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November 05, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-05

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The Weather
Vlostly cloudy today and to-


- - .d

Sir iga

morrow, probably local snows;
rising temperatures tomorrow.


Need For A New Profession ...
The Passing Of Mr. Fuller ...




Is Mania
Da Grossa Says Orgy Of
Betting Is Due To Dope
Stories In Sport Sheets
Coaches Won't Bet
On Own Predictions
Yost Says Betting Is Very
Detrimental, Both To
Game And Student Body
Gambling on football games has
become no less than a national mania.
The hundreds of thousands of dollars
bet each Saturday on the touch-
down-makers bids fair to distract
even the professionals from their
major preiccupation - the race
But "pool" and "U Pickem" bet-
ting on amateur football contestsis
not confined merely to constant gam-
blers and accomplished touts, a sur-
vey by John da/Grossa, president of
the American Football Institute, re-
Kids of high-school age and under
are on the national sucker list of
those who try to do the impossible -
of those who try to correctly shade
the almost negligible differences in
ability of two closely-matched foot-
ball squads.
Why are the adolescents, the col-
lege students, and adults alike in-
dulging in football "picking?"
Mr. da Grossa, a former all-Amer-
ican player who should speak with
vast authority, has an answer.
Attributable To Dopesters
It is Mr. da Grossa's firm convic-
tion that the present orgy of gam-
bling on a sport that heretofore has
not come under the bane of a "tout
racket" is attributable to the pre-
:ictions and dope stories so profuse-
ly printed in the daily press before
the Saturday games. Sports writers.
coaches, and "handicappers" of all
descriptions mini eIn 1Ti&getle
pastime of figuring football game
winners, he points out.
"To check football gambling evi
at its source," Mr. de Grossa tolc
Fielding H. Yost, Director of
Intercollegiate Athletics, has
these pungent comments to make
with reference to betting on
football games:
"Betting on college athletic
contests is detrimental to the
game, to the student body, and Lo
the team.
"Betting commercializes ath-
letics and detracts from the spirit
of play.
"It breeds criticism, disloyalty
and a lack of harmony among the
various forces that make up a
"And it detracts from the
keenness of the contestants by
substituting mercenary incen-
tives for ideals.
"Sport should become, as John
Galsworthy said, 'The most sav-
ing grace in the world, with its
spirit of rules kept, and regard
forhthe adversary, whether the
fight is going for or against.'"
an audience recently, "we must put
a stop to these 'expert' pieces in the
Perhaps it is indeed true that the
doubtful prognostications advanced

by "experts" (whose percentage of
winning choices never runs higher
than about 75) have had much to d(
with inciting betting on the. colleg
teams' prowess. But some sports an-
alysts look at the problem from a
different angle.
Bound To Come
One writer in a large eastern paper
believes the betting mania was bound
to come.
"It's true that newspaper predic-
tions launch a good deal of betting,"
he states, "but you would have to
kill off football news entirely if you
wanted to make a real dent in the
betting total.
"Football is a national mania. Bet-
ting is also a national mania. The
two institutions were bound to be
joined together soon in prosperous
There you have two. slants on the
"why" of the betting. But there are
other incentives.
It looks easy to pick football game
winners. In horse-racing (with ex-
ceptions at certain tra: ks) the fa-
vorites win about 35 per cent of the
timeRv, npr ~rfn vnrvifP~ ~Rwin, 0 ht,,il

