Jews
Marriage With Gentiles Is
Forbidden In Sweeping
Abolition Of Privileges
Commercial Status
Of Jews Undefined
Other Nazi Laws Refuse
Permission To Vote And
Hold Public Office
BERLIN, Nov. 15.-- UP) --Jews
were stripped of all political rights
by the Nazi government today and
were forbidden to marry gentiles.
Official decrees put into effect the
sweeping citizenship and racial laws
approved by the Reichstag at its
Nurnberg meeting in September, dur-
ing the Nazi party convention.
Thus Germany's jews are deprived
of the right to vote, to hold public
office or even to be employed by the
Only a special dispensation from
Adolf Hitler himself can exempt Jews
and part Jews from these restrictions.
The decree also forbids the employ of
female Aryan servants under the age
of 35 in Jewish households.
To Receive Pensions
"Jewish functionaries of the gov-
ernment will be pensioned Dec. 31,
1935," the decree said.
A separate decree, covering the
"blood and honor" laws, forbade mar-
riages between Jews and "quarter
Jews" or between "quarter Jews" and
Part Jews may retain full citizen-
ship unless they are members of the
Jewish faith and have married Jews.
The decree defines who is to be con-
sidered a Jew and who a part Jew.
On all questions of citizenship or
intermarriage Reichsfuehrer Hitler
is the final court of appeal.
The Jewish Telegraphy Agency
said that the decrees do not define
the status of Jews in the field of com-
merce and that this omission is be-
lieved to have been prompted by the
fear that if Jews were ousted com-
pletely from Germany's economic life
it would influence the United States
to stay out of the Olympic games. It
is believed that the economic de-'
crees have been deferred, rather than
Veterans To Get Pensions
If Jews participated in the World
War at the front, said the Jewish
Telegraph Agency, quoting from the,
decrees, they are to receive pensions.
The position of Jewish teachers in
the Jewish public schools remains un-
affected pending reorganization of
the Jewish school system."
Other details of the decrees, as
outlined by the agency, include:
Foreign citizens desiring to marry
a Jew in Germany may not be re-
fused a license without consulting the
Minister of the Interior.
Marriage between Jews and "non-
Aryans" with only one Jewish grand-
parent is prohibited. "Non-Aryans"
with two Jewish grandparents must;
obtain a special permit before mar-
riage to an Aryan or a "non-Aryan"
with one Jewish grandparent.
Marriage between "non-Aryans" in;
the one-Jewish grandparent cate-;
gory is strictly forbidden on the1
ground that it would' increase the+
amount of Jewish blood in their fam-

nies Candidacy
tial Nomination

Hull Warns
Against U. S.
War Trade
'Considerable Increase' hI
War Materials Export
Claimed By Secretary
Is Third Warning
Issued To Exporters
United States Trade With
Ethiopia Is Described As
WASHINGTON, Nov. 15. -(AP) -
Renewed government suasion to halt
American trade with warring Italy
and Ethiopia was applied today by
Secretary of State Cordell Hull in an-
other warning to exporters against
sale of combat commodities to those
Asserting there had been a "consid-
erable increase" in American exports
of oil, copper, trucks, tractors, scrap
iron and steel, Hull flatly labeled
such goods "war materials," and add-
"This class of trade is directly con-
trary to the policy of this govern-
ment as announced in official state-
ments of the President and the Sec-
retary of State, as it is also contrary
to the general spirit of the recent
neutrality law."
Is Third Warning
Thebstatement, issued only a few
days before the League of Nations'
economic and financial sanctions pro
gram is scheduled to become effec-
tive against Italy, constituted the
third warning to American business
men since President Roosevelt ad-
monished them on Oct. 5 that any
transactions they might have with
the belligerent countries would be
at their own risk.
In London, Secretary Hull's state-
ment was received with gratification
in official quarters. It was said there
that while the action of the United
States had been awaited with interest,
it was considered too early to say
whether further sanction steps would
be taken against Italy by the League.
Hull gave no specific figures on
the amount or destination of exports
of war materials but American trade
with Ethiopia is relatively insignifi-
"The American people are entitled
to know that there are certain com-
modities such as oil, copper, trucks,
tractors, scrap iron and scrap steel,"
he said, "which are essential war ma-
terials, although not actually arms,
ammunition or implements of war,
and that according to recent Gov-
ernment trade reports a considerably
increased amount of these is being
exported for war purposes."
Facts To Be Revealed
He added that figures on the vol-
ume of exports to both countries
would be available soon at the Com-
merce Department.
Hull's statement was the first offi-
cial acknowledgment that the Gov-
ernment had not been successful in
obtaining voluntary obedience on the
part of American business interests
to the spirit of the neutrality law.
Whether the new warning meant
steps might be taken to compel ad-
herence to it if moral pressure fails
was not revealed. Officials concede
that consideration has been given to
a possible extension of the present
arms and war implements embargo
to embrace "key commodities." The
question arises, however, whether
President Roosevelt has such authori-
ty under the present Neutrality Act.

