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November 13, 1935 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-13

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Science Awaits
Data From 13-Mile Ascent
Shipped To Washington
For Investigation
WHITE LAKE, S. D., Nov. 13. - P)
-Examination of rarified air in
sealed tubes, records of delicate in-
struments and photographic plates,
obtained by stratosphere flyers 13
miles above the earth, was awaited
today by the world of science.
Data gathered by Captains Orvil A.
Anderson and Albert W. Stevens in
their record-breaking stratosphere
flight yesterday, were packed for
shipment to Washington by officials
of the National Geographic society,
co-sponsors of the project with the
army air corps.
The flight started in the natural
bowl at Rapid City at 9 a.m. (Eastern
Standard Time) and ended on the
farm of John Matheye, 12 miles south
of here, at 5:13 p.m. yesterday.
Valuable information about the
cosmic ray, long a puzzle to scientists,
was sought by the two airmen who
reached an unofficial altitude of 73,-
000 feet, the highest point ever
reached by a human.
Studies of sunlight and skylight,
observations of sky, sun and earth
brightness, studies of wind direc-
tion and velocity, check of baro-
metric altitude scales and study of
balloon navigation, were some of the
scientific observations recorded by
the fliers.I
The instruments were reported un-
damaged when the huge balloon
landed without even so much as a
The flight was probably one of
man's greatest achievements in con-
quering gravity, but scientists look for
even greater accomplishments as a
result of the expedition into the thin
upper air.
For more than eight hours the two
balloonists, making their third at-
tempt to ascend above 70,000 feet,
were aloft and most of the time was
spent in scientific observations.
Often they were so busy with their
instruments they were unable to
carry on a radio conversation with
the ground.
Ford Refuses
To Give Aid To
New NRA Plan
Industrialist's Refusal To
G. L. Berry Is Contained
In Letter To Coordinator
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13.- (P) -
The Ford Motor Co., which defied the
now moribund NRA in its listiest,
whip-cracking days, has no inten-
tion of helping to resuscitate it now.
Edsel Ford, pi'esident of the Ford
company, made that clear in a letter
declining the invitation of George L.
Berry, President Roosevelt's indus-
trial co-ordinator, to participate in a
business-labor conference on the
needs for a new NRA. Ford's letter
"We have not participated in such
conferences in the past, and our ob-
servation of their effect upon the
recovery of the nation's economic
health has not convinced us that any
beneficial end will be served by them
"Our experience and counsel, to]
which your letter refers, are always]

at the service of the government.
"Hitherto, unquestionable acqui-
escence and not counsel has been
Berry made public the Ford letter
and his own reply, which said that
"incredible as it may seem, what I
want is counsel and not unquestion-,
able acquiescence."
Some oTher automobile manufac-
turers have declined to participate
in the NRA-revival conference, called
for Dec. 9 although virtually all auto-
mobile producers except Ford signed
NRA compliance certificates two
years ago.
Berry said that, of the 5,000 re-
cipients of invitations, 22 had sent
acceptances, 10 refusals, and 28 had
replied indecisively.

President Bows At Tomb Of Unknown Soldier

-Associated Press Photo.
An impressive ceremony was conducted at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National ceme-
tery on Armistice Day. President Roosevelt is shown as he stood at attention during the service, with Secre-
tary Swanscn and Acting Secretary of War Woodring behind him. In an address at the amphitheater in
the cemetery, he pledged the United States "ever to seek the ways of peace" but "must and wil protect herself."

Byrd Is Not A Major Hoople;
Talk Won't Be Autobiographical

Address Will Not Disclose
Facts Of Famous Five-
Month Seclusion
There is one part of the second
Byrd Antartic Expedition that will
not be discussed by Rear Admiral
Richard E. Byrd when he lectures
here November 18 on the Oratorical
Association Lecture Course.
And that is the part he himself
played in maintaining alone for five
months the farthest south weather
station ever established.
Dr. Thomas C. Poulter, chief sci-
entist and second in command of the
Byrd Expedition, recently wrote an
article on Byrd's solitary vigil 123
miles south of Little America in order
that-in his own words-"This ex-
perience may not be entirely lost."
"Though for two months three of
us lived there with our commander,
jammed together in his nine-by-thir-
teen room," Dr. Poulter writes, "we
learned next to nothing from him
of hisdexperience, for he told us no
more than bare courtesy required. I
expected this, for I knew that the
many thousands who heard him lec-
ture on his last expedition were
struck by the fact that not once did
he mention himself."
Collected Consecutive Story {
"Since that time I have been col-E
lecting here and there the pieces that
go to make a consecutive story of his
trials," Dr. Poulter states. Con-
tinuing his article, he unfolds the
story of Byrd's "heroic struggle"
against the bitter cold of the Aniarc-
tic night.'
For the first weeks of his isola-
tion, according to Dr. Poulter, Byrd
enjoyed himself immensely, "welcom-
ing the hardships and strenuous
physical labor imposed by his en-
vironment." After he had passed the
half-way' mark, however, Byrd was
stricken down by poisoning from the
combined fumes of his improvised
oil stove and the gasoline engine
powering his radio generator.
"Ill, alone, helpless in the middle
of the winter night with three months
of darkness and killing cold facing
him, Dr. Poulter writes, "survival
seemed imp9ssible, so in the dim light
of a candle, with fingers numb from
cold, he lay in his bunk and calmly
wrote out instructions for his lead-
Refused Any Help
These instructions ended with the
statement: "Don't worry, carry on
normally and go as far as you can
in carrying out the scientific program,
but ,put the lives of my men first."
Refusing to call in the aid of his
men from Little America, since that
would probably mean the loss of some
of their lives, Dr. Poulter describes
the fight waged by Byrd to retain
sanity and consciousness. "To avoid
absorbing the poisonous fumes he had
to endure an unbelievable amount of
cold. He had his stove out 14 hours

