The Weather
Cloudy to partly cloudy, pos-
sible rain, sleet or snow in
south portion Tuesday
Si riga
Lest We Have Forgotten . .
Horse's Eyebrows And
The Nation's Pulse .. .
I ,
Fliers ht
Ceiling Of
14.3 Miles
Stratosphere Flight Breaks
All Existing Records 01,
Previous Ascensions
Balloon Rides Peak
For Thirty Minutes
Airmen Neglect Navigation
For Scientific Research
In Three-Hour Descent
RAPID CITY, S. D., Nov. 11. - (V)
- Two intrepid Army airmen - cer-
tain that their ascent unofficially re-
corded at more than 14 miles into the
eerie stratosphere had eclipsed all
previous records - landed their
patched balloon safely near White
Lake, S. D., at 4:15 p.m., Central
Standard Time, today.
The flight began at 8 a.m., Central
Standard Time, and the balloon was
aloft eight hours and 13 minutes.
White Lake is about 240 miles
southeast of the natural ampi-theatre
here from which the big craft took
I For four and a half hours Capt,
Albert W. Stevens, the commander,
and Capt. Orvil Anderson, the pilot,
had maneuvered their seven-ton craft
up through a sea of space, until they
had risen the farthest, man has ever
ventured above the earth.
Then they flashed a "ceiling" bar-
ometric reading of 27.5 millimeters
from the confines of their metal gon-
Earth-bound scientists interpreted
this as meaning they had soared more
than 74,000 feet - far beyond the un-
official mark of 72,176 feet claimed
for three Russian adventurers who
lost their lives in descending from the
heavens last year.
Stay Half-Hour At Peak
For a half hour, sealed in their
nine-foot metal prison dangling by
hempen threads from the world's
largest free balloon, the aviators made
rapid-fire scientific observations as
they rode at their peak altitude.
Above and beyond stretched a black
infinity. Below the Western Ne-
braska sandhills were obscured by a
vague expanse of white verging into
Sixty-eight-below-zero cold sur-
rounded the sky ship as it moved
gently like a tailed, 315-foot comet.
Inside it was 19 degrees above zero
but, the fliers calmly reported over
the wireless ,they were quite "com-
fortable" in their fur-lined flying
At 1:05 p.m. Central Standard Time
-five hours and five minutes after
they had vaulted from a natural bowl
in the Black Hills near Rapid City
and whisked aloft at a speed that at
times reached 500 feet a minute, the
voice of Stevens broadcast from the
top rung of aviation's Jacob's ladder:
"We're starting down now."
Three Hours To Descend
To a world that was thrilled by the
uncanny demonstration, the captain
continued in a business-like manner:
"It will take about three hours to
get down. We're going to try to come
down very slowly."
Those who recalled the ill-starred
finale of the same pair's 1934 venture
into the stratosphere - when their
balloon ripped open 60,000 feet over
Nebraska and they were forced to bail
out in parachutes - crossed fingers.
It was apparent that the descent
was proceeding too rapidly. The
captains dropped some of their scien-
tific instruments. Anderson report-
ed they were having some "difficulty"
trying to brake the drop to 300 to 400
feet a minute because they were still
in the "iso-thermal" layer.
Gordon, Sick
Band Member,
Resting Easily
The condition of Donald Gordon,
'38, a member of the Varsity-R.O.T.C.
Band, who was stricken by appendi-
citis at the Illinois game was de-
scribed yesterday by doctors in Chi-
cago as satisfactory, and a report
said that "he was resting comfort-
According to George Hall, '36BAd.,
manager of the band, Gordon was
seized by a pain Friday when the
band stopped on a sightseeing trip on
the North side of Chicago.
Child Delinquency Traceable
To Parents, Reports Indicate
Prof. Lowell J. Carr Gives which no permanent separations have
Long-Trend Survey Of arisen, quarrels were found, by the
srvey to be common between par-
Problem In Ann Arbor ents, between children in the family
gand between parents and chlidren.