Republicans Victorious
In Rooseveltian Districts

Detroit Favors 2 A.M. Liquor Closing,
Reelects Incumbents; O.K. Allen Quits
C Senate Race; New Jersey G.O.P. Leads
ALBANY, N. Y., Nov. 5.-- (AP) - The electorate of President
Roosevelt's home state turned decisively against New Deal forces today in
the state-wide assembly election.'
On the basis of returns from 132 of 150 districts, Republicans had re-
captured all of the critical 1936 seats in the larger house of the New York
legislature. Democrats controlled the assembly in 1935 for the first time
in 22 years.
The New York senate, now Democratic, does not elect until next year.
Senators are chosen for the two-year term, assemblymen for one year.
The G.O.P. ousted Democrats from three seats in Erie County, three
in Monroe, one in Greene, and one in Rensselaer, in upstate New York.
The trend in other sections appears to be normal, and if it continues
so, the Republicans will have at least 81 seats in the 1936 assembly, a
working majority of five. The count in the present house is Democrat
77, Republican 73.
Republican State Chairman Melvin C. Eaton hailed the results as
eclearly showing a trend away from the New Deal."
"The assembly was recaptured by the Republican Party despite the
efforts of the New Deal administration and the Democratic State Com-
mittee to halt the Republican tide through the use of patronage and
money," he said.
Postmaster General James A. Farley, state and national Democratic
chairman, refrained from comment, but Assembly Speaker Erwin Speingut
telephoned his congratulations to G.O.P. assembly leaders.
DETROIT, Nov. 5. - (AP) - Returns from 600 of Detroit's 909
precincts tonight virtually assured re-election of all incumbent officials.,
A sweeping informal vote of approval also was recorded for the 2 a.m.
closing hour in Detroit for establishments selling liquor.
Mayor Frank Couzens had a majority over his opponent, Joseph
Schemanske, former member of the 42-man council, which at midnight
approached 6 to 1.
The vote for mayor from 600 precincts showed: Couzens 82,262
Schemanske 18,294.
The informal vote on the closing hour question was: In favor of 2 a.m.
closing 67,380, against 34,118.1
City Clerk: Richard W. Reading, incumbent 84,076, Bowen R. Grover,r
For treasurer: Elbert E. Cobo, incumbent 69,509, George W. Wagner,
NEWARK, N. J., Nov. 5. - (AP) - New Jersey Republicans who
said the state off-year elections would be the first test of the New Deal's
strength, led in most of the legislative contests tonight.
Outside the Democratic strongholds of Hudson and Middlesex
ounties the Republicans had the edge.Hudson as usual went overwhelm.
ingly Democratic, and Mayor Frank Hague of Jersey City, Democratic.
state leader, interpreted the 84,000 majority, a new high, to be "a vindi-
cation of the New Deal."
The Republicans, who controlled the 1935 assembly by only three
votes, hope to increase their majority by some four to seven votes.7
An increased Republican majority in the Senate was also indicated.t
With eight holdover senators, the Republicans needed to win three of
the eight contests, but their candidates were leading in seven counties.
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 6. - (Wednesday) - (AP) --Climaxing
:he most terrific campaign Philadelphia has seen in years, Davis Wilson
was elected mayor in Tuesday's election, on the basis of incomplete re-
urns keeping the city in the Republican column, where it has been in
mayoralty fights for half a century.
The victory of the Republican canlidate was conceded early today by
John B. Kelly, democratic nominee, on the basis of returns from 1,029 of'
he city's 1,285 election districts, which gave Wilson a majority of more
than 38,113.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. 5. - (AP) - Reports from more than
hree-fourths of Kentucky's 100 counties tonight indicated that approxi-t
nately 1,100,000 voters - largest turnout in the state's history - decidedt
he heated gubernatorial contest between A. B. "Happy" Chandler,c
Democrat, and King Swope, Republican. Two men were killed and two
others wounded in shootings and cutting affrays.
The voters' verdict will not be known until later in the week. Undert
Kentucky's delayed count law, intended to prevent fraud, the metal ballott
boxes, each padlocked with four different locks, were under guard in 119t
zourthouses and one armory tonight pending, the start of the tabulation;
at 10 a.m. (C.S.T.) tomorrow.
BATON ROUGE, Nov. 5 - (AP) - Governor O.K. Allen oft
Louisiana tonight withdrew from the race for the United States Senatet
seat left vacant by the assassination of Senator Huey P. Long.r
It was understood he would set a special election date tomorrow to
fill the unexpired portion of the term.
Villard Criticizes Americanx

