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November 13, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-13

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The Weather
Generally fair today; tomor-
row partly cloudy to cloudy;
no change in temperature.


Sfitr igan

A& AL.- 41P

A Prayer For War Lords
On Behalf Of The Red Cross...



Six Parties Present
Tickets For Seniors

In Elections Todav
Unnamed Party To Oppose Missing Searcher
Washtenaw Coalition In For Smith Found
Literary Election


Campaigns Marked
By Lack Of Fanfare
Identification Cards To Be
Demanded; Council Will
Check With Directories
Two parties in the literary college,
three in the business administration
school, and an unopposed ticket in
the engineering college will go forth
today to do battle in the revived sen-
ior elections. The electoral scene, it
may be added, is marked this year by
a lack of the fanfare and hullabaloo
of former days.
In the literary college the Wash-
tenaw-Coalition party will present to
the student voters Russell Runquist,
Theta Xi, for president; Betty Green,
Martha Cook, for vice-president;
Robert Sullivan, Phi Sigma Kappa,
for treasurer; and Sue Thomas, Delta
Gamma, for secretary.
The Washtenaw-Coalition group,
which claims a heavy backing, will be
opposed by an unnamed party whose
slate includes William Renner, Alpha
Sigma Phi, for president; Dorothy
Jones, Mosher-Jordan, for vice-pres-
ident; William Reed, Independent,
for treasurer; and Margaret Cowie,
Alpha Phi, for secretary.
The Fraternity-Independent party
is apparently unopposed in the en-
gineering college. The slate includes:
Merrill For President
Robert Merrill, Phi Gamma Delta,
for president; Rupert Bell, Indepen-;
dent, for vice-president; Howard
Jackson, Independent, for treasurer;.
Sheldon Drennan, Alpha Delta Phi,
for secretary; and Robert Warner,
Trigon, for engineering council rep-
Francis Wallace, '36, president of
the Engineering Council,* said last
night that although no party had yet
presented itself to oppose the Fra-
ternity-Independent ticket, it wast
possible that such a group might
enter the race sometime today before
the election is run off.
The Fusion party of the business7
administration school has nominated1
Harold Nixon for president; Richardi
Brandt for vice-president; Francist
Butler for secretary; and -WilliamI
Morgan for treasurer.k
A second business administration
school party, unnamed as yet, in-t
cludes Walter Baker for president;t
Garratt van de Riet for vice-presi-
dent; Harold Schreder for treasurer;
and Stanley Kilgore for secretary.
Nicholson Nominatedk
The third party in this school, also
unnamed, has formulated a slate in-t
cluding Harvey Nicholson for pres-t
ident, David Merriam for vice-pres-t
ident; P. V. Holopigian for secretary;
and H. D. Soper for treasurer. t
The Student Directory has ap-
peared at last and it will be used in
checking off voters' names, William
R. Dixon, '36, president of the Men's
Council, said last night. All voters
must present identification cards
upon balloting.
Automatic voting machines will be
used in all three elections, Dixon said.
This is the first time in campus his-
tory that the devices have been em-
ployed, and they are expected to prove1
an added incentive in securing a rep-
resentative turnout.
Following are the times and places1
of today's elections:t
Literary college-3 p.m. to 5:30s
p.m. in Room 25, Angell Hall.
Engineering college-4:15 p.m. to
5:30 p.m. in Room 348 West Engi-
neering Building.t
Business administration school--
2 p.m. to 3 p.m. in Room 108 Tap-t
pan Hall.-
The architecture college election
will be held from 4 to 5 p.m. tomor-
row at a location to be announced in1
tomorrow's Daily. The music school
elections, which will be supervised by1
President Charles A. Sink, will be held
in the near future, Dixon said.

