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November 09, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-09

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The Weather
Rain or snow in north; gen-
erally fair in extreme south,
rising temperatures.





Train Parole Commissioners
The Canadian Trade Treaty


- '* r. - --


Aviator Is
Still Lost

Cjo-eds Spirit Away
Dean of Students
To Get Book Relief


1935 Report

CHICKASHA, Okla., Nov. 8. - (9
O n' - r. Howard Taylor, dean of th(
O ean Oklahoma College for Women wa
kidnaped" before dawn today b:
four pretty students clamoring for
holiday, and capitulated with a smil(
Kingsford-Smith Missing after being bound and gagged in the
After Flyers Search Baycuty
Bay "In view of the fact that I was pre-
Of Bengal sented with a big red apple witha
green ribbon tied around it, and re-

Royal Airmen Are
Ready For Actior
Flying Boats Return Afte
Futile Flight To Locat
Missing Flyer
MENT, Nov. 9.-(P)-Two Royal Ai
Force Flying boats returned today
from a dawn flight over the Bay o
Bengal and Coastal jungle island t(
report they had found no trace of Si
Charles Kingsford Smith, missing fo
36 hours on a record flight from Eng
land to Australia.
C. James Melrose, the airman wh
last saw the famous flyer and his
companion, Tom Pethybridge, bat-
tling a monsoon over the Bay of
Bengal, joined the search.
A squadron of bombing planes was
standing by raidy to aid if necessary
SINGAPORE, Straits Settlements
Nov. 8. -(P)- Anxiety deepened to-
night for the safety of Sir Charles
Kingsford-Smith, noted Australian
pilot, unreported for more than 24
hours and last seen battling a mon-
soon over the Bay of Bengal.
Royal Air Force squadrons made
ready to hop at dawn to scour the Bay
of Bengal and coastal jungle islands
for Sir Charles and his companion,
Tom Pethybridge, also an Australian.
They were attempting to break the
flight record from. England to Aus-
Hours passed without word from
the famed distance pilot, whose
monoplane was equipped with a wire-
Ships at sea had been warned to
keep a sharp lookout. Aviation offi-
cials here pointed out-that if Kings-
ford-Smith landed in water without
crashing he might be able to lighten
his plane sufficiently to remain afloat
for at least two days.
C. James Melrose, who was flying
from England to Australia, said he
had flown above Kingsford-Smith's
plane over the Bay of Bengal. .
The Exchange Telegraph corre-
spondent at Singapore reported to
London that Melrose said Kingsford-
Smith and Pethybridge were battling
a raging monsoon.
Flames appeared to be shooting
from the exhaust of the ship, the cor-
respondent reported. Kingsford-
Smith's plane was said to have been
flying about 150 miles from shore and
at an altitude of 200 feet.
Sir Charles left Lymphne, Eng-
land, -Wednesday in an attempt to
regain speed records for the distance)
long held by him.
Fifty Persons
Killed In Amba
Alaji Air Raid
Makale Seized By Italian
Unit In Shotless Drive;'
Push On To Lake Tuna
AT AGULA, Tuesday, Nov. 5. - (By
Courier, Delayed) - (P) - Natives in
this region said today 50 persons had
been killed by aerial bombardment at
Amba Alaji, about 50 miles south of
They said this mountain strong-
hold was garrisoned with between 5,-
000 and 6,000 soldiers under Fritau-
rari Glmassu and that it was per-
haps here that the first real opposi-
tion to the Italian advance would be
MAKALE, Ethiopia, Nov. 8. - (A) -
Italy's legions took Makale in their

nmartial stride today and pushed on
south and west to rake deep into the
rugged approaches to Lake Tana -
lifeblood of the British Sudan - 150
miles southwest of Makale.
The swaggering traitor, Ras Gugsa,
was left to celebrate the shotless cap-
ture of Makale and receive the plau-
dits of his subjects. Gugso had
strutted first into the town with his
own warriors, at the head of the

stored to my ofmce with dignity, n
disciplinary action is being consid-
ered," Dean Taylor said.
Cl "As a matter of fact, I enjoyed the

