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November 09, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-09

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Trade Treaty .. .

Publisned 'every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: Natiohial Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York, N.Y.-400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
SPORTS EDITOR ....................WILLIAM R. REED
NIGHT EDITORhS: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey,
Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman,
Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
News Editor ........ ....Elsie A. Pierce
Editorial Writers: Robert Cummins and Marshall D. Shul-
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred
Delano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy A. Briscoe, Florence H.
Davies, Olive E. Griffith, Marion T. Holden, Lois M.
King, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
EPORTERS: E. Bryce Alpern, Joseph P. Andriola, Lester
Brauser, Arnold S. Daniels, William J. DeLancey, Roy
Haskell, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton D. Heppler, Paul Ja-
cobs, Richard LaMarca, Thomas McGuire, Joseph S.
Mattes, Arthur A. Miller, David G. Quail, Robert D.
Rogers, William E. Shackleton, Richard Sidder, I. S.
Silverman, Don Smith, William Gi. Spaller, Tuure
Tenander, Joseph Walsh, Robert Weeks.
Helen Louise Arner, Mary Campbell, Helen Douglas,
Beatrice Fisher, Mary E. Garvin, Betty J. Groomes,
Jeanne Johnson, Rosalie Kanners, Virginia Kenner,
Barbara Lovell, Marjorie Mackintosh, Louise Mars,
Roberta Jean Melin, Barbara Spencer, Betty Strick-
root, Theresa Swab, Peggy Swantz, and Elizabeth Whit-
Telephone 2-1214 '

T HE PROSPECT of a reciprocal
trade treaty between the United
States and Canada has bobbed up again with the
visit of W. L. Mackenzie King, Canada's premier, in
Dispatches say that Canada is seeking mainly
reduction in duties on agricultural products while
the United States would like to see tariffs on man-
ufactured articles lowered.
The results of lowered duties will be a reduc-
tion in the cost of living for the large mass of
people of both countries. How large this reduc-
tion would be depends, of course, upon the full-
ness of any reciprocal trade treaty which might
be adopted, yet now, more than ever, any lower-
ing in living costs should be attained if possible.
Protests there will be, of course. The Canadian
manufacturers may howl loudly and at length.
But they are a distinct minority. American wheat
growers (for Canada's largest export crop to the
United States is wheat) may set up an equally
vociferous protest. Yet even now we are importing
wheat. Further, American wheat growing is in
the hands of large land-holders to a great extent,
and, again, they are a minority.
We believe that a reciprocal trade treaty would
be of advantage to the people of both countries,
yet we hold none too sanguine hopes of its adop-
tion. In the past, the governments of both coun-
tries have heard only the voice of the minorities
in these matters.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, besregarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and toraccept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
Olympic Participation
To the Editor:
The decision of the American Amateur Athletic
Union to participate in the Olympic Games to be
held in Berlin next year is extremely gratifying
to aspiring amateur athletes in America. The
Steering Committee which directs the destinies
of sportsmanship in this country is to be highly
congratulated for its courageous stand under the
withering barrage of coercion and intimidation of
sundry spiders spinning silly and senseless boycott
webs in New York.
Amateur sportsmanship has no relationship with
internal governmental policies unless they defi-
nitely concern the welfare of amateur athletic
The spirit of competition and the desire for
physical endurance and supremacy which per-
meates the Olympian contestants cares not if a
nation sees fit to deport Communist agitators ac-
cused of undermining its government, nor is it
concerned if governments set up specific currency
export laws or order the dissolution of political
organizations which function under the guise of
"athletic ass'ns."
If racial, religious or political friction actually
exist, as so thoroughly promulgated by the press'
and radio, the very spirit of the Olympic games
decrees that hostilities cease during the progress
of the games. Forty-eight other nations know this
fact, but cliques in New York and New Jersey have
never heard of this phase and probably know even
less of other traditions of the sport classic of the
-Alois Heeg.