Piccard Will Try To Beat
Americans' Altitude Mark
BRUSSELS, Nov. 13. - (AP) - Prof.t
Auguste Piccard, who has made two{
ballon flights into the stratosphere,

SINGAPORE, Straits Settlements,
,Nov. 13. -(Wednesday) -(IP)-A
flurry of concern for C. James Mel-
rose, overdue on his search for the
last Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith, was
ended today when it was announced
Melrose had been located and was
There was, however, no news of
Kingsford-Smith, for whom he was
searching off the east coast of Siam.
Faculty Leads
In Protest On
Zoning Change
State Institution Location
In 'A' Residential District
Seen As Dangerous
University faculty members took
the initiative in petitioning the Com-
mon Council last night to reject an
amendment providing that "state-
owned buildings, except penal and
corrective institutions," be excepted
from the restrictions of the zoning
ordinance for class A residential dis-
Required by law, the hearing was
held at the City Hall to give property
owners an opportunity to express
their view on the proposed change.
The amendment is aimed to allow
the Michigan Children's Institute to
take over the old Hoover estate 8n
Washtenaw Avenue.
An unofficial ballot of the crowded
council room showed the audience
to be unanimously agreed in favor of
rejecting any change in the zoning
ordinance as it now stands.
Prof. William C. Hoad of the engi-
neering college stated, "It would be
thoroughly unwise to change the
character of the zoning ordinance, in
the light of which people have built
their homes."
Dr. C. F. Ramsey, superintendent
of the Children's Institute, presented
the State's side of the controversy.
He pointed out that they wished to
pick no quarrel with property own-
ers but wished to leave the decision as
to whether the housing of the Insti-
tute in the Hoover residence would
be a violation of zoning rules.
The only near dissenting voice was
that of Prof. John H. Muyskens of
the speech department, who warned
that while it was dangerous to cir-
cumvent the ordinance, he was "all
for the children" if the problem can
be solved in no other way.
Alderman Max Krutsch, concluded
the meeting saying that he recognized
the attitude ofthe audience, and that
the ordinance committee would act
accordingly in the next meeting of
the Council.
Oxford Doctor
Cites Need Of
Broad Training
Dr. James A. Gunn, professor of
pharmacology at Oxford University,
speaking yesterday in the Natural
Science Auditorium in the fifth of the
University Lecture Series, pointed out
the ever-increasing danger of early
specialization among medical stu-
Dr. Gunn, whose subject was "Med-
ical Education and Practice," stated
that it is preferable to give the young
student a general training, allowing
time for specialization at the end of
the undergraduate course.
In discussing the type of man who
is suitable to enter the medical pro-
fession, he said, "There is no escap-
ing the profound influence of hered-
ity. Some people have character
which makes for success in medicine.

Teachers, however, must do what they
can with the material provided."
Dr. Gunn also said, in demonstrat-
ing how broad a good medical train-
ing must be, "The doctor in a com-
munity must deal with the effect of
disease on a whole family, he is a
father-confessor and he must be able

Blakeslee To
Speak Before
Press Group
AP Science Editor Added
To Program Of Meeting
Here This Week-End
Professor Pollock
Is Also Scheduled
Subject Of Address By
Junius B. Wood Will Be
'Your Foreign News'
Several additions to the program of
the University Press Club of Michi-
gan were announced yesterday by
the journalism department, which
this week-end is sponsoring the 17th
annual convention here of Michigan's
newspaper editors and writers.
Howard Blakeslee, '04, at present
science editor of the Associated Press,
will speak at the banquet Friday
night on the topic: "Science In The
News," it was announced following
receipt of his acceptance from New
York. Another addition to the pro-
gram is a speech on "Government By
Merit," to be given at the Friday
morning session by Prof. James K.+
Pollock of the political science de-1
The topic of Junius B. Wood, form-
er foreign and special correspondent
for the Chicago Daily News, who will
speak at the general meeting Friday !
afternoon, was announced as "Your
Foreign News."
Climaxed by a public address
Thursday night by Senator Arthur
H. Vandenberg, (Rep., Mich.) on
"Can America Stay Out of the Nextf
War?" the three-day session of thet
convention, opening Thursday, will
include on its program speeches by
several University professors and men1
nationally prominent in politics ands
In addition to those already men-s
tioned, President Ruthven, Professorss
Howard Mumford Jones of the Eng-I
lish department, Preston W. Slossont
of the history department, and Shir-I
ley W. Allen of the School of Forestryt
and Conservation are included in thet
list of speakers who will address morea
than 200 Michigan journalists during
the convention.'
Speeches by Andrew A. Bishop of
the State Welfare Department, Ken-x
neth J. McCarren of the Detroit Bu-t
reau of Government, Prof. Wesley H.g
Maurer of the journalism department.
Prof. Lowell J. Carr of the sociology
department, and Francis S. Onder-
donk, peace lecturer, complete the
An appeal for more rooms for the
newspaper men and women who will
be in Ann Arbor for the meeting was
issued yesterday by Maynard Hicks,
Grad., secretary of the journalism
department, who is in charge of rooma
reservations. .
Practically all of the rooms already s
listed have been reserved, and reser-
vations are still pouring in, HicksL
said. He 'asked all Ann Arbor house-
holders who will have rooms avail-z
able for the three-day period to notify
the journalism department office in
Haven Hall at once.7
COLUMBUS, Tex., Nov. 12.-()-v
Two Negro youths charged with slay-a
ing a young white woman Oct. 17r
were seized by a mob at Altair, 11r
miles south of here tonight, and4
hanged to an oak tree a mile froma
the girl's home.a