By RALPH W. HURD Professor Carr is of the opinion
SResponsibility for child delinquency that this survey of delinquency in
Responibiltyri l ue ny Ann Arbor reveals conditions typical
is directly attributable parents, ac- of the delinquency problem of the
cording to Prof. Lowell J. Carr, of aeaesalAeia iy nsc
average small American city. In such
the sociology department, whose areas ,he stated, disorganization of
long-trend survey of the problem as home life is commonly found to be
it exists in Ann Arbor was announced far greater in importance as a cause
yesterday. of delinquency than what would or-
The responsibility for child delin- dinarly be termed a "delinquency"
>quency is only indirectly responsible neighborhood.
to environmental conditions, the re- Perhaps one of the most significant
port stated, placing the blame square- results of this study, Professor Carr
ly at the door of the parents, stated, was the ascertainment of the
Contrary to popular impressions fact that not a single delinquent home
that "neighborhood gangs," cheap studied could snow parents interested
amusements and insufficient stand- in the child's work or his outside ac-
ards of living are the important tivities. "Small town delinquency is
causes of child delinquency in our thus largely a parental problem,"' he
urban centers, Professor Carr's sur- concluded.
vey shows that 53 per cent of the de-
linquent children studied came from,
homes broken by death, divorce or No Action Seen In
Addition'al evidence for the primary Readmission Suit
importance of these causes was found
by Professor Carr in the fact that No further action was reported yes-
half of the delinquent boys had pre- terday in the suit brought by Daniel
Sviously delinquent brothers, while 25 Cohen, former junior engineering col-
per cent of the delinquent girls had lege student, for readmission to the
Thdelinquent sisters. University. All Detroit courts were
The "delinquenty risk" for a boy closed for Armistice Day observations.
in such a home was 35 times that for President Ruthven said yesterday
one from a normal home, the survey that he had no comment to make on
showed, and it further revealed the the case, since his recent trip to Ne-
fact that broken and :disorganized braska had prevented him from ob-
homes are twice as common among taing detailed knowledge of the
delinquent children as among non- suit.
delinquents. "I have seen only the reports of the
In these, as well as the homes in proceedings in the dailyrpress," the
-president said. "Therefore I am un-
e able to make any statement."
Roosevelt H its President Ruthven said no sum-
mons or other formal notification of
Restrictions Of the suit had reached him.
George Burke, University attorney,
1 * stated last night that no summonses
Trade Treaties had been served either on the Regents
or President Ruthven, and that he
had taken no action in the case.
President Says Economic
Barriers Cause Discord Royal Forces
Among Nations
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. - ()- Fnrch
The President, leading America's ar-
mistice observance at the sun- For Lost Pilot
drenched tomb of the Unknown Sol-
dier, struck sharply today at trade
restrictions as a cause of discord SINGAPORE, Nov. 12. (Tuesday)-
among nations. (P) - Royal Air Force flyers who sent
To -thousands gathered with him their planes over the low islands and
on the hallowed heights of Arlingtoncoastline of the western Malay pen-
Mr. Roosevelt stressed "the power of insula reported today no trace of the
good example" as the "strongest force missing Australian aviator, Sir
in the world," and announced that Charls Kingsford-Smith, and his co-{
the United States and Canada fur- pilot Pethybridge.
ther had cemented a century of An Indian Ocean monsoon was be-
friendship with an agreement to lift lived to have sent the pair down Fri-
"unreasonable" trade barriers. day while they were attempting to
"If wntmake a record flight from England
exampe can contiute to t e pea to Australia.
exampl-eang contribueto the wshpee- SINGAPORE, Straits Settlements,
ful well-being of the fllowship of na- Nov. 11.- (A) -Another fleet of Roy-'
tions," the President said, "our course al Air Force bombers roared into the
through the years will not have been air today, resuming with renewed
in vain. avigor the search for Sir Charles
Stressing again and again a need Kings-Smith, missing thee days ol a
for peace, the President asserted that pigjSth, misingAtrays on
it was "the primary purpose" of this projected England-Australia flight.
nation to avoid being drawn into war. The pilots carried instructions to
At the same time, he pledged "ade- skim low over every island and the
quate" preparedness. Then speaking coast line of the western Malay Pen-
of "dangers" confronting mankind insula, as well as a wide strip of the
he said: Bay of Bengal between Rangoon,
"Jealousies between nations con- South Burma, and Victoria Point.
tinue; armaments increase; national C. James Melrose, who last saw the
ambitions that disturb the world's monoplane in which Kingsford-Smith
peace are thrust forward. Most ser- and his co-pilot, Tom Pethybridge,,
ious of all, international confidence were flying over the Bay of Bengal
in the sacredness of international early Friday, flew again to the spotf
contracts is on the wane." where he saw the pilots bucking a
"Under no circumstances will this ranging monsoon.
policy of self-protection go to lengths Melrose expressed belief that
beyond self-protection," he said. Kingsford-Smith might have landed
(Continued on Page o2)on an uninhabited island.