The Conning Tower
AS A SWORDSMAN Charles d'Artagnan
Was a suitable companion
To the friends he made in Paris at the house of
De Treville,
Musketeers and tried retainers
Of the King, these old campaigners,
Athos, Porthos, Aramis, hard as iron, tried as steel.
Soon they found they had to handle
An inchoate royal scandal,
For the Queen had found a soul-mate in the Duke
of Buckingham,
And he used to come and see her
By the doorway in the rear
Of the Louvre, the royal mansion, when he got a
If I went to live in Paris
I am sure it would embarass
Me to dwell with Mona Lisa in the galleries of
the Louvre.
For to watch that simle suggestive
All the day would make me restive,
And a modest man like me I'm sure would soon
pack tip and move.
So perhaps the smile I mention
So attracts the King's attention
That he doesn't see what's going on right under-
neath his nose.
But the Cardinal, that foxy
Old De Richelieu is his proxy,
In this matter, and he watches every one that
comes and goes.
Now, to prove to royal Louis
That his wife had been untrue, he
Suggests to him it would be nice to give a fancy
And that Anne should be requested
And compelled, if she protested,
To wear a set of diamond studs he'd given her
last Fall.
There's a catch in this suggestion
Raising quite a nasty question,
And it scares her, for she's given all those bits
of ice to Buck.
And, as he's across the Channel,
It seems that no man'll
Have the time to go and get them, so the Queen
is out of luck.
And this lady's fairly frantic,
Just as if the wide Atlantic
Lay between her and the jewels she must have
by Thursday week.
So she calls upon the G-men,
Young d'Artagnan and his three men.
She'll reward them if they save her from the
vengeance Lou may wreak.
"Irrespective of the bounties
That are paid us Royal Mounties,
It's proverbial," says d'Artagnan, "that we always
get our man,
And the Queen may rest contented
That we're just as represented.
"En avant, mes braves compagnon! Vive la France
et Madame Anne!"
Now they're riding all together
Off to Calais hell-for-leather,
But the Cardinal has laid his plans to intercept
their flight.

A Washington
W ASHINGTON, Oct. 8. - (P) -
While his colleagues, Secretary
Ickes and the WPA boss, Harry Hop-
kins, were exchanging verbal brick-
bats with General Johnson . . . that
"friendly" critic of the "new deal"
and its general staff . . . Secretary
Wallace, hardly less flouted by John-
son, ignored the ex-soldier. Yet,
amusing as may be the cross-fire
between Ickes and Johnson with such
phrases as "mental saddle sores" be-
ing bandied about, what Wallace had
to say on a farm forum broadcast has
much more pith in it.
Against Johnson's sarcastic dis-
missal of Wallace as a mere cabinet
window dressing of Tugwellian ideas,
the secretary popped out a vigorous
warning to farmers against a farm
land price "boom." He held that such
a boom prior to 1920 had about as
much to do with the great depression
as the stock speculation craze of
ON THE HEELS of the overwhelm-
ing farmer vote to carry on with1
the corn-hog program, Mr. Wallace
"Sometimes I think land specula-
tion is a plague more terrible than
drought, or insect pests, and almost
as bad as war itself.
"Let me say this again: No mat-
ter how good a job may be done by
the farm credit administration and
the agricultural adjustment adminis-
tration, or any other agency either
private or governmental, the value
of their work can be lost within a
very few years if farm land prices go
beyond a certain point."
Just by way of a glimpse of how
seriously he regards this farm land
price stabilization problem, Mr. Wal-
lace put out feelers as to what "safe-
guards" against a farm land boom
might be possible. He suggested, for
discussion only, perhaps the most
novel form of regimentation yet
talked about, "a direct limitation on
the advance in land values," or, as
an "indirect" alternative, that "pos-
sibly farm people should think about
. a special amendment to the in-
come tax laws in order to put into
the Federal treasury virtually all the
profits from land bought between
1930 and 1936 say, and sold between
1936 and 1945."
R. WALLACE added that "so far
as I know no one has thought
through a proposal of this sort care-
fully, but I should like to see it and
other suggestions discussed . .. Cer-
tainly it is high time farmers were
beginning to g u a r d themselves
against the delusions which so rapid-
ly come when farm land starts boom-
Leaving aside any "discussion" of
this or any other suggested way of
pegging farm land prices against a
boom - and Mr. Wallace is reason-
ably sure to hear a great deal of
"discussion" from administration foes
as the campaign goes along - the
strategy of replying to Johnson with
epithets, a la Ickes or Harry Hop-
kins, or of meeting his charge of no
administration attack as yet on the
"basic" problems of the farms by
virtually predicting - anddeprecat-
ing- a farm land boom, is interest-

DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS: Local advertising, William
Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Con-
tracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth;
Circulation and National Advertising, John Park;
Classified Advertising and Publications, Lyman Bitt-
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Charles W. Barkdull, D. G. Bron-
son, Lewis E. Bulkeley, Richard L. Croushore, Herbert D.
Falender, Jack R. Gustafson, Ernest A. Jones, William C.4
Knecht William C. McHenry, John F. McLean, Jr., Law-'
rence M. Roth, John D. Staple, Lawrence A. Starsky,
Norman B. Steinberg, Donald Wilsher.
WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betsy Baxter, Margaret
Bentley, Adelaine Cailery, Elizabeth Davy, Catherine
Fecheimer, Vera Gray, Martha Hanky, Mary McCord,
Helen Nebere, Dorothy Novy, Adele Polier, Helen Purdy,
Virginia Snell.
Sheila Burgher, Nancy Cassidy, Ruth Clark, Phyllis
Eiseman, Jean Keinath, Dorothy Ray, Alice Stebbins,
Peg Lou White.
Train Parole
Co missioners . .
cry that has been raised against
the parole system, the proposal voiced by Prof.
Arthur E. Wood of the sociology department
in his speech before the 65th annual meeting of
the American Prison Association last week in
Georgia points the way to a sober, far-sighted
attitude toward the problem.
Professor Wood, rather than advocate the com-
plete abolition of the parole system, urges that
the present slipshod machinery be improved by
providing that parole commissioners be equipped
for their positions by a special college education.
This suggestion is in favorable contrast to the
blatant attacks on the entire philosophy of paroles
which follow every major instance of the failure
of a paroled criminal to trod the straight and
narrow path.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

VOL. XLVI No. 34
Notices F
To the Members of the University
ouncil: The next meeting of the
"ouncil will be held Monday, Novem-
er 11, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1009 AE
4ngell Hall.m L
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.
Sophomore Counselors have the
ollowing office hours in Room 9, Uni-
'ersity Hall:
Monday, 1:30 to 2:30.
Tuesday, 1:30 to 3:30. s:
Wednesday, 9:00 to 11:00. B:
Thursday, 1:30 to 3:30.
Friday, 1:30 to 2:30. 2s
Students are invited to consult the
counselors especially on matters con-
erning their academic work. The
Luestion of selecting a field of con-
:entration should now be given care- L
ul consideraton. v
Notice: Palms, ferns and flowers a
for campus use. Palms, ferns, other S
lecorative plants and cut flowers for m
he use of the campus are provided a
by the Botanical Gardens to the ex-
tent that the limited greenhouse
pace permits. Other demands on the
greenhouses prevent the production
of enough ornamental plants to sup- '
ply all the demands. Many requests R
therefore have to be refused. In order N
to save the plants for the more ap- r
propriate occasions, it is necessary to C
adhere closely to the rule that they
cannot be supplied for purely social
gatherings of the faculty or students, U
for private offices on the campus, ora
for student activities except under t
the conditons defined below.
An attempt is always made to pro-
vide as well as possible for official t
events; for meetings at which some b
group or organization of University(
officials, faculty members, or students a
represents the University as host to c
a University guest or visiting organi-
zation, or is performing some other
direct service to the University, such E
as raising funds for one of its ap- E
proved projects; for student events ofe
an educational nature; for public en- i
tertainments for which no admissionC
is charged; and for the various li- N
braries and administrative offices. b
Officers in charge of general offices,s
libraries, etc., are invited to ask forS
whatever decorative plants may be
necessary. Plants which become pot-
bound may be sent at any time to the
Botanical Gardens for repotting. To
insure the return of the plant to the
office from which it was sent, it is
quite necessary to attach to it securely
a label gving the name and room
number of the sender.
Because of the considerable cost of
pots, and the fact that in past yearsn
so few of them have been returned 1
to the Botanical Gardens ;when thet
plants they contained have died,
many flowering plants which mighta
have been used in campus buildings
have lately been kept in the green-t
houses and their flowers only used.
The return of pots encourages theI
sending out of plants.
Requests for the use of plants and
flowers should be made directly to1
Frieda C. Blanchard, Assistant Di-a
rector, preferably by telephone.
Academic Notices t
Psychology 115. The class will meet
today at 2 p.m. in Alumni Memorial
Electrical Engineering 11: The class<
will meet at the University power
House at 1:10 p.m. Saturday, Novem-
ber 9, for inspection of this station
and Argo hydro-electric plant.
Mathematics 36. Dr. Hopkins' sec-
tion. The quiz will be held in Room
201 South Wing at 9 o'clock.
Education D101, D102, D203, and1
D202: Beginning Monday, November1
11, I shall meet my classes regularly.1
F. D. Curtis.1