Moscow Fishermen
Marooned On Sea
Bottom For 5 Days
MOSCOW, Nov. 12. - (1) - Thous-
ands of fishermen returning to Cas-
pian ports today told an astonishing
story of having been marooned on the
bottom of the sea for five days, dis-
patches received here stated.
Equally astonishing was their re-
port that at the busiest period of the
fishing season the sea itself retired
from under the fleet.
The sea receded along 150 miles of
the northern shore line, leaving the
boats high and dry several kilometers
from solid earth.
Airplanes dropped food to the ma-
rooned men until the tide flowed back
and allowed them to refloat their
Anna Whitcomb
Prize Awarded
'The Laborer' Selected At
Detroit Institute Of Arts
Harry Bethke, '36, has been award-
ed the Anna Scripps Whitcomb prize
of $100 for the best painting or sculp-
ture exhibited at the annual exhibi-
tion for Michigan artists, which
opened last night at the Detroit In-
stitute of Arts, according to an an-
nouncement made last night at the
formal opening.
Bethke, who is a student of sculp-
ture under Prof. Avard Fairbanks.
was awarded the prize for his work,
"The Laborer," which was exhibited
last year at the League. The decision
was made unanimously by the jury of
the exhibition, which was selected by
the exhibiting artists and sculptors.
"The fact that Bethke was com-
peting with the best professional
sculptors in the state makes this
recognition of his talent even more
significant," Professor Fairbanks
Several other students of Professor
Fairbanks have works on display at
the exhibit, among them "Ruth" by
Elaine Brockbank, Grad.,"The Bud"
by Frances Clarke, '36, and "Perseus"'
by Harry Furst. Furst's work was1
awarded recognition last year at the
exhibit in the Grand Central galleries
last year. -
The exhibit will be opened to the
public today. Bethke's piece has
been given a central position in the
Snow Flurry Signals
Approach Of Winter
Snow? Well, almost.;
That was what Ann Arbor resi-
dents said at 7 p.m. yesterday when
a flurry of something halfway be-
tween snowflakes and rain drops
swished into their faces.
With the temperature registered
unofficially at approximately 35 de-
grees, the mist that had been driz-
zling all day, more or less, changed
suddenly into something that sus-
piciously resembled a snow.
True it did not last long. Before
7:30 p.m., the psuedo snow had ceased
altogether and did not reappear.
The coldest temperature yesterday
was near freezing, shortly before 93
a.m. The mercury was reported as
rising slowly until in the early after-
noon it had reached approximately
40 degrees, from whch it descended to
a point where, late last night, it was
2ain near freezing.