Union's Open
ouse To Be
Matt Mann Arranges For
Swimming Exhibition By
Varsity Men
Special Rates For
Bowling To Prevail
Men And Women Will Vie
In Bowling; Dancing To
Be Free In Ballroom
More than 3,000 students are ex-
pected to attend the annual fall Open
House which will be held by the Union
tonight. The complete schedule of
events and plans for the affair were
announced last night by the execu-
tive councilmen in charge.
A large number of exhibitions have
been arranged for the evening. From
7:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. there will be a
fencing exhibition -in the main lobby,
and at the same time several players
will give an exhibition in Ping Pong
in the Billiard room.
Coach Matt Mann has arranged for
a group of men on the Varsity swim-
ming squad to appear in the Union
Pool in a number of swimming and
diving events, and this will begin at
8 p.m.
There will also be exhibitions in
bowling and in billiards. In bowling,
the annual match between represen-
tativesof the Union and a picked
squad from the Women's Athletic As-
sociation, headed by Dr. Margaret
Bell will be held. Two members of
She faculty, Prof. George Myers and
Prof. Laylan James, will be on the
Union team.
The Varsity Glee Club is scheduled
to appear at 8:15 p.m. in the Union
ballroom and a short concert consist-
ing of various Michigan songs will be
Free dancing in the ballroom will
begin at 8:30 p.m., and a floor show
will start at 9 p.m., headed by Fred-
erick Shaffmaster, '36, Warren Foster,
Barbara Strand, and Richard Argyris.
One of the features of the Open
House will be the drawing of num-
bers for tickets to the regular Union
dances. Programs bearing numbers
will be distributed during the evening
and those holding the programs with
corresponding numbers will be pre-
sented with tickets.
The various student publications
including the Michigan Technic, Gar-
goyle, the 'Ensian, and The Daily will
place on exhibit various of their old
copies in the north lounge.
Special rates will prevail in the
Tap Room and bowling alleys for the
Open House.
Court Rulincrs
Show Victory,
Of 'New Deal'
Guffey Coal And Amended
Agricultural Adjustment
Acts Denied Review
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11.-(IP)-
The Government won two technical
victories in New Deal litigation to-
day when the Supreme Court de-
clined to review cases involving the
Guffey Coal and the amended Agri-
cultural Adjustment Acts.
Solicitor General Stanley Reed al-
so was given permission to argue the
validity of the Bankhead Cotton Con-
trol Law in a cast already pending
before the Court which may involve
the Constitutional question, even
though the Government is not a party
to the suit.
The New Deal and its disputed laws
were given attention as follows in "or-
ders" handed down by Chief Justice
1-The Court rejected the request
of the Washburn-Crosby Milling Co.
of Kansas for a review of a case in-
volving the constitutionality of pro-
cessing taxes levied since Congress
amended the AAA act to "strengthen"
it last August.
2-The Court refused to grant a
temporary injunction restraining the
Government from assessing the Guf-
fey Coal Law's so-called "penalty"
tax of 15 per cent against the Carter
Coal Co. of West Virginia. It also
rejected a request for a review of the
District of Columbia Supreme Court's
refusal to grant a temporary restric-
Italy Lodges
Protest With
Fifty Nations
League Receives Notices
Of Sanction Resentment
United States Told
Of Italian Attitude
Mussolini Parades Militia,
Warns World Of Italy's
ROME, Nov. 11. - (P) -Italy to-
night formally protested to half a
hundred nations the adoption of
sanctions by the League of Nations
against her.
This was disclosed a few hours af-
ter Premier Mussolini paraded part
of his 1,200,000 soldiers and warned
the world that Italy can take care of
herself in Europe as well as in Africa.
Separate notes were dispatched to
all governments participating in
sanctions, one week before they are
to go into effect.
(In Washington, Ambassador Ros-
so presented to Undersecretary of
State William Phillips, "for the in-
formation of the United States," the
text of the note dispatched by Italy
to sanctionist governments.)
A spokesman explained that al-
though the League itself voted sanc-
tions, it delegated their application
to a committee of representatives of
sovereign nations.
'Read About It In Papers'
Italy, he added, has received no
official notice that sanctions have
been invoked, but "we know they
have been, because we read about
them in newspapers and have ex-
perienced their effects."
He explained that the protests were
made directly to individual nations
rather than through the League be-
cause Italy regards the sanctions
,committee as outside the League A
text of the note may be made public
Italy also protested separately to
the Egyptian Government because of
its adherence to sanctions. Egypt is'
not a member of the League.
Informed circles regarded the pro-
test as a continuation of Italy's policy
of accepting sanctions "with sacri-
fices and discipline," but at the same
time contesting their legality.