University Lecture: Dr. James A.
Gunn, M. A., M. D., D. S C, F. R. C. P.,
Professor of Pharmacology and Di-
rector of the Nuffield Institute of
Medical Research of Oxford Universi-
ty, England, will speak on the subject
"Medical Education and Practice" at
4:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 12, in
the Natural Science Auditorium. The
public is cordially invited.
Don Cossack Program. The Don
Cossack Russian Male Chorus, Serge
Jaroff, conductor, will be heard in
the third Choral Union concert Mon-
day evening, November 11,. 8:15
o'clock in Hill Auditorium. The con-
cert-going public. is respectfully urged
to come sufficiently early as to be
seated on time, since the doors will be
closed during numbers. Holders of
season tickets are also respectfully
requested to detach coupon number 3
and present for admission, instead of
bringing the entire ticket. Those
leaving the Auditorium during inter-
mission will be required to present
their ticket stubs for readmission. The
program is as follows:
r+ a t_0+110li1 nf

And ere long a perfect stranger
Puts their enterprise in danger
By insulting gallant Porthos as he
Then an ambuscade at Beauvals

has stay and

ong of the Indian Host from the
Opera "Sadko". ...............
rom "The Invisible Town Kitesh
and the Maid Fevronia"......
.......... Rimsky-Korsakoff
(Arr. for Male Chorus by Jaroff) . .
n Old Polka . . . Arr. by Dobrowen
ezginka .................Schvedoff
wo Don Cossack Songs ..........
...................Arr. by S. Jaroff
Ann Arbor Art Association an-
ounces an exhibition of paintings by
ix French Artists, Matisse, Picasso,
raque, Laurencin, Leger and Mas-
on. November 6 through November
4, Alumni Memorial Hall.
Events Of Today
Graduate Outing Club will meet at
ane Hall, 3:00 p.m., to go to the Wol-
erine Day Camp. There will be
iking and games in the afternoon
nd a program indoors in the evening.
upper will be served for approxi-
mately 35 cents. All graduate students
re cordially invited to attend.
Coming Events
Psychology Journal Club will meet
Tuesday, November 12, 8:15 p.m.,
Room 3126 Natural Science Building.
Airs. Johnson and Miss Springer will
eview recent Comparative Psychol-
gy Monographs.
Scalp and Blade meeting at the
Union, Sunday, 5 p.m. All members
re requested to be present. Room
o be posted.
All Chinese Students: A group pic-
ure of all the Chinese students is to
e taken for the Michigan Ensian
(Year Book), at two o'clock, Sunday
afternoon, November 10, at Rentsch-
eer's Studio, 319 E. Huron.
Genesee Club: The following men:
Bartholomew, Dipple, Goda, Huff,
Karle, Kingsley, Mayne, and Schwad-
er, will be initiated at the annual
nitiation meeting of the Genesee
Club to be held at the Union, Sunday
November 10, 4:30. The meeting will
be followed by a dinner and the
speaker for the evening will be Prof.
The Book Shelf and Stage Section
of the Faculty Women's Club will
meet Tuesday afternoon, November
12, at 2:45.at the home of Mrs. Franc-
is E. Ross, 3104 Platte Boulevard,
Michigan Dames Tour Group will
meet Monday, Nov. 11, 8:15 p.m., in
the lobby of the Michigan League.
The group will be conducted through
the E. Medical Building. All Dames
are invited to attend.
The Interior Decoration group of
the Faculty Women's Club will meet
on Monday, at 2 p.m., Michigan
Harris Hall: There will be the regu-
lar student meeting Sunday evening
at 7 o'clock in Harris Hall. The Rev-
erend Frederick W. Leech will be the
speaker. All Episcopal students and
their friends are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are: 8:00
a.m., Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m.,
Church School; 11:00 a.m., Kinder-
garten; 11:00 a.m., Special Armistice
Day Service, Morning Prayer and
Sermon by the Reverend Henry Lew-
is. Members of the University R. .
T. C. and the Army and Navy Club
will take part in the service.
Congregational Church, Sunday.
10:30, Service of Worship and Re-
ligious Education. Sermon by Mr.
Heaps on "Let Us Have Peace," fol-
lowed by a plebiscite on war and
peace. Lecture by Prof. Albert Hyma
on "Erasmus, Champion of Enlight-

