QJYwerry - o-T pund
The League ballroom was packed . . . and everyone seemed to be
thoroughly enjoying the Interfraternity Ball Friday night. The orchestra
was grand . . .. and few people missed a dance. Chick Webb played loads
of fast pieces . .. and everybody loved them and wanted more. The decora-
tions . .. as the committee stated . . . , were simple but suitable. A large
plaque 1 . . in maize and blue . . . bearing the University of Michigan seal
.. and the Greek letters of the fraternities on campus . . . was hung over
the orchestra.
During the first intermission we strolled through the corridors chatting
with the various groups here and there. Jean Seeley and Bill Smith were
sitting just outside the Grand Rapids room with a number of other people
.. . Jean was wearing a lovely shade of green. And speaking of green . .
Ann Gifford looked stunning in black with tiny green velvet straps .. .
her earrings were also green and were a series of small links.
During Intermission...
Blond Marcia Connell sauntered by with Bill Anderson . . . and in
another group nearby Doris Bolton seemed to be the center of interest . .
she was one of those fortunate people who rated an orchid for the evening
. and it looked lovely on her black moire dress. At the door just
outside the ballroom . . . . a number of people were congregated waiting
for the dancing to begin again. Helen MacRae was there having a
grand time . .. her black formal had two straps over each shoulder made
of heavy silver chain . .. and by the way . . . links and chains of various
materials seem to be quite the thing at present . . . we noticed quite a few
dresses trimmed in it .'. . and lots of linked jewelry too. Jane Hardy and
Murry Campbell were slowly making their way back to the ballroom too.
At a little after 11 p.m. the grand march got under way. . . . and we've
often wondered who has the most fun . . . those who march or those
who sit on the side lines and say "hello" to everyone that passes by.
but sometimes it really doesn't make any difference . . . because everyone
was having a good time. Edith Merickel with Paul Philips . .. and Elizabeth
Field with George Williams led the march. Edith was in red with a black
sequins neckline . . . and with it she wore long black kid gloves and a black
sequins hat. Elizabeth was also wearing red. They marched down each
side of the ballroom first in twos . . . and then in fours. . . eights. . . and
finally in rows of sixteen . . . and of course it all ended before the camera-
men with a sudden flash of light and much blinking when it was all over.
In The Line Of March...
Mary Louise Willoughby and John Mann passed by near the head of
the procession . . . Mary Louise in blue and John looking very dignified
wearing a red committeeman's stripe. Behind them were Carol McClelland
and Bill Griffith . . . Car;,, who hasn't been on campus \for quite some
time now . .. was in black and red. Also in the line of march was Norma
Pioch in black velvet . . . Florence Harper in a red tunic over a black
skirt . . . and Barbara Coventry . . . who was marching with Fred Norton.
Shortly after the grand march we made our way to the Ethel Fountain
Hussey Room and there we ran into Ruth Aldrich and Red Underwood . .
Ruth was in white. M. E. Moore and Floyd Gustafson were also wandering
about .. M. E. was wearing a black lame and cellophane cloth formal
with a small silver lame collar . .. and in her hair she had pinned at the
back a row of silver flowers and leaves. Mary Beth Tarbell was there
with Bob Ward . . . she had on a red moire formal with tiny puffed sleeves.
Mary Margaret Barnes . . . who was in peace lace . .. was sitting between
dances inside the ballroom with Don Sweeny. Judy Trosper seemed to be
every place . .. at least we ran into her around every corner . . . she had
on a lovely cream velvet formal ...
And The Band Played On ...
Chick Webb and his band certainly appeared to be enjoying themselves
... for they played on and on . . in fact . .. until about 1:20 a.m. It -is a
wonder that anyone got home on time . . . because it was so hard to leave
with the strains of "Tiger Rag" or what have you echoing out from
within the ballroom. Lucille Wright was among the last to leave . . . she
looked lovely in a bright blue formal with a blue sequins tunic. Julie Kane
. in a red formal with a blue sash that hung down the full length of the
skirt in back . . . was also reluctant to leave. Art Emerson . . . another
red striped committeeman . . . seemed to be stagging it . . . but he too
stayed on till the bitter end.
All in all it was a very successful party . . . and was a grand beginning
fbr homecoming weekend. And then with Michigan beating Pennsylvania
on the football field Saturday afternoon . . . and all the fraternity parties
Saturday night . .. what more could one ask for.
At The Lawyer's Club...