Germany, Austria Back

Hider Italian Invasion


'Twelfth Ni'ht'
Will Be Given
Here Tonight

May Be

Ethiopian King

Cast Headed By
Frink, Claire
Ruth LeR oux

A ttempt



Members of the cast for "Twelfth
Night," Play Production's first pres-
entation of the year, which will open
at 8:15 p.m. today in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater, were announced
last night by Valentine B. Windt, di-
Virginia Frink, Grad., and Claire
Gorman, '36, will alternate in the
role of Viola, and Robert Slack, '36,
and William Soboroff, '37, will also
alternate as Sebastian, Viola's twin
Ruth LeRoux, '36, will play the
part of Olivia, and Edward C. Jurist,
'36, will play opposite her as Duke
Orsino. The role of Malvolio, Olivia's
steward, will be taken by Charles
T. Harrell, Grad., and Maria by Grace
Bartling, '36.
Sir Andrew Aguecheek will be
played by Karl Nelson, '36, and Fa-
bian by Vaudie Vandenberg, '36.
Feste, the clown, will be portrayed
by Henry Austin, '36.
Other members of the cast will be
Richard Shappell, '37, Robert Mellen-
camp, '36, William Iverson, '37, Ed-
ward James, '37, Jack Porter, '36,
Blanche Arnold, '36, Phyllis Blauman,
'37, Marie Sawyer, '38, Barbara
Strand, '36, and Ralph Bell, '37.
The play will be presented in two
parts, with only one intermission.
The stylized sets for the production
have been designed and executed by
Oren Parker, art director of Play Pro-
duction, while the costumes have
been designed by James V. Doll.
Incidental music will be furnished
by thehLittle Symphony orchestra,
under the direction of Thor Johnson,
Grad., and Mildred Olsen, Grad., and
"Twelfth Night" will have a four-
day run, ending Saturday, and a spe-
cial matinee will be given at 3:30 p.m.
Friday. Tickets for the production
are priced at 35, 50 and 75 cents,
and may be obtained at the box-
office, which is open every day after
10 a.m.
League Theatre
Receives New

-Associated Press Photo.
Recent arrival of Crown Prince
Afsa Wosan, son of Emperor Haile
Selassie, in Addis Ababa, gave rise
to rumors he would be crowned
king so Ethiopia would have a ruler
in case anything happened to the
emperor. The title would not in-
fringe on that of the father, which
is "King of Kings."
Cd'lleoye Officials
Refuse Censure
Of Peace Move
Discussion Of Resolution
Against Pacifists Throws
Meeting Into Uproar
BOSTON, Nov. 12. - (AP) -The As-
sociation of College Presidents and
Deans today overwhelmingly rejected
a resolution expressing disfavor with
activities of student pacifist organi-

Reich Declares Embargo
On Exportation Of Iron
And Rubber Products
Sir Eric Drummond
And Il Duce Confer
France And England Stand
Firm For Enforcement
Of Sanctions
(By The Associated Press)
While Italy served formal notice
Tuesday that sanctions might drive
her from the League of Nations, Ger-
many and Austria lent support to
League efforts to force Italy to aban-
don her invasion of Europe.
Without mentioning Italy or Ge-
neva, the Reich decreed a blanket
embargo on the export of all raw ma-
terials for the iron, metallurgical and
rubber industries as well as other im-
portant products. The embargo is
effective Nov. 16, two days before
the League sanctions become effec-
At the same time, in Vienna, Egon
von Berger, Austrian foreign minis-
ter, announced to the Federal Diet
that although Austria still rejects the
League sanctions, the Austrian Gov-
ernment is ready to adopt an at-
titude similar to that of other, powers
with regard to the shipment of war
material to Italy.
Calls S -ctions 'Hostile'
The Italian note of protest to all
sanctionists countries branded the
ban on imports from Italy a "true
act of hostility."
The document coupled a declara-
tion that "until now" Italy had not
wished to leave Geneva with a request
for information from each of the
member nations on the manner in
which sanctions would be applied.
Responsible sources said that this
clearly indicated Italy might leave
the League should the application of
sanctions be "too hostile." Whether
or not she does so, these sources as-
serted, she has clearly indicated she
will hold sanctionist countries "in-
dividually responsible" for the ac-
tions against her under the League.
Duce And Drummond Talk
Premier Mussolini and Sir Eric
Drummond, British ambassador, con-
ferred for half an hour on the Med-
iterranean situation. The talks were
understood to be "progressing satis-
factorily," but officially there were
no details.
Authoritative sources in Paris said
that France and Great Britain were
drafting identical replies to the Ital-
ian protest and indicated that both
nations would stand firm for sanc-
Reliable British sources said it was
inconceivable that the Italian note
would have any effect upon the ap-
plication of action,
Italy's notes stated that sanctions
were undertaken without h7er par-
ticipation in the deliberations and
that no-notice of their nature had
been given her.
ithiopia Victorious
On Southern Front
A bloody Ethiopian victory on the
southern front, won at a heavy cost
of lives to both sides, was officially
claimed Tuesday by the government
at Addis Ababa.
Despite a withering Italian ma-
chine gun fire, the announcement as-
serted, the tribesmen of Emperor
Haile Selassie captured four Italian
tanks in desperate fighting at Anele,
Ogaden Province. The battlefield
was strewn with the dead of both
armies, the announcement said.
Ethiopia also claimed success in
another clash in the same region.
The government said its warriors
killed six Italian officers and many