Press For Reactionary Trend

Heavy Rains'
Stop Fascists'
Prevents Attack On City Of
Makale; Italians Make
Plans To Build Roads
Ethiopia's Traitor
Precedes Advance
Duce, British Ambassador
Hold Talk In Attempt To
Relieve Tension
(By The Associated Press)
Nature, the only formidable ob-
stacle Italy has yet encountered in
its military campaign to conquer
Ethiopia, came again to the aid Tues-
day of Emperor Haile Selassie.
Heavy rains forced a temporary
two-day halt of the huge Fascist push
toward the strategic city of Makale.
Italy's high command, however,
planned to make good use of this
respite in the mud and slush. The
four columns of the army of more
than 125,000 will be brought into
proper algnment and roads complet-
ed to enable the bringing up of sup-
If the Ethiopians intend to fight for
Makale, they have given little indica-
tion of it.
Fascist scouts who flew over the
town brought back word that the
warriors apparently had evacuated.
White flags of submission were flying,
they said. Makale, in northeast
Ethiopia, lies on a rich plain and is
a caravan center.
Ethiopia's traitor Degiac Gugsa, a
son-in-law of Emperor Haile Selas-
sie, is commanding a group of na-
tives under the Fascist flag which
is well in advance of the other troops.
He expects to march into Makale1
Thursday, a day ahead of the other
Italian soldiers.1
A new effort to relieve Anglo-Ital-
ian tension began in Rome.1
Benito Mussolini and Sir Eric1
Drummond, Britain's busy ambas-
sador, held another talk. Officially
it was announced the subject was
British battleships in the Mediterran-
ean rndFascist troops in Libya, on
the border of Egypt.
Well-informed sources expressed;
the belief that I Duce had promised
to bring back a second division fromi
Libya, and that Britain had promised1
to recall at least part of her fleet.
Beer Ordinance
Under Fire Of
City 'Council
Interpretations Given By
Members Of Drafting
Committee Varying
The city liquor ordinance was
under fire at the meeting of the City
Council Monday night as two entirely
different interpretations were ad-
vanced by members of the committee
which orginally drafted the bill. The
dispute arose when an amendment to
the ordinance was proposed in order
to allow the American Legion to sell
beer by the glass at its club house on
South Main St., near the stadium.
Prof. Leigh Young, alderman from
the seventh ward and chairman of
the ordinance committee that drafted
the law, contended that no amend-
ment was necessary togrant the li-

cense as no restrictions were placed
on the locations wheretbeer could be
sold by the glass other than the Divi-
sion Street rule.
Alderman Max Krutsch, also a
member of the original committee,
held that the clause excepting the
downtown area bounded by Fourth
Ave., Ann, Ashley ,and Williams
Streets from the restriction prohibit-
ing the sale of liquor for consumption7
within 500 feet of church or school
property, used as such, was intended
to mean that the sale of beer was to
be confined to this area.
In a nine to five vote the councill
agreed to present the amendment
for formal consideration, despite the
opinion of city attorney William
Laird that the proposed action was
Senior Engineers Will 3
Hold Election Nov. 13
Elections in the senior engineering
class will be held Wednesday, Nov.