Hull recently indicated that the
Administration would seek a more
far-reaching law at the next session
of Congress.
First Snowstorm
Sweeps Mid-West
(By The Associated Press)
The season's first major snow-
storm whirled through the midwest
Friday night, a boon to winter crops
and a menace to highway traffic.
Heavy soggy snows, in some cases
turned to sleet, fell from Minnesota
to the southwest. Generally, temper-
atures remained above freezing and
snow melted as it hit the ground. An
exception was Crookston, Minn.,
where the mercury sank to 16 below.
Biting cold that preced the storm
in most states was moderating, but
a wet weekend was in prospect.
Skies were clear and cold in the
mountain states but a Saturday snow
was predicted for Nevada. Idaho and

Battles '

olverines For

Little Brown Jug




Present Paper
Laboratory At
Union Banquet
Michigan Industries Give
University Equipment
Worth $12,000
Formal presentation to the Univer-
sity of the new paper research lab-
oratory donated by Michigan manu-
facturers of those products was the
high point of the banquet held by the
Technical Association of the Pulp and
Paper Industry last night in the
The laboratory, whose value is esti-
mated at $12,000, was presented by
R. A. Hayward, vice-president of the
Kalamazoo Vegetable Parchment Co.,
and was accepted by Dean Clarence
S. Yoakum of the Graduate School.
who described it as having "great
potential usefulness."
Other addresses heard by the 70
paper and pulp manufacturers at-
tending were a talk by Prof. Alfred
H. White, head of the chemical en-
gineering department, on the wide
variety of Michigan products which
will form the subject of the new lab-
oratory's research, and by Prof. Al-
bert E. White, director of engineering
research, on the accomplishments of
applied research carried on at the
University. Dean Herbert C. Sadler
of the engineering college presided
at the banquet.
A meeting of the Association yes-
terday afternoon was addressed by
Prof. R. S. Hawley of the mechanical
engineering department who spoke
on "Power Steam and Air Condition-
ing for the Paper Industry," by Prof.
W. F. Ramsdell of the forestry school
who discussed "Present and Prospec-
tive Wood Supplies in Michigan," and
by Prof. D. W. McCready of the chem-
ical engineering department who
talked on the "Application of Dry-
ing Theory to Paper Drying."
Plan Amendment
For Security Act
WASHINGTON, Nov. 15. - (P) -
A move to amend the Social Security
Act in the next Congress was hint-
ed as a possibility today as officials
studied over several knotty problems
of administration.
The legislation gives the Social Se-
curity Board the imagination-stag-
gering task of checking the wages of
each of the nation's 28,000,000 work-
ers after 1936.
Tentative plans call for obtaining
the data from employers. Whether
this can be accomplished through so-
cial security tax returns or whether
supplemental questionnaries will be
necessary has not been determined.
Interdepartmental studies have
raised the question whether the Board
has authority to compel answers to
such questionnaires.I
One official said an amendment
may become imperative if supple-
mental questionnaires are found nec-