At the Lawyer's dance . .. Delta Glass . .. in blue . . was with Jimmy
Wilson . .. Sally Stapleton was wearing black with a white ruff at the neck
.. and Jean Rheinfrank was wandering about between dances with Ted
Aarbaugh. Among the young married couples that were there were Mr.
and Mrs. Cy Hetsko . . . Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lacey . . . and Mr. and Mrs.
Aobert Helton. And on the dance floor we saw . . . Betty Sherk and Joe
Taylor . . . Betty was in black and white which made a nice contract to
her very blond hair . . . and Dottie Roth was dancing with Sam McCray.
And now for some of the fraternity parties . . . of course there were
loads and loads of them . .. but we did manage to look in on a few of them.
At the Delta Tau Delta house cornstalks and pumpkins were used for the
decorations . . . and among those who were there are . . . Billie Blum in
white transparent velvet cut on princess lines . .. who was back on campus
for the week-end . . . was with Jack O'Connell . . . Betty Ronal was there
Wearing blue crepe . . . Mary McCrory made a stunning appearance in a
white satin tunic over a black skirt . . . and pink crepe with a blue scarf
at the neck was worn by Betty Young.
At The Fraternity Parties .. .
At the Theta Xi house we saw Lorraine DeWaile with Bob Thorne .. .
Barbara Otte with Bob Reed-Hill . . . and Pauline Buckland with Gordon
Dixon. Sally Salisbury in black and white .. . Ruth Kennedy in rust with a
fur trim . . . and Blanche Tobin wearing a blue dress with wine accents
. . . all came in together with Paul Simpson. . . Bert Steffy . . . and Knute
Norman respectively . . . Betty Rich . . . who was dressed in a white infor-
ial with long sleeves and a wide band of gold beading around the neck . .
was at the Delta Sigma Delta house with Frank Rennell . . . also there was
Dorothy Oostdyke in a black dress with a pink collar . . . and Betty Young
chose an orange dress which was sheered at the neck.
Among the guests at the Psi Upsilon house Saturday night were . . .
Jane O'Ferrall with Bob Rogers . . . she was wearing a cherry red uncut
velvet tunic over a dark blue skirt . . . Madeline Coe, dressed in black . . .
and Virginia Osterman who wore a printed satin . .. And now on to the Chi
Phi house . . . . Jean Nelson was there in a long blue crepe with a rhine-
stone belt . . . we noticed Dorothea Staebler in a black dress with a pleated
ruffle around the bottom and a pleated Bertha collar . . . and Dorothy
Shutt was seen wearing a black velvet skirt and a green jacket with metallic
threads running through it.
Quilted White Satin Forms Striking Cape
Sixty Volumes
Are Added To
League Library Displays
Books; Periodicals To
Arrive This Week
Sixty of the most modern as well
as outstanding books have been added
to the collection of works on the
shelves of the new League library,
Miss Mary Wedemeyer, librarian,
stated. Included in this list are fic-
tion, biography, poetry and non-fic-
These new books are being kept on
display on the various tables along
with a review of pertinent facts about
each one. They will remain in the
library until Friday morning at
which time they may be taken out.
Miss Wedemeyer also said that there
will be regular additions to the pres-
ent collection, including a section of
drama books which are to be placed
on the shelves within the next few
weeks. Also, a number of current
magazines will be added.
The periodicals expected in a few
days are: "The Atlantic Monthly,"
"Contemporary," "Vogue," "Reader's
Digest," "Poetry," "Sunday New York
Times," "Stage," "Saturday Review of
Literature," and "The New Yorker."
Blanks for reservation of any books
may be obtained in the library, and
the books will be issued in the order
of request. Miss Wedemeyer said
that patrons are to be notified by
telephone when the reserved books
are available.
In addition to the new books, cork
boards have been installed in the
seven open shelves to carry current
display material. Although the li-
brary has only been open for one
month, the records show that 826
women have used it.
Several questions have already
been turned into the QuestionBox,
and will be answered as a part of
the national celebration of Book
Week which is to be held during No-
Campbell To Speak
At Adelphi Meeting
Mayor Robert A. Campbell, ex-
treasurer of the University, will de-
liver an address before Adelphi
IHouse of Representatives, campus
forensic society, at 7:30 p.m. in the
Adelphi room, 4th floor of Angell
Hall. His topic will be "My Exper-
ience with Students."
Treasurer of the University for
twenty years, from 1911 to 1931, May-
or Campbell is now serving his third
term as mayor of Ann Arbor. In this
capacity he has made noteworthy
contributions, being one of the prin-
cipal backers of civic improvements
such as the Huron River Drive and
-the Municipal Golf Links. His con-
nection with the University has also
been particularly close, and his ser-
vices as counsellor to the Band dur-
ing the heydey of the Michigan Union
Opera will doubtless furnish material
for interesting reminiscences.