soldiers, with the remainder fleeing
in panic, and captured six trucks.
Ethiopia, an authority in Addis
Ababa said, expects the first major
battle of the almost bloodless war
with Italy to be fought within a few
It will take place, it was pre-
dicted, on the northern front, south
of Makale. Rains, however, may de-
lay the engagement indefinitely.
Ethiopia's northern forces are

I Introduction of the resolution
Movie cre(,H threw the 22nd annual convention
of the Association of Urban Univer-
A new screen is to be presented to sities into an uproar last night. Its
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre as a defeat today, 18 to 4, was termed "a
gift from the Art Cinema League, it personal affront" by Dr. Park R.
was announced yesterday by the Kolbe, pre~sident of the Drexel Insti-
League's faculty board. tute of Philadelphia, who sponsored
It will be installed before the pre- the resolution.
sentation of "La Maternelle," the Among the educators who voted

Regard Nation As Social Whole
To Stop War, Shepard Advises

The peoples of America must think
of their nation as a "social whole" and
not bow meekly before the wishes of
"a conglomerate of special interests"
if America is to remain out of wars,
Prof. John F. Shepard of the psy-
chology department declared last
Munitions makers who incite and
prey upon national fears and jeal-
ouisies, the "atrocity story" and other
forms of propaganda, and "the con-
Demands for an open Univer-
sity hearing in the case of Daniel
Cohen, former engineering col-
lege junior, who filed a petition
in Federal Court in Detroit re-
questing a writ of mandamus
requiring the University to give

national framework attempt to sell
heavily and buy little, feelings of ir-
ritation are aroused in other coun-
tries," Professor Shepard stated.
Professor Shepard's talk was de-
livered before the weekly meeting of
the National Student League in the
"In Italy and Germany now,' he
declared, "we can see the results of
attempts at national self-sufficiency
- the system under which a nation
tries to cut off all incoming goods,
seeking only to export certain com-
Professor Shepard charged that
"the forced entry of the United States
into the World War typified the hey-
day of selling without buying."
"This selling-without-buying pro-
gram is characteristic of thinking in
capitalistic nations," he said.


League's next offering, to be shown
November 26, 27 and 28.
The exact cost of the new equip-
ment is not yet certain but it is esti-
mated at about $100. To further as-
sure appreciation of "La Maternelle"
and following films, the board is ar-
ranging for a trained operator to be
brought from Cleveland to conduct
each exhibition of the League's films.
At the present time the two horns
through which the sound comes are
placed at either side of the screen in
full view of the audience. With a
more modern type of screen it will be
possible to move these horns behind
the screen. This alteration, accord-
ing to Professor McFarlan, will re-
move the feeling of people sitting in
front rows that the sound is coming
to them from two different origins.
The new screen will also be larger:
than the present one and it is ex-
pected that because of this increase in
size a clearer and more life-like re-
production will result.
Accuse Secretary
Of Gebhardt Death.

against the resolution were President
James B. Conant of Harvard and
President Daniel L. Marsh of Boston
'University. Before the vote was
taken a committee had reported the
resolution "ought not to pass."
The subject was termed "one of
discipline of students and therefore
a local matter," by W. G. Loutner,
president of Western Reserve, Cleve-
land, O.
"We are pussyfooting," Dr. Kolbe
charged, "and apparently are going to
keep on pussyfooting, and sidetrack-
ing this question by using question-
able methods."
Locked Controls
Blamed For Crash.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12.-(P)-
The crash of the army's new bomber,
at Dayton, O., two weeks ago was
blamed by the war department today,
on locked controls which prevented
Maj. Ployer P. Hill, of Newbury-
port, Mass., the pilot, was killed and
four others injured when the Boeing



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