Bierman Concedes
Wolverines Odds
Against Minnesota
Bernie Bierman seems to be the
only accurately informed observer of
the annual Michigan-Minnesota
football game who is willing to con-
cede that Michigan has better than
an even chance to stop the Gopher
powerhouse in the stadium this af-
Interviewed at his hotel in Jackson
after he had returned from a local
movie with his squad, Bierman
seemed in almost an ill humor -
which he hastened to assure the Daily
representative was only the result
of a nasty attack of lumbago which
has been tormenting him all week.
The particularly irritating factor
in the week's practice as far as Bier-
man is concerned, however, has been
the overconfident attitude of the
team. Conquerors of a strong Iowa
eleven last Saturday with agreat
surge of power in the final quarter,
the Gophers seem to think that they
will have little difficulty taking the.
measure of the Wolverines today,,
even if Kipke can work his men up
to play inspired football.
Mr. Bierman is not at all Tilling
to concede victory to Michigan, but'
he is of the opinion that unless his
boys get 'Michigan is easy' out of
their heads, Minnesota will start the
long trek back to Minneapolis minus
the Little Brown Jug and whatever
share they may claim of the national;
National Drive
gainst Traffic
Violators Begun
CHICAGO, Nov. 15.--(P)-Stern
enforcement of traffic laws was de-
manded today by President Thomas
P. Henry, of the American Automo-;
bile Association, to cut the nation's<
motor vehicle death toll in half.
He told delegates representing 800
clubs at the annual convention of thel
"We must stop talking and think-
ing in terms of 'safety weeks,' 'slo-
gans,' and 'pledges' and other clap-
trap phrases. We must have a con-
tinuing program of intelligent and
resolute action. We are woefully
lacking in adequate enforcement ma-
chinery. There is no law without a'
"I firmly believe that if we set out
in earnest on selective enforcement
and rule off the road those who refuse
to accept their responsibility at the
wheel, we shall within one year cut
our fatality toll in half."
The legislative committee of the
A.A.A. advocated a substantial in-
crease in highway patrol personnel.j
The report pointed out that the ma-
jority of motor mishaps occurred on
the open roads, patrolled by less than
5,000 men-one for every 5,000 cars
and for every 70 miles of highways.

Minnesota Considered A
Probable Winner Of Big
Ten Title
Renner To Start At
Quarterback Post
Invaders' Captain Will Not
Play; Savage Is Picked
For End
(Daily Sports Editor)
Michigan's football team will re-
ceive the most crucial test of its 1935
season this afternoon in the Stadium,
meeting the undefeated Gophers of
Minnesota for the famed Little Brown
After winning four straight games
from opponents of questionable
strength, the Wolverines last week
lost, 3 to 0, to an Illinois team under
playing circumstances which made
an accurate estimate of Michigah
strength impossible.
The Gophers, however, come to
Ann Arbor with an unblemished rec-
ord and a team whose strength is un-
doubted. Michigan's performance to-
day, under fair playing conditions,
will be the answer to any question as
to its actual strength.
Minnesota, generally considered to
be rolling without particular fanfare
to a second national championship,
will be heavily favored in today's
game, but the Michigan coaching
staff with a dry field in prospect, has
refused to abandon hope of spilling
the powerful juggernaut from the
The Michigan team, too, has re-
flected the hopes of thecoaches in
coming to a keyed edge after its
heart-breaking performance against
Illinois. With everything to win and
very little to lose, the Wolverines are
counting on sweeping the Gophers off
their feet in the opening quarter,
seizing any break which may develop.
Renner Will Start
Although suffering from a twisted
ankle and severe bruises about the
shoulders, Captain Bill Renner is ex-
pected to start at quarter for the
Wolverines, with the hope that his
passing may open a scoring opportu-
nity in the early part of the game.
When out of the game, Renner will
be replaced by Bill Barclay, his soph-
omore understudy.
The Gophers, whose quiet steam-
roller has become the feature of the
Conference, will depend on the pile-
driving charges of George Roscoe and
Sheldon Beise and upon a line which
is led by the strongest pair of tackles
in the country, Ed Widseth and Dick
Smith. Minnesota will be without its
captain, Glenn Seidel, but ample re-
serves hav.e successfully replaced him.
Coach Harry Kipke, after secret
practices during the week, has an-
nounced three changes in his starting
lineup, aside from the possibility tht
Renner will not start. Sol Sobsey,
first year guard and defensive center,
will return to the lineup after a shoul-
der injury, and Mike Savage will
again be given the call at right end
over Art Valpey and Ernie Johnson.
Christ Everhardus will start at
halfback in place of Stark Ritchie.
Coach Bernie Bierman has an-
nounced one change in his starting
lineup, Andy Uram at left halfback
in place of Clarence Thompson.
Michigan's team worked out on
Ferry Field yesterday afternoon while
the Gophers worked out in Jackson,
where they stayed overnight.
Brown Jug At Stake
Not only will the two teams be
keyed to a high pitch, with the pos-
sibility of an upset victory for Michi-
gan not remote, but the history of the
contests between the two schools
makes the game one of the most in-
teresting in the country.
Michigan was defeated, 34-0, at