ride very much." f
What the students wanted, an
r got, was a day's relief from books t
e observe the annual inter-class con
tests between the freshmen and soph
r Peace Rally
O Draws 1,600
-r In Chicago
o Prof. Emeritus Of Chicag
s University Is Speaker A
f Anti-War Meeting
s CHICAGO, Nov. 8.- (P) -Students
of a number of colleges today shoutec
"Down with war" in peace demon-
strations intended to be nationwide
on the campuses of the country.
Boston police estimated at 1,600
persons a crowd which heard student
speakers on the commons urge "mob-
ilization for peace."
In New York Dr. Frederick B. Rob-
inson, president of the College of the
City of New York was booed when
he called "unconstitutional and il-
legal" a pledge not to "fight for my
country in any war." The pledge
was thunderously approved by 2,500
students at the gathering. Demon-
strations for peace were also held in
the eastern metropolis at Columbia
University, New York University, and
other schools.
The National Student Federation
estimated 18,850 students participat-
ed in NewYork anti-war meetings.
Addressing Columbia students,
Dean Herbert E. Hawkes called the
peace movement "an opiate which
dulls the pain rather than a cure
which removes the cause."
Andrew McLaughlin, professor-
emeritus \of history told 1,000 stu-
dents assembled at the University of
"We must hope for a world whose
disputes can be settled without blood-
shed if America is to maintain democ-
At that gathering Dean Gerald
W. Gilkey recalled that 5,000 Univer-
sity of Chicago men fought in the
World War, 68 of them losing their
Posters warning against the United
States entering into another Euro-
pean war were displayed on the
quadrangle of Washington University,
St. Louis.
Handbills ridiculing the peace
meeting of the University of Minne-
sota were distributed about the cam-
pus before it convened. They car-
ried no indication of their source.
Rockford College, Rockford, Ill.,
and a number of other midwestern
schools heard speakers denouncing
war as a crime against womanhood,
democracy and civilization.
A number of other schools arranged I
for their peace meetings to be held
Monday, Armistice Day.
Organizations urging the demon-
strations included the National Fed-
eration of Amercia, Young Men's
Christian Association, Young Wom-
ens Christian Association, National
Student Council, Student League for
Industrial Democracy, National Stu-
dent League Committee on Militar-
ism in Education, American League
Against War and Fascism, Intersem-
inary Movement, American Youth
Congress, and Intercollegiate Council.
To Distribute
NYA C hecks
National Youth Administration

checks totalling $13,676 will be issued{
today to approximately 1,00 Univer-
sity students.
This is the first NYA payment of'
the school year, Harold S. Anderson,
cost accountant of the buildings and'
grounds department, pointed out. It'
,ill eowrk wnvr Q r dui ng Onn ,

On Finances
Is Released
a Robbins' Report Shows
e Rise Of $2,480,534 In
University Assets
a Fines On Library
Books Are $2.000,
University Property Value
1 Is Over $55,000,000;
State Gives 49,
Total assets of the University as
estimated in the annual financial re-
port for the school year ending June
30, 1935, are $55,083,306.86, showing
an increase in value of $2,480,534.39
over the assets as estimated in June
30, 1934.
The complete financial report was
released today by Dr. Frank E. Rob-
bins, assistant to the president. The
increase in the assets was due pri-
marily to the inclusion of the trust
funds into the assets for the first
This was done to follow more close-
ly the report of the National Com-
mittee on Standard Reports for In-
stitutions of Higher Education which
was organized several years ago on
the initiative of the United States
Department of Education.
Operating Income
Of the current or operating income
of the University, the report shows,

(Copyrighted, 1935. by Associated Press)
HAVANA, Nov. 8.-An unimpeach-
able source disclosed tonight that a
"master plot" to assasinate Jefferson
Caffery, United States Ambassador
to Cuba, had been thwarted by in-,
telligence operatives of the Cuban
army on the eve of its execution.
Reliable sources said army officials
were convinced the plot was nipped
with the recent arrest of Cesar Zilar,
leader of the Confederation of Lab-
Also scheduled for death, army ag-
ents said they learned, was Tetin
Rizero, director of a newspaper.
Admission Suit
Inactive; Writs
Still Unserved
President To Return From
Nebraska Tomorrow; To'
Serve Papers Soon

Wolverines Fight To Maintain
Conference Leadership Against
Illini Team At Champaign Today