II Duce Speaks
Il Duce, speaking today to massed
thousands from the balcony of his,
palace, after the huge parade, as-
"The forces you have seen this
morning with all their weapons, and
especially their spirit, are ready to
defend Italy's interest in Europe, Af-
rica or anywhere," he shouted.
"In only one month we have set-
tled two accounts. (Apparently he1
referred to victories at Aduwa and
Makale in northern Ethiopia.) The
remainder we will settle later."
By this statement Il Duce gave an
implied promise that the War in,
Ethiopia would go on.;
The military observance of King]
Victor Emanuel's sixty-sixth birthday]
brought out a cross-section of Fas-;
cism's land, air and sea forces. It;
showed ambassadors and military at-
taches of many foreign countries the
Nation's equipment in men and war1
While Il Duce talked of war, the;
king spent his birthday quietly at;
San Rossore, in his country palace,
near Pisa. Crown Prince Umberto;
had a similar but smaller review in
i ! i
Statistics Indicate
Altitude Reached
In Balloon Flight
RAPID CITY, S. D., Nov. 11. - (A )
-These records give an idea of
the altitude -approximately 74,000
feet -reported reached today by
Capt. Albert W. Stephens and Capt.
Orville A. Anderson.
Official balloon altitude record -
61,237 feet, Lieut. Commander P. G.
W. Settle, and Maj. Chester Fordney,
Nov. 20, 1933.
Unofficial balloon altitude record-
72,000 feet, three Russian balloonists
killed when gondola crashed in des-
cent, Jan. 30, 1934.
Airplane altitude record -47,352
feet, Comm. Denato Donati, Italy,
April 11, 1934.
Highest mountain (Mt. Everest) -
29,141 feet.
Highest cirrus clouds--40,000 feet
( approximated).
Greatest ocean depths so far meas-
ured-35,400 feet.
Deepest dive made by man in sea-
3,022 feet, Dr. Wm. Beebe and Otis
Barton in the Bathysphere, Aug. 15,
1 1934.
Bottom of stratosphere (above U.
S.) - about seven miles, about 36,-
960 feet.
Top of stratosphere (estimated)
About 30 miles above the earth.
Weaver Urges
Searching For
Facts Of Issue
Permanent Peace Council
Formed In Furtherance
Of Cause On Campus
A plea for sane and intelligent ac-
tion, and a departure from emotion-
alism, was made by Prof. Bennett
Weaver of the English department in
the opening talk of the peace sym-
posium held at 4:15 p.m. yesterday
in the Congregational Church.
Miss Margaret Norton, chairman
of the meeting, announced the in-
auguration of a permanent' t nfve.
sity Peace Council, which intends to
convene at regular intervals through-
out the year in the hope of further-
ing the cause of peace on the campus
Winifred Bell, '36, Prof. I. F. Sharf-
man of the economics department
and Mennon Williams, '36L, followed
Professor Weaver on the program.
Professor Weaver urged students to
search for the facts behind various
war and patriotic movements. He
cited data showing that United States
exports to the allied nations were at a
new high level during the period just
prior to America's entrance into the
World War, while exports to the pow-,
ers of central Europe were practically
Other indicting facts were brought
out to show that the United States
did not enter the last war to make
"the world safe for democracy but
rather to safeguard our economic in-
Professor Weaver mentioned sta-
tistics regarding American present
exporting activities. Despite theE
President's embargo, United States
exports in all commodities other than
actual fighting implements to Italy
have increased tremendously in the
last few months. Professor Weaver
again told the students of their re-
sponsibility of looking for the facts
on a rational basis. "Emotionalism
becomes a severe menace to peace,"
he said.
Winifred Bell, '36, mentioned the
apparent paradox that exists in the
minds of most people today - that of
condemning and at the same time
supporting war.
"We are not, in combating war,1
(Continueci on Page 2)
Start Vote
All Elections Will Be Held
As Originally Scheduled,
Dixon Announces
Abandon Long Wait
For Late Directory
Senior Nominations Must
Be Reported By 6 P.M.
Today In Union
Senior class elections will be held
as scheduled tomorrow and Thurs-
day, it was announced last night by
William R. Dixon, '36, president of
the Men's Council.
All parties whose electorate votes
tomorrow must have full nomination
lists registered at the main desk of
the Union by 6 p.m. today, Dixon said.
The following election schedule will
be followed:
Literary college -3 p.m. to 5:30
?.m. tomorrow in Room 25, Angell
Engineering college - 4:15 p.m. to
5:30 p.m. tomorrow in Room 848 West
Engineering Building.