Minneapolis last year in a game
which saw an impotent team of Wol-
verines spike the Gopher guns for
the first half.
Michigan is the last team to have
defeated the Gophers, having won,
3 to 0 at Minneapolis in 1932, while
Minnesota has not won two games
in a row from Michigan since 1893.
The complete rceord shows that
Michigan has won 18 games, Minne-

Conservatives' Skill In British
Elections Described By Scott

By FRED WARNER NEAL discussion of 'old guard' and
Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg guard,' " he explained, "becaus
emphatically denied yesterday that those who disagree with pr
he is "seeking the nomination for trends must vote in our column-
anything or running for any office. that includes all just, sane citiz
"The next eight months will dic- "We certainly must not, howe
tate the choice of the Republican he continued, "allow those f
party for its leader," he said. "This which have harmed Republicanis
election is so critical in the life of the much to gain control. If we n
the nation and so important to the the New Deal the issue, we'll win
existence of the American plan of we make the old deal the issue,
government that it transcends all lose."
ordinary rules of political conduct. Senator Vandenberg proph
"For a Republican to declare his that the Republican candidate
candidacy at this time, or to merely undoubtedly wi.n support from r
indicate his candidacy," the junior Democrats dissatisfied with the
senator said, "would be to show that Deal - "provided we deserve it.'
he fails to appreciate the real issue." The Senator is anything but a
Senator Vandenberg, while admit- porter of President Roosevelt. A
ting that he would feel "tremendous- his views regarding Oswald Gar

e all
m so
n. If

Skillful political maneuvers by
which the Conservative Party re-
tained a large though diminished ma-
jority in the British Parliament in
Thursday's national elections were
described by Prof. S. Morley Scott of
the history department in an inter-
view yesterday.
"So skillful were the Conservatives
that they were able even to turn to
advantage the very expert diplomacy
of their former foreign secretary, Sir
JohI Simon," Professor Scott de-
During Simon's tenure, he ex-
plained, England led Italy to believe
that she would not meet British op-
position to her policies in Ethiopia.
Thus, he went on, Simon's policy
tended to encourage Italy in her
nnrc nni n nnotirnitu for ac-

Sir John as foreign secretary less
than a year ago, Professor Scott ex-'
plained, Great Britain's policy be-
came one of stiff resistance to Italian
expansion in Ethiopia.
The Conservatives then called the
general election at the moment when
their advocacy of stringent League
action was uppermost in the public
mind as the government's foreign
As possible evidence of these trends,
Professor Scott pointed out that Sir
John was returned to Parliament by
a bare majority, while Sir Anthony
Eden, Britain's Secretary for League
Affairs, who "popularly but perhaps
erroneously is supposed to be behind
the present League action," won an
easy victory.
"There can be no doubt," he said,
"that the present foreign policy of


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