Faculty Members Disapprove
Use Of 'Voluntary Euthanasia

Practice Too Hazardous,
1 Says Coller; Tends To
Remove Research Spur
Voluntary euthanasia, the practice
of painlessly putting to death those
suffering from incurable diseases, met
with almost unanimous disapproval
from faculty members of the medical
and social science staffs yesterday.
Interest in the age-old medical
problem was aroused here by a Lon-
don dispatch relating the confession
of a British doctor who committed
five acts of euthanasia. Although
there has been no recent discussion
on this subject in the United States,
the problem of euthanasia has held
considerable attention in Britain for
more than three years.
Dr. Frederick A. Coller, director of
the surgery department, felt that eu-
thanasia is a problem too "dangerous
to leave to one man or a group of
men," because "there is always a
chance of diagnostic error." The
prob:,m, he thought, was one of re-

the state appropriations provide 49.81 No action was reported yesterday ugionmorals and etnics, and not
per cent when the income of the Uni- in the suit for readmission to the one of science.
versity Hospital is included in the University brought against President "Euthanasia as a law would tend
report. The student fees - that is, Ruthven and the Board of Regents by to slow up investigation and research
tuition, natriculation, and various Daniel Cohen, '37E. since the stimulus of the 'incurable
other small fees - provide 14.73 per Summonses which were reported is- disease' would no longer be as effec-
cent of the income. sued against the respondents had not tive," he said. "I feel perfectly con-
The distribution, in percentage, of been served yesterday, according to fident that we are not prepared to
the other items is as follows: federal Miss Ruth Rouse, secretary to Presi-
land grant, 43, sales and services dent Ruthven, but will probably be Election
1.66, hospital receipts, 23.88, gifts served within the next few days. AnnualEcpPthn i t
from current use, 6.49, income .from IPresident Ruthven, who is attend-
endowment, 2.04, miscellaneous, .96. ing a convention in Lincoln, Neb., Ends State Real
The current operating expenses of with Regents Junius E. Beal and1
the University totaled $7,910,581.17, Franklin M. Cook, will not return to Es a -e
.ch includes hospital receipts. The the city until tomorrow. E (t f6 M eeing
major portion of the University ex- Counsel for the respondents, ,
penses was the cost of instruction. George Burke and David M. Crowley,
Approximatelye $3,44,173.86 was ex- State attorney general, will have ap- Porter Praises Michigan
pended for instruction and research, oximately 10 days in whi to Real Estate Men; Lands
Iwhile for general administration file with Federal Judge Ernestht A.
$366,458.66 was spent.mO'Brien his answer to the charges of Their Efforts In FHA
discrimination and violation of con-
Teaching Costs Listed tractual and constitutional rights set Praise for Michigan's real estate
The College of Literature, Science forth by Cohen in a petition filed men from Louis Porter, field repre-
and the Arts spent $1,169,104.38 for before the court Thursday morning sentative of the Federal Housing Ad-
instruction while the cost of instruc- by Patrick H. O'Brien, former State ministration, and election of officers
tion in the Medical School, the next attorney general, and Nicholas V. for the coming year concluded the
most expensive, amounted to $475,- Olds, former assistant attorney gen- 25th annual convention of the Michi-
222.40. The College of Engineering eral, who are acting as counsels for gan Real Estate Association yesterday
showed an expense of $445,138.83 for Cohen at the request of the American in the Union.
instruction with equipment for this Civil Liberties Union. Officers chosen are: Louis G. Palm-
college amounting to $444,809.95. An error in naming R. Perry Shorts er, Detroit, president, succeeding
For organized engineering research respondent in the suit as a member of Leonard P. Romey; Ed. J. Baker,
more than $38,000 was spent while the Board of Regents in place of Re- Lansing, first vice-president; Carl H.
expenditures for research include gent James O. Murfin, who replaced Warden, Grand Rapids, second vice-
I work on the Middle English Diction- him more than a year ago, was to president; Arthur C. Early, Kalama-
ary, general fine arts development, have been corrected this morning. zoo, secretary; and Hugo J. Hesse,
archaeological excavations in the Attorney General Crowley, acting Detroit, treasurei.
Near East, and the Simpson Mem- as co-counsel for the University, was Real estate men have occupied key
orial Research Institute. a Regent-elect before his appoint- positions in effecting the FHA pro,-
The University's current operating ment to the State office. A successor gram, Mr. Palmer declared, and their
expenditures for the year were more has not as yet been selected by Gov. civic interest has been an important
than those of the preceding year, if Frank D. Fitzgerald. factor in successfully carrying out a
hhosalexpenitres pedince, by ~program as broad as that of the FHA.
hospital expenditures be included, by The magnitude of FHA activities,
$455,690.85. Allowances are made in TRAIN DERAILED is well indicated, he pointed out, when'
these figures for trust funds, the HOT SULPHUR SPRINGS, Colo., it is recalled that $15,000,000 was re-
same as under '"Income."A special 10-car train carrying 176 leased for its work in Michigan last
The income from students was University of Colorado football fans year. The average loan was $417, he
divided into many subdivisions. De- to Salt Lake City, jumped the tracks said.
layed registration fees alone amount- west of here tonight, piling engine Further evidence of the penetration
ed to $2,511.00, motor vehicle per- and eight cars into a heap. Several of the FHA program among American
mits brought approximately $500. of the passengers received minor in- home owners is illustrated by a sum-
( Continued on Page 6 juries. mary of its publicity activities, he de-