Adelphi invites everyone to hear
Mayor Campbell. After the address
all men students wishing to tryout
for membership in the society may
deliver a short speech on any sub--
Tells Plans For
Novel Sorority
First Cosmopolitan Night
Feting Foreign Women
Announced By League
Plans have been announced by
Martha Steen, social chairman of the
League, for the first Cosmopolitan
Night which will be held the week of
Nov. 11-15, by all the sororities on
campus. At a recent meeting of the
social chairmen of the sororities each
chapter house was assigned two or
three foreign women students to be
entertained at dinner during that
In order that foreign students may
see the inside of sorority life and be-
come acquainted with representative
women from the United States, this
new project of Cosmopolitan Night
was begun by the Social Commitee
of the League and the World Fellow-
ship Committee of which Jane
Kretchmer, is chairman. The com-
mittees selected Thursday, Nov. 15,
as Cosmopolitan Night, but to avoid
difficulties in thevarious soroities
dinners may be held any night that
week. Jean Shaw, '36, exchange din-
ner chairman, is assisting with the
Tryouts For Children's
Theatre Will Be Today
Further tryouts for parts in the
plays to be offered by the Chil-
dren's Theatre will be held from
4 to 6 p.m. today in the Garden
Room of the League. Tryouts re-
quested to be prepared to recite
ten lines of prose or poetry by
We Treat All Abnormal
Skin Conditions In Our
Facial Department
Color Rinse
Oid-fashioined trapunto work is effectively revived to distinguish
this dramatic evening wrap. The design is drawn on the material,
quilted and carefully stuffed to form the elaborate raised pattern which
lends the cape its intrrest. The garment is extravagantly cut to allow
for the dashing swing from the shoulders so important this year.
New Evening .raps Feature
ELAmphasis Up on ich Farics
Prices: $2, $3, $4, $5.
201 East Liberty Phone 2-341
I "
4 Ij124So. MainSt.
Evening wraps this season are more
strikingly diversified and individual-
ized than they have been for somne
years. You are privileged to choose
from an array of distinct and separ-
ate types, each of which is just as
smart as the rest.
If you revel in dramatic effects, you
may swathe yourself in long black
velvet "Desperate Desmond" capes,
cut with a dashing swing. These are
sometimes lined in contrasting col-
ors and are thereby practically re-
versible. Black lined with scarlet,
and red lined with gold, are par-
ticularly effective. Hoods express
the Renaissance mood, while protect-
ing your curls from disarray. A
Roman toga in royal purple velvet
swings from a crystal clasp and looks
particularly well over the classical
Quilting Is Important
Quilting has suddenly become im-
portant. Painstaking trapunto work
Five New Members Are
Initiated Into Wyvern
Wyvern, junior honoray society for
women, initiated five new members,
Mary Andrew, Betty Ann Beebe, Bet-
ty King, Mary Lambie and Edith
Zerbe, at 3 p.m. Sunday in the League
Chapel. The women were tapped
Thursday night.
After initiation, tea was served in
the Russian Tea Room. In addition
to the members, Mrs. Byrl Bacher.
advisor, was present.
distinguishes a long white satin cape.
Another circular velvet wrap is
markedaby a yoke of pet beads. The
practical is allied with the striking
in a scarlet cape lined with beige
wool, a welcome note during cold
winter nights to come. This garment
is for wear over a beige and gold
formal. Braid facing is particularly
smart on these wraps, also. A black
hooded crystelle velvet wrap is
fastened at the throat with enormous
gold frogs.
Lame Is Popular
Lame is equally as important a
fabric in this field. A long bronze
lame wrap with the fullness gathered
in the back is very new and a short
. I
loose white and silver lame jacket
contrasts beautifully with a simple
black satin gown.
If something more tailored suits
your type, there is a bright red
guardsman wrap, cut as straight as a
suit coat and fastened with shiny
brass buttons. A very practical coat
to be worn with almost any formal
is a crisp silver brocade wrap of tunic
length, featuring a standing collar
and leg-o-mutton sleeves. A bag
matches it.
Perhaps the most original of the
new wraps is fashioned of scarlet cel-
lophane velvet. Its huge sleeves and
trim bodice is reminiscent of the Gib-
son Girl era. The buttons resemble
old coins and front fullness is em-
phasized by heavy gathers.
' .
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Smooth Skin is a
of Scientific Care.
Collins Beauty Shoppe
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Facials - All Lines of
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