Business Administration school-2
p.m. to 3 p.m. in Room 108 Tappan
Forestry school, music school, and
architecture college elections will be
held at times to be announced in to-
morrow's Daily.
Although the long-awaited Student
Directory is expected to put in an
appearance tomorrow morning, the
voters will be checked from class
rolls if the Directory publication is
again postponed, Dixon said. There-
fore it is at last certain that the elec-
tions will be held in the customary
rotation without further deferrment,
he added.
Robert Reed-Hill, '36, Theta Xi,
caucus chairman of the Fraternity -
Independent Party, a coalition of
former Washtenaw men and indepen-
dents, announced last night a dull
slate of candidates for the senior en-
gineering elections.
Included in the slate are Robert
Merrill, Phi Gamma Delta, president;
Rupert Bell, independent, vice-presi-
dent; Sheldon Drennan. Alpha Delta
Phi secretary; Howard Jackson in-
dependent, treasurer; and Robert
Warner, Trigon, engineering council
Francis Wallace, '36, president of
the Engineering Council, will be in
charge of the engineering election.
The election supervisors in the oth-
er schools and colleges, in addition to
Dixon as general chariman, include
John Strayer, '36, John McCarthy,
'36, Sanford Ladd, '37, Wencel Neu-
mann, '36E, Francis Wallace, '36E,
Richard Pollinan, '36A, Roscoe Day,
Grad., Clarence Markham, '36BAd.,
and Marshall Sleet, '36SM. All are
members of the Men's Council.
Two voting machines secured from
the Automatic Voting Machine Corp.
of Philadelphia will be used in the
ercury Falls
As New Lows
Are Predicted
With the mercury at the University
Observatory reported yesterday at a
near fall low of 36.5 degrees above
zero, rapidly falling temperatures
were predicted for today.
According to reports, the weather
today was likely to be below freezing.
Rain was held unlikely today, al-
though more is probable tomorrow,
reports said. While it was raining
hardest last night, the Observatory
showed .30 inches of precipitation for
the day, and the barometer was fall-
The high point in yesterday's tem-
perature, in the early afternoon, was
56.2 degrees above zero, the Observ-
atory reported.
Further west, wire dispatches said,
winter had set in in earnest, snow
and sleet in many places driving the
temperatures below zero. Six inches
of snow fell in Kansas, while in Ne-
braska, with two inches of snow re-
ported, the temperature was two de-
grees below zero. Moorhead, Minn.,
gave the mercury reading as eight
degrees below zero.
Dr. James A. Gunn, professor of
Understanding Of Islam Needed
To Understand Its Civilization
Prof. William H. Worrell of the
Oriental Languages and Literatures
department giving the first of a series
of lectures on Islamic civilization yes-
terday in Alumni Memorial Hall,
pointed out the importance of under-
standing the religion os Islam if one
is to understand its complex and
highly developed civilization.
"Islam," said Professor Worrell,"
is to the Islamic countries as Chris-
tianity is to the countries where its
influence has reached. It is a social
pattern of life.
"Originating in a desert land,
where frequent and drastic tempera-
ture changes are common, the re-
ligion of Islam reflects the harsh,
tense atmosphere of the country." he
must govern countries which are
without any connection to the religion
Professor Worrell pointed out that
although Islam, Christianity and Ju-
daism have much in common, Islam
has no temples or priests, emphasiz-
ing the importance of the direct con-
nection between God and the indi-
"It is of interest to note," he said,
"that in Mohammedanism, Jesus and
Moses are both major prophets, sec-
ond in importance to Mohammed, the
founder of the religion."
Two of the outstanding differences
between Christianity and Islam, Pro-
fessor Worrell stated, are that wine
is prohibited in both secular and re-
ligious life in Islam. while it nlavs
Seriousness, Friendliness And
jollity Personifies Cossacks
The necessity of having an inter-
preter present while interviewing
Serge Jaroff, the dynamic leader of
the Don Cossacks, made a reality of
the legends built around this unique
Friendliness and jollity, combined
with the serious air of having experi-
enced bitterness intermingled with
the joy of life, personified all the men
-in none more than their spirited
leader who pleasantly and patiently
listened to questions until translated
for him.
not say this because it is you, for I
would say it to anyone, but best in
America is Ann Arbor." The shouts
and whistling of the students do not
in any way displease the artists but
only spur them on,' he said.
The singers are traveling and sing-
ing too much to have many outside
interests, but Mr. Jaroff said that his
men liked swimming and dancing
more than anything else when they
had time for them. He laughingly
added that sleep was a favorite sport
but one in which they didn't have
enough time to indulge!
Of all their songs the men like to