6:00, Student Fellowship. Follow-
ing a light supper there will be a
round table discussion and plebiscite
on "War and Peace."
First Presbyterian Church, Sunday.
9:45 a.m., Prof. Howard McClusky
will begin a series of three discussions
for succeeding Sundays upon the
theme "Getting Personal Help From
10:45 Dr. Lemon will preach: "We
Know the Unknown Soldier."
5:30, Student Fellowship Hour at
the Masonic Temple.
6:30, Prof. Preston Slosson will
speak on "The Meaning of Armistice."
Presbyterian Student Men who are
in the University for for their first
year are invited to the home of Nor-
man W. Kunkel, 1417 South Universi-
ty, at the corner of Elm, next Thurs-
day night, Nov. 14 at 9 o'clock for a
Fireside forum.
First Baptist Church: Sunday.
10:45 Dr. Frank W. Padelford of Bos-
ton will speak. Dr. Padelford is sec-
retary of the Baptist Board of Educa-
tion. 7:00 p.m. Young people of high
school age will meet Dr. Padelford
for questions and conference on the
1., f htr-ororz a.-inn an h* t

As Others See It
Vocational Guidance
(From the Daily Northwestern)
THE PERSONNEL department as well as the
students interested in vocational guidance
have hit a snag in their effort to obtain some sys-
tem of assistance for students who are unable to
solve their vocational problems. There exists a
somewhat general opinion that there is a definite
need for such cooperation of the University with
undergraduates, but seemingly, no one knows just
where and how to start the system.
Prof. Arthur Todd sent the previous editorials i
which appeared in the Daily concerning vocational
guidance to his brother, John M. Brewer, Associate
Professor of Education and head of the Vocational
Guidance bureau of the Harvard Graduate School
of Education. The letter which Prof. Brewer re-
turned to his brother discussing the problem at
Northwestern offers definite suggestions for such
an organization.
"My study of vocational guidance," Prof. Brewer
stated, "leads me to think that it can't be done
short of three separate agencies: first, a counselor
who will meet with and test individuals, or use
test results furnished by the psychology depart-
ment; second, a class for the opening up with the
students of the problem of vocational life, taught
not alone from the individual viewpoint but from
the social as well; and third, an opportunity for
students to try out their interests and abilities in
some way, either through part-time work, vaca-
tion work, or first-hand observation arranged
through the counsellor's office."
This letter offers to those at Northwestern in-
terested in obtaining a vocational guidance de-
partment, a very definite program to work toward.
It comes from a man who has had practical ex-
perience in the development of such a department.
It is, in fact, a challenge to those who say that
vocational guidance is desirable but too difficult
to organize and manage properly. It is a chal-
lenge to do something, instead of sitting placidly
by and watching students struggle with problems