Noted Pianist
Here Tonight

0. G. Villard Raps
Military Attitudes
Of Fascists, Nazis

Choral Union To Present
Second Series Concert
In Hill Auditorium
Famous Composer,
Noted Conductor
Program Includes Prelude
And Works By Chopin,
Beethoven, Rubenstein
Returning to the scene of many
previous triumphal appearances, Ser-
gei Rachmaninoff, distinguished Rus-
sian piano virtuoso, will present the
second concert of the 1935-36 Choral
Union series at 8:15 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium.
Because of Rachmaninoff's world-
wide fame as a pianist, achieved al-
most immediately upon his first
major concert as a young man, to-
night's recital has attracted many
patrons from many distant points
and promises to be one of the high-
lights of the local music season.
The program which Rachmaninoff
v'vill play is as follows:
Program Announced
Thirty-two Variations, C minor,
Beethoven; Three Sonatas, Scarlatti,;
Sonata, B minor, Chopin; Poeme,
and Etude, Scriabin; Fairy Tale,
Medtner; Scherzo, Borodin; Barca-
rolle, Rubenstein; Etude, and Pre-
lude, Rachmaninoff; and Etude -
Caprice, Dohnanyi.
Tonight's concert will s t a r t
promptly at 8:15 p.m., and President
Charles A. Sink of the School of
Music urged that all those attend-
ing be seated at this time. There will
be no seating during numbers. Pres-
ident Sink also requested that those
holding season tickets detach the cou-
pon for this concert before leaving
home, and cautioned that stubs will
be necessary for re-admission in the
case of those leaving the building'
at intermission.
Career Began Early
The fame which Rachmaninof has
gained as a pianist dates from the
time when he was but four years old
and showed his first promise. He'
entered the Petersburg conservatory'
in Russia and soon after transferred
to Moscow, where he composed his
first opera, "Aleko." After winning
the coveted gold medal at the Moscow
conservatory Rachmaninoff left, and
while on his first concert tour was
acclaimed as a pianist of amazing
gifts. He later appeared conducting,
one of his own symphonies with the
London Philharmonic Society and his'
national reputation became interna-
tional almost at once.
Rachmaninoff's symphonies have
been played by all the great orches-;
tras of the world, often with him-
self as soloist. Since the Russian
revolution he has made his home in
the United States.
President Sink stated yesterday
that therearerstill a few seats for,
tonight's concert which may be ob-
tained at the offices of the School of,
Music on Maynard Street.
BOYDS, Md., Nov. 5.-P(A)-Leon-
ard C. Burns, thirteen-year-olds
grammar school pupil, shot and killedI
himself last night. Police said he was]
in love, and was disap'pointed that he
could not see the girl every night.

Will Play Tonight

Botanical Gardens
Use Tons of Dead
Leaves For Mold
Would you like to while away that
extra hour in making an imitation
feather bed out of those tons of
fallen leaves? Yes? Well, it's too
bad to disappoint you, but all the
campus leaves are earmarked for an-
other purpose.
Out at the University Botanical
Gardens, leaves mean leaf mold, and
the more the better, or perhaps, rot-
tener. So every fall the Buildings
and Grounds department and FERA
workers make up those great big pil-
low-like bags of leaves and carry
them in trucks out to the Gardens
where they are dumped in a nice soft
pile, to decompose gradually into rich
black mold through the action of
atmosphere, moisture and bacteria.
Quite a few leaves go into that
pile every year. At present it mea-
sures some 40 feet square with an
average depth of between three and
four feet. That means about 200
cubic yards, and the total for this
year will be considerably greater be-
fore the University trees finally give
up the struggle.
Probably the Gardens wouldn't be
so hard pressed for mold if it weren't
for the fact that during the decom-
position of the leaves, their volume
is reduced to approximately one-
eighth of that which originally per-
plexed the rakers and truckers. The
weight, however, remainsvpractically
the same, despite the varied bio-
chemical reactions which occur.
The product of these reactions
which is of most value totthe Gar-
dens, according to Mr. Walter Klein-
schmidt, head gardener, is tannic
acid. In the green house plant beds
the soil is at present somewhat al-
kaline, and the acid effect of the
mold is desired to set up a state of

Momentous Future Ahead,
Says Editor Of 'Nation'
TalkingOn Crisis
Lauds Congress
And Vilifies War
Insincere Colonial Policy
Of Italy Is Rebuked And
Augers Ill, He Says
A bitter attack against the forces
of Fascism and Nazism, as well as
those powers in the United States
which are eager for war for economic
reasons, was made by Oswald Garri-
son Villard, prominent journalist and
contributing editor of The Nation, in
a University Lecture series address
last night in Natural Science Audi-
Speaking before a capacity crowd,
Mr. Villard was quick to point out
that, although he is a liberal, he
"strongly agrees" with the statement
of Winston Churchill that "the world
is facing most momentous events."
Mr. Villard, in discussing Musso-
lini's giving the world advance notice
of hisactions said, "He blundered
with the stupidity which always fi-
nally rises in dictators, but he may,
willing or not, be a great servant
to humanity in the long run."
He then qualified this statement by
pointing out that Italy's action had
aroused Great Britain to supporting
the League of Nations. "The ulti-
mate result of this action may be,"
he said, "that if Mussolini is boy-
cotted into submission without gen-
eral hostilities ensuing, a great blow
shall have been struck against war."
Qualifying what he had already
said as the point of view of the op-
timist, Mr. Villard then presented the
view of the cynic: "This is a war
between satisfied and hungry nations,
and there is 'nothing atruistic 'about
He added that the cynic will in-
sist that England is taking steps
against Italy to safeguard the "life-
line of its empire" and not to help
the cause of world peace.
Mr. Villard feels that England's
action is caused by a combination of
both motives, and that its willingness
tContinuea un Page 6)
New Gargoyle
For Deem tber
To Go On SaJe
Contains Unique Features,
Campus Calumny, Wit
And Political Comment
Combining the usual amount of
humor with campus calumny, mens'
and womens' fashion notes, unusual
photography and cever art works,
the November Gargoyle will be on sale
Photographs of the star male
boarders of four sororities on campus
,with copies of the house bills they
should receive is one of the amusing
features of the new Gargoyle. An-
ther feature is the page of womens'
styles, modeled by several popular
freshman women who were photo-
graphed "candidly" on the campus
instead of being formally posed.
"Preposterous persons" is devoted
;o a B. M. 0. C. who recently gave
a radio address on how to become the
owner of that cherished title. The
comment is particularly vituperative,
and the cover of the November Gar-
goyle is a none too gentle lampoon
directed at one of the moguls of the
auto ban, with appropriate news