I face the problem at the present time,'
he concluded, "but maybe we will be
100 years from now."
Mrs. Herbert S. Mallory, director of
the University social service and col-
umnist for the Detroit News, gave her
opinion as follows: "If in the future
euthanasia became a law it would be
placing too much reliance upon the
judgment of one physician and forc-
ing too much responsibility upon the
doctor called upon to make the deci-
sion. It appears to be against the
ethics of the medical profession, a
contradiction of the ideals of doctors
who are sworn to administer to the
needs of the sick individual --- not to
destroy life.
"Both the public and the medical
profession will require considerable
re-education before the practice of
euthanasia can become a socially ac-
ceptable remedy for suffering."
The one opinion partially favorable
to euthanasia was expressed by Prof.
John F. Shepard of the psychology
department who said, "These meas-
ures seem to me very proper provided
sufficient precautions are taken to
insure against abuse of the privilege.
Such precautions would include the
affirmation of recognized authorities
in cases of painful and incurable ill-
ness, and the consent of the patient
where rational persons are con-
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director
of the Health Service, believes that
euthanasia as a law "would have to
be forced upon the physicians rather
than the physicians sponsoring it,"
and that "it would require a very
grave adjustment in the physician's
tradition - that'he is to attempt to
save the human life until the last."
"It looks very good as a theoretical
proposition," Prof. Arthur E. Wood
of the sociology department said, "but
it is fraught with grave dangers. If
it could be administered in the sound-
(Continued on Page 2)
Vandenberg To
Give Talk Here
Will Address 13th Meeting
Of University Press Club;,
Wood Will Speak Also
Detailed plans for the program of
the seventeenth annual meeting of
the University Press Club of Mich-
igan, opening Thursday, Nov. 14,
were announced yesterday by the
journalism department.
Headlined by a speech by Senator
Arthur H. Vandenberg, (Rep., Mich.)
on the question, "Can America Stay
Out of the Next War?" and including
speeches by Junius B. Wood, formerly
special correspondent of the Chicago
Daily News, and various faculty
members, the program has been ar-
ranged by Prof. John L. Brumm,
chairman of the journalism depart-
ment, and secretary of the Press Club.
More than 200 newspapermen from
throughout the State are expected to
attend the meetings of the conven-
tion, to be held Thursday, Friday,
and Saturday this week.
Registration of members will open
the convention Thursday morning,
followed by a luncheon at noon in the
Union. General sessions will begin at
1:30 p.m. with an opening address by
Prof. Shirley W. Allen of the School
of Forestry and Conservation on
Sorting and Using Our Wild Lands."
He will be followed by Prof. Pres-
ton W. Slosson of the history de-
partment, speaking on "Neutrality
and the Munitions Problem."
President Ruthven will address the
newsmen at their first banquet Thurs-
day night in the Union. His speech
will be followed by Senator Vanden-
berg's address which will be open

to the general public.
The Friday morning general session
(Continued on Page 6)