Gives the rest un quart d'heure mauvals.
With a bullet in his shoulder Aramis is overthrown.
Now is Athos apprehended
By some rascals, who pretended
That he passed some phony nickels. And d'Artag-
nan rides alone.
In due course he reaches Calais,
Where he finds a single galley,
That.was chartered by a gentleman, now lying
in the slip.
"Sir, I hope you won't be irate,
But I'm Captain Kidd, the pirate,"
Says d'Artagnan. "I'm about to confiscate your
little ship.
And your passport, if you please, sir,
'Twill be useful now for me, sir."
"Why should I give up my ship to you?" the
gentleman replies.
"Sir, the answer to that riddle
Is my rapier through your middle,"
Says d'Artagnan. So they fight and soon our
hero takes the prize.

Parole boards consisting of specially educated
men have been established in only two or three
states of the Union to date. In most states, in-
cluding Michigan, there is no qualification re-
quirement whatsoever for these positions. This
state has a loose arrangement whereby there is a
central parole commissioner and many untrained
appointees doing the actual parole work in the
various sections of the state. These appointees
are not chosen by the commissioner, but rather
by the governor, resulting in a completely un-
coordinated administration.
Professor Wood also commendably urged parole
improvement by providing permanent, well-paid,
civil-service positions for parole work, efforts
on the part of prisons to alter the attitudes of the
inmates, more centralized and efficient parole ad-
ministrative set-up, and care in selecting the
right persons for parole at the right time.
The principle of parole is not inherently faulty.
There is justification for a policy by which society
can recognize that one of its erring members
has been sufficiently chastened to alter his ways.

With the little fracas over
He is soon en route for Dover,
Though the Captain says the crossing
he ever had.
So at last he reaches London,
But it seems that he is undone,
For two studs are missing from the s
is just too bad!
It is plain the Card's conspired
With a certain dame he's hired
To pinch a couple, so he'll catch t
a trap.
Now the matter's up to Bucky.
If he'd save his darling ducky
And not run out on the lady and 1
take the rap.

is the worst
et, and that
the lover in

"The Informer," conceived and
produced in America and presenting
in the title role Victor McLaglen,
whom we are wont to consider as
home talent despite the fact that
he served in the British Navy, is sub-
stantially a refutation of those mem-
bers of the booboisie who believe that
no cinema essentially indigenous to
this country can be worth-while.
Those who have seen any or all of
the Art Cinema League's remarkable
succession of expertly contrived for-
eign pictures - "Poil de Carotte,"
"The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari," "Un-
finished Symphony," or "Ten Days
That Shook the World"-may be
pardoned for thinking that "The In-
former" would call for doubtful shak-
ing of their heads. But such is, em-
phatically, not the case.
At this pretense we will promptly
drop all pretense at a scholarly edu-
cation of the Art Cinema League's
current offering and remark, with
some trepidation, that it is nothing
less than a knockout. It outranks the
League's foreign presentations at the
Mendelssohn. Its photography is far
superior to that offered by the Con-
tinent, its "action" is rough, fast,
and continuous, the portrayals by
McLaglen in particular and by the
other principals are calculated to de-
velop a consistent high tension among
the members of the audience, and if
you think the young lady whom you
take won't clutch at your arm or bite
her fingernails an even dozen times,
that's where you miss your guess.
All this isn't very intellectual, in-
deed. For those who can forsake the
highly dramatic elements of this tale

leave her to
talent could

So he calls a clever artist,
And he bids him make the smartest
Imitation of the missing studs his

This was done to admiration,
Such a clever imitation
That they could not be detected by the smartest
man alive.
So the Queen was at the soiree,
Looking very bright and starry,
With a dozen diamond buckles gleaming on her
fancy dress.
Thus the Cardinal was cheated
A" hic rfln rlfcnpr

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