photographs snatched from the secret
files of The Daily.
Formal clothes for men as well as
those suitable for everyday wear are
'featured in the mens' style article.
These clothes are modeled by prom-
inent campus "fashion plates" for the
Gargoyle's photographer.
In the art department, the out-
standing feature is a page entitled
"Diagonal," presenting a portfolio of
familiar and typical campus scenes
portrayed for the reader in colored
ink drawings.
Among other campus photographs
will be a page devoted to shots of the

Report Declares 667 Students
Exempt From Saturday Classes

A sharp criticism of the American
press for its "growing reactionary
bendencies," was made by Oswald
Garrison Villard, editor of the Nation
and outstanding liberal, in an inter-
view last night before his address in
Natural Science Auditorium.
"The press has suffered greatly
during the depression," Mr. Villard
said. "Many of the weaker journals
have gone to the wall, and the sur-
viving ones have become less inde-
pendent, moie subservient to big
business and their, advertisers.
"Furthermore," he contiued, "all
this talk about the freedom of the
press over the NRA newspaper code
was humbug. I take no stock in it.

back promptly. "The'; are becoming
real newspapers, printing world news
and interviews on vital topics."
"As to liberalism and freedom in
college newspapers," he' went on,
"there are cases of censorship, and
these are to be deplored. I think the
Yale News is the ideal campus publi-
cation. It never hesitates to print
editorials criticizing the president
and college administration."
When Mr. Villard declared that he
is "very much alarmed at the reac-
tionary tendencies on some camp-
uses," he was asked:
"What is your opinion on the re-
fusal of University of Michigan au-
thorities to readmit three students
here this fall?"

Exemptions from the provisions
calling for compulsory Saturday
classes in the literary college have
been granted to 667 students, it was
shown in the recent report made to
the literary college faculty meeting
by Prof. George R. LaRue, head of the
zoology department and chairman of
the committee which formulated the
plan for Saturday classes.
In the report, figures which were
based on exemptions granted up to
Saturday, Nov. 2, showed a general
division of the 667 total into excuses
on academic and non-academic
grounds. In the former 'classification,
which includes students whose de-
gree programs would not alow such
elections, students who applied for
Saturday classes and found the sec-
tions closed, part time students, and
others with similar reasons, were list-
ed 379 exemptions.

urday morning duties, the Varsity-
R.O.T.C. Band and the football squad.
Professor LaRue then pointed out
that with a total of over 4,500 regis-
tered in the literary college, less than
15 per cent of those students are
now, to the committee's knowledge,
not registered in any Saturday
Questioned as to the effectiveness
of the new ruling in relieving class
loads, he answered that, while the
load by individuals in classes per
hour had not as yet been determined,
the demand for classroom space had
been greatly appeased.
"We know that there has been
some change for the better in this
distribution of class loads," Profes-
sor LaRue said, showing from a chart
of available classrooms in Angell Hall
and University Hall that, for example,
65 additional two-hour eight o'clocks
could be scheduled if needed at the
present time.

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