out of the 24. The temperature was
once 80 degrees below zero and often
ran 20 degrees colder than that at
Little America."
"Throughout all this," Dr. Poulter
continues, "his devotion to his pur-
pose was shown by the completeness
of his auroral and weather observa-
tions. Aside from the visual observa-
tions necessary, there were four re-
cording clock-driven mechanisms
constructed for bitter cold-weather
operations. These had to be kept in
running condition. He measured
these instruments and kept his record
with the meticulous care of a trained
"He does not tell us how he en-

Roosevelt Ends
Negotiations On
Canadian Trade
Premier King Will Return
To Washington Friday
To Sign Document
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. -(P) - A
speedy conclusion will be made of
the formalities preparatory to pro-
claiming the trade agreement be-
tween Canada and the United States
which President Roosevelt announced
Monday had been reached by him
with Canadian Premier King.
Tentative plans under considera-

Camp For Boys
Receives $4000
For Alterations
Committee Hears Financial
Report, Plan For New
Water System
Four thousand dollars worth of re-
pairs and improvements was made
during the past year at the University
Camp for Boys according to a re-
port of the University Boys Camp
Committee which met at the Union
Committeemen heard and discussed
a new plan for water supply and plans
for a new club house and recom-
mended an increased investment for
this purpose.
The camp, which is located at Pat-
terson Lake, was attended by 200
boys. One hundred boys were from
Ann Arbor and the rest were from
A report which the committee re-
ceived indicated that the camp had a
balanced budget. Homer Grafton,
director of the camp was appointed to
help the chairman and the director
of the committee with the budget for
The members of the University
Boys' Camp committee are: Prof. F.
N. Menefee, Dr. Warren E. Forsythe,
Theodore Hornburger, Homer Graf-
ton, Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Geo. G.
Alder, Prof. Howard McClusky, Eg-
bert R. Isbell and Prof. Lowell J. Carr.
Typhoon Spurs
Reseuing Work
On British Ship
MANILA, Nov. 13. - (') - An ap-
proaching typhoon spurred rescuers
to strenuous efforts tonight in be-
half of passengers and crew of the
British Freighter Silverhazel, wrecked
on a great rock 350 miles southeast
of here.
The United States Destroyer Peary
reported that three Hindu members
of the crew had been picked up from
a raft, leaving four women and one
male passenger and 46 crew mem-
bers on the rock and aboard the fore
part of the vessel which was cut in
High winds and waves beat back
the Peary's lifeboats on one occasion.
They were barely able to get back to
their ship. It was feared that the
typhoon, although still far away,
might make the rescue more difficult
in the event of any considerable de-
The three rescued sailors reported
that their marooned companions had
bene without food and water for two
days, but agents of the ship said this
had not been confirmed.
Hammerstein's Widow
On Home Relief Rolls
NEW YORK, Nov. 13. - (P) - Life
continues stormy for Emma Swift
Hammerstein, fifty-three - year - old
widow of Oscar Hammerstein, who
was to Broadway at the turn of the
century what the Shuberts are to-
The ups and downs in her life since
1920, which once brought her to
selling apples on Broadway, have cast
her upon home relief since July, she
said today.
She is suing her stepson, Arthur
Hammerstein, for breach of contract
to support her for life. Last year a
suit for $100,000 against her stepson
for necessaries of life, was terminated

temporarily on an agreement that she
was to receive $25 a week. Now she
is suing for $8,692 alleged back pay-

Place advertisements with Classified
kdvertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
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Box numbers may be secured at no
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LOST: Nasau wrist watch near An-
gell Hall. Call A. Hafke, 9749.
Window Washer Is Hurt
In Second Story Plunge
Kurt G. Lange, 1112 W. Liberty St.,
fell from the second story of the Anna
Botesford Bach home, on W. Liberty
Rd., yesterday afternoon while wash-
ing windows. His head hit the con-
crete driveway, knocking him un-
He was taken to St. Joseph's Mercy
Hospital, where he was examined by
Dr. Hugh M. Beebe, a staff physi-
cian. Dr. Beebe stated that the in-
juries, the exact degree of which
were not determined, were confined
to the head.
Lange is a carpenter. He had ob-
tained employment for the day at
the Bach Home, a residence for old
MOSCOW, Nov. 13. - (RP) -Inhab-
itants of the far northern part of the
Soviet Union, whose livelihood de-
pends largely on hunting, may carry
knives although these are forbidden
the population at large, the govern-
ment has decided.Other exemptions
to the rule have been made for the
Caucasian peoples whose knives are
part of their national attire.
SAVE 20%
by our
" "
1121 So. University Ave.

LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 1x
Pal eysac
Will SpakTo
Fre thSociety
Paul i~'amme of the Civic
Repertory Thxeater of Naew York, who
appeared in the May Festival here in
both 1930 and 1935, will deliver the
first lecture of the Circle Francais
series at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Room
103, Romance Language Building.
The program for his recital, ac-
coirding to Prof. gene Talamon of the
French departme:nt, is as follows:
La Fleur et Loiseau by Paul Bouil-
het; La Cloche IFelee by Baudelaire;
La Chevre de Monsieur Seguin by
Daudet; Cyrano de Bergerac and
Scene du Balcon by Rostand; L'En-
lisement by Victor Hugo; Le Chat, la
Belette et le Petit Lapin by La Fon-
taine; and L'homme qui Baille by
Season tickets for all the lectures
may be obtained from Professor Tala-
mon in Romance Language Building
for 50 cents any time this week.
Ban Placed On News Of
Si no-Japanese Crisis
TOKIO, Nov. 3.-(~)-Police
forbade newspapers today to publish
anything concerning "military forces
which may be sent to China" except
in official communiques indicating
the possibility of armed pressure in
the deepening Sino-Japanese crisis.
A foreign office spokesman said,
however, that Japan contemplated no
military action at Shanghai for the
LaFluretL'isaubyPa L ul

Classified Directory

dured the monotony, the silence and tion call for the return of Premier
the utter loneliness," Dr. Poulter King to Washington in a day or so,
states. "He did, however, let drop
on one occasion that for weeks he probably on Wednesday. It was said
faced the possibility that the next day to be "entirely likely" that Mr. King
he would lack the strength to get his will reach Washington Wednesday
food and fuel out of the snow tun- and formally sign the proposed treaty
nels." which he showed to his cabinet after
The relief party finally reached his unexpected departure over the
week-end for Ottawa.
Byrd after he had largely overcome
his illness and was "once more strug- sudden announcement that the
anu agreement had been reached excited
gling uphill." "When we first saw him, I this capital only more than the sur-

on August 10, we were shocked at his!
appearance," Dr. Poulter writes.
"Emaciated, hollow-cheeked, weak
and haggard though he was, he met
us casually, calmer by far than any
of us. 'Hello, fellows,' he said, as if
he had seen us only yesterday, but
his ghastly condition and husky voice
told us that, in spite of this matter-
-of-factness, he had been through
some terrific things."
Concluding his article, Dr. Poulter
says that "I don't know of anything
finer than that in life or literature.
The odds were so overwhelmingly
against him that he should rightfully
have lost his fight. Had he done so,
his chivalrous regard for us would
have been only too evident. It was
natural that he should have our deep
gratitude for what he endured and
for his willingness to face the su-
preme sacrifice in his thoughtfulness
for our safety."
Theosophist Visitor
To Talk In League

prise visit of the Canadian prime
minister. It admittedly caught oppo-
nents of the treaty flat-footed and
was a distinct surprise to most of the
lesser technical experts on the nego-
tiating committees.
What concessions were mutually
exchanged between the President and
the Canadian premier were guarded
Sith complete secrecy. Likewise the
Pi eident did not reveal the results
of his conversations with Mr. King
on the pending St. Lawrence water-
way treaty.
It was reported in some t'uarters
that the President had suggested the
advisability of having Canada first
ratify the waterways treaty as a
means of softening opposition in the
farm belt to reductions in tariffs on
Canadian agricultural products.
When the treaty was first concluded
under former Premier Richard B.
Bennett, the latter insisted that the
Ameiican government first ratify the
If Canada were to ratify first it
would help the President considerably
in his effort to obtain Senate ratifi-
cation at the next session of Con-

"Spanish Cape Mystery"
'Tumbling Tumbleweeds
DAILY 15c TO 6 P.M.
Hi shrow"
----- Extra





The Rt. Rev. Charles Hampton of _
Los Angeles will address the Ann S
Arbor Theosophical Clubs at 8 p.m. STUDENT OUT ON BOND
Friday in the chapel of the League. Pleading not guilty to a charge of
Bishop Hampton, noted as a theo- driving while drunk, John Reise,
sophist, will speak on "The Adventure former University student, was re-
of Death." His talk, which is open leased on $100 bond when arraigned
to the public, will be heard by the before Justice Jay H. Payne yester-
Student Theosophical Club and the day. Reise will be tried Nov. 26.
Ann Arbor Theosophical Society, ac-
cording to Prof. Jose Albaladejo of
the Spanish department, president. PR IN TIN G
Bishop Hampden, who will be in LOWEST PRICES
Ann Arbor for three weeks, will lec- PROGRAMS, BIDS, STATIONERY
ture to the theosophical clubs on each THE ATHENS PRESS
of the three successive Fridays, Pro-
fessor Albaladejo said. owntown, North of Postofice

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