Ritchie And Johnson Will
Make First Appearances
At Starting Positions
Varsity In Perfect
Condition For Tilt
Absence Of Illinois Pivot
Man, Ranked As Best By
Zuppke, Weakens Line
CHICAGO, Nov. 8.- (Special to
The Daily) - Michigan's football
team worked out on Stagg Field here
this afternoon in preparation for its
third Big Ten encounter tomorrow
with Illinois before an Illini home-
coming crowd expected to reach 30,-
A fair sized crowd saw the Wolver-
ines go through a light passing and
kicking drill which was topped off by
a brisk signal practice.
The squad will rest tonight at the
Hotel Windemere before leaving for
Champaign at 9 a.m. tomorrow to
battle to maintain its Conference
lead. Ohio State's Buckeye eleven,
here to do battle with the Chicago
Maroons is also quartered at the
Windemere. The Buckeyes and
Minnesota are tied with the Wolver-
ines for final place in the Big Ten.
Coach Kipke and his players are
far from confident about tomorrow's
engagement with the pupils of the
wily Bob Zuppke. They expect to
see an Illini team keyed to its finest
edge despite the injury rumors which
appear to have half of the Indians on
Illini Center Out
In reality, however, the Michigan
gridders expect to see but one Illinois
man out. He is El Sayre, rated by
Zuppke as the best center in the Con-
The Michigan - Illinois football
game will be broadcast locally over
Stations WWJ and WJR. The broad-
cast will begin at 2:45 p.m. The
Northwestern-Notre Dame game will
be heard at the same time over Sta-
tion CKLW.
ference. Les Lindberg, star of the
backfield, Ken Nelson, veteran end,
and fullback John Theodorerare ex-
pected to be ready for action after
being out for sometime.
Michigan, on the other hand, ap-
pears to be in its best shape of the
season, with John Viergever, who has
been limping for several days from
a persistent thigh injury, ready to
bolster the left side of the line from
his tackle post. Chris Everhardus,
fragile running back, also appears to
be fully recovered from sundry hurts
that have bothered him for two weeks.
Kipke intends to stick to the same
lineup he has used in practice all
week, with Stan Schuman staying at
left guard and defensive center, and
Ernie Johnson and Stark Ritchie
making the first starts of their Var-
sity careers at right end and left half
Rinaldi May Push Wright
Joe Rinaldi, who has been bothered
dl season by a lingering cold, appears
to have recovered his full vigor, and
many observers are looking for fire-
works should he replace Schuman or
Harry Wright.
With Sayre out, the Illini- defense
should prove even more susceptible
than expected to the short passes of
Capt. Bill Renner, the end sweeps of
Ritchie, and the power smashes of
Cedric Sweet that proved so valuable
in the Pennsylvania victory. The ab-
sence of the Indian pivotman from
his post behind the line may be the
key to the ball game, because the at-
tack of the Zuppke eleven is expected
to prove about equal to that of the

Michigan's 100-piece R.O.T.C.
Band, quartered with the team, creat-
ed a great impression in a concert
appearance here tonight. Ohio State's
Band is also due here in the morning.
The Lineups


Scientists See And Hear What
Dog's Brain Cells Are Doing

Experiments which yield photo-
graphs of the activity of the dog's
brain cells are being carried on in
the Medical School by Dr. Robert
Gesell, head of the department of
physiology, and John W. Bricker and
Conway S. Magee, research assistants.
In Dr. Gesell's laboratories there
are fine instruments which not only
photograph the activity of the res-
piratory centers of the brain, but also
transmit through a loudspeaker, the
sounds which distinguish one nerve
center from another.
Completely anaesthetized animals
are placed on a specially constructed
"dog-board" and the brain is then
exposed. A pair of fine, needle-like
electrodes are inserted into the brain
with a mechanical manipulator which


hear various sounds

which they can identify as originating
in definite nerve centers in the brain.
When the electrodes have reached
the respiratory center, for instance'
the transmitter yields a regular beat-
ing sound which is recognized as
coming from this source because of
its incidence with breathing counts.
Were it not for the enormous am-
plification, these sounds would be
totally inaudible, but with it, a map-
ping of the approximate location of
the nerve centers is made possible,
Dr. Gesell said.
After the experimenters have
found, through sound, the location of
the desired center, they inspect the
photograph from the oscillograph,
which is a graph picture of the ac-
tivity of the nerve center.

'Glared. Newsreels concerning it have
been shown in 9,000 theaters, 45,000
radio programs have been devoted
to it, and 427,000 magazine pages
have described and discussed it, Mr.
Palmer said. ,
After pointing out that the FHA
had inaugurated both a new form
of bank loan and a new form of in-
surance, the speaker asked that the
members of the association urge the
purchase of homes by those paying
rent and having "good habits" in
their own cities.
Arthur F. Bassett, manager of the
real estate department of the Detroit
Trust Co., and J. French Paddock,
Detroit architect, spoke at the morn-
ing session of the association.
Brother Intimates
Hoover May Run
PALO ALTO. Calif., Nov. 8. -(A')-
Theodore Hoover tonight branded as
"a complete fabrication" a story in
the Globe, Ariz., Record quoting him





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